* Support `["prop"]` syntax on class definitions in definition files.
* Improve type checking performance for complex overloaded functions
* Fix rare cases of incorrect stack traces for out of memory errors at
* Reoptimized math.min/max/bit32 builtins assuming at least 2 arguments are used (1-2% lift on some benchmarks)
* Type errors that mention function types no longer have redundant parenthesis around return type
* Luau REPL now supports --compile=remarks which displays the source code with optimization remarks embedded as comments
* Builtin calls are slightly faster when called with 1-2 arguments (~1% improvement in some benchmarks)
* Adds a currently unused x86-64 assembler as a prerequisite for possible future JIT compilation
* Fix a bug in table iteration (closes Possible table iteration bug #504)
* Improved warning method when function is used as a type
* Fix a bug with unsandboxed iteration with pairs()
* Type of coroutine.status() is now a union of value types
* Bytecode output for tests/debugging now has labels
* Improvements to loop unrolling cost estimation
* Report errors when the key obviously doesn't exist in the table
- Fix some cases where type checking would overflow the native stack
- Improve autocomplete behavior when assigning a partially written function call (not currently exposed through command line tools)
- Improve autocomplete type inference feedback for some expressions where previously the type would not be known
- Improve quantification performance during type checking for large types
- Improve type checking for table literals when the expected type of the table is known because of a type annotation
- Fix type checking errors in cases where required module has errors in the resulting type
- Fix debug line information for multi-line chained call sequences (Add function name information for "attempt to call a nil value" #255)
- lua_newuserdata now takes 2 arguments to match Lua/LuaJIT APIs better; lua_newuserdatatagged should be used if the third argument was non-0.
- lua_ref can no longer be used with LUA_REGISTRYINDEX to prevent mistakes when migrating Lua FFI (Inconsistency with lua_ref #247)
- Fix assertions and possible crashes when executing script code indirectly via metatable dispatch from lua_equal/lua_lessthan/lua_getfield/etc. (Hitting a crash in an assert after lua_equal is called. #259)
- Fix flamegraph scripts to run under Python 2