I've decided to take a stab at implementing `bit32.byteswap` from the
[recently merged
I asked on Discord for some guidance, but for the sake of posterity:
this is my first time doing this and I am likely to have made some
The biggest gaps in this implementation are the lack of tests and the
lack of native codegen support. I'd appreciate help with those since I'm
not sure what's relevant for me to touch for tests, and I'm told that
relevant assembler instructions don't exist publicly yet. Intuition
tells me that Luau-side tests would go into
`tests/conformance/bitwise.luau` but this is not well documented and I'm
not sure how I'm meant to test built-in implementations.
The current implementation compiles down to `bswap` and `rev` on x86 and
ARM respectively when optimized.
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com>
* Reoptimized math.min/max/bit32 builtins assuming at least 2 arguments are used (1-2% lift on some benchmarks)
* Type errors that mention function types no longer have redundant parenthesis around return type
* Luau REPL now supports --compile=remarks which displays the source code with optimization remarks embedded as comments
* Builtin calls are slightly faster when called with 1-2 arguments (~1% improvement in some benchmarks)
- Fix autocomplete not suggesting globals defined after the cursor (fixes#622)
- Improve type checker stability
- Reduce parser C stack consumption which fixes some stack overflow crashes on deeply nested sources
- Improve performance of bit32.extract/replace when width is implied (~3% faster chess)
- Improve performance of bit32.extract when field/width are constants (~10% faster base64)
- Heap dump now annotates thread stacks with local variable/function names
- Type mismatch errors now show detailed information for compound types, highlighting the mismatching component
- Fix string.pack bug on ARM when packing negative numbers using unsigned formats
- Implement bit32.countlz/countrz (RFC RFC: bit32.countlz/countrz #89)
- Minor compiler throughput optimization (~2% faster compilation)
- Improve transpiler behavior for edge cases and better test coverage (not exposed through CLI at the moment)
- Improve error recovery when parsing invalid assignments
- Build fixes for fuzzing targets