2025-01-10 09:13:13 -08:00

325 lines
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// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Module.h"
#include "Luau/Clone.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include "Luau/ConstraintGenerator.h"
#include "Luau/Normalize.h"
#include "Luau/RecursionCounter.h"
#include "Luau/Scope.h"
#include "Luau/Type.h"
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include "Luau/VisitType.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace Luau
static bool contains_DEPRECATED(Position pos, Comment comment)
if (comment.location.contains(pos))
return true;
else if (comment.type == Lexeme::BrokenComment && comment.location.begin <= pos) // Broken comments are broken specifically because they don't
// have an end
return true;
else if (comment.type == Lexeme::Comment && comment.location.end == pos)
return true;
return false;
static bool contains(Position pos, Comment comment)
if (comment.location.contains(pos))
return true;
else if (comment.type == Lexeme::BrokenComment && comment.location.begin <= pos) // Broken comments are broken specifically because they don't
// have an end
return true;
// comments actually span the whole line - in incremental mode, we could pass a cursor outside of the current parsed comment range span, but it
// would still be 'within' the comment So, the cursor must be on the same line and the comment itself must come strictly after the `begin`
else if (comment.type == Lexeme::Comment && comment.location.end.line == pos.line && comment.location.begin <= pos)
return true;
return false;
bool isWithinComment(const std::vector<Comment>& commentLocations, Position pos)
auto iter = std::lower_bound(
Comment{Lexeme::Comment, Location{pos, pos}},
[](const Comment& a, const Comment& b)
if (FFlag::LuauIncrementalAutocompleteCommentDetection)
if (a.type == Lexeme::Comment)
return a.location.end.line < b.location.end.line;
return a.location.end < b.location.end;
if (iter == commentLocations.end())
return false;
if (FFlag::LuauIncrementalAutocompleteCommentDetection ? contains(pos, *iter) : contains_DEPRECATED(pos, *iter))
return true;
// Due to the nature of std::lower_bound, it is possible that iter points at a comment that ends
// at pos. We'll try the next comment, if it exists.
if (iter == commentLocations.end())
return false;
return contains(pos, *iter);
bool isWithinComment(const SourceModule& sourceModule, Position pos)
return isWithinComment(sourceModule.commentLocations, pos);
bool isWithinComment(const ParseResult& result, Position pos)
return isWithinComment(result.commentLocations, pos);
struct ClonePublicInterface : Substitution
NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes;
NotNull<Module> module;
ClonePublicInterface(const TxnLog* log, NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, Module* module)
: Substitution(log, &module->interfaceTypes)
, builtinTypes(builtinTypes)
, module(module)
bool isDirty(TypeId ty) override
if (ty->owningArena == &module->internalTypes)
return true;
if (const FunctionType* ftv = get<FunctionType>(ty))
return ftv->level.level != 0;
if (const TableType* ttv = get<TableType>(ty))
return ttv->level.level != 0;
return false;
bool isDirty(TypePackId tp) override
return tp->owningArena == &module->internalTypes;
bool ignoreChildrenVisit(TypeId ty) override
if (ty->owningArena != &module->internalTypes)
return true;
return false;
bool ignoreChildrenVisit(TypePackId tp) override
if (tp->owningArena != &module->internalTypes)
return true;
return false;
TypeId clean(TypeId ty) override
TypeId result = clone(ty);
if (FunctionType* ftv = getMutable<FunctionType>(result))
if (ftv->generics.empty() && ftv->genericPacks.empty())
GenericTypeFinder marker;
if (!marker.found)
ftv->hasNoFreeOrGenericTypes = true;
ftv->level = TypeLevel{0, 0};
if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2)
ftv->scope = nullptr;
else if (TableType* ttv = getMutable<TableType>(result))
ttv->level = TypeLevel{0, 0};
if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2)
ttv->scope = nullptr;
if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2)
if (auto freety = getMutable<FreeType>(result))
InternalError{"Free type is escaping its module; please report this bug at "
result = builtinTypes->errorRecoveryType();
else if (auto genericty = getMutable<GenericType>(result))
genericty->scope = nullptr;
return result;
TypePackId clean(TypePackId tp) override
if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2)
auto clonedTp = clone(tp);
if (auto ftp = getMutable<FreeTypePack>(clonedTp))
InternalError{"Free type pack is escaping its module; please report this bug at "
clonedTp = builtinTypes->errorRecoveryTypePack();
else if (auto gtp = getMutable<GenericTypePack>(clonedTp))
gtp->scope = nullptr;
return clonedTp;
return clone(tp);
TypeId cloneType(TypeId ty)
std::optional<TypeId> result = substitute(ty);
if (result)
return *result;
module->errors.push_back(TypeError{module->scopes[0].first, UnificationTooComplex{}});
return builtinTypes->errorRecoveryType();
TypePackId cloneTypePack(TypePackId tp)
std::optional<TypePackId> result = substitute(tp);
if (result)
return *result;
module->errors.push_back(TypeError{module->scopes[0].first, UnificationTooComplex{}});
return builtinTypes->errorRecoveryTypePack();
TypeFun cloneTypeFun(const TypeFun& tf)
std::vector<GenericTypeDefinition> typeParams;
std::vector<GenericTypePackDefinition> typePackParams;
for (GenericTypeDefinition typeParam : tf.typeParams)
TypeId ty = cloneType(typeParam.ty);
std::optional<TypeId> defaultValue;
if (typeParam.defaultValue)
defaultValue = cloneType(*typeParam.defaultValue);
typeParams.push_back(GenericTypeDefinition{ty, defaultValue});
for (GenericTypePackDefinition typePackParam : tf.typePackParams)
TypePackId tp = cloneTypePack(;
std::optional<TypePackId> defaultValue;
if (typePackParam.defaultValue)
defaultValue = cloneTypePack(*typePackParam.defaultValue);
typePackParams.push_back(GenericTypePackDefinition{tp, defaultValue});
TypeId type = cloneType(tf.type);
return TypeFun{typeParams, typePackParams, type};
void Module::clonePublicInterface(NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, InternalErrorReporter& ice)
CloneState cloneState{builtinTypes};
ScopePtr moduleScope = getModuleScope();
TypePackId returnType = moduleScope->returnType;
std::optional<TypePackId> varargPack = FFlag::LuauSolverV2 ? std::nullopt : moduleScope->varargPack;
TxnLog log;
ClonePublicInterface clonePublicInterface{&log, builtinTypes, this};
returnType = clonePublicInterface.cloneTypePack(returnType);
moduleScope->returnType = returnType;
if (varargPack)
varargPack = clonePublicInterface.cloneTypePack(*varargPack);
moduleScope->varargPack = varargPack;
for (auto& [name, tf] : moduleScope->exportedTypeBindings)
tf = clonePublicInterface.cloneTypeFun(tf);
for (auto& [name, ty] : declaredGlobals)
ty = clonePublicInterface.cloneType(ty);
// Copy external stuff over to Module itself
this->returnType = moduleScope->returnType;
this->exportedTypeBindings = moduleScope->exportedTypeBindings;
bool Module::hasModuleScope() const
return !scopes.empty();
ScopePtr Module::getModuleScope() const
return scopes.front().second;
} // namespace Luau