aaron 02241b6d24
Sync to upstream/release/645 (#1440)
In this update, we continue to improve the overall stability of the new
type solver. We're also shipping some early bits of two new features,
one of the language and one of the analysis API: user-defined type
functions and an incremental typechecking API.

If you use the new solver and want to use all new fixes included in this
release, you have to reference an additional Luau flag:
And set its value to `645`:
DFInt::LuauTypeSolverRelease.value = 645; // Or a higher value for future updates

## New Solver

* Fix a crash where scopes are incorrectly accessed cross-module after
they've been deallocated by appropriately zeroing out associated scope
pointers for free types, generic types, table types, etc.
* Fix a crash where we were incorrectly caching results for bound types
in generalization.
* Eliminated some unnecessary intermediate allocations in the constraint
solver and type function infrastructure.
* Built some initial groundwork for an incremental typecheck API for use
by language servers.
* Built an initial technical preview for [user-defined type
more work still to come (including calling type functions from other
type functions), but adventurous folks wanting to experiment with it can
try it out by enabling `FFlag::LuauUserDefinedTypeFunctionsSyntax` and
`FFlag::LuauUserDefinedTypeFunction` in their local environment. Special
thanks to @joonyoo181 who built up all the initial infrastructure for
this during his internship!

## Miscellaneous changes

* Fix a compilation error on Ubuntu (fixes #1437)


Internal Contributors:

Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <>
Co-authored-by: Jeremy Yoo <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>


Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Junseo Yoo <>
2024-09-27 11:58:21 -07:00

455 lines
14 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Ast.h"
#include "Luau/Lexer.h"
#include "Luau/ParseOptions.h"
#include "Luau/ParseResult.h"
#include "Luau/StringUtils.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <initializer_list>
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
namespace Luau
template<typename T>
class TempVector
explicit TempVector(std::vector<T>& storage);
const T& operator[](std::size_t index) const;
const T& front() const;
const T& back() const;
bool empty() const;
std::size_t size() const;
void push_back(const T& item);
typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator begin() const
return storage.begin() + offset;
typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator end() const
return storage.begin() + offset + size_;
std::vector<T>& storage;
size_t offset;
size_t size_;
class Parser
static ParseResult parse(
const char* buffer,
std::size_t bufferSize,
AstNameTable& names,
Allocator& allocator,
ParseOptions options = ParseOptions()
struct Name;
struct Binding;
Parser(const char* buffer, std::size_t bufferSize, AstNameTable& names, Allocator& allocator, const ParseOptions& options);
bool blockFollow(const Lexeme& l);
AstStatBlock* parseChunk();
// chunk ::= {stat [`;']} [laststat [`;']]
// block ::= chunk
AstStatBlock* parseBlock();
AstStatBlock* parseBlockNoScope();
// stat ::=
// varlist `=' explist |
// functioncall |
// do block end |
// while exp do block end |
// repeat block until exp |
// if exp then block {elseif exp then block} [else block] end |
// for Name `=' exp `,' exp [`,' exp] do block end |
// for namelist in explist do block end |
// [attributes] function funcname funcbody |
// [attributes] local function Name funcbody |
// local namelist [`=' explist]
// laststat ::= return [explist] | break
AstStat* parseStat();
// if exp then block {elseif exp then block} [else block] end
AstStat* parseIf();
// while exp do block end
AstStat* parseWhile();
// repeat block until exp
AstStat* parseRepeat();
// do block end
AstStat* parseDo();
// break
AstStat* parseBreak();
// continue
AstStat* parseContinue(const Location& start);
// for Name `=' exp `,' exp [`,' exp] do block end |
// for namelist in explist do block end |
AstStat* parseFor();
// funcname ::= Name {`.' Name} [`:' Name]
AstExpr* parseFunctionName(Location start, bool& hasself, AstName& debugname);
// function funcname funcbody
LUAU_FORCEINLINE AstStat* parseFunctionStat(const AstArray<AstAttr*>& attributes = {nullptr, 0});
std::pair<bool, AstAttr::Type> validateAttribute(const char* attributeName, const TempVector<AstAttr*>& attributes);
// attribute ::= '@' NAME
void parseAttribute(TempVector<AstAttr*>& attribute);
// attributes ::= {attribute}
AstArray<AstAttr*> parseAttributes();
// attributes local function Name funcbody
// attributes function funcname funcbody
// attributes `declare function' Name`(' [parlist] `)' [`:` Type]
// declare Name '{' Name ':' attributes `(' [parlist] `)' [`:` Type] '}'
AstStat* parseAttributeStat();
// local function Name funcbody |
// local namelist [`=' explist]
AstStat* parseLocal(const AstArray<AstAttr*>& attributes);
// return [explist]
AstStat* parseReturn();
// type Name `=' Type
AstStat* parseTypeAlias(const Location& start, bool exported);
// type function Name ... end
AstStat* parseTypeFunction(const Location& start);
AstDeclaredClassProp parseDeclaredClassMethod();
// `declare global' Name: Type |
// `declare function' Name`(' [parlist] `)' [`:` Type]
AstStat* parseDeclaration(const Location& start, const AstArray<AstAttr*>& attributes);
// varlist `=' explist
AstStat* parseAssignment(AstExpr* initial);
// var [`+=' | `-=' | `*=' | `/=' | `%=' | `^=' | `..='] exp
AstStat* parseCompoundAssignment(AstExpr* initial, AstExprBinary::Op op);
std::pair<AstLocal*, AstArray<AstLocal*>> prepareFunctionArguments(const Location& start, bool hasself, const TempVector<Binding>& args);
// funcbodyhead ::= `(' [namelist [`,' `...'] | `...'] `)' [`:` Type]
// funcbody ::= funcbodyhead block end
std::pair<AstExprFunction*, AstLocal*> parseFunctionBody(
bool hasself,
const Lexeme& matchFunction,
const AstName& debugname,
const Name* localName,
const AstArray<AstAttr*>& attributes
// explist ::= {exp `,'} exp
void parseExprList(TempVector<AstExpr*>& result);
// binding ::= Name [`:` Type]
Binding parseBinding();
// bindinglist ::= (binding | `...') {`,' bindinglist}
// Returns the location of the vararg ..., or std::nullopt if the function is not vararg.
std::tuple<bool, Location, AstTypePack*> parseBindingList(TempVector<Binding>& result, bool allowDot3 = false);
AstType* parseOptionalType();
// TypeList ::= Type [`,' TypeList]
// ReturnType ::= Type | `(' TypeList `)'
// TableProp ::= Name `:' Type
// TableIndexer ::= `[' Type `]' `:' Type
// PropList ::= (TableProp | TableIndexer) [`,' PropList]
// Type
// ::= Name
// | `nil`
// | `{' [PropList] `}'
// | `(' [TypeList] `)' `->` ReturnType
// Returns the variadic annotation, if it exists.
AstTypePack* parseTypeList(TempVector<AstType*>& result, TempVector<std::optional<AstArgumentName>>& resultNames);
std::optional<AstTypeList> parseOptionalReturnType();
std::pair<Location, AstTypeList> parseReturnType();
AstTableIndexer* parseTableIndexer(AstTableAccess access, std::optional<Location> accessLocation);
AstTypeOrPack parseFunctionType(bool allowPack, const AstArray<AstAttr*>& attributes);
AstType* parseFunctionTypeTail(
const Lexeme& begin,
const AstArray<AstAttr*>& attributes,
AstArray<AstGenericType> generics,
AstArray<AstGenericTypePack> genericPacks,
AstArray<AstType*> params,
AstArray<std::optional<AstArgumentName>> paramNames,
AstTypePack* varargAnnotation
AstType* parseTableType(bool inDeclarationContext = false);
AstTypeOrPack parseSimpleType(bool allowPack, bool inDeclarationContext = false);
AstTypeOrPack parseTypeOrPack();
AstType* parseType(bool inDeclarationContext = false);
AstTypePack* parseTypePack();
AstTypePack* parseVariadicArgumentTypePack();
AstType* parseTypeSuffix(AstType* type, const Location& begin);
static std::optional<AstExprUnary::Op> parseUnaryOp(const Lexeme& l);
static std::optional<AstExprBinary::Op> parseBinaryOp(const Lexeme& l);
static std::optional<AstExprBinary::Op> parseCompoundOp(const Lexeme& l);
struct BinaryOpPriority
unsigned char left, right;
std::optional<AstExprUnary::Op> checkUnaryConfusables();
std::optional<AstExprBinary::Op> checkBinaryConfusables(const BinaryOpPriority binaryPriority[], unsigned int limit);
// subexpr -> (asexp | unop subexpr) { binop subexpr }
// where `binop' is any binary operator with a priority higher than `limit'
AstExpr* parseExpr(unsigned int limit = 0);
AstExpr* parseNameExpr(const char* context = nullptr);
// prefixexp -> NAME | '(' expr ')'
AstExpr* parsePrefixExpr();
// primaryexp -> prefixexp { `.' NAME | `[' exp `]' | `:' NAME funcargs | funcargs }
AstExpr* parsePrimaryExpr(bool asStatement);
// asexp -> simpleexp [`::' Type]
AstExpr* parseAssertionExpr();
// simpleexp -> NUMBER | STRING | NIL | true | false | ... | constructor | [attributes] FUNCTION body | primaryexp
AstExpr* parseSimpleExpr();
// args ::= `(' [explist] `)' | tableconstructor | String
AstExpr* parseFunctionArgs(AstExpr* func, bool self);
// tableconstructor ::= `{' [fieldlist] `}'
// fieldlist ::= field {fieldsep field} [fieldsep]
// field ::= `[' exp `]' `=' exp | Name `=' exp | exp
// fieldsep ::= `,' | `;'
AstExpr* parseTableConstructor();
// TODO: Add grammar rules here?
AstExpr* parseIfElseExpr();
// stringinterp ::= <INTERP_BEGIN> exp {<INTERP_MID> exp} <INTERP_END>
AstExpr* parseInterpString();
// Name
std::optional<Name> parseNameOpt(const char* context = nullptr);
Name parseName(const char* context = nullptr);
Name parseIndexName(const char* context, const Position& previous);
// `<' namelist `>'
std::pair<AstArray<AstGenericType>, AstArray<AstGenericTypePack>> parseGenericTypeList(bool withDefaultValues);
// `<' Type[, ...] `>'
AstArray<AstTypeOrPack> parseTypeParams();
std::optional<AstArray<char>> parseCharArray();
AstExpr* parseString();
AstExpr* parseNumber();
AstLocal* pushLocal(const Binding& binding);
unsigned int saveLocals();
void restoreLocals(unsigned int offset);
// check that parser is at lexeme/symbol, move to next lexeme/symbol on success, report failure and continue on failure
bool expectAndConsume(char value, const char* context = nullptr);
bool expectAndConsume(Lexeme::Type type, const char* context = nullptr);
void expectAndConsumeFail(Lexeme::Type type, const char* context);
struct MatchLexeme
MatchLexeme(const Lexeme& l)
: type(l.type)
, position(l.location.begin)
Lexeme::Type type;
Position position;
bool expectMatchAndConsume(char value, const MatchLexeme& begin, bool searchForMissing = false);
void expectMatchAndConsumeFail(Lexeme::Type type, const MatchLexeme& begin, const char* extra = nullptr);
bool expectMatchAndConsumeRecover(char value, const MatchLexeme& begin, bool searchForMissing);
bool expectMatchEndAndConsume(Lexeme::Type type, const MatchLexeme& begin);
void expectMatchEndAndConsumeFail(Lexeme::Type type, const MatchLexeme& begin);
template<typename T>
AstArray<T> copy(const T* data, std::size_t size);
template<typename T>
AstArray<T> copy(const TempVector<T>& data);
template<typename T>
AstArray<T> copy(std::initializer_list<T> data);
AstArray<char> copy(const std::string& data);
void incrementRecursionCounter(const char* context);
void report(const Location& location, const char* format, va_list args);
void report(const Location& location, const char* format, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(3, 4);
void reportNameError(const char* context);
AstStatError* reportStatError(
const Location& location,
const AstArray<AstExpr*>& expressions,
const AstArray<AstStat*>& statements,
const char* format,
AstExprError* reportExprError(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& expressions, const char* format, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(4, 5);
AstTypeError* reportTypeError(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstType*>& types, const char* format, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(4, 5);
// `parseErrorLocation` is associated with the parser error
// `astErrorLocation` is associated with the AstTypeError created
// It can be useful to have different error locations so that the parse error can include the next lexeme, while the AstTypeError can precisely
// define the location (possibly of zero size) where a type annotation is expected.
AstTypeError* reportMissingTypeError(const Location& parseErrorLocation, const Location& astErrorLocation, const char* format, ...)
AstExpr* reportFunctionArgsError(AstExpr* func, bool self);
void reportAmbiguousCallError();
void nextLexeme();
struct Function
bool vararg;
unsigned int loopDepth;
: vararg(false)
, loopDepth(0)
struct Local
AstLocal* local;
unsigned int offset;
: local(nullptr)
, offset(0)
struct Name
AstName name;
Location location;
Name(const AstName& name, const Location& location)
: name(name)
, location(location)
struct Binding
Name name;
AstType* annotation;
explicit Binding(const Name& name, AstType* annotation = nullptr)
: name(name)
, annotation(annotation)
ParseOptions options;
Lexer lexer;
Allocator& allocator;
std::vector<Comment> commentLocations;
std::vector<HotComment> hotcomments;
bool hotcommentHeader = true;
unsigned int recursionCounter;
AstName nameSelf;
AstName nameNumber;
AstName nameError;
AstName nameNil;
MatchLexeme endMismatchSuspect;
std::vector<Function> functionStack;
DenseHashMap<AstName, AstLocal*> localMap;
std::vector<AstLocal*> localStack;
std::vector<ParseError> parseErrors;
std::vector<unsigned int> matchRecoveryStopOnToken;
std::vector<AstAttr*> scratchAttr;
std::vector<AstStat*> scratchStat;
std::vector<AstArray<char>> scratchString;
std::vector<AstExpr*> scratchExpr;
std::vector<AstExpr*> scratchExprAux;
std::vector<AstName> scratchName;
std::vector<AstName> scratchPackName;
std::vector<Binding> scratchBinding;
std::vector<AstLocal*> scratchLocal;
std::vector<AstTableProp> scratchTableTypeProps;
std::vector<AstType*> scratchType;
std::vector<AstTypeOrPack> scratchTypeOrPack;
std::vector<AstDeclaredClassProp> scratchDeclaredClassProps;
std::vector<AstExprTable::Item> scratchItem;
std::vector<AstArgumentName> scratchArgName;
std::vector<AstGenericType> scratchGenericTypes;
std::vector<AstGenericTypePack> scratchGenericTypePacks;
std::vector<std::optional<AstArgumentName>> scratchOptArgName;
std::string scratchData;
} // namespace Luau