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## New Solver * Type functions should be able to signal whether or not irreducibility is due to an error * Do not generate extra expansion constraint for uninvoked user-defined type functions * Print in a user-defined type function reports as an error instead of logging to stdout * Many e-graphs bugfixes and performance improvements * Many general bugfixes and improvements to the new solver as a whole * Fixed issue with used-defined type functions not being able to call each other * Infer types of globals under new type solver ## Fragment Autocomplete * Miscellaneous fixes to make interop with the old solver better ## Runtime * Support disabling specific built-in functions from being fast-called or constant-evaluated (Closes #1538) * New compiler option `disabledBuiltins` accepts a list of library function names like "tonumber" or "math.cos" * Added constant folding for vector arithmetic * Added constant propagation and type inference for vector globals (Fixes #1511) * New compiler option `librariesWithKnownMembers` accepts a list of libraries for members of which a request for constant value and/or type will be made * `libraryMemberTypeCb` callback is called to get the type of a global, return one of the `LuauBytecodeType` values. 'boolean', 'number', 'string' and 'vector' type are supported. * `libraryMemberConstantCb` callback is called to setup the constant value of a global. To set a value, C API `luau_set_compile_constant_*` or C++ API `setCompileConstant*` functions should be used. --- Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <aaronweiss@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <afriesen@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <agoel@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Angel <danielangel@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Jonathan Kelaty <jkelaty@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <hgoldstein@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <vsaini@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <vvijay@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com> --------- Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <aaronweiss@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <amccord@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <afriesen@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <agoel@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: David Cope <dcope@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <lbrown@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Junseo Yoo <jyoo@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <hgoldstein@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <61795485+vrn-sn@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Alexander Youngblood <ayoungblood@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <vsaini@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Andrew Miranti <amiranti@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Shiqi Ai <sai@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Yohoo Lin <yohoo@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Angel <danielangel@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Jonathan Kelaty <jkelaty@roblox.com>
170 lines
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170 lines
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local function prequire(name) local success, result = pcall(require, name); return success and result end
local bench = script and require(script.Parent.bench_support) or prequire("bench_support") or require("../../bench_support")
local PI = 3.141592653589793
local SOLAR_MASS = 4 * PI * PI
local DAYS_PER_YEAR = 365.24
local Body = {}
Body.__index = Body
function Body.new(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mass)
local self = {}
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.vx = vx
self.vy = vy
self.vz = vz
self.mass = mass
return setmetatable(self, Body)
function Body:offsetMomentum(px, py, pz)
self.vx = -px / SOLAR_MASS
self.vy = -py / SOLAR_MASS
self.vz = -pz / SOLAR_MASS
return self
local function Jupiter()
return Body.new(
1.660076642744037e-3 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
7.6990111841974045e-3 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
-6.90460016972063e-5 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
9.547919384243267e-4 * SOLAR_MASS
local function Saturn()
return Body.new(8.34336671824458e0, 4.124798564124305e0, -4.035234171143213e-1, -2.767425107268624e-3 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 4.998528012349173e-3 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 2.3041729757376395e-5 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 2.8588598066613082e-4 * SOLAR_MASS)
local function Uranus()
return Body.new(1.2894369562139132e1, -1.511115140169863e1, -2.2330757889265573e-1, 2.964601375647616e-3 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 2.3784717395948096e-3 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, -2.9658956854023755e-5 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 4.366244043351563e-5 * SOLAR_MASS)
local function Neptune()
return Body.new(1.5379697114850917e1, -2.5919314609987962e1, 1.7925877295037118e-1, 2.680677724903893e-3 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 1.628241700382423e-3 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, -9.515922545197158e-5 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 5.151389020466114e-5 * SOLAR_MASS)
local function Sun()
return Body.new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SOLAR_MASS)
local NBodySystem = {}
NBodySystem.__index = NBodySystem
function NBodySystem.new(bodies)
local self = {}
self.bodies = bodies
local px = 0
local py = 0
local pz = 0
local size = #self.bodies
for i=1, size do
local b = self.bodies[i]
local m = b.mass
px = px + b.vx * m
py = py + b.vy * m
pz = pz + b.vz * m
self.bodies[1]:offsetMomentum(px, py, pz)
return setmetatable(self, NBodySystem)
function NBodySystem:advance(dt)
local dx, dy, dz, distance, mag
local size = #self.bodies
for i=1, size do
local bodyi = self.bodies[i]
for j=i+1, size do
local bodyj = self.bodies[j]
dx = bodyi.x - bodyj.x
dy = bodyi.y - bodyj.y
dz = bodyi.z - bodyj.z
distance = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
mag = dt / (distance * distance * distance)
bodyi.vx -= dx * bodyj.mass * mag
bodyi.vy -= dy * bodyj.mass * mag
bodyi.vz -= dz * bodyj.mass * mag
bodyj.vx += dx * bodyi.mass * mag
bodyj.vy += dy * bodyi.mass * mag
bodyj.vz += dz * bodyi.mass * mag
for i=1, size do
local body = self.bodies[i]
body.x = body.x + dt * body.vx
body.y = body.y + dt * body.vy
body.z = body.z + dt * body.vz
function NBodySystem:energy()
local dx, dy, dz, distance
local e = 0.0
local size = #self.bodies
for i=1, size do
local bodyi = self.bodies[i]
e = e + 0.5 * bodyi.mass * (bodyi.vx * bodyi.vx + bodyi.vy * bodyi.vy + bodyi.vz * bodyi.vz)
for j=i+1, size do
local bodyj = self.bodies[j]
dx = bodyi.x - bodyj.x
dy = bodyi.y - bodyj.y
dz = bodyi.z - bodyj.z
distance = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
e -= (bodyi.mass * bodyj.mass) / distance
return e
local function run()
local ret = 0
local n = 3
while n <= 24 do
local bodies = NBodySystem.new({
local max = n * 100
ret += bodies:energy()
for i=1, max do
ret += bodies:energy()
n *= 2
local expected = -1.3524862408537381
if ret ~= expected then
error('ERROR: bad result: expected ' .. expected .. ' but got ' .. ret)
function runIteration()
for i=1, 5 do
bench.runCode(runIteration, "n-body-oop")