
574 lines
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// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
// This code is based on Lua 5.x implementation licensed under MIT License; see lua_LICENSE.txt for details
#include "ldebug.h"
#include "lapi.h"
#include "lfunc.h"
#include "lmem.h"
#include "lgc.h"
#include "ldo.h"
#include "lbytecode.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static const char* getfuncname(Closure* f);
static int currentpc(lua_State* L, CallInfo* ci)
return pcRel(ci->savedpc, ci_func(ci)->l.p);
static int currentline(lua_State* L, CallInfo* ci)
return luaG_getline(ci_func(ci)->l.p, currentpc(L, ci));
static Proto* getluaproto(CallInfo* ci)
return (isLua(ci) ? cast_to(Proto*, ci_func(ci)->l.p) : NULL);
int lua_getargument(lua_State* L, int level, int n)
if (unsigned(level) >= unsigned(L->ci - L->base_ci))
return 0;
CallInfo* ci = L->ci - level;
// changing tables in native functions externally may invalidate safety contracts wrt table state (metatable/size/readonly)
if (ci->flags & LUA_CALLINFO_NATIVE)
return 0;
Proto* fp = getluaproto(ci);
int res = 0;
if (fp && n > 0)
if (n <= fp->numparams)
luaA_pushobject(L, ci->base + (n - 1));
res = 1;
else if (fp->is_vararg && n < ci->base - ci->func)
luaA_pushobject(L, ci->func + n);
res = 1;
return res;
const char* lua_getlocal(lua_State* L, int level, int n)
if (unsigned(level) >= unsigned(L->ci - L->base_ci))
return NULL;
CallInfo* ci = L->ci - level;
// changing tables in native functions externally may invalidate safety contracts wrt table state (metatable/size/readonly)
if (ci->flags & LUA_CALLINFO_NATIVE)
return NULL;
Proto* fp = getluaproto(ci);
const LocVar* var = fp ? luaF_getlocal(fp, n, currentpc(L, ci)) : NULL;
if (var)
luaA_pushobject(L, ci->base + var->reg);
const char* name = var ? getstr(var->varname) : NULL;
return name;
const char* lua_setlocal(lua_State* L, int level, int n)
if (unsigned(level) >= unsigned(L->ci - L->base_ci))
return NULL;
CallInfo* ci = L->ci - level;
// changing registers in native functions externally may invalidate safety contracts wrt register type tags
if (ci->flags & LUA_CALLINFO_NATIVE)
return NULL;
Proto* fp = getluaproto(ci);
const LocVar* var = fp ? luaF_getlocal(fp, n, currentpc(L, ci)) : NULL;
if (var)
setobj2s(L, ci->base + var->reg, L->top - 1);
2022-08-04 15:35:33 -07:00
L->top--; // pop value
const char* name = var ? getstr(var->varname) : NULL;
return name;
static Closure* auxgetinfo(lua_State* L, const char* what, lua_Debug* ar, Closure* f, CallInfo* ci)
Closure* cl = NULL;
for (; *what; what++)
switch (*what)
case 's':
if (f->isC)
ar->source = "=[C]";
ar->what = "C";
ar->linedefined = -1;
ar->short_src = "[C]";
TString* source = f->l.p->source;
ar->source = getstr(source);
ar->what = "Lua";
2022-03-31 14:01:51 -07:00
ar->linedefined = f->l.p->linedefined;
ar->short_src = luaO_chunkid(ar->ssbuf, sizeof(ar->ssbuf), getstr(source), source->len);
case 'l':
if (ci)
ar->currentline = isLua(ci) ? currentline(L, ci) : -1;
2022-03-31 14:01:51 -07:00
ar->currentline = f->isC ? -1 : f->l.p->linedefined;
case 'u':
ar->nupvals = f->nupvalues;
case 'a':
if (f->isC)
ar->isvararg = 1;
ar->nparams = 0;
ar->isvararg = f->l.p->is_vararg;
ar->nparams = f->l.p->numparams;
case 'n':
ar->name = ci ? getfuncname(ci_func(ci)) : getfuncname(f);
case 'f':
cl = f;
return cl;
2022-03-04 08:36:33 -08:00
int lua_stackdepth(lua_State* L)
return int(L->ci - L->base_ci);
int lua_getinfo(lua_State* L, int level, const char* what, lua_Debug* ar)
Closure* f = NULL;
CallInfo* ci = NULL;
if (level < 0)
const TValue* func = luaA_toobject(L, level);
api_check(L, ttisfunction(func));
f = clvalue(func);
else if (unsigned(level) < unsigned(L->ci - L->base_ci))
ci = L->ci - level;
f = clvalue(ci->func);
if (f)
// auxgetinfo fills ar and optionally requests to put closure on stack
if (Closure* fcl = auxgetinfo(L, what, ar, f, ci))
setclvalue(L, L->top, fcl);
return f ? 1 : 0;
static const char* getfuncname(Closure* cl)
if (cl->isC)
if (cl->c.debugname)
return cl->c.debugname;
Proto* p = cl->l.p;
if (p->debugname)
return getstr(p->debugname);
return nullptr;
l_noret luaG_typeerrorL(lua_State* L, const TValue* o, const char* op)
const char* t = luaT_objtypename(L, o);
luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to %s a %s value", op, t);
l_noret luaG_forerrorL(lua_State* L, const TValue* o, const char* what)
const char* t = luaT_objtypename(L, o);
luaG_runerror(L, "invalid 'for' %s (number expected, got %s)", what, t);
l_noret luaG_concaterror(lua_State* L, StkId p1, StkId p2)
const char* t1 = luaT_objtypename(L, p1);
const char* t2 = luaT_objtypename(L, p2);
luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to concatenate %s with %s", t1, t2);
l_noret luaG_aritherror(lua_State* L, const TValue* p1, const TValue* p2, TMS op)
const char* t1 = luaT_objtypename(L, p1);
const char* t2 = luaT_objtypename(L, p2);
const char* opname = luaT_eventname[op] + 2; // skip __ from metamethod name
if (t1 == t2)
luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to perform arithmetic (%s) on %s", opname, t1);
luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to perform arithmetic (%s) on %s and %s", opname, t1, t2);
l_noret luaG_ordererror(lua_State* L, const TValue* p1, const TValue* p2, TMS op)
const char* t1 = luaT_objtypename(L, p1);
const char* t2 = luaT_objtypename(L, p2);
const char* opname = (op == TM_LT) ? "<" : (op == TM_LE) ? "<=" : "==";
luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to compare %s %s %s", t1, opname, t2);
l_noret luaG_indexerror(lua_State* L, const TValue* p1, const TValue* p2)
const char* t1 = luaT_objtypename(L, p1);
const char* t2 = luaT_objtypename(L, p2);
const TString* key = ttisstring(p2) ? tsvalue(p2) : 0;
if (key && key->len <= 64) // limit length to make sure we don't generate very long error messages for very long keys
luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to index %s with '%s'", t1, getstr(key));
luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to index %s with %s", t1, t2);
2022-08-04 15:35:33 -07:00
l_noret luaG_methoderror(lua_State* L, const TValue* p1, const TString* p2)
const char* t1 = luaT_objtypename(L, p1);
luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to call missing method '%s' of %s", getstr(p2), t1);
2022-07-21 14:16:54 -07:00
l_noret luaG_readonlyerror(lua_State* L)
luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to modify a readonly table");
static void pusherror(lua_State* L, const char* msg)
CallInfo* ci = L->ci;
if (isLua(ci))
TString* source = getluaproto(ci)->source;
char chunkbuf[LUA_IDSIZE]; // add file:line information
const char* chunkid = luaO_chunkid(chunkbuf, sizeof(chunkbuf), getstr(source), source->len);
int line = currentline(L, ci);
luaO_pushfstring(L, "%s:%d: %s", chunkid, line, msg);
lua_pushstring(L, msg);
l_noret luaG_runerrorL(lua_State* L, const char* fmt, ...)
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, fmt);
char result[LUA_BUFFERSIZE];
vsnprintf(result, sizeof(result), fmt, argp);
pusherror(L, result);
luaD_throw(L, LUA_ERRRUN);
void luaG_pusherror(lua_State* L, const char* error)
pusherror(L, error);
void luaG_breakpoint(lua_State* L, Proto* p, int line, bool enable)
// since native code doesn't support breakpoints, we would need to update all call frames with LUAU_CALLINFO_NATIVE that refer to p
if (p->lineinfo && !p->execdata)
for (int i = 0; i < p->sizecode; ++i)
// note: we keep prologue as is, instead opting to break at the first meaningful instruction
if (LUAU_INSN_OP(p->code[i]) == LOP_PREPVARARGS)
if (luaG_getline(p, i) != line)
// lazy copy of the original opcode array; done when the first breakpoint is set
if (!p->debuginsn)
p->debuginsn = luaM_newarray(L, p->sizecode, uint8_t, p->memcat);
for (int j = 0; j < p->sizecode; ++j)
p->debuginsn[j] = LUAU_INSN_OP(p->code[j]);
uint8_t op = enable ? LOP_BREAK : LUAU_INSN_OP(p->debuginsn[i]);
// patch just the opcode byte, leave arguments alone
p->code[i] &= ~0xff;
p->code[i] |= op;
LUAU_ASSERT(LUAU_INSN_OP(p->code[i]) == op);
// note: this is important!
// we only patch the *first* instruction in each proto that's attributed to a given line
// this can be changed, but if requires making patching a bit more nuanced so that we don't patch AUX words
for (int i = 0; i < p->sizep; ++i)
luaG_breakpoint(L, p->p[i], line, enable);
bool luaG_onbreak(lua_State* L)
if (L->ci == L->base_ci)
return false;
if (!isLua(L->ci))
return false;
return LUAU_INSN_OP(*L->ci->savedpc) == LOP_BREAK;
int luaG_getline(Proto* p, int pc)
LUAU_ASSERT(pc >= 0 && pc < p->sizecode);
if (!p->lineinfo)
return 0;
return p->abslineinfo[pc >> p->linegaplog2] + p->lineinfo[pc];
void lua_singlestep(lua_State* L, int enabled)
L->singlestep = bool(enabled);
static int getmaxline(Proto* p)
int result = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < p->sizecode; ++i)
int line = luaG_getline(p, i);
result = result < line ? line : result;
for (int i = 0; i < p->sizep; ++i)
int psize = getmaxline(p->p[i]);
result = result < psize ? psize : result;
return result;
// Find the line number with instructions. If the provided line doesn't have any instruction, it should return the next valid line number.
2022-07-14 15:52:26 -07:00
static int getnextline(Proto* p, int line)
int closest = -1;
2022-07-14 15:52:26 -07:00
if (p->lineinfo)
for (int i = 0; i < p->sizecode; ++i)
// note: we keep prologue as is, instead opting to break at the first meaningful instruction
if (LUAU_INSN_OP(p->code[i]) == LOP_PREPVARARGS)
Sync to upstream/release/576 (#928) * `ClassType` can now have an indexer defined on it. This allows custom types to be used in `t[x]` expressions. * Fixed search for closest executable breakpoint line. Previously, breakpoints might have been skipped in `else` blocks at the end of a function * Fixed how unification is performed for two optional types `a? <: b?`, previously it might have unified either 'a' or 'b' with 'nil'. Note that this fix is not enabled by default yet (see the list in `ExperimentalFlags.h`) In the new type solver, a concept of 'Type Families' has been introduced. Type families can be thought of as type aliases with custom type inference/reduction logic included with them. For example, we can have an `Add<T, U>` type family that will resolve the type that is the result of adding two values together. This will help type inference to figure out what 'T' and 'U' might be when explicit type annotations are not provided. In this update we don't define any type families, but they will be added in the near future. It is also possible for Luau embedders to define their own type families in the global/environment scope. Other changes include: * Fixed scope used to find out which generic types should be included in the function generic type list * Fixed a crash after cyclic bound types were created during unification And in native code generation (jit): * Use of arm64 target on M1 now requires macOS 13 * Entry into native code has been optimized. This is especially important for coroutine call/pcall performance as they involve going through a C call frame * LOP_LOADK(X) translation into IR has been improved to enable type tag/constant propagation * arm64 can use integer immediate values to synthesize floating-point values * x64 assembler removes duplicate 64bit numbers from the data section to save space * Linux `perf` can now be used to profile native Luau code (when running with --codegen-perf CLI argument)
2023-05-12 20:50:47 +03:00
int candidate = luaG_getline(p, i);
if (candidate == line)
return line;
Sync to upstream/release/576 (#928) * `ClassType` can now have an indexer defined on it. This allows custom types to be used in `t[x]` expressions. * Fixed search for closest executable breakpoint line. Previously, breakpoints might have been skipped in `else` blocks at the end of a function * Fixed how unification is performed for two optional types `a? <: b?`, previously it might have unified either 'a' or 'b' with 'nil'. Note that this fix is not enabled by default yet (see the list in `ExperimentalFlags.h`) In the new type solver, a concept of 'Type Families' has been introduced. Type families can be thought of as type aliases with custom type inference/reduction logic included with them. For example, we can have an `Add<T, U>` type family that will resolve the type that is the result of adding two values together. This will help type inference to figure out what 'T' and 'U' might be when explicit type annotations are not provided. In this update we don't define any type families, but they will be added in the near future. It is also possible for Luau embedders to define their own type families in the global/environment scope. Other changes include: * Fixed scope used to find out which generic types should be included in the function generic type list * Fixed a crash after cyclic bound types were created during unification And in native code generation (jit): * Use of arm64 target on M1 now requires macOS 13 * Entry into native code has been optimized. This is especially important for coroutine call/pcall performance as they involve going through a C call frame * LOP_LOADK(X) translation into IR has been improved to enable type tag/constant propagation * arm64 can use integer immediate values to synthesize floating-point values * x64 assembler removes duplicate 64bit numbers from the data section to save space * Linux `perf` can now be used to profile native Luau code (when running with --codegen-perf CLI argument)
2023-05-12 20:50:47 +03:00
if (candidate > line && (closest == -1 || candidate < closest))
closest = candidate;
2022-07-14 15:52:26 -07:00
for (int i = 0; i < p->sizep; ++i)
int candidate = getnextline(p->p[i], line);
Sync to upstream/release/576 (#928) * `ClassType` can now have an indexer defined on it. This allows custom types to be used in `t[x]` expressions. * Fixed search for closest executable breakpoint line. Previously, breakpoints might have been skipped in `else` blocks at the end of a function * Fixed how unification is performed for two optional types `a? <: b?`, previously it might have unified either 'a' or 'b' with 'nil'. Note that this fix is not enabled by default yet (see the list in `ExperimentalFlags.h`) In the new type solver, a concept of 'Type Families' has been introduced. Type families can be thought of as type aliases with custom type inference/reduction logic included with them. For example, we can have an `Add<T, U>` type family that will resolve the type that is the result of adding two values together. This will help type inference to figure out what 'T' and 'U' might be when explicit type annotations are not provided. In this update we don't define any type families, but they will be added in the near future. It is also possible for Luau embedders to define their own type families in the global/environment scope. Other changes include: * Fixed scope used to find out which generic types should be included in the function generic type list * Fixed a crash after cyclic bound types were created during unification And in native code generation (jit): * Use of arm64 target on M1 now requires macOS 13 * Entry into native code has been optimized. This is especially important for coroutine call/pcall performance as they involve going through a C call frame * LOP_LOADK(X) translation into IR has been improved to enable type tag/constant propagation * arm64 can use integer immediate values to synthesize floating-point values * x64 assembler removes duplicate 64bit numbers from the data section to save space * Linux `perf` can now be used to profile native Luau code (when running with --codegen-perf CLI argument)
2023-05-12 20:50:47 +03:00
if (candidate == line)
return line;
Sync to upstream/release/576 (#928) * `ClassType` can now have an indexer defined on it. This allows custom types to be used in `t[x]` expressions. * Fixed search for closest executable breakpoint line. Previously, breakpoints might have been skipped in `else` blocks at the end of a function * Fixed how unification is performed for two optional types `a? <: b?`, previously it might have unified either 'a' or 'b' with 'nil'. Note that this fix is not enabled by default yet (see the list in `ExperimentalFlags.h`) In the new type solver, a concept of 'Type Families' has been introduced. Type families can be thought of as type aliases with custom type inference/reduction logic included with them. For example, we can have an `Add<T, U>` type family that will resolve the type that is the result of adding two values together. This will help type inference to figure out what 'T' and 'U' might be when explicit type annotations are not provided. In this update we don't define any type families, but they will be added in the near future. It is also possible for Luau embedders to define their own type families in the global/environment scope. Other changes include: * Fixed scope used to find out which generic types should be included in the function generic type list * Fixed a crash after cyclic bound types were created during unification And in native code generation (jit): * Use of arm64 target on M1 now requires macOS 13 * Entry into native code has been optimized. This is especially important for coroutine call/pcall performance as they involve going through a C call frame * LOP_LOADK(X) translation into IR has been improved to enable type tag/constant propagation * arm64 can use integer immediate values to synthesize floating-point values * x64 assembler removes duplicate 64bit numbers from the data section to save space * Linux `perf` can now be used to profile native Luau code (when running with --codegen-perf CLI argument)
2023-05-12 20:50:47 +03:00
if (candidate > line && (closest == -1 || candidate < closest))
closest = candidate;
2022-07-14 15:52:26 -07:00
return closest;
int lua_breakpoint(lua_State* L, int funcindex, int line, int enabled)
const TValue* func = luaA_toobject(L, funcindex);
api_check(L, ttisfunction(func) && !clvalue(func)->isC);
2022-07-14 15:52:26 -07:00
Proto* p = clvalue(func)->l.p;
// set the breakpoint to the next closest line with valid instructions
int target = getnextline(p, line);
2022-07-14 15:52:26 -07:00
if (target != -1)
luaG_breakpoint(L, p, target, bool(enabled));
2022-07-14 15:52:26 -07:00
return target;
static void getcoverage(Proto* p, int depth, int* buffer, size_t size, void* context, lua_Coverage callback)
memset(buffer, -1, size * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < p->sizecode; ++i)
Instruction insn = p->code[i];
int line = luaG_getline(p, i);
int hits = LUAU_INSN_E(insn);
LUAU_ASSERT(size_t(line) < size);
buffer[line] = buffer[line] < hits ? hits : buffer[line];
const char* debugname = p->debugname ? getstr(p->debugname) : NULL;
2022-03-31 14:01:51 -07:00
int linedefined = p->linedefined;
callback(context, debugname, linedefined, depth, buffer, size);
for (int i = 0; i < p->sizep; ++i)
getcoverage(p->p[i], depth + 1, buffer, size, context, callback);
void lua_getcoverage(lua_State* L, int funcindex, void* context, lua_Coverage callback)
const TValue* func = luaA_toobject(L, funcindex);
api_check(L, ttisfunction(func) && !clvalue(func)->isC);
Proto* p = clvalue(func)->l.p;
size_t size = getmaxline(p) + 1;
if (size == 0)
int* buffer = luaM_newarray(L, size, int, 0);
getcoverage(p, 0, buffer, size, context, callback);
luaM_freearray(L, buffer, size, int, 0);
static size_t append(char* buf, size_t bufsize, size_t offset, const char* data)
size_t size = strlen(data);
size_t copy = offset + size >= bufsize ? bufsize - offset - 1 : size;
memcpy(buf + offset, data, copy);
return offset + copy;
const char* lua_debugtrace(lua_State* L)
static char buf[4096];
const int limit1 = 10;
const int limit2 = 10;
int depth = int(L->ci - L->base_ci);
size_t offset = 0;
lua_Debug ar;
for (int level = 0; lua_getinfo(L, level, "sln", &ar); ++level)
if (ar.source)
offset = append(buf, sizeof(buf), offset, ar.short_src);
if (ar.currentline > 0)
char line[32];
2022-07-28 21:24:07 -07:00
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), ":%d", ar.currentline);
offset = append(buf, sizeof(buf), offset, line);
if (
offset = append(buf, sizeof(buf), offset, " function ");
offset = append(buf, sizeof(buf), offset,;
offset = append(buf, sizeof(buf), offset, "\n");
if (depth > limit1 + limit2 && level == limit1 - 1)
char skip[32];
2022-07-28 21:24:07 -07:00
snprintf(skip, sizeof(skip), "... (+%d frames)\n", int(depth - limit1 - limit2));
offset = append(buf, sizeof(buf), offset, skip);
level = depth - limit2 - 1;
LUAU_ASSERT(offset < sizeof(buf));
buf[offset] = '\0';
return buf;