2023-10-13 12:38:31 -07:00

861 lines
32 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/TypeFamily.h"
#include "Luau/ConstraintSolver.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/Instantiation.h"
#include "Luau/Normalize.h"
#include "Luau/Simplify.h"
#include "Luau/Substitution.h"
#include "Luau/Subtyping.h"
#include "Luau/ToString.h"
#include "Luau/TxnLog.h"
#include "Luau/TypeCheckLimits.h"
#include "Luau/TypeUtils.h"
#include "Luau/Unifier2.h"
#include "Luau/VisitType.h"
LUAU_DYNAMIC_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauTypeFamilyGraphReductionMaximumSteps, 1'000'000);
namespace Luau
struct InstanceCollector : TypeOnceVisitor
std::deque<TypeId> tys;
std::deque<TypePackId> tps;
bool visit(TypeId ty, const TypeFamilyInstanceType&) override
// TypeOnceVisitor performs a depth-first traversal in the absence of
// cycles. This means that by pushing to the front of the queue, we will
// try to reduce deeper instances first if we start with the first thing
// in the queue. Consider Add<Add<Add<number, number>, number>, number>:
// we want to reduce the innermost Add<number, number> instantiation
// first.
return true;
bool visit(TypeId ty, const ClassType&) override
return false;
bool visit(TypePackId tp, const TypeFamilyInstanceTypePack&) override
// TypeOnceVisitor performs a depth-first traversal in the absence of
// cycles. This means that by pushing to the front of the queue, we will
// try to reduce deeper instances first if we start with the first thing
// in the queue. Consider Add<Add<Add<number, number>, number>, number>:
// we want to reduce the innermost Add<number, number> instantiation
// first.
return true;
struct FamilyReducer
TypeFamilyContext ctx;
std::deque<TypeId> queuedTys;
std::deque<TypePackId> queuedTps;
DenseHashSet<const void*> irreducible{nullptr};
FamilyGraphReductionResult result;
bool force = false;
// Local to the constraint being reduced.
Location location;
FamilyReducer(std::deque<TypeId> queuedTys, std::deque<TypePackId> queuedTps, Location location, TypeFamilyContext ctx, bool force = false)
: ctx(ctx)
, queuedTys(std::move(queuedTys))
, queuedTps(std::move(queuedTps))
, force(force)
, location(location)
enum class SkipTestResult
SkipTestResult testForSkippability(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
if (is<TypeFamilyInstanceType>(ty))
if (!irreducible.contains(ty))
return SkipTestResult::Defer;
return SkipTestResult::Irreducible;
else if (is<GenericType>(ty))
return SkipTestResult::Irreducible;
return SkipTestResult::Okay;
SkipTestResult testForSkippability(TypePackId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
if (is<TypeFamilyInstanceTypePack>(ty))
if (!irreducible.contains(ty))
return SkipTestResult::Defer;
return SkipTestResult::Irreducible;
else if (is<GenericTypePack>(ty))
return SkipTestResult::Irreducible;
return SkipTestResult::Okay;
template<typename T>
void replace(T subject, T replacement)
asMutable(subject)->ty.template emplace<Unifiable::Bound<T>>(replacement);
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, TypeId>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, TypePackId>)
template<typename T>
void handleFamilyReduction(T subject, TypeFamilyReductionResult<T> reduction)
if (reduction.result)
replace(subject, *reduction.result);
if (reduction.uninhabited || force)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, TypeId>)
result.errors.push_back(TypeError{location, UninhabitedTypeFamily{subject}});
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, TypePackId>)
result.errors.push_back(TypeError{location, UninhabitedTypePackFamily{subject}});
else if (!reduction.uninhabited && !force)
for (TypeId b : reduction.blockedTypes)
for (TypePackId b : reduction.blockedPacks)
bool done()
return queuedTys.empty() && queuedTps.empty();
template<typename T, typename I>
bool testParameters(T subject, const I* tfit)
for (TypeId p : tfit->typeArguments)
SkipTestResult skip = testForSkippability(p);
if (skip == SkipTestResult::Irreducible)
return false;
else if (skip == SkipTestResult::Defer)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, TypeId>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, TypePackId>)
return false;
for (TypePackId p : tfit->packArguments)
SkipTestResult skip = testForSkippability(p);
if (skip == SkipTestResult::Irreducible)
return false;
else if (skip == SkipTestResult::Defer)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, TypeId>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, TypePackId>)
return false;
return true;
void stepType()
TypeId subject = follow(queuedTys.front());
if (irreducible.contains(subject))
if (const TypeFamilyInstanceType* tfit = get<TypeFamilyInstanceType>(subject))
if (!testParameters(subject, tfit))
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> result = tfit->family->reducer(tfit->typeArguments, tfit->packArguments, NotNull{&ctx});
handleFamilyReduction(subject, result);
void stepPack()
TypePackId subject = follow(queuedTps.front());
if (irreducible.contains(subject))
if (const TypeFamilyInstanceTypePack* tfit = get<TypeFamilyInstanceTypePack>(subject))
if (!testParameters(subject, tfit))
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypePackId> result = tfit->family->reducer(tfit->typeArguments, tfit->packArguments, NotNull{&ctx});
handleFamilyReduction(subject, result);
void step()
if (!queuedTys.empty())
else if (!queuedTps.empty())
static FamilyGraphReductionResult reduceFamiliesInternal(
std::deque<TypeId> queuedTys, std::deque<TypePackId> queuedTps, Location location, TypeFamilyContext ctx, bool force)
FamilyReducer reducer{std::move(queuedTys), std::move(queuedTps), location, ctx, force};
int iterationCount = 0;
while (!reducer.done())
if (iterationCount > DFInt::LuauTypeFamilyGraphReductionMaximumSteps)
reducer.result.errors.push_back(TypeError{location, CodeTooComplex{}});
return std::move(reducer.result);
FamilyGraphReductionResult reduceFamilies(TypeId entrypoint, Location location, TypeFamilyContext ctx, bool force)
InstanceCollector collector;
catch (RecursionLimitException&)
return FamilyGraphReductionResult{};
if (collector.tys.empty() && collector.tps.empty())
return {};
return reduceFamiliesInternal(std::move(collector.tys), std::move(collector.tps), location, ctx, force);
FamilyGraphReductionResult reduceFamilies(TypePackId entrypoint, Location location, TypeFamilyContext ctx, bool force)
InstanceCollector collector;
catch (RecursionLimitException&)
return FamilyGraphReductionResult{};
if (collector.tys.empty() && collector.tps.empty())
return {};
return reduceFamiliesInternal(std::move(collector.tys), std::move(collector.tps), location, ctx, force);
bool isPending(TypeId ty, ConstraintSolver* solver)
return is<BlockedType>(ty) || is<PendingExpansionType>(ty) || is<TypeFamilyInstanceType>(ty) || (solver && solver->hasUnresolvedConstraints(ty));
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> notFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 1 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("not type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
TypeId ty = follow(;
if (isPending(ty, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {ty}, {}};
// `not` operates on anything and returns a `boolean` always.
return {ctx->builtins->booleanType, false, {}, {}};
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> numericBinopFamilyFn(
const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx, const std::string metamethod)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
TypeId lhsTy = follow(;
TypeId rhsTy = follow(;
const NormalizedType* normLhsTy = ctx->normalizer->normalize(lhsTy);
const NormalizedType* normRhsTy = ctx->normalizer->normalize(rhsTy);
// if either failed to normalize, we can't reduce, but know nothing about inhabitance.
if (!normLhsTy || !normRhsTy)
return {std::nullopt, false, {}, {}};
// if one of the types is error suppressing, we can reduce to `any` since we should suppress errors in the result of the usage.
if (normLhsTy->shouldSuppressErrors() || normRhsTy->shouldSuppressErrors())
return {ctx->builtins->anyType, false, {}, {}};
// if we have a `never`, we can never observe that the numeric operator didn't work.
if (is<NeverType>(lhsTy) || is<NeverType>(rhsTy))
return {ctx->builtins->neverType, false, {}, {}};
// if we're adding two `number` types, the result is `number`.
if (normLhsTy->isExactlyNumber() && normRhsTy->isExactlyNumber())
return {ctx->builtins->numberType, false, {}, {}};
// otherwise, check if we need to wait on either type to be further resolved
if (isPending(lhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {lhsTy}, {}};
else if (isPending(rhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {rhsTy}, {}};
// findMetatableEntry demands the ability to emit errors, so we must give it
// the necessary state to do that, even if we intend to just eat the errors.
ErrorVec dummy;
std::optional<TypeId> mmType = findMetatableEntry(ctx->builtins, dummy, lhsTy, metamethod, Location{});
bool reversed = false;
if (!mmType)
mmType = findMetatableEntry(ctx->builtins, dummy, rhsTy, metamethod, Location{});
reversed = true;
if (!mmType)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
mmType = follow(*mmType);
if (isPending(*mmType, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {*mmType}, {}};
const FunctionType* mmFtv = get<FunctionType>(*mmType);
if (!mmFtv)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
std::optional<TypeId> instantiatedMmType = instantiate(ctx->builtins, ctx->arena, ctx->limits, ctx->scope, *mmType);
if (!instantiatedMmType)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
const FunctionType* instantiatedMmFtv = get<FunctionType>(*instantiatedMmType);
if (!instantiatedMmFtv)
return {ctx->builtins->errorRecoveryType(), false, {}, {}};
std::vector<TypeId> inferredArgs;
if (!reversed)
inferredArgs = {lhsTy, rhsTy};
inferredArgs = {rhsTy, lhsTy};
TypePackId inferredArgPack = ctx->arena->addTypePack(std::move(inferredArgs));
Unifier2 u2{ctx->arena, ctx->builtins, ctx->scope, ctx->ice};
if (!u2.unify(inferredArgPack, instantiatedMmFtv->argTypes))
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}}; // occurs check failed
if (std::optional<TypeId> ret = first(instantiatedMmFtv->retTypes))
return {*ret, false, {}, {}};
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> addFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("add type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
return numericBinopFamilyFn(typeParams, packParams, ctx, "__add");
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> subFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("sub type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
return numericBinopFamilyFn(typeParams, packParams, ctx, "__sub");
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> mulFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("mul type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
return numericBinopFamilyFn(typeParams, packParams, ctx, "__mul");
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> divFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("div type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
return numericBinopFamilyFn(typeParams, packParams, ctx, "__div");
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> idivFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("integer div type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
return numericBinopFamilyFn(typeParams, packParams, ctx, "__idiv");
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> powFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("pow type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
return numericBinopFamilyFn(typeParams, packParams, ctx, "__pow");
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> modFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("modulo type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
return numericBinopFamilyFn(typeParams, packParams, ctx, "__mod");
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> concatFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("concat type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
TypeId lhsTy = follow(;
TypeId rhsTy = follow(;
const NormalizedType* normLhsTy = ctx->normalizer->normalize(lhsTy);
const NormalizedType* normRhsTy = ctx->normalizer->normalize(rhsTy);
// if either failed to normalize, we can't reduce, but know nothing about inhabitance.
if (!normLhsTy || !normRhsTy)
return {std::nullopt, false, {}, {}};
// if one of the types is error suppressing, we can reduce to `any` since we should suppress errors in the result of the usage.
if (normLhsTy->shouldSuppressErrors() || normRhsTy->shouldSuppressErrors())
return {ctx->builtins->anyType, false, {}, {}};
// if we have a `never`, we can never observe that the numeric operator didn't work.
if (is<NeverType>(lhsTy) || is<NeverType>(rhsTy))
return {ctx->builtins->neverType, false, {}, {}};
// if we're concatenating two elements that are either strings or numbers, the result is `string`.
if ((normLhsTy->isSubtypeOfString() || normLhsTy->isExactlyNumber()) && (normRhsTy->isSubtypeOfString() || normRhsTy->isExactlyNumber()))
return {ctx->builtins->stringType, false, {}, {}};
// otherwise, check if we need to wait on either type to be further resolved
if (isPending(lhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {lhsTy}, {}};
else if (isPending(rhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {rhsTy}, {}};
// findMetatableEntry demands the ability to emit errors, so we must give it
// the necessary state to do that, even if we intend to just eat the errors.
ErrorVec dummy;
std::optional<TypeId> mmType = findMetatableEntry(ctx->builtins, dummy, lhsTy, "__concat", Location{});
bool reversed = false;
if (!mmType)
mmType = findMetatableEntry(ctx->builtins, dummy, rhsTy, "__concat", Location{});
reversed = true;
if (!mmType)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
mmType = follow(*mmType);
if (isPending(*mmType, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {*mmType}, {}};
const FunctionType* mmFtv = get<FunctionType>(*mmType);
if (!mmFtv)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
std::optional<TypeId> instantiatedMmType = instantiate(ctx->builtins, ctx->arena, ctx->limits, ctx->scope, *mmType);
if (!instantiatedMmType)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
const FunctionType* instantiatedMmFtv = get<FunctionType>(*instantiatedMmType);
if (!instantiatedMmFtv)
return {ctx->builtins->errorRecoveryType(), false, {}, {}};
std::vector<TypeId> inferredArgs;
if (!reversed)
inferredArgs = {lhsTy, rhsTy};
inferredArgs = {rhsTy, lhsTy};
TypePackId inferredArgPack = ctx->arena->addTypePack(std::move(inferredArgs));
Unifier2 u2{ctx->arena, ctx->builtins, ctx->scope, ctx->ice};
if (!u2.unify(inferredArgPack, instantiatedMmFtv->argTypes))
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}}; // occurs check failed
Subtyping subtyping{ctx->builtins, ctx->arena, ctx->normalizer, ctx->ice, ctx->scope};
if (!subtyping.isSubtype(inferredArgPack, instantiatedMmFtv->argTypes).isSubtype) // TODO: is this the right variance?
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
return {ctx->builtins->stringType, false, {}, {}};
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> andFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("and type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
TypeId lhsTy = follow(;
TypeId rhsTy = follow(;
if (isPending(lhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {lhsTy}, {}};
else if (isPending(rhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {rhsTy}, {}};
// And evalutes to a boolean if the LHS is falsey, and the RHS type if LHS is truthy.
SimplifyResult filteredLhs = simplifyIntersection(ctx->builtins, ctx->arena, lhsTy, ctx->builtins->falsyType);
SimplifyResult overallResult = simplifyUnion(ctx->builtins, ctx->arena, rhsTy, filteredLhs.result);
std::vector<TypeId> blockedTypes(filteredLhs.blockedTypes.begin(), filteredLhs.blockedTypes.end());
blockedTypes.insert(blockedTypes.end(), overallResult.blockedTypes.begin(), overallResult.blockedTypes.end());
return {overallResult.result, false, std::move(blockedTypes), {}};
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> orFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("or type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
TypeId lhsTy = follow(;
TypeId rhsTy = follow(;
if (isPending(lhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {lhsTy}, {}};
else if (isPending(rhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {rhsTy}, {}};
// Or evalutes to the LHS type if the LHS is truthy, and the RHS type if LHS is falsy.
SimplifyResult filteredLhs = simplifyIntersection(ctx->builtins, ctx->arena, lhsTy, ctx->builtins->truthyType);
SimplifyResult overallResult = simplifyUnion(ctx->builtins, ctx->arena, rhsTy, filteredLhs.result);
std::vector<TypeId> blockedTypes(filteredLhs.blockedTypes.begin(), filteredLhs.blockedTypes.end());
blockedTypes.insert(blockedTypes.end(), overallResult.blockedTypes.begin(), overallResult.blockedTypes.end());
return {overallResult.result, false, std::move(blockedTypes), {}};
static TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> comparisonFamilyFn(
const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx, const std::string metamethod)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
TypeId lhsTy = follow(;
TypeId rhsTy = follow(;
const NormalizedType* normLhsTy = ctx->normalizer->normalize(lhsTy);
const NormalizedType* normRhsTy = ctx->normalizer->normalize(rhsTy);
// if either failed to normalize, we can't reduce, but know nothing about inhabitance.
if (!normLhsTy || !normRhsTy)
return {std::nullopt, false, {}, {}};
// if one of the types is error suppressing, we can just go ahead and reduce.
if (normLhsTy->shouldSuppressErrors() || normRhsTy->shouldSuppressErrors())
return {ctx->builtins->booleanType, false, {}, {}};
// if we have a `never`, we can never observe that the comparison didn't work.
if (is<NeverType>(lhsTy) || is<NeverType>(rhsTy))
return {ctx->builtins->booleanType, false, {}, {}};
// If both types are some strict subset of `string`, we can reduce now.
if (normLhsTy->isSubtypeOfString() && normRhsTy->isSubtypeOfString())
return {ctx->builtins->booleanType, false, {}, {}};
// If both types are exactly `number`, we can reduce now.
if (normLhsTy->isExactlyNumber() && normRhsTy->isExactlyNumber())
return {ctx->builtins->booleanType, false, {}, {}};
// otherwise, check if we need to wait on either type to be further resolved
if (isPending(lhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {lhsTy}, {}};
else if (isPending(rhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {rhsTy}, {}};
// findMetatableEntry demands the ability to emit errors, so we must give it
// the necessary state to do that, even if we intend to just eat the errors.
ErrorVec dummy;
std::optional<TypeId> mmType = findMetatableEntry(ctx->builtins, dummy, lhsTy, metamethod, Location{});
if (!mmType)
mmType = findMetatableEntry(ctx->builtins, dummy, rhsTy, metamethod, Location{});
if (!mmType)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
mmType = follow(*mmType);
if (isPending(*mmType, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {*mmType}, {}};
const FunctionType* mmFtv = get<FunctionType>(*mmType);
if (!mmFtv)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
std::optional<TypeId> instantiatedMmType = instantiate(ctx->builtins, ctx->arena, ctx->limits, ctx->scope, *mmType);
if (!instantiatedMmType)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
const FunctionType* instantiatedMmFtv = get<FunctionType>(*instantiatedMmType);
if (!instantiatedMmFtv)
return {ctx->builtins->errorRecoveryType(), false, {}, {}};
TypePackId inferredArgPack = ctx->arena->addTypePack({lhsTy, rhsTy});
Unifier2 u2{ctx->arena, ctx->builtins, ctx->scope, ctx->ice};
if (!u2.unify(inferredArgPack, instantiatedMmFtv->argTypes))
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}}; // occurs check failed
Subtyping subtyping{ctx->builtins, ctx->arena, ctx->normalizer, ctx->ice, ctx->scope};
if (!subtyping.isSubtype(inferredArgPack, instantiatedMmFtv->argTypes).isSubtype) // TODO: is this the right variance?
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
return {ctx->builtins->booleanType, false, {}, {}};
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> ltFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("lt type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
return comparisonFamilyFn(typeParams, packParams, ctx, "__lt");
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> leFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("le type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
return comparisonFamilyFn(typeParams, packParams, ctx, "__le");
TypeFamilyReductionResult<TypeId> eqFamilyFn(const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const std::vector<TypePackId>& packParams, NotNull<TypeFamilyContext> ctx)
if (typeParams.size() != 2 || !packParams.empty())
ctx->ice->ice("eq type family: encountered a type family instance without the required argument structure");
TypeId lhsTy = follow(;
TypeId rhsTy = follow(;
const NormalizedType* normLhsTy = ctx->normalizer->normalize(lhsTy);
const NormalizedType* normRhsTy = ctx->normalizer->normalize(rhsTy);
// if either failed to normalize, we can't reduce, but know nothing about inhabitance.
if (!normLhsTy || !normRhsTy)
return {std::nullopt, false, {}, {}};
// if one of the types is error suppressing, we can just go ahead and reduce.
if (normLhsTy->shouldSuppressErrors() || normRhsTy->shouldSuppressErrors())
return {ctx->builtins->booleanType, false, {}, {}};
// if we have a `never`, we can never observe that the comparison didn't work.
if (is<NeverType>(lhsTy) || is<NeverType>(rhsTy))
return {ctx->builtins->booleanType, false, {}, {}};
// otherwise, check if we need to wait on either type to be further resolved
if (isPending(lhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {lhsTy}, {}};
else if (isPending(rhsTy, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {rhsTy}, {}};
// findMetatableEntry demands the ability to emit errors, so we must give it
// the necessary state to do that, even if we intend to just eat the errors.
ErrorVec dummy;
std::optional<TypeId> mmType = findMetatableEntry(ctx->builtins, dummy, lhsTy, "__eq", Location{});
if (!mmType)
mmType = findMetatableEntry(ctx->builtins, dummy, rhsTy, "__eq", Location{});
// if neither type has a metatable entry for `__eq`, then we'll check for inhabitance of the intersection!
if (!mmType && ctx->normalizer->isIntersectionInhabited(lhsTy, rhsTy))
return {ctx->builtins->booleanType, false, {}, {}}; // if it's inhabited, everything is okay!
else if (!mmType)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}}; // if it's not, then this family is irreducible!
mmType = follow(*mmType);
if (isPending(*mmType, ctx->solver))
return {std::nullopt, false, {*mmType}, {}};
const FunctionType* mmFtv = get<FunctionType>(*mmType);
if (!mmFtv)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
std::optional<TypeId> instantiatedMmType = instantiate(ctx->builtins, ctx->arena, ctx->limits, ctx->scope, *mmType);
if (!instantiatedMmType)
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
const FunctionType* instantiatedMmFtv = get<FunctionType>(*instantiatedMmType);
if (!instantiatedMmFtv)
return {ctx->builtins->errorRecoveryType(), false, {}, {}};
TypePackId inferredArgPack = ctx->arena->addTypePack({lhsTy, rhsTy});
Unifier2 u2{ctx->arena, ctx->builtins, ctx->scope, ctx->ice};
if (!u2.unify(inferredArgPack, instantiatedMmFtv->argTypes))
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}}; // occurs check failed
Subtyping subtyping{ctx->builtins, ctx->arena, ctx->normalizer, ctx->ice, ctx->scope};
if (!subtyping.isSubtype(inferredArgPack, instantiatedMmFtv->argTypes).isSubtype) // TODO: is this the right variance?
return {std::nullopt, true, {}, {}};
return {ctx->builtins->booleanType, false, {}, {}};
: notFamily{"not", notFamilyFn}
, addFamily{"add", addFamilyFn}
, subFamily{"sub", subFamilyFn}
, mulFamily{"mul", mulFamilyFn}
, divFamily{"div", divFamilyFn}
, idivFamily{"idiv", idivFamilyFn}
, powFamily{"pow", powFamilyFn}
, modFamily{"mod", modFamilyFn}
, concatFamily{"concat", concatFamilyFn}
, andFamily{"and", andFamilyFn}
, orFamily{"or", orFamilyFn}
, ltFamily{"lt", ltFamilyFn}
, leFamily{"le", leFamilyFn}
, eqFamily{"eq", eqFamilyFn}
void BuiltinTypeFamilies::addToScope(NotNull<TypeArena> arena, NotNull<Scope> scope) const
// make a type function for a two-argument type family
auto mkBinaryTypeFamily = [&](const TypeFamily* family) {
TypeId t = arena->addType(GenericType{"T"});
TypeId u = arena->addType(GenericType{"U"});
GenericTypeDefinition genericT{t};
GenericTypeDefinition genericU{u};
return TypeFun{{genericT, genericU}, arena->addType(TypeFamilyInstanceType{NotNull{family}, {t, u}, {}})};
scope->exportedTypeBindings[] = mkBinaryTypeFamily(&addFamily);
scope->exportedTypeBindings[] = mkBinaryTypeFamily(&subFamily);
scope->exportedTypeBindings[] = mkBinaryTypeFamily(&mulFamily);
scope->exportedTypeBindings[] = mkBinaryTypeFamily(&divFamily);
scope->exportedTypeBindings[] = mkBinaryTypeFamily(&idivFamily);
scope->exportedTypeBindings[] = mkBinaryTypeFamily(&powFamily);
scope->exportedTypeBindings[] = mkBinaryTypeFamily(&modFamily);
scope->exportedTypeBindings[] = mkBinaryTypeFamily(&concatFamily);
scope->exportedTypeBindings[] = mkBinaryTypeFamily(&ltFamily);
scope->exportedTypeBindings[] = mkBinaryTypeFamily(&leFamily);
scope->exportedTypeBindings[] = mkBinaryTypeFamily(&eqFamily);
} // namespace Luau