benchmark / callgrind (map[branch:main name:luau-lang/benchmark-data], ubuntu-22.04) (push) Has been cancelled
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This PR refactors the CLI folder to use the same project split between
include and src directories that we have for all the other artifacts in
luau. It also includes the require-by-string implementation we already
have as a feature of `Luau.CLI.lib`. Both of these changes are targeted
at making it easier for embedding projects to setup an effective
equivalent to the standalone `luau` executable with whatever runtime
libraries they need attached and without having to unnecessarily
duplicate code from luau itself.
- Rework transaction log used for type checking which should result in more robust type checking internals with fewer bugs
- Reduce the amount of memory consumed by type checker on large module graphs
- Type checker now errors on attempts to change the type of imported module fields
- The return type of newproxy is now any (fixes#296)
- Implement new number printing algorithm (Schubfach) which makes tostring() produce precise (round-trippable) and short decimal output up to 10x faster
- Fix lua_Debug::linedefined to point to the line with the function definition instead of the first statement (fixes#265)
- Fix minor bugs in Tab completion in Repl
- Repl now saves/restores command history in ~/.luau_history