## What's new
This update brings improvements to the new type solver, roundtrippable
AST parsing mode and closes multiple issues reported in this repository.
* `require` dependency tracing for non-string requires now supports `()`
groups in expressions and types as well as an ability to type annotate a
value with a `typeof` of a different module path
* Fixed rare misaligned memory access in Compiler/Typechecker on 32 bit
platforms (Closes#1572)
## New Solver
* Fixed crash/UB in subtyping of type packs (Closes#1449)
* Fixed incorrect type errors when calling `debug.info` (Closes#1534
and Resolves#966)
* Fixed incorrect boolean and string equality comparison result in
user-defined type functions (Closes#1623)
* Fixed incorrect class types being produced in user-defined type
functions when multiple classes share the same name (Closes#1639)
* Improved bidirectional typechecking for table literals containing
elements that have not been solved yet (Closes#1641)
## Roundtrippable AST
* Added source information for `AstStatTypeAlias`
* Fixed an issue with `AstTypeGroup` node (added in #1643) producing
invalid AST json. Contained type is now named 'inner' instead of 'type'
* Fixed end location of the `do ... end` statement
Internal Contributors:
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <hgoldstein@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Talha Pathan <tpathan@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <vsaini@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <vvijay@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com>
## What's Changed
General performance improvements and bug fixes. `lua_clonetable` was
added too.
### General
## Runtime
- Improvements were made to Luau's performance, including a
`lua_clonetable` function and optimizations to string caching. Buffer
read/write operations were optimized for big-endian machines.
## New Solver
- Crashes related to duplicate keys in table literals, fragment AC
crashes, and potential hash collisions in the StringCache.
- We now handle user-defined type functions as opaque and track interior
free table types.
## Require By String
- Require-by-string path resolution was simplified.
**Full Changelog**:
Co-authored-by: Ariel Weiss <aaronweiss@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <afriesen@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <hgoldstein@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <vsaini@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <vvijay@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Yohoo Lin <yohoo@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <hgoldstein@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <61795485+vrn-sn@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Youngblood <ayoungblood@roblox.com>
benchmark / callgrind (map[branch:main name:luau-lang/benchmark-data], ubuntu-22.04) (push) Has been cancelled
build / macos (push) Has been cancelled
build / macos-arm (push) Has been cancelled
build / ubuntu (push) Has been cancelled
build / windows (Win32) (push) Has been cancelled
build / windows (x64) (push) Has been cancelled
build / coverage (push) Has been cancelled
build / web (push) Has been cancelled
release / macos (push) Has been cancelled
release / ubuntu (push) Has been cancelled
release / windows (push) Has been cancelled
release / web (push) Has been cancelled
## What's Changed
### General
- Allow types of tables to diverge after using `table.clone` (fixes
- Allow 2-argument vector.create in Luau.
- Fix a crash when suggesting autocomplete after encountering parsing
- Add lua_tolstringatom C API which returns the string length (whether
or not the atom exists) and which extends the existing lua_tostringatom
function the same way lua_tolstring/lua_tostring do.
- Luau now retains the DFGs of typechecked modules.
### Magic Functions Migration Note
We've made a change to the API used to define magic functions.
Previously, we had a set of function pointers on each `FunctionType`
that would be invoked by the type inference engine at the correct point.
The problem we'd run into is that they were all `std::function`s, we'd
grown quite a few of them, and Luau allocates tens of thousands of types
as it performs type inference. This adds up to a large amount of memory
for data that isn't used by 99% of types.
To slim things down a bit, we've replaced all of those `std::function`s
with a single `shared_ptr` to a new interface called `MagicFunction`.
This slims down the memory footprint of each type by about 50 bytes.
The virtual methods of `MagicFunction` have roughly 1:1 correspondence
with the old interface, so updating things should not be too difficult:
* `FunctionType::magicFunction` is now `MagicFunction::handleOldSolver`
* `FunctionType::dcrMagicFunction` is now `MagicFunction::infer`
* `FunctionType::dcrMagicRefinement` is now `MagicFunction::refine`
* `FunctionType::dcrMagicTypeCheck` is now `MagicFunction::typeCheck`
**Full Changelog**:
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <afriesen@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Ariel Weiss <aaronweiss@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <agoel@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <hgoldstein@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Talha Pathan <tpathan@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <vsaini@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <vvijay@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com>
benchmark / callgrind (map[branch:main name:luau-lang/benchmark-data], ubuntu-22.04) (push) Has been cancelled
build / macos (push) Has been cancelled
build / macos-arm (push) Has been cancelled
build / ubuntu (push) Has been cancelled
build / windows (Win32) (push) Has been cancelled
build / windows (x64) (push) Has been cancelled
build / coverage (push) Has been cancelled
build / web (push) Has been cancelled
release / macos (push) Has been cancelled
release / ubuntu (push) Has been cancelled
release / windows (push) Has been cancelled
release / web (push) Has been cancelled
## New Solver
* Type functions should be able to signal whether or not irreducibility
is due to an error
* Do not generate extra expansion constraint for uninvoked user-defined
type functions
* Print in a user-defined type function reports as an error instead of
logging to stdout
* Many e-graphs bugfixes and performance improvements
* Many general bugfixes and improvements to the new solver as a whole
* Fixed issue with used-defined type functions not being able to call
each other
* Infer types of globals under new type solver
## Fragment Autocomplete
* Miscellaneous fixes to make interop with the old solver better
## Runtime
* Support disabling specific built-in functions from being fast-called
or constant-evaluated (Closes#1538)
* New compiler option `disabledBuiltins` accepts a list of library
function names like "tonumber" or "math.cos"
* Added constant folding for vector arithmetic
* Added constant propagation and type inference for vector globals
* New compiler option `librariesWithKnownMembers` accepts a list of
libraries for members of which a request for constant value and/or type
will be made
* `libraryMemberTypeCb` callback is called to get the type of a global,
return one of the `LuauBytecodeType` values. 'boolean', 'number',
'string' and 'vector' type are supported.
* `libraryMemberConstantCb` callback is called to setup the constant
value of a global. To set a value, C API `luau_set_compile_constant_*`
or C++ API `setCompileConstant*` functions should be used.
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <aaronweiss@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <afriesen@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <agoel@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Angel <danielangel@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Jonathan Kelaty <jkelaty@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <hgoldstein@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <vsaini@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <vvijay@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <aaronweiss@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <amccord@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <afriesen@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <agoel@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <dcope@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <lbrown@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Junseo Yoo <jyoo@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <hgoldstein@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <61795485+vrn-sn@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Youngblood <ayoungblood@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <vsaini@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Andrew Miranti <amiranti@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Shiqi Ai <sai@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Yohoo Lin <yohoo@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Angel <danielangel@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Jonathan Kelaty <jkelaty@roblox.com>
### What's New?
* Fragment Autocomplete: a new API allows for type checking a small
fragment of code against an existing file, significantly speeding up
autocomplete performance in large files.
### New Solver
* E-Graphs have landed: this is an ongoing approach to make the new type
solver simplify types in a more consistent and principled manner, based
on similar work (see: https://egraphs-good.github.io/).
* Adds support for exporting / local user type functions (previously
they were always exported).
* Fixes a set of bugs in which the new solver will fail to complete
inference for simple expressions with just literals and operators.
### General Updates
* Requiring a path with a ".lua" or ".luau" extension will now have a
bespoke error suggesting to remove said extension.
* Fixes a bug in which whether two `Luau::Symbol`s are equal depends on
whether the new solver is enabled.
Internal Contributors:
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <aaronweiss@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <afriesen@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: David Cope <dcope@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <hgoldstein@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <vsaini@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <vvijay@roblox.com>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com>