Arseny Kapoulkine f2e6a8f4a5
Sync to upstream/release/507-pre (#286)
This doesn't contain all changes for 507 yet but we might want to do the
Luau 0.507 release a bit earlier to end the year sooner.


- Type ascription (::) now permits casts between related types in both directions, allowing to refine or loosen the type (RFC #56)
- Fix type definition for tonumber to return number? since the input string isn't guaranteed to contain a valid number
- Fix type refinements for field access via []
- Many stability fixes for type checker
- Provide extra information in error messages for type mismatches in more cases
- Improve performance of type checking for large unions when union members are string literals
- Add coverage reporting support to Repl (--coverage command line argument) and lua_getcoverage C API
- Work around code signing issues during Makefile builds on macOS
- Improve performance of truthiness checks in some cases, particularly on Apple M1, resulting in 10-25% perf gains on qsort benchmark depending on the CPU/compiler
- Fix support for little-endian systems; IBM s390x here we go!
2021-12-10 14:05:05 -08:00

351 lines
7.1 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/FileResolver.h"
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
namespace Luau
struct TypeError;
struct TypeMismatch
TypeMismatch() = default;
TypeMismatch(TypeId wantedType, TypeId givenType);
TypeMismatch(TypeId wantedType, TypeId givenType, std::string reason);
TypeMismatch(TypeId wantedType, TypeId givenType, std::string reason, TypeError error);
TypeId wantedType = nullptr;
TypeId givenType = nullptr;
std::string reason;
std::shared_ptr<TypeError> error;
bool operator==(const TypeMismatch& rhs) const;
struct UnknownSymbol
enum Context
Name name;
Context context;
bool operator==(const UnknownSymbol& rhs) const;
struct UnknownProperty
TypeId table;
Name key;
bool operator==(const UnknownProperty& rhs) const;
struct NotATable
TypeId ty;
bool operator==(const NotATable& rhs) const;
struct CannotExtendTable
enum Context
TypeId tableType;
Context context;
Name prop;
bool operator==(const CannotExtendTable& rhs) const;
struct OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods
TypeId tableType;
bool operator==(const OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods& rhs) const;
struct DuplicateTypeDefinition
Name name;
Location previousLocation;
bool operator==(const DuplicateTypeDefinition& rhs) const;
struct CountMismatch
enum Context
size_t expected;
size_t actual;
Context context = Arg;
bool operator==(const CountMismatch& rhs) const;
struct FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf
bool operator==(const FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf& rhs) const;
struct FunctionRequiresSelf
int requiredExtraNils = 0;
bool operator==(const FunctionRequiresSelf& rhs) const;
struct OccursCheckFailed
bool operator==(const OccursCheckFailed& rhs) const;
struct UnknownRequire
std::string modulePath;
bool operator==(const UnknownRequire& rhs) const;
struct IncorrectGenericParameterCount
Name name;
TypeFun typeFun;
size_t actualParameters;
size_t actualPackParameters;
bool operator==(const IncorrectGenericParameterCount& rhs) const;
struct SyntaxError
std::string message;
bool operator==(const SyntaxError& rhs) const;
struct CodeTooComplex
bool operator==(const CodeTooComplex&) const;
struct UnificationTooComplex
bool operator==(const UnificationTooComplex&) const;
// Could easily be folded into UnknownProperty with an extra field, std::set<Name> candidates.
// But for telemetry purposes, we want to have this be a distinct variant.
struct UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp
TypeId table;
Name key;
std::set<Name> candidates;
bool operator==(const UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp& rhs) const;
struct GenericError
std::string message;
bool operator==(const GenericError& rhs) const;
struct CannotCallNonFunction
TypeId ty;
bool operator==(const CannotCallNonFunction& rhs) const;
struct ExtraInformation
std::string message;
bool operator==(const ExtraInformation& rhs) const;
struct DeprecatedApiUsed
std::string symbol;
std::string useInstead;
bool operator==(const DeprecatedApiUsed& rhs) const;
struct ModuleHasCyclicDependency
std::vector<ModuleName> cycle;
bool operator==(const ModuleHasCyclicDependency& rhs) const;
struct FunctionExitsWithoutReturning
TypePackId expectedReturnType;
bool operator==(const FunctionExitsWithoutReturning& rhs) const;
struct IllegalRequire
std::string moduleName;
std::string reason;
bool operator==(const IllegalRequire& rhs) const;
struct MissingProperties
enum Context
TypeId superType;
TypeId subType;
std::vector<Name> properties;
Context context = Missing;
bool operator==(const MissingProperties& rhs) const;
struct DuplicateGenericParameter
std::string parameterName;
bool operator==(const DuplicateGenericParameter& rhs) const;
struct CannotInferBinaryOperation
enum OpKind
AstExprBinary::Op op;
std::optional<std::string> suggestedToAnnotate;
OpKind kind;
bool operator==(const CannotInferBinaryOperation& rhs) const;
struct SwappedGenericTypeParameter
enum Kind
std::string name;
// What was `name` being used as?
Kind kind;
bool operator==(const SwappedGenericTypeParameter& rhs) const;
struct OptionalValueAccess
TypeId optional;
bool operator==(const OptionalValueAccess& rhs) const;
struct MissingUnionProperty
TypeId type;
std::vector<TypeId> missing;
Name key;
bool operator==(const MissingUnionProperty& rhs) const;
struct TypesAreUnrelated
TypeId left;
TypeId right;
bool operator==(const TypesAreUnrelated& rhs) const;
using TypeErrorData = Variant<TypeMismatch, UnknownSymbol, UnknownProperty, NotATable, CannotExtendTable, OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods,
DuplicateTypeDefinition, CountMismatch, FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf, FunctionRequiresSelf, OccursCheckFailed, UnknownRequire,
IncorrectGenericParameterCount, SyntaxError, CodeTooComplex, UnificationTooComplex, UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp, GenericError,
CannotCallNonFunction, ExtraInformation, DeprecatedApiUsed, ModuleHasCyclicDependency, IllegalRequire, FunctionExitsWithoutReturning,
DuplicateGenericParameter, CannotInferBinaryOperation, MissingProperties, SwappedGenericTypeParameter, OptionalValueAccess, MissingUnionProperty,
struct TypeError
Location location;
ModuleName moduleName;
TypeErrorData data;
int code() const;
TypeError() = default;
TypeError(const Location& location, const ModuleName& moduleName, const TypeErrorData& data)
: location(location)
, moduleName(moduleName)
, data(data)
TypeError(const Location& location, const TypeErrorData& data)
: TypeError(location, {}, data)
bool operator==(const TypeError& rhs) const;
template<typename T>
const T* get(const TypeError& e)
return get_if<T>(&;
template<typename T>
T* get(TypeError& e)
return get_if<T>(&;
using ErrorVec = std::vector<TypeError>;
std::string toString(const TypeError& error);
bool containsParseErrorName(const TypeError& error);
// Copy any types named in the error into destArena.
void copyErrors(ErrorVec& errors, struct TypeArena& destArena);
// Internal Compiler Error
struct InternalErrorReporter
std::function<void(const char*)> onInternalError;
std::string moduleName;
[[noreturn]] void ice(const std::string& message, const Location& location);
[[noreturn]] void ice(const std::string& message);
} // namespace Luau