mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 19:21:42 +00:00

- Remove type definitions of `utf8.nfcnormalize`/`nfdnormalize`/`graphemes` that aren't supported by standalone Luau library - Add `lua_costatus` to retrieve extended thread status (similar to `coroutine.status`) - Improve GC sweeping performance (2-10% improvement on allocation-heavy benchmarks)
1644 lines
59 KiB
1644 lines
59 KiB
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Autocomplete.h"
#include "Luau/AstQuery.h"
#include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h"
#include "Luau/Frontend.h"
#include "Luau/ToString.h"
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
static const std::unordered_set<std::string> kStatementStartingKeywords = {
"while", "if", "local", "repeat", "function", "do", "for", "return", "break", "continue", "type", "export"};
namespace Luau
static bool alreadyHasParens(const std::vector<AstNode*>& nodes)
auto iter = nodes.rbegin();
while (iter != nodes.rend() &&
((*iter)->is<AstExprLocal>() || (*iter)->is<AstExprGlobal>() || (*iter)->is<AstExprIndexName>() || (*iter)->is<AstExprIndexExpr>()))
if (iter == nodes.rend() || iter == nodes.rbegin())
return false;
if (AstExprCall* call = (*iter)->as<AstExprCall>())
return call->func == *(iter - 1);
return false;
static ParenthesesRecommendation getParenRecommendationForFunc(const FunctionTypeVar* func, const std::vector<AstNode*>& nodes)
if (alreadyHasParens(nodes))
return ParenthesesRecommendation::None;
auto idxExpr = nodes.back()->as<AstExprIndexName>();
bool hasImplicitSelf = idxExpr && idxExpr->op == ':';
auto [argTypes, argVariadicPack] = Luau::flatten(func->argTypes);
if (argVariadicPack.has_value() && isVariadic(*argVariadicPack))
return ParenthesesRecommendation::CursorInside;
bool noArgFunction = argTypes.empty() || (hasImplicitSelf && argTypes.size() == 1);
return noArgFunction ? ParenthesesRecommendation::CursorAfter : ParenthesesRecommendation::CursorInside;
static ParenthesesRecommendation getParenRecommendationForIntersect(const IntersectionTypeVar* intersect, const std::vector<AstNode*>& nodes)
ParenthesesRecommendation rec = ParenthesesRecommendation::None;
for (Luau::TypeId partId : intersect->parts)
if (auto partFunc = Luau::get<FunctionTypeVar>(partId))
rec = std::max(rec, getParenRecommendationForFunc(partFunc, nodes));
return ParenthesesRecommendation::None;
return rec;
static ParenthesesRecommendation getParenRecommendation(TypeId id, const std::vector<AstNode*>& nodes, TypeCorrectKind typeCorrect)
// If element is already type-correct, even a function should be inserted without parenthesis
if (typeCorrect == TypeCorrectKind::Correct)
return ParenthesesRecommendation::None;
id = Luau::follow(id);
if (auto func = get<FunctionTypeVar>(id))
return getParenRecommendationForFunc(func, nodes);
else if (auto intersect = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(id))
return getParenRecommendationForIntersect(intersect, nodes);
return ParenthesesRecommendation::None;
static std::optional<TypeId> findExpectedTypeAt(const Module& module, AstNode* node, Position position)
auto expr = node->asExpr();
if (!expr)
return std::nullopt;
// Extra care for first function call argument location
// When we don't have anything inside () yet, we also don't have an AST node to base our lookup
if (AstExprCall* exprCall = expr->as<AstExprCall>())
if (exprCall->args.size == 0 && exprCall->argLocation.contains(position))
auto it = module.astTypes.find(exprCall->func);
if (!it)
return std::nullopt;
const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(follow(*it));
if (!ftv)
return std::nullopt;
auto [head, tail] = flatten(ftv->argTypes);
unsigned index = exprCall->self ? 1 : 0;
if (index < head.size())
return head[index];
return std::nullopt;
auto it = module.astExpectedTypes.find(expr);
if (!it)
return std::nullopt;
return *it;
static bool checkTypeMatch(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy, NotNull<Scope> scope, TypeArena* typeArena, NotNull<SingletonTypes> singletonTypes)
InternalErrorReporter iceReporter;
UnifierSharedState unifierState(&iceReporter);
Unifier unifier(typeArena, singletonTypes, Mode::Strict, scope, Location(), Variance::Covariant, unifierState);
return unifier.canUnify(subTy, superTy).empty();
static TypeCorrectKind checkTypeCorrectKind(
const Module& module, TypeArena* typeArena, NotNull<SingletonTypes> singletonTypes, AstNode* node, Position position, TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
NotNull<Scope> moduleScope{module.getModuleScope().get()};
auto canUnify = [&typeArena, singletonTypes, moduleScope](TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy) {
InternalErrorReporter iceReporter;
UnifierSharedState unifierState(&iceReporter);
Unifier unifier(typeArena, singletonTypes, Mode::Strict, moduleScope, Location(), Variance::Covariant, unifierState);
unifier.tryUnify(subTy, superTy);
bool ok = unifier.errors.empty();
return ok;
auto typeAtPosition = findExpectedTypeAt(module, node, position);
if (!typeAtPosition)
return TypeCorrectKind::None;
TypeId expectedType = follow(*typeAtPosition);
auto checkFunctionType = [typeArena, singletonTypes, moduleScope, &canUnify, &expectedType](const FunctionTypeVar* ftv) {
if (FFlag::LuauSelfCallAutocompleteFix3)
if (std::optional<TypeId> firstRetTy = first(ftv->retTypes))
return checkTypeMatch(*firstRetTy, expectedType, moduleScope, typeArena, singletonTypes);
return false;
auto [retHead, retTail] = flatten(ftv->retTypes);
if (!retHead.empty() && canUnify(retHead.front(), expectedType))
return true;
// We might only have a variadic tail pack, check if the element is compatible
if (retTail)
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(follow(*retTail)); vtp && canUnify(vtp->ty, expectedType))
return true;
return false;
// We also want to suggest functions that return compatible result
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty); ftv && checkFunctionType(ftv))
return TypeCorrectKind::CorrectFunctionResult;
else if (const IntersectionTypeVar* itv = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(ty))
for (TypeId id : itv->parts)
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(id); ftv && checkFunctionType(ftv))
return TypeCorrectKind::CorrectFunctionResult;
if (FFlag::LuauSelfCallAutocompleteFix3)
return checkTypeMatch(ty, expectedType, NotNull{module.getModuleScope().get()}, typeArena, singletonTypes) ? TypeCorrectKind::Correct
: TypeCorrectKind::None;
return canUnify(ty, expectedType) ? TypeCorrectKind::Correct : TypeCorrectKind::None;
enum class PropIndexType
static void autocompleteProps(const Module& module, TypeArena* typeArena, NotNull<SingletonTypes> singletonTypes, TypeId rootTy, TypeId ty,
PropIndexType indexType, const std::vector<AstNode*>& nodes, AutocompleteEntryMap& result, std::unordered_set<TypeId>& seen,
std::optional<const ClassTypeVar*> containingClass = std::nullopt)
if (FFlag::LuauSelfCallAutocompleteFix3)
rootTy = follow(rootTy);
ty = follow(ty);
if (seen.count(ty))
auto isWrongIndexer_DEPRECATED = [indexType, useStrictFunctionIndexers = !!get<ClassTypeVar>(ty)](Luau::TypeId type) {
if (indexType == PropIndexType::Key)
return false;
bool colonIndex = indexType == PropIndexType::Colon;
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(type))
return useStrictFunctionIndexers ? colonIndex != ftv->hasSelf : false;
else if (const IntersectionTypeVar* itv = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(type))
bool allHaveSelf = true;
for (auto subType : itv->parts)
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(Luau::follow(subType)))
allHaveSelf &= ftv->hasSelf;
return colonIndex;
return useStrictFunctionIndexers ? colonIndex != allHaveSelf : false;
return colonIndex;
auto isWrongIndexer = [typeArena, singletonTypes, &module, rootTy, indexType](Luau::TypeId type) {
if (indexType == PropIndexType::Key)
return false;
bool calledWithSelf = indexType == PropIndexType::Colon;
auto isCompatibleCall = [typeArena, singletonTypes, &module, rootTy, calledWithSelf](const FunctionTypeVar* ftv) {
// Strong match with definition is a success
if (calledWithSelf == ftv->hasSelf)
return true;
// Calls on classes require strict match between how function is declared and how it's called
if (get<ClassTypeVar>(rootTy))
return false;
// When called with ':', but declared without 'self', it is invalid if a function has incompatible first argument or no arguments at all
// When called with '.', but declared with 'self', it is considered invalid if first argument is compatible
if (std::optional<TypeId> firstArgTy = first(ftv->argTypes))
if (checkTypeMatch(rootTy, *firstArgTy, NotNull{module.getModuleScope().get()}, typeArena, singletonTypes))
return calledWithSelf;
return !calledWithSelf;
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(type))
return !isCompatibleCall(ftv);
// For intersections, any part that is successful makes the whole call successful
if (const IntersectionTypeVar* itv = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(type))
for (auto subType : itv->parts)
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(Luau::follow(subType)))
if (isCompatibleCall(ftv))
return false;
return calledWithSelf;
auto fillProps = [&](const ClassTypeVar::Props& props) {
for (const auto& [name, prop] : props)
// We are walking up the class hierarchy, so if we encounter a property that we have
// already populated, it takes precedence over the property we found just now.
if (result.count(name) == 0 && name != kParseNameError)
Luau::TypeId type = Luau::follow(prop.type);
TypeCorrectKind typeCorrect = indexType == PropIndexType::Key
? TypeCorrectKind::Correct
: checkTypeCorrectKind(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, nodes.back(), {{}, {}}, type);
ParenthesesRecommendation parens =
indexType == PropIndexType::Key ? ParenthesesRecommendation::None : getParenRecommendation(type, nodes, typeCorrect);
result[name] = AutocompleteEntry{
FFlag::LuauSelfCallAutocompleteFix3 ? isWrongIndexer(type) : isWrongIndexer_DEPRECATED(type),
auto fillMetatableProps = [&](const TableTypeVar* mtable) {
auto indexIt = mtable->props.find("__index");
if (indexIt != mtable->props.end())
TypeId followed = follow(indexIt->second.type);
if (get<TableTypeVar>(followed) || get<MetatableTypeVar>(followed))
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, rootTy, followed, indexType, nodes, result, seen);
else if (auto indexFunction = get<FunctionTypeVar>(followed))
std::optional<TypeId> indexFunctionResult = first(indexFunction->retTypes);
if (indexFunctionResult)
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, rootTy, *indexFunctionResult, indexType, nodes, result, seen);
if (auto cls = get<ClassTypeVar>(ty))
containingClass = containingClass.value_or(cls);
if (cls->parent)
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, rootTy, *cls->parent, indexType, nodes, result, seen, containingClass);
else if (auto tbl = get<TableTypeVar>(ty))
else if (auto mt = get<MetatableTypeVar>(ty))
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, rootTy, mt->table, indexType, nodes, result, seen);
if (FFlag::LuauSelfCallAutocompleteFix3)
if (auto mtable = get<TableTypeVar>(mt->metatable))
auto mtable = get<TableTypeVar>(mt->metatable);
if (!mtable)
auto indexIt = mtable->props.find("__index");
if (indexIt != mtable->props.end())
TypeId followed = follow(indexIt->second.type);
if (get<TableTypeVar>(followed) || get<MetatableTypeVar>(followed))
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, rootTy, followed, indexType, nodes, result, seen);
else if (auto indexFunction = get<FunctionTypeVar>(followed))
std::optional<TypeId> indexFunctionResult = first(indexFunction->retTypes);
if (indexFunctionResult)
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, rootTy, *indexFunctionResult, indexType, nodes, result, seen);
else if (auto i = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(ty))
// Complete all properties in every variant
for (TypeId ty : i->parts)
AutocompleteEntryMap inner;
std::unordered_set<TypeId> innerSeen = seen;
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, rootTy, ty, indexType, nodes, inner, innerSeen);
for (auto& pair : inner)
else if (auto u = get<UnionTypeVar>(ty))
// Complete all properties common to all variants
auto iter = begin(u);
auto endIter = end(u);
while (iter != endIter)
if (isNil(*iter))
if (iter == endIter)
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, rootTy, *iter, indexType, nodes, result, seen);
while (iter != endIter)
AutocompleteEntryMap inner;
std::unordered_set<TypeId> innerSeen;
if (!FFlag::LuauSelfCallAutocompleteFix3)
innerSeen = seen;
if (isNil(*iter))
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, rootTy, *iter, indexType, nodes, inner, innerSeen);
std::unordered_set<std::string> toRemove;
for (const auto& [k, v] : result)
if (!inner.count(k))
for (const std::string& k : toRemove)
else if (auto pt = get<PrimitiveTypeVar>(ty); pt && FFlag::LuauSelfCallAutocompleteFix3)
if (pt->metatable)
if (auto mtable = get<TableTypeVar>(*pt->metatable))
else if (FFlag::LuauSelfCallAutocompleteFix3 && get<StringSingleton>(get<SingletonTypeVar>(ty)))
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, rootTy, singletonTypes->stringType, indexType, nodes, result, seen);
static void autocompleteKeywords(
const SourceModule& sourceModule, const std::vector<AstNode*>& ancestry, Position position, AutocompleteEntryMap& result)
AstNode* node = ancestry.back();
if (!node->is<AstExprFunction>() && node->asExpr())
// This is not strictly correct. We should recommend `and` and `or` only after
// another expression, not at the start of a new one. We should only recommend
// `not` at the start of an expression. Detecting either case reliably is quite
// complex, however; this is good enough for now.
// These are not context-sensitive keywords, so we can unconditionally assign.
result["and"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword};
result["or"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword};
result["not"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword};
static void autocompleteProps(const Module& module, TypeArena* typeArena, NotNull<SingletonTypes> singletonTypes, TypeId ty, PropIndexType indexType,
const std::vector<AstNode*>& nodes, AutocompleteEntryMap& result)
std::unordered_set<TypeId> seen;
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, ty, ty, indexType, nodes, result, seen);
AutocompleteEntryMap autocompleteProps(const Module& module, TypeArena* typeArena, NotNull<SingletonTypes> singletonTypes, TypeId ty,
PropIndexType indexType, const std::vector<AstNode*>& nodes)
AutocompleteEntryMap result;
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, ty, indexType, nodes, result);
return result;
AutocompleteEntryMap autocompleteModuleTypes(const Module& module, Position position, std::string_view moduleName)
AutocompleteEntryMap result;
for (ScopePtr scope = findScopeAtPosition(module, position); scope; scope = scope->parent)
if (auto it = scope->importedTypeBindings.find(std::string(moduleName)); it != scope->importedTypeBindings.end())
for (const auto& [name, ty] : it->second)
result[name] = AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Type, ty.type};
return result;
static void autocompleteStringSingleton(TypeId ty, bool addQuotes, AutocompleteEntryMap& result)
auto formatKey = [addQuotes](const std::string& key) {
if (addQuotes)
return "\"" + escape(key) + "\"";
return escape(key);
ty = follow(ty);
if (auto ss = get<StringSingleton>(get<SingletonTypeVar>(ty)))
result[formatKey(ss->value)] = AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::String, ty, false, false, TypeCorrectKind::Correct};
else if (auto uty = get<UnionTypeVar>(ty))
for (auto el : uty)
if (auto ss = get<StringSingleton>(get<SingletonTypeVar>(el)))
result[formatKey(ss->value)] = AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::String, ty, false, false, TypeCorrectKind::Correct};
static bool canSuggestInferredType(ScopePtr scope, TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
// No point in suggesting 'any', invalid to suggest others
if (get<AnyTypeVar>(ty) || get<ErrorTypeVar>(ty) || get<GenericTypeVar>(ty) || get<FreeTypeVar>(ty))
return false;
// No syntax for unnamed tables with a metatable
if (get<MetatableTypeVar>(ty))
return false;
if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(ty))
if (ttv->name)
return true;
if (ttv->syntheticName)
return false;
// We might still have a type with cycles or one that is too long, we'll check that later
return true;
// Walk complex type trees to find the element that is being edited
static std::optional<TypeId> findTypeElementAt(AstType* astType, TypeId ty, Position position);
static std::optional<TypeId> findTypeElementAt(const AstTypeList& astTypeList, TypePackId tp, Position position)
for (size_t i = 0; i < astTypeList.types.size; i++)
AstType* type = astTypeList.types.data[i];
if (type->location.containsClosed(position))
auto [head, _] = flatten(tp);
if (i < head.size())
return findTypeElementAt(type, head[i], position);
if (AstTypePack* argTp = astTypeList.tailType)
if (auto variadic = argTp->as<AstTypePackVariadic>())
if (variadic->location.containsClosed(position))
auto [_, tail] = flatten(tp);
if (tail)
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(follow(*tail)))
return findTypeElementAt(variadic->variadicType, vtp->ty, position);
return {};
static std::optional<TypeId> findTypeElementAt(AstType* astType, TypeId ty, Position position)
ty = follow(ty);
if (astType->is<AstTypeReference>())
return ty;
if (astType->is<AstTypeError>())
return ty;
if (AstTypeFunction* type = astType->as<AstTypeFunction>())
const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty);
if (!ftv)
return {};
if (auto element = findTypeElementAt(type->argTypes, ftv->argTypes, position))
return element;
if (auto element = findTypeElementAt(type->returnTypes, ftv->retTypes, position))
return element;
// It's possible to walk through other types like intrsection and unions if we find value in doing that
return {};
std::optional<TypeId> getLocalTypeInScopeAt(const Module& module, Position position, AstLocal* local)
if (ScopePtr scope = findScopeAtPosition(module, position))
for (const auto& [name, binding] : scope->bindings)
if (name == local)
return binding.typeId;
return {};
static std::optional<Name> tryGetTypeNameInScope(ScopePtr scope, TypeId ty)
if (!canSuggestInferredType(scope, ty))
return std::nullopt;
ToStringOptions opts;
opts.useLineBreaks = false;
opts.hideTableKind = true;
opts.scope = scope;
ToStringResult name = toStringDetailed(ty, opts);
if (name.error || name.invalid || name.cycle || name.truncated)
return std::nullopt;
return name.name;
static bool tryAddTypeCorrectSuggestion(AutocompleteEntryMap& result, ScopePtr scope, AstType* topType, TypeId inferredType, Position position)
std::optional<TypeId> ty;
if (topType)
ty = findTypeElementAt(topType, inferredType, position);
ty = inferredType;
if (!ty)
return false;
if (auto name = tryGetTypeNameInScope(scope, *ty))
if (auto it = result.find(*name); it != result.end())
it->second.typeCorrect = TypeCorrectKind::Correct;
result[*name] = AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Type, *ty, false, false, TypeCorrectKind::Correct};
return true;
return false;
static std::optional<TypeId> tryGetTypePackTypeAt(TypePackId tp, size_t index)
auto [tpHead, tpTail] = flatten(tp);
if (index < tpHead.size())
return tpHead[index];
// Infinite tail
if (tpTail)
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(follow(*tpTail)))
return vtp->ty;
return {};
template<typename T>
std::optional<const T*> returnFirstNonnullOptionOfType(const UnionTypeVar* utv)
std::optional<const T*> ret;
for (TypeId subTy : utv)
if (isNil(subTy))
if (const T* ftv = get<T>(follow(subTy)))
if (ret.has_value())
return std::nullopt;
ret = ftv;
return std::nullopt;
return ret;
static std::optional<bool> functionIsExpectedAt(const Module& module, AstNode* node, Position position)
auto typeAtPosition = findExpectedTypeAt(module, node, position);
if (!typeAtPosition)
return std::nullopt;
TypeId expectedType = follow(*typeAtPosition);
if (get<FunctionTypeVar>(expectedType))
return true;
if (const IntersectionTypeVar* itv = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(expectedType))
return std::all_of(begin(itv->parts), end(itv->parts), [](auto&& ty) {
return get<FunctionTypeVar>(Luau::follow(ty)) != nullptr;
if (const UnionTypeVar* utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(expectedType))
return returnFirstNonnullOptionOfType<FunctionTypeVar>(utv).has_value();
return false;
AutocompleteEntryMap autocompleteTypeNames(const Module& module, Position position, const std::vector<AstNode*>& ancestry)
AutocompleteEntryMap result;
ScopePtr startScope = findScopeAtPosition(module, position);
for (ScopePtr scope = startScope; scope; scope = scope->parent)
for (const auto& [name, ty] : scope->exportedTypeBindings)
if (!result.count(name))
result[name] = AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Type, ty.type, false, false, TypeCorrectKind::None, std::nullopt,
std::nullopt, ty.type->documentationSymbol};
for (const auto& [name, ty] : scope->privateTypeBindings)
if (!result.count(name))
result[name] = AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Type, ty.type, false, false, TypeCorrectKind::None, std::nullopt,
std::nullopt, ty.type->documentationSymbol};
for (const auto& [name, _] : scope->importedTypeBindings)
if (auto binding = scope->linearSearchForBinding(name, true))
if (!result.count(name))
result[name] = AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Module, binding->typeId};
AstNode* parent = nullptr;
AstType* topType = nullptr; // TODO: rename?
for (auto it = ancestry.rbegin(), e = ancestry.rend(); it != e; ++it)
if (AstType* asType = (*it)->asType())
topType = asType;
parent = *it;
if (!parent)
return result;
if (AstStatLocal* node = parent->as<AstStatLocal>()) // Try to provide inferred type of the local
// Look at which of the variable types we are defining
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->vars.size; i++)
AstLocal* var = node->vars.data[i];
if (var->annotation && var->annotation->location.containsClosed(position))
if (node->values.size == 0)
unsigned tailPos = 0;
// For multiple return values we will try to unpack last function call return type pack
if (i >= node->values.size)
tailPos = int(i) - int(node->values.size) + 1;
i = int(node->values.size) - 1;
AstExpr* expr = node->values.data[i]->asExpr();
if (!expr)
TypeId inferredType = nullptr;
if (AstExprCall* exprCall = expr->as<AstExprCall>())
if (auto it = module.astTypes.find(exprCall->func))
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(follow(*it)))
if (auto ty = tryGetTypePackTypeAt(ftv->retTypes, tailPos))
inferredType = *ty;
if (tailPos != 0)
if (auto it = module.astTypes.find(expr))
inferredType = *it;
if (inferredType)
tryAddTypeCorrectSuggestion(result, startScope, topType, inferredType, position);
else if (AstExprFunction* node = parent->as<AstExprFunction>())
// For lookup inside expected function type if that's available
auto tryGetExpectedFunctionType = [](const Module& module, AstExpr* expr) -> const FunctionTypeVar* {
auto it = module.astExpectedTypes.find(expr);
if (!it)
return nullptr;
TypeId ty = follow(*it);
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty))
return ftv;
// Handle optional function type
if (const UnionTypeVar* utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(ty))
return returnFirstNonnullOptionOfType<FunctionTypeVar>(utv).value_or(nullptr);
return nullptr;
// Find which argument type we are defining
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->args.size; i++)
AstLocal* arg = node->args.data[i];
if (arg->annotation && arg->annotation->location.containsClosed(position))
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = tryGetExpectedFunctionType(module, node))
if (auto ty = tryGetTypePackTypeAt(ftv->argTypes, i))
tryAddTypeCorrectSuggestion(result, startScope, topType, *ty, position);
// Otherwise, try to use the type inferred by typechecker
else if (auto inferredType = getLocalTypeInScopeAt(module, position, arg))
tryAddTypeCorrectSuggestion(result, startScope, topType, *inferredType, position);
if (AstTypePack* argTp = node->varargAnnotation)
if (auto variadic = argTp->as<AstTypePackVariadic>())
if (variadic->location.containsClosed(position))
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = tryGetExpectedFunctionType(module, node))
if (auto ty = tryGetTypePackTypeAt(ftv->argTypes, ~0u))
tryAddTypeCorrectSuggestion(result, startScope, topType, *ty, position);
if (!node->returnAnnotation)
return result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->returnAnnotation->types.size; i++)
AstType* ret = node->returnAnnotation->types.data[i];
if (ret->location.containsClosed(position))
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = tryGetExpectedFunctionType(module, node))
if (auto ty = tryGetTypePackTypeAt(ftv->retTypes, i))
tryAddTypeCorrectSuggestion(result, startScope, topType, *ty, position);
// TODO: with additional type information, we could suggest inferred return type here
if (AstTypePack* retTp = node->returnAnnotation->tailType)
if (auto variadic = retTp->as<AstTypePackVariadic>())
if (variadic->location.containsClosed(position))
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = tryGetExpectedFunctionType(module, node))
if (auto ty = tryGetTypePackTypeAt(ftv->retTypes, ~0u))
tryAddTypeCorrectSuggestion(result, startScope, topType, *ty, position);
return result;
static bool isInLocalNames(const std::vector<AstNode*>& ancestry, Position position)
for (auto iter = ancestry.rbegin(); iter != ancestry.rend(); iter++)
if (auto statLocal = (*iter)->as<AstStatLocal>())
for (auto var : statLocal->vars)
if (var->location.containsClosed(position))
return true;
else if (auto funcExpr = (*iter)->as<AstExprFunction>())
if (funcExpr->argLocation && funcExpr->argLocation->contains(position))
return true;
else if (auto localFunc = (*iter)->as<AstStatLocalFunction>())
return localFunc->name->location.containsClosed(position);
else if (auto block = (*iter)->as<AstStatBlock>())
if (block->body.size > 0)
return false;
else if ((*iter)->asStat())
return false;
return false;
static bool isIdentifier(AstNode* node)
return node->is<AstExprGlobal>() || node->is<AstExprLocal>();
static bool isBeingDefined(const std::vector<AstNode*>& ancestry, const Symbol& symbol)
// Current set of rules only check for local binding match
if (!symbol.local)
return false;
for (auto iter = ancestry.rbegin(); iter != ancestry.rend(); iter++)
if (auto statLocal = (*iter)->as<AstStatLocal>())
for (auto var : statLocal->vars)
if (symbol.local == var)
return true;
return false;
template<typename T>
T* extractStat(const std::vector<AstNode*>& ancestry)
AstNode* node = ancestry.size() >= 1 ? ancestry.rbegin()[0] : nullptr;
if (!node)
return nullptr;
if (T* t = node->as<T>())
return t;
AstNode* parent = ancestry.size() >= 2 ? ancestry.rbegin()[1] : nullptr;
if (!parent)
return nullptr;
if (T* t = parent->as<T>(); t && parent->is<AstStatBlock>())
return t;
AstNode* grandParent = ancestry.size() >= 3 ? ancestry.rbegin()[2] : nullptr;
AstNode* greatGrandParent = ancestry.size() >= 4 ? ancestry.rbegin()[3] : nullptr;
if (!grandParent || !greatGrandParent)
return nullptr;
if (T* t = greatGrandParent->as<T>(); t && grandParent->is<AstStatBlock>() && parent->is<AstStatError>() && isIdentifier(node))
return t;
return nullptr;
static bool isBindingLegalAtCurrentPosition(const Symbol& symbol, const Binding& binding, Position pos)
if (symbol.local)
return binding.location.end < pos;
// Builtin globals have an empty location; for defined globals, we want pos to be outside of the definition range to suggest it
return binding.location == Location() || !binding.location.containsClosed(pos);
static AutocompleteEntryMap autocompleteStatement(
const SourceModule& sourceModule, const Module& module, const std::vector<AstNode*>& ancestry, Position position)
// This is inefficient. :(
ScopePtr scope = findScopeAtPosition(module, position);
AutocompleteEntryMap result;
if (isInLocalNames(ancestry, position))
autocompleteKeywords(sourceModule, ancestry, position, result);
return result;
while (scope)
for (const auto& [name, binding] : scope->bindings)
if (!isBindingLegalAtCurrentPosition(name, binding, position))
std::string n = toString(name);
if (!result.count(n))
result[n] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Binding, binding.typeId, binding.deprecated, false, TypeCorrectKind::None, std::nullopt,
std::nullopt, binding.documentationSymbol, {}, getParenRecommendation(binding.typeId, ancestry, TypeCorrectKind::None)};
scope = scope->parent;
for (const auto& kw : kStatementStartingKeywords)
result.emplace(kw, AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
for (auto it = ancestry.rbegin(); it != ancestry.rend(); ++it)
if (AstStatForIn* statForIn = (*it)->as<AstStatForIn>(); statForIn && !statForIn->hasEnd)
result.emplace("end", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
if (AstStatFor* statFor = (*it)->as<AstStatFor>(); statFor && !statFor->hasEnd)
result.emplace("end", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
if (AstStatIf* statIf = (*it)->as<AstStatIf>(); statIf && !statIf->hasEnd)
result.emplace("end", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
if (AstStatWhile* statWhile = (*it)->as<AstStatWhile>(); statWhile && !statWhile->hasEnd)
result.emplace("end", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
if (AstExprFunction* exprFunction = (*it)->as<AstExprFunction>(); exprFunction && !exprFunction->hasEnd)
result.emplace("end", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
if (ancestry.size() >= 2)
AstNode* parent = ancestry.rbegin()[1];
if (AstStatIf* statIf = parent->as<AstStatIf>())
if (!statIf->elsebody || (statIf->elseLocation && statIf->elseLocation->containsClosed(position)))
result.emplace("else", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
result.emplace("elseif", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
if (AstStatRepeat* statRepeat = parent->as<AstStatRepeat>(); statRepeat && !statRepeat->hasUntil)
result.emplace("until", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
if (ancestry.size() >= 4)
auto iter = ancestry.rbegin();
if (AstStatIf* statIf = iter[3]->as<AstStatIf>();
statIf != nullptr && !statIf->elsebody && iter[2]->is<AstStatBlock>() && iter[1]->is<AstStatError>() && isIdentifier(iter[0]))
result.emplace("else", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
result.emplace("elseif", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
if (AstStatRepeat* statRepeat = extractStat<AstStatRepeat>(ancestry); statRepeat && !statRepeat->hasUntil)
result.emplace("until", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword});
return result;
// Returns true iff `node` was handled by this function (completions, if any, are returned in `outResult`)
static bool autocompleteIfElseExpression(
const AstNode* node, const std::vector<AstNode*>& ancestry, const Position& position, AutocompleteEntryMap& outResult)
AstNode* parent = ancestry.size() >= 2 ? ancestry.rbegin()[1] : nullptr;
if (!parent)
return false;
if (node->is<AstExprIfElse>())
// Don't try to complete when the current node is an if-else expression (i.e. only try to complete when the node is a child of an if-else
// expression.
return true;
AstExprIfElse* ifElseExpr = parent->as<AstExprIfElse>();
if (!ifElseExpr || ifElseExpr->condition->location.containsClosed(position))
return false;
else if (!ifElseExpr->hasThen)
outResult["then"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword};
return true;
else if (ifElseExpr->trueExpr->location.containsClosed(position))
return false;
else if (!ifElseExpr->hasElse)
outResult["else"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword};
outResult["elseif"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword};
return true;
return false;
static AutocompleteContext autocompleteExpression(const SourceModule& sourceModule, const Module& module, const TypeChecker& typeChecker,
TypeArena* typeArena, const std::vector<AstNode*>& ancestry, Position position, AutocompleteEntryMap& result)
NotNull<SingletonTypes> singletonTypes = typeChecker.singletonTypes;
AstNode* node = ancestry.rbegin()[0];
if (node->is<AstExprIndexName>())
if (auto it = module.astTypes.find(node->asExpr()))
autocompleteProps(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, *it, PropIndexType::Point, ancestry, result);
else if (autocompleteIfElseExpression(node, ancestry, position, result))
return AutocompleteContext::Keyword;
else if (node->is<AstExprFunction>())
return AutocompleteContext::Unknown;
// This is inefficient. :(
ScopePtr scope = findScopeAtPosition(module, position);
while (scope)
for (const auto& [name, binding] : scope->bindings)
if (!isBindingLegalAtCurrentPosition(name, binding, position))
if (isBeingDefined(ancestry, name))
std::string n = toString(name);
if (!result.count(n))
TypeCorrectKind typeCorrect = checkTypeCorrectKind(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, node, position, binding.typeId);
result[n] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Binding, binding.typeId, binding.deprecated, false, typeCorrect, std::nullopt, std::nullopt,
binding.documentationSymbol, {}, getParenRecommendation(binding.typeId, ancestry, typeCorrect)};
scope = scope->parent;
TypeCorrectKind correctForNil = checkTypeCorrectKind(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, node, position, typeChecker.nilType);
TypeCorrectKind correctForTrue = checkTypeCorrectKind(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, node, position, singletonTypes->trueType);
TypeCorrectKind correctForFalse = checkTypeCorrectKind(module, typeArena, singletonTypes, node, position, singletonTypes->falseType);
TypeCorrectKind correctForFunction =
functionIsExpectedAt(module, node, position).value_or(false) ? TypeCorrectKind::Correct : TypeCorrectKind::None;
result["if"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword, std::nullopt, false, false};
result["true"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword, typeChecker.booleanType, false, false, correctForTrue};
result["false"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword, typeChecker.booleanType, false, false, correctForFalse};
result["nil"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword, typeChecker.nilType, false, false, correctForNil};
result["not"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword};
result["function"] = {AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword, std::nullopt, false, false, correctForFunction};
if (auto ty = findExpectedTypeAt(module, node, position))
autocompleteStringSingleton(*ty, true, result);
return AutocompleteContext::Expression;
static AutocompleteResult autocompleteExpression(const SourceModule& sourceModule, const Module& module, const TypeChecker& typeChecker,
TypeArena* typeArena, const std::vector<AstNode*>& ancestry, Position position)
AutocompleteEntryMap result;
AutocompleteContext context = autocompleteExpression(sourceModule, module, typeChecker, typeArena, ancestry, position, result);
return {result, ancestry, context};
static std::optional<const ClassTypeVar*> getMethodContainingClass(const ModulePtr& module, AstExpr* funcExpr)
AstExpr* parentExpr = nullptr;
if (auto indexName = funcExpr->as<AstExprIndexName>())
parentExpr = indexName->expr;
else if (auto indexExpr = funcExpr->as<AstExprIndexExpr>())
parentExpr = indexExpr->expr;
return std::nullopt;
auto parentIt = module->astTypes.find(parentExpr);
if (!parentIt)
return std::nullopt;
Luau::TypeId parentType = Luau::follow(*parentIt);
if (auto parentClass = Luau::get<ClassTypeVar>(parentType))
return parentClass;
if (auto parentUnion = Luau::get<UnionTypeVar>(parentType))
return returnFirstNonnullOptionOfType<ClassTypeVar>(parentUnion);
return std::nullopt;
static std::optional<AutocompleteEntryMap> autocompleteStringParams(const SourceModule& sourceModule, const ModulePtr& module,
const std::vector<AstNode*>& nodes, Position position, StringCompletionCallback callback)
if (nodes.size() < 2)
return std::nullopt;
if (!nodes.back()->is<AstExprConstantString>() && !nodes.back()->is<AstExprError>())
return std::nullopt;
AstExprCall* candidate = nodes.at(nodes.size() - 2)->as<AstExprCall>();
if (!candidate)
return std::nullopt;
// HACK: All current instances of 'magic string' params are the first parameter of their functions,
// so we encode that here rather than putting a useless member on the FunctionTypeVar struct.
if (candidate->args.size > 1 && !candidate->args.data[0]->location.contains(position))
return std::nullopt;
auto it = module->astTypes.find(candidate->func);
if (!it)
return std::nullopt;
auto performCallback = [&](const FunctionTypeVar* funcType) -> std::optional<AutocompleteEntryMap> {
for (const std::string& tag : funcType->tags)
if (std::optional<AutocompleteEntryMap> ret = callback(tag, getMethodContainingClass(module, candidate->func)))
return ret;
return std::nullopt;
auto followedId = Luau::follow(*it);
if (auto functionType = Luau::get<FunctionTypeVar>(followedId))
return performCallback(functionType);
if (auto intersect = Luau::get<IntersectionTypeVar>(followedId))
for (TypeId part : intersect->parts)
if (auto candidateFunctionType = Luau::get<FunctionTypeVar>(part))
if (std::optional<AutocompleteEntryMap> ret = performCallback(candidateFunctionType))
return ret;
return std::nullopt;
static AutocompleteResult autocomplete(const SourceModule& sourceModule, const ModulePtr& module, const TypeChecker& typeChecker,
TypeArena* typeArena, Position position, StringCompletionCallback callback)
if (isWithinComment(sourceModule, position))
return {};
NotNull<SingletonTypes> singletonTypes = typeChecker.singletonTypes;
std::vector<AstNode*> ancestry = findAncestryAtPositionForAutocomplete(sourceModule, position);
AstNode* node = ancestry.back();
AstExprConstantNil dummy{Location{}};
AstNode* parent = ancestry.size() >= 2 ? ancestry.rbegin()[1] : &dummy;
// If we are inside a body of a function that doesn't have a completed argument list, ignore the body node
if (auto exprFunction = parent->as<AstExprFunction>(); exprFunction && !exprFunction->argLocation && node == exprFunction->body)
node = ancestry.back();
parent = ancestry.size() >= 2 ? ancestry.rbegin()[1] : &dummy;
if (auto indexName = node->as<AstExprIndexName>())
auto it = module->astTypes.find(indexName->expr);
if (!it)
return {};
TypeId ty = follow(*it);
PropIndexType indexType = indexName->op == ':' ? PropIndexType::Colon : PropIndexType::Point;
if (!FFlag::LuauSelfCallAutocompleteFix3 && isString(ty))
return {autocompleteProps(
*module, typeArena, singletonTypes, typeChecker.globalScope->bindings[AstName{"string"}].typeId, indexType, ancestry),
ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Property};
return {autocompleteProps(*module, typeArena, singletonTypes, ty, indexType, ancestry), ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Property};
else if (auto typeReference = node->as<AstTypeReference>())
if (typeReference->prefix)
return {autocompleteModuleTypes(*module, position, typeReference->prefix->value), ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Type};
return {autocompleteTypeNames(*module, position, ancestry), ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Type};
else if (node->is<AstTypeError>())
return {autocompleteTypeNames(*module, position, ancestry), ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Type};
else if (AstStatLocal* statLocal = node->as<AstStatLocal>())
if (statLocal->vars.size == 1 && (!statLocal->equalsSignLocation || position < statLocal->equalsSignLocation->begin))
return {{{"function", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword}}}, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Unknown};
else if (statLocal->equalsSignLocation && position >= statLocal->equalsSignLocation->end)
return autocompleteExpression(sourceModule, *module, typeChecker, typeArena, ancestry, position);
return {};
else if (AstStatFor* statFor = extractStat<AstStatFor>(ancestry))
if (!statFor->hasDo || position < statFor->doLocation.begin)
if (!statFor->from->is<AstExprError>() && !statFor->to->is<AstExprError>() && (!statFor->step || !statFor->step->is<AstExprError>()))
return {{{"do", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword}}}, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Keyword};
if (statFor->from->location.containsClosed(position) || statFor->to->location.containsClosed(position) ||
(statFor->step && statFor->step->location.containsClosed(position)))
return autocompleteExpression(sourceModule, *module, typeChecker, typeArena, ancestry, position);
return {};
return {autocompleteStatement(sourceModule, *module, ancestry, position), ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Statement};
else if (AstStatForIn* statForIn = parent->as<AstStatForIn>(); statForIn && (node->is<AstStatBlock>() || isIdentifier(node)))
if (!statForIn->hasIn || position <= statForIn->inLocation.begin)
AstLocal* lastName = statForIn->vars.data[statForIn->vars.size - 1];
if (lastName->name == kParseNameError || lastName->location.containsClosed(position))
// Here we are either working with a missing binding (as would be the case in a bare "for" keyword) or
// the cursor is still touching a binding name. The user is still typing a new name, so we should not offer
// any suggestions.
return {};
return {{{"in", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword}}}, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Keyword};
if (!statForIn->hasDo || position <= statForIn->doLocation.begin)
LUAU_ASSERT(statForIn->values.size > 0);
AstExpr* lastExpr = statForIn->values.data[statForIn->values.size - 1];
if (lastExpr->location.containsClosed(position))
return autocompleteExpression(sourceModule, *module, typeChecker, typeArena, ancestry, position);
if (position > lastExpr->location.end)
return {{{"do", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword}}}, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Keyword};
return {}; // Not sure what this means
else if (AstStatForIn* statForIn = extractStat<AstStatForIn>(ancestry))
// The AST looks a bit differently if the cursor is at a position where only the "do" keyword is allowed.
// ex "for f in f do"
if (!statForIn->hasDo)
return {{{"do", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword}}}, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Keyword};
return {autocompleteStatement(sourceModule, *module, ancestry, position), ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Statement};
else if (AstStatWhile* statWhile = parent->as<AstStatWhile>(); node->is<AstStatBlock>() && statWhile)
if (!statWhile->hasDo && !statWhile->condition->is<AstStatError>() && position > statWhile->condition->location.end)
return {{{"do", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword}}}, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Keyword};
if (!statWhile->hasDo || position < statWhile->doLocation.begin)
return autocompleteExpression(sourceModule, *module, typeChecker, typeArena, ancestry, position);
if (statWhile->hasDo && position > statWhile->doLocation.end)
return {autocompleteStatement(sourceModule, *module, ancestry, position), ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Statement};
else if (AstStatWhile* statWhile = extractStat<AstStatWhile>(ancestry); statWhile && !statWhile->hasDo)
return {{{"do", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword}}}, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Keyword};
else if (AstStatIf* statIf = node->as<AstStatIf>(); statIf && !statIf->elseLocation.has_value())
return {{{"else", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword}}, {"elseif", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword}}},
ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Keyword};
else if (AstStatIf* statIf = parent->as<AstStatIf>(); statIf && node->is<AstStatBlock>())
if (statIf->condition->is<AstExprError>())
return autocompleteExpression(sourceModule, *module, typeChecker, typeArena, ancestry, position);
else if (!statIf->thenLocation || statIf->thenLocation->containsClosed(position))
return {{{"then", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword}}}, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Keyword};
else if (AstStatIf* statIf = extractStat<AstStatIf>(ancestry);
statIf && (!statIf->thenLocation || statIf->thenLocation->containsClosed(position)))
return {{{"then", AutocompleteEntry{AutocompleteEntryKind::Keyword}}}, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Keyword};
else if (AstStatRepeat* statRepeat = node->as<AstStatRepeat>(); statRepeat && statRepeat->condition->is<AstExprError>())
return autocompleteExpression(sourceModule, *module, typeChecker, typeArena, ancestry, position);
else if (AstStatRepeat* statRepeat = extractStat<AstStatRepeat>(ancestry); statRepeat)
return {autocompleteStatement(sourceModule, *module, ancestry, position), ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Statement};
else if (AstExprTable* exprTable = parent->as<AstExprTable>(); exprTable && (node->is<AstExprGlobal>() || node->is<AstExprConstantString>()))
for (const auto& [kind, key, value] : exprTable->items)
// If item doesn't have a key, maybe the value is actually the key
if (key ? key == node : node->is<AstExprGlobal>() && value == node)
if (auto it = module->astExpectedTypes.find(exprTable))
auto result = autocompleteProps(*module, typeArena, singletonTypes, *it, PropIndexType::Key, ancestry);
// Remove keys that are already completed
for (const auto& item : exprTable->items)
if (!item.key)
if (auto stringKey = item.key->as<AstExprConstantString>())
result.erase(std::string(stringKey->value.data, stringKey->value.size));
// If we know for sure that a key is being written, do not offer general expression suggestions
if (!key)
autocompleteExpression(sourceModule, *module, typeChecker, typeArena, ancestry, position, result);
return {result, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Property};
else if (isIdentifier(node) && (parent->is<AstStatExpr>() || parent->is<AstStatError>()))
return {autocompleteStatement(sourceModule, *module, ancestry, position), ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Statement};
if (std::optional<AutocompleteEntryMap> ret = autocompleteStringParams(sourceModule, module, ancestry, position, callback))
return {*ret, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::String};
else if (node->is<AstExprConstantString>())
AutocompleteEntryMap result;
if (auto it = module->astExpectedTypes.find(node->asExpr()))
autocompleteStringSingleton(*it, false, result);
if (ancestry.size() >= 2)
if (auto idxExpr = ancestry.at(ancestry.size() - 2)->as<AstExprIndexExpr>())
if (auto it = module->astTypes.find(idxExpr->expr))
autocompleteProps(*module, typeArena, singletonTypes, follow(*it), PropIndexType::Point, ancestry, result);
else if (auto binExpr = ancestry.at(ancestry.size() - 2)->as<AstExprBinary>())
if (binExpr->op == AstExprBinary::CompareEq || binExpr->op == AstExprBinary::CompareNe)
if (auto it = module->astTypes.find(node == binExpr->left ? binExpr->right : binExpr->left))
autocompleteStringSingleton(*it, false, result);
return {result, ancestry, AutocompleteContext::String};
if (node->is<AstExprConstantNumber>())
return {};
if (node->asExpr())
return autocompleteExpression(sourceModule, *module, typeChecker, typeArena, ancestry, position);
else if (node->asStat())
return {autocompleteStatement(sourceModule, *module, ancestry, position), ancestry, AutocompleteContext::Statement};
return {};
AutocompleteResult autocomplete(Frontend& frontend, const ModuleName& moduleName, Position position, StringCompletionCallback callback)
// FIXME: We can improve performance here by parsing without checking.
// The old type graph is probably fine. (famous last words!)
FrontendOptions opts;
opts.forAutocomplete = true;
frontend.check(moduleName, opts);
const SourceModule* sourceModule = frontend.getSourceModule(moduleName);
if (!sourceModule)
return {};
TypeChecker& typeChecker = frontend.typeCheckerForAutocomplete;
ModulePtr module = frontend.moduleResolverForAutocomplete.getModule(moduleName);
if (!module)
return {};
AutocompleteResult autocompleteResult = autocomplete(*sourceModule, module, typeChecker, &frontend.arenaForAutocomplete, position, callback);
return autocompleteResult;
} // namespace Luau