2023-03-21 11:07:42 +01:00

19 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • require has been reimplemented and overhauled in several ways:

    • Builtin modules such as fs, net and others can now be imported using require("@lune/fs"), require("@lune/net") ...
      This is the first step towards moving away from adding each library as a global, and allowing Lune to have more built-in libraries.

    • Requiring a script is now completely asynchronous and will not block lua threads other than the caller.

    • Requiring a script will no longer error when using async APIs in the main body of the required script.

    Behavior otherwise stays the same, and requires are still relative to file unless the special @ prefix is used.


  • Removed option to preserve default Luau require behavior

0.5.6 - March 11th, 2023


  • Added support for shebangs at the top of a script, meaning scripts such as this one will now run without throwing a syntax error:

    #!/usr/bin/env lune
    print("Hello, world!")


  • Fixed fs.writeFile and fs.readFile not working with strings / files that are invalid utf-8

0.5.5 - March 8th, 2023


  • Added support for running scripts by passing absolute file paths in the CLI
    • This does not have the restriction of scripts having to use the .luau or .lua extension, since it is presumed that if you pass an absolute path you know exactly what you are doing


  • Improved error messages for passing invalid file names / file paths substantially - they now include helpful formatting to make file names distinct from file extensions, and give suggestions on how to solve the problem
  • Improved general formatting of error messages, both in the CLI and for Luau scripts being run


  • Fixed the CLI being a bit too picky about file names when trying to run files in lune or .lune directories
  • Fixed documentation misses from large changes made in version 0.5.0

0.5.4 - March 7th, 2023


  • Added support for reading scripts from stdin by passing "-" as the script name
  • Added support for close codes in the net WebSocket APIs:
    • A close code can be sent by passing it to socket.close
    • A received close code can be checked with the socket.closeCode value, which is populated after a socket has been closed - note that using socket.close will not set the close code value, it is only set when received and is guaranteed to exist after closure


  • Update to Luau version 0.566


  • Fixed scripts having to be valid utf8, they may now use any kind of encoding that base Luau supports
  • The net WebSocket APIs will no longer return nil for partial messages being received in, and will instead wait for the full message to arrive

0.5.3 - February 26th, 2023


  • Fixed lune --generate-selene-types generating an invalid Selene definitions file
  • Fixed type definition parsing issues on Windows

0.5.2 - February 26th, 2023


  • Fixed crash when using stdio.color() or in a CI environment or non-interactive terminal

0.5.1 - February 25th, 2023


  • Added net.encode and net.decode which are equivalent to net.jsonEncode and net.jsonDecode, but with support for more formats.

    WARNING: Unstable API

    This API is unstable and may change or be removed in the next major version of Lune. The purpose of making a new release with these functions is to gather feedback from the community, and potentially replace the JSON-specific encoding and decoding utilities.

    Example usage:

    local toml = net.decode("toml", [[
    name = "my-cool-toml-package"
    version = "0.1.0"
    epic = true
    assert( == "my-cool-toml-package")
    assert(toml.package.version == "0.1.0")
    assert(toml.values.epic == true)


  • Fixed indentation of closing curly bracket when printing tables

0.5.0 - February 23rd, 2023


  • Added auto-generated API reference pages and documentation using GitHub wiki pages

  • Added support for query in net.request parameters, which enables usage of query parameters in URLs without having to manually URL encode values.

  • Added a new function fs.move to move / rename a file or directory from one path to another.

  • Implemented a new task scheduler which resolves several long-standing issues:

    • Issues with yielding across the C-call/metamethod boundary no longer occur when calling certain async APIs that Lune provides.
    • Ordering of interleaved calls to task.spawn/task.defer is now completely deterministic, deferring is now guaranteed to run last even in these cases.
    • The minimum wait time possible when using task.wait and minimum delay time using task.delay are now much smaller, and only limited by the underlying OS implementation. For most systems this means task.wait and task.delay are now accurate down to about 5 milliseconds or less.


  • Type definitions are now bundled as part of the Lune executable, meaning they no longer need to be downloaded.
    • lune --generate-selene-types will generate the Selene type definitions file, replacing lune --download-selene-types
    • lune --generate-luau-types will generate the Luau type definitions file, replacing lune --download-luau-types
  • Improved accuracy of Selene type definitions, strongly typed arrays are now used where possible
  • Improved error handling and messages for net.serve
  • Improved error handling and messages for stdio.prompt
  • File path representations on Windows now use legacy paths instead of UNC paths wherever possible, preventing some confusing cases where file paths don't work as expected


  • Fixed process.cwd not having the correct ending path separator on Windows
  • Fixed remaining edge cases where the task and coroutine libraries weren't interoperable
  • Fixed task.delay keeping the script running even if it was cancelled using task.cancel
  • Fixed stdio.prompt blocking all other lua threads while prompting for input

0.4.0 - February 11th, 2023


  • Web Sockets

    net now supports web sockets for both clients and servers!
    Note that the web socket object is identical on both client and server, but how you retrieve a web socket object is different.

    Server API

    The server web socket API is an extension of the existing net.serve function.
    This allows for serving both normal HTTP requests and web socket requests on the same port.

    Example usage:

    net.serve(8080, {
        handleRequest = function(request)
            return "Hello, world!"
        handleWebSocket = function(socket)
            task.delay(10, function()
                socket.send("Timed out!")
            -- The message will be nil when the socket has closed
                local messageFromClient =
                if messageFromClient == "Ping" then
            until messageFromClient == nil

    Client API

    Example usage:

    local socket = net.socket("ws://localhost:8080")
    task.delay(5, function()
    -- The message will be nil when the socket has closed
        local messageFromServer =
        if messageFromServer == "Ping" then
    until messageFromServer == nil


  • net.serve now returns a NetServeHandle which can be used to stop serving requests safely.

    Example usage:

    local handle = net.serve(8080, function()
        return "Hello, world!"
    print("Shutting down after 1 second...")
    print("Shut down succesfully")
  • The third and optional argument of process.spawn is now a global type ProcessSpawnOptions.

  • Setting cwd in the options for process.spawn to a path starting with a tilde (~) will now use a path relative to the platform-specific home / user directory.

  • NetRequest query parameters value has been changed to be a table of key-value pairs similar to process.env. If any query parameter is specified more than once in the request url, the value chosen will be the last one that was specified.

  • The internal http client for net.request now reuses headers and connections for more efficient requests.

  • Refactored the Lune rust crate to be much more user-friendly and documented all of the public functions.


  • Fixed process.spawn blocking all lua threads if the spawned child process yields.

0.3.0 - February 6th, 2023


  • Added a new global stdio which replaces console

  • Added stdio.write which writes a string directly to stdout, without any newlines

  • Added stdio.ewrite which writes a string directly to stderr, without any newlines

  • Added stdio.prompt which will prompt the user for different kinds of input

    Example usage:

    local text = stdio.prompt()
    local text2 = stdio.prompt("text", "Please write some text")
    local didConfirm = stdio.prompt("confirm", "Please confirm this action")
    local optionIndex = stdio.prompt("select", "Please select an option", { "one", "two", "three" })
    local optionIndices = stdio.prompt(
        "Please select one or more options",
        { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" }


  • Migrated console.setColor/resetColor and console.setStyle/resetStyle to stdio.color and to allow for more flexibility in custom printing using ANSI color codes. Check the documentation for new usage and behavior.
  • Migrated the pretty-printing and formatting behavior of console.log/info/warn/error to the standard Luau printing functions.


  • Removed printing functions console.log/info/warn/error in favor of regular global functions for printing.


  • Fixed scripts hanging indefinitely on error

0.2.2 - February 5th, 2023


  • Added global types for networking & child process APIs
    • net.request gets NetFetchParams and NetFetchResponse for its argument and return value
    • net.serve gets NetRequest and NetResponse for the handler function argument and return value
    • process.spawn gets ProcessSpawnOptions for its third and optional parameter


  • Reorganize repository structure to take advantage of cargo workspaces, improves compile times

0.2.1 - February 3rd, 2023


  • Added support for string interpolation syntax (update to Luau 0.561)

  • Added network server functionality using net.serve

    Example usage:

    net.serve(8080, function(request)
        print(`Got a {request.method} request at {request.path}!`)
        local data = net.jsonDecode(request.body)
        -- For simple text responses with a 200 status
        return "OK"
        -- For anything else
        return {
            status = 203,
            headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json" },
            body = net.jsonEncode({
                message = "echo",
                data = data,


  • Improved type definitions file for Selene, now including constants like process.env + tags such as readonly and mustuse wherever applicable


  • Fixed type definitions file for Selene not including all API members and parameters
  • Fixed process.exit exiting at the first yield instead of exiting instantly as it should

0.2.0 - January 28th, 2023


  • Added full documentation for all global APIs provided by Lune! This includes over 200 lines of pure documentation about behavior & error cases for all of the current 35 constants & functions. Check the README to find out how to enable documentation in your editor.

  • Added a third argument options for process.spawn:

    • cwd - The current working directory for the process
    • env - Extra environment variables to give to the process
    • shell - Whether to run in a shell or not - set to true to run using the default shell, or a string to run using a specific shell
    • stdio - How to treat output and error streams from the child process - set to "inherit" to pass output and error streams to the current process
  • Added process.cwd, the path to the current working directory in which the Lune script is running

0.1.3 - January 25th, 2023


  • Added a --list subcommand to list scripts found in the lune or .lune directory.

0.1.2 - January 24th, 2023


  • Added automatic publishing of the Lune library to


  • Fixed scripts that terminate instantly sometimes hanging

0.1.1 - January 24th, 2023


  • Fixed errors containing ./ and / or ../ in the middle of file paths
  • Potential fix for spawned processes that yield erroring with "attempt to yield across metamethod/c-call boundary"

0.1.0 - January 24th, 2023


  • task now supports passing arguments in task.spawn / task.delay / task.defer
  • require now uses paths relative to the file instead of being relative to the current directory, which is consistent with almost all other languages but not original Lua / Luau - this is a breaking change but will allow for proper packaging of third-party modules and more in the future.
    • NOTE: If you still want to use the default Lua behavior instead of relative paths, set the environment variable LUAU_PWD_REQUIRE to true


  • Improved error message when an invalid file path is passed to require
  • Much improved error formatting and stack traces


  • Fixed downloading of type definitions making json files instead of the proper format
  • Process termination will now always make sure all lua state is cleaned up before exiting, in all cases

0.0.6 - January 23rd, 2023


  • Initial implementation of Roblox's task library, with some caveats:

    • Minimum wait / delay time is currently set to 10ms, subject to change
    • It is not yet possible to pass arguments to tasks created using task.spawn / task.delay / task.defer
    • Timings for task.defer are flaky and deferred tasks are not (yet) guaranteed to run after spawned tasks

    With all that said, everything else should be stable!

    • Mixing and matching the coroutine library with task works in all cases
    • process.exit() will stop all spawned / delayed / deferred threads and exit the process
    • Lune is guaranteed to keep running until there are no longer any waiting threads

    If any of the abovementioned things do not work as expected, it is a bug, please file an issue!


  • Potential fix for spawned processes that yield erroring with "attempt to yield across metamethod/c-call boundary"

0.0.5 - January 22nd, 2023


  • Added full test suites for all Lune globals to ensure correct behavior
  • Added library version of Lune that can be used from other Rust projects


  • Large internal changes to allow for implementing the task library.
  • Improved general formatting of errors to make them more readable & glanceable
  • Improved output formatting of non-primitive types
  • Improved output formatting of empty tables


  • Fixed double stack trace for certain kinds of errors

0.0.4 - January 21st, 2023


  • Added process.args for inspecting values given to Lune when running (read only)
  • Added process.env which is a plain table where you can get & set environment variables


  • Improved error formatting & added proper file name to stack traces


  • Removed ... for process arguments, use process.args instead
  • Removed individual functions for getting & setting environment variables, use process.env instead

0.0.3 - January 20th, 2023


  • Added networking functions under net

    Example usage:

    local apiResult = net.request({
    	url = "",
    	method = "PATCH",
    	headers = {
    		["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
    	body = net.jsonEncode({
    		title = "foo",
    		body = "bar",
    local apiResponse = net.jsonDecode(apiResult.body)
    assert(apiResponse.title == "foo", "Invalid json response")
    assert(apiResponse.body == "bar", "Invalid json response")
  • Added console logging & coloring functions under console

    This piece of code:

    local tab = { Integer = 1234, Hello = { "World" } }

    Will print the following formatted text to the console, with syntax highlighting:

        Integer = 1234,
        Hello = {

    Additional utility functions exist with the same behavior but that also print out a colored tag together with any data given to them:, console.warn, console.error - These print out prefix tags [INFO], [WARN], [ERROR] in blue, orange, and red, respectively.


  • The json api is now part of net
    • json.encode becomes net.jsonEncode
    • json.decode become net.jsonDecode


  • Fixed JSON decode not working properly

0.0.2 - January 19th, 2023


  • Added support for command-line parameters to scripts

    These can be accessed as a vararg in the root of a script:

    local firstArg: string, secondArg: string = ...
    print(firstArg, secondArg)
  • Added CLI parameters for downloading type definitions:

    • lune --download-selene-types to download Selene types to the current directory
    • lune --download-luau-types to download Luau types to the current directory

    These files will be downloaded as lune.yml and luneTypes.d.luau respectively and are also available in each release on GitHub.

0.0.1 - January 18th, 2023

Initial Release