mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 21:10:37 +00:00
Prototype bools and relational operators (#387)
Prototypes booleans and relational operators. As part of this I removed `FFI/Data/Bool.agda`, because it was getting in the way - we already use `Agda.Builtin.Bool` instead for other cases.
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 141 additions and 35 deletions
@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
module Examples.Run where
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Luau.Syntax using (nil; var; _$_; function_is_end; return; _∙_; done; _⟨_⟩; number; binexp; +)
open import Luau.Value using (nil; number)
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool using (true; false)
open import Luau.Syntax using (nil; var; _$_; function_is_end; return; _∙_; done; _⟨_⟩; number; binexp; +; <; true; false)
open import Luau.Value using (nil; number; bool)
open import Luau.Run using (run; return)
open import Luau.Heap using (lookup-next; next-emp; lookup-next-emp)
@ -19,3 +20,6 @@ ex2 = refl
ex3 : (run (function "fn" ⟨ var "x" ⟩ is return (binexp (number 1.0) + (number 2.0)) ∙ done end ∙ return (var "fn" $ nil) ∙ done) ≡ return (number 3.0) _)
ex3 = refl
ex4 : (run (function "fn" ⟨ var "x" ⟩ is return (binexp (number 1.0) < (number 2.0)) ∙ done end ∙ return (var "fn" $ nil) ∙ done) ≡ return (bool true) _)
ex4 = refl
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
module FFI.Data.Bool where
{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified Data.Bool #-}
data Bool : Set where
false : Bool
true : Bool
{-# COMPILE GHC Bool = data Data.Bool.Bool (Data.Bool.False|Data.Bool.True) #-}
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module FFI.Data.Vector where
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_)
open import Agda.Builtin.Int using (Int; pos; negsuc)
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using (Nat)
open import FFI.Data.Bool using (Bool; false; true)
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool using (Bool; false; true)
open import FFI.Data.HaskellInt using (HaskellInt; haskellIntToInt; intToHaskellInt)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
@ -1,18 +1,50 @@
module Luau.OpSem where
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_)
open import Agda.Builtin.Float using (Float; primFloatPlus; primFloatMinus; primFloatTimes; primFloatDiv)
open import Agda.Builtin.Float using (Float; primFloatPlus; primFloatMinus; primFloatTimes; primFloatDiv; primFloatEquality; primFloatLess; primFloatInequality)
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
open import Utility.Bool using (not; _or_; _and_)
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using (_==_)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (just)
open import Luau.Heap using (Heap; _≡_⊕_↦_; _[_]; function_is_end)
open import Luau.Substitution using (_[_/_]ᴮ)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Expr; Stat; Block; nil; addr; var; function_is_end; _$_; block_is_end; local_←_; _∙_; done; return; name; fun; arg; binexp; BinaryOperator; +; -; *; /; number)
open import Luau.Value using (addr; val; number)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Expr; Stat; Block; nil; addr; var; function_is_end; _$_; block_is_end; local_←_; _∙_; done; return; name; fun; arg; binexp; BinaryOperator; +; -; *; /; <; >; ≡; ≅; ≤; ≥; number)
open import Luau.Value using (addr; val; number; Value; bool)
open import Luau.RuntimeType using (RuntimeType; valueType)
evalBinOp : Float → BinaryOperator → Float → Float
evalBinOp x + y = primFloatPlus x y
evalBinOp x - y = primFloatMinus x y
evalBinOp x * y = primFloatTimes x y
evalBinOp x / y = primFloatDiv x y
evalNumOp : Float → BinaryOperator → Float → Value
evalNumOp x + y = number (primFloatPlus x y)
evalNumOp x - y = number (primFloatMinus x y)
evalNumOp x * y = number (primFloatTimes x y)
evalNumOp x / y = number (primFloatDiv x y)
evalNumOp x < y = bool (primFloatLess x y)
evalNumOp x > y = bool (primFloatLess y x)
evalNumOp x ≡ y = bool (primFloatEquality x y)
evalNumOp x ≅ y = bool (primFloatInequality x y)
evalNumOp x ≤ y = bool ((primFloatLess x y) or (primFloatEquality x y))
evalNumOp x ≥ y = bool ((primFloatLess y x) or (primFloatEquality x y))
evalEqOp : Value → Value → Value
evalEqOp Value.nil Value.nil = bool true
evalEqOp (addr x) (addr y) = bool (x == y)
evalEqOp (number x) (number y) = bool (primFloatEquality x y)
evalEqOp (bool true) (bool y) = bool y
evalEqOp (bool false) (bool y) = bool (not y)
evalEqOp _ _ = bool false
evalNeqOp : Value → Value → Value
evalNeqOp Value.nil Value.nil = bool false
evalNeqOp (addr x) (addr y) = bool (not (x == y))
evalNeqOp (number x) (number y) = bool (primFloatInequality x y)
evalNeqOp (bool true) (bool y) = bool (not y)
evalNeqOp (bool false) (bool y) = bool y
evalNeqOp _ _ = bool true
coerceToBool : Value → Bool
coerceToBool Value.nil = false
coerceToBool (addr x) = true
coerceToBool (number x) = true
coerceToBool (bool x) = x
data _⊢_⟶ᴮ_⊣_ {a} : Heap a → Block a → Block a → Heap a → Set
data _⊢_⟶ᴱ_⊣_ {a} : Heap a → Expr a → Expr a → Heap a → Set
@ -64,10 +96,20 @@ data _⊢_⟶ᴱ_⊣_ where
H ⊢ (block b is done end) ⟶ᴱ nil ⊣ H
binOpEval :
binOpEquality :
∀ {H x y} →
H ⊢ (binexp (val x) BinaryOperator.≡ (val y)) ⟶ᴱ (val (evalEqOp x y)) ⊣ H
binOpInequality :
∀ {H x y} →
H ⊢ (binexp (val x) BinaryOperator.≅ (val y)) ⟶ᴱ (val (evalNeqOp x y)) ⊣ H
binOpNumbers :
∀ {H x op y} →
H ⊢ (binexp (number x) op (number y)) ⟶ᴱ (number (evalBinOp x op y)) ⊣ H
H ⊢ (binexp (number x) op (number y)) ⟶ᴱ (val (evalNumOp x op y)) ⊣ H
binOp₁ :
∀ {H H′ x x′ op y} →
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
module Luau.RuntimeType where
open import Luau.Value using (Value; nil; addr; number)
open import Luau.Value using (Value; nil; addr; number; bool)
data RuntimeType : Set where
function : RuntimeType
number : RuntimeType
nil : RuntimeType
boolean : RuntimeType
valueType : Value → RuntimeType
valueType nil = nil
valueType (addr x) = function
valueType (number x) = number
valueType (bool _) = boolean
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
module Luau.RuntimeType.ToString where
open import FFI.Data.String using (String)
open import Luau.RuntimeType using (RuntimeType; function; number; nil)
open import Luau.RuntimeType using (RuntimeType; function; number; nil; boolean)
runtimeTypeToString : RuntimeType → String
runtimeTypeToString function = "function"
runtimeTypeToString number = "number"
runtimeTypeToString nil = "nil"
runtimeTypeToString boolean = "boolean"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Luau.Substitution where
open import Luau.Syntax using (Expr; Stat; Block; nil; addr; var; function_is_end; _$_; block_is_end; local_←_; _∙_; done; return; _⟨_⟩ ; name; fun; arg; number; binexp)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Expr; Stat; Block; nil; true; false; addr; var; function_is_end; _$_; block_is_end; local_←_; _∙_; done; return; _⟨_⟩ ; name; fun; arg; number; binexp)
open import Luau.Value using (Value; val)
open import Luau.Var using (Var; _≡ⱽ_)
open import Properties.Dec using (Dec; yes; no)
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ var_[_/_]ᴱwhenever_ : ∀ {a P} → Var → Value → Var → (Dec P) → Expr
_[_/_]ᴮunless_ : ∀ {a P} → Block a → Value → Var → (Dec P) → Block a
nil [ v / x ]ᴱ = nil
true [ v / x ]ᴱ = true
false [ v / x ]ᴱ = false
var y [ v / x ]ᴱ = var y [ v / x ]ᴱwhenever (x ≡ⱽ y)
addr a [ v / x ]ᴱ = addr a
(number y) [ v / x ]ᴱ = number y
@ -38,6 +38,12 @@ data BinaryOperator : Set where
- : BinaryOperator
* : BinaryOperator
/ : BinaryOperator
< : BinaryOperator
> : BinaryOperator
≡ : BinaryOperator
≅ : BinaryOperator
≤ : BinaryOperator
≥ : BinaryOperator
data Block (a : Annotated) : Set
data Stat (a : Annotated) : Set
@ -54,6 +60,8 @@ data Stat a where
data Expr a where
nil : Expr a
true : Expr a
false : Expr a
var : Var → Expr a
addr : Addr → Expr a
_$_ : Expr a → Expr a → Expr a
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
module Luau.Syntax.FromJSON where
open import Luau.Syntax using (Block; Stat ; Expr; nil; _$_; var; var_∈_; function_is_end; _⟨_⟩; local_←_; return; done; _∙_; maybe; VarDec; number; binexp; BinaryOperator; +; -; *; /)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Block; Stat ; Expr; nil; _$_; var; var_∈_; function_is_end; _⟨_⟩; local_←_; return; done; _∙_; maybe; VarDec; number; binexp; BinaryOperator; +; -; *; /; ≡; ≅; <; >; ≤; ≥)
open import Luau.Type.FromJSON using (typeFromJSON)
open import Agda.Builtin.List using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool using (true; false)
open import FFI.Data.Aeson using (Value; Array; Object; object; array; string; fromString; lookup)
open import FFI.Data.Bool using (true; false)
open import FFI.Data.Either using (Either; Left; Right)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just)
open import FFI.Data.Scientific using (toFloat)
@ -55,6 +55,12 @@ binOpFromString "Add" = Right +
binOpFromString "Sub" = Right -
binOpFromString "Mul" = Right *
binOpFromString "Div" = Right /
binOpFromString "CompareEq" = Right ≡
binOpFromString "CompareNe" = Right ≅
binOpFromString "CompareLt" = Right <
binOpFromString "CompareLe" = Right ≤
binOpFromString "CompareGt" = Right >
binOpFromString "CompareGe" = Right ≥
binOpFromString s = Left ("'" ++ s ++ "' is not a valid operator")
varDecFromJSON (object arg) = varDecFromObject arg
@ -103,6 +109,11 @@ exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprConstantNumber") with lookup value obj
exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprConstantNumber") | just (FFI.Data.Aeson.Value.number x) = Right (number (toFloat x))
exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprConstantNumber") | just _ = Left "AstExprConstantNumber value is not a number"
exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprConstantNumber") | nothing = Left "AstExprConstantNumber missing value"
exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprConstantBool") with lookup value obj
exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprConstantBool") | just (FFI.Data.Aeson.Value.bool true) = Right Expr.true
exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprConstantBool") | just (FFI.Data.Aeson.Value.bool false) = Right Expr.false
exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprConstantBool") | just _ = Left "AstExprConstantBool value is not a bool"
exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprConstantBool") | nothing = Left "AstExprConstantBool missing value"
exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprBinary") with lookup op obj | lookup left obj | lookup right obj
exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprBinary") | just o | just l | just r with binOpFromJSON o | exprFromJSON l | exprFromJSON r
exprFromObject obj | just (string "AstExprBinary") | just o | just l | just r | Right o′ | Right l′ | Right r′ = Right (binexp l′ o′ r′)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Luau.Syntax.ToString where
open import Agda.Builtin.Float using (primShowFloat)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Block; Stat; Expr; VarDec; FunDec; nil; var; var_∈_; addr; _$_; function_is_end; return; local_←_; _∙_; done; block_is_end; _⟨_⟩; _⟨_⟩∈_; number; BinaryOperator; +; -; *; /; binexp)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Block; Stat; Expr; VarDec; FunDec; nil; var; var_∈_; addr; _$_; function_is_end; return; local_←_; _∙_; done; block_is_end; _⟨_⟩; _⟨_⟩∈_; number; BinaryOperator; +; -; *; /; <; >; ≡; ≅; ≤; ≥; binexp; true; false)
open import FFI.Data.String using (String; _++_)
open import Luau.Addr.ToString using (addrToString)
open import Luau.Type.ToString using (typeToString)
@ -22,6 +22,12 @@ binOpToString + = "+"
binOpToString - = "-"
binOpToString * = "*"
binOpToString / = "/"
binOpToString < = "<"
binOpToString > = ">"
binOpToString ≡ = "=="
binOpToString ≅ = "~="
binOpToString ≤ = "<="
binOpToString ≥ = ">="
exprToString′ : ∀ {a} → String → Expr a → String
statToString′ : ∀ {a} → String → Stat a → String
@ -45,6 +51,8 @@ exprToString′ lb (block b is B end) =
exprToString′ lb (number x) = primShowFloat x
exprToString′ lb (binexp x op y) = exprToString′ lb x ++ " " ++ binOpToString op ++ " " ++ exprToString′ lb y
exprToString′ lb true = "true"
exprToString′ lb false = "false"
statToString′ lb (function F is B end) =
"local " ++ funDecToString F ++ lb ++
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ module Luau.Type.FromJSON where
open import Luau.Type using (Type; nil; _⇒_; _∪_; _∩_; any; number)
open import Agda.Builtin.List using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool using (true; false)
open import FFI.Data.Aeson using (Value; Array; Object; object; array; string; fromString; lookup)
open import FFI.Data.Bool using (true; false)
open import FFI.Data.Either using (Either; Left; Right)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just)
open import FFI.Data.String using (String; _++_)
@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
module Luau.Value where
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
open import Agda.Builtin.Float using (Float)
open import Luau.Addr using (Addr)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Block; Expr; nil; addr; number)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Block; Expr; nil; addr; number; true; false)
open import Luau.Var using (Var)
data Value : Set where
nil : Value
addr : Addr → Value
number : Float → Value
bool : Bool → Value
val : ∀ {a} → Value → Expr a
val nil = nil
val (addr a) = addr a
val (number x) = number x
val (bool false) = false
val (bool true) = true
@ -2,10 +2,13 @@ module Luau.Value.ToString where
open import Agda.Builtin.String using (String)
open import Agda.Builtin.Float using (primShowFloat)
open import Luau.Value using (Value; nil; addr; number)
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool using (true; false)
open import Luau.Value using (Value; nil; addr; number; bool)
open import Luau.Addr.ToString using (addrToString)
valueToString : Value → String
valueToString nil = "nil"
valueToString (addr a) = addrToString a
valueToString (number x) = primShowFloat x
valueToString (bool false) = "false"
valueToString (bool true) = "true"
@ -2,14 +2,15 @@ module Properties.Step where
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Agda.Builtin.Float using (primFloatPlus; primFloatMinus; primFloatTimes; primFloatDiv)
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool using (true; false)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (just; nothing)
open import Luau.Heap using (Heap; _[_]; alloc; ok; function_is_end)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Block; Expr; nil; var; addr; function_is_end; block_is_end; _$_; local_←_; return; done; _∙_; name; fun; arg; number; binexp; +)
open import Luau.OpSem using (_⊢_⟶ᴱ_⊣_; _⊢_⟶ᴮ_⊣_; app₁ ; app₂ ; beta; function; block; return; done; local; subst; binOpEval; evalBinOp; binOp₁; binOp₂)
open import Luau.Syntax using (Block; Expr; nil; var; addr; true; false; function_is_end; block_is_end; _$_; local_←_; return; done; _∙_; name; fun; arg; number; binexp; +; ≅)
open import Luau.OpSem using (_⊢_⟶ᴱ_⊣_; _⊢_⟶ᴮ_⊣_; app₁ ; app₂ ; beta; function; block; return; done; local; subst; binOpNumbers; evalNumOp; binOp₁; binOp₂; evalEqOp; evalNeqOp; binOpEquality; binOpInequality)
open import Luau.RuntimeError using (RuntimeErrorᴱ; RuntimeErrorᴮ; TypeMismatch; UnboundVariable; SEGV; app₁; app₂; block; local; return; bin₁; bin₂)
open import Luau.RuntimeType using (function; number)
open import Luau.Substitution using (_[_/_]ᴮ)
open import Luau.Value using (nil; addr; val; number)
open import Luau.Value using (nil; addr; val; number; bool)
open import Properties.Remember using (remember; _,_)
data StepResultᴮ {a} (H : Heap a) (B : Block a) : Set
@ -33,12 +34,15 @@ stepᴱ H nil = value nil refl
stepᴱ H (var x) = error (UnboundVariable x)
stepᴱ H (addr a) = value (addr a) refl
stepᴱ H (number x) = value (number x) refl
stepᴱ H (true) = value (bool true) refl
stepᴱ H (false) = value (bool false) refl
stepᴱ H (M $ N) with stepᴱ H M
stepᴱ H (M $ N) | step H′ M′ D = step H′ (M′ $ N) (app₁ D)
stepᴱ H (_ $ N) | value V refl with stepᴱ H N
stepᴱ H (_ $ N) | value V refl | step H′ N′ s = step H′ (val V $ N′) (app₂ s)
stepᴱ H (_ $ _) | value nil refl | value W refl = error (app₁ (TypeMismatch function nil λ()))
stepᴱ H (_ $ _) | value (number n) refl | value W refl = error (app₁ (TypeMismatch function (number n) λ()))
stepᴱ H (_ $ _) | value (bool x) refl | value W refl = error (app₁ (TypeMismatch function (bool x) λ()))
stepᴱ H (_ $ _) | value (addr a) refl | value W refl with remember (H [ a ])
stepᴱ H (_ $ _) | value (addr a) refl | value W refl | (nothing , p) = error (app₁ (SEGV a p))
stepᴱ H (_ $ _) | value (addr a) refl | value W refl | (just(function F is B end) , p) = step H (block fun F is B [ W / name (arg F) ]ᴮ end) (beta p)
@ -53,13 +57,18 @@ stepᴱ H (function F is C end) with alloc H (function F is C end)
stepᴱ H function F is C end | ok a H′ p = step H′ (addr a) (function p)
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) with stepᴱ H x
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | value x′ refl with stepᴱ H y
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | value (number x′) refl | value (number y′) refl = step H (number (evalBinOp x′ op y′)) binOpEval
-- Have to use explicit form for ≡ here because it's a heavily overloaded symbol
stepᴱ H (binexp x Luau.Syntax.≡ y) | value x′ refl | value y′ refl = step H (val (evalEqOp x′ y′)) binOpEquality
stepᴱ H (binexp x ≅ y) | value x′ refl | value y′ refl = step H (val (evalNeqOp x′ y′)) binOpInequality
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | value (number x′) refl | value (number y′) refl = step H (val (evalNumOp x′ op y′)) binOpNumbers
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | value (number x′) refl | step H′ y′ s = step H′ (binexp (number x′) op y′) (binOp₂ s)
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | value (number x′) refl | error E = error (bin₂ E)
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | value nil refl | _ = error (bin₁ (TypeMismatch number nil λ()))
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | _ | value nil refl = error (bin₂ (TypeMismatch number nil λ()))
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | value (addr a) refl | _ = error (bin₁ (TypeMismatch number (addr a) λ()))
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | _ | value (addr a) refl = error (bin₂ (TypeMismatch number (addr a) λ()))
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | value (bool x′) refl | _ = error (bin₁ (TypeMismatch number (bool x′) λ()))
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | _ | value (bool y′) refl = error (bin₂ (TypeMismatch number (bool y′) λ()))
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | step H′ x′ s = step H′ (binexp x′ op y) (binOp₁ s)
stepᴱ H (binexp x op y) | error E = error (bin₁ E)
@ -0,0 +1 @@
return true == false
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
return 1 == 1
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module Utility.Bool where
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
not : Bool → Bool
not false = true
not true = false
_or_ : Bool → Bool → Bool
true or _ = true
_ or true = true
_ or _ = false
_and_ : Bool → Bool → Bool
true and true = true
_ and _ = false
Reference in a new issue