New Solver
* New algorithm for inferring the types of locals that have no
annotations. This
algorithm is very conservative by default, but is augmented with some
flow awareness to handle most common scenarios.
* Fix bugs in type inference of tables
* Improve performance of by switching out standard C++ containers for
* Infrastructure to support clearer error messages in strict mode
Native Code Generation
* Fix a lowering issue with buffer.writeu8 and 0x80-0xff values: A
argument wasn't truncated to the target type range and that causes an
assertion failure in ``.
* Store full lightuserdata value in loop iteration protocol lowering
* Add analysis to compute function bytecode distribution
* This includes a class to analyze the bytecode operator distribution
function and a CLI tool that produces a JSON report. See the new cmake
target `Luau.Bytecode.CLI`
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
## What's Changed
- Improve POSIX compliance in `CLI/FileUtils.cpp` by @SamuraiCrow #1064
- `AstStat*::hasEnd` is deprecated; use `AstStatBlock::hasEnd` instead
- Added a lint for common misuses of the `#` operator
- Luau now issues deprecated diagnostics for some uses of `getfenv` and
- Fixed a case where we included a trailing space in some error
### Compiler
- Do not do further analysis in O2 on self functions
- Improve detection of invalid repeat..until expressions vs continue
### New Type Solver
- We now cache subtype test results to improve performance
- Improved operator inference mechanics (aka type families)
- Further work towards type states
- Work towards [new non-strict
### Native Codegen
- Instruction last use locations should follow the order in which blocks
are lowered
- Add a bonus assertion to IrLoweringA64::tempAddr
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <>
Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <>
- Cleaned up `FFlag::FixFindBindingAtFunctionName`,
`FFlag::LuauNormalizeBlockedTypes`, `FFlag::LuauPCallDebuggerFix`
- Added support for break and continue into control flow analysis
- The old type unification engine will now report a more fine-grained
error at times, indicating that type normalization in particular failed
# New Type Solver
- Refactor of Unifier2, the new unification implementation for Luau
- Completed MVP of new unification implementation
- Dramatically simplified overload selection logic
- Type family reduction can now apply sooner to free types that have
been solved
- Subtyping now supports table indexers
- Generalization now replaces bad generics with unknown
# Native Code Generation
- Reduce stack spills caused by FINDUPVAL and STORE_TAG
- Improve Generate SHL/SHR/SAR/rotates with immediate operands in X64
- Removed redundant case re-check in table lookup fallback
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <>
Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <>
- Updated Roblox copyright to 2023
- Floor division operator `//` (implements #832)
- Autocomplete now shows `end` within `do` blocks
- Restore BraceType when using `Lexer::lookahead` (fixes#1019)
# New typechecker
- Subtyping tests between metatables and tables
- Subtyping tests between string singletons and tables
- Subtyping tests for class types
# Native codegen
- Fixed macOS test failure (wrong spill restore offset)
- Fixed clobbering of non-volatile xmm registers on Windows
- Fixed wrong storage location of SSA reg spills
- Implemented A64 support for add/sub extended
- Eliminated zextReg from A64 lowering
- Remove identical table slot lookups
- Propagate values from predecessor into the linear block
- Disabled reuse slot optimization
- Keep `LuaNode::val` check for nil when optimizing `CHECK_SLOT_MATCH`
- Implemented IR translation of `table.insert` builtin
- Fixed mmap error handling on macOS/Linux
# Tooling
- Used `|` as a column separator instead of `+` in ``
- Added a `table.sort` micro-benchmark
- Switched `libprotobuf-mutator` to a less problematic version
* Better indentation in multi-line type mismatch error messages
* Error message clone can no longer cause a stack overflow (when
typechecking with retainFullTypeGraphs set to false); fixes
* `string.format` with %s is now ~2x faster on strings smaller than 100
Native code generation:
* All VM side exits will block return to the native execution of the
current function to preserve correctness
* Fixed executable page allocation on Apple platforms when using
hardened runtime
* Added statistics for code generation (no. of functions compiler,
memory used for different areas)
* Fixed issue with function entry type checks performed more that once
in some functions
* Progress toward a diffing algorithm for types. We hope that this will
be useful for writing clearer error messages.
* Add a missing recursion limiter in `Unifier::tryUnifyTables`. This was
causing a crash in certain situations.
* Luau heap graph enumeration improvements:
* Weak references are not reported
* Added tag as a fallback name of non-string table links
* Included top Luau function information in thread name to understand
where thread might be suspended
* Constant folding for `math.pi` and `math.huge` at -O2
* Optimize `string.format` and `%*`
* This change makes string interpolation 1.5x-2x faster depending on the
number and type of formatted components, assuming a few are using
primitive types, and reduces associated GC pressure.
New type checker:
* Initial work toward tracking the upper and lower bounds of types
Native code generation (JIT):
* Add IrCmd::CHECK_TRUTHY for improved assert fast-calls
* Do not compute type map for modules without types
* Capture metatable+readonly state for NEW_TABLE IR instructions
* Replace JUMP_CMP_ANY with CMP_ANY and existing JUMP_EQ_INT
* Add support for exits to VM with reentry lock in VmExit
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
Type checker/autocomplete:
* `Luau::autocomplete` no longer performs typechecking internally, make
sure to run `Frontend::check` before performing autocomplete requests
* Autocomplete string suggestions without "" are now only suggested
inside the ""
* Autocomplete suggestions now include `function (anonymous autofilled)`
key with a full suggestion for the function expression (with arguments
included) stored in `AutocompleteEntry::insertText`
* `AutocompleteEntry::indexedWithSelf` is provided for function call
suggestions made with `:`
* Cyclic modules now see each other type exports as `any` to prevent
memory use-after-free (similar to module return type)
* Updated inline/loop unroll cost model to better handle assignments
* `math.noise` speed was improved by ~30%
* `table.concat` speed was improved by ~5-7%
* `tonumber` and `tostring` now have fastcall paths that execute ~1.5x
and ~2.5x faster respectively (fixes#777)
* Fixed crash in `luaL_typename` when index refers to a non-existing
* Fixed potential out of memory scenario when using `string.sub` or
`string.char` in a loop
* Fixed behavior of some fastcall builtins when called without arguments
under -O2 to match original functions
* Support for native code execution in VM is now enabled by default
(note: native code still has to be generated explicitly)
* `Codegen::compile` now accepts `CodeGen_OnlyNativeModules` flag. When
set, only modules that have a `--!native` hot-comment at the top will be
compiled to native code
In our new typechecker:
* Generic type packs are no longer considered to be variadic during
* Timeout and cancellation now works in new solver
* Fixed false positive errors around 'table' and 'function' type
* Table literals now use covariant unification rules. This is sound
since literal has no type specified and has no aliases
* Fixed issues with blocked types escaping the constraint solver
* Fixed more places where error messages that should've been suppressed
were still reported
* Fixed errors when iterating over a top table type
In our native code generation (jit):
* 'DebugLuauAbortingChecks' flag is now supported on A64
* LOP_NEWCLOSURE has been translated to IR
* Optimized operations like instantiation and module export for very
large types
In our new typechecker:
* Typechecking of function calls was rewritten to handle more cases
* Fixed a crash that can happen after self-referential type is exported
from a module
* Fixed a false positive error in string comparison
* Added handling of `` variable type annotations and fixed
issues with the iterator call inside
* Self-referential 'hasProp' and 'setProp' constraints are now handled
In our native code generation (jit):
* Added '--target' argument to luau-compile to test multiple
architectures different from host architecture
* GC barrier tag check is skipped if type is already known to be
* Added GET_TYPE/GET_TYPEOF instructions for type/typeof fast-calls
* Improved code size of interrupt handlers on X64
* Added a limit on how many instructions the Compiler can safely produce
(reported by @TheGreatSageEqualToHeaven)
C++ API Changes:
* With work started on read-only and write-only properties,
`Property::type` member variable has been replaced with `TypeId type()`
and `setType(TypeId)` functions.
* New `LazyType` unwrap callback now has a `void` return type, all
that's required from the callback is to write into `unwrapped` field.
In our work on the new type solver, the following issues were fixed:
* Work has started to support and
* Refinements are no longer applied on l-values, removing some
false-positive errors
* Improved overload resolution against expected result type
* `Frontend::prepareModuleScope` now works in the new solver
* Cofinite strings are now comparable
And these are the changes in native code generation (JIT):
* Fixed MIN_NUM and MAX_NUM constant fold when one of the arguments is
* Added constant folding for number conversions and bit operations
* Value spilling and rematerialization is now supported on arm64
* Improved FASTCALL2K IR generation to support second argument constant
* Added value numbering and load/store propagation optimizations
* Added STORE_VECTOR on arm64, completing the IR lowering on this target
* `table.sort` was improved further. It now guarentees N*log(N) time
complexity in the worst case.
* Fix
We are also working on fixing final bugs and crashes in the new type
On the CodeGen front we have a few things going on:
* We have a smarter register allocator for the x86 JIT
* We lower more instructions on arm64
* The vector constructor builtin is now translated to IR
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
* Fix#817
* Fix#850
* Optimize math.floor/ceil/round with SSE4.1
* Results in a ~7-9% speedup on the math-cordic benchmark.
* Optimized table.sort.
* table.sort is now ~4.1x faster (when not using a predicate) and ~2.1x
faster when using a simple predicate. Performance may improve further in
the future.
* Reorganize the memory ownership of builtin type definitions.
* This is a small initial step toward affording parallel typechecking.
The new type solver is coming along nicely. We are working on fixing
crashes and bugs.
A few major changes to native codegen landed this week:
* Fixed lowering of Luau IR mod instruction when first argument is a
* Added VM register data-flow/capture analysis
* Fixed issues with optimizations in unreachable blocks
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
This week we only have updates to new type solver and JIT. Both projects
are still in the process of being built out. Neither are ready for
general use yet.
In the new solver, we fixed issues with recursive type aliases.
Duplicated type parameters are once again reported, exported types are
being recorder and function argument names are placed inside function
We also made improvements to restore parts of bidirectional type
On native code generation side, namecall instruction lowering was fixed,
we fixed inconsistencies in IR command definitions and added utility
function to help with constant folding.
* Fix a bug where reading a property from an unsealed table caused
inference to improperly infer the existence of that property.
* Fix#827
We have also made a lot of progress on the new solver and the JIT. Both
projects are still in the process of being built out. Neither are ready
for general use yet.
We are mostly working to tighten up how the new solver handles
refinements and updates to unsealed tables to bring it up to the same
level as the old solver.
Co-authored-by: Arseny Kapoulkine <>
Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
* Fixed garbage data in module scopes when type graph is not retained
* LOP_MOVE with the same source and target registers is no longer
generated (Fixes
* Fixed unions of `nil` types displaying as `?`
* Internal normalization now handles class types which can make
previously failing (incorrectly) sub-typing checks to succeed
* Type mismatch errors now mention if unification failed in covariant or
invariant context, to explain why sometimes derived class can't be
converted to base class or why `T` can't be converted into `T?` and so
* Class type indexing is no longer an error in non-strict mode (still an
error in strict mode)
* Fixed cyclic type packs not being displayed in the type
* Added an error when unrelated types are compared with `==`/`~=`
* Fixed false positive errors involving sub-type tests an `never` type
* Fixed miscompilation of multiple assignment statements (Fixes
* Type inference stability improvements
* Reduce the stack utilization of type checking.
* Improve the error message that's reported when a delimiting comma is
missing from a table literal. eg
local t = {
first = 1
second = 2
* Reoptimized math.min/max/bit32 builtins assuming at least 2 arguments are used (1-2% lift on some benchmarks)
* Type errors that mention function types no longer have redundant parenthesis around return type
* Luau REPL now supports --compile=remarks which displays the source code with optimization remarks embedded as comments
* Builtin calls are slightly faster when called with 1-2 arguments (~1% improvement in some benchmarks)
- Fix rare type checking bugs with invalid generic types escaping the
module scope
- Fix type checking of variadic type packs in certain cases
- Implement type normalization, which resolves a large set of various
issues with unions/intersections in type checker
- Improve parse errors for trailing commas in function calls and type
- Reduce profiling skew when using --profile with very high frequencies
- Improve performance of `lua_getinfo` (``, `debug.traceback`
and profiling overhead are now 20% faster/smaller)
- Improve performance of polymorphic comparisons (1-2% lift on some
- Improve performance of closure creation (1-2% lift on some benchmarks)
- Improve string comparison performance (4% lift on string sorting)
- Improve type error messages for argument count mismatch in certain
- Fix type checking variadic returns when the type is incompatible which
type checked in certain cases
- Reduce size of upvalue objects by 8 bytes on 64-bit platforms
- Reduce I$ footprint of interpreter by 1.5KB
- Reduce GC pause during atomic stage for programs with a lot of threads
- Remove support for bytecode v2
* Adds a currently unused x86-64 assembler as a prerequisite for possible future JIT compilation
* Fix a bug in table iteration (closes Possible table iteration bug #504)
* Improved warning method when function is used as a type
* Fix a bug with unsandboxed iteration with pairs()
* Type of coroutine.status() is now a union of value types
* Bytecode output for tests/debugging now has labels
* Improvements to loop unrolling cost estimation
* Report errors when the key obviously doesn't exist in the table
- Improve refinement support for unions, in particular it's now possible to implement tagged unions as a union of tables where individual branches use a string literal type for one of the fields.
- Fix `string.split` type information
- Optimize `select(_, ...)` to run in constant time (~2.7x faster on VariadicSelect benchmark)
- Improve debug line information for multi-line assignments
- Improve compilation of table literals when table keys are constant expressions/variables
- Use forward GC barrier for `setmetatable` which slightly accelerates GC progress
- Rework transaction log used for type checking which should result in more robust type checking internals with fewer bugs
- Reduce the amount of memory consumed by type checker on large module graphs
- Type checker now errors on attempts to change the type of imported module fields
- The return type of newproxy is now any (fixes#296)
- Implement new number printing algorithm (Schubfach) which makes tostring() produce precise (round-trippable) and short decimal output up to 10x faster
- Fix lua_Debug::linedefined to point to the line with the function definition instead of the first statement (fixes#265)
- Fix minor bugs in Tab completion in Repl
- Repl now saves/restores command history in ~/.luau_history
This doesn't contain all changes for 507 yet but we might want to do the
Luau 0.507 release a bit earlier to end the year sooner.
- Type ascription (::) now permits casts between related types in both directions, allowing to refine or loosen the type (RFC #56)
- Fix type definition for tonumber to return number? since the input string isn't guaranteed to contain a valid number
- Fix type refinements for field access via []
- Many stability fixes for type checker
- Provide extra information in error messages for type mismatches in more cases
- Improve performance of type checking for large unions when union members are string literals
- Add coverage reporting support to Repl (--coverage command line argument) and lua_getcoverage C API
- Work around code signing issues during Makefile builds on macOS
- Improve performance of truthiness checks in some cases, particularly on Apple M1, resulting in 10-25% perf gains on qsort benchmark depending on the CPU/compiler
- Fix support for little-endian systems; IBM s390x here we go!
- Fix some cases where type checking would overflow the native stack
- Improve autocomplete behavior when assigning a partially written function call (not currently exposed through command line tools)
- Improve autocomplete type inference feedback for some expressions where previously the type would not be known
- Improve quantification performance during type checking for large types
- Improve type checking for table literals when the expected type of the table is known because of a type annotation
- Fix type checking errors in cases where required module has errors in the resulting type
- Fix debug line information for multi-line chained call sequences (Add function name information for "attempt to call a nil value" #255)
- lua_newuserdata now takes 2 arguments to match Lua/LuaJIT APIs better; lua_newuserdatatagged should be used if the third argument was non-0.
- lua_ref can no longer be used with LUA_REGISTRYINDEX to prevent mistakes when migrating Lua FFI (Inconsistency with lua_ref #247)
- Fix assertions and possible crashes when executing script code indirectly via metatable dispatch from lua_equal/lua_lessthan/lua_getfield/etc. (Hitting a crash in an assert after lua_equal is called. #259)
- Fix flamegraph scripts to run under Python 2
- Improve error recovery during type checking
- Initial (not fully complete) implementation for singleton types (RFC RFC: Singleton types #37)
- Implement a C-friendly interface for compiler (luacode.h)
- Remove C++ features from lua.h (removed default arguments from luau_load and lua_pushcfunction)
- Fix lua_breakpoint behavior when enabled=false
- Implement coroutine.close (RFC RFC: coroutine.close #88)
Note, this introduces small breaking changes in lua.h:
- luau_load env argument is now required, pass an extra 0
- lua_pushcfunction now must be called with 3 arguments; if you were calling it with 2 arguments, pass an extra NULL; if you were calling it with 4, use lua_pushcclosure.
These changes are necessary to make sure lua.h can be used from pure C - the future release will make it possible by adding an option to luaconf.h to change function name mangling to be C-compatible. We don't anticipate breaking the FFI interface in the future, but this change was necessary to restore C compatibility.
- Type mismatch errors now show detailed information for compound types, highlighting the mismatching component
- Fix string.pack bug on ARM when packing negative numbers using unsigned formats
- Implement bit32.countlz/countrz (RFC RFC: bit32.countlz/countrz #89)
- Minor compiler throughput optimization (~2% faster compilation)
- Improve transpiler behavior for edge cases and better test coverage (not exposed through CLI at the moment)
- Improve error recovery when parsing invalid assignments
- Build fixes for fuzzing targets
- A series of major optimizations to type checking performance on complex
programs/types (up to two orders of magnitude speedup for programs
involving huge tagged unions)
- Fix a few issues encountered by UBSAN (and maybe fix s390x builds)
- Fix gcc-11 test builds
- Fix a rare corner case where luau_load wouldn't wake inactive threads
which could result in a use-after-free due to GC
- Fix CLI crash when error object that's not a string escapes to top level
- Fix Makefile suffixes on macOS
Co-authored-by: Rodactor <>