benchmark / callgrind (map[branch:main name:luau-lang/benchmark-data], ubuntu-22.04) (push) Has been cancelled
build / macos (push) Has been cancelled
build / macos-arm (push) Has been cancelled
build / ubuntu (push) Has been cancelled
build / windows (Win32) (push) Has been cancelled
build / windows (x64) (push) Has been cancelled
build / coverage (push) Has been cancelled
build / web (push) Has been cancelled
release / macos (push) Has been cancelled
release / ubuntu (push) Has been cancelled
release / windows (push) Has been cancelled
release / web (push) Has been cancelled
## What's Changed
### General
- Allow types of tables to diverge after using `table.clone` (fixes
- Allow 2-argument vector.create in Luau.
- Fix a crash when suggesting autocomplete after encountering parsing
- Add lua_tolstringatom C API which returns the string length (whether
or not the atom exists) and which extends the existing lua_tostringatom
function the same way lua_tolstring/lua_tostring do.
- Luau now retains the DFGs of typechecked modules.
### Magic Functions Migration Note
We've made a change to the API used to define magic functions.
Previously, we had a set of function pointers on each `FunctionType`
that would be invoked by the type inference engine at the correct point.
The problem we'd run into is that they were all `std::function`s, we'd
grown quite a few of them, and Luau allocates tens of thousands of types
as it performs type inference. This adds up to a large amount of memory
for data that isn't used by 99% of types.
To slim things down a bit, we've replaced all of those `std::function`s
with a single `shared_ptr` to a new interface called `MagicFunction`.
This slims down the memory footprint of each type by about 50 bytes.
The virtual methods of `MagicFunction` have roughly 1:1 correspondence
with the old interface, so updating things should not be too difficult:
* `FunctionType::magicFunction` is now `MagicFunction::handleOldSolver`
* `FunctionType::dcrMagicFunction` is now `MagicFunction::infer`
* `FunctionType::dcrMagicRefinement` is now `MagicFunction::refine`
* `FunctionType::dcrMagicTypeCheck` is now `MagicFunction::typeCheck`
**Full Changelog**:
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Ariel Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <>
Co-authored-by: Talha Pathan <>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
benchmark / callgrind (map[branch:main name:luau-lang/benchmark-data], ubuntu-22.04) (push) Has been cancelled
build / macos (push) Has been cancelled
build / macos-arm (push) Has been cancelled
build / ubuntu (push) Has been cancelled
build / windows (Win32) (push) Has been cancelled
build / windows (x64) (push) Has been cancelled
build / coverage (push) Has been cancelled
build / web (push) Has been cancelled
release / macos (push) Has been cancelled
release / ubuntu (push) Has been cancelled
release / windows (push) Has been cancelled
release / web (push) Has been cancelled
# General
All code has been re-formatted by `clang-format`; this is not
mechanically enforced, so Luau may go out-of-sync over the course of the
# New Solver
* Track free types interior to a block of code on `Scope`, which should
reduce the number of free types that remain un-generalized after type
checking is complete (e.g.: less errors like `'a <: number is
incompatible with number`).
# Autocomplete
* Fragment autocomplete now does *not* provide suggestions within
comments (matching non-fragment autocomplete behavior).
* Autocomplete now respects iteration and recursion limits (some hangs
will now early exit with a "unification too complex error," some crashes
will now become internal complier exceptions).
# Runtime
* Add a limit to how many Luau codegen slot nodes addresses can be in
use at the same time (fixes#1605, fixes#1558).
* Added constant folding for vector arithmetic (fixes#1553).
* Added support for `buffer.readbits` and `buffer.writebits` (see:
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
### What's New?
* Fragment Autocomplete: a new API allows for type checking a small
fragment of code against an existing file, significantly speeding up
autocomplete performance in large files.
### New Solver
* E-Graphs have landed: this is an ongoing approach to make the new type
solver simplify types in a more consistent and principled manner, based
on similar work (see:
* Adds support for exporting / local user type functions (previously
they were always exported).
* Fixes a set of bugs in which the new solver will fail to complete
inference for simple expressions with just literals and operators.
### General Updates
* Requiring a path with a ".lua" or ".luau" extension will now have a
bespoke error suggesting to remove said extension.
* Fixes a bug in which whether two `Luau::Symbol`s are equal depends on
whether the new solver is enabled.
Internal Contributors:
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
# General Updates
Fix an old solver crash that occurs in the presence of cyclic
## New Solver
- Improvements to Luau user-defined type function library
- Avoid asserting on unexpected metatable types
- Properties in user defined type functions should have a consistent
iteration order - in this case it is insertion ordering
# Runtime
- Track VM allocations for telemetry
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <>
Co-authored-by: James McNellis <>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Junseo Yoo <>
In this update we improve overall stability of the new type solver and
address some type inference issues with it.
If you use the new solver and want to use all new fixes included in this
release, you have to reference an additional Luau flag:
And set its value to `644`:
DFInt::LuauTypeSolverRelease.value = 644; // Or a higher value for future updates
## New Solver
* Fixed a debug assertion failure in autocomplete (Fixes#1391)
* Fixed type function distribution issue which transformed `len<>` and
`unm<>` into `not<>` (Fixes#1416)
* Placed a limit on the possible normalized table intersection size as a
temporary measure to avoid hangs and out-of-memory issues for complex
type refinements
* Internal recursion limits are now respected in the subtyping
operations and in autocomplete, to avoid stack overflow crashes
* Fixed false positive errors on assignments to tables whose indexers
are unions of strings
* Fixed memory corruption crashes in subtyping of generic types
containing other generic types in their bounds
Internal Contributors:
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
### What's new
* Light update this week, mostly fast flag cleanups.
### New Solver
* Rename flag to enable new solver from
`DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution` to `LuauSolverV2`
* Added support for magic functions for the new type checker (as opposed
to the type inference component)
* Improved handling of `string.format` with magic function improvements
* Cleaning up some of the reported errors by the new type checker
* Minor refactoring of `TypeChecker2.cpp` that happens to make the diff
very hard to read.
### Internal Contributors
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Junseo Yoo <>
### What's new
* Fixed many of the false positive errors in indexing of table unions
and table intersections
* It is now possible to run custom checks over Luau AST during
typechecking by setting `customModuleCheck` in `FrontendOptions`
* Fixed codegen issue on arm, where number->vector cast could corrupt
that number value for the next time it's read
### New Solver
* `error` type now behaves as the bottom type during subtyping checks
* Fixed the scope that is used in subtyping with generic types
* Fixed `astOriginalCallTypes` table often used by LSP to match the old
### Internal Contributors
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
# What's Changed?
- Code refactoring with a new clang-format
- More bug fixes / test case fixes in the new solver
## New Solver
- More precise telemetry collection of `any` types
- Simplification of two completely disjoint tables combines them into a
single table that inherits all properties / indexers
- Refining a `never & <anything>` does not produce type family types nor
- Silence "inference failed to complete" error when it is the only error
### Internal Contributors
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Dibri Nsofor <>
Co-authored-by: Jeremy Yoo <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
# What's Changed?
- Fix#1137 by appropriately retaining additional metadata from
definition files throughout the type system.
- Improve Frontend for LSPs by appropriately allowing the cancellation
of typechecking while running its destructor.
## New Solver
- Added support for the `rawget` type function.
- Reduced overall static memory usage of builtin type functions.
- Fixed a crash where visitors could mutate a union or intersection type
and fail to invalidate iteration over them in doing so.
- Revised autocomplete functionality to not rely on a separate run of
the type solver when using the new solver.
- Implemented a more relaxed semantic rule for casting.
- Fixed some smaller crashes in the new solver.
## Native Code Generation
- Add additional codegen specialization for `math.sign`
- Cleaned up a large number of outstanding fflags in the code.
### Internal Contributors
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: James McNellis <>
Co-authored-by: Jeremy Yoo <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
# What's changed?
* Improved the actual message for the type errors for `cannot call
non-function` when attempting to call a union of functions/callable
tables. The error now correctly explains the issue is an inability to
determine the return type of the call in this situation.
* Resolve an issue where tables and metatables were not correctly being
cloned during instantiation (fixes#1176).
* Refactor `luaM_getnextgcopage` to `luaM_getnextpage` (generally
removing `gco` prefix where appropriate).
* Optimize `table.move` between tables for large ranges of elements.
* Reformat a bunch of code automatically using `clang-format`.
### New Type Solver
* Clean up minimally-used or unused constraints in the constraint solver
(`InstantiationConstraint`, `SetOpConstraint`,
* Add a builtin `singleton` type family to replace
`SingletonOrTopTypeConstraint` when inferring refinements.
* Fixed a crash involving type path reasoning by recording when type
family reduction has taken place in the path.
* Improved constraint ordering by blocking on unreduced types families
that are not yet proven uninhabitable.
* Improved the handling of `SetIndexerConstraints` for both better
inference quality and to resolve crashes.
* Fix a crash when normalizing cyclic unions of intersections.
* Fix a crash when normalizing an intersection with the negation of
* Fix a number of crashes caused by missing `follow` calls on `TypeId`s.
* Changed type family reduction to correctly use a semantic notion of
uninhabited types, rather than checking for `never` types specifically.
* Refactor the `union` and `intersect` type families to be variadic.
### Native Code Generation
* Improve translation for userdata key get/set and userdata/vector
* Provide `[top level]` and `[anonymous]` as function names to
`FunctionStats` as appropriate when no function name is available.
* Disable unwind support on Android platforms since it is unsupported.
### Internal Contributors
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
# What's Changed
## New Type Solver
- Many more fixes to crashes, assertions, and hangs
- Annotated locals now countermand the inferred types of locals, meaning
that for a type `type MyType = number | string`, `local foo : MyType =
5` behaves the same as `local foo = 5 :: MyType`, where before, foo
would be assigned the type of the value on the rhs.
- Type Normalization now respects resource limits.
- Subtyping between classes and cyclic tables now supported
## Native Code Generation
- Work on the Native Code Generation(NCG) allocator continues
# Internal Contributors
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: James McNellis <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
# What's changed
### Debugger
* Values after a 'continue' statement should not be accessible by
debugger in the 'until' condition
### New Type Solver
* Many fixes to crashes and hangs
* Better bidirectional inference of table literal expressions
### Native Code Generation
* Initial steps toward a shared code allocator
### Internal Contributors
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
# What's Changed
* Fix a case where the stack wasn't completely cleaned up where
`` errored when passed `"f"` option and a thread.
* Fix a case of uninitialized field in `luaF_newproto`.
### New Type Solver
* When a local is captured in a function, don't add a new entry to the
`DfgScope::bindings` if the capture occurs within a loop.
* Fix a poor performance characteristic during unification by not trying
to simplify an intersection.
* Fix a case of multiple constraints mutating the same blocked type
causing incorrect inferences.
* Fix a case of assertion failure when overload resolution encounters a
return typepack mismatch.
* When refining a property of the top `table` type, we no longer signal
an unknown property error.
* Fix a misuse of free types when trying to infer the type of a
subscript expression.
* Fix a case of assertion failure when trying to resolve an overload
from `never`.
### Native Code Generation
* Fix dead store optimization issues caused by partial stores.
### Internal Contributors
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
New solver
* Fix bugs where bidirectional type inference would fail to take effect
at the proper stage.
* Improve inference of mutually recursive functions
* Fix crashes
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
# What's changed?
* Check interrupt handler inside the pattern match engine to eliminate
potential for programs to hang during string library function execution.
* Allow iteration over table properties to pass the old type solver.
### Native Code Generation
* Use in-place memory operands for math library operations on x64.
* Replace opaque bools with separate enum classes in IrDump to improve
code maintainability.
* Translate operations on inferred vectors to IR.
* Enable support for debugging native-compiled functions in Roblox
### New Type Solver
* Rework type inference for boolean and string literals to introduce
bounded free types (bounded below by the singleton type, and above by
the primitive type) and reworked primitive type constraint to decide
which is the appropriate type for the literal.
* Introduce `FunctionCheckConstraint` to handle bidirectional
typechecking for function calls, pushing the expected parameter types
from the function onto the arguments.
* Introduce `union` and `intersect` type families to compute deferred
simplified unions and intersections to be employed by the constraint
generation logic in the new solver.
* Implement support for expanding the domain of local types in
* Rework type inference for iteration variables bound by for in loops to
use local types.
* Change constraint blocking logic to use a set to prevent accidental
* Add logic to detect missing return statements in functions.
### Internal Contributors
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
# Old Solver:
- Fix a bug in the old solver where a user could use the keyword
`typeof` as the name of a type alias.
- Fix stringification of scientific notation to omit a trailing decimal
place when not followed by a digit e.g. `1.e+20` -> `1e+20`
# New Solver
- Continuing work on the New non-strict mode
- Introduce `keyof` and `rawkeyof` type function for acquiring the type
of all keys in a table or class
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
# What's changed?
* Fix up the `std::iterator_traits` definitions for some Luau data
* Replace some of the usages of `std::unordered_set` and
`std::unordered_map` with Luau-provided data structures to increase
performance and reduce overall number of heap allocations.
* Update some of the documentation links in comments throughout the
codebase to correctly point to the moved repository.
* Expanded JSON encoder for AST to support singleton types.
* Fixed a bug in `luau-analyze` where exceptions in the last module
being checked during multithreaded analysis would not be rethrown.
### New type solver
* Introduce a `refine` type family to handle deferred refinements during
type inference, replacing the old `RefineConstraint`.
* Continued work on the implementation of type states, fixing some known
* Added support for variadic functions in new non-strict mode, enabling
broader support for builtins and the Roblox API.
### Internal Contributors
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
- Implemented [Require by String with Relative
- Implemented [Require by String with
RFC with support for `paths` and `alias` arrays in .luarc
- Added SUBRK and DIVRK bytecode instructions to speed up
constant-number and constant/number operations
- Added `--vector-lib`, `--vector-ctor` and `--vector-type` options to
luau-compile to support code with vectors
New Solver
- Correctness fixes to subtyping
- Improvements to dataflow analysis
Native Code Generation
- Added bytecode analysis pass to predict type tags used in operations
- Fixed rare cases of numerical loops being generated without an
interrupt instruction
- Restored optimization data propagation into the linear block
- Duplicate buffer length checks are optimized away
- Small performance improvements to new non-strict mode
- Introduced more scripts for fuzzing Luau and processing the results,
including fuzzer build support for CMake
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
# New Type Solver
- Implement bidirectional type inference for higher order functions so
that we can provide a more precise type improving the autocomplete's
human factors.
- We seal all tables, so we changed the stringification to make it a
little lighter on users.
- Fixed a case of array-out-of-bound access.
- Type families no longer depends on `TxnLog` and `Unifier`.
- Type refinements now waits until the free types are sufficiently
# Native Code Generation
- Remove cached slot lookup for `executeSETTABLEKS` function because it
is a fallback in the event of a cache miss, making the cached slot
lookup redundant.
- Optimized repeated array lookups, e.g. `a[3]` in `a[3] = a[3] / 2` is
done once.
# Misc
- On some platforms, it is necessary to use `gmtime_s` with the
arguments reversed to get the current time. You can now define
`DOCTEST_CONFIG_USE_GMTIME_S` to build and run unit tests on those
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
* Rerun clang-format on the code
* Fix the variance on indexer result subtyping. This fixes some issues
with inconsistent error reporting.
* Fix a bug in the normalization logic for intersections of strings
New Type Solver
* New overload selection logic
* Subtype tests now correctly treat a generic as its upper bound within
that generic's scope
* Semantic subtyping for negation types
* Semantic subtyping between strings and compatible table types like
`{lower: (string) -> string}`
* Further work toward finalizing our new subtype test
* Correctly generalize module-scope symbols
Native Codegen
* Lowering statistics for assembly
* Make executable allocation size/limit configurable without a rebuild.
Use `FInt::LuauCodeGenBlockSize` and `FInt::LuauCodeGenMaxTotalSize`.
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
* Fixed `Frontend::markDirty` not working on modules that were not
typechecked yet
* Fixed generic variadic function unification succeeding when it should
have reported an error
New Type Solver:
* Implemented semantic subtyping check for function types
Native Code Generation:
* Improved performance of numerical loops with a constant step
* Simplified IR for `bit32.extract` calls extracting first/last bits
* Improved performance of NaN checks
- Updated Roblox copyright to 2023
- Floor division operator `//` (implements #832)
- Autocomplete now shows `end` within `do` blocks
- Restore BraceType when using `Lexer::lookahead` (fixes#1019)
# New typechecker
- Subtyping tests between metatables and tables
- Subtyping tests between string singletons and tables
- Subtyping tests for class types
# Native codegen
- Fixed macOS test failure (wrong spill restore offset)
- Fixed clobbering of non-volatile xmm registers on Windows
- Fixed wrong storage location of SSA reg spills
- Implemented A64 support for add/sub extended
- Eliminated zextReg from A64 lowering
- Remove identical table slot lookups
- Propagate values from predecessor into the linear block
- Disabled reuse slot optimization
- Keep `LuaNode::val` check for nil when optimizing `CHECK_SLOT_MATCH`
- Implemented IR translation of `table.insert` builtin
- Fixed mmap error handling on macOS/Linux
# Tooling
- Used `|` as a column separator instead of `+` in ``
- Added a `table.sort` micro-benchmark
- Switched `libprotobuf-mutator` to a less problematic version
* AST queries at position where function name is will now return
* Lexer performance has been slightly improved
* Fixed incorrect string singleton autocomplete suggestions (fixes#858)
* Improved parsing error messages
* Fixed crash on null pointer access in unification (fixes#1017)
* Native code support is enabled by default and `native=1`
(make)/`LUAU_NATIVE` (CMake)/`-DLUA_CUSTOM_EXECUTION` configuration is
no longer required
New typechecker:
* New subtyping check can now handle generic functions and tables
(including those that contain cycles)
Native code generation:
* Loops with non-numeric parameters are now handled by VM to streamline
native code
* Array size check can be optimized away in SETLIST
* On failure, CodeGen::compile returns a reason
* Fixed clobbering of non-volatile xmm registers on Windows
* Fix a use-after-free bug in the new type cloning algorithm
* Tighten up the type of `coroutine.wrap`. It is now `<A..., R...>(f:
(A...) -> R...) -> ((A...) -> R...)`
* Break `.luaurc` out into a separate library target `Luau.Config`. This
makes it easier for applications to reason about config files without
also depending on the type inference engine.
* Move typechecking limits into `FrontendOptions`. This allows embedders
more finely-grained control over autocomplete's internal time limits.
* Fix stability issue with debugger onprotectederror callback allowing
break in non-yieldable contexts
New solver:
* Initial work toward [Local Type
* Introduce a new subtyping test. This will be much nicer than the old
test because it is completely separate both from actual type inference
and from error reporting.
Native code generation:
* Added function to compute iterated dominance frontier
* Optimize barriers in SET_UPVALUE when tag is known
* Cache lua_State::global in a register on A64
* Optimize constant stores in A64 lowering
* Track table array size state to optimize array size checks
* Add split tag/value store into a VM register
* Check that spills can outlive the block only in specific conditions
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
* Progress toward a diffing algorithm for types. We hope that this will
be useful for writing clearer error messages.
* Add a missing recursion limiter in `Unifier::tryUnifyTables`. This was
causing a crash in certain situations.
* Luau heap graph enumeration improvements:
* Weak references are not reported
* Added tag as a fallback name of non-string table links
* Included top Luau function information in thread name to understand
where thread might be suspended
* Constant folding for `math.pi` and `math.huge` at -O2
* Optimize `string.format` and `%*`
* This change makes string interpolation 1.5x-2x faster depending on the
number and type of formatted components, assuming a few are using
primitive types, and reduces associated GC pressure.
New type checker:
* Initial work toward tracking the upper and lower bounds of types
Native code generation (JIT):
* Add IrCmd::CHECK_TRUTHY for improved assert fast-calls
* Do not compute type map for modules without types
* Capture metatable+readonly state for NEW_TABLE IR instructions
* Replace JUMP_CMP_ANY with CMP_ANY and existing JUMP_EQ_INT
* Add support for exits to VM with reentry lock in VmExit
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Type checker/autocomplete:
* `Luau::autocomplete` no longer performs typechecking internally, make
sure to run `Frontend::check` before performing autocomplete requests
* Autocomplete string suggestions without "" are now only suggested
inside the ""
* Autocomplete suggestions now include `function (anonymous autofilled)`
key with a full suggestion for the function expression (with arguments
included) stored in `AutocompleteEntry::insertText`
* `AutocompleteEntry::indexedWithSelf` is provided for function call
suggestions made with `:`
* Cyclic modules now see each other type exports as `any` to prevent
memory use-after-free (similar to module return type)
* Updated inline/loop unroll cost model to better handle assignments
* `math.noise` speed was improved by ~30%
* `table.concat` speed was improved by ~5-7%
* `tonumber` and `tostring` now have fastcall paths that execute ~1.5x
and ~2.5x faster respectively (fixes#777)
* Fixed crash in `luaL_typename` when index refers to a non-existing
* Fixed potential out of memory scenario when using `string.sub` or
`string.char` in a loop
* Fixed behavior of some fastcall builtins when called without arguments
under -O2 to match original functions
* Support for native code execution in VM is now enabled by default
(note: native code still has to be generated explicitly)
* `Codegen::compile` now accepts `CodeGen_OnlyNativeModules` flag. When
set, only modules that have a `--!native` hot-comment at the top will be
compiled to native code
In our new typechecker:
* Generic type packs are no longer considered to be variadic during
* Timeout and cancellation now works in new solver
* Fixed false positive errors around 'table' and 'function' type
* Table literals now use covariant unification rules. This is sound
since literal has no type specified and has no aliases
* Fixed issues with blocked types escaping the constraint solver
* Fixed more places where error messages that should've been suppressed
were still reported
* Fixed errors when iterating over a top table type
In our native code generation (jit):
* 'DebugLuauAbortingChecks' flag is now supported on A64
* LOP_NEWCLOSURE has been translated to IR
* Added luau-compile executable target to build/test compilation without
having full REPL included.
In our new typechecker:
* Fixed the order in which constraints are checked to get more
deterministic errors in different environments
* Fixed `isNumber`/`isString` checks to fix false positive errors in
binary comparisons
* CannotCallNonFunction error is reported when calling an intersection
type of non-functions
In our native code generation (jit):
* Outlined X64 return instruction code to improve code size
* Improved performance of return instruction on A64
* Added construction of a dominator tree for future optimizations
Lots of things going on this week:
* Fix a crash that could occur in the presence of a cyclic union. We
shouldn't be creating cyclic unions, but we shouldn't be crashing when
they arise either.
* Minor cleanup of `luau_precall`
* Internal change to make L->top handling slightly more uniform
* Optimize SETGLOBAL & GETGLOBAL fallback C functions.
* The syntax to the `luau-reduce` commandline tool has changed. It now
accepts a script, a command to execute, and an error to search for. It
no longer automatically passes the script to the command which makes it
a lot more flexible. Also be warned that it edits the script it is
passed **in place**. Do not point it at something that is not in source
New solver
* Switch to a greedier but more fallible algorithm for simplifying union
and intersection types that are created as part of refinement
calculation. This has much better and more predictable performance.
* Fix a constraint cycle in recursive function calls.
* Much improved inference of binary addition. Functions like `function
add(x, y) return x + y end` can now be inferred without annotations. We
also accurately typecheck calls to functions like this.
* Many small bugfixes surrounding things like table indexers
* Add support for indexers on class types. This was previously added to
the old solver; we now add it to the new one for feature parity.
* Fuse key.value and loads for CEHCK_SLOT_MATCH in A64
* Implement remaining aliases of BFM for A64
* Implement new callinfo flag for A64
* Add instruction simplification for int->num->int conversion chains
* Don't even load execdata for X64 calls
* Treat opcode fallbacks the same as manually written fallbacks
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
* Fixed exported types not being suggested in autocomplete
* `T...` is now convertible to `...any` (Fixes
* Fixed issue with `T?` not being convertible to `T | T` or `T?`
(sometimes when internal pointer identity is different)
* Fixed potential crash in missing table key error suggestion to use a
similar existing key
* `lua_topointer` now returns a pointer for strings
C++ API Changes:
* `prepareModuleScope` callback has moved from TypeChecker to Frontend
* For LSPs, AstQuery functions (and `isWithinComment`) can be used
without full Frontend data
A lot of changes in our two experimental components as well.
In our work on the new type-solver, the following issues were fixed:
* Fixed table union and intersection indexing
* Correct custom type environments are now used
* Fixed issue with values of `free & number` type not accepted in
numeric operations
And these are the changes in native code generation (JIT):
* arm64 lowering is almost complete with support for 99% of IR commands
and all fastcalls
* Fixed x64 assembly encoding for extended byte registers
* More external x64 calls are aware of register allocator
* `math.min`/`math.max` with more than 2 arguments are now lowered to IR
as well
* Fixed correctness issues with `math` library calls with multiple
results in variadic context and with x64 register conflicts
* x64 register allocator learnt to restore values from VM memory instead
of always using stack spills
* x64 exception unwind information now supports multiple functions and
fixes function start offset in Dwarf2 info
* `table.sort` was improved further. It now guarentees N*log(N) time
complexity in the worst case.
* Fix
We are also working on fixing final bugs and crashes in the new type
On the CodeGen front we have a few things going on:
* We have a smarter register allocator for the x86 JIT
* We lower more instructions on arm64
* The vector constructor builtin is now translated to IR
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Once again, all of our changes this week are for new type solver and the
In the new type solver, we fixed cyclic type alias handling and multiple
stability issues.
In the JIT, our main progress was for arm64, where, after lowering 36%
of instructions, we start seeing first Luau functions executing
For x64, we performed code cleanup and refactoring to allow for future
* Fix#817
* Fix#850
* Optimize math.floor/ceil/round with SSE4.1
* Results in a ~7-9% speedup on the math-cordic benchmark.
* Optimized table.sort.
* table.sort is now ~4.1x faster (when not using a predicate) and ~2.1x
faster when using a simple predicate. Performance may improve further in
the future.
* Reorganize the memory ownership of builtin type definitions.
* This is a small initial step toward affording parallel typechecking.
The new type solver is coming along nicely. We are working on fixing
crashes and bugs.
A few major changes to native codegen landed this week:
* Fixed lowering of Luau IR mod instruction when first argument is a
* Added VM register data-flow/capture analysis
* Fixed issues with optimizations in unreachable blocks
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
* Fixed incorrect lexeme generated for string parts in the middle of an
interpolated string (Fixes
* DeprecatedApi lint can report some issues without type inference
* Fixed performance of autocomplete requests when suggestions have large
intersection types (Solves
* Marked `table.getn`/`foreach`/`foreachi` as deprecated ([RFC:
* With -O2 optimization level, we now optimize builtin calls based on
known argument/return count.
Note that this change can be observable if `getfenv/setfenv` is used to
substitute a builtin, especially if arity is different.
Fastcall heavy tests show a 1-2% improvement.
* Luau can now be built with clang-cl (Fixes
We also made many improvements to our experimental components.
For our new type solver:
* Overhauled data flow analysis system, fixed issues with 'repeat'
loops, global variables and type annotations
* Type refinements now work on generic table indexing with a string
* Type refinements will properly track potentially 'nil' values (like
t[x] for a missing key) and their further refinements
* Internal top table type is now isomorphic to `{}` which fixes issues
when `typeof(v) == 'table'` type refinement is handled
* References to non-existent types in type annotations no longer resolve
to 'error' type like in old solver
* Improved handling of class unions in property access expressions
* Fixed default type packs
* Unsealed tables can now have metatables
* Restored expected types for function arguments
And for native code generation:
* Added min and max IR instructions mapping to vminsd/vmaxsd on x64
* We now speculatively extract direct execution fast-paths based on
expected types of expressions which provides better optimization
opportunities inside a single basic block
* Translated existing math fastcalls to IR form to improve tag guard
removal and constant propagation
This week we only have updates to new type solver and JIT. Both projects
are still in the process of being built out. Neither are ready for
general use yet.
In the new solver, we fixed issues with recursive type aliases.
Duplicated type parameters are once again reported, exported types are
being recorder and function argument names are placed inside function
We also made improvements to restore parts of bidirectional type
On native code generation side, namecall instruction lowering was fixed,
we fixed inconsistencies in IR command definitions and added utility
function to help with constant folding.
* Fixed rare use-after-free in analysis during table unification
A lot of work these past months went into two new Luau components:
* A near full rewrite of the typechecker using a new deferred constraint
resolution system
* Native code generation for AoT/JiT compilation of VM bytecode into x64
(avx)/arm64 instructions
Both of these components are far from finished and we don't provide
documentation on building and using them at this point.
However, curious community members expressed interest in learning about
changes that go into these components each week, so we are now listing
them here in the 'sync' pull request descriptions.
New typechecker can be enabled by setting
DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution flag to 'true'.
It is considered unstable right now, so try it at your own risk.
Even though it already provides better type inference than the current
one in some cases, our main goal right now is to reach feature parity
with current typechecker.
Features which improve over the capabilities of the current typechecker
are marked as '(NEW)'.
Changes to new typechecker:
* Regular for loop index and parameters are now typechecked
* Invalid type annotations on local variables are ignored to improve
* Fixed missing autocomplete type suggestions for function arguments
* Type reduction is now performed to produce simpler types to be
presented to the user (error messages, custom LSPs)
* Internally, complex types like '((number | string) & ~(false?)) |
string' can be produced, which is just 'string | number' when simplified
* Fixed spots where support for unknown and never types was missing
* (NEW) Length operator '#' is now valid to use on top table type, this
type comes up when doing typeof(x) == "table" guards and isn't available
in current typechecker
Changes to native code generation:
* Additional math library fast calls are now lowered to x64: math.ldexp,
math.round, math.frexp, math.modf, math.sign and math.clamp
* For autocomplete, additional information is included in Scope for type
alias name locations and names of imported modules
* Improved autocomplete suggestions in 'for' and 'while' loop headers
* String match functions return types are now optional strings and
numbers because match is not guaranteed at runtime
* Fixed build issue on gcc 11 and up (Fixes
* Fix autocompletion of if-then-else expressions
* Fix a potential crash surrounding improper use of `%*` in a string
format specifier
* All Python scripts now invoke Python via `python3` rather than
* Improved error handling for string interpolation with too many
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
We pass an extra `contents` parameter to the string callback function to
provide contextual information for autocomplete.
Because we support both string literals and simple interpolated strings,
we pass it through as a `std::string` value.
This is a breaking change
* Fixed garbage data in module scopes when type graph is not retained
* LOP_MOVE with the same source and target registers is no longer
generated (Fixes
* Fixed unions of `nil` types displaying as `?`
* Internal normalization now handles class types which can make
previously failing (incorrectly) sub-typing checks to succeed
* The AST JSON encoder will now stringify infinity and NaN according to the JSON5 spec using the tokens `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and `NaN`.
* Improve autocompletion of table keys if the type of that key is a union of string singletons.
String interpolation autocomplete was not working and was just using
default autocomplete. This fixes it so that inside a string it is
treated as normal, and inside an expression it suggests expression level
Also fixes the range, which was previously just the first lexeme.
- Fix rare type checking bugs with invalid generic types escaping the
module scope
- Fix type checking of variadic type packs in certain cases
- Implement type normalization, which resolves a large set of various
issues with unions/intersections in type checker
- Improve parse errors for trailing commas in function calls and type
- Reduce profiling skew when using --profile with very high frequencies
- Improve performance of `lua_getinfo` (``, `debug.traceback`
and profiling overhead are now 20% faster/smaller)
- Improve performance of polymorphic comparisons (1-2% lift on some
- Improve performance of closure creation (1-2% lift on some benchmarks)
- Improve string comparison performance (4% lift on string sorting)
- Remove type definitions of
`utf8.nfcnormalize`/`nfdnormalize`/`graphemes` that aren't supported by
standalone Luau library
- Add `lua_costatus` to retrieve extended thread status (similar to
- Improve GC sweeping performance (2-10% improvement on allocation-heavy
Implements the string interpolation RFC (#165).
Adds the string interpolation as per the RFC.
local name = "world"
print(`Hello {name}!`) -- Hello world!
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>