mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 16:04:07 +00:00
Previous benchmark require fix wasn't actually working correctly for the old style require (or running in Lua).
457 lines
21 KiB
457 lines
21 KiB
local function prequire(name) local success, result = pcall(require, name); return if success then result else nil end
local bench = script and require(script.Parent.bench_support) or prequire("bench_support") or require("../bench_support")
-- Based on voxel terrain generator by Stickmasterluke
local kSelectedBiomes = {
['Mountains'] = true,
['Canyons'] = true,
['Dunes'] = true,
['Arctic'] = true,
['Lavaflow'] = true,
['Hills'] = true,
['Plains'] = true,
['Marsh'] = true,
['Water'] = true,
---------Directly used in Generation---------
local masterSeed = 618033988
local mapWidth = 32
local mapHeight = 32
local biomeSize = 16
local generateCaves = true
local waterLevel = .48
local surfaceThickness = .018
local biomes = {}
local rock = "Rock"
local snow = "Snow"
local ice = "Glacier"
local grass = "Grass"
local ground = "Ground"
local mud = "Mud"
local slate = "Slate"
local concrete = "Concrete"
local lava = "CrackedLava"
local basalt = "Basalt"
local air = "Air"
local sand = "Sand"
local sandstone = "Sandstone"
local water = "Water"
local theseed={}
for i=1,999 do
local function getPerlin(x,y,z,seed,scale,raw)
local seed = seed or 0
local scale = scale or 1
if not raw then
return math.noise(x/scale+(seed*17)+masterSeed,y/scale-masterSeed,z/scale-seed*seed)*.5 + .5 -- accounts for bleeding from interpolated line
return math.noise(x/scale+(seed*17)+masterSeed,y/scale-masterSeed,z/scale-seed*seed)
local function getNoise(x,y,z,seed1)
local x = x or 0
local y = y or 0
local z = z or 0
local seed1 = seed1 or 7
local wtf=x+y+z+seed1+masterSeed + (masterSeed-x)*(seed1+z) + (seed1-y)*(masterSeed+z) -- + x*(y+z) + z*(masterSeed+seed1) + seed1*(x+y) --x+y+z+seed1+masterSeed + x*y*masterSeed-y*z+(z+masterSeed)*x --((x+y)*(y-seed1)*seed1)-(x+z)*seed2+x*11+z*23-y*17
return theseed[(math.floor(wtf%(#theseed)))+1]
local function thresholdFilter(value, bottom, size)
if value <= bottom then
return 0
elseif value >= bottom+size then
return 1
return (value-bottom)/size
local function ridgedFilter(value) --absolute and flip for ridges. and normalize
return value<.5 and value*2 or 2-value*2
local function ridgedFlippedFilter(value) --unflipped
return value < .5 and 1-value*2 or value*2-1
local function advancedRidgedFilter(value, cutoff)
local cutoff = cutoff or .5
value = value - cutoff
return 1 - (value < 0 and -value or value) * 1/(1-cutoff)
local function fractalize(operation,x,y,z, operationCount, scale, offset, gain)
local operationCount = operationCount or 3
local scale = scale or .5
local offset = 0
local gain = gain or 1
local totalValue = 0
local totalScale = 0
for i=1, operationCount do
local thisScale = scale^(i-1)
totalScale = totalScale + thisScale
totalValue = totalValue + (offset + gain * operation(x,y,z,i))*thisScale
return totalValue/totalScale
local function mountainsOperation(x,y,z,i)
return ridgedFilter(getPerlin(x,y,z,100+i,(1/i)*160))
local canyonBandingMaterial = {rock,mud,sand,sand,sandstone,sandstone,sandstone,sandstone,sandstone,sandstone,}
local function findBiomeInfo(choiceBiome,x,y,z,verticalGradientTurbulence)
local choiceBiomeValue = .5
local choiceBiomeSurface = grass
local choiceBiomeFill = rock
if choiceBiome == 'City' then
choiceBiomeValue = .55
choiceBiomeSurface = concrete
choiceBiomeFill = slate
elseif choiceBiome == 'Water' then
choiceBiomeValue = .36+getPerlin(x,y,z,2,50)*.08
choiceBiomeSurface =
(1-verticalGradientTurbulence < .44 and slate)
or sand
elseif choiceBiome == 'Marsh' then
local preLedge = getPerlin(x+getPerlin(x,0,z,5,7,true)*10+getPerlin(x,0,z,6,30,true)*50,0,z+getPerlin(x,0,z,9,7,true)*10+getPerlin(x,0,z,10,30,true)*50,2,70) --could use some turbulence
local grassyLedge = thresholdFilter(preLedge,.65,0)
local largeGradient = getPerlin(x,y,z,4,100)
local smallGradient = getPerlin(x,y,z,3,20)
local smallGradientThreshold = thresholdFilter(smallGradient,.5,0)
choiceBiomeValue = waterLevel-.04
choiceBiomeSurface =
(grassyLedge >= 1 and grass)
or (1-verticalGradientTurbulence < waterLevel-.01 and mud)
or (1-verticalGradientTurbulence < waterLevel+.01 and ground)
or grass
choiceBiomeFill = slate
elseif choiceBiome == 'Plains' then
local rivulet = ridgedFlippedFilter(getPerlin(x+getPerlin(x,y,z,17,40)*25,0,z+getPerlin(x,y,z,19,40)*25,2,200))
local rivuletThreshold = thresholdFilter(rivulet,.01,0)
local rockMap = thresholdFilter(ridgedFlippedFilter(getPerlin(x,0,z,101,7)),.3,.7) --rocks
* thresholdFilter(getPerlin(x,0,z,102,50),.6,.05) --zoning
choiceBiomeValue = .5 --.51
+getPerlin(x,y,z,2,100)*.02 --.05
+rivulet*.05 --.02
+rockMap*.05 --.03
local verticalGradient = 1-((y-1)/(mapHeight-1))
local surfaceGradient = verticalGradient*.5 + choiceBiomeValue*.5
local thinSurface = surfaceGradient > .5-surfaceThickness*.4 and surfaceGradient < .5+surfaceThickness*.4
choiceBiomeSurface =
(rockMap>0 and rock)
or (not thinSurface and mud)
or (thinSurface and rivuletThreshold <=0 and water)
or (1-verticalGradientTurbulence < waterLevel-.01 and sand)
or grass
choiceBiomeFill =
(rockMap>0 and rock)
or sandstone
elseif choiceBiome == 'Canyons' then
local canyonNoise = ridgedFlippedFilter(getPerlin(x,0,z,2,200))
local canyonNoiseTurbed = ridgedFlippedFilter(getPerlin(x+getPerlin(x,0,z,5,20,true)*20,0,z+getPerlin(x,0,z,9,20,true)*20,2,200))
local sandbank = thresholdFilter(canyonNoiseTurbed,0,.05)
local canyonTop = thresholdFilter(canyonNoiseTurbed,.125,0)
local mesaSlope = thresholdFilter(canyonNoise,.33,.12)
local mesaTop = thresholdFilter(canyonNoiseTurbed,.49,0)
choiceBiomeValue = .42
+sandbank*.04 --canyon bottom slope
+thresholdFilter(canyonNoiseTurbed,.05,0)*.08 --canyon cliff
+thresholdFilter(canyonNoiseTurbed,.05,.075)*.04 --canyon cliff top slope
+canyonTop*.01 --canyon cliff top ledge
+thresholdFilter(canyonNoiseTurbed,.0575,.2725)*.01 --plane slope
+mesaSlope*.06 --mesa slope
+thresholdFilter(canyonNoiseTurbed,.45,0)*.14 --mesa cliff
+thresholdFilter(canyonNoiseTurbed,.45,.04)*.025 --mesa cap
+mesaTop*.02 --mesa top ledge
choiceBiomeSurface =
(1-verticalGradientTurbulence < waterLevel+.015 and sand) --this for biome blending in to lakes
or (sandbank>0 and sandbank<1 and sand) --this for canyonbase sandbanks
--or (canyonTop>0 and canyonTop<=1 and mesaSlope<=0 and grass) --this for grassy canyon tops
--or (mesaTop>0 and mesaTop<=1 and grass) --this for grassy mesa tops
or sandstone
choiceBiomeFill = canyonBandingMaterial[math.ceil((1-getNoise(1,y,2))*10)]
elseif choiceBiome == 'Hills' then
local rivulet = ridgedFlippedFilter(getPerlin(x+getPerlin(x,y,z,17,20)*20,0,z+getPerlin(x,y,z,19,20)*20,2,200))^(1/2)
local largeHills = getPerlin(x,y,z,3,60)
choiceBiomeValue = .48
local surfaceMaterialGradient = (1-verticalGradientTurbulence)*.9 + rivulet*.1
choiceBiomeSurface =
(surfaceMaterialGradient < waterLevel-.015 and mud)
or (surfaceMaterialGradient < waterLevel and ground)
or grass
choiceBiomeFill = slate
elseif choiceBiome == 'Dunes' then
local duneTurbulence = getPerlin(x,0,z,227,20)*24
local layer1 = ridgedFilter(getPerlin(x,0,z,201,40))
local layer2 = ridgedFilter(getPerlin(x/10+duneTurbulence,0,z+duneTurbulence,200,48))
choiceBiomeValue = .4+.1*(layer1 + layer2)
choiceBiomeSurface = sand
choiceBiomeFill = sandstone
elseif choiceBiome == 'Mountains' then
local rivulet = ridgedFlippedFilter(getPerlin(x+getPerlin(x,y,z,17,20)*20,0,z+getPerlin(x,y,z,19,20)*20,2,200))
choiceBiomeValue = -.4 --.3
+fractalize(mountainsOperation,x,y/20,z, 8, .65)*1.2
choiceBiomeSurface =
(verticalGradientTurbulence < .275 and snow)
or (verticalGradientTurbulence < .35 and rock)
or (verticalGradientTurbulence < .4 and ground)
or (1-verticalGradientTurbulence < waterLevel and rock)
or (1-verticalGradientTurbulence < waterLevel+.01 and mud)
or (1-verticalGradientTurbulence < waterLevel+.015 and ground)
or grass
elseif choiceBiome == 'Lavaflow' then
local crackX = x+getPerlin(x,y*.25,z,21,8,true)*5
local crackY = y+getPerlin(x,y*.25,z,22,8,true)*5
local crackZ = z+getPerlin(x,y*.25,z,23,8,true)*5
local crack1 = ridgedFilter(getPerlin(crackX+getPerlin(x,y,z,22,30,true)*30,crackY,crackZ+getPerlin(x,y,z,24,30,true)*30,2,120))
local crack2 = ridgedFilter(getPerlin(crackX,crackY,crackZ,3,40))*(crack1*.25+.75)
local crack3 = ridgedFilter(getPerlin(crackX,crackY,crackZ,4,20))*(crack2*.25+.75)
local generalHills = thresholdFilter(getPerlin(x,y,z,9,40),.25,.5)*getPerlin(x,y,z,10,60)
local cracks = math.max(0,1-thresholdFilter(crack1,.975,0)-thresholdFilter(crack2,.925,0)-thresholdFilter(crack3,.9,0))
local spires = thresholdFilter(getPerlin(crackX/40,crackY/300,crackZ/30,123,1),.6,.4)
choiceBiomeValue = waterLevel+.02
+((1-verticalGradientTurbulence > waterLevel+.01 or spires>0) and .04 or 0) --This lets it lip over water
choiceBiomeFill = (spires>0 and rock) or (cracks<1 and lava) or basalt
choiceBiomeSurface = (choiceBiomeFill == lava and 1-verticalGradientTurbulence < waterLevel and basalt) or choiceBiomeFill
elseif choiceBiome == 'Arctic' then
local preBoundary = getPerlin(x+getPerlin(x,0,z,5,8,true)*5,y/8,z+getPerlin(x,0,z,9,8,true)*5,2,20)
--local cliffs = thresholdFilter(preBoundary,.5,0)
local boundary = ridgedFilter(preBoundary)
local roughChunks = getPerlin(x,y/4,z,436,2)
local boundaryMask = thresholdFilter(boundary,.8,.1) --,.7,.25)
local boundaryTypeMask = getPerlin(x,0,z,6,74)-.5
local boundaryComp = 0
if boundaryTypeMask < 0 then --divergent
boundaryComp = (boundary > (1+boundaryTypeMask*.5) and -.17 or 0)
--* boundaryTypeMask*-2
else --convergent
boundaryComp = boundaryMask*.1*roughChunks
* boundaryTypeMask
choiceBiomeValue = .55
+boundary*.05*boundaryTypeMask --.1 --soft slope up or down to boundary
+boundaryComp --convergent/divergent effects
+getPerlin(x,0,z,123,25)*.025 --*cliffs --gentle rolling slopes
choiceBiomeSurface = (1-verticalGradientTurbulence < waterLevel-.1 and ice) or (boundaryMask>.6 and boundaryTypeMask>.1 and roughChunks>.5 and ice) or snow
choiceBiomeFill = ice
return choiceBiomeValue, choiceBiomeSurface, choiceBiomeFill
function findBiomeTransitionValue(biome,weight,value,averageValue)
if biome == 'Arctic' then
return (weight>.2 and 1 or 0)*value
elseif biome == 'Canyons' then
return (weight>.7 and 1 or 0)*value
elseif biome == 'Mountains' then
local weight = weight^3 --This improves the ease of mountains transitioning to other biomes
return averageValue*(1-weight)+value*weight
return averageValue*(1-weight)+value*weight
function generate()
local mapWidth = mapWidth
local biomeSize = biomeSize
local biomeBlendPercent = .25 --(biomeSize==50 or biomeSize == 100) and .5 or .25
local biomeBlendPercentInverse = 1-biomeBlendPercent
local biomeBlendDistortion = biomeBlendPercent
local smoothScale = .5/mapHeight
biomes = {}
for i,v in pairs(kSelectedBiomes) do
if v then
if #biomes<=0 then
--local oMap = {}
--local mMap = {}
for x = 1, mapWidth do
local oMapX = {}
--oMap[x] = oMapX
local mMapX = {}
--mMap[x] = mMapX
for z = 1, mapWidth do
local biomeNoCave = false
local cellToBiomeX = x/biomeSize + getPerlin(x,0,z,233,biomeSize*.3)*.25 + getPerlin(x,0,z,235,biomeSize*.05)*.075
local cellToBiomeZ = z/biomeSize + getPerlin(x,0,z,234,biomeSize*.3)*.25 + getPerlin(x,0,z,236,biomeSize*.05)*.075
local closestDistance = 1000000
local biomePoints = {}
for vx=-1,1 do
for vz=-1,1 do
local gridPointX = math.floor(cellToBiomeX+vx+.5)
local gridPointZ = math.floor(cellToBiomeZ+vz+.5)
--local pointX, pointZ = getBiomePoint(gridPointX,gridPointZ)
local pointX = gridPointX+(getNoise(gridPointX,gridPointZ,53)-.5)*.75 --de-uniforming grid for vornonoi
local pointZ = gridPointZ+(getNoise(gridPointX,gridPointZ,73)-.5)*.75
local dist = math.sqrt((pointX-cellToBiomeX)^2 + (pointZ-cellToBiomeZ)^2)
if dist < closestDistance then
closestDistance = dist
x = pointX,
z = pointZ,
dist = dist,
biomeNoise = getNoise(gridPointX,gridPointZ),
weight = 0
local weightTotal = 0
local weightPoints = {}
for _,point in pairs(biomePoints) do
local weight = point.dist == closestDistance and 1 or ((closestDistance / point.dist)-biomeBlendPercentInverse)/biomeBlendPercent
if weight > 0 then
local weight = weight^2.1 --this smooths the biome transition from linear to cubic InOut
weightTotal = weightTotal + weight
local biome = biomes[math.ceil(#biomes*(1-point.biomeNoise))] --inverting the noise so that it is limited as (0,1]. One less addition operation when finding a random list index
weightPoints[biome] = {
weight = weightPoints[biome] and weightPoints[biome].weight + weight or weight
for biome,info in pairs(weightPoints) do
info.weight = info.weight / weightTotal
if biome == 'Arctic' then --biomes that don't have caves that breach the surface
biomeNoCave = true
for y = 1, mapHeight do
local oMapY = oMapX[y] or {}
oMapX[y] = oMapY
local mMapY = mMapX[y] or {}
mMapX[y] = mMapY
--[[local oMapY = {}
oMapX[y] = oMapY
local mMapY = {}
mMapX[z] = mMapY]]
local verticalGradient = 1-((y-1)/(mapHeight-1))
local caves = 0
local verticalGradientTurbulence = verticalGradient*.9 + .1*getPerlin(x,y,z,107,15)
local choiceValue = 0
local choiceSurface = lava
local choiceFill = rock
if verticalGradient > .65 or verticalGradient < .1 then
--under surface of every biome; don't get biome data; waste of time.
choiceValue = .5
elseif #biomes == 1 then
choiceValue, choiceSurface, choiceFill = findBiomeInfo(biomes[1],x,y,z,verticalGradientTurbulence)
local averageValue = 0
--local findChoiceMaterial = -getNoise(x,y,z,19)
for biome,info in pairs(weightPoints) do
local biomeValue, biomeSurface, biomeFill = findBiomeInfo(biome,x,y,z,verticalGradientTurbulence)
info.biomeValue = biomeValue
info.biomeSurface = biomeSurface
info.biomeFill = biomeFill
local value = biomeValue * info.weight
averageValue = averageValue + value
--[[if findChoiceMaterial < 0 and findChoiceMaterial + weight >= 0 then
choiceMaterial = biomeMaterial
findChoiceMaterial = findChoiceMaterial + weight]]
for biome,info in pairs(weightPoints) do
local value = findBiomeTransitionValue(biome,info.weight,info.biomeValue,averageValue)
if value > choiceValue then
choiceValue = value
choiceSurface = info.biomeSurface
choiceFill = info.biomeFill
local preCaveComp = verticalGradient*.5 + choiceValue*.5
local surface = preCaveComp > .5-surfaceThickness and preCaveComp < .5+surfaceThickness
if generateCaves --user wants caves
and (not biomeNoCave or verticalGradient > .65) --biome allows caves or deep enough
and not (surface and (1-verticalGradient) < waterLevel+.005) --caves only breach surface above waterlevel
and not (surface and (1-verticalGradient) > waterLevel+.58) then --caves don't go too high so that they don't cut up mountain tops
local ridged2 = ridgedFilter(getPerlin(x,y,z,4,30))
local caves2 = thresholdFilter(ridged2,.84,.01)
local ridged3 = ridgedFilter(getPerlin(x,y,z,5,30))
local caves3 = thresholdFilter(ridged3,.84,.01)
local ridged4 = ridgedFilter(getPerlin(x,y,z,6,30))
local caves4 = thresholdFilter(ridged4,.84,.01)
local caveOpenings = (surface and 1 or 0) * thresholdFilter(getPerlin(x,0,z,143,62),.35,0) --.45
caves = caves2 * caves3 * caves4 - caveOpenings
caves = caves < 0 and 0 or caves > 1 and 1 or caves
local comp = preCaveComp - caves
local smoothedResult = thresholdFilter(comp,.5,smoothScale)
---below water level -above surface -no terrain
if 1-verticalGradient < waterLevel and preCaveComp <= .5 and smoothedResult <= 0 then
smoothedResult = 1
choiceSurface = water
choiceFill = water
surface = true
oMapY[z] = (y == 1 and 1) or smoothedResult
mMapY[z] = (y == 1 and lava) or (smoothedResult <= 0 and air) or (surface and choiceSurface) or choiceFill
-- local regionStart = Vector3.new(mapWidth*-2+(x-1)*4,mapHeight*-2,mapWidth*-2)
-- local regionEnd = Vector3.new(mapWidth*-2+x*4,mapHeight*2,mapWidth*2)
-- local mapRegion = Region3.new(regionStart, regionEnd)
-- terrain:WriteVoxels(mapRegion, 4, {mMapX}, {oMapX})
bench.runCode(generate, "voxelgen")