* Fix free Luau type being fully overwritten by 'any' and causing UAF
* Fix lua_clonefunction implementation replacing top instead of pushing
* Falsey values other than false can now narrow refinements
* Fix lua_getmetatable, lua_getfenv not waking thread up
* FIx a case where lua_objlen could push a new string without thread wakeup or GC
* Moved Luau math and bit32 definitions to definition file
* Improve Luau parse recovery of incorrect return type token
* Adds a currently unused x86-64 assembler as a prerequisite for possible future JIT compilation
* Fix a bug in table iteration (closes Possible table iteration bug #504)
* Improved warning method when function is used as a type
* Fix a bug with unsandboxed iteration with pairs()
* Type of coroutine.status() is now a union of value types
* Bytecode output for tests/debugging now has labels
* Improvements to loop unrolling cost estimation
* Report errors when the key obviously doesn't exist in the table