Arseny Kapoulkine b7d26b371a
Use -Werror in CI only (#201)
We keep getting compat reports for warnings in various compiler
versions. While we can keep merging PRs to resolve these warnings, it
would be nice if the users of other compilers or compiler versions weren't
blocked on us fixing this.

As such, this change disables Werror by default and only enables it when
requested, which happens in CI in test builds.
2021-11-12 06:56:25 -08:00

5245 lines
183 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include "Luau/ModuleResolver.h"
#include "Luau/Parser.h"
#include "Luau/Quantify.h"
#include "Luau/RecursionCounter.h"
#include "Luau/Scope.h"
#include "Luau/Substitution.h"
#include "Luau/TopoSortStatements.h"
#include "Luau/ToString.h"
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include "Luau/TypeUtils.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/TimeTrace.h"
#include <deque>
#include <algorithm>
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(DebugLuauMagicTypes, false)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit, 500)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauTypeInferTypePackLoopLimit, 5000)
LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauCheckRecursionLimit, 500)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauClassPropertyAccessAsString, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauEqConstraint, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauWeakEqConstraint, false) // Eventually removed as false.
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauCloneCorrectlyBeforeMutatingTableType, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauStoreMatchingOverloadFnType, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauRecursiveTypeParameterRestriction, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauIfElseExpressionAnalysisSupport, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauStrictRequire, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauQuantifyInPlace2, false)
namespace Luau
static bool typeCouldHaveMetatable(TypeId ty)
return get<TableTypeVar>(follow(ty)) || get<ClassTypeVar>(follow(ty)) || get<MetatableTypeVar>(follow(ty));
static void defaultLuauPrintLine(const std::string& s)
printf("%s\n", s.c_str());
using PrintLineProc = decltype(&defaultLuauPrintLine);
static PrintLineProc luauPrintLine = &defaultLuauPrintLine;
void setPrintLine(PrintLineProc pl)
luauPrintLine = pl;
void resetPrintLine()
luauPrintLine = &defaultLuauPrintLine;
bool doesCallError(const AstExprCall* call)
const AstExprGlobal* global = call->func->as<AstExprGlobal>();
if (!global)
return false;
if (global->name == "error")
return true;
else if (global->name == "assert")
// assert() will error because it is missing the first argument
if (call->args.size == 0)
return true;
if (AstExprConstantBool* expr = call->[0]->as<AstExprConstantBool>())
if (!expr->value)
return true;
return false;
bool hasBreak(AstStat* node)
if (AstStatBlock* stat = node->as<AstStatBlock>())
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->body.size; ++i)
if (hasBreak(stat->[i]))
return true;
return false;
else if (node->is<AstStatBreak>())
return true;
else if (AstStatIf* stat = node->as<AstStatIf>())
if (hasBreak(stat->thenbody))
return true;
if (stat->elsebody && hasBreak(stat->elsebody))
return true;
return false;
return false;
// returns the last statement before the block exits, or nullptr if the block never exits
const AstStat* getFallthrough(const AstStat* node)
if (const AstStatBlock* stat = node->as<AstStatBlock>())
if (stat->body.size == 0)
return stat;
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->body.size - 1; ++i)
if (getFallthrough(stat->[i]) == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return getFallthrough(stat->[stat->body.size - 1]);
else if (const AstStatIf* stat = node->as<AstStatIf>())
if (const AstStat* thenf = getFallthrough(stat->thenbody))
return thenf;
if (stat->elsebody)
if (const AstStat* elsef = getFallthrough(stat->elsebody))
return elsef;
return nullptr;
return stat;
else if (node->is<AstStatReturn>())
return nullptr;
else if (const AstStatExpr* stat = node->as<AstStatExpr>())
if (AstExprCall* call = stat->expr->as<AstExprCall>())
if (doesCallError(call))
return nullptr;
return stat;
else if (const AstStatWhile* stat = node->as<AstStatWhile>())
if (AstExprConstantBool* expr = stat->condition->as<AstExprConstantBool>())
if (expr->value && !hasBreak(stat->body))
return nullptr;
return node;
else if (const AstStatRepeat* stat = node->as<AstStatRepeat>())
if (AstExprConstantBool* expr = stat->condition->as<AstExprConstantBool>())
if (!expr->value && !hasBreak(stat->body))
return nullptr;
if (getFallthrough(stat->body) == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return node;
return node;
static bool isMetamethod(const Name& name)
return name == "__index" || name == "__newindex" || name == "__call" || name == "__concat" || name == "__unm" || name == "__add" ||
name == "__sub" || name == "__mul" || name == "__div" || name == "__mod" || name == "__pow" || name == "__tostring" ||
name == "__metatable" || name == "__eq" || name == "__lt" || name == "__le" || name == "__mode";
TypeChecker::TypeChecker(ModuleResolver* resolver, InternalErrorReporter* iceHandler)
: resolver(resolver)
, iceHandler(iceHandler)
, unifierState(iceHandler)
, nilType(singletonTypes.nilType)
, numberType(singletonTypes.numberType)
, stringType(singletonTypes.stringType)
, booleanType(singletonTypes.booleanType)
, threadType(singletonTypes.threadType)
, anyType(singletonTypes.anyType)
, errorType(singletonTypes.errorType)
, optionalNumberType(singletonTypes.optionalNumberType)
, anyTypePack(singletonTypes.anyTypePack)
, errorTypePack(singletonTypes.errorTypePack)
globalScope = std::make_shared<Scope>(globalTypes.addTypePack(TypePackVar{FreeTypePack{TypeLevel{}}}));
globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["any"] = TypeFun{{}, anyType};
globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["nil"] = TypeFun{{}, nilType};
globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["number"] = TypeFun{{}, numberType};
globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["string"] = TypeFun{{}, stringType};
globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["boolean"] = TypeFun{{}, booleanType};
globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["thread"] = TypeFun{{}, threadType};
ModulePtr TypeChecker::check(const SourceModule& module, Mode mode, std::optional<ScopePtr> environmentScope)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("TypeChecker::check", "TypeChecker");
currentModule.reset(new Module());
currentModule->type = module.type;
iceHandler->moduleName =;
ScopePtr parentScope = environmentScope.value_or(globalScope);
ScopePtr moduleScope = std::make_shared<Scope>(parentScope);
if (module.cyclic)
moduleScope->returnType = addTypePack(TypePack{{anyType}, std::nullopt});
moduleScope->returnType = freshTypePack(moduleScope);
moduleScope->varargPack = anyTypePack;
currentModule->scopes.push_back(std::make_pair(module.root->location, moduleScope));
currentModule->mode = mode;
currentModuleName =;
if (prepareModuleScope)
prepareModuleScope(, currentModule->getModuleScope());
checkBlock(moduleScope, *module.root);
if (get<FreeTypePack>(follow(moduleScope->returnType)))
moduleScope->returnType = addTypePack(TypePack{{}, std::nullopt});
moduleScope->returnType = anyify(moduleScope, moduleScope->returnType, Location{});
for (auto& [_, typeFun] : moduleScope->exportedTypeBindings)
typeFun.type = anyify(moduleScope, typeFun.type, Location{});
bool encounteredFreeType = currentModule->clonePublicInterface();
if (encounteredFreeType)
GenericError{"Free types leaked into this module's public interface. This is an internal Luau error; please report it."}});
return std::move(currentModule);
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStat& program)
if (auto block =<AstStatBlock>())
check(scope, *block);
else if (auto if_ =<AstStatIf>())
check(scope, *if_);
else if (auto while_ =<AstStatWhile>())
check(scope, *while_);
else if (auto repeat =<AstStatRepeat>())
check(scope, *repeat);
else if (<AstStatBreak>())
} // Nothing to do
else if (<AstStatContinue>())
} // Nothing to do
else if (auto return_ =<AstStatReturn>())
check(scope, *return_);
else if (auto expr =<AstStatExpr>())
checkExprPack(scope, *expr->expr);
else if (auto local =<AstStatLocal>())
check(scope, *local);
else if (auto for_ =<AstStatFor>())
check(scope, *for_);
else if (auto forIn =<AstStatForIn>())
check(scope, *forIn);
else if (auto assign =<AstStatAssign>())
check(scope, *assign);
else if (auto assign =<AstStatCompoundAssign>())
check(scope, *assign);
else if (<AstStatFunction>())
ice("Should not be calling two-argument check() on a function statement", program.location);
else if (<AstStatLocalFunction>())
ice("Should not be calling two-argument check() on a function statement", program.location);
else if (auto typealias =<AstStatTypeAlias>())
check(scope, *typealias);
else if (auto global =<AstStatDeclareGlobal>())
TypeId globalType = resolveType(scope, *global->type);
Name globalName(global->name.value);
currentModule->declaredGlobals[globalName] = globalType;
currentModule->getModuleScope()->bindings[global->name] = Binding{globalType, global->location};
else if (auto global =<AstStatDeclareFunction>())
check(scope, *global);
else if (auto global =<AstStatDeclareClass>())
check(scope, *global);
else if (auto errorStatement =<AstStatError>())
const size_t oldSize = currentModule->errors.size();
for (AstStat* s : errorStatement->statements)
check(scope, *s);
for (AstExpr* expr : errorStatement->expressions)
checkExpr(scope, *expr);
// HACK: We want to run typechecking on the contents of the AstStatError, but
// we don't think the type errors will be useful most of the time.
ice("Unknown AstStat");
// This particular overload is for do...end. If you need to not increase the scope level, use checkBlock directly.
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatBlock& block)
ScopePtr child = childScope(scope, block.location);
checkBlock(child, block);
void TypeChecker::checkBlock(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatBlock& block)
RecursionCounter _rc(&checkRecursionCount);
if (FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit > 0 && checkRecursionCount >= FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit)
int subLevel = 0;
std::vector<AstStat*> sorted(, + block.body.size);
for (const auto& stat : sorted)
if (const auto& typealias = stat->as<AstStatTypeAlias>())
check(scope, *typealias, subLevel, true);
auto protoIter = sorted.begin();
auto checkIter = sorted.begin();
std::unordered_map<AstStat*, std::pair<TypeId, ScopePtr>> functionDecls;
auto checkBody = [&](AstStat* stat) {
if (auto fun = stat->as<AstStatFunction>())
auto [funTy, funScope] = functionDecls[stat];
check(scope, funTy, funScope, *fun);
else if (auto fun = stat->as<AstStatLocalFunction>())
auto [funTy, funScope] = functionDecls[stat];
check(scope, funTy, funScope, *fun);
while (protoIter != sorted.end())
// protoIter walks forward
// If it contains a function call (function bodies don't count), walk checkIter forward until it catches up with protoIter
// For each element checkIter sees, check function bodies and unify the computed type with the prototype
// If it is a function definition, add its prototype to the environment
// If it is anything else, check it.
// A subtlety is caused by mutually recursive functions, e.g.
// ```
// function f(x) return g(x) end
// function g(x) return f(x) end
// ```
// These both call each other, so `f` will be ordered before `g`, so the call to `g`
// is typechecked before `g` has had its body checked. For this reason, there's three
// types for each function: before its body is checked, during checking its body,
// and after its body is checked.
// We currently treat the before-type and the during-type as the same,
// which can result in some oddness, as the before-type is usually a monotype,
// and the after-type is often a polytype. For example:
// ```
// function f(x) local x: number = g(37) return x end
// function g(x) return f(x) end
// ```
// The before-type of g is `(X)->Y...` but during type-checking of `f` we will
// unify that with `(number)->number`. The types end up being
// ```
// function f<a>(x:a):a local x: number = g(37) return x end
// function g(x:number):number return f(x) end
// ```
if (FFlag::LuauQuantifyInPlace2 ? containsFunctionCallOrReturn(**protoIter) : containsFunctionCall(**protoIter))
while (checkIter != protoIter)
// We do check the current element, so advance checkIter beyond it.
check(scope, **protoIter);
else if (auto fun = (*protoIter)->as<AstStatFunction>())
auto pair = checkFunctionSignature(scope, subLevel, *fun->func, fun->name->location, std::nullopt);
auto [funTy, funScope] = pair;
functionDecls[*protoIter] = pair;
TypeId leftType = checkFunctionName(scope, *fun->name);
unify(leftType, funTy, fun->location);
else if (auto fun = (*protoIter)->as<AstStatLocalFunction>())
auto pair = checkFunctionSignature(scope, subLevel, *fun->func, fun->name->location, std::nullopt);
auto [funTy, funScope] = pair;
functionDecls[*protoIter] = pair;
scope->bindings[fun->name] = {funTy, fun->name->location};
check(scope, **protoIter);
while (checkIter != sorted.end())
checkBlockTypeAliases(scope, sorted);
LUAU_NOINLINE void TypeChecker::checkBlockTypeAliases(const ScopePtr& scope, std::vector<AstStat*>& sorted)
for (const auto& stat : sorted)
if (const auto& typealias = stat->as<AstStatTypeAlias>())
auto& bindings = typealias->exported ? scope->exportedTypeBindings : scope->privateTypeBindings;
Name name = typealias->name.value;
TypeId type = bindings[name].type;
if (get<FreeTypeVar>(follow(type)))
*asMutable(type) = ErrorTypeVar{};
reportError(TypeError{typealias->location, OccursCheckFailed{}});
static std::optional<Predicate> tryGetTypeGuardPredicate(const AstExprBinary& expr)
if (expr.op != AstExprBinary::Op::CompareEq && expr.op != AstExprBinary::Op::CompareNe)
return std::nullopt;
AstExpr* left = expr.left;
AstExpr* right = expr.right;
if (left->as<AstExprConstantString>())
std::swap(left, right);
AstExprConstantString* str = right->as<AstExprConstantString>();
if (!str)
return std::nullopt;
AstExprCall* call = left->as<AstExprCall>();
if (!call)
return std::nullopt;
AstExprGlobal* callee = call->func->as<AstExprGlobal>();
if (!callee)
return std::nullopt;
if (callee->name != "type" && callee->name != "typeof")
return std::nullopt;
if (call->args.size != 1)
return std::nullopt;
// If ssval is not a valid constant string, we'll find out later when resolving predicate.
Name ssval(str->, str->value.size);
bool isTypeof = callee->name == "typeof";
std::optional<LValue> lvalue = tryGetLValue(*call->[0]);
if (!lvalue)
return std::nullopt;
Predicate predicate{TypeGuardPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), expr.location, ssval, isTypeof}};
if (expr.op == AstExprBinary::Op::CompareNe)
return NotPredicate{{std::move(predicate)}};
return predicate;
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatIf& statement)
ExprResult<TypeId> result = checkExpr(scope, *statement.condition);
ScopePtr ifScope = childScope(scope, statement.thenbody->location);
reportErrors(resolve(result.predicates, ifScope, true));
check(ifScope, *statement.thenbody);
if (statement.elsebody)
ScopePtr elseScope = childScope(scope, statement.elsebody->location);
resolve(result.predicates, elseScope, false);
check(elseScope, *statement.elsebody);
ErrorVec TypeChecker::canUnify(TypeId left, TypeId right, const Location& location)
return canUnify_(left, right, location);
ErrorVec TypeChecker::canUnify(TypePackId left, TypePackId right, const Location& location)
return canUnify_(left, right, location);
ErrorVec TypeChecker::canUnify(const std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>>& seen, TypeId superTy, TypeId subTy, const Location& location)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(seen, location);
return state.canUnify(superTy, subTy);
template<typename Id>
ErrorVec TypeChecker::canUnify_(Id superTy, Id subTy, const Location& location)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(location);
return state.canUnify(superTy, subTy);
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatWhile& statement)
ExprResult<TypeId> result = checkExpr(scope, *statement.condition);
ScopePtr whileScope = childScope(scope, statement.body->location);
reportErrors(resolve(result.predicates, whileScope, true));
check(whileScope, *statement.body);
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatRepeat& statement)
ScopePtr repScope = childScope(scope, statement.location);
checkBlock(repScope, *statement.body);
checkExpr(repScope, *statement.condition);
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatReturn& return_)
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> expectedTypes;
TypePackIterator expectedRetCurr = begin(scope->returnType);
TypePackIterator expectedRetEnd = end(scope->returnType);
for (size_t i = 0; i < return_.list.size; ++i)
if (expectedRetCurr != expectedRetEnd)
else if (auto expectedArgsTail = expectedRetCurr.tail())
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(follow(*expectedArgsTail)))
TypePackId retPack = checkExprList(scope, return_.location, return_.list, false, {}, expectedTypes).type;
// HACK: Nonstrict mode gets a bit too smart and strict for us when we
// start typechecking everything across module boundaries.
if (isNonstrictMode() && follow(scope->returnType) == follow(currentModule->getModuleScope()->returnType))
ErrorVec errors = tryUnify(scope->returnType, retPack, return_.location);
if (!errors.empty())
currentModule->getModuleScope()->returnType = addTypePack({anyType});
unify(scope->returnType, retPack, return_.location, CountMismatch::Context::Return);
ErrorVec TypeChecker::tryUnify(TypeId left, TypeId right, const Location& location)
return tryUnify_(left, right, location);
ErrorVec TypeChecker::tryUnify(TypePackId left, TypePackId right, const Location& location)
return tryUnify_(left, right, location);
template<typename Id>
ErrorVec TypeChecker::tryUnify_(Id left, Id right, const Location& location)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(location);
state.tryUnify(left, right);
if (!state.errors.empty())
return state.errors;
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatAssign& assign)
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> expectedTypes;
ScopePtr moduleScope = currentModule->getModuleScope();
for (size_t i = 0; i < assign.vars.size; ++i)
AstExpr* dest =[i];
if (auto a = dest->as<AstExprLocal>())
// AstExprLocal l-values will have to be checked again because their type might have been mutated during checkExprList later
else if (auto a = dest->as<AstExprGlobal>())
// AstExprGlobal l-values lookup is inlined here to avoid creating a global binding before checkExprList
if (auto it = moduleScope->bindings.find(a->name); it != moduleScope->bindings.end())
expectedTypes.push_back(checkLValue(scope, *dest));
TypePackId valuePack = checkExprList(scope, assign.location, assign.values, false, {}, expectedTypes).type;
auto valueIter = begin(valuePack);
auto valueEnd = end(valuePack);
TypePack* growingPack = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < assign.vars.size; ++i)
AstExpr* dest =[i];
TypeId left = nullptr;
if (dest->is<AstExprLocal>() || dest->is<AstExprGlobal>())
left = checkLValue(scope, *dest);
left = *expectedTypes[i];
TypeId right = nullptr;
Location loc = 0 == assign.values.size
? assign.location
: i < assign.values.size ?[i]->location :[assign.values.size - 1]->location;
if (valueIter != valueEnd)
right = follow(*valueIter);
else if (growingPack)
else if (auto tail = valueIter.tail())
if (get<Unifiable::Error>(*tail))
right = errorType;
else if (auto vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(*tail))
right = vtp->ty;
else if (get<Unifiable::Free>(*tail))
*asMutable(*tail) = TypePack{{left}};
growingPack = getMutable<TypePack>(*tail);
if (right)
if (!maybeGeneric(left) && isGeneric(right))
right = instantiate(scope, right, loc);
// Setting a table entry to nil doesn't mean nil is the type of the indexer, it is just deleting the entry
const TableTypeVar* destTableTypeReceivingNil = nullptr;
if (auto indexExpr = dest->as<AstExprIndexExpr>(); isNil(right) && indexExpr)
destTableTypeReceivingNil = getTableType(checkExpr(scope, *indexExpr->expr).type);
if (!destTableTypeReceivingNil || !destTableTypeReceivingNil->indexer)
// In nonstrict mode, any assignments where the lhs is free and rhs isn't a function, we give it any typevar.
if (isNonstrictMode() && get<FreeTypeVar>(follow(left)) && !get<FunctionTypeVar>(follow(right)))
unify(left, anyType, loc);
unify(left, right, loc);
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatCompoundAssign& assign)
AstExprBinary expr(assign.location, assign.op, assign.var, assign.value);
TypeId left = checkExpr(scope, *expr.left).type;
TypeId right = checkExpr(scope, *expr.right).type;
TypeId result = checkBinaryOperation(scope, expr, left, right);
unify(left, result, assign.location);
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatLocal& local)
// Important subtlety: A local variable is not in scope while its initializer is being evaluated.
// For instance, you cannot do this:
// local a = function() return a end
AstLocal** vars =;
std::vector<std::pair<AstLocal*, Binding>> varBindings;
std::vector<TypeId> variableTypes;
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> expectedTypes;
std::vector<bool> instantiateGenerics;
for (size_t i = 0; i < local.vars.size; ++i)
const AstType* annotation = vars[i]->annotation;
const bool rhsIsTable = local.values.size > i &&[i]->as<AstExprTable>();
TypeId ty = nullptr;
if (annotation)
ty = resolveType(scope, *annotation);
// If the annotation type has an error, treat it as if there was no annotation
if (get<ErrorTypeVar>(follow(ty)))
ty = nullptr;
if (!ty)
ty = rhsIsTable ? freshType(scope) : isNonstrictMode() ? anyType : freshType(scope);
varBindings.emplace_back(vars[i], Binding{ty, vars[i]->location});
instantiateGenerics.push_back(annotation != nullptr && !maybeGeneric(ty));
if (local.values.size > 0)
TypePackId variablePack = addTypePack(variableTypes, freshTypePack(scope));
TypePackId valuePack =
checkExprList(scope, local.location, local.values, /* substituteFreeForNil= */ true, instantiateGenerics, expectedTypes).type;
Unifier state = mkUnifier(local.location);
state.ctx = CountMismatch::Result;
state.tryUnify(variablePack, valuePack);
// In the code 'local T = {}', we wish to ascribe the name 'T' to the type of the table for error-reporting purposes.
// We also want to do this for 'local T = setmetatable(...)'.
if (local.vars.size == 1 && local.values.size == 1)
const AstExpr* rhs =[0];
std::optional<TypeId> ty = first(valuePack);
if (ty)
if (rhs->is<AstExprTable>())
TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(follow(*ty));
if (ttv && !ttv->name && scope == currentModule->getModuleScope())
ttv->syntheticName = vars[0]->name.value;
else if (const AstExprCall* call = rhs->as<AstExprCall>())
if (const AstExprGlobal* global = call->func->as<AstExprGlobal>(); global && global->name == "setmetatable")
MetatableTypeVar* mtv = getMutable<MetatableTypeVar>(follow(*ty));
if (mtv)
mtv->syntheticName = vars[0]->name.value;
// Handle 'require' calls, we need to import exported type bindings into the variable 'namespace' and to update binding type in non-strict
// mode
for (size_t i = 0; i < local.values.size && i < local.vars.size; ++i)
const AstExprCall* call =[i]->as<AstExprCall>();
if (!call)
if (auto maybeRequire = matchRequire(*call))
AstExpr* require = *maybeRequire;
if (auto moduleInfo = resolver->resolveModuleInfo(currentModuleName, *require))
const Name name{[i]->name.value};
if (ModulePtr module = resolver->getModule(moduleInfo->name))
scope->importedTypeBindings[name] = module->getModuleScope()->exportedTypeBindings;
// In non-strict mode we force the module type on the variable, in strict mode it is already unified
if (isNonstrictMode())
auto [types, tail] = flatten(valuePack);
if (i < types.size())
varBindings[i].second.typeId = types[i];
for (const auto& [local, binding] : varBindings)
scope->bindings[local] = binding;
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatFor& expr)
ScopePtr loopScope = childScope(scope, expr.location);
TypeId loopVarType = numberType;
if (expr.var->annotation)
unify(resolveType(scope, *expr.var->annotation), loopVarType, expr.location);
loopScope->bindings[expr.var] = {loopVarType, expr.var->location};
if (!expr.from)
ice("Bad AstStatFor has no from expr");
if (!
ice("Bad AstStatFor has no to expr");
unify(loopVarType, checkExpr(loopScope, *expr.from).type, expr.from->location);
unify(loopVarType, checkExpr(loopScope, *,>location);
if (expr.step)
unify(loopVarType, checkExpr(loopScope, *expr.step).type, expr.step->location);
check(loopScope, *expr.body);
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatForIn& forin)
ScopePtr loopScope = childScope(scope, forin.location);
AstLocal** vars =;
std::vector<TypeId> varTypes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < forin.vars.size; ++i)
AstType* ann = vars[i]->annotation;
TypeId ty = ann ? resolveType(scope, *ann) : anyIfNonstrict(freshType(loopScope));
loopScope->bindings[vars[i]] = {ty, vars[i]->location};
AstExpr** values =;
AstExpr* firstValue =[0];
// next is a function that takes Table<K, V> and an optional index of type K
// next<K, V>(t: Table<K, V>, index: K | nil) -> (K, V)
// however, pairs and ipairs are quite messy, but they both share the same types
// pairs returns 'next, t, nil', thus the type would be
// pairs<K, V>(t: Table<K, V>) -> ((Table<K, V>, K | nil) -> (K, V), Table<K, V>, K | nil)
// ipairs returns 'next, t, 0', thus ipairs will also share the same type as pairs, except K = number
// we can also define our own custom iterators by by returning a wrapped coroutine that calls coroutine.yield
// and most custom iterators does not return a table state, or returns a function that takes no additional arguments, making it optional
// so we up with this catch-all type constraint that works for all use cases
// <K, V, R>(free) -> ((free) -> R, Table<K, V> | nil, K | nil)
if (!firstValue)
ice("expected at least an iterator function value, but we parsed nothing");
TypeId iterTy = nullptr;
TypePackId callRetPack = nullptr;
if (forin.values.size == 1 && firstValue->is<AstExprCall>())
AstExprCall* exprCall = firstValue->as<AstExprCall>();
callRetPack = checkExprPack(scope, *exprCall).type;
callRetPack = follow(callRetPack);
if (get<Unifiable::Free>(callRetPack))
iterTy = freshType(scope);
unify(addTypePack({{iterTy}, freshTypePack(scope)}), callRetPack, forin.location);
else if (get<Unifiable::Error>(callRetPack) || !first(callRetPack))
for (TypeId var : varTypes)
unify(var, errorType, forin.location);
return check(loopScope, *forin.body);
iterTy = *first(callRetPack);
iterTy = instantiate(scope, iterTy, exprCall->location);
iterTy = follow(instantiate(scope, checkExpr(scope, *firstValue).type, firstValue->location));
const FunctionTypeVar* iterFunc = get<FunctionTypeVar>(iterTy);
if (!iterFunc)
TypeId varTy = get<AnyTypeVar>(iterTy) ? anyType : errorType;
for (TypeId var : varTypes)
unify(var, varTy, forin.location);
if (!get<ErrorTypeVar>(iterTy) && !get<AnyTypeVar>(iterTy) && !get<FreeTypeVar>(iterTy))
reportError(TypeError{firstValue->location, TypeMismatch{globalScope->bindings[AstName{"next"}].typeId, iterTy}});
return check(loopScope, *forin.body);
if (forin.values.size == 1)
TypePackId argPack = nullptr;
if (firstValue->is<AstExprCall>())
// Extract the remaining return values of the call
// and check them against the parameter types of the iterator function.
auto [types, tail] = flatten(callRetPack);
std::vector<TypeId> argTypes = std::vector<TypeId>(types.begin() + 1, types.end());
argPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar{TypePack{std::move(argTypes), tail}});
// Check if iterator function accepts 0 arguments
argPack = addTypePack(TypePack{});
Unifier state = mkUnifier(firstValue->location);
checkArgumentList(loopScope, state, argPack, iterFunc->argTypes, /*argLocations*/ {});
TypePackId varPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar{TypePack{varTypes, freshTypePack(scope)}});
if (forin.values.size >= 2)
AstArray<AstExpr*> arguments{ + 1, forin.values.size - 1};
Position start = firstValue->location.begin;
Position end = values[forin.values.size - 1]->location.end;
AstExprCall exprCall{Location(start, end), firstValue, arguments, /* self= */ false, Location()};
TypePackId retPack = checkExprPack(scope, exprCall).type;
unify(varPack, retPack, forin.location);
unify(varPack, iterFunc->retType, forin.location);
check(loopScope, *forin.body);
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, const ScopePtr& funScope, const AstStatFunction& function)
if (auto exprName =>as<AstExprGlobal>())
auto& globalBindings = currentModule->getModuleScope()->bindings;
Symbol name = exprName->name;
Name globalName = exprName->name.value;
Binding oldBinding;
bool previouslyDefined = isNonstrictMode() && globalBindings.count(name);
if (previouslyDefined)
oldBinding = globalBindings[name];
globalBindings[name] = {ty, exprName->location};
checkFunctionBody(funScope, ty, *function.func);
// If in nonstrict mode and allowing redefinition of global function, restore the previous definition type
// in case this function has a differing signature. The signature discrepancy will be caught in checkBlock.
if (previouslyDefined)
globalBindings[name] = oldBinding;
globalBindings[name] = {quantify(funScope, ty, exprName->location), exprName->location};
else if (auto name =>as<AstExprLocal>())
scope->bindings[name->local] = {ty, name->local->location};
checkFunctionBody(funScope, ty, *function.func);
scope->bindings[name->local] = {anyIfNonstrict(quantify(funScope, ty, name->local->location)), name->local->location};
else if (function.func->self)
AstExprIndexName* indexName =>as<AstExprIndexName>();
if (!indexName)
ice("member function declaration has malformed name expression");
TypeId selfTy = checkExpr(scope, *indexName->expr).type;
TableTypeVar* tableSelf = getMutableTableType(selfTy);
if (!tableSelf)
if (isTableIntersection(selfTy))
reportError(TypeError{function.location, CannotExtendTable{selfTy, CannotExtendTable::Property, indexName->index.value}});
else if (!get<ErrorTypeVar>(selfTy) && !get<AnyTypeVar>(selfTy))
reportError(TypeError{function.location, OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods{selfTy}});
else if (tableSelf->state == TableState::Sealed)
reportError(TypeError{function.location, CannotExtendTable{selfTy, CannotExtendTable::Property, indexName->index.value}});
ty = follow(ty);
if (tableSelf && !selfTy->persistent)
tableSelf->props[indexName->index.value] = {ty, /* deprecated */ false, {}, indexName->indexLocation};
const FunctionTypeVar* funTy = get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty);
if (!funTy)
ice("Methods should be functions");
std::optional<TypeId> arg0 = first(funTy->argTypes);
if (!arg0)
ice("Methods should always have at least 1 argument (self)");
checkFunctionBody(funScope, ty, *function.func);
if (tableSelf && !selfTy->persistent)
tableSelf->props[indexName->index.value] = {
follow(quantify(funScope, ty, indexName->indexLocation)), /* deprecated */ false, {}, indexName->indexLocation};
auto [leftType, leftTypeBinding] = checkLValueBinding(scope, *;
checkFunctionBody(funScope, ty, *function.func);
unify(leftType, ty, function.location);
if (leftTypeBinding)
*leftTypeBinding = follow(quantify(funScope, leftType,>location));
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, const ScopePtr& funScope, const AstStatLocalFunction& function)
Name name =>name.value;
scope->bindings[] = {ty, function.location};
checkFunctionBody(funScope, ty, *function.func);
scope->bindings[] = {quantify(funScope, ty,>location),>location};
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatTypeAlias& typealias, int subLevel, bool forwardDeclare)
// This function should be called at most twice for each type alias.
// Once with forwardDeclare, and once without.
Name name =;
std::optional<TypeFun> binding;
if (auto it = scope->exportedTypeBindings.find(name); it != scope->exportedTypeBindings.end())
binding = it->second;
else if (auto it = scope->privateTypeBindings.find(name); it != scope->privateTypeBindings.end())
binding = it->second;
auto& bindingsMap = typealias.exported ? scope->exportedTypeBindings : scope->privateTypeBindings;
if (forwardDeclare)
if (binding)
Location location = scope->typeAliasLocations[name];
reportError(TypeError{typealias.location, DuplicateTypeDefinition{name, location}});
if (FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
bindingsMap[name] = TypeFun{binding->typeParams, binding->typePackParams, errorType};
bindingsMap[name] = TypeFun{binding->typeParams, errorType};
ScopePtr aliasScope =
FFlag::LuauQuantifyInPlace2 ? childScope(scope, typealias.location, subLevel) : childScope(scope, typealias.location);
if (FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
auto [generics, genericPacks] = createGenericTypes(aliasScope, scope->level, typealias, typealias.generics, typealias.genericPacks);
TypeId ty = freshType(aliasScope);
FreeTypeVar* ftv = getMutable<FreeTypeVar>(ty);
ftv->forwardedTypeAlias = true;
bindingsMap[name] = {std::move(generics), std::move(genericPacks), ty};
std::vector<TypeId> generics;
for (AstName generic : typealias.generics)
Name n = generic.value;
// These generics are the only thing that will ever be added to aliasScope, so we can be certain that
// a collision can only occur when two generic typevars have the same name.
if (aliasScope->privateTypeBindings.end() != aliasScope->privateTypeBindings.find(n))
// TODO(jhuelsman): report the exact span of the generic type parameter whose name is a duplicate.
reportError(TypeError{typealias.location, DuplicateGenericParameter{n}});
TypeId g;
if (FFlag::LuauRecursiveTypeParameterRestriction)
TypeId& cached = scope->typeAliasTypeParameters[n];
if (!cached)
cached = addType(GenericTypeVar{aliasScope->level, n});
g = cached;
g = addType(GenericTypeVar{aliasScope->level, n});
aliasScope->privateTypeBindings[n] = TypeFun{{}, g};
TypeId ty = freshType(aliasScope);
FreeTypeVar* ftv = getMutable<FreeTypeVar>(ty);
ftv->forwardedTypeAlias = true;
bindingsMap[name] = {std::move(generics), ty};
if (!binding)
ice("Not predeclared");
ScopePtr aliasScope = childScope(scope, typealias.location);
for (TypeId ty : binding->typeParams)
auto generic = get<GenericTypeVar>(ty);
aliasScope->privateTypeBindings[generic->name] = TypeFun{{}, ty};
if (FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
for (TypePackId tp : binding->typePackParams)
auto generic = get<GenericTypePack>(tp);
aliasScope->privateTypePackBindings[generic->name] = tp;
TypeId ty = resolveType(aliasScope, *typealias.type);
if (auto ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(follow(ty)))
// If the table is already named and we want to rename the type function, we have to bind new alias to a copy
if (ttv->name)
// Copy can be skipped if this is an identical alias
if (ttv->name != name || ttv->instantiatedTypeParams != binding->typeParams ||
(FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks && ttv->instantiatedTypePackParams != binding->typePackParams))
// This is a shallow clone, original recursive links to self are not updated
TableTypeVar clone = TableTypeVar{ttv->props, ttv->indexer, ttv->level, ttv->state};
clone.methodDefinitionLocations = ttv->methodDefinitionLocations;
clone.definitionModuleName = ttv->definitionModuleName; = name;
clone.instantiatedTypeParams = binding->typeParams;
if (FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
clone.instantiatedTypePackParams = binding->typePackParams;
ty = addType(std::move(clone));
ttv->name = name;
ttv->instantiatedTypeParams = binding->typeParams;
if (FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
ttv->instantiatedTypePackParams = binding->typePackParams;
else if (auto mtv = getMutable<MetatableTypeVar>(follow(ty)))
mtv->syntheticName = name;
unify(bindingsMap[name].type, ty, typealias.location);
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatDeclareClass& declaredClass)
std::optional<TypeId> superTy = std::nullopt;
if (declaredClass.superName)
Name superName = Name(declaredClass.superName->value);
std::optional<TypeFun> lookupType = scope->lookupType(superName);
if (!lookupType)
reportError(declaredClass.location, UnknownSymbol{superName, UnknownSymbol::Type});
// We don't have generic classes, so this assertion _should_ never be hit.
LUAU_ASSERT(lookupType->typeParams.size() == 0 && (!FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks || lookupType->typePackParams.size() == 0));
superTy = lookupType->type;
if (!get<ClassTypeVar>(follow(*superTy)))
GenericError{format("Cannot use non-class type '%s' as a superclass of class '%s'", superName.c_str(),});
Name className(;
TypeId classTy = addType(ClassTypeVar(className, {}, superTy, std::nullopt, {}, {}));
ClassTypeVar* ctv = getMutable<ClassTypeVar>(classTy);
TypeId metaTy = addType(TableTypeVar{TableState::Sealed, scope->level});
TableTypeVar* metatable = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(metaTy);
ctv->metatable = metaTy;
scope->exportedTypeBindings[className] = TypeFun{{}, classTy};
for (const AstDeclaredClassProp& prop : declaredClass.props)
Name propName(;
TypeId propTy = resolveType(scope, *prop.ty);
bool assignToMetatable = isMetamethod(propName);
// Function types always take 'self', but this isn't reflected in the
// parsed annotation. Add it here.
if (prop.isMethod)
if (FunctionTypeVar* ftv = getMutable<FunctionTypeVar>(propTy))
ftv->argNames.insert(ftv->argNames.begin(), FunctionArgument{"self", {}});
ftv->argTypes = addTypePack(TypePack{{classTy}, ftv->argTypes});
if (ctv->props.count(propName) == 0)
if (assignToMetatable)
metatable->props[propName] = {propTy};
ctv->props[propName] = {propTy};
TypeId currentTy = assignToMetatable ? metatable->props[propName].type : ctv->props[propName].type;
// We special-case this logic to keep the intersection flat; otherwise we
// would create a ton of nested intersection types.
if (const IntersectionTypeVar* itv = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(currentTy))
std::vector<TypeId> options = itv->parts;
TypeId newItv = addType(IntersectionTypeVar{std::move(options)});
if (assignToMetatable)
metatable->props[propName] = {newItv};
ctv->props[propName] = {newItv};
else if (get<FunctionTypeVar>(currentTy))
TypeId intersection = addType(IntersectionTypeVar{{currentTy, propTy}});
if (assignToMetatable)
metatable->props[propName] = {intersection};
ctv->props[propName] = {intersection};
reportError(declaredClass.location, GenericError{format("Cannot overload non-function class member '%s'", propName.c_str())});
void TypeChecker::check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatDeclareFunction& global)
ScopePtr funScope = childFunctionScope(scope, global.location);
auto [generics, genericPacks] = createGenericTypes(funScope, std::nullopt, global, global.generics, global.genericPacks);
TypePackId argPack = resolveTypePack(funScope, global.params);
TypePackId retPack = resolveTypePack(funScope, global.retTypes);
TypeId fnType = addType(FunctionTypeVar{funScope->level, generics, genericPacks, argPack, retPack});
FunctionTypeVar* ftv = getMutable<FunctionTypeVar>(fnType);
for (const auto& el : global.paramNames)
ftv->argNames.push_back(FunctionArgument{el.first.value, el.second});
Name fnName(;
currentModule->declaredGlobals[fnName] = fnType;
currentModule->getModuleScope()->bindings[] = Binding{fnType, global.location};
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType)
RecursionCounter _rc(&checkRecursionCount);
if (FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit > 0 && checkRecursionCount >= FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit)
return {errorType};
ExprResult<TypeId> result;
if (auto a =<AstExprGroup>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a->expr);
else if (<AstExprConstantNil>())
result = {nilType};
else if (<AstExprConstantBool>())
result = {booleanType};
else if (<AstExprConstantNumber>())
result = {numberType};
else if (<AstExprConstantString>())
result = {stringType};
else if (auto a =<AstExprLocal>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprGlobal>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprVarargs>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprCall>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprIndexName>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprIndexExpr>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprFunction>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a, expectedType);
else if (auto a =<AstExprTable>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a, expectedType);
else if (auto a =<AstExprUnary>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprBinary>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprTypeAssertion>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprError>())
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprIfElse>())
if (FFlag::LuauIfElseExpressionAnalysisSupport)
result = checkExpr(scope, *a);
// Note: When the fast flag is disabled we can't skip the handling of AstExprIfElse
// because we would generate an ICE. We also can't use the default value
// of result, because it will lead to a compiler crash.
// Note: LuauIfElseExpressionBaseSupport can be used to disable parser support
// for if-else expressions which will mean this node type is never created.
result = {anyType};
ice("Unhandled AstExpr?");
result.type = follow(result.type);
if (FFlag::LuauStoreMatchingOverloadFnType)
if (!currentModule->astTypes.find(&expr))
currentModule->astTypes[&expr] = result.type;
currentModule->astTypes[&expr] = result.type;
if (expectedType)
currentModule->astExpectedTypes[&expr] = *expectedType;
return result;
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprLocal& expr)
std::optional<LValue> lvalue = tryGetLValue(expr);
LUAU_ASSERT(lvalue); // Guaranteed to not be nullopt - AstExprLocal is an LValue.
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(scope, *lvalue))
return {*ty, {TruthyPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), expr.location}}};
// TODO: tempting to ice here, but this breaks very often because our toposort doesn't enforce this constraint
// ice("AstExprLocal exists but no binding definition for it?", expr.location);
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, UnknownSymbol{expr.local->name.value, UnknownSymbol::Binding}});
return {errorType};
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprGlobal& expr)
std::optional<LValue> lvalue = tryGetLValue(expr);
LUAU_ASSERT(lvalue); // Guaranteed to not be nullopt - AstExprGlobal is an LValue.
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(scope, *lvalue))
return {*ty, {TruthyPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), expr.location}}};
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, UnknownSymbol{, UnknownSymbol::Binding}});
return {errorType};
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprVarargs& expr)
TypePackId varargPack = checkExprPack(scope, expr).type;
if (get<TypePack>(varargPack))
std::vector<TypeId> types = flatten(varargPack).first;
return {!types.empty() ? types[0] : nilType};
else if (get<FreeTypePack>(varargPack))
TypeId head = freshType(scope);
TypePackId tail = freshTypePack(scope);
*asMutable(varargPack) = TypePack{{head}, tail};
return {head};
if (get<ErrorTypeVar>(varargPack))
return {errorType};
else if (auto vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(varargPack))
return {vtp->ty};
else if (get<Unifiable::Generic>(varargPack))
// TODO: Better error?
reportError(expr.location, GenericError{"Trying to get a type from a variadic type parameter"});
return {errorType};
ice("Unknown TypePack type in checkExpr(AstExprVarargs)!");
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr)
ExprResult<TypePackId> result = checkExprPack(scope, expr);
TypePackId retPack = follow(result.type);
if (auto pack = get<TypePack>(retPack))
return {pack->head.empty() ? nilType : pack->head[0], std::move(result.predicates)};
else if (get<Unifiable::Free>(retPack))
TypeId head = freshType(scope);
TypePackId pack = addTypePack(TypePackVar{TypePack{{head}, freshTypePack(scope)}});
unify(retPack, pack, expr.location);
return {head, std::move(result.predicates)};
if (get<Unifiable::Error>(retPack))
return {errorType, std::move(result.predicates)};
else if (auto vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(retPack))
return {vtp->ty, std::move(result.predicates)};
else if (get<Unifiable::Generic>(retPack))
ice("Unexpected abstract type pack!");
ice("Unknown TypePack type!");
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexName& expr)
Name name = expr.index.value;
// Redundant call if we find a refined lvalue, but this function must be called in order to recursively populate astTypes.
TypeId lhsType = checkExpr(scope, *expr.expr).type;
if (std::optional<LValue> lvalue = tryGetLValue(expr))
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(scope, *lvalue))
return {*ty, {TruthyPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), expr.location}}};
lhsType = stripFromNilAndReport(lhsType, expr.expr->location);
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, lhsType, name, expr.location, true))
return {*ty};
return {errorType};
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::findTablePropertyRespectingMeta(TypeId lhsType, Name name, const Location& location)
ErrorVec errors;
auto result = Luau::findTablePropertyRespectingMeta(errors, globalScope, lhsType, name, location);
return result;
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::findMetatableEntry(TypeId type, std::string entry, const Location& location)
ErrorVec errors;
auto result = Luau::findMetatableEntry(errors, globalScope, type, entry, location);
return result;
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::getIndexTypeFromType(
const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId type, const Name& name, const Location& location, bool addErrors)
type = follow(type);
if (get<ErrorTypeVar>(type) || get<AnyTypeVar>(type))
return type;
const PrimitiveTypeVar* primitiveType = get<PrimitiveTypeVar>(type);
if (primitiveType && primitiveType->type == PrimitiveTypeVar::String)
if (std::optional<TypeId> mtIndex = findMetatableEntry(type, "__index", location))
type = *mtIndex;
if (TableTypeVar* tableType = getMutableTableType(type))
const auto& it = tableType->props.find(name);
if (it != tableType->props.end())
return it->second.type;
else if (auto indexer = tableType->indexer)
tryUnify(indexer->indexType, stringType, location);
return indexer->indexResultType;
else if (tableType->state == TableState::Free)
TypeId result = freshType(scope);
tableType->props[name] = {result};
return result;
auto found = findTablePropertyRespectingMeta(type, name, location);
if (found)
return *found;
else if (const ClassTypeVar* cls = get<ClassTypeVar>(type))
const Property* prop = lookupClassProp(cls, name);
if (prop)
return prop->type;
else if (const UnionTypeVar* utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(type))
std::vector<TypeId> goodOptions;
std::vector<TypeId> badOptions;
for (TypeId t : utv)
RecursionLimiter _rl(&recursionCount, FInt::LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit);
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, t, name, location, false))
if (!badOptions.empty())
if (addErrors)
if (goodOptions.empty())
reportError(location, UnknownProperty{type, name});
reportError(location, MissingUnionProperty{type, badOptions, name});
return std::nullopt;
std::vector<TypeId> result = reduceUnion(goodOptions);
if (result.size() == 1)
return result[0];
return addType(UnionTypeVar{std::move(result)});
else if (const IntersectionTypeVar* itv = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(type))
std::vector<TypeId> parts;
for (TypeId t : itv->parts)
RecursionLimiter _rl(&recursionCount, FInt::LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit);
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, t, name, location, false))
// If no parts of the intersection had the property we looked up for, it never existed at all.
if (parts.empty())
if (addErrors)
reportError(location, UnknownProperty{type, name});
return std::nullopt;
// TODO(amccord): Write some logic to correctly handle intersections. CLI-34659
std::vector<TypeId> result = reduceUnion(parts);
if (result.size() == 1)
return result[0];
return addType(IntersectionTypeVar{result});
if (addErrors)
reportError(location, UnknownProperty{type, name});
return std::nullopt;
std::vector<TypeId> TypeChecker::reduceUnion(const std::vector<TypeId>& types)
std::set<TypeId> s;
for (TypeId t : types)
if (const UnionTypeVar* utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(follow(t)))
std::vector<TypeId> r = reduceUnion(utv->options);
for (TypeId ty : r)
// If any of them are ErrorTypeVars/AnyTypeVars, decay into them.
for (TypeId t : s)
t = follow(t);
if (get<ErrorTypeVar>(t) || get<AnyTypeVar>(t))
return {t};
std::vector<TypeId> r(s.begin(), s.end());
std::sort(r.begin(), r.end());
return r;
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::tryStripUnionFromNil(TypeId ty)
if (const UnionTypeVar* utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(ty))
bool hasNil = false;
for (TypeId option : utv)
if (isNil(option))
hasNil = true;
if (!hasNil)
return ty;
std::vector<TypeId> result;
for (TypeId option : utv)
if (!isNil(option))
if (result.empty())
return std::nullopt;
return result.size() == 1 ? result[0] : addType(UnionTypeVar{std::move(result)});
return std::nullopt;
TypeId TypeChecker::stripFromNilAndReport(TypeId ty, const Location& location)
if (isOptional(ty))
if (std::optional<TypeId> strippedUnion = tryStripUnionFromNil(follow(ty)))
reportError(location, OptionalValueAccess{ty});
return follow(*strippedUnion);
return ty;
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexExpr& expr)
return {checkLValue(scope, expr)};
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprFunction& expr, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType)
auto [funTy, funScope] = checkFunctionSignature(scope, 0, expr, std::nullopt, expectedType);
checkFunctionBody(funScope, funTy, expr);
return {quantify(funScope, funTy, expr.location)};
TypeId TypeChecker::checkExprTable(
const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprTable& expr, const std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>>& fieldTypes, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType)
TableTypeVar::Props props;
std::optional<TableIndexer> indexer;
const TableTypeVar* expectedTable = nullptr;
if (expectedType)
if (auto ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(follow(*expectedType)))
if (ttv->state == TableState::Sealed)
expectedTable = ttv;
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr.items.size; ++i)
const AstExprTable::Item& item =[i];
AstExpr* k = item.key;
AstExpr* value = item.value;
auto [keyType, valueType] = fieldTypes[i];
if (item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::List)
if (expectedTable && !indexer)
indexer = expectedTable->indexer;
if (indexer)
unify(indexer->indexResultType, valueType, value->location);
indexer = TableIndexer{numberType, anyIfNonstrict(valueType)};
else if (item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::Record || item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::General)
if (auto key = k->as<AstExprConstantString>())
TypeId exprType = follow(valueType);
if (isNonstrictMode() && !getTableType(exprType) && !get<FunctionTypeVar>(exprType))
exprType = anyType;
props[key->] = {exprType, /* deprecated */ false, {}, k->location};
if (expectedTable && !indexer)
indexer = expectedTable->indexer;
if (indexer)
unify(indexer->indexType, keyType, k->location);
unify(indexer->indexResultType, valueType, value->location);
else if (isNonstrictMode())
indexer = TableIndexer{anyType, anyType};
indexer = TableIndexer{keyType, valueType};
TableState state = (expr.items.size == 0 || isNonstrictMode()) ? TableState::Unsealed : TableState::Sealed;
TableTypeVar table = TableTypeVar{std::move(props), indexer, scope->level, state};
table.definitionModuleName = currentModuleName;
return addType(table);
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprTable& expr, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType)
RecursionLimiter _rl(&recursionCount, FInt::LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit);
std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>> fieldTypes(expr.items.size);
const TableTypeVar* expectedTable = nullptr;
std::optional<TypeId> expectedIndexType;
std::optional<TypeId> expectedIndexResultType;
if (expectedType)
if (auto ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(follow(*expectedType)))
if (ttv->state == TableState::Sealed)
expectedTable = ttv;
if (ttv->indexer)
expectedIndexType = ttv->indexer->indexType;
expectedIndexResultType = ttv->indexer->indexResultType;
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr.items.size; ++i)
AstExprTable::Item& item =[i];
std::optional<TypeId> expectedResultType;
bool isIndexedItem = false;
if (item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::List)
expectedResultType = expectedIndexResultType;
isIndexedItem = true;
else if (item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::Record || item.kind == AstExprTable::Item::General)
if (auto key = item.key->as<AstExprConstantString>())
if (expectedTable)
if (auto prop = expectedTable->props.find(key->; prop != expectedTable->props.end())
expectedResultType = prop->second.type;
expectedResultType = expectedIndexResultType;
isIndexedItem = true;
fieldTypes[i].first = item.key ? checkExpr(scope, *item.key, expectedIndexType).type : nullptr;
fieldTypes[i].second = checkExpr(scope, *item.value, expectedResultType).type;
// Indexer keys after the first are unified with the first one
// If we don't have an expected indexer type yet, take this first item type
if (isIndexedItem && !expectedIndexResultType)
expectedIndexResultType = fieldTypes[i].second;
return {checkExprTable(scope, expr, fieldTypes, expectedType)};
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprUnary& expr)
ExprResult<TypeId> result = checkExpr(scope, *expr.expr);
TypeId operandType = follow(result.type);
switch (expr.op)
case AstExprUnary::Not:
return {booleanType, {NotPredicate{std::move(result.predicates)}}};
case AstExprUnary::Minus:
const bool operandIsAny = get<AnyTypeVar>(operandType) || get<ErrorTypeVar>(operandType);
if (operandIsAny)
return {operandType};
if (typeCouldHaveMetatable(operandType))
if (auto fnt = findMetatableEntry(operandType, "__unm", expr.location))
TypeId actualFunctionType = instantiate(scope, *fnt, expr.location);
TypePackId arguments = addTypePack({operandType});
TypePackId retType = freshTypePack(scope);
TypeId expectedFunctionType = addType(FunctionTypeVar(scope->level, arguments, retType));
Unifier state = mkUnifier(expr.location);
state.tryUnify(expectedFunctionType, actualFunctionType, /*isFunctionCall*/ true);
if (!state.errors.empty())
return {errorType};
return {first(retType).value_or(nilType)};
GenericError{format("Unary operator '%s' not supported by type '%s'", toString(expr.op).c_str(), toString(operandType).c_str())});
return {errorType};
reportErrors(tryUnify(numberType, operandType, expr.location));
return {numberType};
case AstExprUnary::Len:
operandType = stripFromNilAndReport(operandType, expr.location);
if (get<ErrorTypeVar>(operandType))
return {errorType};
if (get<AnyTypeVar>(operandType))
return {numberType}; // Not strictly correct: metatables permit overriding this
if (auto p = get<PrimitiveTypeVar>(operandType))
if (p->type == PrimitiveTypeVar::String)
return {numberType};
if (!getTableType(operandType))
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, NotATable{operandType}});
return {numberType};
ice("Unknown AstExprUnary " + std::to_string(int(expr.op)));
std::string opToMetaTableEntry(const AstExprBinary::Op& op)
switch (op)
case AstExprBinary::CompareNe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareEq:
return "__eq";
case AstExprBinary::CompareLt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGe:
return "__lt";
case AstExprBinary::CompareLe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGt:
return "__le";
case AstExprBinary::Add:
return "__add";
case AstExprBinary::Sub:
return "__sub";
case AstExprBinary::Mul:
return "__mul";
case AstExprBinary::Div:
return "__div";
case AstExprBinary::Mod:
return "__mod";
case AstExprBinary::Pow:
return "__pow";
case AstExprBinary::Concat:
return "__concat";
return "";
TypeId TypeChecker::unionOfTypes(TypeId a, TypeId b, const Location& location, bool unifyFreeTypes)
if (unifyFreeTypes && (get<FreeTypeVar>(a) || get<FreeTypeVar>(b)))
if (unify(a, b, location))
return a;
return errorType;
if (*a == *b)
return a;
std::vector<TypeId> types = reduceUnion({a, b});
if (types.size() == 1)
return types[0];
return addType(UnionTypeVar{types});
static std::optional<std::string> getIdentifierOfBaseVar(AstExpr* node)
if (AstExprGlobal* expr = node->as<AstExprGlobal>())
return expr->name.value;
if (AstExprLocal* expr = node->as<AstExprLocal>())
return expr->local->name.value;
if (AstExprIndexExpr* expr = node->as<AstExprIndexExpr>())
return getIdentifierOfBaseVar(expr->expr);
if (AstExprIndexName* expr = node->as<AstExprIndexName>())
return getIdentifierOfBaseVar(expr->expr);
return std::nullopt;
TypeId TypeChecker::checkRelationalOperation(
const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprBinary& expr, TypeId lhsType, TypeId rhsType, const PredicateVec& predicates)
auto stripNil = [this](TypeId ty, bool isOrOp = false) {
ty = follow(ty);
if (!isNonstrictMode() && !isOrOp)
return ty;
if (get<UnionTypeVar>(ty))
std::optional<TypeId> cleaned = tryStripUnionFromNil(ty);
// If there is no union option without 'nil'
if (!cleaned)
return nilType;
return follow(*cleaned);
return follow(ty);
bool isEquality = expr.op == AstExprBinary::CompareEq || expr.op == AstExprBinary::CompareNe;
lhsType = stripNil(lhsType, expr.op == AstExprBinary::Or);
rhsType = stripNil(rhsType);
// If we know nothing at all about the lhs type, we can usually say nothing about the result.
// The notable exception to this is the equality and inequality operators, which always produce a boolean.
const bool lhsIsAny = get<AnyTypeVar>(lhsType) || get<ErrorTypeVar>(lhsType);
// Peephole check for `cond and a or b -> type(a)|type(b)`
// TODO: Kill this when singleton types arrive. :(
if (AstExprBinary* subexp = expr.left->as<AstExprBinary>())
if (expr.op == AstExprBinary::Or && subexp->op == AstExprBinary::And)
ScopePtr subScope = childScope(scope, subexp->location);
reportErrors(resolve(predicates, subScope, true));
return unionOfTypes(rhsType, stripNil(checkExpr(subScope, *subexp->right).type, true), expr.location);
// Lua casts the results of these to boolean
switch (expr.op)
case AstExprBinary::CompareNe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareEq:
if (isNonstrictMode() && (isNil(lhsType) || isNil(rhsType)))
return booleanType;
const bool rhsIsAny = get<AnyTypeVar>(rhsType) || get<ErrorTypeVar>(rhsType);
if (lhsIsAny || rhsIsAny)
return booleanType;
// Fallthrough here is intentional
case AstExprBinary::CompareLt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLe:
/* Subtlety here:
* We need to do this unification first, but there are situations where we don't actually want to
* report any problems that might have been surfaced as a result of this step because we might already
* have a better, more descriptive error teed up.
Unifier state = mkUnifier(expr.location);
if (!isEquality)
state.tryUnify(lhsType, rhsType);
bool needsMetamethod = !isEquality;
TypeId leftType = follow(lhsType);
if (get<PrimitiveTypeVar>(leftType) || get<AnyTypeVar>(leftType) || get<ErrorTypeVar>(leftType) || get<UnionTypeVar>(leftType))
const PrimitiveTypeVar* ptv = get<PrimitiveTypeVar>(leftType);
if (!isEquality && state.errors.empty() && (get<UnionTypeVar>(leftType) || (ptv && ptv->type == PrimitiveTypeVar::Boolean)))
reportError(expr.location, GenericError{format("Type '%s' cannot be compared with relational operator %s", toString(leftType).c_str(),
return booleanType;
std::string metamethodName = opToMetaTableEntry(expr.op);
std::optional<TypeId> leftMetatable = isString(lhsType) ? std::nullopt : getMetatable(follow(lhsType));
std::optional<TypeId> rightMetatable = isString(rhsType) ? std::nullopt : getMetatable(follow(rhsType));
if (bool(leftMetatable) != bool(rightMetatable) && leftMetatable != rightMetatable)
reportError(expr.location, GenericError{format("Types %s and %s cannot be compared with %s because they do not have the same metatable",
toString(lhsType).c_str(), toString(rhsType).c_str(), toString(expr.op).c_str())});
return errorType;
if (leftMetatable)
std::optional<TypeId> metamethod = findMetatableEntry(lhsType, metamethodName, expr.location);
if (metamethod)
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(*metamethod))
if (isEquality)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(expr.location);
state.tryUnify(ftv->retType, addTypePack({booleanType}));
if (!state.errors.empty())
reportError(expr.location, GenericError{format("Metamethod '%s' must return type 'boolean'", metamethodName.c_str())});
return errorType;
TypeId actualFunctionType = addType(FunctionTypeVar(scope->level, addTypePack({lhsType, rhsType}), addTypePack({booleanType})));
instantiate(scope, *metamethod, expr.location), instantiate(scope, actualFunctionType, expr.location), /*isFunctionCall*/ true);
return booleanType;
else if (needsMetamethod)
expr.location, GenericError{format("Table %s does not offer metamethod %s", toString(lhsType).c_str(), metamethodName.c_str())});
return errorType;
if (get<FreeTypeVar>(follow(lhsType)) && !isEquality)
auto name = getIdentifierOfBaseVar(expr.left);
reportError(expr.location, CannotInferBinaryOperation{expr.op, name, CannotInferBinaryOperation::Comparison});
return errorType;
if (needsMetamethod)
reportError(expr.location, GenericError{format("Type %s cannot be compared with %s because it has no metatable",
toString(lhsType).c_str(), toString(expr.op).c_str())});
return errorType;
return booleanType;
case AstExprBinary::And:
if (lhsIsAny)
return lhsType;
return unionOfTypes(rhsType, booleanType, expr.location, false);
case AstExprBinary::Or:
if (lhsIsAny)
return lhsType;
return unionOfTypes(lhsType, rhsType, expr.location);
ice(format("checkRelationalOperation called with incorrect binary expression '%s'", toString(expr.op).c_str()), expr.location);
TypeId TypeChecker::checkBinaryOperation(
const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprBinary& expr, TypeId lhsType, TypeId rhsType, const PredicateVec& predicates)
switch (expr.op)
case AstExprBinary::CompareNe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareEq:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGt:
case AstExprBinary::CompareGe:
case AstExprBinary::CompareLe:
case AstExprBinary::And:
case AstExprBinary::Or:
return checkRelationalOperation(scope, expr, lhsType, rhsType, predicates);
lhsType = follow(lhsType);
rhsType = follow(rhsType);
if (!isNonstrictMode() && get<FreeTypeVar>(lhsType))
auto name = getIdentifierOfBaseVar(expr.left);
reportError(expr.location, CannotInferBinaryOperation{expr.op, name, CannotInferBinaryOperation::Operation});
return errorType;
// If we know nothing at all about the lhs type, we can usually say nothing about the result.
// The notable exception to this is the equality and inequality operators, which always produce a boolean.
const bool lhsIsAny = get<AnyTypeVar>(lhsType) || get<ErrorTypeVar>(lhsType);
const bool rhsIsAny = get<AnyTypeVar>(rhsType) || get<ErrorTypeVar>(rhsType);
if (lhsIsAny)
return lhsType;
if (rhsIsAny)
return rhsType;
if (get<FreeTypeVar>(lhsType))
// Inferring this accurately will get a bit weird.
// If the lhs type is not known, it could be assumed that it is a table or class that has a metatable
// that defines the required method, but we don't know which.
// For now, we'll give up and hope for the best.
return anyType;
if (get<FreeTypeVar>(rhsType))
unify(lhsType, rhsType, expr.location);
if (typeCouldHaveMetatable(lhsType) || typeCouldHaveMetatable(rhsType))
auto checkMetatableCall = [this, &scope, &expr](TypeId fnt, TypeId lhst, TypeId rhst) -> TypeId {
TypeId actualFunctionType = instantiate(scope, fnt, expr.location);
TypePackId arguments = addTypePack({lhst, rhst});
TypePackId retType = freshTypePack(scope);
TypeId expectedFunctionType = addType(FunctionTypeVar(scope->level, arguments, retType));
Unifier state = mkUnifier(expr.location);
state.tryUnify(expectedFunctionType, actualFunctionType, /*isFunctionCall*/ true);
if (!state.errors.empty())
return errorType;
return first(retType).value_or(nilType);
std::string op = opToMetaTableEntry(expr.op);
if (auto fnt = findMetatableEntry(lhsType, op, expr.location))
return checkMetatableCall(*fnt, lhsType, rhsType);
if (auto fnt = findMetatableEntry(rhsType, op, expr.location))
// Note the intentionally reversed arguments here.
return checkMetatableCall(*fnt, rhsType, lhsType);
reportError(expr.location, GenericError{format("Binary operator '%s' not supported by types '%s' and '%s'", toString(expr.op).c_str(),
toString(lhsType).c_str(), toString(rhsType).c_str())});
return errorType;
switch (expr.op)
case AstExprBinary::Concat:
reportErrors(tryUnify(addType(UnionTypeVar{{stringType, numberType}}), lhsType, expr.left->location));
reportErrors(tryUnify(addType(UnionTypeVar{{stringType, numberType}}), rhsType, expr.right->location));
return stringType;
case AstExprBinary::Add:
case AstExprBinary::Sub:
case AstExprBinary::Mul:
case AstExprBinary::Div:
case AstExprBinary::Mod:
case AstExprBinary::Pow:
reportErrors(tryUnify(numberType, lhsType, expr.left->location));
reportErrors(tryUnify(numberType, rhsType, expr.right->location));
return numberType;
// These should have been handled with checkRelationalOperation
return anyType;
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprBinary& expr)
if (expr.op == AstExprBinary::And)
ExprResult<TypeId> lhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.left);
// We can't just report errors here.
// This function can be called from AstStatLocal or from AstStatIf, or even from AstExprBinary (and others).
// For now, ignore the errors returned by the predicate resolver.
// We may need an extra property for each predicate set that indicates it has been resolved.
// Requires a slight modification to the data structure.
ScopePtr innerScope = childScope(scope, expr.location);
resolve(lhs.predicates, innerScope, true);
ExprResult<TypeId> rhs = checkExpr(innerScope, *expr.right);
return {checkBinaryOperation(innerScope, expr, lhs.type, rhs.type), {AndPredicate{std::move(lhs.predicates), std::move(rhs.predicates)}}};
else if (expr.op == AstExprBinary::Or)
ExprResult<TypeId> lhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.left);
ScopePtr innerScope = childScope(scope, expr.location);
resolve(lhs.predicates, innerScope, false);
ExprResult<TypeId> rhs = checkExpr(innerScope, *expr.right);
// Because of C++, I'm not sure if lhs.predicates was not moved out by the time we call checkBinaryOperation.
TypeId result = checkBinaryOperation(innerScope, expr, lhs.type, rhs.type, lhs.predicates);
return {result, {OrPredicate{std::move(lhs.predicates), std::move(rhs.predicates)}}};
else if (expr.op == AstExprBinary::CompareEq || expr.op == AstExprBinary::CompareNe)
if (auto predicate = tryGetTypeGuardPredicate(expr))
return {booleanType, {std::move(*predicate)}};
ExprResult<TypeId> lhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.left);
ExprResult<TypeId> rhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.right);
PredicateVec predicates;
if (auto lvalue = tryGetLValue(*expr.left))
predicates.push_back(EqPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), rhs.type, expr.location});
if (auto lvalue = tryGetLValue(*expr.right))
predicates.push_back(EqPredicate{std::move(*lvalue), lhs.type, expr.location});
if (!predicates.empty() && expr.op == AstExprBinary::CompareNe)
predicates = {NotPredicate{std::move(predicates)}};
return {checkBinaryOperation(scope, expr, lhs.type, rhs.type), std::move(predicates)};
ExprResult<TypeId> lhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.left);
ExprResult<TypeId> rhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.right);
// Intentionally discarding predicates with other operators.
return {checkBinaryOperation(scope, expr, lhs.type, rhs.type, lhs.predicates)};
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprTypeAssertion& expr)
TypeId annotationType = resolveType(scope, *expr.annotation);
ExprResult<TypeId> result = checkExpr(scope, *expr.expr, annotationType);
ErrorVec errorVec = canUnify(result.type, annotationType, expr.location);
if (!errorVec.empty())
return {errorType, std::move(result.predicates)};
return {annotationType, std::move(result.predicates)};
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprError& expr)
const size_t oldSize = currentModule->errors.size();
for (AstExpr* expr : expr.expressions)
checkExpr(scope, *expr);
// HACK: We want to check the contents of the AstExprError, but
// any type errors that may arise from it are going to be useless.
return {errorType};
ExprResult<TypeId> TypeChecker::checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIfElse& expr)
ExprResult<TypeId> result = checkExpr(scope, *expr.condition);
ScopePtr trueScope = childScope(scope, expr.trueExpr->location);
reportErrors(resolve(result.predicates, trueScope, true));
ExprResult<TypeId> trueType = checkExpr(trueScope, *expr.trueExpr);
ScopePtr falseScope = childScope(scope, expr.falseExpr->location);
// Don't report errors for this scope to avoid potentially duplicating errors reported for the first scope.
resolve(result.predicates, falseScope, false);
ExprResult<TypeId> falseType = checkExpr(falseScope, *expr.falseExpr);
unify(trueType.type, falseType.type, expr.location);
// TODO: normalize(UnionTypeVar{{trueType, falseType}})
// For now both trueType and falseType must be the same type.
return {trueType.type};
TypeId TypeChecker::checkLValue(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr)
auto [ty, binding] = checkLValueBinding(scope, expr);
return ty;
std::pair<TypeId, TypeId*> TypeChecker::checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr)
if (auto a =<AstExprLocal>())
return checkLValueBinding(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprGlobal>())
return checkLValueBinding(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprIndexName>())
return checkLValueBinding(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprIndexExpr>())
return checkLValueBinding(scope, *a);
else if (auto a =<AstExprError>())
for (AstExpr* expr : a->expressions)
checkExpr(scope, *expr);
return std::pair(errorType, nullptr);
ice("Unexpected AST node in checkLValue", expr.location);
std::pair<TypeId, TypeId*> TypeChecker::checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprLocal& expr)
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = scope->lookup(expr.local))
return {*ty, nullptr};
reportError(expr.location, UnknownSymbol{expr.local->name.value, UnknownSymbol::Binding});
return {errorType, nullptr};
std::pair<TypeId, TypeId*> TypeChecker::checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprGlobal& expr)
Name name =;
ScopePtr moduleScope = currentModule->getModuleScope();
const auto it = moduleScope->bindings.find(;
if (it != moduleScope->bindings.end())
return std::pair(it->second.typeId, &it->second.typeId);
TypeId result = freshType(scope);
Binding& binding = moduleScope->bindings[];
binding = {result, expr.location};
// If we're in strict mode, we want to report defining a global as an error,
// but still add it to the bindings, so that autocomplete includes it in completions.
if (!isNonstrictMode())
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, UnknownSymbol{name, UnknownSymbol::Binding}});
return std::pair(result, &binding.typeId);
std::pair<TypeId, TypeId*> TypeChecker::checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexName& expr)
TypeId lhs = checkExpr(scope, *expr.expr).type;
if (get<ErrorTypeVar>(lhs) || get<AnyTypeVar>(lhs))
return std::pair(lhs, nullptr);
Name name = expr.index.value;
lhs = stripFromNilAndReport(lhs, expr.expr->location);
if (TableTypeVar* lhsTable = getMutableTableType(lhs))
const auto& it = lhsTable->props.find(name);
if (it != lhsTable->props.end())
return std::pair(it->second.type, &it->second.type);
else if (lhsTable->state == TableState::Unsealed || lhsTable->state == TableState::Free)
TypeId theType = freshType(scope);
Property& property = lhsTable->props[name];
property.type = theType;
property.location = expr.indexLocation;
return std::pair(theType, &property.type);
else if (auto indexer = lhsTable->indexer)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(expr.location);
state.tryUnify(indexer->indexType, stringType);
if (!state.errors.empty())
reportError(expr.location, UnknownProperty{lhs, name});
return std::pair(errorType, nullptr);
return std::pair(indexer->indexResultType, nullptr);
else if (lhsTable->state == TableState::Sealed)
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, CannotExtendTable{lhs, CannotExtendTable::Property, name}});
return std::pair(errorType, nullptr);
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, GenericError{"Internal error: generic tables are not lvalues"}});
return std::pair(errorType, nullptr);
else if (const ClassTypeVar* lhsClass = get<ClassTypeVar>(lhs))
const Property* prop = lookupClassProp(lhsClass, name);
if (!prop)
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, UnknownProperty{lhs, name}});
return std::pair(errorType, nullptr);
return std::pair(prop->type, nullptr);
else if (get<IntersectionTypeVar>(lhs))
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, lhs, name, expr.location, false))
return std::pair(*ty, nullptr);
// If intersection has a table part, report that it cannot be extended just as a sealed table
if (isTableIntersection(lhs))
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, CannotExtendTable{lhs, CannotExtendTable::Property, name}});
return std::pair(errorType, nullptr);
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, NotATable{lhs}});
return std::pair(errorType, nullptr);
std::pair<TypeId, TypeId*> TypeChecker::checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexExpr& expr)
TypeId exprType = checkExpr(scope, *expr.expr).type;
exprType = stripFromNilAndReport(exprType, expr.expr->location);
TypeId indexType = checkExpr(scope, *expr.index).type;
if (get<AnyTypeVar>(exprType) || get<ErrorTypeVar>(exprType))
return std::pair(exprType, nullptr);
AstExprConstantString* value = expr.index->as<AstExprConstantString>();
if (value)
if (const ClassTypeVar* exprClass = get<ClassTypeVar>(exprType))
const Property* prop = lookupClassProp(exprClass, value->;
if (!prop)
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, UnknownProperty{exprType, value->}});
return std::pair(errorType, nullptr);
return std::pair(prop->type, nullptr);
TableTypeVar* exprTable = getMutableTableType(exprType);
if (!exprTable)
reportError(TypeError{expr.expr->location, NotATable{exprType}});
return std::pair(errorType, nullptr);
if (value)
const auto& it = exprTable->props.find(value->;
if (it != exprTable->props.end())
return std::pair(it->second.type, &it->second.type);
else if (exprTable->state == TableState::Unsealed || exprTable->state == TableState::Free)
TypeId resultType = freshType(scope);
Property& property = exprTable->props[value->];
property.type = resultType;
property.location = expr.index->location;
return std::pair(resultType, &property.type);
if (exprTable->indexer)
const TableIndexer& indexer = *exprTable->indexer;
unify(indexer.indexType, indexType, expr.index->location);
return std::pair(indexer.indexResultType, nullptr);
else if (exprTable->state == TableState::Unsealed || exprTable->state == TableState::Free)
TypeId resultType = freshType(scope);
exprTable->indexer = TableIndexer{anyIfNonstrict(indexType), anyIfNonstrict(resultType)};
return std::pair(resultType, nullptr);
TypeId resultType = freshType(scope);
return std::pair(resultType, nullptr);
// Answers the question: "Can I define another function with this name?"
// Primarily about detecting duplicates.
TypeId TypeChecker::checkFunctionName(const ScopePtr& scope, AstExpr& funName)
if (auto globalName =<AstExprGlobal>())
const ScopePtr& globalScope = currentModule->getModuleScope();
Symbol name = globalName->name;
if (globalScope->bindings.count(name))
if (isNonstrictMode())
return globalScope->bindings[name].typeId;
return errorType;
TypeId ty = freshType(scope);
globalScope->bindings[name] = {ty, funName.location};
return ty;
else if (auto localName =<AstExprLocal>())
Symbol name = localName->local;
Binding& binding = scope->bindings[name];
if (binding.typeId == nullptr)
binding = {freshType(scope), funName.location};
return binding.typeId;
else if (auto indexName =<AstExprIndexName>())
TypeId lhsType = checkExpr(scope, *indexName->expr).type;
if (get<ErrorTypeVar>(lhsType) || get<AnyTypeVar>(lhsType))
return lhsType;
TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutableTableType(lhsType);
if (!ttv)
if (!isTableIntersection(lhsType))
reportError(TypeError{funName.location, OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods{lhsType}});
return errorType;
// Cannot extend sealed table, but we dont report an error here because it will be reported during AstStatFunction check
if (lhsType->persistent || ttv->state == TableState::Sealed)
return errorType;
Name name = indexName->index.value;
if (ttv->props.count(name))
return errorType;
Property& property = ttv->props[name];
property.type = freshType(scope);
property.location = indexName->indexLocation;
ttv->methodDefinitionLocations[name] = funName.location;
return property.type;
else if (<AstExprError>())
return errorType;
ice("Unexpected AST node type", funName.location);
// This returns a pair `[funType, funScope]` where
// - funType is the prototype type of the function
// - funScope is the scope for the function, which is a child scope with bindings added for
// parameters (and generic types if there were explicit generic annotations).
// The function type is a prototype, in that it may be missing some generic types which
// can only be inferred from type inference after typechecking the function body.
// For example the function `function id(x) return x end` has prototype
// `(X) -> Y...`, but after typechecking the body, we cam unify `Y...` with `X`
// to get type `(X) -> X`, then we quantify the free types to get the final
// generic type `<a>(a) -> a`.
std::pair<TypeId, ScopePtr> TypeChecker::checkFunctionSignature(
const ScopePtr& scope, int subLevel, const AstExprFunction& expr, std::optional<Location> originalName, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType)
ScopePtr funScope = childFunctionScope(scope, expr.location, subLevel);
const FunctionTypeVar* expectedFunctionType = nullptr;
if (expectedType)
if (auto ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(follow(*expectedType)))
expectedFunctionType = ftv;
else if (auto utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(follow(*expectedType)))
// Look for function type in a union. Other types can be ignored since current expression is a function
for (auto option : utv)
if (auto ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(follow(option)))
if (!expectedFunctionType)
expectedFunctionType = ftv;
// Do not infer argument types when multiple overloads are expected
expectedFunctionType = nullptr;
// We do not infer type binders, so if a generic function is required we do not propagate
if (expectedFunctionType && !(expectedFunctionType->generics.empty() && expectedFunctionType->genericPacks.empty()))
expectedFunctionType = nullptr;
auto [generics, genericPacks] = createGenericTypes(funScope, std::nullopt, expr, expr.generics, expr.genericPacks);
TypePackId retPack;
if (expr.hasReturnAnnotation)
retPack = resolveTypePack(funScope, expr.returnAnnotation);
else if (isNonstrictMode())
retPack = anyTypePack;
else if (expectedFunctionType)
auto [head, tail] = flatten(expectedFunctionType->retType);
// Do not infer 'nil' as function return type
if (!tail && head.size() == 1 && isNil(head[0]))
retPack = freshTypePack(funScope);
retPack = addTypePack(head, tail);
retPack = freshTypePack(funScope);
if (expr.vararg)
if (expr.varargAnnotation)
funScope->varargPack = resolveTypePack(funScope, *expr.varargAnnotation);
if (expectedFunctionType && !isNonstrictMode())
auto [head, tail] = flatten(expectedFunctionType->argTypes);
if (expr.args.size <= head.size())
head.erase(head.begin(), head.begin() + expr.args.size);
funScope->varargPack = addTypePack(head, tail);
else if (tail)
if (get<VariadicTypePack>(follow(*tail)))
funScope->varargPack = addTypePack({}, tail);
funScope->varargPack = addTypePack({});
// TODO: should this be a free type pack? CLI-39910
if (!funScope->varargPack)
funScope->varargPack = anyTypePack;
std::vector<TypeId> argTypes;
funScope->returnType = retPack;
if (expr.self)
// TODO: generic self types: CLI-39906
TypeId selfType = anyIfNonstrict(freshType(funScope));
funScope->bindings[expr.self] = {selfType, expr.self->location};
// Prepare expected argument type iterators if we have an expected function type
TypePackIterator expectedArgsCurr, expectedArgsEnd;
if (expectedFunctionType && !isNonstrictMode())
expectedArgsCurr = begin(expectedFunctionType->argTypes);
expectedArgsEnd = end(expectedFunctionType->argTypes);
for (AstLocal* local : expr.args)
TypeId argType = nullptr;
if (local->annotation)
argType = resolveType(funScope, *local->annotation);
// If the annotation type has an error, treat it as if there was no annotation
if (get<ErrorTypeVar>(follow(argType)))
argType = anyIfNonstrict(freshType(funScope));
if (expectedFunctionType && !isNonstrictMode())
if (expectedArgsCurr != expectedArgsEnd)
argType = *expectedArgsCurr;
else if (auto expectedArgsTail = expectedArgsCurr.tail())
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(follow(*expectedArgsTail)))
argType = vtp->ty;
if (!argType)
argType = anyIfNonstrict(freshType(funScope));
funScope->bindings[local] = {argType, local->location};
if (expectedArgsCurr != expectedArgsEnd)
TypePackId argPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar(TypePack{argTypes, funScope->varargPack}));
FunctionDefinition defn;
defn.definitionModuleName = currentModuleName;
defn.definitionLocation = expr.location;
defn.varargLocation = expr.vararg ? std::make_optional(expr.varargLocation) : std::nullopt;
defn.originalNameLocation = originalName.value_or(Location(expr.location.begin, 0));
TypeId funTy = addType(FunctionTypeVar(funScope->level, generics, genericPacks, argPack, retPack, std::move(defn), bool(expr.self)));
FunctionTypeVar* ftv = getMutable<FunctionTypeVar>(funTy);
ftv->argNames.reserve(expr.args.size + (expr.self ? 1 : 0));
if (expr.self)
ftv->argNames.push_back(FunctionArgument{"self", {}});
for (AstLocal* local : expr.args)
ftv->argNames.push_back(FunctionArgument{local->name.value, local->location});
return std::make_pair(funTy, funScope);
static bool allowsNoReturnValues(const TypePackId tp)
for (TypeId ty : tp)
if (!get<ErrorTypeVar>(follow(ty)))
return false;
return true;
static Location getEndLocation(const AstExprFunction& function)
Location loc = function.location;
if (loc.begin.line != loc.end.line)
Position begin = loc.end;
begin.column = std::max(0u, begin.column - 3);
loc = Location(begin, 3);
return loc;
void TypeChecker::checkFunctionBody(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, const AstExprFunction& function)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("TypeChecker::checkFunctionBody", "TypeChecker");
if (function.debugname.value)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_ARGUMENT("name", function.debugname.value);
LUAU_TIMETRACE_ARGUMENT("line", std::to_string(function.location.begin.line).c_str());
if (FunctionTypeVar* funTy = getMutable<FunctionTypeVar>(ty))
check(scope, *function.body);
// We explicitly don't follow here to check if we have a 'true' free type instead of bound one
if (get_if<FreeTypePack>(&funTy->retType->ty))
*asMutable(funTy->retType) = TypePack{{}, std::nullopt};
bool reachesImplicitReturn = getFallthrough(function.body) != nullptr;
if (reachesImplicitReturn && !allowsNoReturnValues(follow(funTy->retType)))
// If we're in nonstrict mode we want to only report this missing return
// statement if there are type annotations on the function. In strict mode
// we report it regardless.
if (!isNonstrictMode() || function.hasReturnAnnotation)
reportError(getEndLocation(function), FunctionExitsWithoutReturning{funTy->retType});
ice("Checking non functional type");
ExprResult<TypePackId> TypeChecker::checkExprPack(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr)
if (auto a =<AstExprCall>())
return checkExprPack(scope, *a);
else if (<AstExprVarargs>())
if (!scope->varargPack)
return {addTypePack({addType(ErrorTypeVar())})};
return {*scope->varargPack};
TypeId type = checkExpr(scope, expr).type;
return {addTypePack({type})};
// Returns the minimum number of arguments the argument list can accept.
static size_t getMinParameterCount(TypePackId tp)
size_t minCount = 0;
size_t optionalCount = 0;
auto it = begin(tp);
auto endIter = end(tp);
while (it != endIter)
TypeId ty = *it;
if (isOptional(ty))
minCount += optionalCount;
optionalCount = 0;
return minCount;
void TypeChecker::checkArgumentList(
const ScopePtr& scope, Unifier& state, TypePackId argPack, TypePackId paramPack, const std::vector<Location>& argLocations)
/* Important terminology refresher:
* A function requires parameters.
* To call a function, you supply arguments.
TypePackIterator argIter = begin(argPack);
TypePackIterator paramIter = begin(paramPack);
TypePackIterator endIter = end(argPack); // Important subtlety: All end TypePackIterators are equivalent
size_t paramIndex = 0;
size_t minParams = getMinParameterCount(paramPack);
while (true)
state.location = paramIndex < argLocations.size() ? argLocations[paramIndex] : state.location;
if (argIter == endIter && paramIter == endIter)
std::optional<TypePackId> argTail = argIter.tail();
std::optional<TypePackId> paramTail = paramIter.tail();
// If we hit the end of both type packs simultaneously, then there are definitely no further type
// errors to report. All we need to do is tie up any free tails.
// If one side has a free tail and the other has none at all, we create an empty pack and bind the
// free tail to that.
if (argTail)
if (get<Unifiable::Free>(*argTail))
if (paramTail)
state.tryUnify(*argTail, *paramTail);
*asMutable(*argTail) = TypePack{{}};
else if (paramTail)
// argTail is definitely empty
if (get<Unifiable::Free>(*paramTail))
*asMutable(*paramTail) = TypePack{{}};
else if (argIter == endIter)
// Not enough arguments.
// Might be ok if we are forwarding a vararg along. This is a common thing to occur in nonstrict mode.
if (argIter.tail())
TypePackId tail = *argIter.tail();
if (get<Unifiable::Error>(tail))
// Unify remaining parameters so we don't leave any free-types hanging around.
TypeId argTy = errorType;
while (paramIter != endIter)
state.tryUnify(*paramIter, argTy);
else if (auto vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(tail))
while (paramIter != endIter)
state.tryUnify(*paramIter, vtp->ty);
else if (get<FreeTypePack>(tail))
std::vector<TypeId> rest;
rest.reserve(std::distance(paramIter, endIter));
while (paramIter != endIter)
TypePackId varPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar{TypePack{rest, paramIter.tail()}});
state.tryUnify(tail, varPack);
// If any remaining unfulfilled parameters are nonoptional, this is a problem.
while (paramIter != endIter)
TypeId t = follow(*paramIter);
if (isOptional(t))
} // ok
else if (get<ErrorTypeVar>(t))
} // ok
else if (isNonstrictMode() && get<AnyTypeVar>(t))
} // ok
state.errors.push_back(TypeError{state.location, CountMismatch{minParams, paramIndex}});
else if (paramIter == endIter)
// too many parameters passed
if (!paramIter.tail())
while (argIter != endIter)
unify(*argIter, errorType, state.location);
// For this case, we want the error span to cover every errant extra parameter
Location location = state.location;
if (!argLocations.empty())
location = {state.location.begin, argLocations.back().end};
state.errors.push_back(TypeError{location, CountMismatch{minParams, std::distance(begin(argPack), end(argPack))}});
TypePackId tail = *paramIter.tail();
if (get<Unifiable::Error>(tail))
// Function is variadic. Ok.
else if (auto vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(tail))
// Function is variadic and requires that all subsequent parameters
// be compatible with a type.
size_t argIndex = paramIndex;
while (argIter != endIter)
Location location = state.location;
if (argIndex < argLocations.size())
location = argLocations[argIndex];
unify(vtp->ty, *argIter, location);
else if (get<FreeTypePack>(tail))
// Create a type pack out of the remaining argument types
// and unify it with the tail.
std::vector<TypeId> rest;
rest.reserve(std::distance(argIter, endIter));
while (argIter != endIter)
TypePackId varPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar{TypePack{rest, argIter.tail()}});
state.tryUnify(tail, varPack);
else if (get<FreeTypePack>(tail))
*asMutable(tail) = TypePack{};
else if (get<GenericTypePack>(tail))
// For this case, we want the error span to cover every errant extra parameter
Location location = state.location;
if (!argLocations.empty())
location = {state.location.begin, argLocations.back().end};
// TODO: Better error message?
state.errors.push_back(TypeError{location, CountMismatch{minParams, std::distance(begin(argPack), end(argPack))}});
unifyWithInstantiationIfNeeded(scope, *paramIter, *argIter, state);
ExprResult<TypePackId> TypeChecker::checkExprPack(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr)
// evaluate type of function
// decompose an intersection into its component overloads
// Compute types of parameters
// For each overload
// Compare parameter and argument types
// Report any errors (also speculate dot vs colon warnings!)
// If there are no errors, return the resulting return type
TypeId selfType = nullptr;
TypeId functionType = nullptr;
TypeId actualFunctionType = nullptr;
if (expr.self)
AstExprIndexName* indexExpr = expr.func->as<AstExprIndexName>();
if (!indexExpr)
ice("method call expression has no 'self'");
selfType = checkExpr(scope, *indexExpr->expr).type;
selfType = stripFromNilAndReport(selfType, expr.func->location);
if (std::optional<TypeId> propTy = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, selfType, indexExpr->index.value, expr.location, true))
functionType = *propTy;
actualFunctionType = instantiate(scope, functionType, expr.func->location);
functionType = errorType;
actualFunctionType = errorType;
functionType = checkExpr(scope, *expr.func).type;
actualFunctionType = instantiate(scope, functionType, expr.func->location);
actualFunctionType = follow(actualFunctionType);
// checkExpr will log the pre-instantiated type of the function.
// That's not nearly as interesting as the instantiated type, which will include details about how
// generic functions are being instantiated for this particular callsite.
currentModule->astOriginalCallTypes[expr.func] = follow(functionType);
currentModule->astTypes[expr.func] = actualFunctionType;
std::vector<TypeId> overloads = flattenIntersection(actualFunctionType);
TypePackId retPack = freshTypePack(scope->level);
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> expectedTypes = getExpectedTypesForCall(overloads, expr.args.size, expr.self);
ExprResult<TypePackId> argListResult = checkExprList(scope, expr.location, expr.args, false, {}, expectedTypes);
TypePackId argPack = argListResult.type;
if (get<Unifiable::Error>(argPack))
return ExprResult<TypePackId>{errorTypePack};
TypePack* args = getMutable<TypePack>(argPack);
LUAU_ASSERT(args != nullptr);
if (expr.self)
args->head.insert(args->head.begin(), selfType);
std::vector<Location> argLocations;
argLocations.reserve(expr.args.size + 1);
if (expr.self)
for (AstExpr* arg : expr.args)
std::vector<OverloadErrorEntry> errors; // errors encountered for each overload
std::vector<TypeId> overloadsThatMatchArgCount;
for (TypeId fn : overloads)
fn = follow(fn);
if (auto ret = checkCallOverload(scope, expr, fn, retPack, argPack, args, argLocations, argListResult, overloadsThatMatchArgCount, errors))
return *ret;
if (handleSelfCallMismatch(scope, expr, args, argLocations, errors))
return {retPack};
return reportOverloadResolutionError(scope, expr, retPack, argPack, argLocations, overloads, overloadsThatMatchArgCount, errors);
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> TypeChecker::getExpectedTypesForCall(const std::vector<TypeId>& overloads, size_t argumentCount, bool selfCall)
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> expectedTypes;
auto assignOption = [this, &expectedTypes](size_t index, std::optional<TypeId> ty) {
if (index == expectedTypes.size())
else if (ty)
auto& el = expectedTypes[index];
if (!el)
el = ty;
std::vector<TypeId> result = reduceUnion({*el, *ty});
el = result.size() == 1 ? result[0] : addType(UnionTypeVar{std::move(result)});
for (const TypeId overload : overloads)
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(overload))
auto [argsHead, argsTail] = flatten(ftv->argTypes);
size_t start = selfCall ? 1 : 0;
size_t index = 0;
for (size_t i = start; i < argsHead.size(); ++i)
assignOption(index++, argsHead[i]);
if (argsTail)
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(follow(*argsTail)))
while (index < argumentCount)
assignOption(index++, vtp->ty);
return expectedTypes;
std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> TypeChecker::checkCallOverload(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, TypeId fn, TypePackId retPack,
TypePackId argPack, TypePack* args, const std::vector<Location>& argLocations, const ExprResult<TypePackId>& argListResult,
std::vector<TypeId>& overloadsThatMatchArgCount, std::vector<OverloadErrorEntry>& errors)
fn = stripFromNilAndReport(fn, expr.func->location);
if (get<AnyTypeVar>(fn))
unify(argPack, anyTypePack, expr.location);
return {{anyTypePack}};
if (get<ErrorTypeVar>(fn))
return {{addTypePack(TypePackVar{Unifiable::Error{}})}};
if (get<FreeTypeVar>(fn))
// fn is one of the overloads of actualFunctionType, which
// has been instantiated, so is a monotype. We can therefore
// unify it with a monomorphic function.
TypeId r = addType(FunctionTypeVar(scope->level, argPack, retPack));
unify(r, fn, expr.location);
return {{retPack}};
const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(fn);
if (!ftv)
// Might be a callable table
if (const MetatableTypeVar* mttv = get<MetatableTypeVar>(fn))
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, mttv->metatable, "__call", expr.func->location, false))
// Construct arguments with 'self' added in front
TypePackId metaCallArgPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar(TypePack{args->head, args->tail}));
TypePack* metaCallArgs = getMutable<TypePack>(metaCallArgPack);
metaCallArgs->head.insert(metaCallArgs->head.begin(), fn);
std::vector<Location> metaArgLocations = argLocations;
metaArgLocations.insert(metaArgLocations.begin(), expr.func->location);
TypeId fn = *ty;
fn = instantiate(scope, fn, expr.func->location);
return checkCallOverload(
scope, expr, fn, retPack, metaCallArgPack, metaCallArgs, metaArgLocations, argListResult, overloadsThatMatchArgCount, errors);
reportError(TypeError{expr.func->location, CannotCallNonFunction{fn}});
unify(retPack, errorTypePack, expr.func->location);
return {{errorTypePack}};
// When this function type has magic functions and did return something, we select that overload instead.
// TODO: pass in a Unifier object to the magic functions? This will allow the magic functions to cooperate with overload resolution.
if (ftv->magicFunction)
// TODO: We're passing in the wrong TypePackId. Should be argPack, but a unit test fails otherwise. CLI-40458
if (std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> ret = ftv->magicFunction(*this, scope, expr, argListResult))
return *ret;
Unifier state = mkUnifier(expr.location);
// Unify return types
checkArgumentList(scope, state, retPack, ftv->retType, /*argLocations*/ {});
if (!state.errors.empty())
return {};
checkArgumentList(scope, state, argPack, ftv->argTypes, argLocations);
if (!state.errors.empty())
bool argMismatch = false;
for (auto error : state.errors)
CountMismatch* cm = get<CountMismatch>(error);
if (!cm)
if (cm->context == CountMismatch::Arg)
argMismatch = true;
if (!argMismatch)
errors.emplace_back(std::move(state.errors), args->head, ftv);
if (isNonstrictMode() && !expr.self && expr.func->is<AstExprIndexName>() && ftv->hasSelf)
// If we are running in nonstrict mode, passing fewer arguments than the function is declared to take AND
// the function is declared with colon notation AND we use dot notation, warn.
auto [providedArgs, providedTail] = flatten(argPack);
// If we have a variadic tail, we can't say how many arguments were actually provided
if (!providedTail)
std::vector<TypeId> actualArgs = flatten(ftv->argTypes).first;
size_t providedCount = providedArgs.size();
size_t requiredCount = actualArgs.size();
// Ignore optional arguments
while (providedCount < requiredCount && requiredCount != 0 && isOptional(actualArgs[requiredCount - 1]))
if (providedCount < requiredCount)
int requiredExtraNils = int(requiredCount - providedCount);
reportError(TypeError{expr.func->location, FunctionRequiresSelf{requiredExtraNils}});
if (FFlag::LuauStoreMatchingOverloadFnType)
currentModule->astOverloadResolvedTypes[&expr] = fn;
// We select this overload
return {{retPack}};
return {};
bool TypeChecker::handleSelfCallMismatch(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, TypePack* args, const std::vector<Location>& argLocations,
const std::vector<OverloadErrorEntry>& errors)
// No overloads succeeded: Scan for one that would have worked had the user
// used a.b() rather than a:b() or vice versa.
for (const auto& [_, argVec, ftv] : errors)
// Did you write foo:bar() when you should have written
if (expr.self)
std::vector<Location> editedArgLocations(argLocations.begin() + 1, argLocations.end());
std::vector<TypeId> editedParamList(args->head.begin() + 1, args->head.end());
TypePackId editedArgPack = addTypePack(TypePack{editedParamList});
Unifier editedState = mkUnifier(expr.location);
checkArgumentList(scope, editedState, editedArgPack, ftv->argTypes, editedArgLocations);
if (editedState.errors.empty())
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf{}});
// This is a little bit suspect: If this overload would work with a . replaced by a :
// we eagerly assume that that's what you actually meant and we commit to it.
// This could be incorrect if the function has an additional overload that
// actually works.
// checkArgumentList(scope, editedState, retPack, ftv->retType, retLocations, CountMismatch::Return);
return true;
else if (ftv->hasSelf)
// Did you write when you should have written foo:bar()?
if (AstExprIndexName* indexName = expr.func->as<AstExprIndexName>())
std::vector<Location> editedArgLocations;
editedArgLocations.reserve(argLocations.size() + 1);
editedArgLocations.insert(editedArgLocations.end(), argLocations.begin(), argLocations.end());
std::vector<TypeId> editedArgList(args->head);
editedArgList.insert(editedArgList.begin(), checkExpr(scope, *indexName->expr).type);
TypePackId editedArgPack = addTypePack(TypePack{editedArgList});
Unifier editedState = mkUnifier(expr.location);
checkArgumentList(scope, editedState, editedArgPack, ftv->argTypes, editedArgLocations);
if (editedState.errors.empty())
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, FunctionRequiresSelf{}});
// This is a little bit suspect: If this overload would work with a : replaced by a .
// we eagerly assume that that's what you actually meant and we commit to it.
// This could be incorrect if the function has an additional overload that
// actually works.
// checkArgumentList(scope, editedState, retPack, ftv->retType, retLocations, CountMismatch::Return);
return true;
return false;
ExprResult<TypePackId> TypeChecker::reportOverloadResolutionError(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, TypePackId retPack,
TypePackId argPack, const std::vector<Location>& argLocations, const std::vector<TypeId>& overloads,
const std::vector<TypeId>& overloadsThatMatchArgCount, const std::vector<OverloadErrorEntry>& errors)
if (overloads.size() == 1)
return {errorTypePack};
std::vector<TypeId> overloadTypes = overloadsThatMatchArgCount;
if (overloadsThatMatchArgCount.size() == 0)
reportError(TypeError{expr.location, GenericError{"No overload for function accepts " + std::to_string(size(argPack)) + " arguments."}});
// If no overloads match argument count, just list all overloads.
overloadTypes = overloads;
// Report errors of the first argument-count-matching, but failing overload
TypeId overload = overloadsThatMatchArgCount[0];
// Remove the overload we are reporting errors about, from the list of alternative
overloadTypes.erase(std::remove(overloadTypes.begin(), overloadTypes.end(), overload), overloadTypes.end());
const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(overload);
auto error = std::find_if(errors.begin(), errors.end(), [ftv](const OverloadErrorEntry& e) {
return ftv == std::get<2>(e);
LUAU_ASSERT(error != errors.end());
// If only one overload matched, we don't need this error because we provided the previous errors.
if (overloadsThatMatchArgCount.size() == 1)
return {errorTypePack};
std::string s;
for (size_t i = 0; i < overloadTypes.size(); ++i)
TypeId overload = overloadTypes[i];
Unifier state = mkUnifier(expr.location);
// Unify return types
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(overload))
checkArgumentList(scope, state, retPack, ftv->retType, {});
checkArgumentList(scope, state, argPack, ftv->argTypes, argLocations);
if (i > 0)
s += "; ";
if (i > 0 && i == overloadTypes.size() - 1)
s += "and ";
s += toString(overload);
if (overloadsThatMatchArgCount.size() == 0)
reportError(expr.func->location, ExtraInformation{"Available overloads: " + s});
reportError(expr.func->location, ExtraInformation{"Other overloads are also not viable: " + s});
// No viable overload
return {errorTypePack};
ExprResult<TypePackId> TypeChecker::checkExprList(const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& exprs,
bool substituteFreeForNil, const std::vector<bool>& instantiateGenerics, const std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>>& expectedTypes)
TypePackId pack = addTypePack(TypePack{});
PredicateVec predicates; // At the moment we will be pushing all predicate sets into this. Do we need some way to split them up?
auto insert = [&predicates](PredicateVec& vec) {
for (Predicate& c : vec)
if (exprs.size == 0)
return {pack};
TypePack* tp = getMutable<TypePack>(pack);
size_t lastIndex = exprs.size - 1;
Unifier state = mkUnifier(location);
for (size_t i = 0; i < exprs.size; ++i)
AstExpr* expr =[i];
if (i == lastIndex && (expr->is<AstExprCall>() || expr->is<AstExprVarargs>()))
auto [typePack, exprPredicates] = checkExprPack(scope, *expr);
tp->tail = typePack;
std::optional<TypeId> expectedType = i < expectedTypes.size() ? expectedTypes[i] : std::nullopt;
auto [type, exprPredicates] = checkExpr(scope, *expr, expectedType);
TypeId actualType = substituteFreeForNil && expr->is<AstExprConstantNil>() ? freshType(scope) : type;
if (instantiateGenerics.size() > i && instantiateGenerics[i])
actualType = instantiate(scope, actualType, expr->location);
if (expectedType)
state.tryUnify(*expectedType, actualType);
return {pack, predicates};
std::optional<AstExpr*> TypeChecker::matchRequire(const AstExprCall& call)
const char* require = "require";
if (call.args.size != 1)
return std::nullopt;
const AstExprGlobal* funcAsGlobal = call.func->as<AstExprGlobal>();
if (!funcAsGlobal || funcAsGlobal->name != require)
return std::nullopt;
if (call.args.size != 1)
return std::nullopt;
TypeId TypeChecker::checkRequire(const ScopePtr& scope, const ModuleInfo& moduleInfo, const Location& location)
LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("TypeChecker::checkRequire", "TypeChecker");
if (FFlag::LuauNewRequireTrace2 &&
if (FFlag::LuauStrictRequire && currentModule->mode == Mode::Strict)
reportError(TypeError{location, UnknownRequire{}});
return errorType;
return anyType;
ModulePtr module = resolver->getModule(;
if (!module)
// There are two reasons why we might fail to find the module:
// either the file does not exist or there's a cycle. If there's a cycle
// we will already have reported the error.
if (!resolver->moduleExists( && (FFlag::LuauTraceRequireLookupChild ? !moduleInfo.optional : true))
std::string reportedModulePath = resolver->getHumanReadableModuleName(;
reportError(TypeError{location, UnknownRequire{reportedModulePath}});
return errorType;
if (module->type != SourceCode::Module)
std::string humanReadableName = resolver->getHumanReadableModuleName(;
reportError(location, IllegalRequire{humanReadableName, "Module is not a ModuleScript. It cannot be required."});
return errorType;
std::optional<TypeId> moduleType = first(module->getModuleScope()->returnType);
if (!moduleType)
std::string humanReadableName = resolver->getHumanReadableModuleName(;
reportError(location, IllegalRequire{humanReadableName, "Module does not return exactly 1 value. It cannot be required."});
return errorType;
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
return clone(*moduleType, currentModule->internalTypes, seenTypes, seenTypePacks);
void TypeChecker::tablify(TypeId type)
type = follow(type);
if (auto f = get<FreeTypeVar>(type))
*asMutable(type) = TableTypeVar{TableState::Free, f->level};
TypeId TypeChecker::anyIfNonstrict(TypeId ty) const
if (isNonstrictMode())
return anyType;
return ty;
bool TypeChecker::unify(TypeId left, TypeId right, const Location& location)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(location);
state.tryUnify(left, right);
return state.errors.empty();
bool TypeChecker::unify(TypePackId left, TypePackId right, const Location& location, CountMismatch::Context ctx)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(location);
state.ctx = ctx;
state.tryUnify(left, right);
return state.errors.empty();
bool TypeChecker::unifyWithInstantiationIfNeeded(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId left, TypeId right, const Location& location)
Unifier state = mkUnifier(location);
unifyWithInstantiationIfNeeded(scope, left, right, state);
return state.errors.empty();
void TypeChecker::unifyWithInstantiationIfNeeded(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId left, TypeId right, Unifier& state)
if (!maybeGeneric(right))
// Quick check to see if we definitely can't instantiate
state.tryUnify(left, right, /*isFunctionCall*/ false);
else if (!maybeGeneric(left) && isGeneric(right))
// Quick check to see if we definitely have to instantiate
TypeId instantiated = instantiate(scope, right, state.location);
state.tryUnify(left, instantiated, /*isFunctionCall*/ false);
// First try unifying with the original uninstantiated type
// but if that fails, try the instantiated one.
Unifier child = state.makeChildUnifier();
child.tryUnify(left, right, /*isFunctionCall*/ false);
if (!child.errors.empty())
TypeId instantiated = instantiate(scope, right, state.location);
if (right == instantiated)
// Instantiating the argument made no difference, so just report any child errors
state.errors.insert(state.errors.end(), child.errors.begin(), child.errors.end());
state.tryUnify(left, instantiated, /*isFunctionCall*/ false);
bool Instantiation::isDirty(TypeId ty)
if (get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty))
return true;
return false;
bool Instantiation::isDirty(TypePackId tp)
return false;
bool Instantiation::ignoreChildren(TypeId ty)
if (get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty))
return true;
return false;
TypeId Instantiation::clean(TypeId ty)
const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty);
FunctionTypeVar clone = FunctionTypeVar{level, ftv->argTypes, ftv->retType, ftv->definition, ftv->hasSelf};
clone.magicFunction = ftv->magicFunction;
clone.tags = ftv->tags;
clone.argNames = ftv->argNames;
TypeId result = addType(std::move(clone));
// Annoyingly, we have to do this even if there are no generics,
// to replace any generic tables.
replaceGenerics.level = level;
replaceGenerics.currentModule = currentModule;
replaceGenerics.generics.assign(ftv->generics.begin(), ftv->generics.end());
replaceGenerics.genericPacks.assign(ftv->genericPacks.begin(), ftv->genericPacks.end());
// TODO: What to do if this returns nullopt?
// We don't have access to the error-reporting machinery
result = replaceGenerics.substitute(result).value_or(result);
asMutable(result)->documentationSymbol = ty->documentationSymbol;
return result;
TypePackId Instantiation::clean(TypePackId tp)
return tp;
bool ReplaceGenerics::ignoreChildren(TypeId ty)
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty))
// We aren't recursing in the case of a generic function which
// binds the same generics. This can happen if, for example, there's recursive types.
// If T = <a>(a,T)->T then instantiating T should produce T' = (X,T)->T not T' = (X,T')->T'.
// It's OK to use vector equality here, since we always generate fresh generics
// whenever we quantify, so the vectors overlap if and only if they are equal.
return (!generics.empty() || !genericPacks.empty()) && (ftv->generics == generics) && (ftv->genericPacks == genericPacks);
return false;
bool ReplaceGenerics::isDirty(TypeId ty)
if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(ty))
return ttv->state == TableState::Generic;
else if (get<GenericTypeVar>(ty))
return std::find(generics.begin(), generics.end(), ty) != generics.end();
return false;
bool ReplaceGenerics::isDirty(TypePackId tp)
if (get<GenericTypePack>(tp))
return std::find(genericPacks.begin(), genericPacks.end(), tp) != genericPacks.end();
return false;
TypeId ReplaceGenerics::clean(TypeId ty)
if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(ty))
TableTypeVar clone = TableTypeVar{ttv->props, ttv->indexer, level, TableState::Free};
clone.methodDefinitionLocations = ttv->methodDefinitionLocations;
clone.definitionModuleName = ttv->definitionModuleName;
return addType(std::move(clone));
return addType(FreeTypeVar{level});
TypePackId ReplaceGenerics::clean(TypePackId tp)
return addTypePack(TypePackVar(FreeTypePack{level}));
bool Quantification::isDirty(TypeId ty)
if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(ty))
return level.subsumes(ttv->level) && ((ttv->state == TableState::Free) || (ttv->state == TableState::Unsealed));
else if (const FreeTypeVar* ftv = get<FreeTypeVar>(ty))
return level.subsumes(ftv->level);
return false;
bool Quantification::isDirty(TypePackId tp)
if (const FreeTypePack* ftv = get<FreeTypePack>(tp))
return level.subsumes(ftv->level);
return false;
TypeId Quantification::clean(TypeId ty)
if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(ty))
TableState state = (ttv->state == TableState::Unsealed ? TableState::Sealed : TableState::Generic);
TableTypeVar clone = TableTypeVar{ttv->props, ttv->indexer, level, state};
clone.methodDefinitionLocations = ttv->methodDefinitionLocations;
clone.definitionModuleName = ttv->definitionModuleName;
return addType(std::move(clone));
TypeId generic = addType(GenericTypeVar{level});
return generic;
TypePackId Quantification::clean(TypePackId tp)
TypePackId genericPack = addTypePack(TypePackVar(GenericTypePack{level}));
return genericPack;
bool Anyification::isDirty(TypeId ty)
if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(ty))
return (ttv->state == TableState::Free);
else if (get<FreeTypeVar>(ty))
return true;
return false;
bool Anyification::isDirty(TypePackId tp)
if (get<FreeTypePack>(tp))
return true;
return false;
TypeId Anyification::clean(TypeId ty)
if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(ty))
TableTypeVar clone = TableTypeVar{ttv->props, ttv->indexer, ttv->level, TableState::Sealed};
clone.methodDefinitionLocations = ttv->methodDefinitionLocations;
clone.definitionModuleName = ttv->definitionModuleName;
return addType(std::move(clone));
return anyType;
TypePackId Anyification::clean(TypePackId tp)
return anyTypePack;
TypeId TypeChecker::quantify(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, Location location)
ty = follow(ty);
const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty);
if (!ftv || !ftv->generics.empty() || !ftv->genericPacks.empty())
return ty;
if (FFlag::LuauQuantifyInPlace2)
Luau::quantify(currentModule, ty, scope->level);
return ty;
quantification.level = scope->level;
quantification.currentModule = currentModule;
std::optional<TypeId> qty = quantification.substitute(ty);
if (!qty.has_value())
reportError(location, UnificationTooComplex{});
return errorType;
if (ty == *qty)
return ty;
FunctionTypeVar* qftv = getMutable<FunctionTypeVar>(*qty);
qftv->generics = quantification.generics;
qftv->genericPacks = quantification.genericPacks;
return *qty;
TypeId TypeChecker::instantiate(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, Location location)
instantiation.level = scope->level;
instantiation.currentModule = currentModule;
std::optional<TypeId> instantiated = instantiation.substitute(ty);
if (instantiated.has_value())
return *instantiated;
reportError(location, UnificationTooComplex{});
return errorType;
TypeId TypeChecker::anyify(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, Location location)
anyification.anyType = anyType;
anyification.anyTypePack = anyTypePack;
anyification.currentModule = currentModule;
std::optional<TypeId> any = anyification.substitute(ty);
if (any.has_value())
return *any;
reportError(location, UnificationTooComplex{});
return errorType;
TypePackId TypeChecker::anyify(const ScopePtr& scope, TypePackId ty, Location location)
anyification.anyType = anyType;
anyification.anyTypePack = anyTypePack;
anyification.currentModule = currentModule;
std::optional<TypePackId> any = anyification.substitute(ty);
if (any.has_value())
return *any;
reportError(location, UnificationTooComplex{});
return errorTypePack;
void TypeChecker::reportError(const TypeError& error)
if (currentModule->mode == Mode::NoCheck)
currentModule->errors.back().moduleName = currentModuleName;
void TypeChecker::reportError(const Location& location, TypeErrorData errorData)
return reportError(TypeError{location, std::move(errorData)});
void TypeChecker::reportErrors(const ErrorVec& errors)
for (const auto& err : errors)
void TypeChecker::ice(const std::string& message, const Location& location)
iceHandler->ice(message, location);
void TypeChecker::ice(const std::string& message)
void TypeChecker::prepareErrorsForDisplay(ErrorVec& errVec)
// Remove errors with names that were generated by recovery from a parse error
errVec.erase(std::remove_if(errVec.begin(), errVec.end(),
[](auto& err) {
return containsParseErrorName(err);
for (auto& err : errVec)
if (auto utk = get<UnknownProperty>(err))
void TypeChecker::diagnoseMissingTableKey(UnknownProperty* utk, TypeErrorData& data)
std::string_view sv(utk->key);
std::set<Name> candidates;
auto accumulate = [&](const TableTypeVar::Props& props) {
for (const auto& [name, ty] : props)
if (sv != name && equalsLower(sv, name))
if (auto ttv = getTableType(follow(utk->table)))
else if (auto ctv = get<ClassTypeVar>(follow(utk->table)))
while (ctv)
if (!ctv->parent)
ctv = get<ClassTypeVar>(*ctv->parent);
if (!candidates.empty())
data = TypeErrorData(UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp{utk->table, utk->key, candidates});
LUAU_NOINLINE void TypeChecker::reportErrorCodeTooComplex(const Location& location)
reportError(TypeError{location, CodeTooComplex{}});
// Creates a new Scope but without carrying forward the varargs from the parent.
ScopePtr TypeChecker::childFunctionScope(const ScopePtr& parent, const Location& location, int subLevel)
ScopePtr scope = std::make_shared<Scope>(parent, subLevel);
currentModule->scopes.push_back(std::make_pair(location, scope));
return scope;
// Creates a new Scope and carries forward the varargs from the parent.
ScopePtr TypeChecker::childScope(const ScopePtr& parent, const Location& location, int subLevel)
ScopePtr scope = std::make_shared<Scope>(parent, subLevel);
scope->varargPack = parent->varargPack;
currentModule->scopes.push_back(std::make_pair(location, scope));
return scope;
void TypeChecker::merge(RefinementMap& l, const RefinementMap& r)
Luau::merge(l, r, [this](TypeId a, TypeId b) {
// TODO: normalize(UnionTypeVar{{a, b}})
std::unordered_set<TypeId> set;
if (auto utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(follow(a)))
set.insert(begin(utv), end(utv));
if (auto utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(follow(b)))
set.insert(begin(utv), end(utv));
std::vector<TypeId> options(set.begin(), set.end());
if (set.size() == 1)
return options[0];
return addType(UnionTypeVar{std::move(options)});
Unifier TypeChecker::mkUnifier(const Location& location)
return Unifier{&currentModule->internalTypes, currentModule->mode, globalScope, location, Variance::Covariant, unifierState};
Unifier TypeChecker::mkUnifier(const std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>>& seen, const Location& location)
return Unifier{&currentModule->internalTypes, currentModule->mode, globalScope, seen, location, Variance::Covariant, unifierState};
TypeId TypeChecker::freshType(const ScopePtr& scope)
return freshType(scope->level);
TypeId TypeChecker::freshType(TypeLevel level)
return currentModule->internalTypes.addType(TypeVar(FreeTypeVar(level)));
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::filterMap(TypeId type, TypeIdPredicate predicate)
std::vector<TypeId> types = Luau::filterMap(type, predicate);
if (!types.empty())
return types.size() == 1 ? types[0] : addType(UnionTypeVar{std::move(types)});
return std::nullopt;
TypeId TypeChecker::addType(const UnionTypeVar& utv)
LUAU_ASSERT(utv.options.size() > 1);
return addTV(TypeVar(utv));
TypeId TypeChecker::addTV(TypeVar&& tv)
return currentModule->internalTypes.addType(std::move(tv));
TypePackId TypeChecker::addTypePack(TypePackVar&& tv)
return currentModule->internalTypes.addTypePack(std::move(tv));
TypePackId TypeChecker::addTypePack(TypePack&& tp)
return addTypePack(TypePackVar(std::move(tp)));
TypePackId TypeChecker::addTypePack(const std::vector<TypeId>& ty)
return addTypePack(ty, std::nullopt);
TypePackId TypeChecker::addTypePack(const std::vector<TypeId>& ty, std::optional<TypePackId> tail)
return addTypePack(TypePackVar(TypePack{ty, tail}));
TypePackId TypeChecker::addTypePack(std::initializer_list<TypeId>&& ty)
return addTypePack(TypePackVar(TypePack{std::vector<TypeId>(begin(ty), end(ty)), std::nullopt}));
TypePackId TypeChecker::freshTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope)
return freshTypePack(scope->level);
TypePackId TypeChecker::freshTypePack(TypeLevel level)
return addTypePack(TypePackVar(FreeTypePack(level)));
TypeId TypeChecker::resolveType(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstType& annotation)
if (const auto& lit =<AstTypeReference>())
std::optional<TypeFun> tf;
if (lit->hasPrefix)
tf = scope->lookupImportedType(lit->prefix.value, lit->name.value);
else if (FFlag::DebugLuauMagicTypes && lit->name == "_luau_ice")
ice("_luau_ice encountered", lit->location);
else if (FFlag::DebugLuauMagicTypes && lit->name == "_luau_print")
if (lit->parameters.size != 1 || !lit->[0].type)
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, GenericError{"_luau_print requires one generic parameter"}});
return addType(ErrorTypeVar{});
ToStringOptions opts;
opts.exhaustive = true;
opts.maxTableLength = 0;
TypeId param = resolveType(scope, *lit->[0].type);
luauPrintLine(format("_luau_print\t%s\t|\t%s", toString(param, opts).c_str(), toString(lit->location).c_str()));
return param;
tf = scope->lookupType(lit->name.value);
if (!tf)
if (lit->name == Parser::errorName)
return addType(ErrorTypeVar{});
std::string typeName;
if (lit->hasPrefix)
typeName = std::string(lit->prefix.value) + ".";
typeName += lit->name.value;
if (scope->lookupPack(typeName))
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, SwappedGenericTypeParameter{typeName, SwappedGenericTypeParameter::Type}});
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, UnknownSymbol{typeName, UnknownSymbol::Type}});
return addType(ErrorTypeVar{});
if (lit->parameters.size == 0 && tf->typeParams.empty() && (!FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks || tf->typePackParams.empty()))
return tf->type;
else if (!FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks && lit->parameters.size != tf->typeParams.size())
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, IncorrectGenericParameterCount{lit->name.value, *tf, lit->parameters.size, 0}});
return addType(ErrorTypeVar{});
else if (FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
if (!lit->hasParameterList && !tf->typePackParams.empty())
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, GenericError{"Type parameter list is required"}});
return addType(ErrorTypeVar{});
std::vector<TypeId> typeParams;
std::vector<TypeId> extraTypes;
std::vector<TypePackId> typePackParams;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lit->parameters.size; ++i)
if (AstType* type = lit->[i].type)
TypeId ty = resolveType(scope, *type);
if (typeParams.size() < tf->typeParams.size() || tf->typePackParams.empty())
else if (typePackParams.empty())
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, GenericError{"Type parameters must come before type pack parameters"}});
else if (AstTypePack* typePack = lit->[i].typePack)
TypePackId tp = resolveTypePack(scope, *typePack);
// If we have collected an implicit type pack, materialize it
if (typePackParams.empty() && !extraTypes.empty())
// If we need more regular types, we can use single element type packs to fill those in
if (typeParams.size() < tf->typeParams.size() && size(tp) == 1 && finite(tp) && first(tp))
// If we still haven't meterialized an implicit type pack, do it now
if (typePackParams.empty() && !extraTypes.empty())
// If we didn't combine regular types into a type pack and we're still one type pack short, provide an empty type pack
if (extraTypes.empty() && typePackParams.size() + 1 == tf->typePackParams.size())
if (typeParams.size() != tf->typeParams.size() || typePackParams.size() != tf->typePackParams.size())
TypeError{annotation.location, IncorrectGenericParameterCount{lit->name.value, *tf, typeParams.size(), typePackParams.size()}});
return addType(ErrorTypeVar{});
if (FFlag::LuauRecursiveTypeParameterRestriction && typeParams == tf->typeParams && typePackParams == tf->typePackParams)
// If the generic parameters and the type arguments are the same, we are about to
// perform an identity substitution, which we can just short-circuit.
return tf->type;
return instantiateTypeFun(scope, *tf, typeParams, typePackParams, annotation.location);
std::vector<TypeId> typeParams;
for (const auto& param : lit->parameters)
typeParams.push_back(resolveType(scope, *param.type));
if (FFlag::LuauRecursiveTypeParameterRestriction && typeParams == tf->typeParams)
// If the generic parameters and the type arguments are the same, we are about to
// perform an identity substitution, which we can just short-circuit.
return tf->type;
return instantiateTypeFun(scope, *tf, typeParams, {}, annotation.location);
else if (const auto& table =<AstTypeTable>())
TableTypeVar::Props props;
std::optional<TableIndexer> tableIndexer;
for (const auto& prop : table->props)
props[] = {resolveType(scope, *prop.type)};
if (const auto& indexer = table->indexer)
tableIndexer = TableIndexer(
resolveType(scope, *indexer->indexType), resolveType(scope, *indexer->resultType));
return addType(TableTypeVar{
props, tableIndexer, scope->level,
TableState::Sealed // FIXME: probably want a way to annotate other kinds of tables maybe
else if (const auto& func =<AstTypeFunction>())
ScopePtr funcScope = childScope(scope, func->location);
auto [generics, genericPacks] = createGenericTypes(funcScope, std::nullopt, annotation, func->generics, func->genericPacks);
TypePackId argTypes = resolveTypePack(funcScope, func->argTypes);
TypePackId retTypes = resolveTypePack(funcScope, func->returnTypes);
TypeId fnType = addType(FunctionTypeVar{funcScope->level, std::move(generics), std::move(genericPacks), argTypes, retTypes});
FunctionTypeVar* ftv = getMutable<FunctionTypeVar>(fnType);
for (const auto& el : func->argNames)
if (el)
ftv->argNames.push_back(FunctionArgument{el->first.value, el->second});
return fnType;
else if (auto typeOf =<AstTypeTypeof>())
TypeId ty = checkExpr(scope, *typeOf->expr).type;
return ty;
else if (const auto& un =<AstTypeUnion>())
std::vector<TypeId> types;
for (AstType* ann : un->types)
types.push_back(resolveType(scope, *ann));
return addType(UnionTypeVar{types});
else if (const auto& un =<AstTypeIntersection>())
std::vector<TypeId> types;
for (AstType* ann : un->types)
types.push_back(resolveType(scope, *ann));
return addType(IntersectionTypeVar{types});
else if (<AstTypeError>())
return addType(ErrorTypeVar{});
reportError(TypeError{annotation.location, GenericError{"Unknown type annotation?"}});
return addType(ErrorTypeVar{});
TypePackId TypeChecker::resolveTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstTypeList& types)
if (types.types.size == 0 && types.tailType)
return resolveTypePack(scope, *types.tailType);
else if (types.types.size > 0)
std::vector<TypeId> head;
for (AstType* ann : types.types)
head.push_back(resolveType(scope, *ann));
std::optional<TypePackId> tail = types.tailType ? std::optional<TypePackId>(resolveTypePack(scope, *types.tailType)) : std::nullopt;
return addTypePack(TypePack{head, tail});
return addTypePack(TypePack{});
TypePackId TypeChecker::resolveTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstTypePack& annotation)
if (const AstTypePackVariadic* variadic =<AstTypePackVariadic>())
return addTypePack(TypePackVar{VariadicTypePack{resolveType(scope, *variadic->variadicType)}});
else if (const AstTypePackGeneric* generic =<AstTypePackGeneric>())
Name genericName = Name(generic->genericName.value);
std::optional<TypePackId> genericTy = scope->lookupPack(genericName);
if (!genericTy)
if (scope->lookupType(genericName))
reportError(TypeError{generic->location, SwappedGenericTypeParameter{genericName, SwappedGenericTypeParameter::Pack}});
reportError(TypeError{generic->location, UnknownSymbol{genericName, UnknownSymbol::Type}});
return addTypePack(TypePackVar{Unifiable::Error{}});
return *genericTy;
else if (const AstTypePackExplicit* explicitTp =<AstTypePackExplicit>())
std::vector<TypeId> types;
for (auto type : explicitTp->typeList.types)
types.push_back(resolveType(scope, *type));
if (auto tailType = explicitTp->typeList.tailType)
return addTypePack(types, resolveTypePack(scope, *tailType));
return addTypePack(types);
ice("Unknown AstTypePack kind");
bool ApplyTypeFunction::isDirty(TypeId ty)
// Really this should just replace the arguments,
// but for bug-compatibility with existing code, we replace
// all generics.
if (get<GenericTypeVar>(ty))
return true;
else if (const FreeTypeVar* ftv = get<FreeTypeVar>(ty))
if (FFlag::LuauRecursiveTypeParameterRestriction && ftv->forwardedTypeAlias)
encounteredForwardedType = true;
return false;
return false;
bool ApplyTypeFunction::isDirty(TypePackId tp)
// Really this should just replace the arguments,
// but for bug-compatibility with existing code, we replace
// all generics.
if (get<GenericTypePack>(tp))
return true;
return false;
bool ApplyTypeFunction::ignoreChildren(TypeId ty)
if (FFlag::LuauSubstitutionDontReplaceIgnoredTypes && get<GenericTypeVar>(ty))
return true;
return false;
bool ApplyTypeFunction::ignoreChildren(TypePackId tp)
if (FFlag::LuauSubstitutionDontReplaceIgnoredTypes && get<GenericTypePack>(tp))
return true;
return false;
TypeId ApplyTypeFunction::clean(TypeId ty)
// Really this should just replace the arguments,
// but for bug-compatibility with existing code, we replace
// all generics by free type variables.
TypeId& arg = typeArguments[ty];
if (arg)
return arg;
return addType(FreeTypeVar{level});
TypePackId ApplyTypeFunction::clean(TypePackId tp)
// Really this should just replace the arguments,
// but for bug-compatibility with existing code, we replace
// all generics by free type variables.
if (FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
TypePackId& arg = typePackArguments[tp];
if (arg)
return arg;
return addTypePack(FreeTypePack{level});
return addTypePack(FreeTypePack{level});
TypeId TypeChecker::instantiateTypeFun(const ScopePtr& scope, const TypeFun& tf, const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams,
const std::vector<TypePackId>& typePackParams, const Location& location)
if (tf.typeParams.empty() && (!FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks || tf.typePackParams.empty()))
return tf.type;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tf.typeParams.size(); ++i)
applyTypeFunction.typeArguments[tf.typeParams[i]] = typeParams[i];
if (FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
for (size_t i = 0; i < tf.typePackParams.size(); ++i)
applyTypeFunction.typePackArguments[tf.typePackParams[i]] = typePackParams[i];
applyTypeFunction.currentModule = currentModule;
applyTypeFunction.level = scope->level;
applyTypeFunction.encounteredForwardedType = false;
std::optional<TypeId> maybeInstantiated = applyTypeFunction.substitute(tf.type);
if (!maybeInstantiated.has_value())
reportError(location, UnificationTooComplex{});
return errorType;
if (FFlag::LuauRecursiveTypeParameterRestriction && applyTypeFunction.encounteredForwardedType)
reportError(TypeError{location, GenericError{"Recursive type being used with different parameters"}});
return errorType;
TypeId instantiated = *maybeInstantiated;
if (FFlag::LuauCloneCorrectlyBeforeMutatingTableType)
// TODO: CLI-46926 it's not a good idea to rename the type here
TypeId target = follow(instantiated);
bool needsClone = follow(tf.type) == target;
TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutableTableType(target);
if (ttv && needsClone)
// Substitution::clone is a shallow clone. If this is a metatable type, we
// want to mutate its table, so we need to explicitly clone that table as
// well. If we don't, we will mutate another module's type surface and cause
// a use-after-free.
if (get<MetatableTypeVar>(target))
instantiated = applyTypeFunction.clone(tf.type);
MetatableTypeVar* mtv = getMutable<MetatableTypeVar>(instantiated);
mtv->table = applyTypeFunction.clone(mtv->table);
ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(mtv->table);
if (get<TableTypeVar>(target))
instantiated = applyTypeFunction.clone(tf.type);
ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(instantiated);
if (ttv)
ttv->instantiatedTypeParams = typeParams;
if (FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
ttv->instantiatedTypePackParams = typePackParams;
if (TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutableTableType(instantiated))
if (follow(tf.type) == instantiated)
// This can happen if a type alias has generics that it does not use at all.
// ex type FooBar<T> = { a: number }
instantiated = applyTypeFunction.clone(tf.type);
ttv = getMutableTableType(instantiated);
ttv->instantiatedTypeParams = typeParams;
if (FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
ttv->instantiatedTypePackParams = typePackParams;
return instantiated;
std::pair<std::vector<TypeId>, std::vector<TypePackId>> TypeChecker::createGenericTypes(
const ScopePtr& scope, std::optional<TypeLevel> levelOpt, const AstNode& node, const AstArray<AstName>& genericNames, const AstArray<AstName>& genericPackNames)
const TypeLevel level = (FFlag::LuauQuantifyInPlace2 && levelOpt) ? *levelOpt : scope->level;
std::vector<TypeId> generics;
for (const AstName& generic : genericNames)
Name n = generic.value;
// These generics are the only thing that will ever be added to scope, so we can be certain that
// a collision can only occur when two generic typevars have the same name.
if (scope->privateTypeBindings.count(n) || scope->privateTypePackBindings.count(n))
// TODO(jhuelsman): report the exact span of the generic type parameter whose name is a duplicate.
reportError(TypeError{node.location, DuplicateGenericParameter{n}});
TypeId g;
if (FFlag::LuauRecursiveTypeParameterRestriction && FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
TypeId& cached = scope->parent->typeAliasTypeParameters[n];
if (!cached)
cached = addType(GenericTypeVar{level, n});
g = cached;
g = addType(Unifiable::Generic{level, n});
scope->privateTypeBindings[n] = TypeFun{{}, g};
std::vector<TypePackId> genericPacks;
for (const AstName& genericPack : genericPackNames)
Name n = genericPack.value;
// These generics are the only thing that will ever be added to scope, so we can be certain that
// a collision can only occur when two generic typevars have the same name.
if (scope->privateTypePackBindings.count(n) || scope->privateTypeBindings.count(n))
// TODO(jhuelsman): report the exact span of the generic type parameter whose name is a duplicate.
reportError(TypeError{node.location, DuplicateGenericParameter{n}});
TypePackId g;
if (FFlag::LuauRecursiveTypeParameterRestriction && FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks)
TypePackId& cached = scope->parent->typeAliasTypePackParameters[n];
if (!cached)
cached = addTypePack(TypePackVar{Unifiable::Generic{level, n}});
g = cached;
g = addTypePack(TypePackVar{Unifiable::Generic{level, n}});
scope->privateTypePackBindings[n] = g;
return {generics, genericPacks};
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::resolveLValue(const ScopePtr& scope, const LValue& lvalue)
std::string path = toString(lvalue);
auto [symbol, keys] = getFullName(lvalue);
ScopePtr currentScope = scope;
while (currentScope)
if (auto it = currentScope->refinements.find(path); it != currentScope->refinements.end())
return it->second;
// Should not be using scope->lookup. This is already recursive.
if (auto it = currentScope->bindings.find(symbol); it != currentScope->bindings.end())
std::optional<TypeId> currentTy = it->second.typeId;
for (std::string key : keys)
// TODO: This function probably doesn't need Location at all, or at least should hide the argument.
currentTy = getIndexTypeFromType(scope, *currentTy, key, Location(), false);
if (!currentTy)
return currentTy;
currentScope = currentScope->parent;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<TypeId> TypeChecker::resolveLValue(const RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, const LValue& lvalue)
if (auto it = refis.find(toString(lvalue)); it != refis.end())
return it->second;
return resolveLValue(scope, lvalue);
// Only should be used for refinements!
// This can probably go away once we have something that can limit a free type's type domain.
static bool isUndecidable(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
return get<AnyTypeVar>(ty) || get<ErrorTypeVar>(ty) || get<FreeTypeVar>(ty);
ErrorVec TypeChecker::resolve(const PredicateVec& predicates, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
ErrorVec errVec;
resolve(predicates, errVec, scope->refinements, scope, sense);
return errVec;
void TypeChecker::resolve(const PredicateVec& predicates, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense, bool fromOr)
for (const Predicate& c : predicates)
resolve(c, errVec, refis, scope, sense, fromOr);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const Predicate& predicate, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense, bool fromOr)
if (auto truthyP = get<TruthyPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*truthyP, errVec, refis, scope, sense, fromOr);
else if (auto andP = get<AndPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*andP, errVec, refis, scope, sense);
else if (auto orP = get<OrPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*orP, errVec, refis, scope, sense);
else if (auto notP = get<NotPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(notP->predicates, errVec, refis, scope, !sense, fromOr);
else if (auto isaP = get<IsAPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*isaP, errVec, refis, scope, sense);
else if (auto typeguardP = get<TypeGuardPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*typeguardP, errVec, refis, scope, sense);
else if (auto eqP = get<EqPredicate>(predicate))
resolve(*eqP, errVec, refis, scope, sense);
ice("Unhandled predicate kind");
void TypeChecker::resolve(const TruthyPredicate& truthyP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense, bool fromOr)
auto predicate = [sense](TypeId option) -> std::optional<TypeId> {
if (isUndecidable(option) || isBoolean(option) || isNil(option) != sense)
return option;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(refis, scope, truthyP.lvalue);
if (!ty)
// This is a hack. :(
// Without this, the expression 'a or b' might refine 'b' to be falsy.
// I'm not yet sure how else to get this to do the right thing without this hack, so we'll do this for now in the meantime.
if (fromOr)
return addRefinement(refis, truthyP.lvalue, *ty);
if (std::optional<TypeId> result = filterMap(*ty, predicate))
addRefinement(refis, truthyP.lvalue, *result);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const AndPredicate& andP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
if (!sense)
OrPredicate orP{
return resolve(orP, errVec, refis, scope, !sense);
resolve(andP.lhs, errVec, refis, scope, sense);
resolve(andP.rhs, errVec, refis, scope, sense);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const OrPredicate& orP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
if (!sense)
AndPredicate andP{
return resolve(andP, errVec, refis, scope, !sense);
ErrorVec discarded;
RefinementMap leftRefis;
resolve(orP.lhs, errVec, leftRefis, scope, sense);
RefinementMap rightRefis;
resolve(orP.lhs, discarded, rightRefis, scope, !sense);
resolve(orP.rhs, errVec, rightRefis, scope, sense, true); // :(
merge(refis, leftRefis);
merge(refis, rightRefis);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const IsAPredicate& isaP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
auto predicate = [&](TypeId option) -> std::optional<TypeId> {
// This by itself is not truly enough to determine that A is stronger than B or vice versa.
// The best unambiguous way about this would be to have a function that returns the relationship ordering of a pair.
// i.e. TypeRelationship relationshipOf(TypeId superTy, TypeId subTy)
bool optionIsSubtype = canUnify(isaP.ty, option, isaP.location).empty();
bool targetIsSubtype = canUnify(option, isaP.ty, isaP.location).empty();
// If A is a superset of B, then if sense is true, we promote A to B, otherwise we keep A.
if (!optionIsSubtype && targetIsSubtype)
return sense ? isaP.ty : option;
// If A is a subset of B, then if sense is true we pick A, otherwise we eliminate A.
if (optionIsSubtype && !targetIsSubtype)
return sense ? std::optional<TypeId>(option) : std::nullopt;
// If neither has any relationship, we only return A if sense is false.
if (!optionIsSubtype && !targetIsSubtype)
return sense ? std::nullopt : std::optional<TypeId>(option);
// If both are subtypes, then we're in one of the two situations:
// 1. Instance₁ <: Instance₂ ∧ Instance₂ <: Instance₁
// 2. any <: Instance ∧ Instance <: any
// Right now, we have to look at the types to see if they were undecidables.
// By this point, we also know free tables are also subtypes and supertypes.
if (optionIsSubtype && targetIsSubtype)
// We can only have (any, Instance) because the rhs is never undecidable right now.
// So we can just return the right hand side immediately.
// typeof(x) == "Instance" where x : any
auto ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(option);
if (isUndecidable(option) || (ttv && ttv->state == TableState::Free))
return sense ? isaP.ty : option;
// typeof(x) == "Instance" where x : Instance
if (sense)
return isaP.ty;
// local variable works around an odd gcc 9.3 warning: <anonymous> may be used uninitialized
std::optional<TypeId> res = std::nullopt;
return res;
std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(refis, scope, isaP.lvalue);
if (!ty)
if (std::optional<TypeId> result = filterMap(*ty, predicate))
addRefinement(refis, isaP.lvalue, *result);
addRefinement(refis, isaP.lvalue, errorType);
errVec.push_back(TypeError{isaP.location, TypeMismatch{isaP.ty, *ty}});
void TypeChecker::resolve(const TypeGuardPredicate& typeguardP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
// Rewrite the predicate 'type(foo) == "vector"' to be 'typeof(foo) == "Vector3"'. They're exactly identical.
// This allows us to avoid writing in edge cases.
if (!typeguardP.isTypeof && typeguardP.kind == "vector")
return resolve(TypeGuardPredicate{std::move(typeguardP.lvalue), typeguardP.location, "Vector3", true}, errVec, refis, scope, sense);
std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(refis, scope, typeguardP.lvalue);
if (!ty)
// In certain cases, the value may actually be nil, but Luau doesn't know about it. So we whitelist this.
if (sense && typeguardP.kind == "nil")
addRefinement(refis, typeguardP.lvalue, nilType);
using ConditionFunc = bool(TypeId);
using SenseToTypeIdPredicate = std::function<TypeIdPredicate(bool)>;
auto mkFilter = [](ConditionFunc f, std::optional<TypeId> other = std::nullopt) -> SenseToTypeIdPredicate {
return [f, other](bool sense) -> TypeIdPredicate {
return [f, other, sense](TypeId ty) -> std::optional<TypeId> {
if (f(ty) == sense)
return ty;
if (isUndecidable(ty))
return other.value_or(ty);
return std::nullopt;
// Note: "vector" never happens here at this point, so we don't have to write something for it.
// clang-format off
static const std::unordered_map<std::string, SenseToTypeIdPredicate> primitives{
// Trivial primitives.
{"nil", mkFilter(isNil, nilType)}, // This can still happen when sense is false!
{"string", mkFilter(isString, stringType)},
{"number", mkFilter(isNumber, numberType)},
{"boolean", mkFilter(isBoolean, booleanType)},
{"thread", mkFilter(isThread, threadType)},
// Non-trivial primitives.
{"table", mkFilter([](TypeId ty) -> bool { return isTableIntersection(ty) || get<TableTypeVar>(ty) || get<MetatableTypeVar>(ty); })},
{"function", mkFilter([](TypeId ty) -> bool { return isOverloadedFunction(ty) || get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty); })},
// For now, we don't really care about being accurate with userdata if the typeguard was using typeof.
{"userdata", mkFilter([](TypeId ty) -> bool { return get<ClassTypeVar>(ty); })},
// clang-format on
if (auto it = primitives.find(typeguardP.kind); it != primitives.end())
if (std::optional<TypeId> result = filterMap(*ty, it->second(sense)))
addRefinement(refis, typeguardP.lvalue, *result);
addRefinement(refis, typeguardP.lvalue, errorType);
if (sense)
TypeError{typeguardP.location, GenericError{"Type '" + toString(*ty) + "' has no overlap with '" + typeguardP.kind + "'"}});
auto fail = [&](const TypeErrorData& err) {
errVec.push_back(TypeError{typeguardP.location, err});
addRefinement(refis, typeguardP.lvalue, errorType);
if (!typeguardP.isTypeof)
return fail(UnknownSymbol{typeguardP.kind, UnknownSymbol::Type});
auto typeFun = globalScope->lookupType(typeguardP.kind);
if (!typeFun || !typeFun->typeParams.empty() || (FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks && !typeFun->typePackParams.empty()))
return fail(UnknownSymbol{typeguardP.kind, UnknownSymbol::Type});
TypeId type = follow(typeFun->type);
// We're only interested in the root class of any classes.
if (auto ctv = get<ClassTypeVar>(type); !ctv || ctv->parent)
return fail(UnknownSymbol{typeguardP.kind, UnknownSymbol::Type});
// This probably hints at breaking out type filtering functions from the predicate solver so that typeof is not tightly coupled with IsA.
// Until then, we rewrite this to be the same as using IsA.
return resolve(IsAPredicate{std::move(typeguardP.lvalue), typeguardP.location, type}, errVec, refis, scope, sense);
void TypeChecker::DEPRECATED_resolve(const TypeGuardPredicate& typeguardP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
if (!sense)
static std::vector<std::string> primitives{
"string", "number", "boolean", "nil", "thread",
"table", // no op. Requires special handling.
"function", // no op. Requires special handling.
"userdata", // no op. Requires special handling.
if (auto typeFun = globalScope->lookupType(typeguardP.kind);
typeFun && typeFun->typeParams.empty() && (!FFlag::LuauTypeAliasPacks || typeFun->typePackParams.empty()))
if (auto it = std::find(primitives.begin(), primitives.end(), typeguardP.kind); it != primitives.end())
addRefinement(refis, typeguardP.lvalue, typeFun->type);
else if (typeguardP.isTypeof)
addRefinement(refis, typeguardP.lvalue, typeFun->type);
void TypeChecker::resolve(const EqPredicate& eqP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense)
// This refinement will require success typing to do everything correctly. For now, we can get most of the way there.
auto options = [](TypeId ty) -> std::vector<TypeId> {
if (auto utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(follow(ty)))
return std::vector<TypeId>(begin(utv), end(utv));
return {ty};
if (FFlag::LuauWeakEqConstraint)
if (!sense && isNil(eqP.type))
resolve(TruthyPredicate{std::move(eqP.lvalue), eqP.location}, errVec, refis, scope, true, /* fromOr= */ false);
if (FFlag::LuauEqConstraint)
std::optional<TypeId> ty = resolveLValue(refis, scope, eqP.lvalue);
if (!ty)
std::vector<TypeId> lhs = options(*ty);
std::vector<TypeId> rhs = options(eqP.type);
if (sense && std::any_of(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), isUndecidable))
addRefinement(refis, eqP.lvalue, eqP.type);
else if (sense && std::any_of(rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), isUndecidable))
return; // Optimization: the other side has unknown types, so there's probably an overlap. Refining is no-op here.
std::unordered_set<TypeId> set;
for (TypeId left : lhs)
for (TypeId right : rhs)
// When singleton types arrive, `isNil` here probably should be replaced with `isLiteral`.
if (canUnify(left, right, eqP.location).empty() == sense || (!sense && !isNil(left)))
if (set.empty())
std::vector<TypeId> viable(set.begin(), set.end());
TypeId result = viable.size() == 1 ? viable[0] : addType(UnionTypeVar{std::move(viable)});
addRefinement(refis, eqP.lvalue, result);
bool TypeChecker::isNonstrictMode() const
return (currentModule->mode == Mode::Nonstrict) || (currentModule->mode == Mode::NoCheck);
std::vector<TypeId> TypeChecker::unTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope, TypePackId tp, size_t expectedLength, const Location& location)
TypePackId expectedTypePack = addTypePack({});
TypePack* expectedPack = getMutable<TypePack>(expectedTypePack);
for (size_t i = 0; i < expectedLength; ++i)
unify(expectedTypePack, tp, location);
for (TypeId& tp : expectedPack->head)
tp = follow(tp);
return expectedPack->head;
std::vector<std::pair<Location, ScopePtr>> TypeChecker::getScopes() const
return currentModule->scopes;
} // namespace Luau