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synced 2025-03-13 15:34:27 +00:00

Previous benchmark require fix wasn't actually working correctly for the old style require (or running in Lua).
255 lines
7.2 KiB
255 lines
7.2 KiB
local function prequire(name) local success, result = pcall(require, name); return if success then result else nil end
local bench = script and require(script.Parent.bench_support) or prequire("bench_support") or require("../bench_support")
function test()
type Vertex = {
pX: number, pY: number, pZ: number,
uvX: number, uvY: number, uvZ: number,
nX: number, nY: number, nZ: number,
tX: number, tY: number, tZ: number,
bX: number, bY: number, bZ: number,
h: number
local grid_size = 100
local mesh: {
vertices: {Vertex},
indices: {number},
triangle_cone_p: {{x: number, y: number, z: number}},
triangle_cone_n: {{x: number, y: number, z: number}}
} = {
vertices = table.create(grid_size * grid_size),
indices = table.create((grid_size - 1) * (grid_size - 1) * 6),
triangle_cone_p = table.create((grid_size - 1) * (grid_size - 1) * 2),
triangle_cone_n = table.create((grid_size - 1) * (grid_size - 1) * 2)
local function init_vertices()
local i = 1
for y = 1,grid_size do
for x = 1,grid_size do
local v: Vertex = {}
v.pX = x
v.pY = y
v.pZ = math.cos(x) + math.sin(y)
v.uvX = (x-1)/(grid_size-1)
v.uvY = (y-1)/(grid_size-1)
v.uvZ = 0
v.nX = 0
v.nY = 0
v.nZ = 0
v.bX = 0
v.bY = 0
v.bZ = 0
v.tX = 0
v.tY = 0
v.tZ = 0
v.h = 0
mesh.vertices[i] = v
i += 1
local function init_indices()
local i = 1
for y = 1,grid_size-1 do
for x = 1,grid_size-1 do
mesh.indices[i] = x + (y-1)*grid_size
i += 1
mesh.indices[i] = x + y*grid_size
i += 1
mesh.indices[i] = (x+1) + (y-1)*grid_size
i += 1
mesh.indices[i] = (x+1) + (y-1)*grid_size
i += 1
mesh.indices[i] = x + y*grid_size
i += 1
mesh.indices[i] = (x+1) + y*grid_size
i += 1
local function calculate_normals()
local norm_sum = 0
for i = 1,#mesh.indices,3 do
local a = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i]]
local b = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i + 1]]
local c = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i + 2]]
local abx = a.pX - b.pX
local aby = a.pY - b.pY
local abz = a.pZ - b.pZ
local acx = a.pX - c.pX
local acy = a.pY - c.pY
local acz = a.pZ - c.pZ
local nx = aby * acz - abz * acy;
local ny = abz * acx - abx * acz;
local nz = abx * acy - aby * acx;
a.nX += nx
a.nY += ny
a.nZ += nz
b.nX += nx
b.nY += ny
b.nZ += nz
c.nX += nx
c.nY += ny
c.nZ += nz
for _,v in mesh.vertices do
local magnitude = math.sqrt(v.nX * v.nX + v.nY * v.nY + v.nZ * v.nZ)
v.nX /= magnitude
v.nY /= magnitude
v.nZ /= magnitude
norm_sum += v.nX * v.nX + v.nY * v.nY + v.nZ * v.nZ
return norm_sum
local function compute_triangle_cones()
local mesh_area = 0
local pos = 1
for i = 1,#mesh.indices,3 do
local p0 = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i]]
local p1 = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i + 1]]
local p2 = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i + 2]]
local p10x = p1.pX - p0.pX
local p10y = p1.pY - p0.pY
local p10z = p1.pZ - p0.pZ
local p20x = p2.pX - p0.pX
local p20y = p2.pY - p0.pY
local p20z = p2.pZ - p0.pZ
local normalx = p10y * p20z - p10z * p20y;
local normaly = p10z * p20x - p10x * p20z;
local normalz = p10x * p20y - p10y * p20x;
local area = math.sqrt(normalx * normalx + normaly * normaly + normalz * normalz)
local invarea = if area == 0 then 0 else 1 / area;
local rx = (p0.pX + p1.pX + p2.pX) / 3
local ry = (p0.pY + p1.pY + p2.pY) / 3
local rz = (p0.pZ + p1.pZ + p2.pZ) / 3
mesh.triangle_cone_p[pos] = { x = rx, y = ry, z = rz }
mesh.triangle_cone_n[pos] = { x = normalx * invarea, y = normaly * invarea, z = normalz * invarea}
pos += 1
mesh_area += area
return mesh_area
local function compute_tangent_space()
local checksum = 0
for i = 1,#mesh.indices,3 do
local a = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i]]
local b = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i + 1]]
local c = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i + 2]]
local x1 = b.pX - a.pX
local x2 = c.pX - a.pX
local y1 = b.pY - a.pY
local y2 = c.pY - a.pY
local z1 = b.pZ - a.pZ
local z2 = c.pZ - a.pZ
local s1 = b.uvX - a.uvX
local s2 = c.uvX - a.uvX
local t1 = b.uvY - a.uvY
local t2 = c.uvY - a.uvY
local r = 1.0 / (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1);
local sdirX = (t2 * x1 - t1 * x2) * r
local sdirY = (t2 * y1 - t1 * y2) * r
local sdirZ = (t2 * z1 - t1 * z2) * r
local tdirX = (s1 * x2 - s2 * x1) * r
local tdirY = (s1 * y2 - s2 * y1) * r
local tdirZ = (s1 * z2 - s2 * z1) * r
a.tX += sdirX
a.tY += sdirY
a.tZ += sdirZ
b.tX += sdirX
b.tY += sdirY
b.tZ += sdirZ
c.tX += sdirX
c.tY += sdirY
c.tZ += sdirZ
a.bX += tdirX
a.bY += tdirY
a.bZ += tdirZ
b.bX += tdirX
b.bY += tdirY
b.bZ += tdirZ
c.bX += tdirX
c.bY += tdirY
c.bZ += tdirZ
for _,v in mesh.vertices do
local tX = v.tX
local tY = v.tY
local tZ = v.tZ
-- Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize
local ndt = v.nX * tX + v.nY * tY + v.nZ * tZ
local tmnsX = tX - v.nX * ndt
local tmnsY = tY - v.nY * ndt
local tmnsZ = tZ - v.nZ * ndt
local l = math.sqrt(tmnsX * tmnsX + tmnsY * tmnsY + tmnsZ * tmnsZ)
local invl = 1 / l
v.tX = tmnsX * invl
v.tY = tmnsY * invl
v.tZ = tmnsZ * invl
local normalx = v.nY * tZ - v.nZ * tY;
local normaly = v.nZ * tX - v.nX * tZ;
local normalz = v.nX * tY - v.nY * tX;
local ht = normalx * v.bX + normaly * v.bY + normalz * v.bZ
v.h = ht < 0 and -1 or 1
checksum += v.tX + v.h
return checksum
bench.runCode(test, "mesh-normal-scalar")