mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 19:21:42 +00:00

* New `vector` library! See https://rfcs.luau.org/vector-library.html for details * Replace the use of non-portable `strnlen` with `memchr`. `strnlen` is not part of any C or C++ standard. * Introduce `lua_newuserdatataggedwithmetatable` for faster tagged userdata creation of userdata with metatables registered with `lua_setuserdatametatable` Old Solver * It used to be the case that a module's result type would unconditionally be inferred to be `any` if it imported any module that participates in any import cycle. This is now fixed. New Solver * Improve inference of `table.freeze`: We now infer read-only properties on tables after they have been frozen. * We now correctly flag cases where `string.format` is called with 0 arguments. * Fix a bug in user-defined type functions where table properties could be lost if the table had a metatable * Reset the random number seed for each evaluation of a type function * We now retry subtyping arguments if it failed due to hidden variadics. --------- Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <aaronweiss@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <amccord@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Vighnesh <vvijay@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <agoel@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: David Cope <dcope@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <lbrown@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Junseo Yoo <jyoo@roblox.com>
6513 lines
226 KiB
6513 lines
226 KiB
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/ApplyTypeFunction.h"
#include "Luau/Cancellation.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include "Luau/Instantiation.h"
#include "Luau/ModuleResolver.h"
#include "Luau/Normalize.h"
#include "Luau/Quantify.h"
#include "Luau/RecursionCounter.h"
#include "Luau/Scope.h"
#include "Luau/Substitution.h"
#include "Luau/TimeTrace.h"
#include "Luau/TopoSortStatements.h"
#include "Luau/ToString.h"
#include "Luau/ToString.h"
#include "Luau/Type.h"
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include "Luau/TypeUtils.h"
#include "Luau/VisitType.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit, 165)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauTypeInferIterationLimit, 20000)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauTypeInferTypePackLoopLimit, 5000)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauCheckRecursionLimit, 300)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauVisitRecursionLimit, 500)
namespace Luau
static bool typeCouldHaveMetatable(TypeId ty)
return get<TableType>(follow(ty)) || get<ClassType>(follow(ty)) || get<MetatableType>(follow(ty));
static void defaultLuauPrintLine(const std::string& s)
printf("%s\n", s.c_str());
PrintLineProc luauPrintLine = &defaultLuauPrintLine;
void setPrintLine(PrintLineProc pl)
luauPrintLine = pl;
void resetPrintLine()
luauPrintLine = &defaultLuauPrintLine;
bool doesCallError(const AstExprCall* call)
const AstExprGlobal* global = call->func->as<AstExprGlobal>();
if (!global)
return false;
if (global->name == "error")
return true;
else if (global->name == "assert")
// assert() will error because it is missing the first argument
if (call->args.size == 0)
return true;
if (AstExprConstantBool* expr = call->args.data[0]->as<AstExprConstantBool>())
if (!expr->value)
return true;
return false;
bool hasBreak(AstStat* node)
if (AstStatBlock* stat = node->as<AstStatBlock>())
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->body.size; ++i)
if (hasBreak(stat->body.data[i]))
return true;
return false;
else if (node->is<AstStatBreak>())
return true;
else if (AstStatIf* stat = node->as<AstStatIf>())
if (hasBreak(stat->thenbody))
return true;
if (stat->elsebody && hasBreak(stat->elsebody))
return true;
return false;
return false;
// returns the last statement before the block exits, or nullptr if the block never exits
const AstStat* getFallthrough(const AstStat* node)
if (const AstStatBlock* stat = node->as<AstStatBlock>())
if (stat->body.size == 0)
return stat;
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->body.size - 1; ++i)
if (getFallthrough(stat->body.data[i]) == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return getFallthrough(stat->body.data[stat->body.size - 1]);
else if (const AstStatIf* stat = node->as<AstStatIf>())
if (const AstStat* thenf = getFallthrough(stat->thenbody))
return thenf;
if (stat->elsebody)
if (const AstStat* elsef = getFallthrough(stat->elsebody))
return elsef;
return nullptr;
return stat;
else if (node->is<AstStatReturn>())
return nullptr;
else if (const AstStatExpr* stat = node->as<AstStatExpr>())
if (AstExprCall* call = stat->expr->as<AstExprCall>())
if (doesCallError(call))
return nullptr;
return stat;
else if (const AstStatWhile* stat = node->as<AstStatWhile>())
if (AstExprConstantBool* expr = stat->condition->as<AstExprConstantBool>())
if (expr->value && !hasBreak(stat->body))
return nullptr;
return node;
else if (const AstStatRepeat* stat = node->as<AstStatRepeat>())
if (AstExprConstantBool* expr = stat->condition->as<AstExprConstantBool>())
if (!expr->value && !hasBreak(stat->body))
return nullptr;
if (getFallthrough(stat->body) == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return node;
return node;
static bool isMetamethod(const Name& name)
return name == "__index" || name == "__newindex" || name == "__call" || name == "__concat" || name == "__unm" || name == "__add" ||
name == "__sub" || name == "__mul" || name == "__div" || name == "__mod" || name == "__pow" || name == "__tostring" ||
name == "__metatable" || name == "__eq" || name == "__lt" || name == "__le" || name == "__mode" || name == "__iter" || name == "__len" ||
name == "__idiv";
size_t HashBoolNamePair::operator()(const std::pair<bool, Name>& pair) const
return std::hash<bool>()(pair.first) ^ std::hash<Name>()(pair.second);
TypeChecker::TypeChecker(const ScopePtr& globalScope, ModuleResolver* resolver, NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, InternalErrorReporter* iceHandler)
: globalScope(globalScope)
, resolver(resolver)
, builtinTypes(builtinTypes)
, iceHandler(iceHandler)
, unifierState(iceHandler)
, normalizer(nullptr, builtinTypes, NotNull{&unifierState})
, reusableInstantiation(TxnLog::empty(), nullptr, builtinTypes, {}, nullptr)
, nilType(builtinTypes->nilType)
, numberType(builtinTypes->numberType)
, stringType(builtinTypes->stringType)
, booleanType(builtinTypes->booleanType)
, threadType(builtinTypes->threadType)
, bufferType(builtinTypes->bufferType)
, anyType(builtinTypes->anyType)
, unknownType(builtinTypes->unknownType)
, neverType(builtinTypes->neverType)
, anyTypePack(builtinTypes->anyTypePack)
, neverTypePack(builtinTypes->neverTypePack)
, uninhabitableTypePack(builtinTypes->uninhabitableTypePack)
, duplicateTypeAliases{{false, {}}}
ModulePtr TypeChecker::check(const SourceModule& module, Mode mode, std::optional<ScopePtr> environmentScope)
return checkWithoutRecursionCheck(module, mode, environmentScope);
catch (const RecursionLimitException&)
return std::move(currentModule);
ModulePtr TypeChecker::checkWithoutRecursionCheck(const SourceModule& module, Mode mode, std::optional<ScopePtr> environmentScope)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("TypeChecker::check", "TypeChecker");
LUAU_TIMETRACE_ARGUMENT("module", module.name.c_str());
LUAU_TIMETRACE_ARGUMENT("name", module.humanReadableName.c_str());
currentModule.reset(new Module);
currentModule->name = module.name;
currentModule->humanReadableName = module.humanReadableName;
currentModule->internalTypes.owningModule = currentModule.get();
currentModule->interfaceTypes.owningModule = currentModule.get();
currentModule->type = module.type;
currentModule->allocator = module.allocator;
currentModule->names = module.names;
iceHandler->moduleName = module.name;
normalizer.arena = ¤tModule->internalTypes;
unifierState.counters.recursionLimit = FInt::LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit;
unifierState.counters.iterationLimit = unifierIterationLimit ? *unifierIterationLimit : FInt::LuauTypeInferIterationLimit;
ScopePtr parentScope = environmentScope.value_or(globalScope);
ScopePtr moduleScope = std::make_shared<Scope>(parentScope);
if (FFlag::LuauRequireCyclesDontAlwaysReturnAny)
moduleScope->returnType = freshTypePack(moduleScope);
if (module.cyclic)
moduleScope->returnType = addTypePack(TypePack{{anyType}, std::nullopt});
moduleScope->returnType = freshTypePack(moduleScope);
moduleScope->varargPack = anyTypePack;
currentModule->scopes.push_back(std::make_pair(module.root->location, moduleScope));
currentModule->mode = mode;
if (prepareModuleScope)
prepareModuleScope(currentModule->name, currentModule->getModuleScope());
checkBlock(moduleScope, *module.root);
catch (const TimeLimitError&)
currentModule->timeout = true;
catch (const UserCancelError&)
currentModule->cancelled = true;
if (get<FreeTypePack>(follow(moduleScope->returnType)))
moduleScope->returnType = addTypePack(TypePack{{}, std::nullopt});
moduleScope->returnType = anyify(moduleScope, moduleScope->returnType, Location{});
moduleScope->returnType = anyifyModuleReturnTypePackGenerics(moduleScope->returnType);
for (auto& [_, typeFun] : moduleScope->exportedTypeBindings)
typeFun.type = anyify(moduleScope, typeFun.type, Location{});
// Clear the normalizer caches, since they contain types from the internal type surface
normalizer.arena = nullptr;
currentModule->clonePublicInterface(builtinTypes, *iceHandler);
// Clear unifier cache since it's keyed off internal types that get deallocated
// This avoids fake cross-module cache hits and keeps cache size at bay when typechecking large module graphs.
return std::move(currentModule);
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStat& program)
if (finishTime && TimeTrace::getClock() > *finishTime)
if (cancellationToken && cancellationToken->requested())
if (auto block = program.as<AstStatBlock>())
return check(scope, *block);
else if (auto if_ = program.as<AstStatIf>())
return check(scope, *if_);
else if (auto while_ = program.as<AstStatWhile>())
return check(scope, *while_);
else if (auto repeat = program.as<AstStatRepeat>())
return check(scope, *repeat);
else if (program.is<AstStatBreak>())
return ControlFlow::Breaks;
else if (program.is<AstStatContinue>())
return ControlFlow::Continues;
else if (auto return_ = program.as<AstStatReturn>())
return check(scope, *return_);
else if (auto expr = program.as<AstStatExpr>())
checkExprPack(scope, *expr->expr);
if (auto call = expr->expr->as<AstExprCall>(); call && doesCallError(call))
return ControlFlow::Throws;
return ControlFlow::None;
else if (auto local = program.as<AstStatLocal>())
return check(scope, *local);
else if (auto for_ = program.as<AstStatFor>())
return check(scope, *for_);
else if (auto forIn = program.as<AstStatForIn>())
return check(scope, *forIn);
else if (auto assign = program.as<AstStatAssign>())
return check(scope, *assign);
else if (auto assign = program.as<AstStatCompoundAssign>())
return check(scope, *assign);
else if (program.is<AstStatFunction>())
ice("Should not be calling two-argument check() on a function statement", program.location);
else if (program.is<AstStatLocalFunction>())
ice("Should not be calling two-argument check() on a function statement", program.location);
else if (auto typealias = program.as<AstStatTypeAlias>())
return check(scope, *typealias);
else if (auto typefunction = program.as<AstStatTypeFunction>())
return check(scope, *typefunction);
else if (auto global = program.as<AstStatDeclareGlobal>())
TypeId globalType = resolveType(scope, *global->type);
Name globalName(global->name.value);
currentModule->declaredGlobals[globalName] = globalType;
currentModule->getModuleScope()->bindings[global->name] = Binding{globalType, global->location};
return ControlFlow::None;
else if (auto global = program.as<AstStatDeclareFunction>())
return check(scope, *global);
else if (auto global = program.as<AstStatDeclareClass>())
return check(scope, *global);
else if (auto errorStatement = program.as<AstStatError>())
const size_t oldSize = currentModule->errors.size();
for (AstStat* s : errorStatement->statements)
check(scope, *s);
for (AstExpr* expr : errorStatement->expressions)
checkExpr(scope, *expr);
// HACK: We want to run typechecking on the contents of the AstStatError, but
// we don't think the type errors will be useful most of the time.
return ControlFlow::None;
ice("Unknown AstStat");
// This particular overload is for do...end. If you need to not increase the scope level, use checkBlock directly.
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatBlock& block)
ScopePtr child = childScope(scope, block.location);
ControlFlow flow = checkBlock(child, block);
return flow;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::checkBlock(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatBlock& block)
RecursionCounter _rc(&checkRecursionCount);
if (FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit > 0 && checkRecursionCount >= FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit)
return ControlFlow::None;
return checkBlockWithoutRecursionCheck(scope, block);
catch (const RecursionLimitException&)
return ControlFlow::None;
struct InplaceDemoter : TypeOnceVisitor
TypeLevel newLevel;
TypeArena* arena;
InplaceDemoter(TypeLevel level, TypeArena* arena)
: TypeOnceVisitor(/* skipBoundTypes= */ true)
, newLevel(level)
, arena(arena)
bool demote(TypeId ty)
if (auto level = getMutableLevel(ty))
if (level->subsumesStrict(newLevel))
*level = newLevel;
return true;
return false;
bool visit(TypeId ty) override
if (ty->owningArena != arena)
return false;
return demote(ty);
bool visit(TypePackId tp, const FreeTypePack& ftpRef) override
if (tp->owningArena != arena)
return false;
FreeTypePack* ftp = &const_cast<FreeTypePack&>(ftpRef);
if (ftp->level.subsumesStrict(newLevel))
ftp->level = newLevel;
return true;
return false;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::checkBlockWithoutRecursionCheck(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatBlock& block)
int subLevel = 0;
std::vector<AstStat*> sorted(block.body.data, block.body.data + block.body.size);
for (const auto& stat : sorted)
if (const auto& typealias = stat->as<AstStatTypeAlias>())
prototype(scope, *typealias, subLevel);
else if (const auto& declaredClass = stat->as<AstStatDeclareClass>())
prototype(scope, *declaredClass);
auto protoIter = sorted.begin();
auto checkIter = sorted.begin();
std::unordered_map<AstStat*, std::pair<TypeId, ScopePtr>> functionDecls;
auto checkBody = [&](AstStat* stat)
if (auto fun = stat->as<AstStatFunction>())
auto [funTy, funScope] = functionDecls[stat];
check(scope, funTy, funScope, *fun);
else if (auto fun = stat->as<AstStatLocalFunction>())
auto [funTy, funScope] = functionDecls[stat];
check(scope, funTy, funScope, *fun);
std::optional<ControlFlow> firstFlow;
while (protoIter != sorted.end())
// protoIter walks forward
// If it contains a function call (function bodies don't count), walk checkIter forward until it catches up with protoIter
// For each element checkIter sees, check function bodies and unify the computed type with the prototype
// If it is a function definition, add its prototype to the environment
// If it is anything else, check it.
// A subtlety is caused by mutually recursive functions, e.g.
// ```
// function f(x) return g(x) end
// function g(x) return f(x) end
// ```
// These both call each other, so `f` will be ordered before `g`, so the call to `g`
// is typechecked before `g` has had its body checked. For this reason, there's three
// types for each function: before its body is checked, during checking its body,
// and after its body is checked.
// We currently treat the before-type and the during-type as the same,
// which can result in some oddness, as the before-type is usually a monotype,
// and the after-type is often a polytype. For example:
// ```
// function f(x) local x: number = g(37) return x end
// function g(x) return f(x) end
// ```
// The before-type of g is `(X)->Y...` but during type-checking of `f` we will
// unify that with `(number)->number`. The types end up being
// ```
// function f<a>(x:a):a local x: number = g(37) return x end
// function g(x:number):number return f(x) end
// ```
if (containsFunctionCallOrReturn(**protoIter))
while (checkIter != protoIter)
// We do check the current element, so advance checkIter beyond it.
ControlFlow flow = check(scope, **protoIter);
if (flow != ControlFlow::None && !firstFlow)
firstFlow = flow;
else if (auto fun = (*protoIter)->as<AstStatFunction>())
std::optional<TypeId> selfType; // TODO clip
std::optional<TypeId> expectedType;
if (!fun->func->self)
if (auto name = fun->name->as<AstExprIndexName>())
TypeId exprTy = checkExpr(scope, *name->expr).type;
expectedType = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, exprTy, name->index.value, name->indexLocation, /* addErrors= */ false);
auto pair = checkFunctionSignature(scope, subLevel, *fun->func, fun->name->location, selfType, expectedType);
auto [funTy, funScope] = pair;
functionDecls[*protoIter] = pair;
TypeId leftType = follow(checkFunctionName(scope, *fun->name, funScope->level));
unify(funTy, leftType, scope, fun->location);
else if (auto fun = (*protoIter)->as<AstStatLocalFunction>())
auto pair = checkFunctionSignature(scope, subLevel, *fun->func, fun->name->location, std::nullopt, std::nullopt);
auto [funTy, funScope] = pair;
functionDecls[*protoIter] = pair;
scope->bindings[fun->name] = {funTy, fun->name->location};
ControlFlow flow = check(scope, **protoIter);
if (flow != ControlFlow::None && !firstFlow)
firstFlow = flow;
while (checkIter != sorted.end())
checkBlockTypeAliases(scope, sorted);
return firstFlow.value_or(ControlFlow::None);
LUAU_NOINLINE void TypeChecker::checkBlockTypeAliases(const ScopePtr& scope, std::vector<AstStat*>& sorted)
for (const auto& stat : sorted)
if (const auto& typealias = stat->as<AstStatTypeAlias>())
if (typealias->name == kParseNameError || typealias->name == "typeof")
auto& bindings = typealias->exported ? scope->exportedTypeBindings : scope->privateTypeBindings;
Name name = typealias->name.value;
if (duplicateTypeAliases.contains({typealias->exported, name}))
TypeId type = follow(bindings[name].type);
if (get<FreeType>(type))
reportError(TypeError{typealias->location, OccursCheckFailed{}});
static std::optional<Predicate> tryGetTypeGuardPredicate(const AstExprBinary& expr)
if (expr.op != AstExprBinary::Op::CompareEq && expr.op != AstExprBinary::Op::CompareNe)
return std::nullopt;
AstExpr* left = expr.left;
AstExpr* right = expr.right;
if (left->as<AstExprConstantString>())
std::swap(left, right);
AstExprConstantString* str = right->as<AstExprConstantString>();
if (!str)
return std::nullopt;
AstExprCall* call = left->as<AstExprCall>();
if (!call)
return std::nullopt;
AstExprGlobal* callee = call->func->as<AstExprGlobal>();
if (!callee)
return std::nullopt;
if (callee->name != "type" && callee->name != "typeof")
return std::nullopt;
if (call->args.size != 1)
return std::nullopt;
// If ssval is not a valid constant string, we'll find out later when resolving predicate.
Name ssval(str->value.data, str->value.size);
bool isTypeof = callee->name == "typeof";
std::optional<LValue> lvalue = tryGetLValue(*call->args.data[0]);
if (!lvalue)
return std::nullopt;
Predicate predicate{TypeGuardPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), expr.location, ssval, isTypeof}};
if (expr.op == AstExprBinary::Op::CompareNe)
return NotPredicate{{std::move(predicate)}};
return predicate;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatIf& statement)
WithPredicate<TypeId> result = checkExpr(scope, *statement.condition);
ScopePtr thenScope = childScope(scope, statement.thenbody->location);
resolve(result.predicates, thenScope, true);
ScopePtr elseScope = childScope(scope, statement.elsebody ? statement.elsebody->location : statement.location);
resolve(result.predicates, elseScope, false);
ControlFlow thencf = check(thenScope, *statement.thenbody);
ControlFlow elsecf = ControlFlow::None;
if (statement.elsebody)
elsecf = check(elseScope, *statement.elsebody);
if (thencf != ControlFlow::None && elsecf == ControlFlow::None)
else if (thencf == ControlFlow::None && elsecf != ControlFlow::None)
if (thencf == elsecf)
return thencf;
else if (matches(thencf, ControlFlow::Returns | ControlFlow::Throws) && matches(elsecf, ControlFlow::Returns | ControlFlow::Throws))
return ControlFlow::Returns;
return ControlFlow::None;
template<typename Id>
ErrorVec TypeChecker::canUnify_(Id subTy, Id superTy, const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, location);
return state.canUnify(subTy, superTy);
ErrorVec TypeChecker::canUnify(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy, const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location)
return canUnify_(subTy, superTy, scope, location);
ErrorVec TypeChecker::canUnify(TypePackId subTy, TypePackId superTy, const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location)
return canUnify_(subTy, superTy, scope, location);
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatWhile& statement)
WithPredicate<TypeId> result = checkExpr(scope, *statement.condition);
ScopePtr whileScope = childScope(scope, statement.body->location);
resolve(result.predicates, whileScope, true);
check(whileScope, *statement.body);
return ControlFlow::None;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatRepeat& statement)
ScopePtr repScope = childScope(scope, statement.location);
checkBlock(repScope, *statement.body);
checkExpr(repScope, *statement.condition);
return ControlFlow::None;
struct Demoter : Substitution
Demoter(TypeArena* arena)
: Substitution(TxnLog::empty(), arena)
bool isDirty(TypeId ty) override
return get<FreeType>(ty);
bool isDirty(TypePackId tp) override
return get<FreeTypePack>(tp);
bool ignoreChildren(TypeId ty) override
if (get<ClassType>(ty))
return true;
return false;
TypeId clean(TypeId ty) override
auto ftv = get<FreeType>(ty);
return addType(FreeType{demotedLevel(ftv->level)});
TypePackId clean(TypePackId tp) override
auto ftp = get<FreeTypePack>(tp);
return addTypePack(TypePackVar{FreeTypePack{demotedLevel(ftp->level)}});
TypeLevel demotedLevel(TypeLevel level)
return TypeLevel{level.level + 5000, level.subLevel};
void demote(std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>>& expectedTypes)
for (std::optional<TypeId>& ty : expectedTypes)
if (ty)
ty = substitute(*ty);
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatReturn& return_)
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> expectedTypes;
TypePackIterator expectedRetCurr = begin(scope->returnType);
TypePackIterator expectedRetEnd = end(scope->returnType);
for (size_t i = 0; i < return_.list.size; ++i)
if (expectedRetCurr != expectedRetEnd)
else if (auto expectedArgsTail = expectedRetCurr.tail())
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(follow(*expectedArgsTail)))
Demoter demoter{¤tModule->internalTypes};
TypePackId retPack = checkExprList(scope, return_.location, return_.list, false, {}, expectedTypes).type;
// HACK: Nonstrict mode gets a bit too smart and strict for us when we
// start typechecking everything across module boundaries.
if (isNonstrictMode() && follow(scope->returnType) == follow(currentModule->getModuleScope()->returnType))
ErrorVec errors = tryUnify(retPack, scope->returnType, scope, return_.location);
if (!errors.empty())
currentModule->getModuleScope()->returnType = addTypePack({anyType});
return ControlFlow::Returns;
unify(retPack, scope->returnType, scope, return_.location, CountMismatch::Context::Return);
return ControlFlow::Returns;
template<typename Id>
ErrorVec TypeChecker::tryUnify_(Id subTy, Id superTy, const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, location);
if (FFlag::DebugLuauFreezeDuringUnification)
state.tryUnify(subTy, superTy);
if (FFlag::DebugLuauFreezeDuringUnification)
if (state.errors.empty())
return state.errors;
ErrorVec TypeChecker::tryUnify(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy, const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location)
return tryUnify_(subTy, superTy, scope, location);
ErrorVec TypeChecker::tryUnify(TypePackId subTy, TypePackId superTy, const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location)
return tryUnify_(subTy, superTy, scope, location);
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatAssign& assign)
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> expectedTypes;
ScopePtr moduleScope = currentModule->getModuleScope();
for (size_t i = 0; i < assign.vars.size; ++i)
AstExpr* dest = assign.vars.data[i];
if (auto a = dest->as<AstExprLocal>())
// AstExprLocal l-values will have to be checked again because their type might have been mutated during checkExprList later
else if (auto a = dest->as<AstExprGlobal>())
// AstExprGlobal l-values lookup is inlined here to avoid creating a global binding before checkExprList
if (auto it = moduleScope->bindings.find(a->name); it != moduleScope->bindings.end())
expectedTypes.push_back(checkLValue(scope, *dest, ValueContext::LValue));
TypePackId valuePack = checkExprList(scope, assign.location, assign.values, false, {}, expectedTypes).type;
auto valueIter = begin(valuePack);
auto valueEnd = end(valuePack);
TypePack* growingPack = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < assign.vars.size; ++i)
AstExpr* dest = assign.vars.data[i];
TypeId left = nullptr;
if (dest->is<AstExprLocal>() || dest->is<AstExprGlobal>())
left = checkLValue(scope, *dest, ValueContext::LValue);
left = *expectedTypes[i];
TypeId right = nullptr;
Location loc = 0 == assign.values.size ? assign.location
: i < assign.values.size ? assign.values.data[i]->location
: assign.values.data[assign.values.size - 1]->location;
if (valueIter != valueEnd)
right = follow(*valueIter);
else if (growingPack)
else if (auto tail = valueIter.tail())
TypePackId tailPack = follow(*tail);
if (get<Unifiable::Error>(tailPack))
right = errorRecoveryType(scope);
else if (auto vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(tailPack))
right = vtp->ty;
else if (get<FreeTypePack>(tailPack))
*asMutable(tailPack) = TypePack{{left}};
growingPack = getMutable<TypePack>(tailPack);
if (right)
if (!FFlag::LuauInstantiateInSubtyping)
if (!maybeGeneric(left) && isGeneric(right))
right = instantiate(scope, right, loc);
// Setting a table entry to nil doesn't mean nil is the type of the indexer, it is just deleting the entry
const TableType* destTableTypeReceivingNil = nullptr;
if (auto indexExpr = dest->as<AstExprIndexExpr>(); isNil(right) && indexExpr)
destTableTypeReceivingNil = getTableType(checkExpr(scope, *indexExpr->expr).type);
if (!destTableTypeReceivingNil || !destTableTypeReceivingNil->indexer)
// In nonstrict mode, any assignments where the lhs is free and rhs isn't a function, we give it any type.
if (isNonstrictMode() && get<FreeType>(follow(left)) && !get<FunctionType>(follow(right)))
unify(anyType, left, scope, loc);
unify(right, left, scope, loc);
return ControlFlow::None;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatCompoundAssign& assign)
AstExprBinary expr(assign.location, assign.op, assign.var, assign.value);
TypeId left = checkExpr(scope, *expr.left).type;
TypeId right = checkExpr(scope, *expr.right).type;
TypeId result = checkBinaryOperation(scope, expr, left, right);
unify(result, left, scope, assign.location);
return ControlFlow::None;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatLocal& local)
// Important subtlety: A local variable is not in scope while its initializer is being evaluated.
// For instance, you cannot do this:
// local a = function() return a end
AstLocal** vars = local.vars.data;
std::vector<std::pair<AstLocal*, Binding>> varBindings;
std::vector<TypeId> variableTypes;
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> expectedTypes;
std::vector<bool> instantiateGenerics;
for (size_t i = 0; i < local.vars.size; ++i)
const AstType* annotation = vars[i]->annotation;
const bool rhsIsTable = local.values.size > i && local.values.data[i]->as<AstExprTable>();
TypeId ty = nullptr;
if (annotation)
ty = resolveType(scope, *annotation);
// If the annotation type has an error, treat it as if there was no annotation
if (get<ErrorType>(follow(ty)))
ty = nullptr;
if (!ty)
ty = rhsIsTable ? freshType(scope) : isNonstrictMode() ? anyType : freshType(scope);
varBindings.emplace_back(vars[i], Binding{ty, vars[i]->location});
// with FFlag::LuauInstantiateInSubtyping enabled, we shouldn't need to produce instantiateGenerics at all.
if (!FFlag::LuauInstantiateInSubtyping)
instantiateGenerics.push_back(annotation != nullptr && !maybeGeneric(ty));
if (local.values.size > 0)
TypePackId variablePack = addTypePack(variableTypes, freshTypePack(scope));
TypePackId valuePack =
checkExprList(scope, local.location, local.values, /* substituteFreeForNil= */ true, instantiateGenerics, expectedTypes).type;
// If the expression list only contains one expression and it's a function call or is otherwise within parentheses, use FunctionResult.
// Otherwise, we'll want to use ExprListResult to make the error messaging more general.
CountMismatch::Context ctx = CountMismatch::ExprListResult;
if (local.values.size == 1)
AstExpr* e = local.values.data[0];
while (auto group = e->as<AstExprGroup>())
e = group->expr;
if (e->is<AstExprCall>())
ctx = CountMismatch::FunctionResult;
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, local.location);
state.ctx = ctx;
state.tryUnify(valuePack, variablePack);
// In the code 'local T = {}', we wish to ascribe the name 'T' to the type of the table for error-reporting purposes.
// We also want to do this for 'local T = setmetatable(...)'.
if (local.vars.size == 1 && local.values.size == 1)
const AstExpr* rhs = local.values.data[0];
std::optional<TypeId> ty = first(valuePack);
if (ty)
if (rhs->is<AstExprTable>())
TableType* ttv = getMutable<TableType>(follow(*ty));
if (ttv && !ttv->name && scope == currentModule->getModuleScope())
ttv->syntheticName = vars[0]->name.value;
else if (const AstExprCall* call = rhs->as<AstExprCall>())
if (const AstExprGlobal* global = call->func->as<AstExprGlobal>(); global && global->name == "setmetatable")
MetatableType* mtv = getMutable<MetatableType>(follow(*ty));
if (mtv)
mtv->syntheticName = vars[0]->name.value;
// Handle 'require' calls, we need to import exported type bindings into the variable 'namespace' and to update binding type in non-strict
// mode
for (size_t i = 0; i < local.values.size && i < local.vars.size; ++i)
const AstExprCall* call = local.values.data[i]->as<AstExprCall>();
if (!call)
if (auto maybeRequire = matchRequire(*call))
AstExpr* require = *maybeRequire;
if (auto moduleInfo = resolver->resolveModuleInfo(currentModule->name, *require))
const Name name{local.vars.data[i]->name.value};
if (ModulePtr module = resolver->getModule(moduleInfo->name))
scope->importedTypeBindings[name] = module->exportedTypeBindings;
scope->importedModules[name] = moduleInfo->name;
// Imported types of requires that transitively refer to current module have to be replaced with 'any'
for (const auto& [location, path] : requireCycles)
if (!path.empty() && path.front() == moduleInfo->name)
for (auto& [name, tf] : scope->importedTypeBindings[name])
tf = TypeFun{{}, {}, anyType};
// In non-strict mode we force the module type on the variable, in strict mode it is already unified
if (isNonstrictMode())
auto [types, tail] = flatten(valuePack);
if (i < types.size())
varBindings[i].second.typeId = types[i];
for (const auto& [local, binding] : varBindings)
scope->bindings[local] = binding;
return ControlFlow::None;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatFor& expr)
ScopePtr loopScope = childScope(scope, expr.location);
TypeId loopVarType = numberType;
if (expr.var->annotation)
unify(loopVarType, resolveType(scope, *expr.var->annotation), scope, expr.location);
loopScope->bindings[expr.var] = {loopVarType, expr.var->location};
if (!expr.from)
ice("Bad AstStatFor has no from expr");
if (!expr.to)
ice("Bad AstStatFor has no to expr");
unify(checkExpr(loopScope, *expr.from).type, loopVarType, scope, expr.from->location);
unify(checkExpr(loopScope, *expr.to).type, loopVarType, scope, expr.to->location);
if (expr.step)
unify(checkExpr(loopScope, *expr.step).type, loopVarType, scope, expr.step->location);
check(loopScope, *expr.body);
return ControlFlow::None;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatForIn& forin)
ScopePtr loopScope = childScope(scope, forin.location);
AstLocal** vars = forin.vars.data;
std::vector<TypeId> varTypes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < forin.vars.size; ++i)
AstType* ann = vars[i]->annotation;
TypeId ty = ann ? resolveType(scope, *ann) : anyIfNonstrict(freshType(loopScope));
loopScope->bindings[vars[i]] = {ty, vars[i]->location};
AstExpr** values = forin.values.data;
AstExpr* firstValue = forin.values.data[0];
// next is a function that takes Table<K, V> and an optional index of type K
// next<K, V>(t: Table<K, V>, index: K | nil) -> (K?, V)
// however, pairs and ipairs are quite messy, but they both share the same types
// pairs returns 'next, t, nil', thus the type would be
// pairs<K, V>(t: Table<K, V>) -> ((Table<K, V>, K | nil) -> (K?, V), Table<K, V>, K | nil)
// ipairs returns 'next, t, 0', thus ipairs will also share the same type as pairs, except K = number
// we can also define our own custom iterators by by returning a wrapped coroutine that calls coroutine.yield
// and most custom iterators does not return a table state, or returns a function that takes no additional arguments, making it optional
// so we up with this catch-all type constraint that works for all use cases
// <K, V, R>(free) -> ((free) -> R, Table<K, V> | nil, K | nil)
if (!firstValue)
ice("expected at least an iterator function value, but we parsed nothing");
TypeId iterTy = nullptr;
TypePackId callRetPack = nullptr;
if (forin.values.size == 1 && firstValue->is<AstExprCall>())
AstExprCall* exprCall = firstValue->as<AstExprCall>();
callRetPack = checkExprPack(scope, *exprCall).type;
callRetPack = follow(callRetPack);
if (get<FreeTypePack>(callRetPack))
iterTy = freshType(scope);
unify(callRetPack, addTypePack({{iterTy}, freshTypePack(scope)}), scope, forin.location);
else if (get<Unifiable::Error>(callRetPack) || !first(callRetPack))
for (TypeId var : varTypes)
unify(errorRecoveryType(scope), var, scope, forin.location);
return check(loopScope, *forin.body);
iterTy = *first(callRetPack);
iterTy = instantiate(scope, iterTy, exprCall->location);
iterTy = instantiate(scope, checkExpr(scope, *firstValue).type, firstValue->location);
iterTy = stripFromNilAndReport(iterTy, firstValue->location);
if (std::optional<TypeId> iterMM = findMetatableEntry(iterTy, "__iter", firstValue->location, /* addErrors= */ true))
// if __iter metamethod is present, it will be called and the results are going to be called as if they are functions
// TODO: this needs to typecheck all returned values by __iter as if they were for loop arguments
// the structure of the function makes it difficult to do this especially since we don't have actual expressions, only types
for (TypeId var : varTypes)
unify(anyType, var, scope, forin.location);
return check(loopScope, *forin.body);
if (const TableType* iterTable = get<TableType>(iterTy))
// TODO: note that this doesn't cleanly handle iteration over mixed tables and tables without an indexer
// this behavior is more or less consistent with what we do for pairs(), but really both are pretty wrong and need revisiting
if (iterTable->indexer)
if (varTypes.size() > 0)
unify(iterTable->indexer->indexType, varTypes[0], scope, forin.location);
if (varTypes.size() > 1)
unify(iterTable->indexer->indexResultType, varTypes[1], scope, forin.location);
for (size_t i = 2; i < varTypes.size(); ++i)
unify(nilType, varTypes[i], scope, forin.location);
for (TypeId var : varTypes)
unify(unknownType, var, scope, forin.location);
return check(loopScope, *forin.body);
const FunctionType* iterFunc = get<FunctionType>(iterTy);
if (!iterFunc)
TypeId varTy = get<AnyType>(iterTy) ? anyType : errorRecoveryType(loopScope);
for (TypeId var : varTypes)
unify(varTy, var, scope, forin.location);
if (!get<ErrorType>(iterTy) && !get<AnyType>(iterTy) && !get<FreeType>(iterTy) && !get<NeverType>(iterTy))
reportError(firstValue->location, CannotCallNonFunction{iterTy});
return check(loopScope, *forin.body);
if (forin.values.size == 1)
TypePackId argPack = nullptr;
if (firstValue->is<AstExprCall>())
// Extract the remaining return values of the call
// and check them against the parameter types of the iterator function.
auto [types, tail] = flatten(callRetPack);
std::vector<TypeId> argTypes = std::vector<TypeId>(types.begin() + 1, types.end());
argPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar{TypePack{std::move(argTypes), tail}});
// Check if iterator function accepts 0 arguments
argPack = addTypePack(TypePack{});
Unifier state = mkUnifier(loopScope, firstValue->location);
checkArgumentList(loopScope, *firstValue, state, argPack, iterFunc->argTypes, /*argLocations*/ {});
TypePackId retPack = iterFunc->retTypes;
if (forin.values.size >= 2)
AstArray<AstExpr*> arguments{forin.values.data + 1, forin.values.size - 1};
Position start = firstValue->location.begin;
Position end = values[forin.values.size - 1]->location.end;
AstExprCall exprCall{Location(start, end), firstValue, arguments, /* self= */ false, Location()};
retPack = checkExprPack(scope, exprCall).type;
// We need to remove 'nil' from the set of options of the first return value
// Because for loop stops when it gets 'nil', this result is never actually assigned to the first variable
if (std::optional<TypeId> fty = first(retPack); fty && !varTypes.empty())
TypeId keyTy = follow(*fty);
if (get<UnionType>(keyTy))
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = tryStripUnionFromNil(keyTy))
keyTy = *ty;
unify(keyTy, varTypes.front(), scope, forin.location);
// We have already handled the first variable type, make it match in the pack check
varTypes.front() = *fty;
TypePackId varPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar{TypePack{varTypes, freshTypePack(scope)}});
unify(retPack, varPack, scope, forin.location);
check(loopScope, *forin.body);
return ControlFlow::None;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, const ScopePtr& funScope, const AstStatFunction& function)
if (auto exprName = function.name->as<AstExprGlobal>())
auto& globalBindings = currentModule->getModuleScope()->bindings;
Symbol name = exprName->name;
Name globalName = exprName->name.value;
Binding oldBinding;
bool previouslyDefined = isNonstrictMode() && globalBindings.count(name);
if (previouslyDefined)
oldBinding = globalBindings[name];
globalBindings[name] = {ty, exprName->location};
checkFunctionBody(funScope, ty, *function.func);
// If in nonstrict mode and allowing redefinition of global function, restore the previous definition type
// in case this function has a differing signature. The signature discrepancy will be caught in checkBlock.
if (previouslyDefined)
globalBindings[name] = oldBinding;
globalBindings[name] = {quantify(funScope, ty, exprName->location), exprName->location};
else if (auto name = function.name->as<AstExprLocal>())
scope->bindings[name->local] = {ty, name->local->location};
checkFunctionBody(funScope, ty, *function.func);
scope->bindings[name->local] = {anyIfNonstrict(quantify(funScope, ty, name->local->location)), name->local->location};
else if (auto name = function.name->as<AstExprIndexName>())
TypeId exprTy = checkExpr(scope, *name->expr).type;
TableType* ttv = getMutableTableType(exprTy);
if (!getIndexTypeFromType(scope, exprTy, name->index.value, name->indexLocation, /* addErrors= */ false))
if (ttv || isTableIntersection(exprTy))
reportError(TypeError{function.location, CannotExtendTable{exprTy, CannotExtendTable::Property, name->index.value}});
reportError(TypeError{function.location, OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods{exprTy}});
ty = follow(ty);
if (ttv && ttv->state != TableState::Sealed)
ttv->props[name->index.value] = {ty, /* deprecated */ false, {}, name->indexLocation};
if (function.func->self)
const FunctionType* funTy = get<FunctionType>(ty);
if (!funTy)
ice("Methods should be functions");
std::optional<TypeId> arg0 = first(funTy->argTypes);
if (!arg0)
ice("Methods should always have at least 1 argument (self)");
checkFunctionBody(funScope, ty, *function.func);
InplaceDemoter demoter{funScope->level, ¤tModule->internalTypes};
if (ttv && ttv->state != TableState::Sealed)
ttv->props[name->index.value] = {follow(quantify(funScope, ty, name->indexLocation)), /* deprecated */ false, {}, name->indexLocation};
ty = follow(ty);
checkFunctionBody(funScope, ty, *function.func);
return ControlFlow::None;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, const ScopePtr& funScope, const AstStatLocalFunction& function)
Name name = function.name->name.value;
scope->bindings[function.name] = {ty, function.location};
checkFunctionBody(funScope, ty, *function.func);
scope->bindings[function.name] = {quantify(funScope, ty, function.name->location), function.name->location};
return ControlFlow::None;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatTypeAlias& typealias)
Name name = typealias.name.value;
// If the alias is missing a name, we can't do anything with it. Ignore it.
if (name == kParseNameError)
return ControlFlow::None;
if (name == "typeof")
reportError(typealias.location, GenericError{"Type aliases cannot be named typeof"});
return ControlFlow::None;
std::optional<TypeFun> binding;
if (auto it = scope->exportedTypeBindings.find(name); it != scope->exportedTypeBindings.end())
binding = it->second;
else if (auto it = scope->privateTypeBindings.find(name); it != scope->privateTypeBindings.end())
binding = it->second;
auto& bindingsMap = typealias.exported ? scope->exportedTypeBindings : scope->privateTypeBindings;
// If the first pass failed (this should mean a duplicate definition), the second pass isn't going to be
// interesting.
if (duplicateTypeAliases.find({typealias.exported, name}))
return ControlFlow::None;
// By now this alias must have been `prototype()`d first.
if (!binding)
ice("Not predeclared");
ScopePtr aliasScope = childScope(scope, typealias.location);
aliasScope->level = scope->level.incr();
for (auto param : binding->typeParams)
auto generic = get<GenericType>(param.ty);
aliasScope->privateTypeBindings[generic->name] = TypeFun{{}, param.ty};
for (auto param : binding->typePackParams)
auto generic = get<GenericTypePack>(param.tp);
aliasScope->privateTypePackBindings[generic->name] = param.tp;
TypeId ty = resolveType(aliasScope, *typealias.type);
if (auto ttv = getMutable<TableType>(follow(ty)))
// If the table is already named and we want to rename the type function, we have to bind new alias to a copy
// Additionally, we can't modify types that come from other modules
if (ttv->name || follow(ty)->owningArena != ¤tModule->internalTypes)
bool sameTys = std::equal(
[](auto&& itp, auto&& tp)
return itp == tp.ty;
bool sameTps = std::equal(
[](auto&& itpp, auto&& tpp)
return itpp == tpp.tp;
// Copy can be skipped if this is an identical alias
if (!ttv->name || ttv->name != name || !sameTys || !sameTps)
// This is a shallow clone, original recursive links to self are not updated
TableType clone = TableType{ttv->props, ttv->indexer, ttv->level, ttv->state};
clone.definitionModuleName = ttv->definitionModuleName;
clone.definitionLocation = ttv->definitionLocation;
clone.name = name;
for (auto param : binding->typeParams)
for (auto param : binding->typePackParams)
ty = addType(std::move(clone));
ttv->name = name;
for (auto param : binding->typeParams)
for (auto param : binding->typePackParams)
else if (auto mtv = getMutable<MetatableType>(follow(ty)))
// We can't modify types that come from other modules
if (follow(ty)->owningArena == ¤tModule->internalTypes)
mtv->syntheticName = name;
TypeId& bindingType = bindingsMap[name].type;
unify(ty, bindingType, aliasScope, typealias.location);
// It is possible for this unification to succeed but for
// `bindingType` still to be free For example, in
// `type T = T|T`, we generate a fresh free type `X`, and then
// unify `X` with `X|X`, which succeeds without binding `X` to
// anything, since `X <: X|X`
if (bindingType->ty.get_if<FreeType>())
ty = errorRecoveryType(aliasScope);
unify(ty, bindingType, aliasScope, typealias.location);
reportError(TypeError{typealias.location, OccursCheckFailed{}});
bindingType = ty;
return ControlFlow::None;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatTypeFunction& typefunction)
reportError(TypeError{typefunction.location, GenericError{"This syntax is not supported"}});
return ControlFlow::None;
void TypeChecker::prototype(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatTypeAlias& typealias, int subLevel)
Name name = typealias.name.value;
// If the alias is missing a name, we can't do anything with it. Ignore it.
// Also, typeof is not a valid type alias name. We will report an error for
// this in check()
if (name == kParseNameError || name == "typeof")
std::optional<TypeFun> binding;
if (auto it = scope->exportedTypeBindings.find(name); it != scope->exportedTypeBindings.end())
binding = it->second;
else if (auto it = scope->privateTypeBindings.find(name); it != scope->privateTypeBindings.end())
binding = it->second;
auto& bindingsMap = typealias.exported ? scope->exportedTypeBindings : scope->privateTypeBindings;
if (binding)
Location location = scope->typeAliasLocations[name];
reportError(TypeError{typealias.location, DuplicateTypeDefinition{name, location}});
duplicateTypeAliases.insert({typealias.exported, name});
if (globalScope->builtinTypeNames.contains(name))
reportError(typealias.location, DuplicateTypeDefinition{name});
duplicateTypeAliases.insert({typealias.exported, name});
ScopePtr aliasScope = childScope(scope, typealias.location);
aliasScope->level = scope->level.incr();
aliasScope->level.subLevel = subLevel;
auto [generics, genericPacks] =
createGenericTypes(aliasScope, scope->level, typealias, typealias.generics, typealias.genericPacks, /* useCache = */ true);
TypeId ty = freshType(aliasScope);
FreeType* ftv = getMutable<FreeType>(ty);
ftv->forwardedTypeAlias = true;
bindingsMap[name] = {std::move(generics), std::move(genericPacks), ty};
scope->typeAliasLocations[name] = typealias.location;
scope->typeAliasNameLocations[name] = typealias.nameLocation;
void TypeChecker::prototype(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatDeclareClass& declaredClass)
std::optional<TypeId> superTy = std::make_optional(builtinTypes->classType);
if (declaredClass.superName)
Name superName = Name(declaredClass.superName->value);
std::optional<TypeFun> lookupType = scope->lookupType(superName);
if (!lookupType)
reportError(declaredClass.location, UnknownSymbol{superName, UnknownSymbol::Type});
// We don't have generic classes, so this assertion _should_ never be hit.
LUAU_ASSERT(lookupType->typeParams.size() == 0 && lookupType->typePackParams.size() == 0);
superTy = lookupType->type;
if (!get<ClassType>(follow(*superTy)))
GenericError{format("Cannot use non-class type '%s' as a superclass of class '%s'", superName.c_str(), declaredClass.name.value)}
Name className(declaredClass.name.value);
TypeId classTy = addType(ClassType(className, {}, superTy, std::nullopt, {}, {}, currentModule->name, declaredClass.location));
ClassType* ctv = getMutable<ClassType>(classTy);
TypeId metaTy = addType(TableType{TableState::Sealed, scope->level});
ctv->metatable = metaTy;
scope->exportedTypeBindings[className] = TypeFun{{}, classTy};
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatDeclareClass& declaredClass)
Name className(declaredClass.name.value);
// Don't bother checking if the class definition was incorrect
if (incorrectClassDefinitions.find(&declaredClass))
return ControlFlow::None;
std::optional<TypeFun> binding;
if (auto it = scope->exportedTypeBindings.find(className); it != scope->exportedTypeBindings.end())
binding = it->second;
// This class definition must have been `prototype()`d first.
if (!binding)
ice("Class not predeclared");
TypeId classTy = binding->type;
ClassType* ctv = getMutable<ClassType>(classTy);
if (!ctv->metatable)
ice("No metatable for declared class");
if (const auto& indexer = declaredClass.indexer)
ctv->indexer = TableIndexer(resolveType(scope, *indexer->indexType), resolveType(scope, *indexer->resultType));
TableType* metatable = getMutable<TableType>(*ctv->metatable);
for (const AstDeclaredClassProp& prop : declaredClass.props)
Name propName(prop.name.value);
TypeId propTy = resolveType(scope, *prop.ty);
bool assignToMetatable = isMetamethod(propName);
Luau::ClassType::Props& assignTo = assignToMetatable ? metatable->props : ctv->props;
// Function types always take 'self', but this isn't reflected in the
// parsed annotation. Add it here.
if (prop.isMethod)
if (FunctionType* ftv = getMutable<FunctionType>(propTy))
ftv->argNames.insert(ftv->argNames.begin(), FunctionArgument{"self", {}});
ftv->argTypes = addTypePack(TypePack{{classTy}, ftv->argTypes});
ftv->hasSelf = true;
FunctionDefinition defn;
defn.definitionModuleName = currentModule->name;
defn.definitionLocation = prop.location;
// No data is preserved for varargLocation
defn.originalNameLocation = prop.nameLocation;
ftv->definition = defn;
if (assignTo.count(propName) == 0)
assignTo[propName] = {propTy, /*deprecated*/ false, /*deprecatedSuggestion*/ "", prop.location};
Luau::Property& prop = assignTo[propName];
TypeId currentTy = prop.type();
// We special-case this logic to keep the intersection flat; otherwise we
// would create a ton of nested intersection types.
if (const IntersectionType* itv = get<IntersectionType>(currentTy))
std::vector<TypeId> options = itv->parts;
TypeId newItv = addType(IntersectionType{std::move(options)});
prop.readTy = newItv;
prop.writeTy = newItv;
else if (get<FunctionType>(currentTy))
TypeId intersection = addType(IntersectionType{{currentTy, propTy}});
prop.readTy = intersection;
prop.writeTy = intersection;
reportError(declaredClass.location, GenericError{format("Cannot overload non-function class member '%s'", propName.c_str())});
return ControlFlow::None;
ControlFlow TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatDeclareFunction& global)
ScopePtr funScope = childFunctionScope(scope, global.location);
auto [generics, genericPacks] = createGenericTypes(funScope, std::nullopt, global, global.generics, global.genericPacks);
std::vector<TypeId> genericTys;
[](auto&& el)
return el.ty;
std::vector<TypePackId> genericTps;
[](auto&& el)
return el.tp;
TypePackId argPack = resolveTypePack(funScope, global.params);
TypePackId retPack = resolveTypePack(funScope, global.retTypes);
FunctionDefinition defn;
defn.definitionModuleName = currentModule->name;
defn.definitionLocation = global.location;
defn.varargLocation = global.vararg ? std::make_optional(global.varargLocation) : std::nullopt;
defn.originalNameLocation = global.nameLocation;
TypeId fnType = addType(FunctionType{funScope->level, std::move(genericTys), std::move(genericTps), argPack, retPack, defn});
FunctionType* ftv = getMutable<FunctionType>(fnType);
for (const auto& el : global.paramNames)
ftv->argNames.push_back(FunctionArgument{el.first.value, el.second});
Name fnName(global.name.value);
currentModule->declaredGlobals[fnName] = fnType;
currentModule->getModuleScope()->bindings[global.name] = Binding{fnType, global.location};
return ControlFlow::None;
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType, bool forceSingleton)
RecursionCounter _rc(&checkRecursionCount);
if (FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit > 0 && checkRecursionCount >= FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit)
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryType(scope)};
WithPredicate<TypeId> result;
if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprGroup>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a->expr, expectedType);
else if (expr.is<AstExprConstantNil>())
result = WithPredicate{nilType};
else if (const AstExprConstantBool* bexpr = expr.as<AstExprConstantBool>())
if (forceSingleton || (expectedType && maybeSingleton(*expectedType)))
result = WithPredicate{singletonType(bexpr->value)};
result = WithPredicate{booleanType};
else if (const AstExprConstantString* sexpr = expr.as<AstExprConstantString>())
if (forceSingleton || (expectedType && maybeSingleton(*expectedType)))
result = WithPredicate{singletonType(std::string(sexpr->value.data, sexpr->value.size))};
result = WithPredicate{stringType};
else if (expr.is<AstExprConstantNumber>())
result = WithPredicate{numberType};
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprLocal>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprGlobal>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprVarargs>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprCall>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprIndexName>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprIndexExpr>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprFunction>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a, expectedType);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprTable>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a, expectedType);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprUnary>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprBinary>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a, expectedType);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprTypeAssertion>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprError>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprIfElse>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a, expectedType);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprInterpString>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
ice("Unhandled AstExpr?");
result.type = follow(result.type);
if (!currentModule->astTypes.find(&expr))
currentModule->astTypes[&expr] = result.type;
if (expectedType)
currentModule->astExpectedTypes[&expr] = *expectedType;
return result;
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprLocal& expr)
std::optional<LValue> lvalue = tryGetLValue(expr);
LUAU_ASSERT(lvalue); // Guaranteed to not be nullopt - AstExprLocal is an LValue.
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(scope, *lvalue))
return {*ty, {TruthyPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), expr.location}}};
// TODO: tempting to ice here, but this breaks very often because our toposort doesn't enforce this constraint
// ice("AstExprLocal exists but no binding definition for it?", expr.location);
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, UnknownSymbol{expr.local->name.value, UnknownSymbol::Binding}});
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryType(scope)};
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprGlobal& expr)
std::optional<LValue> lvalue = tryGetLValue(expr);
LUAU_ASSERT(lvalue); // Guaranteed to not be nullopt - AstExprGlobal is an LValue.
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(scope, *lvalue))
return {*ty, {TruthyPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), expr.location}}};
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, UnknownSymbol{expr.name.value, UnknownSymbol::Binding}});
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryType(scope)};
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprVarargs& expr)
TypePackId varargPack = checkExprPack(scope, expr).type;
if (get<TypePack>(varargPack))
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = first(varargPack))
return WithPredicate{*ty};
return WithPredicate{nilType};
else if (get<FreeTypePack>(varargPack))
TypeId head = freshType(scope);
TypePackId tail = freshTypePack(scope);
*asMutable(varargPack) = TypePack{{head}, tail};
return WithPredicate{head};
if (get<ErrorType>(varargPack))
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryType(scope)};
else if (auto vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(varargPack))
return WithPredicate{vtp->ty};
else if (get<GenericTypePack>(varargPack))
// TODO: Better error?
reportError(expr.location, GenericError{"Trying to get a type from a variadic type parameter"});
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryType(scope)};
ice("Unknown TypePack type in checkExpr(AstExprVarargs)!");
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr)
WithPredicate<TypePackId> result = checkExprPack(scope, expr);
TypePackId retPack = follow(result.type);
if (auto pack = get<TypePack>(retPack))
return {pack->head.empty() ? nilType : pack->head[0], std::move(result.predicates)};
else if (const FreeTypePack* ftp = get<FreeTypePack>(retPack))
TypeId head = freshType(scope->level);
TypePackId pack = addTypePack(TypePackVar{TypePack{{head}, freshTypePack(scope->level)}});
unify(pack, retPack, scope, expr.location);
return {head, std::move(result.predicates)};
if (get<Unifiable::Error>(retPack))
return {errorRecoveryType(scope), std::move(result.predicates)};
else if (auto vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(retPack))
return {vtp->ty, std::move(result.predicates)};
else if (get<GenericTypePack>(retPack))
return {anyType, std::move(result.predicates)};
ice("Unknown TypePack type!", expr.location);
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexName& expr)
Name name = expr.index.value;
// Redundant call if we find a refined lvalue, but this function must be called in order to recursively populate astTypes.
TypeId lhsType = checkExpr(scope, *expr.expr).type;
if (std::optional<LValue> lvalue = tryGetLValue(expr))
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(scope, *lvalue))
return {*ty, {TruthyPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), expr.location}}};
lhsType = stripFromNilAndReport(lhsType, expr.expr->location);
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, lhsType, name, expr.location, /* addErrors= */ true))
return WithPredicate{*ty};
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryType(scope)};
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::findTablePropertyRespectingMeta(TypeId lhsType, Name name, const Location& location, bool addErrors)
ErrorVec errors;
auto result = Luau::findTablePropertyRespectingMeta(builtinTypes, errors, lhsType, name, location);
if (addErrors)
return result;
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::findMetatableEntry(TypeId type, std::string entry, const Location& location, bool addErrors)
ErrorVec errors;
auto result = Luau::findMetatableEntry(builtinTypes, errors, type, entry, location);
if (addErrors)
return result;
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::getIndexTypeFromType(
const ScopePtr& scope,
TypeId type,
const Name& name,
const Location& location,
bool addErrors
size_t errorCount = currentModule->errors.size();
std::optional<TypeId> result = getIndexTypeFromTypeImpl(scope, type, name, location, addErrors);
if (!addErrors)
LUAU_ASSERT(errorCount == currentModule->errors.size());
return result;
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::getIndexTypeFromTypeImpl(
const ScopePtr& scope,
TypeId type,
const Name& name,
const Location& location,
bool addErrors
type = follow(type);
if (get<ErrorType>(type) || get<AnyType>(type) || get<NeverType>(type))
return type;
if (isString(type))
std::optional<TypeId> mtIndex = findMetatableEntry(stringType, "__index", location, addErrors);
type = *mtIndex;
if (TableType* tableType = getMutableTableType(type))
if (auto it = tableType->props.find(name); it != tableType->props.end())
return it->second.type();
else if (auto indexer = tableType->indexer)
// TODO: Property lookup should work with string singletons or unions thereof as the indexer key type.
ErrorVec errors = tryUnify(stringType, indexer->indexType, scope, location);
if (errors.empty())
return indexer->indexResultType;
if (addErrors)
reportError(location, UnknownProperty{type, name});
return std::nullopt;
else if (tableType->state == TableState::Free)
TypeId result = freshType(tableType->level);
tableType->props[name] = {result};
return result;
if (auto found = findTablePropertyRespectingMeta(type, name, location, addErrors))
return *found;
else if (const ClassType* cls = get<ClassType>(type))
const Property* prop = lookupClassProp(cls, name);
if (prop)
return prop->type();
if (auto indexer = cls->indexer)
// TODO: Property lookup should work with string singletons or unions thereof as the indexer key type.
ErrorVec errors = tryUnify(stringType, indexer->indexType, scope, location);
if (errors.empty())
return indexer->indexResultType;
if (addErrors)
reportError(location, UnknownProperty{type, name});
return std::nullopt;
else if (const UnionType* utv = get<UnionType>(type))
std::vector<TypeId> goodOptions;
std::vector<TypeId> badOptions;
for (TypeId t : utv)
RecursionLimiter _rl(&recursionCount, FInt::LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit);
// Not needed when we normalize types.
if (get<AnyType>(follow(t)))
return t;
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, t, name, location, /* addErrors= */ false))
if (!badOptions.empty())
if (addErrors)
if (goodOptions.empty())
reportError(location, UnknownProperty{type, name});
reportError(location, MissingUnionProperty{type, badOptions, name});
return std::nullopt;
std::vector<TypeId> result = reduceUnion(goodOptions);
if (result.empty())
return neverType;
if (result.size() == 1)
return result[0];
return addType(UnionType{std::move(result)});
else if (const IntersectionType* itv = get<IntersectionType>(type))
std::vector<TypeId> parts;
for (TypeId t : itv->parts)
RecursionLimiter _rl(&recursionCount, FInt::LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit);
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, t, name, location, /* addErrors= */ false))
// If no parts of the intersection had the property we looked up for, it never existed at all.
if (parts.empty())
if (addErrors)
reportError(location, UnknownProperty{type, name});
return std::nullopt;
if (parts.size() == 1)
return parts[0];
return addType(IntersectionType{std::move(parts)}); // Not at all correct.
if (addErrors)
reportError(location, UnknownProperty{type, name});
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::tryStripUnionFromNil(TypeId ty)
if (const UnionType* utv = get<UnionType>(ty))
if (!std::any_of(begin(utv), end(utv), isNil))
return ty;
std::vector<TypeId> result;
for (TypeId option : utv)
if (!isNil(option))
if (result.empty())
return std::nullopt;
return result.size() == 1 ? result[0] : addType(UnionType{std::move(result)});
return std::nullopt;
TypeId TypeChecker::stripFromNilAndReport(TypeId ty, const Location& location)
ty = follow(ty);
if (auto utv = get<UnionType>(ty))
if (!std::any_of(begin(utv), end(utv), isNil))
return ty;
if (std::optional<TypeId> strippedUnion = tryStripUnionFromNil(ty))
reportError(location, OptionalValueAccess{ty});
return follow(*strippedUnion);
return ty;
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexExpr& expr)
TypeId ty = checkLValue(scope, expr, ValueContext::RValue);
if (std::optional<LValue> lvalue = tryGetLValue(expr))
if (std::optional<TypeId> refiTy = resolveLValue(scope, *lvalue))
return {*refiTy, {TruthyPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), expr.location}}};
return WithPredicate{ty};
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprFunction& expr, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType)
auto [funTy, funScope] = checkFunctionSignature(scope, 0, expr, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, expectedType);
checkFunctionBody(funScope, funTy, expr);
return WithPredicate{quantify(funScope, funTy, expr.location)};
TypeId TypeChecker::checkExprTable(
const ScopePtr& scope,
const AstExprTable& expr,
const std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>>& fieldTypes,
std::optional<TypeId> expectedType
TableType::Props props;
std::optional<TableIndexer> indexer;
const TableType* expectedTable = nullptr;
if (expectedType)
if (auto ttv = get<TableType>(follow(*expectedType)))
if (ttv->state == TableState::Sealed)
expectedTable = ttv;
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr.items.size; ++i)
const AstExprTable::Item& item = expr.items.data[i];
AstExpr* k = item.key;
AstExpr* value = item.value;
auto [keyType, valueType] = fieldTypes[i];
if (item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::List)
if (expectedTable && !indexer)
indexer = expectedTable->indexer;
if (indexer)
unify(numberType, indexer->indexType, scope, value->location);
unify(valueType, indexer->indexResultType, scope, value->location);
indexer = TableIndexer{numberType, anyIfNonstrict(valueType)};
else if (item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::Record || item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::General)
if (auto key = k->as<AstExprConstantString>())
TypeId exprType = follow(valueType);
if (isNonstrictMode() && !getTableType(exprType) && !get<FunctionType>(exprType))
exprType = anyType;
if (expectedTable)
auto it = expectedTable->props.find(key->value.data);
if (it != expectedTable->props.end())
Property expectedProp = it->second;
ErrorVec errors = tryUnify(exprType, expectedProp.type(), scope, k->location);
if (errors.empty())
exprType = expectedProp.type();
else if (expectedTable->indexer && maybeString(expectedTable->indexer->indexType))
ErrorVec errors = tryUnify(exprType, expectedTable->indexer->indexResultType, scope, k->location);
if (errors.empty())
exprType = expectedTable->indexer->indexResultType;
props[key->value.data] = {exprType, /* deprecated */ false, {}, k->location};
if (expectedTable && !indexer)
indexer = expectedTable->indexer;
if (indexer)
unify(keyType, indexer->indexType, scope, k->location);
unify(valueType, indexer->indexResultType, scope, value->location);
else if (isNonstrictMode())
indexer = TableIndexer{anyType, anyType};
indexer = TableIndexer{keyType, valueType};
TableState state = TableState::Unsealed;
TableType table = TableType{std::move(props), indexer, scope->level, state};
table.definitionModuleName = currentModule->name;
table.definitionLocation = expr.location;
return addType(table);
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprTable& expr, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType)
RecursionCounter _rc(&checkRecursionCount);
if (FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit > 0 && checkRecursionCount >= FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit)
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryType(scope)};
std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>> fieldTypes(expr.items.size);
const TableType* expectedTable = nullptr;
const UnionType* expectedUnion = nullptr;
std::optional<TypeId> expectedIndexType;
std::optional<TypeId> expectedIndexResultType;
if (expectedType)
if (auto ttv = get<TableType>(follow(*expectedType)))
if (ttv->state == TableState::Sealed)
expectedTable = ttv;
if (ttv->indexer)
expectedIndexType = ttv->indexer->indexType;
expectedIndexResultType = ttv->indexer->indexResultType;
else if (const UnionType* utv = get<UnionType>(follow(*expectedType)))
expectedUnion = utv;
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr.items.size; ++i)
AstExprTable::Item& item = expr.items.data[i];
std::optional<TypeId> expectedResultType;
bool isIndexedItem = false;
if (item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::List)
expectedResultType = expectedIndexResultType;
isIndexedItem = true;
else if (item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::Record || item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::General)
if (auto key = item.key->as<AstExprConstantString>())
if (expectedTable)
if (auto prop = expectedTable->props.find(key->value.data); prop != expectedTable->props.end())
expectedResultType = prop->second.type();
else if (expectedIndexType && maybeString(*expectedIndexType))
expectedResultType = expectedIndexResultType;
else if (expectedUnion)
std::vector<TypeId> expectedResultTypes;
for (TypeId expectedOption : expectedUnion)
if (const TableType* ttv = get<TableType>(follow(expectedOption)))
if (auto prop = ttv->props.find(key->value.data); prop != ttv->props.end())
else if (ttv->indexer && maybeString(ttv->indexer->indexType))
if (expectedResultTypes.size() == 1)
expectedResultType = expectedResultTypes[0];
else if (expectedResultTypes.size() > 1)
expectedResultType = addType(UnionType{expectedResultTypes});
expectedResultType = expectedIndexResultType;
isIndexedItem = true;
fieldTypes[i].first = item.key ? checkExpr(scope, *item.key, expectedIndexType).type : nullptr;
fieldTypes[i].second = checkExpr(scope, *item.value, expectedResultType).type;
// Indexer keys after the first are unified with the first one
// If we don't have an expected indexer type yet, take this first item type
if (isIndexedItem && !expectedIndexResultType)
expectedIndexResultType = fieldTypes[i].second;
return WithPredicate{checkExprTable(scope, expr, fieldTypes, expectedType)};
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprUnary& expr)
WithPredicate<TypeId> result = checkExpr(scope, *expr.expr);
TypeId operandType = follow(result.type);
switch (expr.op)
case AstExprUnary::Not:
return {booleanType, {NotPredicate{std::move(result.predicates)}}};
case AstExprUnary::Minus:
const bool operandIsAny = get<AnyType>(operandType) || get<ErrorType>(operandType) || get<NeverType>(operandType);
if (operandIsAny)
return WithPredicate{operandType};
if (typeCouldHaveMetatable(operandType))
if (auto fnt = findMetatableEntry(operandType, "__unm", expr.location, /* addErrors= */ true))
TypeId actualFunctionType = instantiate(scope, *fnt, expr.location);
TypePackId arguments = addTypePack({operandType});
TypePackId retTypePack = freshTypePack(scope);
TypeId expectedFunctionType = addType(FunctionType(scope->level, arguments, retTypePack));
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, expr.location);
state.tryUnify(actualFunctionType, expectedFunctionType, /*isFunctionCall*/ true);
TypeId retType = first(retTypePack).value_or(nilType);
if (!state.errors.empty())
retType = errorRecoveryType(retType);
return WithPredicate{retType};
GenericError{format("Unary operator '%s' not supported by type '%s'", toString(expr.op).c_str(), toString(operandType).c_str())}
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryType(scope)};
reportErrors(tryUnify(operandType, numberType, scope, expr.location));
return WithPredicate{numberType};
case AstExprUnary::Len:
operandType = stripFromNilAndReport(operandType, expr.location);
// # operator is guaranteed to return number
if (get<AnyType>(operandType) || get<ErrorType>(operandType) || get<NeverType>(operandType))
return WithPredicate{numberType};
DenseHashSet<TypeId> seen{nullptr};
if (typeCouldHaveMetatable(operandType))
if (auto fnt = findMetatableEntry(operandType, "__len", expr.location, /* addErrors= */ true))
TypeId actualFunctionType = instantiate(scope, *fnt, expr.location);
TypePackId arguments = addTypePack({operandType});
TypePackId retTypePack = addTypePack({numberType});
TypeId expectedFunctionType = addType(FunctionType(scope->level, arguments, retTypePack));
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, expr.location);
state.tryUnify(actualFunctionType, expectedFunctionType, /*isFunctionCall*/ true);
if (!hasLength(operandType, seen, &recursionCount))
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, NotATable{operandType}});
return WithPredicate{numberType};
ice("Unknown AstExprUnary " + std::to_string(int(expr.op)));
std::string opToMetaTableEntry(const AstExprBinary::Op& op)
switch (op)
case AstExprBinary::CompareNe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareEq:
return "__eq";
case AstExprBinary::CompareLt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGe:
return "__lt";
case AstExprBinary::CompareLe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGt:
return "__le";
case AstExprBinary::Add:
return "__add";
case AstExprBinary::Sub:
return "__sub";
case AstExprBinary::Mul:
return "__mul";
case AstExprBinary::Div:
return "__div";
case AstExprBinary::FloorDiv:
return "__idiv";
case AstExprBinary::Mod:
return "__mod";
case AstExprBinary::Pow:
return "__pow";
case AstExprBinary::Concat:
return "__concat";
return "";
TypeId TypeChecker::unionOfTypes(TypeId a, TypeId b, const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location, bool unifyFreeTypes)
a = follow(a);
b = follow(b);
if (unifyFreeTypes && (get<FreeType>(a) || get<FreeType>(b)))
if (unify(b, a, scope, location))
return a;
return errorRecoveryType(anyType);
if (*a == *b)
return a;
std::vector<TypeId> types = reduceUnion({a, b});
if (types.empty())
return neverType;
if (types.size() == 1)
return types[0];
return addType(UnionType{types});
static std::optional<std::string> getIdentifierOfBaseVar(AstExpr* node)
if (AstExprGlobal* expr = node->as<AstExprGlobal>())
return expr->name.value;
if (AstExprLocal* expr = node->as<AstExprLocal>())
return expr->local->name.value;
if (AstExprIndexExpr* expr = node->as<AstExprIndexExpr>())
return getIdentifierOfBaseVar(expr->expr);
if (AstExprIndexName* expr = node->as<AstExprIndexName>())
return getIdentifierOfBaseVar(expr->expr);
return std::nullopt;
/** Return true if comparison between the types a and b should be permitted with
* the == or ~= operators.
* Two types are considered eligible for equality testing if it is possible for
* the test to ever succeed. In other words, we test to see whether the two
* types have any overlap at all.
* In order to make things work smoothly with the greedy solver, this function
* exempts any and FreeTypes from this requirement.
* This function does not (yet?) take into account extra Lua restrictions like
* that two tables can only be compared if they have the same metatable. That
* is presently handled by the caller.
* @return True if the types are comparable. False if they are not.
* If an internal recursion limit is reached while performing this test, the
* function returns std::nullopt.
static std::optional<bool> areEqComparable(NotNull<TypeArena> arena, NotNull<Normalizer> normalizer, TypeId a, TypeId b)
a = follow(a);
b = follow(b);
auto isExempt = [](TypeId t)
return isNil(t) || get<FreeType>(t);
if (isExempt(a) || isExempt(b))
return true;
NormalizationResult nr;
TypeId c = arena->addType(IntersectionType{{a, b}});
std::shared_ptr<const NormalizedType> n = normalizer->normalize(c);
if (!n)
return std::nullopt;
nr = normalizer->isInhabited(n.get());
switch (nr)
case NormalizationResult::HitLimits:
return std::nullopt;
case NormalizationResult::False:
return false;
case NormalizationResult::True:
return true;
// n.b. msvc can never figure this stuff out.
TypeId TypeChecker::checkRelationalOperation(
const ScopePtr& scope,
const AstExprBinary& expr,
TypeId lhsType,
TypeId rhsType,
const PredicateVec& predicates
auto stripNil = [this](TypeId ty, bool isOrOp = false)
ty = follow(ty);
if (!isNonstrictMode() && !isOrOp)
return ty;
if (get<UnionType>(ty))
std::optional<TypeId> cleaned = tryStripUnionFromNil(ty);
// If there is no union option without 'nil'
if (!cleaned)
return nilType;
return follow(*cleaned);
return follow(ty);
bool isEquality = expr.op == AstExprBinary::CompareEq || expr.op == AstExprBinary::CompareNe;
lhsType = stripNil(lhsType, expr.op == AstExprBinary::Or);
rhsType = stripNil(rhsType);
// If we know nothing at all about the lhs type, we can usually say nothing about the result.
// The notable exception to this is the equality and inequality operators, which always produce a boolean.
const bool lhsIsAny = get<AnyType>(lhsType) || get<ErrorType>(lhsType) || get<NeverType>(lhsType);
// Peephole check for `cond and a or b -> type(a)|type(b)`
// TODO: Kill this when singleton types arrive. :(
if (AstExprBinary* subexp = expr.left->as<AstExprBinary>())
if (expr.op == AstExprBinary::Or && subexp->op == AstExprBinary::And)
ScopePtr subScope = childScope(scope, subexp->location);
resolve(predicates, subScope, true);
return unionOfTypes(rhsType, stripNil(checkExpr(subScope, *subexp->right).type, true), subScope, expr.location);
// Lua casts the results of these to boolean
switch (expr.op)
case AstExprBinary::CompareNe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareEq:
if (isNonstrictMode() && (isNil(lhsType) || isNil(rhsType)))
return booleanType;
const bool rhsIsAny = get<AnyType>(rhsType) || get<ErrorType>(rhsType) || get<NeverType>(rhsType);
if (lhsIsAny || rhsIsAny)
return booleanType;
case AstExprBinary::CompareLt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLe:
// If one of the operand is never, it doesn't make sense to unify these.
if (get<NeverType>(lhsType) || get<NeverType>(rhsType))
return booleanType;
if (isEquality)
// Unless either type is free or any, an equality comparison is only
// valid when the intersection of the two operands is non-empty.
// eg it is okay to compare string? == number? because the two types
// have nil in common, but string == number is not allowed.
std::optional<bool> eqTestResult = areEqComparable(NotNull{¤tModule->internalTypes}, NotNull{&normalizer}, lhsType, rhsType);
if (!eqTestResult)
return errorRecoveryType(booleanType);
if (!*eqTestResult)
expr.location, GenericError{format("Type %s cannot be compared with %s", toString(lhsType).c_str(), toString(rhsType).c_str())}
return errorRecoveryType(booleanType);
/* Subtlety here:
* We need to do this unification first, but there are situations where we don't actually want to
* report any problems that might have been surfaced as a result of this step because we might already
* have a better, more descriptive error teed up.
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, expr.location);
if (!isEquality)
state.tryUnify(rhsType, lhsType);
const bool needsMetamethod = !isEquality;
TypeId leftType = follow(lhsType);
if (get<PrimitiveType>(leftType) || get<AnyType>(leftType) || get<ErrorType>(leftType) || get<UnionType>(leftType))
// The original version of this check also produced this error when we had a union type.
// However, the old solver does not readily have the ability to discern if the union is comparable.
// This is the case when the lhs is e.g. a union of singletons and the rhs is the combined type.
// The new solver has much more powerful logic for resolving relational operators, but for now,
// we need to be conservative in the old solver to deliver a reasonable developer experience.
if (!isEquality && state.errors.empty() && isBoolean(leftType))
format("Type '%s' cannot be compared with relational operator %s", toString(leftType).c_str(), toString(expr.op).c_str())
return booleanType;
std::string metamethodName = opToMetaTableEntry(expr.op);
std::optional<TypeId> stringNoMT = std::nullopt; // works around gcc false positive "maybe uninitialized" warnings
std::optional<TypeId> leftMetatable = isString(lhsType) ? stringNoMT : getMetatable(follow(lhsType), builtinTypes);
std::optional<TypeId> rightMetatable = isString(rhsType) ? stringNoMT : getMetatable(follow(rhsType), builtinTypes);
if (leftMetatable != rightMetatable)
bool matches = false;
if (isEquality)
if (const UnionType* utv = get<UnionType>(leftType); utv && rightMetatable)
for (TypeId leftOption : utv)
if (getMetatable(follow(leftOption), builtinTypes) == rightMetatable)
matches = true;
if (!matches)
if (const UnionType* utv = get<UnionType>(rhsType); utv && leftMetatable)
for (TypeId rightOption : utv)
if (getMetatable(follow(rightOption), builtinTypes) == leftMetatable)
matches = true;
if (!matches)
"Types %s and %s cannot be compared with %s because they do not have the same metatable",
return errorRecoveryType(booleanType);
if (leftMetatable)
std::optional<TypeId> metamethod = findMetatableEntry(lhsType, metamethodName, expr.location, /* addErrors= */ true);
if (metamethod)
if (const FunctionType* ftv = get<FunctionType>(FFlag::LuauMetatableFollow ? follow(*metamethod) : *metamethod))
if (isEquality)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, expr.location);
state.tryUnify(addTypePack({booleanType}), ftv->retTypes);
if (!state.errors.empty())
reportError(expr.location, GenericError{format("Metamethod '%s' must return type 'boolean'", metamethodName.c_str())});
return errorRecoveryType(booleanType);
TypeId actualFunctionType = addType(FunctionType(scope->level, addTypePack({lhsType, rhsType}), addTypePack({booleanType})));
instantiate(scope, actualFunctionType, expr.location), instantiate(scope, *metamethod, expr.location), /*isFunctionCall*/ true
return booleanType;
else if (needsMetamethod)
expr.location, GenericError{format("Table %s does not offer metamethod %s", toString(lhsType).c_str(), metamethodName.c_str())}
return errorRecoveryType(booleanType);
if (get<FreeType>(follow(lhsType)) && !isEquality)
auto name = getIdentifierOfBaseVar(expr.left);
reportError(expr.location, CannotInferBinaryOperation{expr.op, name, CannotInferBinaryOperation::Comparison});
return errorRecoveryType(booleanType);
if (needsMetamethod)
format("Type %s cannot be compared with %s because it has no metatable", toString(lhsType).c_str(), toString(expr.op).c_str())
return errorRecoveryType(booleanType);
return booleanType;
case AstExprBinary::And:
if (lhsIsAny)
return lhsType;
// If lhs is free, we can't tell which 'falsy' components it has, if any
if (get<FreeType>(lhsType))
return unionOfTypes(addType(UnionType{{nilType, singletonType(false)}}), rhsType, scope, expr.location, false);
auto [oty, notNever] = pickTypesFromSense(lhsType, false, neverType); // Filter out falsy types
if (notNever)
// Perform a limited form of type reduction for booleans
if (isPrim(*oty, PrimitiveType::Boolean) && get<BooleanSingleton>(get<SingletonType>(follow(rhsType))))
return booleanType;
if (isPrim(rhsType, PrimitiveType::Boolean) && get<BooleanSingleton>(get<SingletonType>(follow(*oty))))
return booleanType;
return unionOfTypes(*oty, rhsType, scope, expr.location, false);
return rhsType;
case AstExprBinary::Or:
if (lhsIsAny)
return lhsType;
auto [oty, notNever] = pickTypesFromSense(lhsType, true, neverType); // Filter out truthy types
if (notNever)
// Perform a limited form of type reduction for booleans
if (isPrim(*oty, PrimitiveType::Boolean) && get<BooleanSingleton>(get<SingletonType>(follow(rhsType))))
return booleanType;
if (isPrim(rhsType, PrimitiveType::Boolean) && get<BooleanSingleton>(get<SingletonType>(follow(*oty))))
return booleanType;
return unionOfTypes(*oty, rhsType, scope, expr.location);
return rhsType;
ice(format("checkRelationalOperation called with incorrect binary expression '%s'", toString(expr.op).c_str()), expr.location);
TypeId TypeChecker::checkBinaryOperation(
const ScopePtr& scope,
const AstExprBinary& expr,
TypeId lhsType,
TypeId rhsType,
const PredicateVec& predicates
switch (expr.op)
case AstExprBinary::CompareNe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareEq:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLe:
case AstExprBinary::And:
case AstExprBinary::Or:
return checkRelationalOperation(scope, expr, lhsType, rhsType, predicates);
lhsType = follow(lhsType);
rhsType = follow(rhsType);
if (!isNonstrictMode() && get<FreeType>(lhsType))
auto name = getIdentifierOfBaseVar(expr.left);
reportError(expr.location, CannotInferBinaryOperation{expr.op, name, CannotInferBinaryOperation::Operation});
// We will fall-through to the `return anyType` check below.
// If we know nothing at all about the lhs type, we can usually say nothing about the result.
// The notable exception to this is the equality and inequality operators, which always produce a boolean.
const bool lhsIsAny = get<AnyType>(lhsType) || get<ErrorType>(lhsType) || get<NeverType>(lhsType);
const bool rhsIsAny = get<AnyType>(rhsType) || get<ErrorType>(rhsType) || get<NeverType>(rhsType);
if (lhsIsAny)
return lhsType;
if (rhsIsAny)
return rhsType;
if (get<FreeType>(lhsType))
// Inferring this accurately will get a bit weird.
// If the lhs type is not known, it could be assumed that it is a table or class that has a metatable
// that defines the required method, but we don't know which.
// For now, we'll give up and hope for the best.
return anyType;
if (get<FreeType>(rhsType))
unify(rhsType, lhsType, scope, expr.location);
if (typeCouldHaveMetatable(lhsType) || typeCouldHaveMetatable(rhsType))
auto checkMetatableCall = [this, &scope, &expr](TypeId fnt, TypeId lhst, TypeId rhst) -> TypeId
TypeId actualFunctionType = instantiate(scope, fnt, expr.location);
TypePackId arguments = addTypePack({lhst, rhst});
TypePackId retTypePack = freshTypePack(scope);
TypeId expectedFunctionType = addType(FunctionType(scope->level, arguments, retTypePack));
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, expr.location);
state.tryUnify(actualFunctionType, expectedFunctionType, /*isFunctionCall*/ true);
bool hasErrors = !state.errors.empty();
if (hasErrors)
// If there are unification errors, the return type may still be unknown
// so we loosen the argument types to see if that helps.
TypePackId fallbackArguments = freshTypePack(scope);
TypeId fallbackFunctionType = addType(FunctionType(scope->level, fallbackArguments, retTypePack));
state.tryUnify(actualFunctionType, fallbackFunctionType, /*isFunctionCall*/ true);
if (state.errors.empty())
TypeId retType = first(retTypePack).value_or(nilType);
if (hasErrors)
retType = errorRecoveryType(retType);
return retType;
std::string op = opToMetaTableEntry(expr.op);
if (auto fnt = findMetatableEntry(lhsType, op, expr.location, /* addErrors= */ true))
return checkMetatableCall(*fnt, lhsType, rhsType);
if (auto fnt = findMetatableEntry(rhsType, op, expr.location, /* addErrors= */ true))
// Note the intentionally reversed arguments here.
return checkMetatableCall(*fnt, rhsType, lhsType);
"Binary operator '%s' not supported by types '%s' and '%s'",
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
switch (expr.op)
case AstExprBinary::Concat:
reportErrors(tryUnify(lhsType, addType(UnionType{{stringType, numberType}}), scope, expr.left->location));
reportErrors(tryUnify(rhsType, addType(UnionType{{stringType, numberType}}), scope, expr.right->location));
return stringType;
case AstExprBinary::Add:
case AstExprBinary::Sub:
case AstExprBinary::Mul:
case AstExprBinary::Div:
case AstExprBinary::FloorDiv:
case AstExprBinary::Mod:
case AstExprBinary::Pow:
reportErrors(tryUnify(lhsType, numberType, scope, expr.left->location));
reportErrors(tryUnify(rhsType, numberType, scope, expr.right->location));
return numberType;
// These should have been handled with checkRelationalOperation
return anyType;
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprBinary& expr, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType)
if (expr.op == AstExprBinary::And)
auto [lhsTy, lhsPredicates] = checkExpr(scope, *expr.left, expectedType);
ScopePtr innerScope = childScope(scope, expr.location);
resolve(lhsPredicates, innerScope, true);
auto [rhsTy, rhsPredicates] = checkExpr(innerScope, *expr.right, expectedType);
return {checkBinaryOperation(scope, expr, lhsTy, rhsTy), {AndPredicate{std::move(lhsPredicates), std::move(rhsPredicates)}}};
else if (expr.op == AstExprBinary::Or)
auto [lhsTy, lhsPredicates] = checkExpr(scope, *expr.left, expectedType);
ScopePtr innerScope = childScope(scope, expr.location);
resolve(lhsPredicates, innerScope, false);
auto [rhsTy, rhsPredicates] = checkExpr(innerScope, *expr.right, expectedType);
// Because of C++, I'm not sure if lhsPredicates was not moved out by the time we call checkBinaryOperation.
TypeId result = checkBinaryOperation(scope, expr, lhsTy, rhsTy, lhsPredicates);
return {result, {OrPredicate{std::move(lhsPredicates), std::move(rhsPredicates)}}};
else if (expr.op == AstExprBinary::CompareEq || expr.op == AstExprBinary::CompareNe)
// For these, passing expectedType is worse than simply forcing them, because their implementation
// may inadvertently check if expectedTypes exist first and use it, instead of forceSingleton first.
WithPredicate<TypeId> lhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.left, std::nullopt, /*forceSingleton=*/true);
WithPredicate<TypeId> rhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.right, std::nullopt, /*forceSingleton=*/true);
if (auto predicate = tryGetTypeGuardPredicate(expr))
return {booleanType, {std::move(*predicate)}};
PredicateVec predicates;
if (auto lvalue = tryGetLValue(*expr.left))
predicates.push_back(EqPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), rhs.type, expr.location});
if (auto lvalue = tryGetLValue(*expr.right))
predicates.push_back(EqPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), lhs.type, expr.location});
if (!predicates.empty() && expr.op == AstExprBinary::CompareNe)
predicates = {NotPredicate{std::move(predicates)}};
return {checkBinaryOperation(scope, expr, lhs.type, rhs.type), std::move(predicates)};
// Expected types are not useful for other binary operators.
WithPredicate<TypeId> lhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.left);
WithPredicate<TypeId> rhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.right);
// Intentionally discarding predicates with other operators.
return WithPredicate{checkBinaryOperation(scope, expr, lhs.type, rhs.type, lhs.predicates)};
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprTypeAssertion& expr)
TypeId annotationType = resolveType(scope, *expr.annotation);
WithPredicate<TypeId> result = checkExpr(scope, *expr.expr, annotationType);
// Note: As an optimization, we try 'number <: number | string' first, as that is the more likely case.
if (canUnify(annotationType, result.type, scope, expr.location).empty())
return {annotationType, std::move(result.predicates)};
if (canUnify(result.type, annotationType, scope, expr.location).empty())
return {annotationType, std::move(result.predicates)};
reportError(expr.location, TypesAreUnrelated{result.type, annotationType});
return {errorRecoveryType(annotationType), std::move(result.predicates)};
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprError& expr)
const size_t oldSize = currentModule->errors.size();
for (AstExpr* expr : expr.expressions)
checkExpr(scope, *expr);
// HACK: We want to check the contents of the AstExprError, but
// any type errors that may arise from it are going to be useless.
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryType(scope)};
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIfElse& expr, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType)
WithPredicate<TypeId> result = checkExpr(scope, *expr.condition);
ScopePtr trueScope = childScope(scope, expr.trueExpr->location);
resolve(result.predicates, trueScope, true);
WithPredicate<TypeId> trueType = checkExpr(trueScope, *expr.trueExpr, expectedType);
ScopePtr falseScope = childScope(scope, expr.falseExpr->location);
resolve(result.predicates, falseScope, false);
WithPredicate<TypeId> falseType = checkExpr(falseScope, *expr.falseExpr, expectedType);
if (falseType.type == trueType.type)
return WithPredicate{trueType.type};
std::vector<TypeId> types = reduceUnion({trueType.type, falseType.type});
if (types.empty())
return WithPredicate{neverType};
return WithPredicate{types.size() == 1 ? types[0] : addType(UnionType{std::move(types)})};
WithPredicate<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprInterpString& expr)
for (AstExpr* expr : expr.expressions)
checkExpr(scope, *expr);
return WithPredicate{stringType};
TypeId TypeChecker::checkLValue(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr, ValueContext ctx)
return checkLValueBinding(scope, expr, ctx);
TypeId TypeChecker::checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr, ValueContext ctx)
if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprLocal>())
return checkLValueBinding(scope, *a);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprGlobal>())
return checkLValueBinding(scope, *a);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprIndexName>())
return checkLValueBinding(scope, *a, ctx);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprIndexExpr>())
return checkLValueBinding(scope, *a, ctx);
else if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprError>())
for (AstExpr* expr : a->expressions)
checkExpr(scope, *expr);
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
ice("Unexpected AST node in checkLValue", expr.location);
TypeId TypeChecker::checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprLocal& expr)
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = scope->lookup(expr.local))
ty = follow(*ty);
return get<NeverType>(*ty) ? unknownType : *ty;
reportError(expr.location, UnknownSymbol{expr.local->name.value, UnknownSymbol::Binding});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
TypeId TypeChecker::checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprGlobal& expr)
Name name = expr.name.value;
ScopePtr moduleScope = currentModule->getModuleScope();
const auto it = moduleScope->bindings.find(expr.name);
if (it != moduleScope->bindings.end())
TypeId ty = follow(it->second.typeId);
return get<NeverType>(ty) ? unknownType : ty;
TypeId result = freshType(scope);
Binding& binding = moduleScope->bindings[expr.name];
binding = {result, expr.location};
// If we're in strict mode, we want to report defining a global as an error,
// but still add it to the bindings, so that autocomplete includes it in completions.
if (!isNonstrictMode())
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, UnknownSymbol{name, UnknownSymbol::Binding}});
return result;
TypeId TypeChecker::checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexName& expr, ValueContext ctx)
TypeId lhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.expr).type;
if (get<ErrorType>(lhs) || get<AnyType>(lhs))
return lhs;
if (get<NeverType>(lhs))
return unknownType;
Name name = expr.index.value;
lhs = stripFromNilAndReport(lhs, expr.expr->location);
if (TableType* lhsTable = getMutableTableType(lhs))
const auto& it = lhsTable->props.find(name);
if (it != lhsTable->props.end())
return it->second.type();
else if ((ctx == ValueContext::LValue && lhsTable->state == TableState::Unsealed) || lhsTable->state == TableState::Free)
TypeId theType = freshType(scope);
Property& property = lhsTable->props[name];
property.location = expr.indexLocation;
return theType;
else if (auto indexer = lhsTable->indexer)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, expr.location);
state.tryUnify(stringType, indexer->indexType);
TypeId retType = indexer->indexResultType;
if (!state.errors.empty())
reportError(expr.location, UnknownProperty{lhs, name});
retType = errorRecoveryType(retType);
return retType;
else if (lhsTable->state == TableState::Sealed)
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, CannotExtendTable{lhs, CannotExtendTable::Property, name}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, GenericError{"Internal error: generic tables are not lvalues"}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
else if (const ClassType* lhsClass = get<ClassType>(lhs))
if (const Property* prop = lookupClassProp(lhsClass, name))
return prop->type();
if (auto indexer = lhsClass->indexer)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, expr.location);
state.tryUnify(stringType, indexer->indexType);
if (state.errors.empty())
return indexer->indexResultType;
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, UnknownProperty{lhs, name}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
else if (get<IntersectionType>(lhs))
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, lhs, name, expr.location, /* addErrors= */ false))
return *ty;
// If intersection has a table part, report that it cannot be extended just as a sealed table
if (isTableIntersection(lhs))
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, CannotExtendTable{lhs, CannotExtendTable::Property, name}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, NotATable{lhs}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
TypeId TypeChecker::checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexExpr& expr, ValueContext ctx)
TypeId exprType = checkExpr(scope, *expr.expr).type;
exprType = stripFromNilAndReport(exprType, expr.expr->location);
TypeId indexType = checkExpr(scope, *expr.index).type;
exprType = follow(exprType);
if (get<AnyType>(exprType) || get<ErrorType>(exprType))
return exprType;
if (get<NeverType>(exprType))
return unknownType;
AstExprConstantString* value = expr.index->as<AstExprConstantString>();
if (value)
if (const ClassType* exprClass = get<ClassType>(exprType))
if (const Property* prop = lookupClassProp(exprClass, value->value.data))
return prop->type();
if (auto indexer = exprClass->indexer)
unify(stringType, indexer->indexType, scope, expr.index->location);
return indexer->indexResultType;
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, UnknownProperty{exprType, value->value.data}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
else if (get<IntersectionType>(exprType))
Name name = std::string(value->value.data, value->value.size);
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, exprType, name, expr.location, /* addErrors= */ false))
return *ty;
// If intersection has a table part, report that it cannot be extended just as a sealed table
if (isTableIntersection(exprType))
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, CannotExtendTable{exprType, CannotExtendTable::Property, name}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
if (const ClassType* exprClass = get<ClassType>(exprType))
if (auto indexer = exprClass->indexer)
unify(indexType, indexer->indexType, scope, expr.index->location);
return indexer->indexResultType;
if (const ClassType* exprClass = get<ClassType>(exprType))
if (isNonstrictMode())
return unknownType;
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, DynamicPropertyLookupOnClassesUnsafe{exprType}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
if (FFlag::LuauAcceptIndexingTableUnionsIntersections)
// We're going to have a whole vector.
std::vector<TableType*> tableTypes{};
bool isUnion = true;
// We'd like for normalization eventually to deal with this sort of thing, but as a tactical affordance, we will
// attempt to deal with _one_ level of unions or intersections.
if (auto exprUnion = get<UnionType>(exprType))
for (auto option : exprUnion)
TableType* optionTable = getMutableTableType(option);
if (!optionTable)
// TODO: we could do better here and report `option` is not a table as reasoning for the error
reportError(TypeError{expr.expr->location, NotATable{exprType}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
else if (auto exprIntersection = get<IntersectionType>(exprType))
isUnion = false;
for (auto part : exprIntersection)
TableType* partTable = getMutableTableType(part);
if (!partTable)
// TODO: we could do better here and report `part` is not a table as reasoning for the error
reportError(TypeError{expr.expr->location, NotATable{exprType}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
else if (auto exprTable = getMutableTableType(exprType))
reportError(TypeError{expr.expr->location, NotATable{exprType}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
if (value)
DenseHashSet<TypeId> propTypes{{}};
for (auto table : tableTypes)
const auto& it = table->props.find(value->value.data);
if (it != table->props.end())
else if ((ctx == ValueContext::LValue && table->state == TableState::Unsealed) || table->state == TableState::Free)
TypeId resultType = freshType(scope);
Property& property = table->props[value->value.data];
property.location = expr.index->location;
if (propTypes.size() == 1)
return *propTypes.begin();
if (!propTypes.empty())
if (isUnion)
std::vector<TypeId> options = reduceUnion({propTypes.begin(), propTypes.end()});
if (options.empty())
return neverType;
if (options.size() == 1)
return options[0];
return addType(UnionType{options});
return addType(IntersectionType{{propTypes.begin(), propTypes.end()}});
DenseHashSet<TypeId> resultTypes{{}};
for (auto table : tableTypes)
if (table->indexer)
const TableIndexer& indexer = *table->indexer;
unify(indexType, indexer.indexType, scope, expr.index->location);
else if ((ctx == ValueContext::LValue && table->state == TableState::Unsealed) || table->state == TableState::Free)
TypeId indexerType = freshType(table->level);
unify(indexType, indexerType, scope, expr.location);
TypeId indexResultType = freshType(table->level);
table->indexer = TableIndexer{anyIfNonstrict(indexerType), anyIfNonstrict(indexResultType)};
* If we use [] indexing to fetch a property from a sealed table that
* has no indexer, we have no idea if it will work so we just return any
* and hope for the best.
// if this is a union, it's going to be equivalent to `any` no matter what at this point, so we'll just call it done.
if (isUnion)
return anyType;
if (resultTypes.size() == 1)
return *resultTypes.begin();
if (isUnion)
std::vector<TypeId> options = reduceUnion({resultTypes.begin(), resultTypes.end()});
if (options.empty())
return neverType;
if (options.size() == 1)
return options[0];
return addType(UnionType{options});
return addType(IntersectionType{{resultTypes.begin(), resultTypes.end()}});
TableType* exprTable = getMutableTableType(exprType);
if (!exprTable)
reportError(TypeError{expr.expr->location, NotATable{exprType}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
if (value)
const auto& it = exprTable->props.find(value->value.data);
if (it != exprTable->props.end())
return it->second.type();
else if ((ctx == ValueContext::LValue && exprTable->state == TableState::Unsealed) || exprTable->state == TableState::Free)
TypeId resultType = freshType(scope);
Property& property = exprTable->props[value->value.data];
property.location = expr.index->location;
return resultType;
if (exprTable->indexer)
const TableIndexer& indexer = *exprTable->indexer;
unify(indexType, indexer.indexType, scope, expr.index->location);
return indexer.indexResultType;
else if ((ctx == ValueContext::LValue && exprTable->state == TableState::Unsealed) || exprTable->state == TableState::Free)
TypeId indexerType = freshType(exprTable->level);
unify(indexType, indexerType, scope, expr.location);
TypeId indexResultType = freshType(exprTable->level);
exprTable->indexer = TableIndexer{anyIfNonstrict(indexerType), anyIfNonstrict(indexResultType)};
return indexResultType;
* If we use [] indexing to fetch a property from a sealed table that
* has no indexer, we have no idea if it will work so we just return any
* and hope for the best.
return anyType;
// Answers the question: "Can I define another function with this name?"
// Primarily about detecting duplicates.
TypeId TypeChecker::checkFunctionName(const ScopePtr& scope, AstExpr& funName, TypeLevel level)
auto freshTy = [&]()
return freshType(level);
if (auto globalName = funName.as<AstExprGlobal>())
const ScopePtr& moduleScope = currentModule->getModuleScope();
Symbol name = globalName->name;
if (moduleScope->bindings.count(name))
if (isNonstrictMode())
return moduleScope->bindings[name].typeId;
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
TypeId ty = freshTy();
moduleScope->bindings[name] = {ty, funName.location};
return ty;
else if (auto localName = funName.as<AstExprLocal>())
Symbol name = localName->local;
Binding& binding = scope->bindings[name];
if (binding.typeId == nullptr)
binding = {freshTy(), funName.location};
return binding.typeId;
else if (auto indexName = funName.as<AstExprIndexName>())
TypeId lhsType = checkExpr(scope, *indexName->expr).type;
TableType* ttv = getMutableTableType(lhsType);
if (!ttv || ttv->state == TableState::Sealed)
if (auto ty = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, lhsType, indexName->index.value, indexName->indexLocation, /* addErrors= */ false))
return *ty;
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
Name name = indexName->index.value;
if (ttv->props.count(name))
return ttv->props[name].type();
Property& property = ttv->props[name];
property.location = indexName->indexLocation;
return property.type();
else if (funName.is<AstExprError>())
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
ice("Unexpected AST node type", funName.location);
// This returns a pair `[funType, funScope]` where
// - funType is the prototype type of the function
// - funScope is the scope for the function, which is a child scope with bindings added for
// parameters (and generic types if there were explicit generic annotations).
// The function type is a prototype, in that it may be missing some generic types which
// can only be inferred from type inference after typechecking the function body.
// For example the function `function id(x) return x end` has prototype
// `(X) -> Y...`, but after typechecking the body, we cam unify `Y...` with `X`
// to get type `(X) -> X`, then we quantify the free types to get the final
// generic type `<a>(a) -> a`.
std::pair<TypeId, ScopePtr> TypeChecker::checkFunctionSignature(
const ScopePtr& scope,
int subLevel,
const AstExprFunction& expr,
std::optional<Location> originalName,
std::optional<TypeId> selfType,
std::optional<TypeId> expectedType
ScopePtr funScope = childFunctionScope(scope, expr.location, subLevel);
const FunctionType* expectedFunctionType = nullptr;
if (expectedType)
if (auto ftv = get<FunctionType>(follow(*expectedType)))
expectedFunctionType = ftv;
else if (auto utv = get<UnionType>(follow(*expectedType)))
// Look for function type in a union. Other types can be ignored since current expression is a function
for (auto option : utv)
if (auto ftv = get<FunctionType>(follow(option)))
if (!expectedFunctionType)
expectedFunctionType = ftv;
// Do not infer argument types when multiple overloads are expected
expectedFunctionType = nullptr;
auto [generics, genericPacks] = createGenericTypes(funScope, std::nullopt, expr, expr.generics, expr.genericPacks);
TypePackId retPack;
if (expr.returnAnnotation)
retPack = resolveTypePack(funScope, *expr.returnAnnotation);
else if (isNonstrictMode())
retPack = anyTypePack;
else if (expectedFunctionType && expectedFunctionType->generics.empty() && expectedFunctionType->genericPacks.empty())
auto [head, tail] = flatten(expectedFunctionType->retTypes);
// Do not infer 'nil' as function return type
if (!tail && head.size() == 1 && isNil(head[0]))
retPack = freshTypePack(funScope);
retPack = addTypePack(head, tail);
retPack = freshTypePack(funScope);
if (expr.vararg)
if (expr.varargAnnotation)
funScope->varargPack = resolveTypePack(funScope, *expr.varargAnnotation);
if (expectedFunctionType && !isNonstrictMode())
auto [head, tail] = flatten(expectedFunctionType->argTypes);
if (expr.args.size <= head.size())
head.erase(head.begin(), head.begin() + expr.args.size);
funScope->varargPack = addTypePack(head, tail);
else if (tail)
if (get<VariadicTypePack>(follow(*tail)))
funScope->varargPack = addTypePack({}, tail);
funScope->varargPack = addTypePack({});
// TODO: should this be a free type pack? CLI-39910
if (!funScope->varargPack)
funScope->varargPack = anyTypePack;
std::vector<TypeId> argTypes;
funScope->returnType = retPack;
if (expr.self)
TypeId selfType = anyIfNonstrict(freshType(funScope));
funScope->bindings[expr.self] = {selfType, expr.self->location};
// Prepare expected argument type iterators if we have an expected function type
TypePackIterator expectedArgsCurr, expectedArgsEnd;
if (expectedFunctionType && !isNonstrictMode())
expectedArgsCurr = begin(expectedFunctionType->argTypes);
expectedArgsEnd = end(expectedFunctionType->argTypes);
for (AstLocal* local : expr.args)
TypeId argType = nullptr;
if (local->annotation)
argType = resolveType(funScope, *local->annotation);
// If the annotation type has an error, treat it as if there was no annotation
if (get<ErrorType>(follow(argType)))
argType = anyIfNonstrict(freshType(funScope));
if (expectedFunctionType && !isNonstrictMode())
if (expectedArgsCurr != expectedArgsEnd)
argType = *expectedArgsCurr;
else if (auto expectedArgsTail = expectedArgsCurr.tail())
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(follow(*expectedArgsTail)))
argType = vtp->ty;
if (!argType)
argType = anyIfNonstrict(freshType(funScope));
funScope->bindings[local] = {argType, local->location};
if (expectedArgsCurr != expectedArgsEnd)
TypePackId argPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar(TypePack{argTypes, funScope->varargPack}));
FunctionDefinition defn;
defn.definitionModuleName = currentModule->name;
defn.definitionLocation = expr.location;
defn.varargLocation = expr.vararg ? std::make_optional(expr.varargLocation) : std::nullopt;
defn.originalNameLocation = originalName.value_or(Location(expr.location.begin, 0));
std::vector<TypeId> genericTys;
// if we have a generic expected function type and no generics, we should use the expected ones.
if (expectedFunctionType && generics.empty())
genericTys = expectedFunctionType->generics;
for (const GenericTypeDefinition& generic : generics)
std::vector<TypePackId> genericTps;
// if we have a generic expected function type and no generic typepacks, we should use the expected ones.
if (expectedFunctionType && genericPacks.empty())
genericTps = expectedFunctionType->genericPacks;
for (const GenericTypePackDefinition& generic : genericPacks)
TypeId funTy =
addType(FunctionType(funScope->level, std::move(genericTys), std::move(genericTps), argPack, retPack, std::move(defn), bool(expr.self)));
FunctionType* ftv = getMutable<FunctionType>(funTy);
ftv->argNames.reserve(expr.args.size + (expr.self ? 1 : 0));
if (expr.self)
ftv->argNames.push_back(FunctionArgument{"self", {}});
for (AstLocal* local : expr.args)
ftv->argNames.push_back(FunctionArgument{local->name.value, local->location});
return std::make_pair(funTy, funScope);
static bool allowsNoReturnValues(const TypePackId tp)
for (TypeId ty : tp)
if (!get<ErrorType>(follow(ty)))
return false;
return true;
static Location getEndLocation(const AstExprFunction& function)
Location loc = function.location;
if (loc.begin.line != loc.end.line)
Position begin = loc.end;
begin.column = std::max(0u, begin.column - 3);
loc = Location(begin, 3);
return loc;
void TypeChecker::checkFunctionBody(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, const AstExprFunction& function)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("TypeChecker::checkFunctionBody", "TypeChecker");
if (function.debugname.value)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_ARGUMENT("name", function.debugname.value);
LUAU_TIMETRACE_ARGUMENT("line", std::to_string(function.location.begin.line).c_str());
if (FunctionType* funTy = getMutable<FunctionType>(ty))
check(scope, *function.body);
// We explicitly don't follow here to check if we have a 'true' free type instead of bound one
if (get_if<FreeTypePack>(&funTy->retTypes->ty))
*asMutable(funTy->retTypes) = TypePack{{}, std::nullopt};
bool reachesImplicitReturn = getFallthrough(function.body) != nullptr;
if (reachesImplicitReturn && !allowsNoReturnValues(follow(funTy->retTypes)))
// If we're in nonstrict mode we want to only report this missing return
// statement if there are type annotations on the function. In strict mode
// we report it regardless.
if (!isNonstrictMode() || function.returnAnnotation)
reportError(getEndLocation(function), FunctionExitsWithoutReturning{funTy->retTypes});
if (!currentModule->astTypes.find(&function))
currentModule->astTypes[&function] = ty;
ice("Checking non functional type");
WithPredicate<TypePackId> TypeChecker::checkExprPack(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr)
WithPredicate<TypePackId> result = checkExprPackHelper(scope, expr);
if (containsNever(result.type))
return WithPredicate{uninhabitableTypePack};
return result;
WithPredicate<TypePackId> TypeChecker::checkExprPackHelper(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr)
if (auto a = expr.as<AstExprCall>())
return checkExprPackHelper(scope, *a);
else if (expr.is<AstExprVarargs>())
if (!scope->varargPack)
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryTypePack(scope)};
return WithPredicate{*scope->varargPack};
TypeId type = checkExpr(scope, expr).type;
return WithPredicate{addTypePack({type})};
void TypeChecker::checkArgumentList(
const ScopePtr& scope,
const AstExpr& funName,
Unifier& state,
TypePackId argPack,
TypePackId paramPack,
const std::vector<Location>& argLocations
/* Important terminology refresher:
* A function requires parameters.
* To call a function, you supply arguments.
TypePackIterator argIter = begin(argPack, &state.log);
TypePackIterator paramIter = begin(paramPack, &state.log);
TypePackIterator endIter = end(argPack); // Important subtlety: All end TypePackIterators are equivalent
size_t paramIndex = 0;
auto reportCountMismatchError = [&state, &argLocations, paramPack, argPack, &funName]()
// For this case, we want the error span to cover every errant extra parameter
Location location = state.location;
if (!argLocations.empty())
location = {state.location.begin, argLocations.back().end};
std::string namePath;
if (std::optional<std::string> path = getFunctionNameAsString(funName))
namePath = *path;
auto [minParams, optMaxParams] = getParameterExtents(&state.log, paramPack);
CountMismatch{minParams, optMaxParams, std::distance(begin(argPack), end(argPack)), CountMismatch::Context::Arg, false, namePath}
while (true)
state.location = paramIndex < argLocations.size() ? argLocations[paramIndex] : state.location;
if (argIter == endIter && paramIter == endIter)
std::optional<TypePackId> argTail = argIter.tail();
std::optional<TypePackId> paramTail = paramIter.tail();
// If we hit the end of both type packs simultaneously, we have to unify them.
// But if one side has a free tail and the other has none at all, we create an empty pack and bind the free tail to that.
if (argTail)
if (state.log.getMutable<FreeTypePack>(state.log.follow(*argTail)))
if (paramTail)
state.tryUnify(*paramTail, *argTail);
state.log.replace(*argTail, TypePackVar(TypePack{{}}));
else if (paramTail)
state.tryUnify(*argTail, *paramTail);
else if (paramTail)
// argTail is definitely empty
if (state.log.getMutable<FreeTypePack>(state.log.follow(*paramTail)))
state.log.replace(*paramTail, TypePackVar(TypePack{{}}));
else if (argIter == endIter)
// Not enough arguments.
// Might be ok if we are forwarding a vararg along. This is a common thing to occur in nonstrict mode.
if (argIter.tail())
TypePackId tail = *argIter.tail();
if (state.log.getMutable<Unifiable::Error>(tail))
// Unify remaining parameters so we don't leave any free-types hanging around.
while (paramIter != endIter)
state.tryUnify(errorRecoveryType(anyType), *paramIter);
else if (auto vtp = state.log.getMutable<VariadicTypePack>(tail))
// Function is variadic and requires that all subsequent parameters
// be compatible with a type.
while (paramIter != endIter)
state.tryUnify(vtp->ty, *paramIter);
else if (state.log.getMutable<FreeTypePack>(tail))
std::vector<TypeId> rest;
rest.reserve(std::distance(paramIter, endIter));
while (paramIter != endIter)
TypePackId varPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar{TypePack{rest, paramIter.tail()}});
state.tryUnify(tail, varPack);
// If any remaining unfulfilled parameters are nonoptional, this is a problem.
while (paramIter != endIter)
TypeId t = state.log.follow(*paramIter);
if (isOptional(t))
} // ok
else if (state.log.getMutable<ErrorType>(t))
} // ok
auto [minParams, optMaxParams] = getParameterExtents(&state.log, paramPack);
std::optional<TypePackId> tail = flatten(paramPack, state.log).second;
bool isVariadic = tail && Luau::isVariadic(*tail);
std::string namePath;
if (std::optional<std::string> path = getFunctionNameAsString(funName))
namePath = *path;
funName.location, CountMismatch{minParams, optMaxParams, paramIndex, CountMismatch::Context::Arg, isVariadic, namePath}
else if (paramIter == endIter)
// too many parameters passed
if (!paramIter.tail())
while (argIter != endIter)
// The use of unify here is deliberate. We don't want this unification
// to be undoable.
unify(errorRecoveryType(scope), *argIter, scope, state.location);
TypePackId tail = state.log.follow(*paramIter.tail());
if (state.log.getMutable<Unifiable::Error>(tail))
// Function is variadic. Ok.
else if (auto vtp = state.log.getMutable<VariadicTypePack>(tail))
// Function is variadic and requires that all subsequent parameters
// be compatible with a type.
size_t argIndex = paramIndex;
while (argIter != endIter)
Location location = state.location;
if (argIndex < argLocations.size())
location = argLocations[argIndex];
state.location = location;
state.tryUnify(*argIter, vtp->ty);
else if (state.log.getMutable<FreeTypePack>(tail))
// Create a type pack out of the remaining argument types
// and unify it with the tail.
std::vector<TypeId> rest;
rest.reserve(std::distance(argIter, endIter));
while (argIter != endIter)
TypePackId varPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar{TypePack{rest, argIter.tail()}});
state.tryUnify(varPack, tail);
else if (state.log.getMutable<FreeTypePack>(tail))
state.log.replace(tail, TypePackVar(TypePack{{}}));
else if (state.log.getMutable<GenericTypePack>(tail))
if (FFlag::LuauInstantiateInSubtyping)
state.tryUnify(*argIter, *paramIter, /*isFunctionCall*/ false);
unifyWithInstantiationIfNeeded(*argIter, *paramIter, scope, state);
WithPredicate<TypePackId> TypeChecker::checkExprPackHelper(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr)
// evaluate type of function
// decompose an intersection into its component overloads
// Compute types of parameters
// For each overload
// Compare parameter and argument types
// Report any errors (also speculate dot vs colon warnings!)
// Return the resulting return type (even if there are errors)
// If there are no matching overloads, unify with (a...) -> (b...) and return b...
TypeId selfType = nullptr;
TypeId functionType = nullptr;
TypeId actualFunctionType = nullptr;
if (expr.self)
AstExprIndexName* indexExpr = expr.func->as<AstExprIndexName>();
if (!indexExpr)
ice("method call expression has no 'self'");
selfType = checkExpr(scope, *indexExpr->expr).type;
selfType = stripFromNilAndReport(selfType, expr.func->location);
if (std::optional<TypeId> propTy = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, selfType, indexExpr->index.value, expr.location, /* addErrors= */ true))
functionType = *propTy;
actualFunctionType = instantiate(scope, functionType, expr.func->location);
functionType = errorRecoveryType(scope);
actualFunctionType = functionType;
functionType = checkExpr(scope, *expr.func).type;
actualFunctionType = instantiate(scope, functionType, expr.func->location);
TypePackId retPack;
if (auto free = get<FreeType>(actualFunctionType))
retPack = freshTypePack(free->level);
TypePackId freshArgPack = freshTypePack(free->level);
emplaceType<FunctionType>(asMutable(actualFunctionType), free->level, freshArgPack, retPack);
retPack = freshTypePack(scope->level);
// We break this function up into a lambda here to limit our stack footprint.
// The vectors used by this function aren't allocated until the lambda is actually called.
auto the_rest = [&]() -> WithPredicate<TypePackId>
// checkExpr will log the pre-instantiated type of the function.
// That's not nearly as interesting as the instantiated type, which will include details about how
// generic functions are being instantiated for this particular callsite.
currentModule->astOriginalCallTypes[expr.func] = follow(functionType);
currentModule->astTypes[expr.func] = actualFunctionType;
std::vector<TypeId> overloads = flattenIntersection(actualFunctionType);
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> expectedTypes = getExpectedTypesForCall(overloads, expr.args.size, expr.self);
WithPredicate<TypePackId> argListResult = checkExprList(scope, expr.location, expr.args, false, {}, expectedTypes);
TypePackId argPack = argListResult.type;
if (get<Unifiable::Error>(argPack))
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryTypePack(scope)};
TypePack* args = nullptr;
if (expr.self)
argPack = addTypePack(TypePack{{selfType}, argPack});
argListResult.type = argPack;
args = getMutable<TypePack>(argPack);
std::vector<Location> argLocations;
argLocations.reserve(expr.args.size + 1);
if (expr.self)
for (AstExpr* arg : expr.args)
std::vector<OverloadErrorEntry> errors; // errors encountered for each overload
std::vector<TypeId> overloadsThatMatchArgCount;
std::vector<TypeId> overloadsThatDont;
for (TypeId fn : overloads)
fn = follow(fn);
if (auto ret = checkCallOverload(
scope, expr, fn, retPack, argPack, args, &argLocations, argListResult, overloadsThatMatchArgCount, overloadsThatDont, errors
return *ret;
if (handleSelfCallMismatch(scope, expr, args, argLocations, errors))
return WithPredicate{retPack};
reportOverloadResolutionError(scope, expr, retPack, argPack, argLocations, overloads, overloadsThatMatchArgCount, errors);
const FunctionType* overload = nullptr;
if (!overloadsThatMatchArgCount.empty())
overload = get<FunctionType>(overloadsThatMatchArgCount[0]);
if (!overload && !overloadsThatDont.empty())
overload = get<FunctionType>(overloadsThatDont[0]);
if (overload)
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryTypePack(overload->retTypes)};
return WithPredicate{errorRecoveryTypePack(retPack)};
return the_rest();
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> TypeChecker::getExpectedTypesForCall(const std::vector<TypeId>& overloads, size_t argumentCount, bool selfCall)
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> expectedTypes;
auto assignOption = [this, &expectedTypes](size_t index, TypeId ty)
if (index == expectedTypes.size())
else if (ty)
auto& el = expectedTypes[index];
if (!el)
el = ty;
std::vector<TypeId> result = reduceUnion({*el, ty});
if (result.empty())
el = neverType;
el = result.size() == 1 ? result[0] : addType(UnionType{std::move(result)});
for (const TypeId overload : overloads)
if (const FunctionType* ftv = get<FunctionType>(overload))
auto [argsHead, argsTail] = flatten(ftv->argTypes);
size_t start = selfCall ? 1 : 0;
size_t index = 0;
for (size_t i = start; i < argsHead.size(); ++i)
assignOption(index++, argsHead[i]);
if (argsTail)
argsTail = follow(*argsTail);
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(*argsTail))
while (index < argumentCount)
assignOption(index++, vtp->ty);
Demoter demoter{¤tModule->internalTypes};
return expectedTypes;
* Note: We return a std::unique_ptr here rather than an optional to manage our stack consumption.
* If this was an optional, callers would have to pay the stack cost for the result. This is problematic
* for functions that need to support recursion up to 600 levels deep.
std::unique_ptr<WithPredicate<TypePackId>> TypeChecker::checkCallOverload(
const ScopePtr& scope,
const AstExprCall& expr,
TypeId fn,
TypePackId retPack,
TypePackId argPack,
TypePack* args,
const std::vector<Location>* argLocations,
const WithPredicate<TypePackId>& argListResult,
std::vector<TypeId>& overloadsThatMatchArgCount,
std::vector<TypeId>& overloadsThatDont,
std::vector<OverloadErrorEntry>& errors
fn = stripFromNilAndReport(fn, expr.func->location);
if (get<AnyType>(fn))
unify(anyTypePack, argPack, scope, expr.location);
return std::make_unique<WithPredicate<TypePackId>>(anyTypePack);
if (get<ErrorType>(fn))
return std::make_unique<WithPredicate<TypePackId>>(errorRecoveryTypePack(scope));
if (get<NeverType>(fn))
return std::make_unique<WithPredicate<TypePackId>>(uninhabitableTypePack);
if (auto ftv = get<FreeType>(fn))
// fn is one of the overloads of actualFunctionType, which
// has been instantiated, so is a monotype. We can therefore
// unify it with a monomorphic function.
TypeId r = addType(FunctionType(scope->level, argPack, retPack));
UnifierOptions options;
options.isFunctionCall = true;
unify(r, fn, scope, expr.location, options);
return std::make_unique<WithPredicate<TypePackId>>(retPack);
std::vector<Location> metaArgLocations;
// Might be a callable table or class
std::optional<TypeId> callTy = std::nullopt;
if (const MetatableType* mttv = get<MetatableType>(fn))
callTy = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, mttv->metatable, "__call", expr.func->location, /* addErrors= */ false);
else if (const ClassType* ctv = get<ClassType>(fn); ctv && ctv->metatable)
callTy = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, *ctv->metatable, "__call", expr.func->location, /* addErrors= */ false);
if (callTy)
// Construct arguments with 'self' added in front
TypePackId metaCallArgPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar(TypePack{args->head, args->tail}));
TypePack* metaCallArgs = getMutable<TypePack>(metaCallArgPack);
metaCallArgs->head.insert(metaCallArgs->head.begin(), fn);
metaArgLocations = *argLocations;
metaArgLocations.insert(metaArgLocations.begin(), expr.func->location);
fn = instantiate(scope, *callTy, expr.func->location);
argPack = metaCallArgPack;
args = metaCallArgs;
argLocations = &metaArgLocations;
const FunctionType* ftv = get<FunctionType>(fn);
if (!ftv)
reportError(TypeError{expr.func->location, CannotCallNonFunction{fn}});
unify(errorRecoveryTypePack(scope), retPack, scope, expr.func->location);
return std::make_unique<WithPredicate<TypePackId>>(errorRecoveryTypePack(retPack));
// When this function type has magic functions and did return something, we select that overload instead.
// TODO: pass in a Unifier object to the magic functions? This will allow the magic functions to cooperate with overload resolution.
if (ftv->magicFunction)
// TODO: We're passing in the wrong TypePackId. Should be argPack, but a unit test fails otherwise. CLI-40458
if (std::optional<WithPredicate<TypePackId>> ret = ftv->magicFunction(*this, scope, expr, argListResult))
return std::make_unique<WithPredicate<TypePackId>>(std::move(*ret));
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, expr.location);
// Unify return types
checkArgumentList(scope, *expr.func, state, retPack, ftv->retTypes, /*argLocations*/ {});
if (!state.errors.empty())
return nullptr;
checkArgumentList(scope, *expr.func, state, argPack, ftv->argTypes, *argLocations);
if (!state.errors.empty())
bool argMismatch = false;
for (auto error : state.errors)
CountMismatch* cm = get<CountMismatch>(error);
if (!cm)
if (cm->context == CountMismatch::Arg)
argMismatch = true;
if (!argMismatch)
currentModule->astOverloadResolvedTypes[&expr] = fn;
// We select this overload
return std::make_unique<WithPredicate<TypePackId>>(retPack);
return nullptr;
bool TypeChecker::handleSelfCallMismatch(
const ScopePtr& scope,
const AstExprCall& expr,
TypePack* args,
const std::vector<Location>& argLocations,
const std::vector<OverloadErrorEntry>& errors
// No overloads succeeded: Scan for one that would have worked had the user
// used a.b() rather than a:b() or vice versa.
for (const auto& e : errors)
// Did you write foo:bar() when you should have written foo.bar()?
if (expr.self)
std::vector<Location> editedArgLocations(argLocations.begin() + 1, argLocations.end());
std::vector<TypeId> editedParamList(args->head.begin() + 1, args->head.end());
TypePackId editedArgPack = addTypePack(TypePack{editedParamList});
Unifier editedState = mkUnifier(scope, expr.location);
checkArgumentList(scope, *expr.func, editedState, editedArgPack, e.fnTy->argTypes, editedArgLocations);
if (editedState.errors.empty())
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf{}});
// This is a little bit suspect: If this overload would work with a . replaced by a :
// we eagerly assume that that's what you actually meant and we commit to it.
// This could be incorrect if the function has an additional overload that
// actually works.
// checkArgumentList(scope, editedState, retPack, ftv->retTypes, retLocations, CountMismatch::Return);
return true;
else if (e.fnTy->hasSelf)
// Did you write foo.bar() when you should have written foo:bar()?
if (AstExprIndexName* indexName = expr.func->as<AstExprIndexName>())
std::vector<Location> editedArgLocations;
editedArgLocations.reserve(argLocations.size() + 1);
editedArgLocations.insert(editedArgLocations.end(), argLocations.begin(), argLocations.end());
std::vector<TypeId> editedArgList(args->head);
editedArgList.insert(editedArgList.begin(), checkExpr(scope, *indexName->expr).type);
TypePackId editedArgPack = addTypePack(TypePack{editedArgList});
Unifier editedState = mkUnifier(scope, expr.location);
checkArgumentList(scope, *expr.func, editedState, editedArgPack, e.fnTy->argTypes, editedArgLocations);
if (editedState.errors.empty())
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, FunctionRequiresSelf{}});
// This is a little bit suspect: If this overload would work with a : replaced by a .
// we eagerly assume that that's what you actually meant and we commit to it.
// This could be incorrect if the function has an additional overload that
// actually works.
// checkArgumentList(scope, editedState, retPack, ftv->retTypes, retLocations, CountMismatch::Return);
return true;
return false;
void TypeChecker::reportOverloadResolutionError(
const ScopePtr& scope,
const AstExprCall& expr,
TypePackId retPack,
TypePackId argPack,
const std::vector<Location>& argLocations,
const std::vector<TypeId>& overloads,
const std::vector<TypeId>& overloadsThatMatchArgCount,
std::vector<OverloadErrorEntry>& errors
if (overloads.size() == 1)
std::vector<TypeId> overloadTypes = overloadsThatMatchArgCount;
if (overloadsThatMatchArgCount.size() == 0)
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, GenericError{"No overload for function accepts " + std::to_string(size(argPack)) + " arguments."}});
// If no overloads match argument count, just list all overloads.
overloadTypes = overloads;
// Report errors of the first argument-count-matching, but failing overload
TypeId overload = overloadsThatMatchArgCount[0];
// Remove the overload we are reporting errors about, from the list of alternative
overloadTypes.erase(std::remove(overloadTypes.begin(), overloadTypes.end(), overload), overloadTypes.end());
const FunctionType* ftv = get<FunctionType>(overload);
auto error = std::find_if(
[ftv](const OverloadErrorEntry& e)
return ftv == e.fnTy;
LUAU_ASSERT(error != errors.end());
// If only one overload matched, we don't need this error because we provided the previous errors.
if (overloadsThatMatchArgCount.size() == 1)
std::string s;
for (size_t i = 0; i < overloadTypes.size(); ++i)
TypeId overload = follow(overloadTypes[i]);
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, expr.location);
// Unify return types
if (const FunctionType* ftv = get<FunctionType>(overload))
checkArgumentList(scope, *expr.func, state, retPack, ftv->retTypes, {});
checkArgumentList(scope, *expr.func, state, argPack, ftv->argTypes, argLocations);
if (state.errors.empty())
if (i > 0)
s += "; ";
if (i > 0 && i == overloadTypes.size() - 1)
s += "and ";
s += toString(overload);
if (overloadsThatMatchArgCount.size() == 0)
reportError(expr.func->location, ExtraInformation{"Available overloads: " + s});
reportError(expr.func->location, ExtraInformation{"Other overloads are also not viable: " + s});
// No viable overload
WithPredicate<TypePackId> TypeChecker::checkExprList(
const ScopePtr& scope,
const Location& location,
const AstArray<AstExpr*>& exprs,
bool substituteFreeForNil,
const std::vector<bool>& instantiateGenerics,
const std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>>& expectedTypes
bool uninhabitable = false;
TypePackId pack = addTypePack(TypePack{});
PredicateVec predicates; // At the moment we will be pushing all predicate sets into this. Do we need some way to split them up?
auto insert = [&predicates](PredicateVec& vec)
for (Predicate& c : vec)
if (exprs.size == 0)
return WithPredicate{pack};
TypePack* tp = getMutable<TypePack>(pack);
size_t lastIndex = exprs.size - 1;
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, location);
std::vector<TxnLog> inverseLogs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < exprs.size; ++i)
AstExpr* expr = exprs.data[i];
std::optional<TypeId> expectedType = i < expectedTypes.size() ? expectedTypes[i] : std::nullopt;
if (i == lastIndex && (expr->is<AstExprCall>() || expr->is<AstExprVarargs>()))
auto [typePack, exprPredicates] = checkExprPack(scope, *expr);
if (containsNever(typePack))
// f(), g() where f() returns (never, string) or (string, never) means this whole TypePackId is uninhabitable, so return (never,
// ...never)
uninhabitable = true;
else if (std::optional<TypeId> firstTy = first(typePack))
if (!currentModule->astTypes.find(expr))
currentModule->astTypes[expr] = follow(*firstTy);
if (expectedType)
currentModule->astExpectedTypes[expr] = *expectedType;
tp->tail = typePack;
auto [type, exprPredicates] = checkExpr(scope, *expr, expectedType);
if (get<NeverType>(type))
// f(), g() where f() returns (never, string) or (string, never) means this whole TypePackId is uninhabitable, so return (never,
// ...never)
uninhabitable = true;
TypeId actualType = substituteFreeForNil && expr->is<AstExprConstantNil>() ? freshType(scope) : type;
if (!FFlag::LuauInstantiateInSubtyping)
if (instantiateGenerics.size() > i && instantiateGenerics[i])
actualType = instantiate(scope, actualType, expr->location);
if (expectedType)
state.tryUnify(actualType, *expectedType);
// Ugly: In future iterations of the loop, we might need the state of the unification we
// just performed. There's not a great way to pass that into checkExpr. Instead, we store
// the inverse of the current log, and commit it. When we're done, we'll commit all the
// inverses. This isn't optimal, and a better solution is welcome here.
for (TxnLog& log : inverseLogs)
if (uninhabitable)
return WithPredicate{uninhabitableTypePack};
return {pack, predicates};
std::optional<AstExpr*> TypeChecker::matchRequire(const AstExprCall& call)
const char* require = "require";
if (call.args.size != 1)
return std::nullopt;
const AstExprGlobal* funcAsGlobal = call.func->as<AstExprGlobal>();
if (!funcAsGlobal || funcAsGlobal->name != require)
return std::nullopt;
if (call.args.size != 1)
return std::nullopt;
return call.args.data[0];
TypeId TypeChecker::checkRequire(const ScopePtr& scope, const ModuleInfo& moduleInfo, const Location& location)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("TypeChecker::checkRequire", "TypeChecker");
LUAU_TIMETRACE_ARGUMENT("moduleInfo", moduleInfo.name.c_str());
if (moduleInfo.name.empty())
if (currentModule->mode == Mode::Strict)
reportError(TypeError{location, UnknownRequire{}});
return errorRecoveryType(anyType);
return anyType;
// Types of requires that transitively refer to current module have to be replaced with 'any'
for (const auto& [location, path] : requireCycles)
if (!path.empty() && path.front() == moduleInfo.name)
return anyType;
ModulePtr module = resolver->getModule(moduleInfo.name);
if (!module)
// There are two reasons why we might fail to find the module:
// either the file does not exist or there's a cycle. If there's a cycle
// we will already have reported the error.
if (!resolver->moduleExists(moduleInfo.name) && !moduleInfo.optional)
reportError(TypeError{location, UnknownRequire{resolver->getHumanReadableModuleName(moduleInfo.name)}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
if (module->type != SourceCode::Module)
reportError(location, IllegalRequire{module->humanReadableName, "Module is not a ModuleScript. It cannot be required."});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
TypePackId modulePack = module->returnType;
if (get<Unifiable::Error>(modulePack))
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
std::optional<TypeId> moduleType = first(modulePack);
if (!moduleType)
reportError(location, IllegalRequire{module->humanReadableName, "Module does not return exactly 1 value. It cannot be required."});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
return *moduleType;
void TypeChecker::tablify(TypeId type)
type = follow(type);
if (auto f = get<FreeType>(type))
*asMutable(type) = TableType{TableState::Free, f->level};
TypeId TypeChecker::anyIfNonstrict(TypeId ty) const
if (isNonstrictMode())
return anyType;
return ty;
bool TypeChecker::unify(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy, const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location)
UnifierOptions options;
return unify(subTy, superTy, scope, location, options);
bool TypeChecker::unify(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy, const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location, const UnifierOptions& options)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, location);
state.tryUnify(subTy, superTy, options.isFunctionCall);
return state.errors.empty();
bool TypeChecker::unify(TypePackId subTy, TypePackId superTy, const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location, CountMismatch::Context ctx)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, location);
state.ctx = ctx;
state.tryUnify(subTy, superTy);
return state.errors.empty();
bool TypeChecker::unifyWithInstantiationIfNeeded(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy, const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(scope, location);
unifyWithInstantiationIfNeeded(subTy, superTy, scope, state);
return state.errors.empty();
void TypeChecker::unifyWithInstantiationIfNeeded(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy, const ScopePtr& scope, Unifier& state)
if (!maybeGeneric(subTy))
// Quick check to see if we definitely can't instantiate
state.tryUnify(subTy, superTy, /*isFunctionCall*/ false);
else if (!maybeGeneric(superTy) && isGeneric(subTy))
// Quick check to see if we definitely have to instantiate
TypeId instantiated = instantiate(scope, subTy, state.location);
state.tryUnify(instantiated, superTy, /*isFunctionCall*/ false);
// First try unifying with the original uninstantiated type
// but if that fails, try the instantiated one.
std::unique_ptr<Unifier> child = state.makeChildUnifier();
child->tryUnify(subTy, superTy, /*isFunctionCall*/ false);
if (!child->errors.empty())
TypeId instantiated = instantiate(scope, subTy, state.location, &child->log);
if (subTy == instantiated)
// Instantiating the argument made no difference, so just report any child errors
state.errors.insert(state.errors.end(), child->errors.begin(), child->errors.end());
state.tryUnify(instantiated, superTy, /*isFunctionCall*/ false);
TypeId TypeChecker::quantify(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, Location location)
ty = follow(ty);
const FunctionType* ftv = get<FunctionType>(ty);
if (ftv)
Luau::quantify(ty, scope->level);
return ty;
TypeId TypeChecker::instantiate(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, Location location, const TxnLog* log)
ty = follow(ty);
const FunctionType* ftv = get<FunctionType>(ty);
if (ftv && ftv->hasNoFreeOrGenericTypes)
return ty;
std::optional<TypeId> instantiated;
reusableInstantiation.resetState(log, ¤tModule->internalTypes, builtinTypes, scope->level, /*scope*/ nullptr);
if (instantiationChildLimit)
reusableInstantiation.childLimit = *instantiationChildLimit;
instantiated = reusableInstantiation.substitute(ty);
if (instantiated.has_value())
return *instantiated;
reportError(location, UnificationTooComplex{});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
TypeId TypeChecker::anyify(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, Location location)
Anyification anyification{¤tModule->internalTypes, scope, builtinTypes, iceHandler, anyType, anyTypePack};
std::optional<TypeId> any = anyification.substitute(ty);
if (anyification.normalizationTooComplex)
reportError(location, NormalizationTooComplex{});
if (any.has_value())
return *any;
reportError(location, UnificationTooComplex{});
return errorRecoveryType(anyType);
TypePackId TypeChecker::anyify(const ScopePtr& scope, TypePackId ty, Location location)
Anyification anyification{¤tModule->internalTypes, scope, builtinTypes, iceHandler, anyType, anyTypePack};
std::optional<TypePackId> any = anyification.substitute(ty);
if (any.has_value())
return *any;
reportError(location, UnificationTooComplex{});
return errorRecoveryTypePack(anyTypePack);
TypePackId TypeChecker::anyifyModuleReturnTypePackGenerics(TypePackId tp)
tp = follow(tp);
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(tp))
TypeId ty = follow(vtp->ty);
return get<GenericType>(ty) ? anyTypePack : tp;
if (!get<TypePack>(follow(tp)))
return tp;
std::vector<TypeId> resultTypes;
std::optional<TypePackId> resultTail;
TypePackIterator it = begin(tp);
for (TypePackIterator e = end(tp); it != e; ++it)
TypeId ty = follow(*it);
resultTypes.push_back(get<GenericType>(ty) ? anyType : ty);
if (std::optional<TypePackId> tail = it.tail())
resultTail = anyifyModuleReturnTypePackGenerics(*tail);
return addTypePack(resultTypes, resultTail);
void TypeChecker::reportError(const TypeError& error)
if (currentModule->mode == Mode::NoCheck)
currentModule->errors.back().moduleName = currentModule->name;
void TypeChecker::reportError(const Location& location, TypeErrorData errorData)
return reportError(TypeError{location, std::move(errorData)});
void TypeChecker::reportErrors(const ErrorVec& errors)
for (const auto& err : errors)
LUAU_NOINLINE void TypeChecker::ice(const std::string& message, const Location& location)
iceHandler->ice(message, location);
LUAU_NOINLINE void TypeChecker::ice(const std::string& message)
LUAU_NOINLINE void TypeChecker::throwTimeLimitError()
throw TimeLimitError(iceHandler->moduleName);
LUAU_NOINLINE void TypeChecker::throwUserCancelError()
throw UserCancelError(iceHandler->moduleName);
void TypeChecker::prepareErrorsForDisplay(ErrorVec& errVec)
// Remove errors with names that were generated by recovery from a parse error
[](auto& err)
return containsParseErrorName(err);
for (auto& err : errVec)
if (auto utk = get<UnknownProperty>(err))
diagnoseMissingTableKey(utk, err.data);
void TypeChecker::diagnoseMissingTableKey(UnknownProperty* utk, TypeErrorData& data)
std::string_view sv(utk->key);
std::set<Name> candidates;
auto accumulate = [&](const TableType::Props& props)
for (const auto& [name, ty] : props)
if (sv != name && equalsLower(sv, name))
if (auto ttv = getTableType(utk->table))
else if (auto ctv = get<ClassType>(follow(utk->table)))
while (ctv)
if (!ctv->parent)
ctv = get<ClassType>(*ctv->parent);
if (!candidates.empty())
data = TypeErrorData(UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp{utk->table, utk->key, candidates});
LUAU_NOINLINE void TypeChecker::reportErrorCodeTooComplex(const Location& location)
reportError(TypeError{location, CodeTooComplex{}});
// Creates a new Scope but without carrying forward the varargs from the parent.
ScopePtr TypeChecker::childFunctionScope(const ScopePtr& parent, const Location& location, int subLevel)
ScopePtr scope = std::make_shared<Scope>(parent, subLevel);
currentModule->scopes.push_back(std::make_pair(location, scope));
return scope;
// Creates a new Scope and carries forward the varargs from the parent.
ScopePtr TypeChecker::childScope(const ScopePtr& parent, const Location& location)
ScopePtr scope = std::make_shared<Scope>(parent);
scope->level = parent->level;
scope->varargPack = parent->varargPack;
currentModule->scopes.push_back(std::make_pair(location, scope));
return scope;
void TypeChecker::merge(RefinementMap& l, const RefinementMap& r)
[this](TypeId a, TypeId b)
// TODO: normalize(UnionType{{a, b}})
std::unordered_set<TypeId> set;
if (auto utv = get<UnionType>(follow(a)))
set.insert(begin(utv), end(utv));
if (auto utv = get<UnionType>(follow(b)))
set.insert(begin(utv), end(utv));
std::vector<TypeId> options(set.begin(), set.end());
if (set.size() == 1)
return options[0];
return addType(UnionType{std::move(options)});
Unifier TypeChecker::mkUnifier(const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location)
return Unifier{NotNull{&normalizer}, NotNull{scope.get()}, location, Variance::Covariant};
TypeId TypeChecker::freshType(const ScopePtr& scope)
return freshType(scope->level);
TypeId TypeChecker::freshType(TypeLevel level)
return currentModule->internalTypes.addType(Type(FreeType(level)));
TypeId TypeChecker::singletonType(bool value)
return value ? builtinTypes->trueType : builtinTypes->falseType;
TypeId TypeChecker::singletonType(std::string value)
// TODO: cache singleton types
return currentModule->internalTypes.addType(Type(SingletonType(StringSingleton{std::move(value)})));
TypeId TypeChecker::errorRecoveryType(const ScopePtr& scope)
return builtinTypes->errorRecoveryType();
TypeId TypeChecker::errorRecoveryType(TypeId guess)
return builtinTypes->errorRecoveryType(guess);
TypePackId TypeChecker::errorRecoveryTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope)
return builtinTypes->errorRecoveryTypePack();
TypePackId TypeChecker::errorRecoveryTypePack(TypePackId guess)
return builtinTypes->errorRecoveryTypePack(guess);
TypeIdPredicate TypeChecker::mkTruthyPredicate(bool sense, TypeId emptySetTy)
return [this, sense, emptySetTy](TypeId ty) -> std::optional<TypeId>
// any/error/free gets a special pass unconditionally because they can't be decided.
if (get<AnyType>(ty) || get<ErrorType>(ty) || get<FreeType>(ty))
return ty;
// maps boolean primitive to the corresponding singleton equal to sense
if (isPrim(ty, PrimitiveType::Boolean))
return singletonType(sense);
// if we have boolean singleton, eliminate it if the sense doesn't match with that singleton
if (auto boolean = get<BooleanSingleton>(get<SingletonType>(ty)))
return boolean->value == sense ? std::optional<TypeId>(ty) : std::nullopt;
// if we have nil, eliminate it if sense is true, otherwise take it
if (isNil(ty))
return sense ? std::nullopt : std::optional<TypeId>(ty);
// at this point, anything else is kept if sense is true, or replaced by nil
return sense ? ty : emptySetTy;
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::filterMapImpl(TypeId type, TypeIdPredicate predicate)
std::vector<TypeId> types = Luau::filterMap(type, predicate);
if (!types.empty())
return types.size() == 1 ? types[0] : addType(UnionType{std::move(types)});
return std::nullopt;
std::pair<std::optional<TypeId>, bool> TypeChecker::filterMap(TypeId type, TypeIdPredicate predicate)
TypeId ty = filterMapImpl(type, predicate).value_or(neverType);
return {ty, !bool(get<NeverType>(ty))};
std::pair<std::optional<TypeId>, bool> TypeChecker::pickTypesFromSense(TypeId type, bool sense, TypeId emptySetTy)
return filterMap(type, mkTruthyPredicate(sense, emptySetTy));
TypeId TypeChecker::addTV(Type&& tv)
return currentModule->internalTypes.addType(std::move(tv));
TypePackId TypeChecker::addTypePack(TypePackVar&& tv)
return currentModule->internalTypes.addTypePack(std::move(tv));
TypePackId TypeChecker::addTypePack(TypePack&& tp)
return addTypePack(TypePackVar(std::move(tp)));
TypePackId TypeChecker::addTypePack(const std::vector<TypeId>& ty)
return addTypePack(ty, std::nullopt);
TypePackId TypeChecker::addTypePack(const std::vector<TypeId>& ty, std::optional<TypePackId> tail)
return addTypePack(TypePackVar(TypePack{ty, tail}));
TypePackId TypeChecker::addTypePack(std::initializer_list<TypeId>&& ty)
return addTypePack(TypePackVar(TypePack{std::vector<TypeId>(begin(ty), end(ty)), std::nullopt}));
TypePackId TypeChecker::freshTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope)
return freshTypePack(scope->level);
TypePackId TypeChecker::freshTypePack(TypeLevel level)
return addTypePack(TypePackVar(FreeTypePack(level)));
TypeId TypeChecker::resolveType(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstType& annotation)
TypeId ty = resolveTypeWorker(scope, annotation);
currentModule->astResolvedTypes[&annotation] = ty;
return ty;
TypeId TypeChecker::resolveTypeWorker(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstType& annotation)
if (const auto& lit = annotation.as<AstTypeReference>())
std::optional<TypeFun> tf;
if (lit->prefix)
tf = scope->lookupImportedType(lit->prefix->value, lit->name.value);
else if (FFlag::DebugLuauMagicTypes && lit->name == "_luau_ice")
ice("_luau_ice encountered", lit->location);
else if (FFlag::DebugLuauMagicTypes && lit->name == "_luau_print")
if (lit->parameters.size != 1 || !lit->parameters.data[0].type)
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, GenericError{"_luau_print requires one generic parameter"}});
return errorRecoveryType(anyType);
ToStringOptions opts;
opts.exhaustive = true;
opts.maxTableLength = 0;
opts.useLineBreaks = true;
TypeId param = resolveType(scope, *lit->parameters.data[0].type);
luauPrintLine(format("_luau_print\t%s\t|\t%s", toString(param, opts).c_str(), toString(lit->location).c_str()));
return param;
tf = scope->lookupType(lit->name.value);
if (!tf)
if (lit->name == kParseNameError)
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
std::string typeName;
if (lit->prefix)
typeName = std::string(lit->prefix->value) + ".";
typeName += lit->name.value;
if (scope->lookupPack(typeName))
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, SwappedGenericTypeParameter{typeName, SwappedGenericTypeParameter::Type}});
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, UnknownSymbol{typeName, UnknownSymbol::Type}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
if (lit->parameters.size == 0 && tf->typeParams.empty() && tf->typePackParams.empty())
return tf->type;
bool parameterCountErrorReported = false;
bool hasDefaultTypes = std::any_of(
[](auto&& el)
return el.defaultValue.has_value();
bool hasDefaultPacks = std::any_of(
[](auto&& el)
return el.defaultValue.has_value();
if (!lit->hasParameterList)
if ((!tf->typeParams.empty() && !hasDefaultTypes) || (!tf->typePackParams.empty() && !hasDefaultPacks))
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, GenericError{"Type parameter list is required"}});
parameterCountErrorReported = true;
std::vector<TypeId> typeParams;
std::vector<TypeId> extraTypes;
std::vector<TypePackId> typePackParams;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lit->parameters.size; ++i)
if (AstType* type = lit->parameters.data[i].type)
TypeId ty = resolveType(scope, *type);
if (typeParams.size() < tf->typeParams.size() || tf->typePackParams.empty())
else if (typePackParams.empty())
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, GenericError{"Type parameters must come before type pack parameters"}});
else if (AstTypePack* typePack = lit->parameters.data[i].typePack)
TypePackId tp = resolveTypePack(scope, *typePack);
// If we have collected an implicit type pack, materialize it
if (typePackParams.empty() && !extraTypes.empty())
// If we need more regular types, we can use single element type packs to fill those in
if (typeParams.size() < tf->typeParams.size() && size(tp) == 1 && finite(tp) && first(tp))
// If we still haven't meterialized an implicit type pack, do it now
if (typePackParams.empty() && !extraTypes.empty())
size_t typesProvided = typeParams.size();
size_t typesRequired = tf->typeParams.size();
size_t packsProvided = typePackParams.size();
size_t packsRequired = tf->typePackParams.size();
bool notEnoughParameters =
(typesProvided < typesRequired && packsProvided == 0) || (typesProvided == typesRequired && packsProvided < packsRequired);
bool hasDefaultParameters = hasDefaultTypes || hasDefaultPacks;
// Add default type and type pack parameters if that's required and it's possible
if (notEnoughParameters && hasDefaultParameters)
// 'applyTypeFunction' is used to substitute default types that reference previous generic types
ApplyTypeFunction applyTypeFunction{¤tModule->internalTypes};
for (size_t i = 0; i < typesProvided; ++i)
applyTypeFunction.typeArguments[tf->typeParams[i].ty] = typeParams[i];
if (typesProvided < typesRequired)
for (size_t i = typesProvided; i < typesRequired; ++i)
TypeId defaultTy = tf->typeParams[i].defaultValue.value_or(nullptr);
if (!defaultTy)
std::optional<TypeId> maybeInstantiated = applyTypeFunction.substitute(defaultTy);
if (!maybeInstantiated.has_value())
reportError(annotation.location, UnificationTooComplex{});
maybeInstantiated = errorRecoveryType(scope);
applyTypeFunction.typeArguments[tf->typeParams[i].ty] = *maybeInstantiated;
for (size_t i = 0; i < packsProvided; ++i)
applyTypeFunction.typePackArguments[tf->typePackParams[i].tp] = typePackParams[i];
if (packsProvided < packsRequired)
for (size_t i = packsProvided; i < packsRequired; ++i)
TypePackId defaultTp = tf->typePackParams[i].defaultValue.value_or(nullptr);
if (!defaultTp)
std::optional<TypePackId> maybeInstantiated = applyTypeFunction.substitute(defaultTp);
if (!maybeInstantiated.has_value())
reportError(annotation.location, UnificationTooComplex{});
maybeInstantiated = errorRecoveryTypePack(scope);
applyTypeFunction.typePackArguments[tf->typePackParams[i].tp] = *maybeInstantiated;
// If we didn't combine regular types into a type pack and we're still one type pack short, provide an empty type pack
if (extraTypes.empty() && typePackParams.size() + 1 == tf->typePackParams.size())
if (typeParams.size() != tf->typeParams.size() || typePackParams.size() != tf->typePackParams.size())
if (!parameterCountErrorReported)
TypeError{annotation.location, IncorrectGenericParameterCount{lit->name.value, *tf, typeParams.size(), typePackParams.size()}}
// Pad the types out with error recovery types
while (typeParams.size() < tf->typeParams.size())
while (typePackParams.size() < tf->typePackParams.size())
bool sameTys = std::equal(
[](auto&& itp, auto&& tp)
return itp == tp.ty;
bool sameTps = std::equal(
[](auto&& itpp, auto&& tpp)
return itpp == tpp.tp;
// If the generic parameters and the type arguments are the same, we are about to
// perform an identity substitution, which we can just short-circuit.
if (sameTys && sameTps)
return tf->type;
return instantiateTypeFun(scope, *tf, typeParams, typePackParams, annotation.location);
else if (const auto& table = annotation.as<AstTypeTable>())
TableType::Props props;
std::optional<TableIndexer> tableIndexer;
for (const auto& prop : table->props)
if (prop.access == AstTableAccess::Read)
reportError(prop.accessLocation.value_or(Location{}), GenericError{"read keyword is illegal here"});
else if (prop.access == AstTableAccess::Write)
reportError(prop.accessLocation.value_or(Location{}), GenericError{"write keyword is illegal here"});
else if (prop.access == AstTableAccess::ReadWrite)
props[prop.name.value] = {resolveType(scope, *prop.type), /* deprecated: */ false, {}, std::nullopt, {}, std::nullopt, prop.location};
ice("Unexpected property access " + std::to_string(int(prop.access)));
if (const auto& indexer = table->indexer)
if (indexer->access == AstTableAccess::Read)
reportError(indexer->accessLocation.value_or(Location{}), GenericError{"read keyword is illegal here"});
else if (indexer->access == AstTableAccess::Write)
reportError(indexer->accessLocation.value_or(Location{}), GenericError{"write keyword is illegal here"});
else if (indexer->access == AstTableAccess::ReadWrite)
tableIndexer = TableIndexer(resolveType(scope, *indexer->indexType), resolveType(scope, *indexer->resultType));
ice("Unexpected property access " + std::to_string(int(indexer->access)));
TableType ttv{props, tableIndexer, scope->level, TableState::Sealed};
ttv.definitionModuleName = currentModule->name;
ttv.definitionLocation = annotation.location;
return addType(std::move(ttv));
else if (const auto& func = annotation.as<AstTypeFunction>())
ScopePtr funcScope = childScope(scope, func->location);
funcScope->level = scope->level.incr();
auto [generics, genericPacks] = createGenericTypes(funcScope, std::nullopt, annotation, func->generics, func->genericPacks);
TypePackId argTypes = resolveTypePack(funcScope, func->argTypes);
TypePackId retTypes = resolveTypePack(funcScope, func->returnTypes);
std::vector<TypeId> genericTys;
[](auto&& el)
return el.ty;
std::vector<TypePackId> genericTps;
[](auto&& el)
return el.tp;
TypeId fnType = addType(FunctionType{funcScope->level, std::move(genericTys), std::move(genericTps), argTypes, retTypes});
FunctionType* ftv = getMutable<FunctionType>(fnType);
for (const auto& el : func->argNames)
if (el)
ftv->argNames.push_back(FunctionArgument{el->first.value, el->second});
return fnType;
else if (auto typeOf = annotation.as<AstTypeTypeof>())
TypeId ty = checkExpr(scope, *typeOf->expr).type;
return ty;
else if (const auto& un = annotation.as<AstTypeUnion>())
std::vector<TypeId> types;
for (AstType* ann : un->types)
types.push_back(resolveType(scope, *ann));
return addType(UnionType{types});
else if (const auto& un = annotation.as<AstTypeIntersection>())
std::vector<TypeId> types;
for (AstType* ann : un->types)
types.push_back(resolveType(scope, *ann));
return addType(IntersectionType{types});
else if (const auto& tsb = annotation.as<AstTypeSingletonBool>())
return singletonType(tsb->value);
else if (const auto& tss = annotation.as<AstTypeSingletonString>())
return singletonType(std::string(tss->value.data, tss->value.size));
else if (annotation.is<AstTypeError>())
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, GenericError{"Unknown type annotation?"}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
TypePackId TypeChecker::resolveTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstTypeList& types)
if (types.types.size == 0 && types.tailType)
return resolveTypePack(scope, *types.tailType);
else if (types.types.size > 0)
std::vector<TypeId> head;
for (AstType* ann : types.types)
head.push_back(resolveType(scope, *ann));
std::optional<TypePackId> tail = types.tailType ? std::optional<TypePackId>(resolveTypePack(scope, *types.tailType)) : std::nullopt;
return addTypePack(TypePack{head, tail});
return addTypePack(TypePack{});
TypePackId TypeChecker::resolveTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstTypePack& annotation)
TypePackId result;
if (const AstTypePackVariadic* variadic = annotation.as<AstTypePackVariadic>())
result = addTypePack(TypePackVar{VariadicTypePack{resolveType(scope, *variadic->variadicType)}});
else if (const AstTypePackGeneric* generic = annotation.as<AstTypePackGeneric>())
Name genericName = Name(generic->genericName.value);
std::optional<TypePackId> genericTy = scope->lookupPack(genericName);
if (!genericTy)
if (scope->lookupType(genericName))
reportError(TypeError{generic->location, SwappedGenericTypeParameter{genericName, SwappedGenericTypeParameter::Pack}});
reportError(TypeError{generic->location, UnknownSymbol{genericName, UnknownSymbol::Type}});
result = errorRecoveryTypePack(scope);
result = *genericTy;
else if (const AstTypePackExplicit* explicitTp = annotation.as<AstTypePackExplicit>())
std::vector<TypeId> types;
for (auto type : explicitTp->typeList.types)
types.push_back(resolveType(scope, *type));
if (auto tailType = explicitTp->typeList.tailType)
result = addTypePack(types, resolveTypePack(scope, *tailType));
result = addTypePack(types);
ice("Unknown AstTypePack kind");
currentModule->astResolvedTypePacks[&annotation] = result;
return result;
TypeId TypeChecker::instantiateTypeFun(
const ScopePtr& scope,
const TypeFun& tf,
const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams,
const std::vector<TypePackId>& typePackParams,
const Location& location
if (tf.typeParams.empty() && tf.typePackParams.empty())
return tf.type;
ApplyTypeFunction applyTypeFunction{¤tModule->internalTypes};
for (size_t i = 0; i < tf.typeParams.size(); ++i)
applyTypeFunction.typeArguments[tf.typeParams[i].ty] = typeParams[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < tf.typePackParams.size(); ++i)
applyTypeFunction.typePackArguments[tf.typePackParams[i].tp] = typePackParams[i];
std::optional<TypeId> maybeInstantiated = applyTypeFunction.substitute(tf.type);
if (!maybeInstantiated.has_value())
reportError(location, UnificationTooComplex{});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
if (applyTypeFunction.encounteredForwardedType)
reportError(TypeError{location, GenericError{"Recursive type being used with different parameters"}});
return errorRecoveryType(scope);
TypeId instantiated = *maybeInstantiated;
TypeId target = follow(instantiated);
const TableType* tfTable = getTableType(tf.type);
bool needsClone = follow(tf.type) == target || (tfTable != nullptr && tfTable == getTableType(target));
bool shouldMutate = getTableType(tf.type);
TableType* ttv = getMutableTableType(target);
if (shouldMutate && ttv && needsClone)
// Substitution::clone is a shallow clone. If this is a metatable type, we
// want to mutate its table, so we need to explicitly clone that table as
// well. If we don't, we will mutate another module's type surface and cause
// a use-after-free.
if (get<MetatableType>(target))
instantiated = applyTypeFunction.clone(tf.type);
MetatableType* mtv = getMutable<MetatableType>(instantiated);
mtv->table = applyTypeFunction.clone(mtv->table);
ttv = getMutable<TableType>(mtv->table);
if (get<TableType>(target))
instantiated = applyTypeFunction.clone(tf.type);
ttv = getMutable<TableType>(instantiated);
if (shouldMutate && ttv)
ttv->instantiatedTypeParams = typeParams;
ttv->instantiatedTypePackParams = typePackParams;
ttv->definitionModuleName = currentModule->name;
ttv->definitionLocation = location;
return instantiated;
GenericTypeDefinitions TypeChecker::createGenericTypes(
const ScopePtr& scope,
std::optional<TypeLevel> levelOpt,
const AstNode& node,
const AstArray<AstGenericType>& genericNames,
const AstArray<AstGenericTypePack>& genericPackNames,
bool useCache
const TypeLevel level = levelOpt.value_or(scope->level);
std::vector<GenericTypeDefinition> generics;
for (const AstGenericType& generic : genericNames)
std::optional<TypeId> defaultValue;
if (generic.defaultValue)
defaultValue = resolveType(scope, *generic.defaultValue);
Name n = generic.name.value;
// These generics are the only thing that will ever be added to scope, so we can be certain that
// a collision can only occur when two generic types have the same name.
if (scope->privateTypeBindings.count(n) || scope->privateTypePackBindings.count(n))
// TODO(jhuelsman): report the exact span of the generic type parameter whose name is a duplicate.
reportError(TypeError{node.location, DuplicateGenericParameter{n}});
TypeId g;
if (useCache)
TypeId& cached = scope->parent->typeAliasTypeParameters[n];
if (!cached)
cached = addType(GenericType{level, n});
g = cached;
g = addType(GenericType{level, n});
generics.push_back({g, defaultValue});
scope->privateTypeBindings[n] = TypeFun{{}, g};
std::vector<GenericTypePackDefinition> genericPacks;
for (const AstGenericTypePack& genericPack : genericPackNames)
std::optional<TypePackId> defaultValue;
if (genericPack.defaultValue)
defaultValue = resolveTypePack(scope, *genericPack.defaultValue);
Name n = genericPack.name.value;
// These generics are the only thing that will ever be added to scope, so we can be certain that
// a collision can only occur when two generic types have the same name.
if (scope->privateTypePackBindings.count(n) || scope->privateTypeBindings.count(n))
// TODO(jhuelsman): report the exact span of the generic type parameter whose name is a duplicate.
reportError(TypeError{node.location, DuplicateGenericParameter{n}});
TypePackId& cached = scope->parent->typeAliasTypePackParameters[n];
if (!cached)
cached = addTypePack(TypePackVar{GenericTypePack{level, n}});
genericPacks.push_back({cached, defaultValue});
scope->privateTypePackBindings[n] = cached;
return {generics, genericPacks};
void TypeChecker::refineLValue(const LValue& lvalue, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, TypeIdPredicate predicate)
const LValue* target = &lvalue;
std::optional<LValue> key; // If set, we know we took the base of the lvalue path and should be walking down each option of the base's type.
auto ty = resolveLValue(scope, *target);
if (!ty)
return; // Do nothing. An error was already reported.
// If the provided lvalue is a local or global, then that's without a doubt the target.
// However, if there is a base lvalue, then we'll want that to be the target iff the base is a union type.
if (auto base = baseof(lvalue))
std::optional<TypeId> baseTy = resolveLValue(scope, *base);
if (baseTy && get<UnionType>(follow(*baseTy)))
ty = baseTy;
target = base;
key = lvalue;
// If we do not have a key, it means we're not trying to discriminate anything, so it's a simple matter of just filtering for a subset.
if (!key)
auto [result, ok] = filterMap(*ty, predicate);
addRefinement(refis, *target, *result);
// Otherwise, we'll want to walk each option of ty, get its index type, and filter that.
auto utv = get<UnionType>(follow(*ty));
std::unordered_set<TypeId> viableTargetOptions;
std::unordered_set<TypeId> viableChildOptions; // There may be additional refinements that apply. We add those here too.
for (TypeId option : utv)
std::optional<TypeId> discriminantTy;
if (auto field = Luau::get<Field>(*key)) // need to fully qualify Luau::get because of ADL.
discriminantTy = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, option, field->key, Location(), /* addErrors= */ false);
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unhandled LValue alternative?");
if (!discriminantTy)
return; // Do nothing. An error was already reported, as per usual.
auto [result, ok] = filterMap(*discriminantTy, predicate);
if (!get<NeverType>(*result))
auto intoType = [this](const std::unordered_set<TypeId>& s) -> std::optional<TypeId>
if (s.empty())
return std::nullopt;
// TODO: allocate UnionType and just normalize.
std::vector<TypeId> options(s.begin(), s.end());
if (options.size() == 1)
return options[0];
return addType(UnionType{std::move(options)});
if (std::optional<TypeId> viableTargetType = intoType(viableTargetOptions))
addRefinement(refis, *target, *viableTargetType);
if (std::optional<TypeId> viableChildType = intoType(viableChildOptions))
addRefinement(refis, lvalue, *viableChildType);
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::resolveLValue(const ScopePtr& scope, const LValue& lvalue)
// We want to be walking the Scope parents.
// We'll also want to walk up the LValue path. As we do this, we need to save each LValue because we must walk back.
// For example:
// There exists an entry t.x.
// We are asked to look for t.x.y.
// We need to search in the provided Scope. Find t.x.y first.
// We fail to find t.x.y. Try t.x. We found it. Now we must return the type of the property y from the mapped-to type of t.x.
// If we completely fail to find the Symbol t but the Scope has that entry, then we should walk that all the way through and terminate.
const Symbol symbol = getBaseSymbol(lvalue);
ScopePtr currentScope = scope;
while (currentScope)
std::optional<TypeId> found;
const LValue* topLValue = nullptr;
for (topLValue = &lvalue; topLValue; topLValue = baseof(*topLValue))
if (auto it = currentScope->refinements.find(*topLValue); it != currentScope->refinements.end())
found = it->second;
if (!found)
// Should not be using scope->lookup. This is already recursive.
if (auto it = currentScope->bindings.find(symbol); it != currentScope->bindings.end())
found = it->second.typeId;
// Nothing exists in this Scope. Just skip and try the parent one.
currentScope = currentScope->parent;
// We need to walk the l-value path in reverse, so we collect components into a vector
std::vector<const LValue*> childKeys;
for (const LValue* curr = &lvalue; curr != topLValue; curr = baseof(*curr))
for (auto it = childKeys.rbegin(); it != childKeys.rend(); ++it)
const LValue& key = **it;
// Symbol can happen. Skip.
if (get<Symbol>(key))
else if (auto field = get<Field>(key))
found = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, *found, field->key, Location(), /* addErrors= */ false);
if (!found)
return std::nullopt; // Turns out this type doesn't have the property at all. We're done.
LUAU_ASSERT(!"New LValue alternative not handled here.");
return found;
// No entry for it at all. Can happen when LValue root is a global.
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::resolveLValue(const RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, const LValue& lvalue)
if (auto it = refis.find(lvalue); it != refis.end())
return it->second;
return resolveLValue(scope, lvalue);
// Only should be used for refinements!
// This can probably go away once we have something that can limit a free type's type domain.
static bool isUndecidable(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
return get<AnyType>(ty) || get<ErrorType>(ty) || get<FreeType>(ty);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const PredicateVec& predicates, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
resolve(predicates, scope->refinements, scope, sense);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const PredicateVec& predicates, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense, bool fromOr)
for (const Predicate& c : predicates)
resolve(c, refis, scope, sense, fromOr);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const Predicate& predicate, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense, bool fromOr)
if (auto truthyP = get<TruthyPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*truthyP, refis, scope, sense, fromOr);
else if (auto andP = get<AndPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*andP, refis, scope, sense);
else if (auto orP = get<OrPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*orP, refis, scope, sense);
else if (auto notP = get<NotPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(notP->predicates, refis, scope, !sense, fromOr);
else if (auto isaP = get<IsAPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*isaP, refis, scope, sense);
else if (auto typeguardP = get<TypeGuardPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*typeguardP, refis, scope, sense);
else if (auto eqP = get<EqPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*eqP, refis, scope, sense);
ice("Unhandled predicate kind");
void TypeChecker::resolve(const TruthyPredicate& truthyP, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense, bool fromOr)
std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(refis, scope, truthyP.lvalue);
if (ty && fromOr)
return addRefinement(refis, truthyP.lvalue, *ty);
refineLValue(truthyP.lvalue, refis, scope, mkTruthyPredicate(sense, nilType));
void TypeChecker::resolve(const AndPredicate& andP, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
if (!sense)
OrPredicate orP{
return resolve(orP, refis, scope, !sense);
resolve(andP.lhs, refis, scope, sense);
resolve(andP.rhs, refis, scope, sense);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const OrPredicate& orP, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
if (!sense)
AndPredicate andP{
return resolve(andP, refis, scope, !sense);
RefinementMap leftRefis;
resolve(orP.lhs, leftRefis, scope, sense);
RefinementMap rightRefis;
resolve(orP.lhs, rightRefis, scope, !sense);
resolve(orP.rhs, rightRefis, scope, sense, true); // :(
merge(refis, leftRefis);
merge(refis, rightRefis);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const IsAPredicate& isaP, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
auto predicate = [&](TypeId option) -> std::optional<TypeId>
// This by itself is not truly enough to determine that A is stronger than B or vice versa.
bool optionIsSubtype = canUnify(option, isaP.ty, scope, isaP.location).empty();
bool targetIsSubtype = canUnify(isaP.ty, option, scope, isaP.location).empty();
// If A is a superset of B, then if sense is true, we promote A to B, otherwise we keep A.
if (!optionIsSubtype && targetIsSubtype)
return sense ? isaP.ty : option;
// If A is a subset of B, then if sense is true we pick A, otherwise we eliminate A.
if (optionIsSubtype && !targetIsSubtype)
return sense ? std::optional<TypeId>(option) : std::nullopt;
// If neither has any relationship, we only return A if sense is false.
if (!optionIsSubtype && !targetIsSubtype)
return sense ? std::nullopt : std::optional<TypeId>(option);
// If both are subtypes, then we're in one of the two situations:
// 1. Instance₁ <: Instance₂ ∧ Instance₂ <: Instance₁
// 2. any <: Instance ∧ Instance <: any
// Right now, we have to look at the types to see if they were undecidables.
// By this point, we also know free tables are also subtypes and supertypes.
if (optionIsSubtype && targetIsSubtype)
// We can only have (any, Instance) because the rhs is never undecidable right now.
// So we can just return the right hand side immediately.
// typeof(x) == "Instance" where x : any
auto ttv = get<TableType>(option);
if (isUndecidable(option) || (ttv && ttv->state == TableState::Free))
return sense ? isaP.ty : option;
// typeof(x) == "Instance" where x : Instance
if (sense)
return isaP.ty;
// local variable works around an odd gcc 9.3 warning: <anonymous> may be used uninitialized
std::optional<TypeId> res = std::nullopt;
return res;
refineLValue(isaP.lvalue, refis, scope, predicate);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const TypeGuardPredicate& typeguardP, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
// Rewrite the predicate 'type(foo) == "vector"' to be 'typeof(foo) == "Vector3"'. They're exactly identical.
// This allows us to avoid writing in edge cases.
if (!typeguardP.isTypeof && typeguardP.kind == "vector")
return resolve(TypeGuardPredicate{std::move(typeguardP.lvalue), typeguardP.location, "Vector3", true}, refis, scope, sense);
std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(refis, scope, typeguardP.lvalue);
if (!ty)
// In certain cases, the value may actually be nil, but Luau doesn't know about it. So we whitelist this.
if (sense && typeguardP.kind == "nil")
addRefinement(refis, typeguardP.lvalue, nilType);
auto refine = [this, &lvalue = typeguardP.lvalue, &refis, &scope, sense](bool(f)(TypeId), std::optional<TypeId> mapsTo = std::nullopt)
TypeIdPredicate predicate = [f, mapsTo, sense](TypeId ty) -> std::optional<TypeId>
if (sense && get<UnknownType>(ty))
return mapsTo.value_or(ty);
if (f(ty) == sense)
return ty;
if (isUndecidable(ty))
return mapsTo.value_or(ty);
return std::nullopt;
refineLValue(lvalue, refis, scope, predicate);
// Note: "vector" never happens here at this point, so we don't have to write something for it.
if (typeguardP.kind == "nil")
return refine(isNil, nilType); // This can still happen when sense is false!
else if (typeguardP.kind == "string")
return refine(isString, stringType);
else if (typeguardP.kind == "number")
return refine(isNumber, numberType);
else if (typeguardP.kind == "boolean")
return refine(isBoolean, booleanType);
else if (typeguardP.kind == "thread")
return refine(isThread, threadType);
else if (typeguardP.kind == "buffer")
return refine(isBuffer, bufferType);
else if (typeguardP.kind == "table")
return refine(
[](TypeId ty) -> bool
return isTableIntersection(ty) || get<TableType>(ty) || get<MetatableType>(ty);
else if (typeguardP.kind == "function")
return refine(
[](TypeId ty) -> bool
return isOverloadedFunction(ty) || get<FunctionType>(ty);
else if (typeguardP.kind == "userdata")
// For now, we don't really care about being accurate with userdata if the typeguard was using typeof.
return refine(
[](TypeId ty) -> bool
return get<ClassType>(ty);
if (!typeguardP.isTypeof)
return addRefinement(refis, typeguardP.lvalue, errorRecoveryType(scope));
auto typeFun = globalScope->lookupType(typeguardP.kind);
if (!typeFun || !typeFun->typeParams.empty() || !typeFun->typePackParams.empty())
return addRefinement(refis, typeguardP.lvalue, errorRecoveryType(scope));
TypeId type = follow(typeFun->type);
// You cannot refine to the top class type.
if (type == builtinTypes->classType)
return addRefinement(refis, typeguardP.lvalue, errorRecoveryType(scope));
// We're only interested in the root class of any classes.
if (auto ctv = get<ClassType>(type); !ctv || (ctv->parent != builtinTypes->classType && !hasTag(type, kTypeofRootTag)))
return addRefinement(refis, typeguardP.lvalue, errorRecoveryType(scope));
// This probably hints at breaking out type filtering functions from the predicate solver so that typeof is not tightly coupled with IsA.
// Until then, we rewrite this to be the same as using IsA.
return resolve(IsAPredicate{std::move(typeguardP.lvalue), typeguardP.location, type}, refis, scope, sense);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const EqPredicate& eqP, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
// This refinement will require success typing to do everything correctly. For now, we can get most of the way there.
auto options = [](TypeId ty) -> std::vector<TypeId>
if (auto utv = get<UnionType>(follow(ty)))
return std::vector<TypeId>(begin(utv), end(utv));
return {ty};
std::vector<TypeId> rhs = options(eqP.type);
if (sense && std::any_of(rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), isUndecidable))
return; // Optimization: the other side has unknown types, so there's probably an overlap. Refining is no-op here.
auto predicate = [&](TypeId option) -> std::optional<TypeId>
if (!sense && isNil(eqP.type))
return (isUndecidable(option) || !isNil(option)) ? std::optional<TypeId>(option) : std::nullopt;
if (maybeSingleton(eqP.type))
bool optionIsSubtype = canUnify(option, eqP.type, scope, eqP.location).empty();
bool targetIsSubtype = canUnify(eqP.type, option, scope, eqP.location).empty();
// terminology refresher:
// - option is the type of the expression `x`, and
// - eqP.type is the type of the expression `"hello"`
// "hello" == x where
// x : "hello" | "world" -> x : "hello"
// x : number | string -> x : "hello"
// x : number -> x : never
// "hello" ~= x where
// x : "hello" | "world" -> x : "world"
// x : number | string -> x : number | string
// x : number -> x : number
// local variable works around an odd gcc 9.3 warning: <anonymous> may be used uninitialized
std::optional<TypeId> nope = std::nullopt;
if (sense)
if (optionIsSubtype && !targetIsSubtype)
return option;
else if (!optionIsSubtype && targetIsSubtype)
return follow(eqP.type);
else if (!optionIsSubtype && !targetIsSubtype)
return nope;
else if (optionIsSubtype && targetIsSubtype)
return follow(eqP.type);
bool isOptionSingleton = get<SingletonType>(option);
if (!isOptionSingleton)
return option;
else if (optionIsSubtype && targetIsSubtype)
return nope;
return option;
refineLValue(eqP.lvalue, refis, scope, predicate);
bool TypeChecker::isNonstrictMode() const
return (currentModule->mode == Mode::Nonstrict) || (currentModule->mode == Mode::NoCheck);
std::vector<TypeId> TypeChecker::unTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope, TypePackId tp, size_t expectedLength, const Location& location)
TypePackId expectedTypePack = addTypePack({});
TypePack* expectedPack = getMutable<TypePack>(expectedTypePack);
for (size_t i = 0; i < expectedLength; ++i)
size_t oldErrorsSize = currentModule->errors.size();
unify(tp, expectedTypePack, scope, location);
// HACK: tryUnify would undo the changes to the expectedTypePack if the length mismatches, but
// we want to tie up free types to be error types, so we do this instead.
for (TypeId& tp : expectedPack->head)
tp = follow(tp);
return expectedPack->head;
std::vector<std::pair<Location, ScopePtr>> TypeChecker::getScopes() const
return currentModule->scopes;
} // namespace Luau