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synced 2024-12-13 05:20:38 +00:00
- Fix some cases where type checking would overflow the native stack - Improve autocomplete behavior when assigning a partially written function call (not currently exposed through command line tools) - Improve autocomplete type inference feedback for some expressions where previously the type would not be known - Improve quantification performance during type checking for large types - Improve type checking for table literals when the expected type of the table is known because of a type annotation - Fix type checking errors in cases where required module has errors in the resulting type - Fix debug line information for multi-line chained call sequences (Add function name information for "attempt to call a nil value" #255) - lua_newuserdata now takes 2 arguments to match Lua/LuaJIT APIs better; lua_newuserdatatagged should be used if the third argument was non-0. - lua_ref can no longer be used with LUA_REGISTRYINDEX to prevent mistakes when migrating Lua FFI (Inconsistency with lua_ref #247) - Fix assertions and possible crashes when executing script code indirectly via metatable dispatch from lua_equal/lua_lessthan/lua_getfield/etc. (Hitting a crash in an assert after lua_equal is called. #259) - Fix flamegraph scripts to run under Python 2
306 lines
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306 lines
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// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Module.h"
#include "Luau/Scope.h"
#include "Fixture.h"
#include "doctest.h"
using namespace Luau;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "is_within_comment")
local foo = {}
function foo:bar() end
]] foo:bar()
--[[]]--[[]] -- Two distinct comments that have zero characters of space between them.
SourceModule* sm = getMainSourceModule();
CHECK_EQ(5, sm->commentLocations.size());
CHECK(isWithinComment(*sm, Position{1, 15}));
CHECK(isWithinComment(*sm, Position{6, 16}));
CHECK(isWithinComment(*sm, Position{9, 13}));
CHECK(isWithinComment(*sm, Position{9, 14}));
CHECK(!isWithinComment(*sm, Position{2, 15}));
CHECK(!isWithinComment(*sm, Position{7, 10}));
CHECK(!isWithinComment(*sm, Position{7, 11}));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "dont_clone_persistent_primitive")
TypeArena dest;
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
CloneState cloneState;
// numberType is persistent. We leave it as-is.
TypeId newNumber = clone(typeChecker.numberType, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, cloneState);
CHECK_EQ(newNumber, typeChecker.numberType);
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "deepClone_non_persistent_primitive")
TypeArena dest;
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
CloneState cloneState;
// Create a new number type that isn't persistent
TypeId oldNumber = typeChecker.globalTypes.addType(PrimitiveTypeVar{PrimitiveTypeVar::Number});
TypeId newNumber = clone(oldNumber, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, cloneState);
CHECK_NE(newNumber, oldNumber);
CHECK_EQ(*oldNumber, *newNumber);
CHECK_EQ("number", toString(newNumber));
CHECK_EQ(1, dest.typeVars.size());
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "deepClone_cyclic_table")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
local Cyclic = {}
function Cyclic.get()
return Cyclic
/* The inferred type of Cyclic is {get: () -> Cyclic}
* Assert that the return type of get() is the same as the outer table.
TypeId counterType = requireType("Cyclic");
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
CloneState cloneState;
TypeArena dest;
TypeId counterCopy = clone(counterType, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, cloneState);
TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(counterCopy);
REQUIRE(ttv != nullptr);
CHECK_EQ(std::optional<std::string>{"Cyclic"}, ttv->syntheticName);
TypeId methodType = ttv->props["get"].type;
REQUIRE(methodType != nullptr);
const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(methodType);
REQUIRE(ftv != nullptr);
std::optional<TypeId> methodReturnType = first(ftv->retType);
CHECK_EQ(methodReturnType, counterCopy);
CHECK_EQ(2, dest.typePacks.size()); // one for the function args, and another for its return type
CHECK_EQ(2, dest.typeVars.size()); // One table and one function
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "builtin_types_point_into_globalTypes_arena")
CheckResult result = check(R"(
return {sign=math.sign}
ModulePtr module = frontend.moduleResolver.getModule("MainModule");
std::optional<TypeId> exports = first(module->getModuleScope()->returnType);
REQUIRE(isInArena(*exports, module->interfaceTypes));
TableTypeVar* exportsTable = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(*exports);
REQUIRE(exportsTable != nullptr);
TypeId signType = exportsTable->props["sign"].type;
REQUIRE(signType != nullptr);
CHECK(!isInArena(signType, module->interfaceTypes));
CHECK(isInArena(signType, typeChecker.globalTypes));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "deepClone_union")
TypeArena dest;
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
CloneState cloneState;
TypeId oldUnion = typeChecker.globalTypes.addType(UnionTypeVar{{typeChecker.numberType, typeChecker.stringType}});
TypeId newUnion = clone(oldUnion, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, cloneState);
CHECK_NE(newUnion, oldUnion);
CHECK_EQ("number | string", toString(newUnion));
CHECK_EQ(1, dest.typeVars.size());
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "deepClone_intersection")
TypeArena dest;
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
CloneState cloneState;
TypeId oldIntersection = typeChecker.globalTypes.addType(IntersectionTypeVar{{typeChecker.numberType, typeChecker.stringType}});
TypeId newIntersection = clone(oldIntersection, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, cloneState);
CHECK_NE(newIntersection, oldIntersection);
CHECK_EQ("number & string", toString(newIntersection));
CHECK_EQ(1, dest.typeVars.size());
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "clone_class")
TypeVar exampleMetaClass{ClassTypeVar{"ExampleClassMeta",
{"__add", {typeChecker.anyType}},
std::nullopt, std::nullopt, {}, {}}};
TypeVar exampleClass{ClassTypeVar{"ExampleClass",
{"PropOne", {typeChecker.numberType}},
{"PropTwo", {typeChecker.stringType}},
std::nullopt, &exampleMetaClass, {}, {}}};
TypeArena dest;
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
CloneState cloneState;
TypeId cloned = clone(&exampleClass, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, cloneState);
const ClassTypeVar* ctv = get<ClassTypeVar>(cloned);
REQUIRE(ctv != nullptr);
const ClassTypeVar* metatable = get<ClassTypeVar>(*ctv->metatable);
CHECK_EQ("ExampleClass", ctv->name);
CHECK_EQ("ExampleClassMeta", metatable->name);
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "clone_sanitize_free_types")
ScopedFastFlag sff{"LuauErrorRecoveryType", true};
TypeVar freeTy(FreeTypeVar{TypeLevel{}});
TypePackVar freeTp(FreeTypePack{TypeLevel{}});
TypeArena dest;
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
CloneState cloneState;
TypeId clonedTy = clone(&freeTy, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, cloneState);
CHECK_EQ("any", toString(clonedTy));
cloneState = {};
TypePackId clonedTp = clone(&freeTp, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, cloneState);
CHECK_EQ("...any", toString(clonedTp));
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "clone_seal_free_tables")
TypeVar tableTy{TableTypeVar{}};
TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(&tableTy);
ttv->state = TableState::Free;
TypeArena dest;
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
CloneState cloneState;
TypeId cloned = clone(&tableTy, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, cloneState);
const TableTypeVar* clonedTtv = get<TableTypeVar>(cloned);
CHECK_EQ(clonedTtv->state, TableState::Sealed);
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "clone_self_property")
fileResolver.source["Module/A"] = R"(
local a = {}
function a:foo(x)
return -x;
return a;
CheckResult result = frontend.check("Module/A");
fileResolver.source["Module/B"] = R"(
local a = require(script.Parent.A)
return a.foo(5)
result = frontend.check("Module/B");
CHECK_EQ(toString(result.errors[0]), "This function was declared to accept self, but you did not pass enough arguments. Use a colon instead of a "
"dot or pass 1 extra nil to suppress this warning");
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "clone_recursion_limit")
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_NOOPT)
int limit = 250;
int limit = 400;
ScopedFastInt luauTypeCloneRecursionLimit{"LuauTypeCloneRecursionLimit", limit};
TypeArena src;
TypeId table = src.addType(TableTypeVar{});
TypeId nested = table;
for (int i = 0; i < limit + 100; i++)
TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(nested);
ttv->props["a"].type = src.addType(TableTypeVar{});
nested = ttv->props["a"].type;
TypeArena dest;
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
CloneState cloneState;
CHECK_THROWS_AS(clone(table, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, cloneState), std::runtime_error);