Vighnesh-V 77642988c2
Sync to upstream/release/661 (#1664)
# General
- Additional logging enabled for fragment autocomplete.

## Roundtrippable AST
- Add a new `AstNode`, `AstGenericType`
- Retain source information for `AstExprTypeAssertion`
## New Type Solver
- New non-strict mode will report unknown symbol errors, e.g
foo = 5
local wrong1 = foob <- issue warning
- Fixed a bug where new non-strict mode failed to visit large parts of
the program.
- We now infer the types of unnanotated local variables in statements
with multiple assignments, e.g. `local x: "a", y, z = "a", f()`
- Fixed bugs in constraint dispatch ordering.
- Fixed a bug that caused an infinite loop between `Subtyping`,
`OverloadResolution`, and `Type Function Reduction`, by preventing calls
to `Type Function Reduction` being re-entrant.
- Fixed a crash in bidirectional type inference caused by asserting read
and write properties on a type that was readonly.

## Runtime
- Fix a stack overflow caused by `luaL_checkstack` consuming stack space
even if the function fails to reserve memory.
- Using '%c' with a 0 value in Luau string.format will append a '\0'.

## Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous small bugfixes for the new solver.

**Full Changelog**:
Co-authored-by: Ariel Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <>
Co-authored-by: Talha Pathan <>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>


Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Youngblood <>
Co-authored-by: Menarul Alam <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
2025-02-14 13:57:46 -08:00

162 lines
5.2 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Error.h"
#include "Luau/Linter.h"
#include "Luau/FileResolver.h"
#include "Luau/ParseOptions.h"
#include "Luau/ParseResult.h"
#include "Luau/Scope.h"
#include "Luau/TypeArena.h"
#include "Luau/AnyTypeSummary.h"
#include "Luau/DataFlowGraph.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <optional>
namespace Luau
using LogLuauProc = void (*)(std::string_view);
extern LogLuauProc logLuau;
void setLogLuau(LogLuauProc ll);
void resetLogLuauProc();
struct Module;
struct AnyTypeSummary;
using ScopePtr = std::shared_ptr<struct Scope>;
using ModulePtr = std::shared_ptr<Module>;
class AstType;
class AstTypePack;
/// Root of the AST of a parsed source file
struct SourceModule
ModuleName name; // Module identifier or a filename
std::string humanReadableName;
SourceCode::Type type = SourceCode::None;
std::optional<std::string> environmentName;
bool cyclic = false;
std::shared_ptr<Allocator> allocator;
std::shared_ptr<AstNameTable> names;
std::vector<ParseError> parseErrors;
AstStatBlock* root = nullptr;
std::optional<Mode> mode;
std::vector<HotComment> hotcomments;
std::vector<Comment> commentLocations;
: allocator(new Allocator)
, names(new AstNameTable(*allocator))
bool isWithinComment(const std::vector<Comment>& commentLocations, Position pos);
bool isWithinComment(const SourceModule& sourceModule, Position pos);
bool isWithinComment(const ParseResult& result, Position pos);
struct RequireCycle
Location location;
std::vector<ModuleName> path; // one of the paths for a require() to go all the way back to the originating module
struct Module
// TODO: Clip this when we clip FFlagLuauSolverV2
bool checkedInNewSolver = false;
ModuleName name;
std::string humanReadableName;
TypeArena interfaceTypes;
TypeArena internalTypes;
// Summary of Ast Nodes that either contain
// user annotated anys or typechecker inferred anys
AnyTypeSummary ats{};
// Scopes and AST types refer to parse data, so we need to keep that alive
std::shared_ptr<Allocator> allocator;
std::shared_ptr<AstNameTable> names;
std::vector<std::pair<Location, ScopePtr>> scopes; // never empty
DenseHashMap<const AstExpr*, TypeId> astTypes{nullptr};
DenseHashMap<const AstExpr*, TypePackId> astTypePacks{nullptr};
DenseHashMap<const AstExpr*, TypeId> astExpectedTypes{nullptr};
// For AST nodes that are function calls, this map provides the
// unspecialized type of the function that was called. If a function call
// resolves to a __call metamethod application, this map will point at that
// metamethod.
// This is useful for type checking and Signature Help.
DenseHashMap<const AstNode*, TypeId> astOriginalCallTypes{nullptr};
// The specialization of a function that was selected. If the function is
// generic, those generic type parameters will be replaced with the actual
// types that were passed. If the function is an overload, this map will
// point at the specific overloads that were selected.
DenseHashMap<const AstNode*, TypeId> astOverloadResolvedTypes{nullptr};
// Only used with loops. The computed type of the next() function
// is kept here for type checking.
DenseHashMap<const AstNode*, TypeId> astForInNextTypes{nullptr};
DenseHashMap<const AstType*, TypeId> astResolvedTypes{nullptr};
DenseHashMap<const AstTypePack*, TypePackId> astResolvedTypePacks{nullptr};
// The computed result type of a compound assignment. (eg foo += 1)
// Type checking uses this to check that the result of such an operation is
// actually compatible with the left-side operand.
DenseHashMap<const AstStat*, TypeId> astCompoundAssignResultTypes{nullptr};
DenseHashMap<TypeId, std::vector<std::pair<Location, TypeId>>> upperBoundContributors{nullptr};
// Map AST nodes to the scope they create. Cannot be NotNull<Scope> because
// we need a sentinel value for the map.
DenseHashMap<const AstNode*, Scope*> astScopes{nullptr};
std::unordered_map<Name, TypeId> declaredGlobals;
ErrorVec errors;
LintResult lintResult;
Mode mode;
SourceCode::Type type;
double checkDurationSec = 0.0;
bool timeout = false;
bool cancelled = false;
TypePackId returnType = nullptr;
std::unordered_map<Name, TypeFun> exportedTypeBindings;
// Arenas related to the DFG must persist after the DFG no longer exists, as
// Module objects maintain raw pointers to objects in these arenas.
DefArena defArena;
RefinementKeyArena keyArena;
bool hasModuleScope() const;
ScopePtr getModuleScope() const;
// Once a module has been typechecked, we clone its public interface into a
// separate arena. This helps us to force Type ownership into a DAG rather
// than a DCG.
void clonePublicInterface(NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, InternalErrorReporter& ice);
} // namespace Luau