mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 11:11:41 +00:00

* Rerun clang-format on the code * Fix the variance on indexer result subtyping. This fixes some issues with inconsistent error reporting. * Fix a bug in the normalization logic for intersections of strings New Type Solver * New overload selection logic * Subtype tests now correctly treat a generic as its upper bound within that generic's scope * Semantic subtyping for negation types * Semantic subtyping between strings and compatible table types like `{lower: (string) -> string}` * Further work toward finalizing our new subtype test * Correctly generalize module-scope symbols Native Codegen * Lowering statistics for assembly * Make executable allocation size/limit configurable without a rebuild. Use `FInt::LuauCodeGenBlockSize` and `FInt::LuauCodeGenMaxTotalSize`. --------- Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <lbrown@roblox.com>
379 lines
13 KiB
379 lines
13 KiB
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "lua.h"
#include "lualib.h"
#include "Luau/CodeGen.h"
#include "Luau/Compiler.h"
#include "Luau/BytecodeBuilder.h"
#include "Luau/Parser.h"
#include "Luau/TimeTrace.h"
#include "FileUtils.h"
#include "Flags.h"
#include <memory>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
enum class CompileFormat
Codegen, // Prints annotated native code including IR and assembly
CodegenAsm, // Prints annotated native code assembly
CodegenIr, // Prints annotated native code IR
CodegenVerbose, // Prints annotated native code including IR, assembly and outlined code
struct GlobalOptions
int optimizationLevel = 1;
int debugLevel = 1;
} globalOptions;
static Luau::CompileOptions copts()
Luau::CompileOptions result = {};
result.optimizationLevel = globalOptions.optimizationLevel;
result.debugLevel = globalOptions.debugLevel;
return result;
static std::optional<CompileFormat> getCompileFormat(const char* name)
if (strcmp(name, "text") == 0)
return CompileFormat::Text;
else if (strcmp(name, "binary") == 0)
return CompileFormat::Binary;
else if (strcmp(name, "text") == 0)
return CompileFormat::Text;
else if (strcmp(name, "remarks") == 0)
return CompileFormat::Remarks;
else if (strcmp(name, "codegen") == 0)
return CompileFormat::Codegen;
else if (strcmp(name, "codegenasm") == 0)
return CompileFormat::CodegenAsm;
else if (strcmp(name, "codegenir") == 0)
return CompileFormat::CodegenIr;
else if (strcmp(name, "codegenverbose") == 0)
return CompileFormat::CodegenVerbose;
else if (strcmp(name, "codegennull") == 0)
return CompileFormat::CodegenNull;
else if (strcmp(name, "null") == 0)
return CompileFormat::Null;
return std::nullopt;
static void report(const char* name, const Luau::Location& location, const char* type, const char* message)
fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d,%d): %s: %s\n", name, location.begin.line + 1, location.begin.column + 1, type, message);
static void reportError(const char* name, const Luau::ParseError& error)
report(name, error.getLocation(), "SyntaxError", error.what());
static void reportError(const char* name, const Luau::CompileError& error)
report(name, error.getLocation(), "CompileError", error.what());
static std::string getCodegenAssembly(
const char* name, const std::string& bytecode, Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions options, Luau::CodeGen::LoweringStats* stats)
std::unique_ptr<lua_State, void (*)(lua_State*)> globalState(luaL_newstate(), lua_close);
lua_State* L = globalState.get();
if (luau_load(L, name, bytecode.data(), bytecode.size(), 0) == 0)
return Luau::CodeGen::getAssembly(L, -1, options, stats);
fprintf(stderr, "Error loading bytecode %s\n", name);
return "";
static void annotateInstruction(void* context, std::string& text, int fid, int instpos)
Luau::BytecodeBuilder& bcb = *(Luau::BytecodeBuilder*)context;
bcb.annotateInstruction(text, fid, instpos);
struct CompileStats
size_t lines;
size_t bytecode;
size_t codegen;
double readTime;
double miscTime;
double parseTime;
double compileTime;
double codegenTime;
Luau::CodeGen::LoweringStats lowerStats;
static double recordDeltaTime(double& timer)
double now = Luau::TimeTrace::getClock();
double delta = now - timer;
timer = now;
return delta;
static bool compileFile(const char* name, CompileFormat format, Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions::Target assemblyTarget, CompileStats& stats)
double currts = Luau::TimeTrace::getClock();
std::optional<std::string> source = readFile(name);
if (!source)
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", name);
return false;
stats.readTime += recordDeltaTime(currts);
// NOTE: Normally, you should use Luau::compile or luau_compile (see lua_require as an example)
// This function is much more complicated because it supports many output human-readable formats through internal interfaces
Luau::BytecodeBuilder bcb;
Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions options;
options.target = assemblyTarget;
options.outputBinary = format == CompileFormat::CodegenNull;
if (!options.outputBinary)
options.includeAssembly = format != CompileFormat::CodegenIr;
options.includeIr = format != CompileFormat::CodegenAsm;
options.includeOutlinedCode = format == CompileFormat::CodegenVerbose;
options.annotator = annotateInstruction;
options.annotatorContext = &bcb;
if (format == CompileFormat::Text)
bcb.setDumpFlags(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Dump_Code | Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Dump_Source | Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Dump_Locals |
else if (format == CompileFormat::Remarks)
bcb.setDumpFlags(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Dump_Source | Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Dump_Remarks);
else if (format == CompileFormat::Codegen || format == CompileFormat::CodegenAsm || format == CompileFormat::CodegenIr ||
format == CompileFormat::CodegenVerbose)
bcb.setDumpFlags(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Dump_Code | Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Dump_Source | Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Dump_Locals |
stats.miscTime += recordDeltaTime(currts);
Luau::Allocator allocator;
Luau::AstNameTable names(allocator);
Luau::ParseResult result = Luau::Parser::parse(source->c_str(), source->size(), names, allocator);
if (!result.errors.empty())
throw Luau::ParseErrors(result.errors);
stats.lines += result.lines;
stats.parseTime += recordDeltaTime(currts);
Luau::compileOrThrow(bcb, result, names, copts());
stats.bytecode += bcb.getBytecode().size();
stats.compileTime += recordDeltaTime(currts);
switch (format)
case CompileFormat::Text:
printf("%s", bcb.dumpEverything().c_str());
case CompileFormat::Remarks:
printf("%s", bcb.dumpSourceRemarks().c_str());
case CompileFormat::Binary:
fwrite(bcb.getBytecode().data(), 1, bcb.getBytecode().size(), stdout);
case CompileFormat::Codegen:
case CompileFormat::CodegenAsm:
case CompileFormat::CodegenIr:
case CompileFormat::CodegenVerbose:
printf("%s", getCodegenAssembly(name, bcb.getBytecode(), options, &stats.lowerStats).c_str());
case CompileFormat::CodegenNull:
stats.codegen += getCodegenAssembly(name, bcb.getBytecode(), options, &stats.lowerStats).size();
stats.codegenTime += recordDeltaTime(currts);
case CompileFormat::Null:
return true;
catch (Luau::ParseErrors& e)
for (auto& error : e.getErrors())
reportError(name, error);
return false;
catch (Luau::CompileError& e)
reportError(name, e);
return false;
static void displayHelp(const char* argv0)
printf("Usage: %s [--mode] [options] [file list]\n", argv0);
printf("Available modes:\n");
printf(" binary, text, remarks, codegen\n");
printf("Available options:\n");
printf(" -h, --help: Display this usage message.\n");
printf(" -O<n>: compile with optimization level n (default 1, n should be between 0 and 2).\n");
printf(" -g<n>: compile with debug level n (default 1, n should be between 0 and 2).\n");
printf(" --target=<target>: compile code for specific architecture (a64, x64, a64_nf, x64_ms).\n");
printf(" --timetrace: record compiler time tracing information into trace.json\n");
static int assertionHandler(const char* expr, const char* file, int line, const char* function)
printf("%s(%d): ASSERTION FAILED: %s\n", file, line, expr);
return 1;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Luau::assertHandler() = assertionHandler;
CompileFormat compileFormat = CompileFormat::Text;
Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions::Target assemblyTarget = Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions::Host;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0)
return 0;
else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-O", 2) == 0)
int level = atoi(argv[i] + 2);
if (level < 0 || level > 2)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Optimization level must be between 0 and 2 inclusive.\n");
return 1;
globalOptions.optimizationLevel = level;
else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-g", 2) == 0)
int level = atoi(argv[i] + 2);
if (level < 0 || level > 2)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Debug level must be between 0 and 2 inclusive.\n");
return 1;
globalOptions.debugLevel = level;
else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--target=", 9) == 0)
const char* value = argv[i] + 9;
if (strcmp(value, "a64") == 0)
assemblyTarget = Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions::A64;
else if (strcmp(value, "a64_nf") == 0)
assemblyTarget = Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions::A64_NoFeatures;
else if (strcmp(value, "x64") == 0)
assemblyTarget = Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions::X64_SystemV;
else if (strcmp(value, "x64_ms") == 0)
assemblyTarget = Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions::X64_Windows;
fprintf(stderr, "Error: unknown target\n");
return 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--timetrace") == 0)
FFlag::DebugLuauTimeTracing.value = true;
else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--fflags=", 9) == 0)
setLuauFlags(argv[i] + 9);
else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-' && getCompileFormat(argv[i] + 2))
compileFormat = *getCompileFormat(argv[i] + 2);
else if (argv[i][0] == '-')
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unrecognized option '%s'.\n\n", argv[i]);
return 1;
if (FFlag::DebugLuauTimeTracing)
fprintf(stderr, "To run with --timetrace, Luau has to be built with LUAU_ENABLE_TIME_TRACE enabled\n");
return 1;
const std::vector<std::string> files = getSourceFiles(argc, argv);
#ifdef _WIN32
if (compileFormat == CompileFormat::Binary)
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY);
CompileStats stats = {};
int failed = 0;
for (const std::string& path : files)
failed += !compileFile(path.c_str(), compileFormat, assemblyTarget, stats);
if (compileFormat == CompileFormat::Null)
printf("Compiled %d KLOC into %d KB bytecode (read %.2fs, parse %.2fs, compile %.2fs)\n", int(stats.lines / 1000), int(stats.bytecode / 1024),
stats.readTime, stats.parseTime, stats.compileTime);
else if (compileFormat == CompileFormat::CodegenNull)
printf("Compiled %d KLOC into %d KB bytecode => %d KB native code (%.2fx) (read %.2fs, parse %.2fs, compile %.2fs, codegen %.2fs)\n",
int(stats.lines / 1000), int(stats.bytecode / 1024), int(stats.codegen / 1024),
stats.bytecode == 0 ? 0.0 : double(stats.codegen) / double(stats.bytecode), stats.readTime, stats.parseTime, stats.compileTime,
printf("Lowering stats:\n");
printf("- spills to stack: %d, spills to restore: %d, max spill slot %u\n", stats.lowerStats.spillsToSlot, stats.lowerStats.spillsToRestore,
printf("- regalloc failed: %d, lowering failed %d\n", stats.lowerStats.regAllocErrors, stats.lowerStats.loweringErrors);
return failed ? 1 : 0;