mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 13:30:40 +00:00
* Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an interpolated string (Fixes https://github.com/Roblox/luau/issues/744) * DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference information * Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large intersection types (Solves https://github.com/Roblox/luau/discussions/847) * Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC: Deprecate table.getn/foreach/foreachi](https://github.com/Roblox/luau/blob/master/rfcs/deprecate-table-getn-foreach.md)) * With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on known argument/return count. Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different. Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement. * Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes https://github.com/Roblox/luau/issues/736) We also made many improvements to our experimental components. For our new type solver: * Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat' loops, global variables and type annotations * Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string literal * Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements * Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled * References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve to 'error' type like in old solver * Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions * Fixed default type packs * Unsealed tables can now have metatables * Restored expected types for function arguments And for native code generation: * Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64 * We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on expected types of expressions which provides better optimization opportunities inside a single basic block * Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard removal and constant propagation
695 lines
17 KiB
695 lines
17 KiB
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Fixture.h"
#include "Luau/AstQuery.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include "Luau/Type.h"
#include "doctest.h"
#include "Luau/Normalize.h"
#include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h"
using namespace Luau;
struct IsSubtypeFixture : Fixture
bool isSubtype(TypeId a, TypeId b)
ModulePtr module = getMainModule();
if (!module->hasModuleScope())
FAIL("isSubtype: module scope data is not available");
return ::Luau::isSubtype(a, b, NotNull{module->getModuleScope().get()}, builtinTypes, ice);
} // namespace
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "primitives")
local a = 41
local b = 32
local c = "hello"
local d = "world"
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
TypeId c = requireType("c");
TypeId d = requireType("d");
CHECK(isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(isSubtype(d, c));
CHECK(!isSubtype(d, a));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "functions")
function a(x: number): number return x end
function b(x: number): number return x end
function c(x: number?): number return x end
function d(x: number): number? return x end
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
TypeId c = requireType("c");
TypeId d = requireType("d");
CHECK(isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(isSubtype(c, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(d, a));
CHECK(isSubtype(a, d));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "functions_and_any")
function a(n: number) return "string" end
function b(q: any) return 5 :: any end
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
// any makes things work even when it makes no sense.
CHECK(isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(isSubtype(a, b));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "variadic_functions_with_no_head")
local a: (...number) -> ()
local b: (...number?) -> ()
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
CHECK(isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b));
#if 0
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "variadic_function_with_head")
local a: (...number) -> ()
local b: (number, number) -> ()
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(isSubtype(a, b));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "union")
local a: number | string
local b: number
local c: string
local d: number?
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
TypeId c = requireType("c");
TypeId d = requireType("d");
CHECK(isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b));
CHECK(isSubtype(c, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(a, c));
CHECK(!isSubtype(d, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(a, d));
CHECK(isSubtype(b, d));
CHECK(!isSubtype(d, b));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "table_with_union_prop")
local a: {x: number}
local b: {x: number?}
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
CHECK(isSubtype(a, b));
CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "table_with_any_prop")
local a: {x: number}
local b: {x: any}
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
CHECK(isSubtype(a, b));
CHECK(isSubtype(b, a));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "intersection")
local a: number & string
local b: number
local c: string
local d: number & nil
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
TypeId c = requireType("c");
TypeId d = requireType("d");
CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(isSubtype(a, b));
CHECK(!isSubtype(c, a));
CHECK(isSubtype(a, c));
// These types are both equivalent to never
CHECK(isSubtype(d, a));
CHECK(isSubtype(a, d));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "union_and_intersection")
local a: number & string
local b: number | nil
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(isSubtype(a, b));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "tables")
local a: {x: number}
local b: {x: any}
local c: {y: number}
local d: {x: number, y: number}
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
TypeId c = requireType("c");
TypeId d = requireType("d");
CHECK(isSubtype(a, b));
CHECK(isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(c, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(a, c));
CHECK(isSubtype(d, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(a, d));
CHECK(isSubtype(d, b));
CHECK(!isSubtype(b, d));
#if 0
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "table_indexers_are_invariant")
local a: {[string]: number}
local b: {[string]: any}
local c: {[string]: number}
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
TypeId c = requireType("c");
CHECK(!isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b));
CHECK(isSubtype(c, a));
CHECK(isSubtype(a, c));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "mismatched_indexers")
local a: {x: number}
local b: {[string]: number}
local c: {}
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
TypeId c = requireType("c");
CHECK(isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b));
CHECK(!isSubtype(c, b));
CHECK(isSubtype(b, c));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "cyclic_table")
type A = {method: (A) -> ()}
local a: A
type B = {method: (any) -> ()}
local b: B
type C = {method: (C) -> ()}
local c: C
type D = {method: (D) -> (), another: (D) -> ()}
local d: D
type E = {method: (A) -> (), another: (E) -> ()}
local e: E
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
TypeId c = requireType("c");
TypeId d = requireType("d");
TypeId e = requireType("e");
CHECK(isSubtype(b, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(a, b));
CHECK(isSubtype(c, a));
CHECK(isSubtype(a, c));
CHECK(!isSubtype(d, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(a, d));
CHECK(isSubtype(e, a));
CHECK(!isSubtype(a, e));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "classes")
check(""); // Ensure that we have a main Module.
TypeId p = typeChecker.globalScope->lookupType("Parent")->type;
TypeId c = typeChecker.globalScope->lookupType("Child")->type;
TypeId u = typeChecker.globalScope->lookupType("Unrelated")->type;
CHECK(isSubtype(c, p));
CHECK(!isSubtype(p, c));
CHECK(!isSubtype(u, p));
CHECK(!isSubtype(p, u));
#if 0
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(IsSubtypeFixture, "metatable" * doctest::expected_failures{1})
local T = {}
T.__index = T
function T.new()
return setmetatable({}, T)
function T:method() end
local a: typeof(T.new)
local b: {method: (any) -> ()}
TypeId a = requireType("a");
TypeId b = requireType("b");
CHECK(isSubtype(a, b));
struct NormalizeFixture : Fixture
ScopedFastFlag sff1{"LuauNegatedFunctionTypes", true};
ScopedFastFlag sff2{"LuauNegatedClassTypes", true};
TypeArena arena;
InternalErrorReporter iceHandler;
UnifierSharedState unifierState{&iceHandler};
Normalizer normalizer{&arena, builtinTypes, NotNull{&unifierState}};
const NormalizedType* toNormalizedType(const std::string& annotation)
CheckResult result = check("type _Res = " + annotation);
if (FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution)
SourceModule* sourceModule = getMainSourceModule();
AstNode* node = findNodeAtPosition(*sourceModule, {0, 5});
AstStatTypeAlias* alias = node->as<AstStatTypeAlias>();
TypeId* originalTy = getMainModule()->astOriginalResolvedTypes.find(alias->type);
return normalizer.normalize(*originalTy);
std::optional<TypeId> ty = lookupType("_Res");
return normalizer.normalize(*ty);
TypeId normal(const std::string& annotation)
const NormalizedType* norm = toNormalizedType(annotation);
return normalizer.typeFromNormal(*norm);
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "negate_string")
CHECK("number" == toString(normal(R"(
(number | string) & Not<string>
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "negate_string_from_cofinite_string_intersection")
CHECK("number" == toString(normal(R"(
(number | (string & Not<"hello"> & Not<"world">)) & Not<string>
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "no_op_negation_is_dropped")
CHECK("number" == toString(normal(R"(
number & Not<string>
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "union_of_negation")
CHECK("string" == toString(normal(R"(
(string & Not<"hello">) | "hello"
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersect_truthy")
CHECK("number | string | true" == toString(normal(R"(
(string | number | boolean | nil) & Not<false | nil>
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersect_truthy_expressed_as_intersection")
CHECK("number | string | true" == toString(normal(R"(
(string | number | boolean | nil) & Not<false> & Not<nil>
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "union_of_union")
CHECK(R"("alpha" | "beta" | "gamma")" == toString(normal(R"(
("alpha" | "beta") | "gamma"
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "union_of_negations")
CHECK(R"(string & ~"world")" == toString(normal(R"(
(string & Not<"hello"> & Not<"world">) | (string & Not<"goodbye"> & Not<"world">)
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "disjoint_negations_normalize_to_string")
CHECK(R"(string)" == toString(normal(R"(
(string & Not<"hello"> & Not<"world">) | (string & Not<"goodbye">)
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "negate_boolean")
CHECK("true" == toString(normal(R"(
boolean & Not<false>
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "negate_boolean_2")
CHECK("never" == toString(normal(R"(
true & Not<true>
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "double_negation")
CHECK("number" == toString(normal(R"(
number & Not<Not<any>>
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "negate_any")
CHECK("number" == toString(normal(R"(
number & Not<any>
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersect_function_and_top_function")
CHECK("() -> ()" == toString(normal(R"(
fun & (() -> ())
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersect_function_and_top_function_reverse")
CHECK("() -> ()" == toString(normal(R"(
(() -> ()) & fun
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "union_function_and_top_function")
CHECK("function" == toString(normal(R"(
fun | (() -> ())
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "negated_function_is_anything_except_a_function")
ScopedFastFlag sffs[] = {
{"LuauNegatedTableTypes", true},
{"LuauNegatedClassTypes", true},
CHECK("(boolean | class | number | string | table | thread)?" == toString(normal(R"(
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "specific_functions_cannot_be_negated")
CHECK(nullptr == toNormalizedType("Not<(boolean) -> boolean>"));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "bare_negated_boolean")
ScopedFastFlag sffs[] = {
{"LuauNegatedTableTypes", true},
{"LuauNegatedClassTypes", true},
// TODO: We don't yet have a way to say number | string | thread | nil | Class | Table | Function
CHECK("(class | function | number | string | table | thread)?" == toString(normal(R"(
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "higher_order_function")
function apply(f, x)
return f(x)
local a = apply(function(x: number) return x + x end, 5)
TypeId aType = requireType("a");
CHECK_MESSAGE(isNumber(follow(aType)), "Expected a number but got ", toString(aType));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "higher_order_function_with_annotation")
function apply<a, b>(f: (a) -> b, x)
return f(x)
CHECK_EQ("<a, b>((a) -> b, a) -> b", toString(requireType("apply")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "cyclic_table_normalizes_sensibly")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local Cyclic = {}
function Cyclic.get()
return Cyclic
TypeId ty = requireType("Cyclic");
CHECK_EQ("t1 where t1 = { get: () -> t1 }", toString(ty, {true}));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "skip_force_normal_on_external_types")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
export type t0 = { a: Child }
export type t1 = { a: typeof(string.byte) }
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "intersection_combine_on_bound_self")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
export type t0 = (((any)&({_:l0.t0,n0:t0,_G:any,}))&({_:any,}))&(((any)&({_:l0.t0,n0:t0,_G:any,}))&({_:any,}))
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "unions_of_classes")
ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauNegatedClassTypes", true};
CHECK("Parent | Unrelated" == toString(normal("Parent | Unrelated")));
CHECK("Parent" == toString(normal("Parent | Child")));
CHECK("Parent | Unrelated" == toString(normal("Parent | Child | Unrelated")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "intersections_of_classes")
ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauNegatedClassTypes", true};
CHECK("Child" == toString(normal("Parent & Child")));
CHECK("never" == toString(normal("Child & Unrelated")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "narrow_union_of_classes_with_intersection")
ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauNegatedClassTypes", true};
CHECK("Child" == toString(normal("(Child | Unrelated) & Child")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "negations_of_classes")
ScopedFastFlag sffs[] = {
{"LuauNegatedTableTypes", true},
{"LuauNegatedClassTypes", true},
CHECK("(Parent & ~Child) | Unrelated" == toString(normal("(Parent & Not<Child>) | Unrelated")));
CHECK("((class & ~Child) | boolean | function | number | string | table | thread)?" == toString(normal("Not<Child>")));
CHECK("Child" == toString(normal("Not<Parent> & Child")));
CHECK("((class & ~Parent) | Child | boolean | function | number | string | table | thread)?" == toString(normal("Not<Parent> | Child")));
CHECK("(boolean | function | number | string | table | thread)?" == toString(normal("Not<cls>")));
CHECK("(Parent | Unrelated | boolean | function | number | string | table | thread)?" ==
toString(normal("Not<cls & Not<Parent> & Not<Child> & Not<Unrelated>>")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "classes_and_unknown")
ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauNegatedClassTypes", true};
CHECK("Parent" == toString(normal("Parent & unknown")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "classes_and_never")
ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauNegatedClassTypes", true};
CHECK("never" == toString(normal("Parent & never")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "top_table_type")
ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauNegatedTableTypes", true};
CHECK("table" == toString(normal("{} | tbl")));
CHECK("{| |}" == toString(normal("{} & tbl")));
CHECK("never" == toString(normal("number & tbl")));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(NormalizeFixture, "negations_of_tables")
ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauNegatedTableTypes", true};
CHECK(nullptr == toNormalizedType("Not<{}>"));
CHECK("(boolean | class | function | number | string | thread)?" == toString(normal("Not<tbl>")));
CHECK("table" == toString(normal("Not<Not<tbl>>")));