2024-03-14 14:44:52 +01:00

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Built-in library for filesystem access

Example usage

local fs = require("@lune/fs")

-- Reading a file
local myTextFile: string = fs.readFile("myFileName.txt")

-- Reading entries (files & dirs) in a directory
for _, entryName in fs.readDir("myDirName") do
	if fs.isFile("myDirName/" .. entryName) then
		print("Found file " .. entryName)
	elseif fs.isDir("myDirName/" .. entryName) then
		print("Found subdirectory " .. entryName)



Reads a file at path.

An error will be thrown in the following situations:

  • path does not point to an existing file.
  • The current process lacks permissions to read the file.
  • Some other I/O error occurred.


  • path The path to the file to read


  • The contents of the file


Reads entries in a directory at path.

An error will be thrown in the following situations:

  • path does not point to an existing directory.
  • The current process lacks permissions to read the contents of the directory.
  • Some other I/O error occurred.


  • path The directory path to search in


  • A list of files & directories found


Writes to a file at path.

An error will be thrown in the following situations:

  • The file's parent directory does not exist.
  • The current process lacks permissions to write to the file.
  • Some other I/O error occurred.


  • path The path of the file

  • contents The contents of the file


Creates a directory and its parent directories if they are missing.

An error will be thrown in the following situations:

  • path already points to an existing file or directory.
  • The current process lacks permissions to create the directory or its missing parents.
  • Some other I/O error occurred.


  • path The directory to create


Removes a file.

An error will be thrown in the following situations:

  • path does not point to an existing file.
  • The current process lacks permissions to remove the file.
  • Some other I/O error occurred.


  • path The file to remove


Removes a directory and all of its contents.

An error will be thrown in the following situations:

  • path is not an existing and empty directory.
  • The current process lacks permissions to remove the directory.
  • Some other I/O error occurred.


  • path The directory to remove


Gets metadata for the given path.

An error will be thrown in the following situations:

  • The current process lacks permissions to read at path.
  • Some other I/O error occurred.


  • path The path to get metadata for


  • Metadata for the path


Checks if a given path is a file.

An error will be thrown in the following situations:

  • The current process lacks permissions to read at path.
  • Some other I/O error occurred.


  • path The file path to check


  • If the path is a file or not


Checks if a given path is a directory.

An error will be thrown in the following situations:

  • The current process lacks permissions to read at path.
  • Some other I/O error occurred.


  • path The directory path to check


  • If the path is a directory or not


Moves a file or directory to a new path.

Throws an error if a file or directory already exists at the target path. This can be bypassed by passing true as the third argument, or a dictionary of options. Refer to the documentation for WriteOptions for specific option keys and their values.

An error will be thrown in the following situations:

  • The current process lacks permissions to read at from or write at to.
  • The new path exists on a different mount point.
  • Some other I/O error occurred.


  • from The path to move from

  • to The path to move to

  • overwriteOrOptions Options for the target path, such as if should be overwritten if it already exists


Copies a file or directory recursively to a new path.

Throws an error if a file or directory already exists at the target path. This can be bypassed by passing true as the third argument, or a dictionary of options. Refer to the documentation for WriteOptions for specific option keys and their values.

An error will be thrown in the following situations:

  • The current process lacks permissions to read at from or write at to.
  • Some other I/O error occurred.


  • from The path to copy from

  • to The path to copy to

  • overwriteOrOptions Options for the target path, such as if should be overwritten if it already exists



Permissions for the given file or directory.

This is a dictionary that will contain the following values:

  • readOnly - If the target path is read-only or not


Metadata for the given file or directory.

This is a dictionary that will contain the following values:

  • kind - If the target path is a file, dir or symlink
  • exists - If the target path exists
  • createdAt - The timestamp represented as a DateTime object at which the file or directory was created
  • modifiedAt - The timestamp represented as a DateTime object at which the file or directory was last modified
  • accessedAt - The timestamp represented as a DateTime object at which the file or directory was last accessed
  • permissions - Current permissions for the file or directory

Note that timestamps are relative to the unix epoch, and may not be accurate if the system clock is not accurate.


Options for filesystem APIs what write to files and/or directories.

This is a dictionary that may contain one or more of the following values:

  • overwrite - If the target path should be overwritten or not, in the case that it already exists