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// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/Label.h"
#include "Luau/ConditionX64.h"
#include "Luau/OperandX64.h"
#include "Luau/RegisterX64.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Luau
namespace CodeGen
namespace X64
enum class RoundingModeX64
RoundToNearestEven = 0b00,
RoundToNegativeInfinity = 0b01,
RoundToPositiveInfinity = 0b10,
RoundToZero = 0b11,
enum class AlignmentDataX64
Ud2, // int3 will be used as a fall-back if it doesn't fit
enum class ABIX64
class AssemblyBuilderX64
explicit AssemblyBuilderX64(bool logText, ABIX64 abi);
explicit AssemblyBuilderX64(bool logText);
// Base two operand instructions with 9 opcode selection
void add(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void sub(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void cmp(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void and_(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void or_(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void xor_(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
// Binary shift instructions with special rhs handling
void sal(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void sar(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void shl(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void shr(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void rol(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void ror(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
// Two operand mov instruction has additional specialized encodings
void mov(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void mov64(RegisterX64 lhs, int64_t imm);
void movsx(RegisterX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void movzx(RegisterX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
// Base one operand instruction with 2 opcode selection
void div(OperandX64 op);
void idiv(OperandX64 op);
void mul(OperandX64 op);
void imul(OperandX64 op);
void neg(OperandX64 op);
void not_(OperandX64 op);
void dec(OperandX64 op);
void inc(OperandX64 op);
// Additional forms of imul
void imul(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void imul(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 lhs, int32_t rhs);
void test(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void lea(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void setcc(ConditionX64 cond, OperandX64 op);
void push(OperandX64 op);
void pop(OperandX64 op);
void ret();
// Control flow
void jcc(ConditionX64 cond, Label& label);
void jmp(Label& label);
void jmp(OperandX64 op);
void call(Label& label);
void call(OperandX64 op);
void lea(RegisterX64 lhs, Label& label);
void int3();
void ud2();
void bsr(RegisterX64 dst, OperandX64 src);
void bsf(RegisterX64 dst, OperandX64 src);
// Code alignment
void nop(uint32_t length = 1);
void align(uint32_t alignment, AlignmentDataX64 data = AlignmentDataX64::Nop);
// AVX
void vaddpd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vaddps(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vaddsd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vaddss(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vsubsd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vmulsd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vdivsd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vandpd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vandnpd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vxorpd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vorpd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vucomisd(OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vcvttsd2si(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src);
void vcvtsi2sd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vcvtsd2ss(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vroundsd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2, RoundingModeX64 roundingMode); // inexact
void vsqrtpd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src);
void vsqrtps(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src);
void vsqrtsd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vsqrtss(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vmovsd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src);
void vmovsd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vmovss(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src);
void vmovss(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vmovapd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src);
void vmovaps(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src);
void vmovupd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src);
void vmovups(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src);
void vmovq(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void vmaxsd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vminsd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vcmpltsd(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2);
void vblendvpd(RegisterX64 dst, RegisterX64 src1, OperandX64 mask, RegisterX64 src3);
// Run final checks
bool finalize();
// Places a label at current location and returns it
Label setLabel();
// Assigns label position to the current location
void setLabel(Label& label);
// Extracts code offset (in bytes) from label
uint32_t getLabelOffset(const Label& label)
LUAU_ASSERT(label.location != ~0u);
return label.location;
// Constant allocation (uses rip-relative addressing)
OperandX64 i64(int64_t value);
OperandX64 f32(float value);
OperandX64 f64(double value);
OperandX64 f32x4(float x, float y, float z, float w);
OperandX64 f64x2(double x, double y);
OperandX64 bytes(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t align = 8);
void logAppend(const char* fmt, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(2, 3);
uint32_t getCodeSize() const;
// Resulting data and code that need to be copied over one after the other
// The *end* of 'data' has to be aligned to 16 bytes, this will also align 'code'
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
std::vector<uint8_t> code;
std::string text;
const bool logText = false;
const ABIX64 abi;
// Instruction archetypes
void placeBinary(const char* name, OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs, uint8_t codeimm8, uint8_t codeimm, uint8_t codeimmImm8, uint8_t code8rev,
uint8_t coderev, uint8_t code8, uint8_t code, uint8_t opreg);
void placeBinaryRegMemAndImm(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs, uint8_t code8, uint8_t code, uint8_t codeImm8, uint8_t opreg);
void placeBinaryRegAndRegMem(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs, uint8_t code8, uint8_t code);
void placeBinaryRegMemAndReg(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs, uint8_t code8, uint8_t code);
void placeUnaryModRegMem(const char* name, OperandX64 op, uint8_t code8, uint8_t code, uint8_t opreg);
void placeShift(const char* name, OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs, uint8_t opreg);
void placeJcc(const char* name, Label& label, uint8_t cc);
void placeAvx(const char* name, OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src, uint8_t code, bool setW, uint8_t mode, uint8_t prefix);
void placeAvx(const char* name, OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src, uint8_t code, uint8_t coderev, bool setW, uint8_t mode, uint8_t prefix);
void placeAvx(const char* name, OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2, uint8_t code, bool setW, uint8_t mode, uint8_t prefix);
void placeAvx(
const char* name, OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2, uint8_t imm8, uint8_t code, bool setW, uint8_t mode, uint8_t prefix);
// Instruction components
void placeRegAndModRegMem(OperandX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs, int32_t extraCodeBytes = 0);
void placeModRegMem(OperandX64 rhs, uint8_t regop, int32_t extraCodeBytes = 0);
void placeRex(RegisterX64 op);
void placeRex(OperandX64 op);
void placeRexNoW(OperandX64 op);
void placeRex(RegisterX64 lhs, OperandX64 rhs);
void placeVex(OperandX64 dst, OperandX64 src1, OperandX64 src2, bool setW, uint8_t mode, uint8_t prefix);
void placeImm8Or32(int32_t imm);
void placeImm8(int32_t imm);
void placeImm32(int32_t imm);
void placeImm64(int64_t imm);
void placeLabel(Label& label);
void place(uint8_t byte);
void commit();
LUAU_NOINLINE void extend();
// Data
size_t allocateData(size_t size, size_t align);
// Logging of assembly in text form (Intel asm with VS disassembly formatting)
LUAU_NOINLINE void log(const char* opcode);
LUAU_NOINLINE void log(const char* opcode, OperandX64 op);
LUAU_NOINLINE void log(const char* opcode, OperandX64 op1, OperandX64 op2);
LUAU_NOINLINE void log(const char* opcode, OperandX64 op1, OperandX64 op2, OperandX64 op3);
LUAU_NOINLINE void log(const char* opcode, OperandX64 op1, OperandX64 op2, OperandX64 op3, OperandX64 op4);
LUAU_NOINLINE void log(Label label);
LUAU_NOINLINE void log(const char* opcode, Label label);
LUAU_NOINLINE void log(const char* opcode, RegisterX64 reg, Label label);
void log(OperandX64 op);
const char* getSizeName(SizeX64 size) const;
const char* getRegisterName(RegisterX64 reg) const;
uint32_t nextLabel = 1;
std::vector<Label> pendingLabels;
std::vector<uint32_t> labelLocations;
DenseHashMap<uint64_t, int32_t> constCache64;
bool finalized = false;
size_t dataPos = 0;
uint8_t* codePos = nullptr;
uint8_t* codeEnd = nullptr;
} // namespace X64
} // namespace CodeGen
} // namespace Luau