Vighnesh-V 3b0e93bec9
Sync to upstream/release/614 (#1173)
# What's changed?
Add program argument passing to scripts run using the Luau REPL! You can
now pass `--program-args` (or shorthand `-a`) to the REPL which will
treat all remaining arguments as arguments to pass to executed scripts.
These values can be accessed through variadic argument expansion. You
can read these values like so:
local args = {...} -- gets you an array of all the arguments
For example if we run the following script like `luau test.lua -a test1
test2 test3`:
-- test.lua
you should get the output:
test1 test2 test3

### Native Code Generation

* Improve A64 lowering for vector operations by using vector
* Fix lowering issue in IR value location tracking! 
- A developer reported a divergence between code run in the VM and
Native Code Generation which we have now fixed

### New Type Solver

* Apply substitution to type families, and emit new constraints to
reduce those further
* More progress on reducing comparison  (`lt/le`)type families
* Resolve two major sources of cyclic types in the new solver

### Miscellaneous
* Turned internal compiler errors (ICE's) into warnings and errors

Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>


Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
2024-02-23 12:08:34 -08:00

1333 lines
37 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Simplify.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/RecursionCounter.h"
#include "Luau/Set.h"
#include "Luau/TypeArena.h"
#include "Luau/TypePairHash.h"
#include "Luau/TypeUtils.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace Luau
using SimplifierSeenSet = Set<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>, TypePairHash>;
struct TypeSimplifier
NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes;
NotNull<TypeArena> arena;
DenseHashSet<TypeId> blockedTypes{nullptr};
int recursionDepth = 0;
TypeId mkNegation(TypeId ty);
TypeId intersectFromParts(std::set<TypeId> parts);
TypeId intersectUnionWithType(TypeId unionTy, TypeId right);
TypeId intersectUnions(TypeId left, TypeId right);
TypeId intersectNegatedUnion(TypeId unionTy, TypeId right);
TypeId intersectTypeWithNegation(TypeId a, TypeId b);
TypeId intersectNegations(TypeId a, TypeId b);
TypeId intersectIntersectionWithType(TypeId left, TypeId right);
// Attempt to intersect the two types. Does not recurse. Does not handle
// unions, intersections, or negations.
std::optional<TypeId> basicIntersect(TypeId left, TypeId right);
TypeId intersect(TypeId ty, TypeId discriminant);
TypeId union_(TypeId ty, TypeId discriminant);
TypeId simplify(TypeId ty);
TypeId simplify(TypeId ty, DenseHashSet<TypeId>& seen);
// Match the exact type false|nil
static bool isFalsyType(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
const UnionType* ut = get<UnionType>(ty);
if (!ut)
return false;
bool hasFalse = false;
bool hasNil = false;
auto it = begin(ut);
if (it == end(ut))
return false;
TypeId t = follow(*it);
if (auto pt = get<PrimitiveType>(t); pt && pt->type == PrimitiveType::NilType)
hasNil = true;
else if (auto st = get<SingletonType>(t); st && st->variant == BooleanSingleton{false})
hasFalse = true;
return false;
if (it == end(ut))
return false;
t = follow(*it);
if (auto pt = get<PrimitiveType>(t); pt && pt->type == PrimitiveType::NilType)
hasNil = true;
else if (auto st = get<SingletonType>(t); st && st->variant == BooleanSingleton{false})
hasFalse = true;
return false;
if (it != end(ut))
return false;
return hasFalse && hasNil;
// Match the exact type ~(false|nil)
bool isTruthyType(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
const NegationType* nt = get<NegationType>(ty);
if (!nt)
return false;
return isFalsyType(nt->ty);
Relation flip(Relation rel)
switch (rel)
case Relation::Subset:
return Relation::Superset;
case Relation::Superset:
return Relation::Subset;
return rel;
// FIXME: I'm not completely certain that this function is theoretically reasonable.
Relation combine(Relation a, Relation b)
switch (a)
case Relation::Disjoint:
switch (b)
case Relation::Disjoint:
return Relation::Disjoint;
case Relation::Coincident:
return Relation::Superset;
case Relation::Intersects:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Subset:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Superset:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Coincident:
switch (b)
case Relation::Disjoint:
return Relation::Coincident;
case Relation::Coincident:
return Relation::Coincident;
case Relation::Intersects:
return Relation::Superset;
case Relation::Subset:
return Relation::Coincident;
case Relation::Superset:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Superset:
switch (b)
case Relation::Disjoint:
return Relation::Superset;
case Relation::Coincident:
return Relation::Superset;
case Relation::Intersects:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Subset:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Superset:
return Relation::Superset;
case Relation::Subset:
switch (b)
case Relation::Disjoint:
return Relation::Subset;
case Relation::Coincident:
return Relation::Coincident;
case Relation::Intersects:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Subset:
return Relation::Subset;
case Relation::Superset:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Intersects:
switch (b)
case Relation::Disjoint:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Coincident:
return Relation::Superset;
case Relation::Intersects:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Subset:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Superset:
return Relation::Intersects;
return Relation::Intersects;
// Given A & B, what is A & ~B?
Relation invert(Relation r)
switch (r)
case Relation::Disjoint:
return Relation::Subset;
case Relation::Coincident:
return Relation::Disjoint;
case Relation::Intersects:
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Subset:
return Relation::Disjoint;
case Relation::Superset:
return Relation::Intersects;
return Relation::Intersects;
static bool isTypeVariable(TypeId ty)
return get<FreeType>(ty) || get<GenericType>(ty) || get<BlockedType>(ty) || get<PendingExpansionType>(ty);
Relation relate(TypeId left, TypeId right, SimplifierSeenSet& seen);
Relation relateTables(TypeId left, TypeId right, SimplifierSeenSet& seen)
NotNull<const TableType> leftTable{get<TableType>(left)};
NotNull<const TableType> rightTable{get<TableType>(right)};
LUAU_ASSERT(1 == rightTable->props.size());
// Disjoint props have nothing in common
// t1 with props p1's cannot appear in t2 and t2 with props p2's cannot appear in t1
bool foundPropFromLeftInRight = std::any_of(begin(leftTable->props), end(leftTable->props),
[&](auto prop)
return rightTable->props.count(prop.first) > 0;
bool foundPropFromRightInLeft = std::any_of(begin(rightTable->props), end(rightTable->props),
[&](auto prop)
return leftTable->props.count(prop.first) > 0;
if (!foundPropFromLeftInRight && !foundPropFromRightInLeft && leftTable->props.size() >= 1 && rightTable->props.size() >= 1)
return Relation::Disjoint;
const auto [propName, rightProp] = *begin(rightTable->props);
auto it = leftTable->props.find(propName);
if (it == leftTable->props.end())
// Every table lacking a property is a supertype of a table having that
// property but the reverse is not true.
return Relation::Superset;
const Property leftProp = it->second;
if (!leftProp.isShared() || !rightProp.isShared())
return Relation::Intersects;
Relation r = relate(leftProp.type(), rightProp.type(), seen);
if (r == Relation::Coincident && 1 != leftTable->props.size())
// eg {tag: "cat", prop: string} & {tag: "cat"}
return Relation::Subset;
return r;
// A cheap and approximate subtype test
Relation relate(TypeId left, TypeId right, SimplifierSeenSet& seen)
// TODO nice to have: Relate functions of equal argument and return arity
left = follow(left);
right = follow(right);
if (left == right)
return Relation::Coincident;
std::pair<TypeId, TypeId> typePair{left, right};
if (!seen.insert(typePair))
// TODO: is this right at all?
// The thinking here is that this is a cycle if we get here, and therefore its coincident.
return Relation::Coincident;
if (get<UnknownType>(left))
if (get<AnyType>(right))
return Relation::Subset;
else if (get<UnknownType>(right))
return Relation::Coincident;
else if (get<ErrorType>(right))
return Relation::Disjoint;
return Relation::Superset;
if (get<UnknownType>(right))
return flip(relate(right, left, seen));
if (get<AnyType>(left))
if (get<AnyType>(right))
return Relation::Coincident;
return Relation::Superset;
if (get<AnyType>(right))
return flip(relate(right, left, seen));
// Type variables
// * FreeType
// * GenericType
// * BlockedType
// * PendingExpansionType
// Tops and bottoms
// * ErrorType
// * AnyType
// * NeverType
// * UnknownType
// Concrete
// * PrimitiveType
// * SingletonType
// * FunctionType
// * TableType
// * MetatableType
// * ClassType
// * UnionType
// * IntersectionType
// * NegationType
if (isTypeVariable(left) || isTypeVariable(right))
return Relation::Intersects;
if (get<ErrorType>(left))
if (get<ErrorType>(right))
return Relation::Coincident;
else if (get<AnyType>(right))
return Relation::Subset;
return Relation::Disjoint;
if (get<ErrorType>(right))
return flip(relate(right, left, seen));
if (get<NeverType>(left))
if (get<NeverType>(right))
return Relation::Coincident;
return Relation::Subset;
if (get<NeverType>(right))
return flip(relate(right, left, seen));
if (auto ut = get<IntersectionType>(left))
return Relation::Intersects;
else if (auto ut = get<IntersectionType>(right))
return Relation::Intersects;
if (auto ut = get<UnionType>(left))
return Relation::Intersects;
else if (auto ut = get<UnionType>(right))
std::vector<Relation> opts;
for (TypeId part : ut)
if (relate(left, part, seen) == Relation::Subset)
return Relation::Subset;
return Relation::Intersects;
if (auto rnt = get<NegationType>(right))
Relation a = relate(left, rnt->ty, seen);
switch (a)
case Relation::Coincident:
// number & ~number
return Relation::Disjoint;
case Relation::Disjoint:
if (get<NegationType>(left))
// ~number & ~string
return Relation::Intersects;
// number & ~string
return Relation::Subset;
case Relation::Intersects:
// ~(false?) & ~boolean
return Relation::Intersects;
case Relation::Subset:
// "hello" & ~string
return Relation::Disjoint;
case Relation::Superset:
// ~function & ~(false?) -> ~function
// boolean & ~(false?) -> true
// string & ~"hello" -> string & ~"hello"
return Relation::Intersects;
else if (get<NegationType>(left))
return flip(relate(right, left, seen));
if (auto lp = get<PrimitiveType>(left))
if (auto rp = get<PrimitiveType>(right))
if (lp->type == rp->type)
return Relation::Coincident;
return Relation::Disjoint;
if (auto rs = get<SingletonType>(right))
if (lp->type == PrimitiveType::String && rs->variant.get_if<StringSingleton>())
return Relation::Superset;
else if (lp->type == PrimitiveType::Boolean && rs->variant.get_if<BooleanSingleton>())
return Relation::Superset;
return Relation::Disjoint;
if (lp->type == PrimitiveType::Function)
if (get<FunctionType>(right))
return Relation::Superset;
return Relation::Disjoint;
if (lp->type == PrimitiveType::Table)
if (get<TableType>(right))
return Relation::Superset;
return Relation::Disjoint;
if (get<FunctionType>(right) || get<TableType>(right) || get<MetatableType>(right) || get<ClassType>(right))
return Relation::Disjoint;
if (auto ls = get<SingletonType>(left))
if (get<FunctionType>(right) || get<TableType>(right) || get<MetatableType>(right) || get<ClassType>(right))
return Relation::Disjoint;
if (get<PrimitiveType>(right))
return flip(relate(right, left, seen));
if (auto rs = get<SingletonType>(right))
if (ls->variant == rs->variant)
return Relation::Coincident;
return Relation::Disjoint;
if (get<FunctionType>(left))
if (auto rp = get<PrimitiveType>(right))
if (rp->type == PrimitiveType::Function)
return Relation::Subset;
return Relation::Disjoint;
return Relation::Intersects;
if (auto lt = get<TableType>(left))
if (auto rp = get<PrimitiveType>(right))
if (rp->type == PrimitiveType::Table)
return Relation::Subset;
return Relation::Disjoint;
else if (auto rt = get<TableType>(right))
// TODO PROBABLY indexers and metatables.
if (1 == rt->props.size())
Relation r = relateTables(left, right, seen);
* A reduction of these intersections is certainly possible, but
* it would require minting new table types. Also, I don't think
* it's super likely for this to arise from a refinement.
* Time will tell!
* ex we simplify this
* {tag: string} & {tag: "cat"}
* but not this
* {tag: string, prop: number} & {tag: "cat"}
if (lt->props.size() > 1 && r == Relation::Superset)
return Relation::Intersects;
return r;
else if (1 == lt->props.size())
return flip(relate(right, left, seen));
return Relation::Intersects;
// TODO metatables
return Relation::Disjoint;
if (auto ct = get<ClassType>(left))
if (auto rct = get<ClassType>(right))
if (isSubclass(ct, rct))
return Relation::Subset;
else if (isSubclass(rct, ct))
return Relation::Superset;
return Relation::Disjoint;
return Relation::Disjoint;
return Relation::Intersects;
// A cheap and approximate subtype test
Relation relate(TypeId left, TypeId right)
SimplifierSeenSet seen{{}};
return relate(left, right, seen);
TypeId TypeSimplifier::mkNegation(TypeId ty)
TypeId result = nullptr;
if (ty == builtinTypes->truthyType)
result = builtinTypes->falsyType;
else if (ty == builtinTypes->falsyType)
result = builtinTypes->truthyType;
else if (auto ntv = get<NegationType>(ty))
result = follow(ntv->ty);
result = arena->addType(NegationType{ty});
return result;
TypeId TypeSimplifier::intersectFromParts(std::set<TypeId> parts)
if (0 == parts.size())
return builtinTypes->neverType;
else if (1 == parts.size())
return *begin(parts);
auto it = begin(parts);
while (it != end(parts))
TypeId t = follow(*it);
auto copy = it;
if (auto ut = get<IntersectionType>(t))
for (TypeId part : ut)
std::set<TypeId> newParts;
* It is possible that the parts of the passed intersection are themselves
* reducable.
* eg false & boolean
* We do a comparison between each pair of types and look for things that we
* can elide.
for (TypeId part : parts)
if (newParts.empty())
auto it = begin(newParts);
while (it != end(newParts))
TypeId p = *it;
switch (relate(part, p))
case Relation::Disjoint:
// eg boolean & string
return builtinTypes->neverType;
case Relation::Subset:
/* part is a subset of p. Remove p from the set and replace it
* with part.
* eg boolean & true
auto saveIt = it;
case Relation::Coincident:
case Relation::Superset:
/* part is coincident or a superset of p. We do not need to
* include part in the final intersection.
* ex true & boolean
case Relation::Intersects:
/* It's complicated! A simplification may still be possible,
* but we have to pull the types apart to figure it out.
* ex boolean & ~false
std::optional<TypeId> simplified = basicIntersect(part, p);
auto saveIt = it;
if (simplified)
if (0 == newParts.size())
return builtinTypes->neverType;
else if (1 == newParts.size())
return *begin(newParts);
return arena->addType(IntersectionType{std::vector<TypeId>{begin(newParts), end(newParts)}});
TypeId TypeSimplifier::intersectUnionWithType(TypeId left, TypeId right)
const UnionType* leftUnion = get<UnionType>(left);
bool changed = false;
std::set<TypeId> newParts;
for (TypeId part : leftUnion)
TypeId simplified = intersect(right, part);
changed |= simplified != part;
if (get<NeverType>(simplified))
changed = true;
if (!changed)
return left;
else if (newParts.empty())
return builtinTypes->neverType;
else if (newParts.size() == 1)
return *begin(newParts);
return arena->addType(UnionType{std::vector<TypeId>(begin(newParts), end(newParts))});
TypeId TypeSimplifier::intersectUnions(TypeId left, TypeId right)
const UnionType* leftUnion = get<UnionType>(left);
const UnionType* rightUnion = get<UnionType>(right);
std::set<TypeId> newParts;
for (TypeId leftPart : leftUnion)
for (TypeId rightPart : rightUnion)
TypeId simplified = intersect(leftPart, rightPart);
if (get<NeverType>(simplified))
if (newParts.empty())
return builtinTypes->neverType;
else if (newParts.size() == 1)
return *begin(newParts);
return arena->addType(UnionType{std::vector<TypeId>(begin(newParts), end(newParts))});
TypeId TypeSimplifier::intersectNegatedUnion(TypeId left, TypeId right)
// ~(A | B) & C
// (~A & C) & (~B & C)
const NegationType* leftNegation = get<NegationType>(left);
TypeId negatedTy = follow(leftNegation->ty);
const UnionType* negatedUnion = get<UnionType>(negatedTy);
bool changed = false;
std::set<TypeId> newParts;
for (TypeId part : negatedUnion)
Relation r = relate(part, right);
switch (r)
case Relation::Disjoint:
// If A is disjoint from B, then ~A & B is just B.
// ~(false?) & true
// (~false & true) & (~nil & true)
// true & true
case Relation::Coincident:
// If A is coincident with or a superset of B, then ~A & B is never.
// ~(false?) & false
// (~false & false) & (~nil & false)
// never & false
// fallthrough
case Relation::Superset:
// If A is a superset of B, then ~A & B is never.
// ~(boolean | nil) & true
// (~boolean & true) & (~boolean & nil)
// never & nil
return builtinTypes->neverType;
case Relation::Subset:
case Relation::Intersects:
// If A is a subset of B, then ~A & B is a bit more complicated. We need to think harder.
// ~(false?) & boolean
// (~false & boolean) & (~nil & boolean)
// true & boolean
TypeId simplified = intersectTypeWithNegation(mkNegation(part), right);
changed |= simplified != right;
if (get<NeverType>(simplified))
changed = true;
if (!changed)
return right;
return intersectFromParts(std::move(newParts));
TypeId TypeSimplifier::intersectTypeWithNegation(TypeId left, TypeId right)
const NegationType* leftNegation = get<NegationType>(left);
TypeId negatedTy = follow(leftNegation->ty);
if (negatedTy == right)
return builtinTypes->neverType;
if (auto ut = get<UnionType>(negatedTy))
// ~(A | B) & C
// (~A & C) & (~B & C)
bool changed = false;
std::set<TypeId> newParts;
for (TypeId part : ut)
Relation r = relate(part, right);
switch (r)
case Relation::Coincident:
// ~(false?) & nil
// (~false & nil) & (~nil & nil)
// nil & never
// fallthrough
case Relation::Superset:
// ~(boolean | string) & true
// (~boolean & true) & (~boolean & string)
// never & string
return builtinTypes->neverType;
case Relation::Disjoint:
// ~nil & boolean
case Relation::Subset:
// ~false & boolean
// fallthrough
case Relation::Intersects:
// FIXME: The mkNegation here is pretty unfortunate.
// Memoizing this will probably be important.
changed = true;
if (!changed)
return right;
return intersectFromParts(std::move(newParts));
if (auto rightUnion = get<UnionType>(right))
// ~A & (B | C)
bool changed = false;
std::set<TypeId> newParts;
for (TypeId part : rightUnion)
Relation r = relate(negatedTy, part);
switch (r)
case Relation::Coincident:
changed = true;
case Relation::Disjoint:
case Relation::Superset:
changed = true;
case Relation::Subset:
// fallthrough
case Relation::Intersects:
changed = true;
newParts.insert(arena->addType(IntersectionType{{left, part}}));
if (!changed)
return right;
else if (0 == newParts.size())
return builtinTypes->neverType;
else if (1 == newParts.size())
return *begin(newParts);
return arena->addType(UnionType{std::vector<TypeId>{begin(newParts), end(newParts)}});
if (auto pt = get<PrimitiveType>(right); pt && pt->type == PrimitiveType::Boolean)
if (auto st = get<SingletonType>(negatedTy))
if (st->variant == BooleanSingleton{true})
return builtinTypes->falseType;
else if (st->variant == BooleanSingleton{false})
return builtinTypes->trueType;
// boolean & ~"hello"
return builtinTypes->booleanType;
Relation r = relate(negatedTy, right);
switch (r)
case Relation::Disjoint:
// ~boolean & string
return right;
case Relation::Coincident:
// ~string & string
// fallthrough
case Relation::Superset:
// ~string & "hello"
return builtinTypes->neverType;
case Relation::Subset:
// ~string & unknown
// ~"hello" & string
// fallthrough
case Relation::Intersects:
// ~("hello" | boolean) & string
// fallthrough
return arena->addType(IntersectionType{{left, right}});
TypeId TypeSimplifier::intersectNegations(TypeId left, TypeId right)
const NegationType* leftNegation = get<NegationType>(left);
if (get<UnionType>(follow(leftNegation->ty)))
return intersectNegatedUnion(left, right);
const NegationType* rightNegation = get<NegationType>(right);
if (get<UnionType>(follow(rightNegation->ty)))
return intersectNegatedUnion(right, left);
Relation r = relate(leftNegation->ty, rightNegation->ty);
switch (r)
case Relation::Coincident:
// ~true & ~true
return left;
case Relation::Subset:
// ~true & ~boolean
return right;
case Relation::Superset:
// ~boolean & ~true
return left;
case Relation::Intersects:
case Relation::Disjoint:
// ~boolean & ~string
return arena->addType(IntersectionType{{left, right}});
TypeId TypeSimplifier::intersectIntersectionWithType(TypeId left, TypeId right)
const IntersectionType* leftIntersection = get<IntersectionType>(left);
bool changed = false;
std::set<TypeId> newParts;
for (TypeId part : leftIntersection)
Relation r = relate(part, right);
switch (r)
case Relation::Disjoint:
return builtinTypes->neverType;
case Relation::Coincident:
case Relation::Subset:
case Relation::Superset:
changed = true;
changed = true;
// It is sometimes the case that an intersection operation will result in
// clipping a free type from the result.
// eg (number & 'a) & string --> never
// We want to only report the free types that are part of the result.
for (TypeId part : newParts)
if (isTypeVariable(part))
if (!changed)
return left;
return intersectFromParts(std::move(newParts));
std::optional<TypeId> TypeSimplifier::basicIntersect(TypeId left, TypeId right)
if (get<AnyType>(left))
return right;
if (get<AnyType>(right))
return left;
if (get<NeverType>(left))
return left;
if (get<NeverType>(right))
return right;
if (auto pt = get<PrimitiveType>(left); pt && pt->type == PrimitiveType::Boolean)
if (auto st = get<SingletonType>(right); st && st->variant.get_if<BooleanSingleton>())
return right;
if (auto nt = get<NegationType>(right))
if (auto st = get<SingletonType>(follow(nt->ty)); st && st->variant.get_if<BooleanSingleton>())
if (st->variant == BooleanSingleton{true})
return builtinTypes->falseType;
return builtinTypes->trueType;
else if (auto pt = get<PrimitiveType>(right); pt && pt->type == PrimitiveType::Boolean)
if (auto st = get<SingletonType>(left); st && st->variant.get_if<BooleanSingleton>())
return left;
if (auto nt = get<NegationType>(left))
if (auto st = get<SingletonType>(follow(nt->ty)); st && st->variant.get_if<BooleanSingleton>())
if (st->variant == BooleanSingleton{true})
return builtinTypes->falseType;
return builtinTypes->trueType;
if (const auto [lt, rt] = get2<TableType, TableType>(left, right); lt && rt)
if (1 == lt->props.size())
const auto [propName, leftProp] = *begin(lt->props);
auto it = rt->props.find(propName);
if (it != rt->props.end() && leftProp.isShared() && it->second.isShared())
Relation r = relate(leftProp.type(), it->second.type());
switch (r)
case Relation::Disjoint:
return builtinTypes->neverType;
case Relation::Coincident:
return right;
else if (1 == rt->props.size())
return basicIntersect(right, left);
Relation relation = relate(left, right);
if (left == right || Relation::Coincident == relation)
return left;
if (relation == Relation::Disjoint)
return builtinTypes->neverType;
else if (relation == Relation::Subset)
return left;
else if (relation == Relation::Superset)
return right;
return std::nullopt;
TypeId TypeSimplifier::intersect(TypeId left, TypeId right)
RecursionLimiter rl(&recursionDepth, 15);
left = simplify(left);
right = simplify(right);
if (get<AnyType>(left))
return right;
if (get<AnyType>(right))
return left;
if (get<NeverType>(left))
return left;
if (get<NeverType>(right))
return right;
if (auto lf = get<FreeType>(left))
Relation r = relate(lf->upperBound, right);
if (r == Relation::Subset || r == Relation::Coincident)
return left;
else if (auto rf = get<FreeType>(right))
Relation r = relate(left, rf->upperBound);
if (r == Relation::Superset || r == Relation::Coincident)
return right;
if (isTypeVariable(left))
return arena->addType(IntersectionType{{left, right}});
if (isTypeVariable(right))
return arena->addType(IntersectionType{{left, right}});
if (auto ut = get<UnionType>(left))
if (get<UnionType>(right))
return intersectUnions(left, right);
return intersectUnionWithType(left, right);
else if (auto ut = get<UnionType>(right))
return intersectUnionWithType(right, left);
if (auto it = get<IntersectionType>(left))
return intersectIntersectionWithType(left, right);
else if (auto it = get<IntersectionType>(right))
return intersectIntersectionWithType(right, left);
if (get<NegationType>(left))
if (get<NegationType>(right))
return intersectNegations(left, right);
return intersectTypeWithNegation(left, right);
else if (get<NegationType>(right))
return intersectTypeWithNegation(right, left);
std::optional<TypeId> res = basicIntersect(left, right);
if (res)
return *res;
return arena->addType(IntersectionType{{left, right}});
TypeId TypeSimplifier::union_(TypeId left, TypeId right)
RecursionLimiter rl(&recursionDepth, 15);
left = simplify(left);
right = simplify(right);
if (get<NeverType>(left))
return right;
if (get<NeverType>(right))
return left;
if (auto leftUnion = get<UnionType>(left))
bool changed = false;
std::set<TypeId> newParts;
for (TypeId part : leftUnion)
if (get<NeverType>(part))
changed = true;
Relation r = relate(part, right);
switch (r)
case Relation::Coincident:
case Relation::Superset:
return left;
changed = true;
if (!changed)
return left;
if (1 == newParts.size())
return *begin(newParts);
return arena->addType(UnionType{std::vector<TypeId>{begin(newParts), end(newParts)}});
else if (get<UnionType>(right))
return union_(right, left);
Relation r = relate(left, right);
if (left == right || r == Relation::Coincident || r == Relation::Superset)
return left;
if (r == Relation::Subset)
return right;
if (auto as = get<SingletonType>(left))
if (auto abs = as->variant.get_if<BooleanSingleton>())
if (auto bs = get<SingletonType>(right))
if (auto bbs = bs->variant.get_if<BooleanSingleton>())
if (abs->value != bbs->value)
return builtinTypes->booleanType;
return arena->addType(UnionType{{left, right}});
TypeId TypeSimplifier::simplify(TypeId ty)
DenseHashSet<TypeId> seen{nullptr};
return simplify(ty, seen);
TypeId TypeSimplifier::simplify(TypeId ty, DenseHashSet<TypeId>& seen)
RecursionLimiter limiter(&recursionDepth, 60);
ty = follow(ty);
if (seen.find(ty))
return ty;
if (auto nt = get<NegationType>(ty))
TypeId negatedTy = follow(nt->ty);
if (get<AnyType>(negatedTy))
return builtinTypes->neverType;
else if (get<NeverType>(negatedTy))
return builtinTypes->anyType;
if (auto nnt = get<NegationType>(negatedTy))
return simplify(nnt->ty, seen);
// Promote {x: never} to never
if (auto tt = get<TableType>(ty))
if (1 == tt->props.size())
if (std::optional<TypeId> readTy = begin(tt->props)->second.readTy)
TypeId propTy = simplify(*readTy, seen);
if (get<NeverType>(propTy))
return builtinTypes->neverType;
return ty;
SimplifyResult simplifyIntersection(NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, NotNull<TypeArena> arena, TypeId left, TypeId right)
TypeSimplifier s{builtinTypes, arena};
// fprintf(stderr, "Intersect %s and %s ...\n", toString(left).c_str(), toString(right).c_str());
TypeId res = s.intersect(left, right);
// fprintf(stderr, "Intersect %s and %s -> %s\n", toString(left).c_str(), toString(right).c_str(), toString(res).c_str());
return SimplifyResult{res, std::move(s.blockedTypes)};
SimplifyResult simplifyUnion(NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, NotNull<TypeArena> arena, TypeId left, TypeId right)
TypeSimplifier s{builtinTypes, arena};
TypeId res = s.union_(left, right);
// fprintf(stderr, "Union %s and %s -> %s\n", toString(left).c_str(), toString(right).c_str(), toString(res).c_str());
return SimplifyResult{res, std::move(s.blockedTypes)};
} // namespace Luau