Andy Friesen 74c532053f
Sync to upstream/release/604 (#1106)
New Solver

* New algorithm for inferring the types of locals that have no
annotations. This
algorithm is very conservative by default, but is augmented with some
  flow awareness to handle most common scenarios.
* Fix bugs in type inference of tables
* Improve performance of by switching out standard C++ containers for
* Infrastructure to support clearer error messages in strict mode

Native Code Generation

* Fix a lowering issue with buffer.writeu8 and 0x80-0xff values: A
  argument wasn't truncated to the target type range and that causes an
  assertion failure in ``.
* Store full lightuserdata value in loop iteration protocol lowering
* Add analysis to compute function bytecode distribution
* This includes a class to analyze the bytecode operator distribution
function and a CLI tool that produces a JSON report. See the new cmake
      target `Luau.Bytecode.CLI`


Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
2023-11-17 10:46:18 -08:00

206 lines
8.7 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Set.h"
#include "Luau/TypeFwd.h"
#include "Luau/TypePairHash.h"
#include "Luau/TypePath.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
namespace Luau
template<typename A, typename B>
struct TryPair;
struct InternalErrorReporter;
class TypeIds;
class Normalizer;
struct NormalizedType;
struct NormalizedClassType;
struct NormalizedStringType;
struct NormalizedFunctionType;
struct TypeArena;
struct Scope;
struct TableIndexer;
enum class SubtypingVariance
// Used for an empty key. Should never appear in actual code.
struct SubtypingReasoning
Path subPath;
Path superPath;
SubtypingVariance variance = SubtypingVariance::Covariant;
bool operator==(const SubtypingReasoning& other) const;
struct SubtypingReasoningHash
size_t operator()(const SubtypingReasoning& r) const;
struct SubtypingResult
bool isSubtype = false;
bool isErrorSuppressing = false;
bool normalizationTooComplex = false;
bool isCacheable = true;
/// The reason for isSubtype to be false. May not be present even if
/// isSubtype is false, depending on the input types.
DenseHashSet<SubtypingReasoning, SubtypingReasoningHash> reasoning{
SubtypingReasoning{TypePath::kEmpty, TypePath::kEmpty, SubtypingVariance::Invalid}};
SubtypingResult& andAlso(const SubtypingResult& other);
SubtypingResult& orElse(const SubtypingResult& other);
SubtypingResult& withBothComponent(TypePath::Component component);
SubtypingResult& withSuperComponent(TypePath::Component component);
SubtypingResult& withSubComponent(TypePath::Component component);
SubtypingResult& withBothPath(TypePath::Path path);
SubtypingResult& withSubPath(TypePath::Path path);
SubtypingResult& withSuperPath(TypePath::Path path);
SubtypingResult& withVariance(SubtypingVariance variance);
// Only negates the `isSubtype`.
static SubtypingResult negate(const SubtypingResult& result);
static SubtypingResult all(const std::vector<SubtypingResult>& results);
static SubtypingResult any(const std::vector<SubtypingResult>& results);
struct SubtypingEnvironment
struct GenericBounds
DenseHashSet<TypeId> lowerBound{nullptr};
DenseHashSet<TypeId> upperBound{nullptr};
* When we encounter a generic over the course of a subtyping test, we need
* to tentatively map that generic onto a type on the other side.
DenseHashMap<TypeId, GenericBounds> mappedGenerics{nullptr};
DenseHashMap<TypePackId, TypePackId> mappedGenericPacks{nullptr};
DenseHashMap<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>, SubtypingResult, TypePairHash> ephemeralCache{{}};
struct Subtyping
NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes;
NotNull<TypeArena> arena;
NotNull<Normalizer> normalizer;
NotNull<InternalErrorReporter> iceReporter;
NotNull<Scope> scope;
enum class Variance
Variance variance = Variance::Covariant;
using SeenSet = Set<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>, TypePairHash>;
SeenSet seenTypes{{}};
Subtyping(NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, NotNull<TypeArena> typeArena, NotNull<Normalizer> normalizer,
NotNull<InternalErrorReporter> iceReporter, NotNull<Scope> scope);
Subtyping(const Subtyping&) = delete;
Subtyping& operator=(const Subtyping&) = delete;
Subtyping(Subtyping&&) = default;
Subtyping& operator=(Subtyping&&) = default;
// Only used by unit tests to test that the cache works.
const DenseHashMap<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>, SubtypingResult, TypePairHash>& peekCache() const
return resultCache;
// TODO cache
// TODO cyclic types
// TODO recursion limits
SubtypingResult isSubtype(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy);
SubtypingResult isSubtype(TypePackId subTy, TypePackId superTy);
DenseHashMap<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>, SubtypingResult, TypePairHash> resultCache{{}};
SubtypingResult cache(SubtypingEnvironment& env, SubtypingResult res, TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, TypePackId subTy, TypePackId superTy);
template<typename SubTy, typename SuperTy>
SubtypingResult isContravariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, SubTy&& subTy, SuperTy&& superTy);
template<typename SubTy, typename SuperTy>
SubtypingResult isInvariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, SubTy&& subTy, SuperTy&& superTy);
template<typename SubTy, typename SuperTy>
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const TryPair<const SubTy*, const SuperTy*>& pair);
template<typename SubTy, typename SuperTy>
SubtypingResult isContravariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const TryPair<const SubTy*, const SuperTy*>& pair);
template<typename SubTy, typename SuperTy>
SubtypingResult isInvariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const TryPair<const SubTy*, const SuperTy*>& pair);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, TypeId subTy, const UnionType* superUnion);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const UnionType* subUnion, TypeId superTy);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, TypeId subTy, const IntersectionType* superIntersection);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const IntersectionType* subIntersection, TypeId superTy);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const NegationType* subNegation, TypeId superTy);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const TypeId subTy, const NegationType* superNegation);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const PrimitiveType* subPrim, const PrimitiveType* superPrim);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const SingletonType* subSingleton, const PrimitiveType* superPrim);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const SingletonType* subSingleton, const SingletonType* superSingleton);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const TableType* subTable, const TableType* superTable);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const MetatableType* subMt, const MetatableType* superMt);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const MetatableType* subMt, const TableType* superTable);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const ClassType* subClass, const ClassType* superClass);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const ClassType* subClass, const TableType* superTable);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const FunctionType* subFunction, const FunctionType* superFunction);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const PrimitiveType* subPrim, const TableType* superTable);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const SingletonType* subSingleton, const TableType* superTable);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const TableIndexer& subIndexer, const TableIndexer& superIndexer);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const NormalizedType* subNorm, const NormalizedType* superNorm);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const NormalizedClassType& subClass, const NormalizedClassType& superClass);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const NormalizedClassType& subClass, const TypeIds& superTables);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const NormalizedStringType& subString, const NormalizedStringType& superString);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const NormalizedStringType& subString, const TypeIds& superTables);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(
SubtypingEnvironment& env, const NormalizedFunctionType& subFunction, const NormalizedFunctionType& superFunction);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const TypeIds& subTypes, const TypeIds& superTypes);
SubtypingResult isCovariantWith(SubtypingEnvironment& env, const VariadicTypePack* subVariadic, const VariadicTypePack* superVariadic);
bool bindGeneric(SubtypingEnvironment& env, TypeId subTp, TypeId superTp);
bool bindGeneric(SubtypingEnvironment& env, TypePackId subTp, TypePackId superTp);
template<typename T, typename Container>
TypeId makeAggregateType(const Container& container, TypeId orElse);
[[noreturn]] void unexpected(TypePackId tp);
} // namespace Luau