vegorov-rbx 1212fdacbf
Sync to upstream/release/570 (#885)
Once again, all of our changes this week are for new type solver and the

In the new type solver, we fixed cyclic type alias handling and multiple
stability issues.

In the JIT, our main progress was for arm64, where, after lowering 36%
of instructions, we start seeing first Luau functions executing
For x64, we performed code cleanup and refactoring to allow for future
2023-03-31 11:42:49 -07:00

360 lines
12 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/NotNull.h"
#include "Luau/Type.h"
#include "Luau/UnifierSharedState.h"
#include <memory>
namespace Luau
struct InternalErrorReporter;
struct Module;
struct Scope;
struct BuiltinTypes;
using ModulePtr = std::shared_ptr<Module>;
bool isSubtype(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy, NotNull<Scope> scope, NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, InternalErrorReporter& ice);
bool isSubtype(TypePackId subTy, TypePackId superTy, NotNull<Scope> scope, NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, InternalErrorReporter& ice);
bool isConsistentSubtype(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy, NotNull<Scope> scope, NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, InternalErrorReporter& ice);
bool isConsistentSubtype(TypePackId subTy, TypePackId superTy, NotNull<Scope> scope, NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, InternalErrorReporter& ice);
class TypeIds
std::unordered_set<TypeId> types;
std::vector<TypeId> order;
std::size_t hash = 0;
using iterator = std::vector<TypeId>::iterator;
using const_iterator = std::vector<TypeId>::const_iterator;
TypeIds(const TypeIds&) = default;
TypeIds(TypeIds&&) = default;
TypeIds() = default;
~TypeIds() = default;
TypeIds& operator=(TypeIds&&) = default;
void insert(TypeId ty);
/// Erase every element that does not also occur in tys
void retain(const TypeIds& tys);
void clear();
TypeId front() const;
iterator begin();
iterator end();
const_iterator begin() const;
const_iterator end() const;
iterator erase(const_iterator it);
size_t size() const;
bool empty() const;
size_t count(TypeId ty) const;
template<class Iterator>
void insert(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
for (Iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
bool operator==(const TypeIds& there) const;
size_t getHash() const;
} // namespace Luau
struct std::hash<Luau::TypeIds>
std::size_t operator()(const Luau::TypeIds& tys) const
return tys.getHash();
struct std::hash<const Luau::TypeIds*>
std::size_t operator()(const Luau::TypeIds* tys) const
return tys->getHash();
struct std::equal_to<Luau::TypeIds>
bool operator()(const Luau::TypeIds& here, const Luau::TypeIds& there) const
return here == there;
struct std::equal_to<const Luau::TypeIds*>
bool operator()(const Luau::TypeIds* here, const Luau::TypeIds* there) const
return *here == *there;
namespace Luau
/** A normalized string type is either `string` (represented by `nullopt`) or a
* union of string singletons.
* The representation is as follows:
* * A union of string singletons is finite and includes the singletons named by
* the `singletons` field.
* * An intersection of negated string singletons is cofinite and includes the
* singletons excluded by the `singletons` field. It is implied that cofinite
* values are exclusions from `string` itself.
* * The `string` data type is a cofinite set minus zero elements.
* * The `never` data type is a finite set plus zero elements.
struct NormalizedStringType
// When false, this type represents a union of singleton string types.
// eg "a" | "b" | "c"
// When true, this type represents string intersected with negated string
// singleton types.
// eg string & ~"a" & ~"b" & ...
bool isCofinite = false;
std::map<std::string, TypeId> singletons;
void resetToString();
void resetToNever();
bool isNever() const;
bool isString() const;
/// Returns true if the string has finite domain.
/// Important subtlety: This method returns true for `never`. The empty set
/// is indeed an empty set.
bool isUnion() const;
/// Returns true if the string has infinite domain.
bool isIntersection() const;
bool includes(const std::string& str) const;
static const NormalizedStringType never;
NormalizedStringType(bool isCofinite, std::map<std::string, TypeId> singletons);
bool isSubtype(const NormalizedStringType& subStr, const NormalizedStringType& superStr);
struct NormalizedClassType
/** Has the following structure:
* (C1 & ~N11 & ... & ~Nn) | (C2 & ~N21 & ... & ~N2n) | ...
* C2 is either not a subtype of any other Cm, or it is and is also a
* subtype of one of Nmn types within the same cluster.
* Each TypeId is a class type.
std::unordered_map<TypeId, TypeIds> classes;
* In order to maintain a consistent insertion order, we use this vector to
* keep track of it. An ordered std::map will sort by pointer identity,
* which is undesirable.
std::vector<TypeId> ordering;
void pushPair(TypeId ty, TypeIds negations);
void resetToNever();
bool isNever() const;
// A normalized function type can be `never`, the top function type `function`,
// or an intersection of function types.
// NOTE: type normalization can fail on function types with generics (e.g.
// because we do not support unions and intersections of generic type packs), so
// this type may contain `error`.
struct NormalizedFunctionType
bool isTop = false;
TypeIds parts;
void resetToNever();
void resetToTop();
bool isNever() const;
// A normalized generic/free type is a union, where each option is of the form (X & T) where
// * X is either a free type, a generic or a blocked type.
// * T is a normalized type.
struct NormalizedType;
using NormalizedTyvars = std::unordered_map<TypeId, std::unique_ptr<NormalizedType>>;
bool isInhabited_DEPRECATED(const NormalizedType& norm);
// A normalized type is either any, unknown, or one of the form P | T | F | G where
// * P is a union of primitive types (including singletons, classes and the error type)
// * T is a union of table types
// * F is a union of an intersection of function types
// * G is a union of generic/free/blocked types, intersected with a normalized type
struct NormalizedType
// The top part of the type.
// This type is either never, unknown, or any.
// If this type is not never, all the other fields are null.
TypeId tops;
// The boolean part of the type.
// This type is either never, boolean type, or a boolean singleton.
TypeId booleans;
NormalizedClassType classes;
// The class part of the type.
// Each element of this set is a class, and none of the classes are subclasses of each other.
TypeIds DEPRECATED_classes;
// The error part of the type.
// This type is either never or the error type.
TypeId errors;
// The nil part of the type.
// This type is either never or nil.
TypeId nils;
// The number part of the type.
// This type is either never or number.
TypeId numbers;
// The string part of the type.
// This may be the `string` type, or a union of singletons.
NormalizedStringType strings;
// The thread part of the type.
// This type is either never or thread.
TypeId threads;
// The (meta)table part of the type.
// Each element of this set is a (meta)table type, or the top `table` type.
// An empty set denotes never.
TypeIds tables;
// The function part of the type.
NormalizedFunctionType functions;
// The generic/free part of the type.
NormalizedTyvars tyvars;
NormalizedType(NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes);
NormalizedType() = delete;
~NormalizedType() = default;
NormalizedType(const NormalizedType&) = delete;
NormalizedType& operator=(const NormalizedType&) = delete;
NormalizedType(NormalizedType&&) = default;
NormalizedType& operator=(NormalizedType&&) = default;
class Normalizer
std::unordered_map<TypeId, std::unique_ptr<NormalizedType>> cachedNormals;
std::unordered_map<const TypeIds*, TypeId> cachedIntersections;
std::unordered_map<const TypeIds*, TypeId> cachedUnions;
std::unordered_map<const TypeIds*, std::unique_ptr<TypeIds>> cachedTypeIds;
bool withinResourceLimits();
TypeArena* arena;
NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes;
NotNull<UnifierSharedState> sharedState;
Normalizer(TypeArena* arena, NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes, NotNull<UnifierSharedState> sharedState);
Normalizer(const Normalizer&) = delete;
Normalizer(Normalizer&&) = delete;
Normalizer() = delete;
~Normalizer() = default;
Normalizer& operator=(Normalizer&&) = delete;
Normalizer& operator=(Normalizer&) = delete;
// If this returns null, the typechecker should emit a "too complex" error
const NormalizedType* normalize(TypeId ty);
void clearNormal(NormalizedType& norm);
// ------- Cached TypeIds
TypeId unionType(TypeId here, TypeId there);
TypeId intersectionType(TypeId here, TypeId there);
const TypeIds* cacheTypeIds(TypeIds tys);
void clearCaches();
// ------- Normalizing unions
void unionTysWithTy(TypeIds& here, TypeId there);
TypeId unionOfTops(TypeId here, TypeId there);
TypeId unionOfBools(TypeId here, TypeId there);
void unionClassesWithClass(TypeIds& heres, TypeId there);
void unionClasses(TypeIds& heres, const TypeIds& theres);
void unionClassesWithClass(NormalizedClassType& heres, TypeId there);
void unionClasses(NormalizedClassType& heres, const NormalizedClassType& theres);
void unionStrings(NormalizedStringType& here, const NormalizedStringType& there);
std::optional<TypePackId> unionOfTypePacks(TypePackId here, TypePackId there);
std::optional<TypeId> unionOfFunctions(TypeId here, TypeId there);
std::optional<TypeId> unionSaturatedFunctions(TypeId here, TypeId there);
void unionFunctionsWithFunction(NormalizedFunctionType& heress, TypeId there);
void unionFunctions(NormalizedFunctionType& heress, const NormalizedFunctionType& theress);
void unionTablesWithTable(TypeIds& heres, TypeId there);
void unionTables(TypeIds& heres, const TypeIds& theres);
bool unionNormals(NormalizedType& here, const NormalizedType& there, int ignoreSmallerTyvars = -1);
bool unionNormalWithTy(NormalizedType& here, TypeId there, int ignoreSmallerTyvars = -1);
// ------- Negations
std::optional<NormalizedType> negateNormal(const NormalizedType& here);
TypeIds negateAll(const TypeIds& theres);
TypeId negate(TypeId there);
void subtractPrimitive(NormalizedType& here, TypeId ty);
void subtractSingleton(NormalizedType& here, TypeId ty);
// ------- Normalizing intersections
TypeId intersectionOfTops(TypeId here, TypeId there);
TypeId intersectionOfBools(TypeId here, TypeId there);
void DEPRECATED_intersectClasses(TypeIds& heres, const TypeIds& theres);
void DEPRECATED_intersectClassesWithClass(TypeIds& heres, TypeId there);
void intersectClasses(NormalizedClassType& heres, const NormalizedClassType& theres);
void intersectClassesWithClass(NormalizedClassType& heres, TypeId there);
void intersectStrings(NormalizedStringType& here, const NormalizedStringType& there);
std::optional<TypePackId> intersectionOfTypePacks(TypePackId here, TypePackId there);
std::optional<TypeId> intersectionOfTables(TypeId here, TypeId there);
void intersectTablesWithTable(TypeIds& heres, TypeId there);
void intersectTables(TypeIds& heres, const TypeIds& theres);
std::optional<TypeId> intersectionOfFunctions(TypeId here, TypeId there);
void intersectFunctionsWithFunction(NormalizedFunctionType& heress, TypeId there);
void intersectFunctions(NormalizedFunctionType& heress, const NormalizedFunctionType& theress);
bool intersectTyvarsWithTy(NormalizedTyvars& here, TypeId there);
bool intersectNormals(NormalizedType& here, const NormalizedType& there, int ignoreSmallerTyvars = -1);
bool intersectNormalWithTy(NormalizedType& here, TypeId there);
// Check for inhabitance
bool isInhabited(TypeId ty, std::unordered_set<TypeId> seen = {});
bool isInhabited(const NormalizedType* norm, std::unordered_set<TypeId> seen = {});
// -------- Convert back from a normalized type to a type
TypeId typeFromNormal(const NormalizedType& norm);
} // namespace Luau