mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 11:11:41 +00:00
Sync to upstream/release/501 (#20)
Co-authored-by: Rodactor <rodactor@roblox.com>
This commit is contained in:
336 changed files with 118239 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
BasedOnStyle: LLVM
AccessModifierOffset: -4
AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Never
AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty
AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: Empty
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Never
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
BreakBeforeBraces: Allman
BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeComma
BreakInheritanceList: BeforeComma
ColumnLimit: 150
IndentCaseLabels: false
SortIncludes: false
IndentWidth: 4
TabWidth: 4
ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 4
AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign
UseTab: Never
PointerAlignment: Left
SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: false
AlignEscapedNewlines: DontAlign
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes
MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 10
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Ast.h"
#include "Luau/Documentation.h"
#include <memory>
namespace Luau
struct Binding;
struct SourceModule;
struct Module;
struct TypeVar;
using TypeId = const TypeVar*;
using ScopePtr = std::shared_ptr<struct Scope>;
struct ExprOrLocal
AstExpr* getExpr()
return expr;
AstLocal* getLocal()
return local;
void setExpr(AstExpr* newExpr)
expr = newExpr;
local = nullptr;
void setLocal(AstLocal* newLocal)
local = newLocal;
expr = nullptr;
std::optional<Location> getLocation()
return expr ? expr->location : (local ? local->location : std::optional<Location>{});
AstExpr* expr = nullptr;
AstLocal* local = nullptr;
std::vector<AstNode*> findAstAncestryOfPosition(const SourceModule& source, Position pos);
AstNode* findNodeAtPosition(const SourceModule& source, Position pos);
AstExpr* findExprAtPosition(const SourceModule& source, Position pos);
ScopePtr findScopeAtPosition(const Module& module, Position pos);
std::optional<Binding> findBindingAtPosition(const Module& module, const SourceModule& source, Position pos);
ExprOrLocal findExprOrLocalAtPosition(const SourceModule& source, Position pos);
std::optional<TypeId> findTypeAtPosition(const Module& module, const SourceModule& sourceModule, Position pos);
std::optional<TypeId> findExpectedTypeAtPosition(const Module& module, const SourceModule& sourceModule, Position pos);
std::optional<DocumentationSymbol> getDocumentationSymbolAtPosition(const SourceModule& source, const Module& module, Position position);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
namespace Luau
struct Frontend;
struct SourceModule;
struct Module;
struct TypeChecker;
using ModulePtr = std::shared_ptr<Module>;
enum class AutocompleteEntryKind
enum class ParenthesesRecommendation
enum class TypeCorrectKind
struct AutocompleteEntry
AutocompleteEntryKind kind = AutocompleteEntryKind::Property;
// Nullopt if kind is Keyword
std::optional<TypeId> type = std::nullopt;
bool deprecated = false;
// Only meaningful if kind is Property.
bool wrongIndexType = false;
// Set if this suggestion matches the type expected in the context
TypeCorrectKind typeCorrect = TypeCorrectKind::None;
std::optional<const ClassTypeVar*> containingClass = std::nullopt;
std::optional<const Property*> prop = std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> documentationSymbol = std::nullopt;
Tags tags;
ParenthesesRecommendation parens = ParenthesesRecommendation::None;
using AutocompleteEntryMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, AutocompleteEntry>;
struct AutocompleteResult
AutocompleteEntryMap entryMap;
std::vector<AstNode*> ancestry;
AutocompleteResult() = default;
AutocompleteResult(AutocompleteEntryMap entryMap, std::vector<AstNode*> ancestry)
: entryMap(std::move(entryMap))
, ancestry(std::move(ancestry))
using ModuleName = std::string;
using StringCompletionCallback = std::function<std::optional<AutocompleteEntryMap>(std::string tag, std::optional<const ClassTypeVar*> ctx)>;
struct OwningAutocompleteResult
AutocompleteResult result;
ModulePtr module;
std::unique_ptr<SourceModule> sourceModule;
AutocompleteResult autocomplete(Frontend& frontend, const ModuleName& moduleName, Position position, StringCompletionCallback callback);
OwningAutocompleteResult autocompleteSource(Frontend& frontend, std::string_view source, Position position, StringCompletionCallback callback);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "TypeInfer.h"
namespace Luau
void registerBuiltinTypes(TypeChecker& typeChecker);
TypeId makeUnion(TypeArena& arena, std::vector<TypeId>&& types);
TypeId makeIntersection(TypeArena& arena, std::vector<TypeId>&& types);
/** Build an optional 't'
TypeId makeOption(TypeChecker& typeChecker, TypeArena& arena, TypeId t);
/** Small utility function for building up type definitions from C++.
TypeId makeFunction( // Monomorphic
TypeArena& arena, std::optional<TypeId> selfType, std::initializer_list<TypeId> paramTypes, std::initializer_list<TypeId> retTypes);
TypeId makeFunction( // Polymorphic
TypeArena& arena, std::optional<TypeId> selfType, std::initializer_list<TypeId> generics, std::initializer_list<TypePackId> genericPacks,
std::initializer_list<TypeId> paramTypes, std::initializer_list<TypeId> retTypes);
TypeId makeFunction( // Monomorphic
TypeArena& arena, std::optional<TypeId> selfType, std::initializer_list<TypeId> paramTypes, std::initializer_list<std::string> paramNames,
std::initializer_list<TypeId> retTypes);
TypeId makeFunction( // Polymorphic
TypeArena& arena, std::optional<TypeId> selfType, std::initializer_list<TypeId> generics, std::initializer_list<TypePackId> genericPacks,
std::initializer_list<TypeId> paramTypes, std::initializer_list<std::string> paramNames, std::initializer_list<TypeId> retTypes);
void attachMagicFunction(TypeId ty, MagicFunction fn);
void attachFunctionTag(TypeId ty, std::string constraint);
Property makeProperty(TypeId ty, std::optional<std::string> documentationSymbol = std::nullopt);
void assignPropDocumentationSymbols(TableTypeVar::Props& props, const std::string& baseName);
std::string getBuiltinDefinitionSource();
void addGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const std::string& name, TypeId ty, const std::string& packageName);
void addGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const std::string& name, Binding binding);
void addGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const std::string& name, TypeId ty, const std::string& packageName);
void addGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const std::string& name, Binding binding);
std::optional<Binding> tryGetGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const std::string& name);
Binding* tryGetGlobalBindingRef(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const std::string& name);
TypeId getGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const std::string& name);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Linter.h"
#include "Luau/ParseOptions.h"
#include <string>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
namespace Luau
using ModuleName = std::string;
constexpr const char* kConfigName = ".luaurc";
struct Config
Mode mode = Mode::NoCheck;
ParseOptions parseOptions;
LintOptions enabledLint;
LintOptions fatalLint;
bool lintErrors = false;
bool typeErrors = true;
std::vector<std::string> globals;
struct ConfigResolver
virtual ~ConfigResolver() {}
virtual const Config& getConfig(const ModuleName& name) const = 0;
struct NullConfigResolver : ConfigResolver
Config defaultConfig;
virtual const Config& getConfig(const ModuleName& name) const override;
std::optional<std::string> parseModeString(Mode& mode, const std::string& modeString, bool compat = false);
std::optional<std::string> parseLintRuleString(
LintOptions& enabledLints, LintOptions& fatalLints, const std::string& warningName, const std::string& value, bool compat = false);
std::optional<std::string> parseConfig(const std::string& contents, Config& config, bool compat = false);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#pragma once
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Luau
struct FunctionDocumentation;
struct TableDocumentation;
struct OverloadedFunctionDocumentation;
using Documentation = Luau::Variant<std::string, FunctionDocumentation, TableDocumentation, OverloadedFunctionDocumentation>;
using DocumentationSymbol = std::string;
struct FunctionParameterDocumentation
std::string name;
DocumentationSymbol documentation;
// Represents documentation for anything callable. This could be a method or a
// callback or a free function.
struct FunctionDocumentation
std::string documentation;
std::vector<FunctionParameterDocumentation> parameters;
std::vector<DocumentationSymbol> returns;
struct OverloadedFunctionDocumentation
// This is a map of function signature to overload symbol name.
Luau::DenseHashMap<std::string, DocumentationSymbol> overloads;
// Represents documentation for a table-like item, meaning "anything with keys".
// This could be a table or a class.
struct TableDocumentation
std::string documentation;
Luau::DenseHashMap<std::string, DocumentationSymbol> keys;
using DocumentationDatabase = Luau::DenseHashMap<DocumentationSymbol, Documentation>;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/FileResolver.h"
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
namespace Luau
struct TypeMismatch
TypeId wantedType;
TypeId givenType;
bool operator==(const TypeMismatch& rhs) const;
struct UnknownSymbol
enum Context
Name name;
Context context;
bool operator==(const UnknownSymbol& rhs) const;
struct UnknownProperty
TypeId table;
Name key;
bool operator==(const UnknownProperty& rhs) const;
struct NotATable
TypeId ty;
bool operator==(const NotATable& rhs) const;
struct CannotExtendTable
enum Context
TypeId tableType;
Context context;
Name prop;
bool operator==(const CannotExtendTable& rhs) const;
struct OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods
TypeId tableType;
bool operator==(const OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods& rhs) const;
struct DuplicateTypeDefinition
Name name;
Location previousLocation;
bool operator==(const DuplicateTypeDefinition& rhs) const;
struct CountMismatch
enum Context
size_t expected;
size_t actual;
Context context = Arg;
bool operator==(const CountMismatch& rhs) const;
struct FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf
bool operator==(const FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf& rhs) const;
struct FunctionRequiresSelf
int requiredExtraNils = 0;
bool operator==(const FunctionRequiresSelf& rhs) const;
struct OccursCheckFailed
bool operator==(const OccursCheckFailed& rhs) const;
struct UnknownRequire
std::string modulePath;
bool operator==(const UnknownRequire& rhs) const;
struct IncorrectGenericParameterCount
Name name;
TypeFun typeFun;
size_t actualParameters;
bool operator==(const IncorrectGenericParameterCount& rhs) const;
struct SyntaxError
std::string message;
bool operator==(const SyntaxError& rhs) const;
struct CodeTooComplex
bool operator==(const CodeTooComplex&) const;
struct UnificationTooComplex
bool operator==(const UnificationTooComplex&) const;
// Could easily be folded into UnknownProperty with an extra field, std::set<Name> candidates.
// But for telemetry purposes, we want to have this be a distinct variant.
struct UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp
TypeId table;
Name key;
std::set<Name> candidates;
bool operator==(const UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp& rhs) const;
struct GenericError
std::string message;
bool operator==(const GenericError& rhs) const;
struct CannotCallNonFunction
TypeId ty;
bool operator==(const CannotCallNonFunction& rhs) const;
struct ExtraInformation
std::string message;
bool operator==(const ExtraInformation& rhs) const;
struct DeprecatedApiUsed
std::string symbol;
std::string useInstead;
bool operator==(const DeprecatedApiUsed& rhs) const;
struct ModuleHasCyclicDependency
std::vector<ModuleName> cycle;
bool operator==(const ModuleHasCyclicDependency& rhs) const;
struct FunctionExitsWithoutReturning
TypePackId expectedReturnType;
bool operator==(const FunctionExitsWithoutReturning& rhs) const;
struct IllegalRequire
std::string moduleName;
std::string reason;
bool operator==(const IllegalRequire& rhs) const;
struct MissingProperties
enum Context
TypeId superType;
TypeId subType;
std::vector<Name> properties;
Context context = Missing;
bool operator==(const MissingProperties& rhs) const;
struct DuplicateGenericParameter
std::string parameterName;
bool operator==(const DuplicateGenericParameter& rhs) const;
struct CannotInferBinaryOperation
enum OpKind
AstExprBinary::Op op;
std::optional<std::string> suggestedToAnnotate;
OpKind kind;
bool operator==(const CannotInferBinaryOperation& rhs) const;
struct SwappedGenericTypeParameter
enum Kind
std::string name;
// What was `name` being used as?
Kind kind;
bool operator==(const SwappedGenericTypeParameter& rhs) const;
struct OptionalValueAccess
TypeId optional;
bool operator==(const OptionalValueAccess& rhs) const;
struct MissingUnionProperty
TypeId type;
std::vector<TypeId> missing;
Name key;
bool operator==(const MissingUnionProperty& rhs) const;
using TypeErrorData = Variant<TypeMismatch, UnknownSymbol, UnknownProperty, NotATable, CannotExtendTable, OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods,
DuplicateTypeDefinition, CountMismatch, FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf, FunctionRequiresSelf, OccursCheckFailed, UnknownRequire,
IncorrectGenericParameterCount, SyntaxError, CodeTooComplex, UnificationTooComplex, UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp, GenericError,
CannotCallNonFunction, ExtraInformation, DeprecatedApiUsed, ModuleHasCyclicDependency, IllegalRequire, FunctionExitsWithoutReturning,
DuplicateGenericParameter, CannotInferBinaryOperation, MissingProperties, SwappedGenericTypeParameter, OptionalValueAccess, MissingUnionProperty>;
struct TypeError
Location location;
ModuleName moduleName;
TypeErrorData data;
int code() const;
TypeError() = default;
TypeError(const Location& location, const ModuleName& moduleName, const TypeErrorData& data)
: location(location)
, moduleName(moduleName)
, data(data)
TypeError(const Location& location, const TypeErrorData& data)
: TypeError(location, {}, data)
bool operator==(const TypeError& rhs) const;
template<typename T>
const T* get(const TypeError& e)
return get_if<T>(&e.data);
template<typename T>
T* get(TypeError& e)
return get_if<T>(&e.data);
using ErrorVec = std::vector<TypeError>;
std::string toString(const TypeError& error);
bool containsParseErrorName(const TypeError& error);
// Copy any types named in the error into destArena.
void copyErrors(ErrorVec& errors, struct TypeArena& destArena);
// Internal Compiler Error
struct InternalErrorReporter
std::function<void(const char*)> onInternalError;
std::string moduleName;
[[noreturn]] void ice(const std::string& message, const Location& location);
[[noreturn]] void ice(const std::string& message);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <optional>
namespace Luau
class AstExpr;
using ModuleName = std::string;
struct SourceCode
enum Type
std::string source;
Type type;
struct FileResolver
virtual ~FileResolver() {}
/** Fetch the source code associated with the provided ModuleName.
* FIXME: This requires a string copy!
* @returns The actual Lua code on success.
* @returns std::nullopt if no such file exists. When this occurs, type inference will report an UnknownRequire error.
virtual std::optional<SourceCode> readSource(const ModuleName& name) = 0;
/** Does the module exist?
* Saves a string copy over reading the source and throwing it away.
virtual bool moduleExists(const ModuleName& name) const = 0;
virtual std::optional<ModuleName> fromAstFragment(AstExpr* expr) const = 0;
/** Given a valid module name and a string of arbitrary data, figure out the concatenation.
virtual ModuleName concat(const ModuleName& lhs, std::string_view rhs) const = 0;
/** Goes "up" a level in the hierarchy that the ModuleName represents.
* For instances, this is analogous to someInstance.Parent; for paths, this is equivalent to removing the last
* element of the path. Other ModuleName representations may have other ways of doing this.
* @returns The parent ModuleName, if one exists.
* @returns std::nullopt if there is no parent for this module name.
virtual std::optional<ModuleName> getParentModuleName(const ModuleName& name) const = 0;
virtual std::optional<std::string> getHumanReadableModuleName_(const ModuleName& name) const
return name;
virtual std::optional<std::string> getEnvironmentForModule(const ModuleName& name) const = 0;
/** LanguageService only:
* std::optional<ModuleName> fromInstance(Instance* inst)
struct NullFileResolver : FileResolver
std::optional<SourceCode> readSource(const ModuleName& name) override
return std::nullopt;
bool moduleExists(const ModuleName& name) const override
return false;
std::optional<ModuleName> fromAstFragment(AstExpr* expr) const override
return std::nullopt;
ModuleName concat(const ModuleName& lhs, std::string_view rhs) const override
return lhs;
std::optional<ModuleName> getParentModuleName(const ModuleName& name) const override
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> getEnvironmentForModule(const ModuleName& name) const override
return std::nullopt;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Config.h"
#include "Luau/Module.h"
#include "Luau/ModuleResolver.h"
#include "Luau/RequireTracer.h"
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
namespace Luau
class AstStat;
class ParseError;
struct Frontend;
struct TypeError;
struct LintWarning;
struct TypeChecker;
struct FileResolver;
struct ModuleResolver;
struct ParseResult;
struct LoadDefinitionFileResult
bool success;
ParseResult parseResult;
ModulePtr module;
LoadDefinitionFileResult loadDefinitionFile(
TypeChecker& typeChecker, ScopePtr targetScope, std::string_view definition, const std::string& packageName);
std::optional<Mode> parseMode(const std::vector<std::string>& hotcomments);
std::vector<std::string_view> parsePathExpr(const AstExpr& pathExpr);
// Exported only for convenient testing.
std::optional<ModuleName> pathExprToModuleName(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const std::vector<std::string_view>& expr);
/** Try to convert an AST fragment into a ModuleName.
* Returns std::nullopt if the expression cannot be resolved. This will most likely happen in cases where
* the import path involves some dynamic computation that we cannot see into at typechecking time.
* Unintuitively, weirdly-formulated modules (like game.Parent.Parent.Parent.Foo) will successfully produce a ModuleName
* as long as it falls within the permitted syntax. This is ok because we will fail to find the module and produce an
* error when we try during typechecking.
std::optional<ModuleName> pathExprToModuleName(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const AstExpr& expr);
struct SourceNode
ModuleName name;
std::unordered_set<ModuleName> requires;
std::vector<std::pair<ModuleName, Location>> requireLocations;
bool dirty = true;
struct FrontendOptions
// When true, we retain full type information about every term in the AST.
// Setting this to false cuts back on RAM and is a good idea for batch
// jobs where the type graph is not deeply inspected after typechecking
// is complete.
bool retainFullTypeGraphs = false;
// When true, we run typechecking twice, one in the regular mode, ond once in strict mode
// in order to get more precise type information (e.g. for autocomplete).
bool typecheckTwice = false;
struct CheckResult
std::vector<TypeError> errors;
struct FrontendModuleResolver : ModuleResolver
FrontendModuleResolver(Frontend* frontend);
const ModulePtr getModule(const ModuleName& moduleName) const override;
bool moduleExists(const ModuleName& moduleName) const override;
std::optional<ModuleInfo> resolveModuleInfo(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const AstExpr& pathExpr) override;
std::string getHumanReadableModuleName(const ModuleName& moduleName) const override;
Frontend* frontend;
std::unordered_map<ModuleName, ModulePtr> modules;
struct Frontend
struct Stats
size_t files = 0;
size_t lines = 0;
size_t filesStrict = 0;
size_t filesNonstrict = 0;
double timeRead = 0;
double timeParse = 0;
double timeCheck = 0;
double timeLint = 0;
Frontend(FileResolver* fileResolver, ConfigResolver* configResolver, const FrontendOptions& options = {});
CheckResult check(const ModuleName& name); // new shininess
LintResult lint(const ModuleName& name, std::optional<Luau::LintOptions> enabledLintWarnings = {});
/** Lint some code that has no associated DataModel object
* Since this source fragment has no name, we cannot cache its AST. Instead,
* we return it to the caller to use as they wish.
std::pair<SourceModule, LintResult> lintFragment(std::string_view source, std::optional<Luau::LintOptions> enabledLintWarnings = {});
CheckResult check(const SourceModule& module); // OLD. TODO KILL
LintResult lint(const SourceModule& module, std::optional<Luau::LintOptions> enabledLintWarnings = {});
bool isDirty(const ModuleName& name) const;
void markDirty(const ModuleName& name, std::vector<ModuleName>* markedDirty = nullptr);
/** Borrow a pointer into the SourceModule cache.
* Returns nullptr if we don't have it. This could mean that the script
* doesn't exist, or simply that its contents have changed since the previous
* check, in which case we do not have its AST.
* IMPORTANT: this pointer is only valid until the next call to markDirty. Do not retain it.
SourceModule* getSourceModule(const ModuleName& name);
const SourceModule* getSourceModule(const ModuleName& name) const;
void clearStats();
void clear();
ScopePtr addEnvironment(const std::string& environmentName);
ScopePtr getEnvironmentScope(const std::string& environmentName);
void registerBuiltinDefinition(const std::string& name, std::function<void(TypeChecker&, ScopePtr)>);
void applyBuiltinDefinitionToEnvironment(const std::string& environmentName, const std::string& definitionName);
std::pair<SourceNode*, SourceModule*> getSourceNode(CheckResult& checkResult, const ModuleName& name);
SourceModule parse(const ModuleName& name, std::string_view src, const ParseOptions& parseOptions);
bool parseGraph(std::vector<ModuleName>& buildQueue, CheckResult& checkResult, const ModuleName& root);
static LintResult classifyLints(const std::vector<LintWarning>& warnings, const Config& config);
ScopePtr getModuleEnvironment(const SourceModule& module, const Config& config);
std::unordered_map<std::string, ScopePtr> environments;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::function<void(TypeChecker&, ScopePtr)>> builtinDefinitions;
FileResolver* fileResolver;
FrontendModuleResolver moduleResolver;
FrontendModuleResolver moduleResolverForAutocomplete;
TypeChecker typeChecker;
TypeChecker typeCheckerForAutocomplete;
ConfigResolver* configResolver;
FrontendOptions options;
InternalErrorReporter iceHandler;
TypeArena arenaForAutocomplete;
std::unordered_map<ModuleName, SourceNode> sourceNodes;
std::unordered_map<ModuleName, SourceModule> sourceModules;
std::unordered_map<ModuleName, RequireTraceResult> requires;
Stats stats = {};
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Error.h"
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/Ast.h"
#include <ostream>
namespace Luau
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const Position& position);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const Location& location);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const AstName& name);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const TypeError& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const TypeMismatch& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const UnknownSymbol& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const UnknownProperty& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const NotATable& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const CannotExtendTable& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const DuplicateTypeDefinition& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const CountMismatch& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const FunctionRequiresSelf& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const OccursCheckFailed& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const UnknownRequire& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp& e);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const GenericError& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const FunctionExitsWithoutReturning& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const MissingProperties& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const IllegalRequire& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const ModuleHasCyclicDependency& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const DuplicateGenericParameter& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const CannotInferBinaryOperation& error);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const TableState& tv);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const TypeVar& tv);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const TypePackVar& tv);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const TypeErrorData& ted);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include <string>
namespace Luau
class AstNode;
std::string toJson(AstNode* node);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace Luau
struct AstName;
class AstStat;
class AstNameTable;
struct TypeChecker;
struct Module;
using ScopePtr = std::shared_ptr<struct Scope>;
struct LintWarning
// Make sure any new lint codes are documented here: https://luau-lang.org/lint
// Note that in Studio, the active set of lint warnings is determined by FStringStudioLuauLints
enum Code
Code_Unknown = 0,
Code_UnknownGlobal = 1, // superseded by type checker
Code_DeprecatedGlobal = 2,
Code_GlobalUsedAsLocal = 3,
Code_LocalShadow = 4, // disabled in Studio
Code_SameLineStatement = 5, // disabled in Studio
Code_MultiLineStatement = 6,
Code_LocalUnused = 7, // disabled in Studio
Code_FunctionUnused = 8, // disabled in Studio
Code_ImportUnused = 9, // disabled in Studio
Code_BuiltinGlobalWrite = 10,
Code_PlaceholderRead = 11,
Code_UnreachableCode = 12,
Code_UnknownType = 13,
Code_ForRange = 14,
Code_UnbalancedAssignment = 15,
Code_ImplicitReturn = 16, // disabled in Studio, superseded by type checker in strict mode
Code_DuplicateLocal = 17,
Code_FormatString = 18,
Code_TableLiteral = 19,
Code_UninitializedLocal = 20,
Code_DuplicateFunction = 21,
Code_DeprecatedApi = 22,
Code_TableOperations = 23,
Code_DuplicateCondition = 24,
Code code;
Location location;
std::string text;
static const char* getName(Code code);
static Code parseName(const char* name);
static uint64_t parseMask(const std::vector<std::string>& hotcomments);
struct LintResult
std::vector<LintWarning> errors;
std::vector<LintWarning> warnings;
struct LintOptions
uint64_t warningMask = 0;
void enableWarning(LintWarning::Code code)
warningMask |= 1ull << code;
void disableWarning(LintWarning::Code code)
warningMask &= ~(1ull << code);
bool isEnabled(LintWarning::Code code) const
return 0 != (warningMask & (1ull << code));
void setDefaults();
std::vector<LintWarning> lint(AstStat* root, const AstNameTable& names, const ScopePtr& env, const Module* module, const LintOptions& options);
std::vector<AstName> getDeprecatedGlobals(const AstNameTable& names);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/FileResolver.h"
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include "Luau/TypedAllocator.h"
#include "Luau/ParseOptions.h"
#include "Luau/Error.h"
#include "Luau/Parser.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <optional>
namespace Luau
struct Module;
using ScopePtr = std::shared_ptr<struct Scope>;
using ModulePtr = std::shared_ptr<Module>;
/// Root of the AST of a parsed source file
struct SourceModule
ModuleName name; // DataModel path if possible. Filename if not.
SourceCode::Type type = SourceCode::None;
std::optional<std::string> environmentName;
bool cyclic = false;
std::unique_ptr<Allocator> allocator;
std::unique_ptr<AstNameTable> names;
std::vector<ParseError> parseErrors;
AstStatBlock* root = nullptr;
std::optional<Mode> mode;
uint64_t ignoreLints = 0;
std::vector<Comment> commentLocations;
: allocator(new Allocator)
, names(new AstNameTable(*allocator))
bool isWithinComment(const SourceModule& sourceModule, Position pos);
struct TypeArena
TypedAllocator<TypeVar> typeVars;
TypedAllocator<TypePackVar> typePacks;
void clear();
template<typename T>
TypeId addType(T tv)
return addTV(TypeVar(std::move(tv)));
TypeId addTV(TypeVar&& tv);
TypeId freshType(TypeLevel level);
TypePackId addTypePack(std::initializer_list<TypeId> types);
TypePackId addTypePack(std::vector<TypeId> types);
TypePackId addTypePack(TypePack pack);
TypePackId addTypePack(TypePackVar pack);
void freeze(TypeArena& arena);
void unfreeze(TypeArena& arena);
// Only exposed so they can be unit tested.
using SeenTypes = std::unordered_map<TypeId, TypeId>;
using SeenTypePacks = std::unordered_map<TypePackId, TypePackId>;
TypePackId clone(TypePackId tp, TypeArena& dest, SeenTypes& seenTypes, SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks, bool* encounteredFreeType = nullptr);
TypeId clone(TypeId tp, TypeArena& dest, SeenTypes& seenTypes, SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks, bool* encounteredFreeType = nullptr);
TypeFun clone(const TypeFun& typeFun, TypeArena& dest, SeenTypes& seenTypes, SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks, bool* encounteredFreeType = nullptr);
struct Module
TypeArena interfaceTypes;
TypeArena internalTypes;
std::vector<std::pair<Location, ScopePtr>> scopes; // never empty
std::unordered_map<const AstExpr*, TypeId> astTypes;
std::unordered_map<const AstExpr*, TypeId> astExpectedTypes;
std::unordered_map<const AstExpr*, TypeId> astOriginalCallTypes;
std::unordered_map<const AstExpr*, TypeId> astOverloadResolvedTypes;
std::unordered_map<Name, TypeId> declaredGlobals;
ErrorVec errors;
Mode mode;
SourceCode::Type type;
ScopePtr getModuleScope() const;
// Once a module has been typechecked, we clone its public interface into a separate arena.
// This helps us to force TypeVar ownership into a DAG rather than a DCG.
// Returns true if there were any free types encountered in the public interface. This
// indicates a bug in the type checker that we want to surface.
bool clonePublicInterface();
} // namespace Luau
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/FileResolver.h"
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
namespace Luau
class AstExpr;
struct Module;
using ModulePtr = std::shared_ptr<Module>;
struct ModuleInfo
ModuleName name;
bool optional = false;
struct ModuleResolver
virtual ~ModuleResolver() {}
/** Compute a ModuleName from an AST fragment. This AST fragment is generally the argument to the require() function.
* You probably want to implement this with some variation of pathExprToModuleName.
* @returns The ModuleInfo if the expression is a syntactically legal path.
* @returns std::nullopt if we are unable to determine whether or not the expression is a valid path. Type inference will
* silently assume that it could succeed in this case.
* FIXME: This is clearly not the right behaviour longterm. We'll want to adust this interface to be able to signal
* a) success,
* b) Definitive failure (this expression will absolutely cause require() to fail at runtime), and
* c) uncertainty
virtual std::optional<ModuleInfo> resolveModuleInfo(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const AstExpr& pathExpr) = 0;
/** Get a typechecked module from its name.
* This can return null under two circumstances: the module is unknown at compile time,
* or there's a cycle, and we are still in the middle of typechecking the module.
virtual const ModulePtr getModule(const ModuleName& moduleName) const = 0;
/** Is a module known at compile time?
* This function can be used to distinguish the above two cases.
virtual bool moduleExists(const ModuleName& moduleName) const = 0;
virtual std::string getHumanReadableModuleName(const ModuleName& moduleName) const = 0;
struct NullModuleResolver : ModuleResolver
std::optional<ModuleInfo> resolveModuleInfo(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const AstExpr& pathExpr) override
return std::nullopt;
const ModulePtr getModule(const ModuleName& moduleName) const override
return nullptr;
bool moduleExists(const ModuleName& moduleName) const override
return false;
std::string getHumanReadableModuleName(const ModuleName& moduleName) const override
return moduleName;
} // namespace Luau
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include "Luau/Symbol.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace Luau
struct TypeVar;
using TypeId = const TypeVar*;
struct Field;
using LValue = Variant<Symbol, Field>;
struct Field
std::shared_ptr<LValue> parent; // TODO: Eventually use unique_ptr to enforce non-copyable trait.
std::string key;
std::optional<LValue> tryGetLValue(const class AstExpr& expr);
// Utility function: breaks down an LValue to get at the Symbol, and reverses the vector of keys.
std::pair<Symbol, std::vector<std::string>> getFullName(const LValue& lvalue);
std::string toString(const LValue& lvalue);
template<typename T>
const T* get(const LValue& lvalue)
return get_if<T>(&lvalue);
// Key is a stringified encoding of an LValue.
using RefinementMap = std::map<std::string, TypeId>;
void merge(RefinementMap& l, const RefinementMap& r, std::function<TypeId(TypeId, TypeId)> f);
void addRefinement(RefinementMap& refis, const LValue& lvalue, TypeId ty);
struct TruthyPredicate;
struct IsAPredicate;
struct TypeGuardPredicate;
struct EqPredicate;
struct AndPredicate;
struct OrPredicate;
struct NotPredicate;
using Predicate = Variant<TruthyPredicate, IsAPredicate, TypeGuardPredicate, EqPredicate, AndPredicate, OrPredicate, NotPredicate>;
using PredicateVec = std::vector<Predicate>;
struct TruthyPredicate
LValue lvalue;
Location location;
struct IsAPredicate
LValue lvalue;
Location location;
TypeId ty;
struct TypeGuardPredicate
LValue lvalue;
Location location;
std::string kind; // TODO: When singleton types arrive, replace this with `TypeId ty;`
bool isTypeof;
struct EqPredicate
LValue lvalue;
TypeId type;
Location location;
struct AndPredicate
PredicateVec lhs;
PredicateVec rhs;
AndPredicate(PredicateVec&& lhs, PredicateVec&& rhs)
: lhs(std::move(lhs))
, rhs(std::move(rhs))
struct OrPredicate
PredicateVec lhs;
PredicateVec rhs;
OrPredicate(PredicateVec&& lhs, PredicateVec&& rhs)
: lhs(std::move(lhs))
, rhs(std::move(rhs))
struct NotPredicate
PredicateVec predicates;
template<typename T>
const T* get(const Predicate& predicate)
return get_if<T>(&predicate);
} // namespace Luau
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <stdexcept>
namespace Luau
struct RecursionCounter
RecursionCounter(int* count)
: count(count)
LUAU_ASSERT(*count > 0);
int* count;
struct RecursionLimiter : RecursionCounter
RecursionLimiter(int* count, int limit)
: RecursionCounter(count)
if (limit > 0 && *count > limit)
throw std::runtime_error("Internal recursion counter limit exceeded");
} // namespace Luau
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/FileResolver.h"
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include <string>
namespace Luau
class AstStat;
class AstExpr;
class AstStatBlock;
struct AstLocal;
struct RequireTraceResult
DenseHashMap<const AstExpr*, ModuleName> exprs{0};
DenseHashMap<const AstExpr*, bool> optional{0};
std::vector<std::pair<ModuleName, Location>> requires;
RequireTraceResult traceRequires(FileResolver* fileResolver, AstStatBlock* root, ModuleName currentModuleName);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Module.h"
#include "Luau/ModuleResolver.h"
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
// We provide an implementation of substitution on types,
// which recursively replaces types by other types.
// Examples include quantification (replacing free types by generics)
// and instantiation (replacing generic types by free ones).
// To implement a substitution, implement a subclass of `Substitution`
// and provide implementations of `isDirty` (which should be true for types that
// should be replaced) and `clean` which replaces any dirty types.
// struct MySubst : Substitution
// {
// bool isDirty(TypeId ty) override { ... }
// bool isDirty(TypePackId tp) override { ... }
// TypeId clean(TypeId ty) override { ... }
// TypePackId clean(TypePackId tp) override { ... }
// bool ignoreChildren(TypeId ty) override { ... }
// bool ignoreChildren(TypePackId tp) override { ... }
// };
// For example, `Instantiation` in `TypeInfer.cpp` uses this.
// The implementation of substitution tries not to copy types
// unnecessarily. It first finds all the types which can reach
// a dirty type, and either cleans them (if they are dirty)
// or clones them (if they are not). It then updates the children
// of the newly created types. When considering reachability,
// we do not consider the children of any type where ignoreChildren(ty) is true.
// There is a gotcha for cyclic types, which means we can't just use
// a straightforward DFS. For example:
// type T = { f : () -> T, g: () -> number, h: X }
// If X is dirty, and is being replaced by X' then the result should be:
// type T' = { f : () -> T', g: () -> number, h: X' }
// that is the type of `f` is replaced, but the type of `g` is not.
// For this reason, we first use Tarjan's algorithm to find strongly
// connected components. If any type in an SCC can reach a dirty type,
// them the whole SCC can. For instance, in the above example,
// `T`, and the type of `f` are in the same SCC, which is why `f` gets
// replaced.
namespace Luau
enum class TarjanResult
struct TarjanWorklistVertex
int index;
int currEdge;
int lastEdge;
// Tarjan's algorithm for finding the SCCs in a cyclic structure.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan%27s_strongly_connected_components_algorithm
struct Tarjan
// Vertices (types and type packs) are indexed, using pre-order traversal.
DenseHashMap<TypeId, int> typeToIndex{nullptr};
DenseHashMap<TypePackId, int> packToIndex{nullptr};
std::vector<TypeId> indexToType;
std::vector<TypePackId> indexToPack;
// Tarjan keeps a stack of vertices where we're still in the process
// of finding their SCC.
std::vector<int> stack;
std::vector<bool> onStack;
// Tarjan calculates the lowlink for each vertex,
// which is the lowest ancestor index reachable from the vertex.
std::vector<int> lowlink;
int childCount = 0;
std::vector<TypeId> edgesTy;
std::vector<TypePackId> edgesTp;
std::vector<TarjanWorklistVertex> worklist;
// This is hot code, so we optimize recursion to a stack.
TarjanResult loop();
// Clear the state
void clear();
// Find or create the index for a vertex.
// Return a boolean which is `true` if it's a freshly created index.
std::pair<int, bool> indexify(TypeId ty);
std::pair<int, bool> indexify(TypePackId tp);
// Recursively visit all the children of a vertex
void visitChildren(TypeId ty, int index);
void visitChildren(TypePackId tp, int index);
void visitChild(TypeId ty);
void visitChild(TypePackId ty);
// Visit the root vertex.
TarjanResult visitRoot(TypeId ty);
TarjanResult visitRoot(TypePackId ty);
// Each subclass gets called back once for each edge,
// and once for each SCC.
virtual void visitEdge(int index, int parentIndex) {}
virtual void visitSCC(int index) {}
// Each subclass can decide to ignore some nodes.
virtual bool ignoreChildren(TypeId ty)
return false;
virtual bool ignoreChildren(TypePackId ty)
return false;
// We use Tarjan to calculate dirty bits. We set `dirty[i]` true
// if the vertex with index `i` can reach a dirty vertex.
struct FindDirty : Tarjan
std::vector<bool> dirty;
// Get/set the dirty bit for an index (grows the vector if needed)
bool getDirty(int index);
void setDirty(int index, bool d);
// Find all the dirty vertices reachable from `t`.
TarjanResult findDirty(TypeId t);
TarjanResult findDirty(TypePackId t);
// We find dirty vertices using Tarjan
void visitEdge(int index, int parentIndex) override;
void visitSCC(int index) override;
// Subclasses should say which vertices are dirty,
// and what to do with dirty vertices.
virtual bool isDirty(TypeId ty) = 0;
virtual bool isDirty(TypePackId tp) = 0;
virtual void foundDirty(TypeId ty) = 0;
virtual void foundDirty(TypePackId tp) = 0;
// And finally substitution, which finds all the reachable dirty vertices
// and replaces them with clean ones.
struct Substitution : FindDirty
ModulePtr currentModule;
DenseHashMap<TypeId, TypeId> newTypes{nullptr};
DenseHashMap<TypePackId, TypePackId> newPacks{nullptr};
std::optional<TypeId> substitute(TypeId ty);
std::optional<TypePackId> substitute(TypePackId tp);
TypeId replace(TypeId ty);
TypePackId replace(TypePackId tp);
void replaceChildren(TypeId ty);
void replaceChildren(TypePackId tp);
TypeId clone(TypeId ty);
TypePackId clone(TypePackId tp);
// Substitutions use Tarjan to find dirty nodes and replace them
void foundDirty(TypeId ty) override;
void foundDirty(TypePackId tp) override;
// Implementing subclasses define how to clean a dirty type.
virtual TypeId clean(TypeId ty) = 0;
virtual TypePackId clean(TypePackId tp) = 0;
// Helper functions to create new types (used by subclasses)
template<typename T>
TypeId addType(const T& tv)
TypeId allocated = currentModule->internalTypes.typeVars.allocate(tv);
if (FFlag::DebugLuauTrackOwningArena)
asMutable(allocated)->owningArena = ¤tModule->internalTypes;
return allocated;
template<typename T>
TypePackId addTypePack(const T& tp)
TypePackId allocated = currentModule->internalTypes.typePacks.allocate(tp);
if (FFlag::DebugLuauTrackOwningArena)
asMutable(allocated)->owningArena = ¤tModule->internalTypes;
return allocated;
} // namespace Luau
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Ast.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <string>
namespace Luau
// TODO Rename this to Name once the old type alias is gone.
struct Symbol
: local(nullptr)
, global()
Symbol(AstLocal* local)
: local(local)
, global()
Symbol(const AstName& global)
: local(nullptr)
, global(global)
AstLocal* local;
AstName global;
bool operator==(const Symbol& rhs) const
if (local)
return local == rhs.local;
if (global.value)
return rhs.global.value && global == rhs.global.value; // Subtlety: AstName::operator==(const char*) uses strcmp, not pointer identity.
return false;
bool operator!=(const Symbol& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
bool operator<(const Symbol& rhs) const
if (local && rhs.local)
return local < rhs.local;
else if (global.value && rhs.global.value)
return global < rhs.global;
else if (local)
return true;
return false;
AstName astName() const
if (local)
return local->name;
return global;
const char* c_str() const
if (local)
return local->name.value;
return global.value;
std::string toString(const Symbol& name);
} // namespace Luau
namespace std
struct hash<Luau::Symbol>
std::size_t operator()(const Luau::Symbol& s) const noexcept
return std::hash<const Luau::AstLocal*>()(s.local) ^ (s.global.value ? std::hash<std::string_view>()(s.global.value) : 0);
} // namespace std
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <optional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace Luau
struct ToStringNameMap
std::unordered_map<TypeId, std::string> typeVars;
std::unordered_map<TypePackId, std::string> typePacks;
struct ToStringOptions
bool exhaustive = false; // If true, we produce complete output rather than comprehensible output
bool useLineBreaks = false; // If true, we insert new lines to separate long results such as table entries/metatable.
bool functionTypeArguments = false; // If true, output function type argument names when they are available
bool hideTableKind = false; // If true, all tables will be surrounded with plain '{}'
size_t maxTableLength = size_t(FInt::LuauTableTypeMaximumStringifierLength); // Only applied to TableTypeVars
size_t maxTypeLength = size_t(FInt::LuauTypeMaximumStringifierLength);
std::optional<ToStringNameMap> nameMap;
std::shared_ptr<Scope> scope; // If present, module names will be added and types that are not available in scope will be marked as 'invalid'
struct ToStringResult
std::string name;
ToStringNameMap nameMap;
bool invalid = false;
bool error = false;
bool cycle = false;
bool truncated = false;
ToStringResult toStringDetailed(TypeId ty, const ToStringOptions& opts = {});
ToStringResult toStringDetailed(TypePackId ty, const ToStringOptions& opts = {});
std::string toString(TypeId ty, const ToStringOptions& opts);
std::string toString(TypePackId ty, const ToStringOptions& opts);
// These are offered as overloads rather than a default parameter so that they can be easily invoked from within the MSVC debugger.
// You can use them in watch expressions!
inline std::string toString(TypeId ty)
return toString(ty, ToStringOptions{});
inline std::string toString(TypePackId ty)
return toString(ty, ToStringOptions{});
std::string toString(const TypeVar& tv, const ToStringOptions& opts = {});
std::string toString(const TypePackVar& tp, const ToStringOptions& opts = {});
// It could be useful to see the text representation of a type during a debugging session instead of exploring the content of the class
// These functions will dump the type to stdout and can be evaluated in Watch/Immediate windows or as gdb/lldb expression
void dump(TypeId ty);
void dump(TypePackId ty);
} // namespace Luau
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include <vector>
namespace Luau
template<typename T>
struct AstArray;
class AstStat;
bool containsFunctionCall(const AstStat& stat);
bool isFunction(const AstStat& stat);
void toposort(std::vector<AstStat*>& stats);
} // namespace Luau
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include "Luau/ParseOptions.h"
#include <string>
namespace Luau
class AstNode;
class AstStatBlock;
struct TranspileResult
std::string code;
Location errorLocation;
std::string parseError; // Nonempty if the transpile failed
void dump(AstNode* node);
// Never fails on a well-formed AST
std::string transpile(AstStatBlock& ast);
std::string transpileWithTypes(AstStatBlock& block);
// Only fails when parsing fails
TranspileResult transpile(std::string_view source, ParseOptions options = ParseOptions{});
} // namespace Luau
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
namespace Luau
// Log of where what TypeIds we are rebinding and what they used to be
struct TxnLog
TxnLog() = default;
explicit TxnLog(const std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>>& seen)
: seen(seen)
TxnLog(const TxnLog&) = delete;
TxnLog& operator=(const TxnLog&) = delete;
TxnLog(TxnLog&&) = default;
TxnLog& operator=(TxnLog&&) = default;
void operator()(TypeId a);
void operator()(TypePackId a);
void operator()(TableTypeVar* a);
void rollback();
void concat(TxnLog rhs);
bool haveSeen(TypeId lhs, TypeId rhs);
void pushSeen(TypeId lhs, TypeId rhs);
void popSeen(TypeId lhs, TypeId rhs);
std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeVar>> typeVarChanges;
std::vector<std::pair<TypePackId, TypePackVar>> typePackChanges;
std::vector<std::pair<TableTypeVar*, std::optional<TypeId>>> tableChanges;
std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>> seen; // used to avoid infinite recursion when types are cyclic
} // namespace Luau
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Module.h"
#include <unordered_set>
namespace Luau
struct TypeRehydrationOptions
std::unordered_set<std::string> bannedNames;
bool expandClassProps = false;
void attachTypeData(SourceModule& source, Module& result);
AstType* rehydrateAnnotation(TypeId type, Allocator* allocator, const TypeRehydrationOptions& options = {});
} // namespace Luau
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@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Predicate.h"
#include "Luau/Error.h"
#include "Luau/Module.h"
#include "Luau/Symbol.h"
#include "Luau/Parser.h"
#include "Luau/Substitution.h"
#include "Luau/TxnLog.h"
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/Unifier.h"
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace Luau
struct Scope;
struct TypeChecker;
struct ModuleResolver;
using Name = std::string;
using ScopePtr = std::shared_ptr<Scope>;
using OverloadErrorEntry = std::tuple<std::vector<TypeError>, std::vector<TypeId>, const FunctionTypeVar*>;
bool doesCallError(const AstExprCall* call);
bool hasBreak(AstStat* node);
const AstStat* getFallthrough(const AstStat* node);
struct Unifier;
// A substitution which replaces generic types in a given set by free types.
struct ReplaceGenerics : Substitution
TypeLevel level;
std::vector<TypeId> generics;
std::vector<TypePackId> genericPacks;
bool ignoreChildren(TypeId ty) override;
bool isDirty(TypeId ty) override;
bool isDirty(TypePackId tp) override;
TypeId clean(TypeId ty) override;
TypePackId clean(TypePackId tp) override;
// A substitution which replaces generic functions by monomorphic functions
struct Instantiation : Substitution
TypeLevel level;
ReplaceGenerics replaceGenerics;
bool ignoreChildren(TypeId ty) override;
bool isDirty(TypeId ty) override;
bool isDirty(TypePackId tp) override;
TypeId clean(TypeId ty) override;
TypePackId clean(TypePackId tp) override;
// A substitution which replaces free types by generic types.
struct Quantification : Substitution
TypeLevel level;
std::vector<TypeId> generics;
std::vector<TypePackId> genericPacks;
bool isDirty(TypeId ty) override;
bool isDirty(TypePackId tp) override;
TypeId clean(TypeId ty) override;
TypePackId clean(TypePackId tp) override;
// A substitution which replaces free types by any
struct Anyification : Substitution
TypeId anyType;
TypePackId anyTypePack;
bool isDirty(TypeId ty) override;
bool isDirty(TypePackId tp) override;
TypeId clean(TypeId ty) override;
TypePackId clean(TypePackId tp) override;
// A substitution which replaces the type parameters of a type function by arguments
struct ApplyTypeFunction : Substitution
TypeLevel level;
bool encounteredForwardedType;
std::unordered_map<TypeId, TypeId> arguments;
bool isDirty(TypeId ty) override;
bool isDirty(TypePackId tp) override;
TypeId clean(TypeId ty) override;
TypePackId clean(TypePackId tp) override;
// All TypeVars are retained via Environment::typeVars. All TypeIds
// within a program are borrowed pointers into this set.
struct TypeChecker
explicit TypeChecker(ModuleResolver* resolver, InternalErrorReporter* iceHandler);
TypeChecker(const TypeChecker&) = delete;
TypeChecker& operator=(const TypeChecker&) = delete;
ModulePtr check(const SourceModule& module, Mode mode, std::optional<ScopePtr> environmentScope = std::nullopt);
std::vector<std::pair<Location, ScopePtr>> getScopes() const;
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStat& statement);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatBlock& statement);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatIf& statement);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatWhile& statement);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatRepeat& statement);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatReturn& return_);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatAssign& assign);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatCompoundAssign& assign);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatLocal& local);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatFor& local);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatForIn& forin);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, const ScopePtr& funScope, const AstStatFunction& function);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, const ScopePtr& funScope, const AstStatLocalFunction& function);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatTypeAlias& typealias, bool forwardDeclare = false);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatDeclareClass& declaredClass);
void check(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatDeclareFunction& declaredFunction);
void checkBlock(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstStatBlock& statement);
void checkBlockTypeAliases(const ScopePtr& scope, std::vector<AstStat*>& sorted);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType = std::nullopt);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprLocal& expr);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprGlobal& expr);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprVarargs& expr);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexName& expr);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexExpr& expr);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprFunction& expr, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType = std::nullopt);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprTable& expr, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType = std::nullopt);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprUnary& expr);
TypeId checkRelationalOperation(
const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprBinary& expr, TypeId lhsType, TypeId rhsType, const PredicateVec& predicates = {});
TypeId checkBinaryOperation(
const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprBinary& expr, TypeId lhsType, TypeId rhsType, const PredicateVec& predicates = {});
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprBinary& expr);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprTypeAssertion& expr);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprError& expr);
ExprResult<TypeId> checkExpr(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIfElse& expr);
TypeId checkExprTable(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprTable& expr, const std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>>& fieldTypes,
std::optional<TypeId> expectedType);
// Returns the type of the lvalue.
TypeId checkLValue(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr);
// Returns both the type of the lvalue and its binding (if the caller wants to mutate the binding).
// Note: the binding may be null.
std::pair<TypeId, TypeId*> checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr);
std::pair<TypeId, TypeId*> checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprLocal& expr);
std::pair<TypeId, TypeId*> checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprGlobal& expr);
std::pair<TypeId, TypeId*> checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexName& expr);
std::pair<TypeId, TypeId*> checkLValueBinding(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprIndexExpr& expr);
TypeId checkFunctionName(const ScopePtr& scope, AstExpr& funName);
std::pair<TypeId, ScopePtr> checkFunctionSignature(const ScopePtr& scope, int subLevel, const AstExprFunction& expr,
std::optional<Location> originalNameLoc, std::optional<TypeId> expectedType);
void checkFunctionBody(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId type, const AstExprFunction& function);
void checkArgumentList(
const ScopePtr& scope, Unifier& state, TypePackId paramPack, TypePackId argPack, const std::vector<Location>& argLocations);
ExprResult<TypePackId> checkExprPack(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExpr& expr);
ExprResult<TypePackId> checkExprPack(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr);
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> getExpectedTypesForCall(const std::vector<TypeId>& overloads, size_t argumentCount, bool selfCall);
std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> checkCallOverload(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, TypeId fn, TypePackId retPack,
TypePackId argPack, TypePack* args, const std::vector<Location>& argLocations, const ExprResult<TypePackId>& argListResult,
std::vector<TypeId>& overloadsThatMatchArgCount, std::vector<OverloadErrorEntry>& errors);
bool handleSelfCallMismatch(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, TypePack* args, const std::vector<Location>& argLocations,
const std::vector<OverloadErrorEntry>& errors);
ExprResult<TypePackId> reportOverloadResolutionError(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, TypePackId retPack, TypePackId argPack,
const std::vector<Location>& argLocations, const std::vector<TypeId>& overloads, const std::vector<TypeId>& overloadsThatMatchArgCount,
const std::vector<OverloadErrorEntry>& errors);
ExprResult<TypePackId> checkExprList(const ScopePtr& scope, const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& exprs,
bool substituteFreeForNil = false, const std::vector<bool>& lhsAnnotations = {},
const std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>>& expectedTypes = {});
static std::optional<AstExpr*> matchRequire(const AstExprCall& call);
TypeId checkRequire(const ScopePtr& scope, const ModuleInfo& moduleInfo, const Location& location);
// Try to infer that the provided type is a table of some sort.
// Reports an error if the type is already some kind of non-table.
void tablify(TypeId type);
/** In nonstrict mode, many typevars need to be replaced by any.
TypeId anyIfNonstrict(TypeId ty) const;
/** Attempt to unify the types left and right. Treat any failures as type errors
* in the final typecheck report.
bool unify(TypeId left, TypeId right, const Location& location);
bool unify(TypePackId left, TypePackId right, const Location& location, CountMismatch::Context ctx = CountMismatch::Context::Arg);
/** Attempt to unify the types left and right.
* If this fails, and the right type can be instantiated, do so and try unification again.
bool unifyWithInstantiationIfNeeded(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId left, TypeId right, const Location& location);
void unifyWithInstantiationIfNeeded(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId left, TypeId right, Unifier& state);
/** Attempt to unify left with right.
* If there are errors, undo everything and return the errors.
* If there are no errors, commit and return an empty error vector.
ErrorVec tryUnify(TypeId left, TypeId right, const Location& location);
ErrorVec tryUnify(TypePackId left, TypePackId right, const Location& location);
// Test whether the two type vars unify. Never commits the result.
ErrorVec canUnify(TypeId superTy, TypeId subTy, const Location& location);
ErrorVec canUnify(TypePackId superTy, TypePackId subTy, const Location& location);
// Variant that takes a preexisting 'seen' set. We need this in certain cases to avoid infinitely recursing
// into cyclic types.
ErrorVec canUnify(const std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>>& seen, TypeId left, TypeId right, const Location& location);
std::optional<TypeId> findMetatableEntry(TypeId type, std::string entry, const Location& location);
std::optional<TypeId> findTablePropertyRespectingMeta(TypeId lhsType, Name name, const Location& location);
std::optional<TypeId> getIndexTypeFromType(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId type, const Name& name, const Location& location, bool addErrors);
// Reduces the union to its simplest possible shape.
// (A | B) | B | C yields A | B | C
std::vector<TypeId> reduceUnion(const std::vector<TypeId>& types);
std::optional<TypeId> tryStripUnionFromNil(TypeId ty);
TypeId stripFromNilAndReport(TypeId ty, const Location& location);
template<typename Id>
ErrorVec tryUnify_(Id left, Id right, const Location& location);
template<typename Id>
ErrorVec canUnify_(Id left, Id right, const Location& location);
* Convert monotype into a a polytype, by replacing any metavariables in descendant scopes
* by bound generic type variables. This is used to infer that a function is generic.
TypeId quantify(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, Location location);
* Convert a polytype into a monotype, by replacing any bound generic types by type metavariables.
* This is used to typecheck particular calls to generic functions, and when generic functions
* are passed as arguments.
* The "changed" boolean is used to permit us to return the same TypeId in the case that the instantiated type is unchanged.
* This is important in certain cases, such as methods on objects, where a table contains a function whose first argument is the table.
* Without this property, we can wind up in a situation where a new TypeId is allocated for the outer table. This can cause us to produce
* unfortunate types like
* {method: ({method: (<CYCLE>) -> a}) -> a}
TypeId instantiate(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, Location location);
// Removed by FFlag::LuauRankNTypes
TypePackId DEPRECATED_instantiate(const ScopePtr& scope, TypePackId ty, Location location);
// Replace any free types or type packs by `any`.
// This is used when exporting types from modules, to make sure free types don't leak.
TypeId anyify(const ScopePtr& scope, TypeId ty, Location location);
TypePackId anyify(const ScopePtr& scope, TypePackId ty, Location location);
void reportError(const TypeError& error);
void reportError(const Location& location, TypeErrorData error);
void reportErrors(const ErrorVec& errors);
[[noreturn]] void ice(const std::string& message, const Location& location);
[[noreturn]] void ice(const std::string& message);
ScopePtr childFunctionScope(const ScopePtr& parent, const Location& location, int subLevel = 0);
ScopePtr childScope(const ScopePtr& parent, const Location& location, int subLevel = 0);
// Wrapper for merge(l, r, toUnion) but without the lambda junk.
void merge(RefinementMap& l, const RefinementMap& r);
void prepareErrorsForDisplay(ErrorVec& errVec);
void diagnoseMissingTableKey(UnknownProperty* utk, TypeErrorData& data);
void reportErrorCodeTooComplex(const Location& location);
Unifier mkUnifier(const Location& location);
Unifier mkUnifier(const std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>>& seen, const Location& location);
// These functions are only safe to call when we are in the process of typechecking a module.
// Produce a new free type var.
TypeId freshType(const ScopePtr& scope);
TypeId freshType(TypeLevel level);
TypeId DEPRECATED_freshType(const ScopePtr& scope, bool canBeGeneric = false);
TypeId DEPRECATED_freshType(TypeLevel level, bool canBeGeneric = false);
// Returns nullopt if the predicate filters down the TypeId to 0 options.
std::optional<TypeId> filterMap(TypeId type, TypeIdPredicate predicate);
TypeId unionOfTypes(TypeId a, TypeId b, const Location& location, bool unifyFreeTypes = true);
// ex
// TypeId id = addType(FreeTypeVar());
template<typename T>
TypeId addType(const T& tv)
return addTV(TypeVar(tv));
TypeId addType(const UnionTypeVar& utv);
TypeId addTV(TypeVar&& tv);
TypePackId addTypePack(TypePackVar&& tp);
TypePackId addTypePack(TypePack&& tp);
TypePackId addTypePack(const std::vector<TypeId>& ty);
TypePackId addTypePack(const std::vector<TypeId>& ty, std::optional<TypePackId> tail);
TypePackId addTypePack(std::initializer_list<TypeId>&& ty);
TypePackId freshTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope);
TypePackId freshTypePack(TypeLevel level);
TypePackId DEPRECATED_freshTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope, bool canBeGeneric = false);
TypePackId DEPRECATED_freshTypePack(TypeLevel level, bool canBeGeneric = false);
TypeId resolveType(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstType& annotation, bool canBeGeneric = false);
TypePackId resolveTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstTypeList& types);
TypePackId resolveTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope, const AstTypePack& annotation);
TypeId instantiateTypeFun(const ScopePtr& scope, const TypeFun& tf, const std::vector<TypeId>& typeParams, const Location& location);
// Note: `scope` must be a fresh scope.
std::pair<std::vector<TypeId>, std::vector<TypePackId>> createGenericTypes(
const ScopePtr& scope, const AstNode& node, const AstArray<AstName>& genericNames, const AstArray<AstName>& genericPackNames);
ErrorVec resolve(const PredicateVec& predicates, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense);
std::optional<TypeId> resolveLValue(const ScopePtr& scope, const LValue& lvalue);
std::optional<TypeId> resolveLValue(const RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, const LValue& lvalue);
void resolve(const PredicateVec& predicates, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense, bool fromOr = false);
void resolve(const Predicate& predicate, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense, bool fromOr);
void resolve(const TruthyPredicate& truthyP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense, bool fromOr);
void resolve(const AndPredicate& andP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense);
void resolve(const OrPredicate& orP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense);
void resolve(const IsAPredicate& isaP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense);
void resolve(const TypeGuardPredicate& typeguardP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense);
void DEPRECATED_resolve(const TypeGuardPredicate& typeguardP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense);
void resolve(const EqPredicate& eqP, ErrorVec& errVec, RefinementMap& refis, const ScopePtr& scope, bool sense);
bool isNonstrictMode() const;
/** Extract the types in a type pack, given the assumption that the pack must have some exact length.
* TypePacks can have free tails, which means that inference has not yet determined the length of the pack.
* Calling this function means submitting evidence that the pack must have the length provided.
* If the pack is known not to have the correct length, an error will be reported.
* The return vector is always of the exact requested length. In the event that the pack's length does
* not match up, excess TypeIds will be ErrorTypeVars.
std::vector<TypeId> unTypePack(const ScopePtr& scope, TypePackId pack, size_t expectedLength, const Location& location);
TypeArena globalTypes;
ModuleResolver* resolver;
SourceModule globalNames; // names for symbols entered into globalScope
ScopePtr globalScope; // shared by all modules
ModulePtr currentModule;
ModuleName currentModuleName;
Instantiation instantiation;
Quantification quantification;
Anyification anyification;
ApplyTypeFunction applyTypeFunction;
std::function<void(const ModuleName&, const ScopePtr&)> prepareModuleScope;
InternalErrorReporter* iceHandler;
const TypeId nilType;
const TypeId numberType;
const TypeId stringType;
const TypeId booleanType;
const TypeId threadType;
const TypeId anyType;
const TypeId errorType;
const TypeId optionalNumberType;
const TypePackId anyTypePack;
const TypePackId errorTypePack;
int checkRecursionCount = 0;
int recursionCount = 0;
struct Binding
TypeId typeId;
Location location;
bool deprecated = false;
std::string deprecatedSuggestion;
std::optional<std::string> documentationSymbol;
struct Scope
explicit Scope(TypePackId returnType); // root scope
explicit Scope(const ScopePtr& parent, int subLevel = 0); // child scope. Parent must not be nullptr.
const ScopePtr parent; // null for the root
std::unordered_map<Symbol, Binding> bindings;
TypePackId returnType;
bool breakOk = false;
std::optional<TypePackId> varargPack;
TypeLevel level;
std::unordered_map<Name, TypeFun> exportedTypeBindings;
std::unordered_map<Name, TypeFun> privateTypeBindings;
std::unordered_map<Name, Location> typeAliasLocations;
std::unordered_map<Name, std::unordered_map<Name, TypeFun>> importedTypeBindings;
std::optional<TypeId> lookup(const Symbol& name);
std::optional<TypeFun> lookupType(const Name& name);
std::optional<TypeFun> lookupImportedType(const Name& moduleAlias, const Name& name);
std::unordered_map<Name, TypePackId> privateTypePackBindings;
std::optional<TypePackId> lookupPack(const Name& name);
// WARNING: This function linearly scans for a string key of equal value! It is thus O(n**2)
std::optional<Binding> linearSearchForBinding(const std::string& name, bool traverseScopeChain = true);
RefinementMap refinements;
// For mutually recursive type aliases, it's important that
// they use the same types for the same names.
// For instance, in `type Tree<T> { data: T, children: Forest<T> } type Forest<T> = {Tree<T>}`
// we need that the generic type `T` in both cases is the same, so we use a cache.
std::unordered_map<Name, TypeId> typeAliasParameters;
// Unit test hook
void setPrintLine(void (*pl)(const std::string& s));
void resetPrintLine();
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/Unifiable.h"
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
#include <optional>
#include <set>
namespace Luau
struct TypeArena;
struct TypePack;
struct VariadicTypePack;
struct TypePackVar;
using TypePackId = const TypePackVar*;
using FreeTypePack = Unifiable::Free;
using BoundTypePack = Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>;
using GenericTypePack = Unifiable::Generic;
using TypePackVariant = Unifiable::Variant<TypePackId, TypePack, VariadicTypePack>;
/* A TypePack is a rope-like string of TypeIds. We use this structure to encode
* notions like packs of unknown length and packs of any length, as well as more
* nuanced compositions like "a pack which is a number prepended to this other pack,"
* or "a pack that is 2 numbers followed by any number of any other types."
struct TypePack
std::vector<TypeId> head;
std::optional<TypePackId> tail;
struct VariadicTypePack
TypeId ty;
struct TypePackVar
explicit TypePackVar(const TypePackVariant& ty);
explicit TypePackVar(TypePackVariant&& ty);
TypePackVar(TypePackVariant&& ty, bool persistent);
bool operator==(const TypePackVar& rhs) const;
TypePackVar& operator=(TypePackVariant&& tp);
TypePackVariant ty;
bool persistent = false;
// Pointer to the type arena that allocated this type.
// Do not depend on the value of this under any circumstances. This is for
// debugging purposes only. This is only set in debug builds; it is nullptr
// in all other environments.
TypeArena* owningArena = nullptr;
/* Walk the set of TypeIds in a TypePack.
* Like TypeVars, individual TypePacks can be free, generic, or any.
* We afford the ability to work with these kinds of packs by giving the
* iterator a .tail() property that yields the tail-most TypePack in the
* rope.
* It is very commonplace to want to walk each type in a pack, then handle
* the tail specially. eg when checking parameters, it might be the case
* that the parameter pack ends with a VariadicTypePack. In this case, we
* want to allow any number of extra arguments.
* The iterator obtained by calling end(tp) does not have a .tail(), but is
* equivalent with end(tp2) for any two type packs.
struct TypePackIterator
using value_type = Luau::TypeId;
using pointer = value_type*;
using reference = value_type&;
using difference_type = size_t;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
TypePackIterator() = default;
explicit TypePackIterator(TypePackId tp);
TypePackIterator& operator++();
TypePackIterator operator++(int);
bool operator!=(const TypePackIterator& rhs);
bool operator==(const TypePackIterator& rhs);
const TypeId& operator*();
/** Return the tail of a TypePack.
* This may *only* be called on an iterator that has been incremented to the end.
* Returns nullopt if the pack has fixed length.
std::optional<TypePackId> tail();
friend TypePackIterator end(TypePackId tp);
TypePackId currentTypePack = nullptr;
const TypePack* tp = nullptr;
size_t currentIndex = 0;
TypePackIterator begin(TypePackId tp);
TypePackIterator end(TypePackId tp);
using SeenSet = std::set<std::pair<void*, void*>>;
bool areEqual(SeenSet& seen, const TypePackVar& lhs, const TypePackVar& rhs);
TypePackId follow(TypePackId tp);
size_t size(const TypePackId tp);
size_t size(const TypePack& tp);
std::optional<TypeId> first(TypePackId tp);
TypePackVar* asMutable(TypePackId tp);
TypePack* asMutable(const TypePack* tp);
template<typename T>
const T* get(TypePackId tp)
if (FFlag::LuauAddMissingFollow)
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<T, BoundTypePack>)
LUAU_ASSERT(get_if<BoundTypePack>(&tp->ty) == nullptr);
return get_if<T>(&(tp->ty));
template<typename T>
T* getMutable(TypePackId tp)
if (FFlag::LuauAddMissingFollow)
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<T, BoundTypePack>)
LUAU_ASSERT(get_if<BoundTypePack>(&tp->ty) == nullptr);
return get_if<T>(&(asMutable(tp)->ty));
/// Returns true if the type pack is known to be empty (no types in the head and no/an empty tail).
bool isEmpty(TypePackId tp);
/// Flattens out a type pack. Also returns a valid TypePackId tail if the type pack's full size is not known
std::pair<std::vector<TypeId>, std::optional<TypePackId>> flatten(TypePackId tp);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Error.h"
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
namespace Luau
using ScopePtr = std::shared_ptr<struct Scope>;
std::optional<TypeId> findMetatableEntry(ErrorVec& errors, const ScopePtr& globalScope, TypeId type, std::string entry, Location location);
std::optional<TypeId> findTablePropertyRespectingMeta(ErrorVec& errors, const ScopePtr& globalScope, TypeId ty, Name name, Location location);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Predicate.h"
#include "Luau/Unifiable.h"
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
namespace Luau
struct TypeArena;
* There are three kinds of type variables:
* - `Free` variables are metavariables, which stand for unconstrained types.
* - `Bound` variables are metavariables that have an equality constraint.
* - `Generic` variables are type variables that are bound by generic functions.
* For example, consider the program:
* ```
* function(x, y) x.f = y end
* ```
* To typecheck this, we first introduce free metavariables for the types of `x` and `y`:
* ```
* function(x: X, y: Y) x.f = y end
* ```
* Type inference for the function body then produces the constraint:
* ```
* X = { f: Y }
* ```
* so `X` is now a bound metavariable. We can then quantify the metavariables,
* which replaces any bound metavariables by their binding, and free metavariables
* by bound generic variables:
* ```
* function<a>(x: { f: a }, y: a) x.f = y end
* ```
// So... why `const T*` here rather than `T*`?
// It's because we've had problems caused by the type graph being mutated
// in ways it shouldn't be, for example mutating types from other modules.
// To try to control this, we make the use of types immutable by default,
// then provide explicit mutable access via getMutable and asMutable.
// This means we can grep for all the places we're mutating the type graph,
// and it makes it possible to provide other APIs (e.g. the txn log)
// which control mutable access to the type graph.
struct TypePackVar;
using TypePackId = const TypePackVar*;
// TODO: rename to Type? CLI-39100
struct TypeVar;
// Should never be null
using TypeId = const TypeVar*;
using Name = std::string;
// A free type var is one whose exact shape has yet to be fully determined.
using FreeTypeVar = Unifiable::Free;
// When a free type var is unified with any other, it is then "bound"
// to that type var, indicating that the two types are actually the same type.
using BoundTypeVar = Unifiable::Bound<TypeId>;
using GenericTypeVar = Unifiable::Generic;
using Tags = std::vector<std::string>;
using ModuleName = std::string;
struct PrimitiveTypeVar
enum Type
NilType, // ObjC #defines Nil :(
Type type;
std::optional<TypeId> metatable; // string has a metatable
explicit PrimitiveTypeVar(Type type)
: type(type)
explicit PrimitiveTypeVar(Type type, TypeId metatable)
: type(type)
, metatable(metatable)
struct FunctionArgument
Name name;
Location location;
struct FunctionDefinition
std::optional<ModuleName> definitionModuleName;
Location definitionLocation;
std::optional<Location> varargLocation;
Location originalNameLocation;
// TODO: Come up with a better name.
// TODO: Do we actually need this? We'll find out later if we can delete this.
// Does not exactly belong in TypeVar.h, but this is the only way to appease the compiler.
template<typename T>
struct ExprResult
T type;
PredicateVec predicates;
using MagicFunction = std::function<std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>>(
struct TypeChecker&, const std::shared_ptr<struct Scope>&, const class AstExprCall&, ExprResult<TypePackId>)>;
struct FunctionTypeVar
// Global monomorphic function
FunctionTypeVar(TypePackId argTypes, TypePackId retType, std::optional<FunctionDefinition> defn = {}, bool hasSelf = false);
// Global polymorphic function
FunctionTypeVar(std::vector<TypeId> generics, std::vector<TypePackId> genericPacks, TypePackId argTypes, TypePackId retType,
std::optional<FunctionDefinition> defn = {}, bool hasSelf = false);
// Local monomorphic function
FunctionTypeVar(TypeLevel level, TypePackId argTypes, TypePackId retType, std::optional<FunctionDefinition> defn = {}, bool hasSelf = false);
// Local polymorphic function
FunctionTypeVar(TypeLevel level, std::vector<TypeId> generics, std::vector<TypePackId> genericPacks, TypePackId argTypes, TypePackId retType,
std::optional<FunctionDefinition> defn = {}, bool hasSelf = false);
TypeLevel level;
/// These should all be generic
std::vector<TypeId> generics;
std::vector<TypePackId> genericPacks;
TypePackId argTypes;
std::vector<std::optional<FunctionArgument>> argNames;
TypePackId retType;
std::optional<FunctionDefinition> definition;
MagicFunction magicFunction = nullptr; // Function pointer, can be nullptr.
bool hasSelf;
Tags tags;
enum class TableState
// Sealed tables have an exact, known shape
// An unsealed table can have extra properties added to it
// Tables which are not yet fully understood. We are still in the process of learning its shape.
// A table which is a generic parameter to a function. We know that certain properties are required,
// but we don't care about the full shape.
struct TableIndexer
TableIndexer(TypeId indexType, TypeId indexResultType)
: indexType(indexType)
, indexResultType(indexResultType)
TypeId indexType;
TypeId indexResultType;
struct Property
TypeId type;
bool deprecated = false;
std::string deprecatedSuggestion;
std::optional<Location> location = std::nullopt;
Tags tags;
std::optional<std::string> documentationSymbol;
struct TableTypeVar
// We choose std::map over unordered_map here just because we have unit tests that compare
// textual outputs. I don't want to spend the effort making them resilient in the case where
// random events cause the iteration order of the map elements to change.
// If this shows up in a profile, we can revisit it.
using Props = std::map<Name, Property>;
TableTypeVar() = default;
explicit TableTypeVar(TableState state, TypeLevel level);
TableTypeVar(const Props& props, const std::optional<TableIndexer>& indexer, TypeLevel level, TableState state = TableState::Unsealed);
Props props;
std::optional<TableIndexer> indexer;
TableState state = TableState::Unsealed;
TypeLevel level;
std::optional<std::string> name;
// Sometimes we throw a type on a name to make for nicer error messages, but without creating any entry in the type namespace
// We need to know which is which when we stringify types.
std::optional<std::string> syntheticName;
std::map<Name, Location> methodDefinitionLocations;
std::vector<TypeId> instantiatedTypeParams;
ModuleName definitionModuleName;
std::optional<TypeId> boundTo;
Tags tags;
// Represents a metatable attached to a table typevar. Somewhat analogous to a bound typevar.
struct MetatableTypeVar
// Always points to a TableTypeVar.
TypeId table;
// Always points to either a TableTypeVar or a MetatableTypeVar.
TypeId metatable;
std::optional<std::string> syntheticName;
// Custom userdata of a class type
struct ClassUserData
virtual ~ClassUserData() {}
/** The type of a class.
* Classes behave like tables in many ways, but there are some important differences:
* The properties of a class are always exactly known.
* Classes optionally have a parent class.
* Two different classes that share the same properties are nevertheless distinct and mutually incompatible.
struct ClassTypeVar
using Props = TableTypeVar::Props;
Name name;
Props props;
std::optional<TypeId> parent;
std::optional<TypeId> metatable; // metaclass?
Tags tags;
std::shared_ptr<ClassUserData> userData;
Name name, Props props, std::optional<TypeId> parent, std::optional<TypeId> metatable, Tags tags, std::shared_ptr<ClassUserData> userData)
: name(name)
, props(props)
, parent(parent)
, metatable(metatable)
, tags(tags)
, userData(userData)
struct TypeFun
/// These should all be generic
std::vector<TypeId> typeParams;
/** The underlying type.
* WARNING! This is not safe to use as a type if typeParams is not empty!!
* You must first use TypeChecker::instantiateTypeFun to turn it into a real type.
TypeId type;
// Anything! All static checking is off.
struct AnyTypeVar
struct UnionTypeVar
std::vector<TypeId> options;
struct IntersectionTypeVar
std::vector<TypeId> parts;
struct LazyTypeVar
std::function<TypeId()> thunk;
using ErrorTypeVar = Unifiable::Error;
using TypeVariant = Unifiable::Variant<TypeId, PrimitiveTypeVar, FunctionTypeVar, TableTypeVar, MetatableTypeVar, ClassTypeVar, AnyTypeVar,
UnionTypeVar, IntersectionTypeVar, LazyTypeVar>;
struct TypeVar final
explicit TypeVar(const TypeVariant& ty)
: ty(ty)
explicit TypeVar(TypeVariant&& ty)
: ty(std::move(ty))
TypeVar(const TypeVariant& ty, bool persistent)
: ty(ty)
, persistent(persistent)
TypeVariant ty;
// Kludge: A persistent TypeVar is one that belongs to the global scope.
// Global type bindings are immutable but are reused many times.
// Persistent TypeVars do not get cloned.
bool persistent = false;
std::optional<std::string> documentationSymbol;
// Pointer to the type arena that allocated this type.
// Do not depend on the value of this under any circumstances. This is for
// debugging purposes only. This is only set in debug builds; it is nullptr
// in all other environments.
TypeArena* owningArena = nullptr;
bool operator==(const TypeVar& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const TypeVar& rhs) const;
TypeVar& operator=(const TypeVariant& rhs);
TypeVar& operator=(TypeVariant&& rhs);
using SeenSet = std::set<std::pair<void*, void*>>;
bool areEqual(SeenSet& seen, const TypeVar& lhs, const TypeVar& rhs);
// Follow BoundTypeVars until we get to something real
TypeId follow(TypeId t);
std::vector<TypeId> flattenIntersection(TypeId ty);
bool isPrim(TypeId ty, PrimitiveTypeVar::Type primType);
bool isNil(TypeId ty);
bool isBoolean(TypeId ty);
bool isNumber(TypeId ty);
bool isString(TypeId ty);
bool isThread(TypeId ty);
bool isOptional(TypeId ty);
bool isTableIntersection(TypeId ty);
bool isOverloadedFunction(TypeId ty);
std::optional<TypeId> getMetatable(TypeId type);
TableTypeVar* getMutableTableType(TypeId type);
const TableTypeVar* getTableType(TypeId type);
// If the type has a name, return that. Else if it has a synthetic name, return that.
// Returns nullptr if the type has no name.
const std::string* getName(TypeId type);
// Checks whether a union contains all types of another union.
bool isSubset(const UnionTypeVar& super, const UnionTypeVar& sub);
// Checks if a type conains generic type binders
bool isGeneric(const TypeId ty);
// Checks if a type may be instantiated to one containing generic type binders
bool maybeGeneric(const TypeId ty);
struct SingletonTypes
const TypeId nilType = &nilType_;
const TypeId numberType = &numberType_;
const TypeId stringType = &stringType_;
const TypeId booleanType = &booleanType_;
const TypeId threadType = &threadType_;
const TypeId anyType = &anyType_;
const TypeId errorType = &errorType_;
SingletonTypes(const SingletonTypes&) = delete;
void operator=(const SingletonTypes&) = delete;
std::unique_ptr<struct TypeArena> arena;
TypeVar nilType_;
TypeVar numberType_;
TypeVar stringType_;
TypeVar booleanType_;
TypeVar threadType_;
TypeVar anyType_;
TypeVar errorType_;
TypeId makeStringMetatable();
extern SingletonTypes singletonTypes;
void persist(TypeId ty);
void persist(TypePackId tp);
struct ToDotOptions
bool showPointers = true; // Show pointer value in the node label
bool duplicatePrimitives = true; // Display primitive types and 'any' as separate nodes
std::string toDot(TypeId ty, const ToDotOptions& opts);
std::string toDot(TypePackId tp, const ToDotOptions& opts);
std::string toDot(TypeId ty);
std::string toDot(TypePackId tp);
void dumpDot(TypeId ty);
void dumpDot(TypePackId tp);
const TypeLevel* getLevel(TypeId ty);
TypeLevel* getMutableLevel(TypeId ty);
const Property* lookupClassProp(const ClassTypeVar* cls, const Name& name);
bool isSubclass(const ClassTypeVar* cls, const ClassTypeVar* parent);
bool hasGeneric(TypeId ty);
bool hasGeneric(TypePackId tp);
TypeVar* asMutable(TypeId ty);
template<typename T>
const T* get(TypeId tv)
if (FFlag::LuauAddMissingFollow)
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<T, BoundTypeVar>)
LUAU_ASSERT(get_if<BoundTypeVar>(&tv->ty) == nullptr);
return get_if<T>(&tv->ty);
template<typename T>
T* getMutable(TypeId tv)
if (FFlag::LuauAddMissingFollow)
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<T, BoundTypeVar>)
LUAU_ASSERT(get_if<BoundTypeVar>(&tv->ty) == nullptr);
return get_if<T>(&asMutable(tv)->ty);
/* Traverses the UnionTypeVar yielding each TypeId.
* If the iterator encounters a nested UnionTypeVar, it will instead yield each TypeId within.
* Beware: the iterator does not currently filter for unique TypeIds. This may change in the future.
struct UnionTypeVarIterator
using value_type = Luau::TypeId;
using pointer = value_type*;
using reference = value_type&;
using difference_type = size_t;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
explicit UnionTypeVarIterator(const UnionTypeVar* utv);
UnionTypeVarIterator& operator++();
UnionTypeVarIterator operator++(int);
bool operator!=(const UnionTypeVarIterator& rhs);
bool operator==(const UnionTypeVarIterator& rhs);
const TypeId& operator*();
friend UnionTypeVarIterator end(const UnionTypeVar* utv);
UnionTypeVarIterator() = default;
// (UnionTypeVar* utv, size_t currentIndex)
using SavedIterInfo = std::pair<const UnionTypeVar*, size_t>;
std::deque<SavedIterInfo> stack;
std::unordered_set<const UnionTypeVar*> seen; // Only needed to protect the iterator from hanging the thread.
void advance();
void descend();
UnionTypeVarIterator begin(const UnionTypeVar* utv);
UnionTypeVarIterator end(const UnionTypeVar* utv);
using TypeIdPredicate = std::function<std::optional<TypeId>(TypeId)>;
std::vector<TypeId> filterMap(TypeId type, TypeIdPredicate predicate);
// TEMP: Clip this prototype with FFlag::LuauStringMetatable
std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> magicFunctionFormat(
struct TypeChecker& typechecker, const std::shared_ptr<struct Scope>& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, ExprResult<TypePackId> exprResult);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
namespace Luau
void* pagedAllocate(size_t size);
void pagedDeallocate(void* ptr);
void pagedFreeze(void* ptr, size_t size);
void pagedUnfreeze(void* ptr, size_t size);
template<typename T>
class TypedAllocator
if (frozen)
template<typename... Args>
T* allocate(Args&&... args)
if (currentBlockSize >= kBlockSize)
LUAU_ASSERT(currentBlockSize == kBlockSize);
T* block = stuff.back();
T* res = block + currentBlockSize;
new (res) T(std::forward<Args&&...>(args...));
return res;
bool contains(const T* ptr) const
for (T* block : stuff)
if (ptr >= block && ptr < block + kBlockSize)
return true;
return false;
bool empty() const
return stuff.size() == 1 && currentBlockSize == 0;
size_t size() const
return kBlockSize * (stuff.size() - 1) + currentBlockSize;
void clear()
if (frozen)
void freeze()
for (T* block : stuff)
pagedFreeze(block, kBlockSizeBytes);
frozen = true;
void unfreeze()
for (T* block : stuff)
pagedUnfreeze(block, kBlockSizeBytes);
frozen = false;
bool isFrozen()
return frozen;
void free()
for (T* block : stuff)
size_t blockSize = (block == stuff.back()) ? currentBlockSize : kBlockSize;
for (size_t i = 0; i < blockSize; ++i)
currentBlockSize = 0;
void appendBlock()
void* block = pagedAllocate(kBlockSizeBytes);
if (!block)
throw std::bad_alloc();
currentBlockSize = 0;
bool frozen = false;
std::vector<T*> stuff;
size_t currentBlockSize = 0;
static constexpr size_t kBlockSizeBytes = 32768;
static constexpr size_t kBlockSize = kBlockSizeBytes / sizeof(T);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
#include <string>
namespace Luau
* The 'level' of a TypeVar is an indirect way to talk about the scope that it 'belongs' too.
* To start, read http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/generalization.html
* We extend the idea by adding a "sub-level" which helps us to differentiate sibling scopes
* within a single larger scope.
* We need this because we try to prototype functions and add them to the type environment before
* we check the function bodies. This allows us to properly typecheck many scenarios where there
* is no single good order in which to typecheck a program.
struct TypeLevel
int level = 0;
int subLevel = 0;
// Returns true if the typelevel "this" is "bigger" than rhs
bool subsumes(const TypeLevel& rhs) const
if (level < rhs.level)
return true;
if (level > rhs.level)
return false;
if (subLevel == rhs.subLevel)
return true; // if level == rhs.level and subLevel == rhs.subLevel, then they are the exact same TypeLevel
// Sibling TypeLevels (that is, TypeLevels that share a level but have a different subLevel) are not considered to subsume one another
return false;
TypeLevel incr() const
TypeLevel result;
result.level = level + 1;
result.subLevel = 0;
return result;
inline TypeLevel min(const TypeLevel& a, const TypeLevel& b)
if (a.subsumes(b))
return a;
return b;
namespace Unifiable
using Name = std::string;
struct Free
explicit Free(TypeLevel level);
Free(TypeLevel level, bool DEPRECATED_canBeGeneric);
int index;
TypeLevel level;
// Removed by FFlag::LuauRankNTypes
bool DEPRECATED_canBeGeneric = false;
// True if this free type variable is part of a mutually
// recursive type alias whose definitions haven't been
// resolved yet.
bool forwardedTypeAlias = false;
static int nextIndex;
template<typename Id>
struct Bound
explicit Bound(Id boundTo)
: boundTo(boundTo)
Id boundTo;
struct Generic
// By default, generics are global, with a synthetic name
explicit Generic(TypeLevel level);
explicit Generic(const Name& name);
Generic(TypeLevel level, const Name& name);
int index;
TypeLevel level;
Name name;
bool explicitName;
static int nextIndex;
struct Error
int index;
static int nextIndex;
template<typename Id, typename... Value>
using Variant = Variant<Free, Bound<Id>, Generic, Error, Value...>;
} // namespace Unifiable
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Error.h"
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include "Luau/TxnLog.h"
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/Module.h" // FIXME: For TypeArena. It merits breaking out into its own header.
#include <unordered_set>
namespace Luau
enum Variance
struct UnifierCounters
int recursionCount = 0;
int iterationCount = 0;
struct Unifier
TypeArena* const types;
Mode mode;
ScopePtr globalScope; // sigh. Needed solely to get at string's metatable.
TxnLog log;
ErrorVec errors;
Location location;
Variance variance = Covariant;
CountMismatch::Context ctx = CountMismatch::Arg;
std::shared_ptr<UnifierCounters> counters;
InternalErrorReporter* iceHandler;
Unifier(TypeArena* types, Mode mode, ScopePtr globalScope, const Location& location, Variance variance, InternalErrorReporter* iceHandler);
Unifier(TypeArena* types, Mode mode, ScopePtr globalScope, const std::vector<std::pair<TypeId, TypeId>>& seen, const Location& location,
Variance variance, InternalErrorReporter* iceHandler, const std::shared_ptr<UnifierCounters>& counters = nullptr);
// Test whether the two type vars unify. Never commits the result.
ErrorVec canUnify(TypeId superTy, TypeId subTy);
ErrorVec canUnify(TypePackId superTy, TypePackId subTy, bool isFunctionCall = false);
/** Attempt to unify left with right.
* Populate the vector errors with any type errors that may arise.
* Populate the transaction log with the set of TypeIds that need to be reset to undo the unification attempt.
void tryUnify(TypeId superTy, TypeId subTy, bool isFunctionCall = false, bool isIntersection = false);
void tryUnify_(TypeId superTy, TypeId subTy, bool isFunctionCall = false, bool isIntersection = false);
void tryUnifyPrimitives(TypeId superTy, TypeId subTy);
void tryUnifyFunctions(TypeId superTy, TypeId subTy, bool isFunctionCall = false);
void tryUnifyTables(TypeId left, TypeId right, bool isIntersection = false);
void tryUnifyFreeTable(TypeId free, TypeId other);
void tryUnifySealedTables(TypeId left, TypeId right, bool isIntersection);
void tryUnifyWithMetatable(TypeId metatable, TypeId other, bool reversed);
void tryUnifyWithClass(TypeId superTy, TypeId subTy, bool reversed);
void tryUnify(const TableIndexer& superIndexer, const TableIndexer& subIndexer);
void tryUnify(TypePackId superTy, TypePackId subTy, bool isFunctionCall = false);
void tryUnify_(TypePackId superTy, TypePackId subTy, bool isFunctionCall = false);
void tryUnifyVariadics(TypePackId superTy, TypePackId subTy, bool reversed, int subOffset = 0);
void tryUnifyWithAny(TypeId any, TypeId ty);
void tryUnifyWithAny(TypePackId any, TypePackId ty);
std::optional<TypeId> findTablePropertyRespectingMeta(TypeId lhsType, Name name);
std::optional<TypeId> findMetatableEntry(TypeId type, std::string entry);
// Report an "infinite type error" if the type "needle" already occurs within "haystack"
void occursCheck(TypeId needle, TypeId haystack);
void occursCheck(std::unordered_set<TypeId>& seen, TypeId needle, TypeId haystack);
void occursCheck(TypePackId needle, TypePackId haystack);
void occursCheck(std::unordered_set<TypePackId>& seen, TypePackId needle, TypePackId haystack);
Unifier makeChildUnifier();
bool isNonstrictMode() const;
void checkChildUnifierTypeMismatch(const ErrorVec& innerErrors, TypeId wantedType, TypeId givenType);
[[noreturn]] void ice(const std::string& message, const Location& location);
[[noreturn]] void ice(const std::string& message);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <variant>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <stddef.h>
namespace Luau
template<typename... Ts>
using Variant = std::variant<Ts...>;
template<class Visitor, class Variant>
auto visit(Visitor&& vis, Variant&& var)
// This change resolves the ABI issues with std::variant on libc++; std::visit normally throws bad_variant_access
// but it requires an update to libc++.dylib which ships with macOS 10.14. To work around this, we assert on valueless
// variants since we will never generate them and call into a libc++ function that doesn't throw.
#ifdef __APPLE__
// See https://stackoverflow.com/a/53868971/503215
return std::__variant_detail::__visitation::__variant::__visit_value(vis, var);
return std::visit(vis, var);
using std::get_if;
template<typename... Ts>
class Variant
static_assert(sizeof...(Ts) > 0, "variant must have at least 1 type (empty variants are ill-formed)");
static_assert(std::disjunction_v<std::is_void<Ts>...> == false, "variant does not allow void as an alternative type");
static_assert(std::disjunction_v<std::is_reference<Ts>...> == false, "variant does not allow references as an alternative type");
static_assert(std::disjunction_v<std::is_array<Ts>...> == false, "variant does not allow arrays as an alternative type");
template<typename T>
static constexpr int getTypeId()
using TT = std::decay_t<T>;
constexpr int N = sizeof...(Ts);
constexpr bool is[N] = {std::is_same_v<TT, Ts>...};
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
if (is[i])
return i;
return -1;
template<typename T, typename... Tail>
struct First
using type = T;
using first_alternative = typename First<Ts...>::type;
static_assert(std::is_default_constructible_v<first_alternative>, "first alternative type must be default constructible");
typeId = 0;
new (&storage) first_alternative();
template<typename T>
Variant(T&& value, std::enable_if_t<getTypeId<T>() >= 0>* = 0)
using TT = std::decay_t<T>;
constexpr int tid = getTypeId<T>();
typeId = tid;
new (&storage) TT(value);
Variant(const Variant& other)
typeId = other.typeId;
tableCopy[typeId](&storage, &other.storage);
Variant(Variant&& other)
typeId = other.typeId;
tableMove[typeId](&storage, &other.storage);
Variant& operator=(const Variant& other)
Variant copy(other);
// static_cast<T&&> is equivalent to std::move() but faster in Debug
return *this = static_cast<Variant&&>(copy);
Variant& operator=(Variant&& other)
if (this != &other)
typeId = other.typeId;
tableMove[typeId](&storage, &other.storage); // nothrow
return *this;
template<typename T>
const T* get_if() const
constexpr int tid = getTypeId<T>();
static_assert(tid >= 0, "unsupported T");
return tid == typeId ? reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&storage) : nullptr;
template<typename T>
T* get_if()
constexpr int tid = getTypeId<T>();
static_assert(tid >= 0, "unsupported T");
return tid == typeId ? reinterpret_cast<T*>(&storage) : nullptr;
bool valueless_by_exception() const
return false;
int index() const
return typeId;
bool operator==(const Variant& other) const
static constexpr FnPred table[sizeof...(Ts)] = {&fnPredEq<Ts>...};
return typeId == other.typeId && table[typeId](&storage, &other.storage);
bool operator!=(const Variant& other) const
return !(*this == other);
static constexpr size_t cmax(std::initializer_list<size_t> l)
size_t res = 0;
for (size_t i : l)
res = (res < i) ? i : res;
return res;
static constexpr size_t storageSize = cmax({sizeof(Ts)...});
static constexpr size_t storageAlign = cmax({alignof(Ts)...});
using FnCopy = void (*)(void*, const void*);
using FnMove = void (*)(void*, void*);
using FnDtor = void (*)(void*);
using FnPred = bool (*)(const void*, const void*);
template<typename T>
static void fnCopy(void* dst, const void* src)
new (dst) T(*static_cast<const T*>(src));
template<typename T>
static void fnMove(void* dst, void* src)
// static_cast<T&&> is equivalent to std::move() but faster in Debug
new (dst) T(static_cast<T&&>(*static_cast<T*>(src)));
template<typename T>
static void fnDtor(void* dst)
template<typename T>
static bool fnPredEq(const void* lhs, const void* rhs)
return *static_cast<const T*>(lhs) == *static_cast<const T*>(rhs);
static constexpr FnCopy tableCopy[sizeof...(Ts)] = {&fnCopy<Ts>...};
static constexpr FnMove tableMove[sizeof...(Ts)] = {&fnMove<Ts>...};
static constexpr FnDtor tableDtor[sizeof...(Ts)] = {&fnDtor<Ts>...};
int typeId;
alignas(storageAlign) char storage[storageSize];
template<class Visitor, typename... _Ts>
friend auto visit(Visitor&& vis, const Variant<_Ts...>& var);
template<class Visitor, typename... _Ts>
friend auto visit(Visitor&& vis, Variant<_Ts...>& var);
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
const T* get_if(const Variant<Ts...>* var)
return var ? var->template get_if<T>() : nullptr;
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
T* get_if(Variant<Ts...>* var)
return var ? var->template get_if<T>() : nullptr;
template<typename Visitor, typename Result, typename T>
static void fnVisitR(Visitor& vis, Result& dst, std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<T>, const void, void>* src)
dst = vis(*static_cast<T*>(src));
template<typename Visitor, typename T>
static void fnVisitV(Visitor& vis, std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<T>, const void, void>* src)
template<class Visitor, typename... Ts>
auto visit(Visitor&& vis, const Variant<Ts...>& var)
using Result = std::invoke_result_t<Visitor, typename Variant<Ts...>::first_alternative>;
static_assert(std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<Result, std::invoke_result_t<Visitor, Ts>>...>,
"visitor result type must be consistent between alternatives");
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Result, void>)
using FnVisitV = void (*)(Visitor&, const void*);
static const FnVisitV tableVisit[sizeof...(Ts)] = {&fnVisitV<Visitor, const Ts>...};
tableVisit[var.typeId](vis, &var.storage);
using FnVisitR = void (*)(Visitor&, Result&, const void*);
static const FnVisitR tableVisit[sizeof...(Ts)] = {&fnVisitR<Visitor, Result, const Ts>...};
Result res;
tableVisit[var.typeId](vis, res, &var.storage);
return res;
template<class Visitor, typename... Ts>
auto visit(Visitor&& vis, Variant<Ts...>& var)
using Result = std::invoke_result_t<Visitor, typename Variant<Ts...>::first_alternative&>;
static_assert(std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<Result, std::invoke_result_t<Visitor, Ts&>>...>,
"visitor result type must be consistent between alternatives");
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Result, void>)
using FnVisitV = void (*)(Visitor&, void*);
static const FnVisitV tableVisit[sizeof...(Ts)] = {&fnVisitV<Visitor, Ts>...};
tableVisit[var.typeId](vis, &var.storage);
using FnVisitR = void (*)(Visitor&, Result&, void*);
static const FnVisitR tableVisit[sizeof...(Ts)] = {&fnVisitR<Visitor, Result, Ts>...};
Result res;
tableVisit[var.typeId](vis, res, &var.storage);
return res;
inline constexpr bool always_false_v = false;
} // namespace Luau
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
namespace Luau
namespace visit_detail
* Apply f(tid, t, seen) if doing so would pass type checking, else apply f(tid, t)
* We do this to permit (but not require) TypeVar visitors to accept the seen set as an argument.
template<typename F, typename A, typename B, typename C>
auto apply(A tid, const B& t, C& c, F& f) -> decltype(f(tid, t, c))
return f(tid, t, c);
template<typename A, typename B, typename C, typename F>
auto apply(A tid, const B& t, C&, F& f) -> decltype(f(tid, t))
return f(tid, t);
inline bool hasSeen(std::unordered_set<void*>& seen, const void* tv)
void* ttv = const_cast<void*>(tv);
return !seen.insert(ttv).second;
inline void unsee(std::unordered_set<void*>& seen, const void* tv)
void* ttv = const_cast<void*>(tv);
template<typename F>
void visit(TypePackId tp, F& f, std::unordered_set<void*>& seen);
template<typename F>
void visit(TypeId ty, F& f, std::unordered_set<void*>& seen)
if (visit_detail::hasSeen(seen, ty))
if (auto btv = get<BoundTypeVar>(ty))
if (apply(ty, *btv, seen, f))
visit(btv->boundTo, f, seen);
else if (auto ftv = get<FreeTypeVar>(ty))
apply(ty, *ftv, seen, f);
else if (auto gtv = get<GenericTypeVar>(ty))
apply(ty, *gtv, seen, f);
else if (auto etv = get<ErrorTypeVar>(ty))
apply(ty, *etv, seen, f);
else if (auto ptv = get<PrimitiveTypeVar>(ty))
apply(ty, *ptv, seen, f);
else if (auto ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty))
if (apply(ty, *ftv, seen, f))
visit(ftv->argTypes, f, seen);
visit(ftv->retType, f, seen);
else if (auto ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(ty))
if (apply(ty, *ttv, seen, f))
for (auto& [_name, prop] : ttv->props)
visit(prop.type, f, seen);
if (ttv->indexer)
visit(ttv->indexer->indexType, f, seen);
visit(ttv->indexer->indexResultType, f, seen);
else if (auto mtv = get<MetatableTypeVar>(ty))
if (apply(ty, *mtv, seen, f))
visit(mtv->table, f, seen);
visit(mtv->metatable, f, seen);
else if (auto ctv = get<ClassTypeVar>(ty))
if (apply(ty, *ctv, seen, f))
for (const auto& [name, prop] : ctv->props)
visit(prop.type, f, seen);
if (ctv->parent)
visit(*ctv->parent, f, seen);
if (ctv->metatable)
visit(*ctv->metatable, f, seen);
else if (auto atv = get<AnyTypeVar>(ty))
apply(ty, *atv, seen, f);
else if (auto utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(ty))
if (apply(ty, *utv, seen, f))
for (TypeId optTy : utv->options)
visit(optTy, f, seen);
else if (auto itv = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(ty))
if (apply(ty, *itv, seen, f))
for (TypeId partTy : itv->parts)
visit(partTy, f, seen);
visit_detail::unsee(seen, ty);
template<typename F>
void visit(TypePackId tp, F& f, std::unordered_set<void*>& seen)
if (visit_detail::hasSeen(seen, tp))
if (auto btv = get<BoundTypePack>(tp))
if (apply(tp, *btv, seen, f))
visit(btv->boundTo, f, seen);
else if (auto ftv = get<Unifiable::Free>(tp))
apply(tp, *ftv, seen, f);
else if (auto gtv = get<Unifiable::Generic>(tp))
apply(tp, *gtv, seen, f);
else if (auto etv = get<Unifiable::Error>(tp))
apply(tp, *etv, seen, f);
else if (auto pack = get<TypePack>(tp))
apply(tp, *pack, seen, f);
for (TypeId ty : pack->head)
visit(ty, f, seen);
if (pack->tail)
visit(*pack->tail, f, seen);
else if (auto pack = get<VariadicTypePack>(tp))
apply(tp, *pack, seen, f);
visit(pack->ty, f, seen);
visit_detail::unsee(seen, tp);
} // namespace visit_detail
template<typename TID, typename F>
void visitTypeVar(TID ty, F& f, std::unordered_set<void*>& seen)
visit_detail::visit(ty, f, seen);
template<typename TID, typename F>
void visitTypeVar(TID ty, F& f)
std::unordered_set<void*> seen;
visit_detail::visit(ty, f, seen);
} // namespace Luau
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/AstQuery.h"
#include "Luau/Module.h"
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/ToString.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace Luau
struct FindNode : public AstVisitor
const Position pos;
const Position documentEnd;
AstNode* best = nullptr;
explicit FindNode(Position pos, Position documentEnd)
: pos(pos)
, documentEnd(documentEnd)
bool visit(AstNode* node) override
if (node->location.contains(pos))
best = node;
return true;
// Edge case: If we ask for the node at the position that is the very end of the document
// return the innermost AST element that ends at that position.
if (node->location.end == documentEnd && pos >= documentEnd)
best = node;
return true;
return false;
bool visit(AstStatBlock* block) override
for (AstStat* stat : block->body)
if (stat->location.end < pos)
if (stat->location.begin > pos)
return false;
struct FindFullAncestry final : public AstVisitor
std::vector<AstNode*> nodes;
Position pos;
explicit FindFullAncestry(Position pos)
: pos(pos)
bool visit(AstNode* node)
if (node->location.contains(pos))
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
std::vector<AstNode*> findAstAncestryOfPosition(const SourceModule& source, Position pos)
FindFullAncestry finder(pos);
return std::move(finder.nodes);
AstNode* findNodeAtPosition(const SourceModule& source, Position pos)
const Position end = source.root->location.end;
if (pos < source.root->location.begin)
return source.root;
if (pos > end)
pos = end;
FindNode findNode{pos, end};
return findNode.best;
AstExpr* findExprAtPosition(const SourceModule& source, Position pos)
AstNode* node = findNodeAtPosition(source, pos);
if (node)
return node->asExpr();
return nullptr;
ScopePtr findScopeAtPosition(const Module& module, Position pos)
Location scopeLocation = module.scopes.front().first;
ScopePtr scope = module.scopes.front().second;
for (const auto& s : module.scopes)
if (s.first.contains(pos))
if (!scope || scopeLocation.encloses(s.first))
scopeLocation = s.first;
scope = s.second;
return scope;
std::optional<TypeId> findTypeAtPosition(const Module& module, const SourceModule& sourceModule, Position pos)
if (auto expr = findExprAtPosition(sourceModule, pos))
if (auto it = module.astTypes.find(expr); it != module.astTypes.end())
return it->second;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<TypeId> findExpectedTypeAtPosition(const Module& module, const SourceModule& sourceModule, Position pos)
if (auto expr = findExprAtPosition(sourceModule, pos))
if (auto it = module.astExpectedTypes.find(expr); it != module.astExpectedTypes.end())
return it->second;
return std::nullopt;
static std::optional<AstStatLocal*> findBindingLocalStatement(const SourceModule& source, const Binding& binding)
std::vector<AstNode*> nodes = findAstAncestryOfPosition(source, binding.location.begin);
auto iter = std::find_if(nodes.rbegin(), nodes.rend(), [](AstNode* node) {
return node->is<AstStatLocal>();
return iter != nodes.rend() ? std::make_optional((*iter)->as<AstStatLocal>()) : std::nullopt;
std::optional<Binding> findBindingAtPosition(const Module& module, const SourceModule& source, Position pos)
AstExpr* expr = findExprAtPosition(source, pos);
if (!expr)
return std::nullopt;
Symbol name;
if (auto g = expr->as<AstExprGlobal>())
name = g->name;
else if (auto l = expr->as<AstExprLocal>())
name = l->local;
return std::nullopt;
ScopePtr currentScope = findScopeAtPosition(module, pos);
while (currentScope)
auto iter = currentScope->bindings.find(name);
if (iter != currentScope->bindings.end() && iter->second.location.begin <= pos)
/* Ignore this binding if we're inside its definition. e.g. local abc = abc -- Will take the definition of abc from outer scope */
std::optional<AstStatLocal*> bindingStatement = findBindingLocalStatement(source, iter->second);
if (!bindingStatement || !(*bindingStatement)->location.contains(pos))
return iter->second;
currentScope = currentScope->parent;
return std::nullopt;
struct FindExprOrLocal : public AstVisitor
const Position pos;
ExprOrLocal result;
explicit FindExprOrLocal(Position pos)
: pos(pos)
// We want to find the result with the smallest location range.
bool isCloserMatch(Location newLocation)
auto current = result.getLocation();
return newLocation.contains(pos) && (!current || current->encloses(newLocation));
bool visit(AstStatBlock* block) override
for (AstStat* stat : block->body)
if (stat->location.end <= pos)
if (stat->location.begin > pos)
return false;
bool visit(AstExpr* expr) override
if (isCloserMatch(expr->location))
return true;
return false;
bool visitLocal(AstLocal* local)
if (isCloserMatch(local->location))
return true;
return false;
bool visit(AstStatLocalFunction* function) override
return true;
bool visit(AstStatLocal* al) override
for (size_t i = 0; i < al->vars.size; ++i)
return true;
virtual bool visit(AstExprFunction* fn) override
for (size_t i = 0; i < fn->args.size; ++i)
return visit((class AstExpr*)fn);
virtual bool visit(AstStatFor* forStat) override
return true;
virtual bool visit(AstStatForIn* forIn) override
for (AstLocal* var : forIn->vars)
return true;
}; // namespace
ExprOrLocal findExprOrLocalAtPosition(const SourceModule& source, Position pos)
FindExprOrLocal findVisitor{pos};
return findVisitor.result;
std::optional<DocumentationSymbol> getDocumentationSymbolAtPosition(const SourceModule& source, const Module& module, Position position)
std::vector<AstNode*> ancestry = findAstAncestryOfPosition(source, position);
AstExpr* targetExpr = ancestry.size() >= 1 ? ancestry[ancestry.size() - 1]->asExpr() : nullptr;
AstExpr* parentExpr = ancestry.size() >= 2 ? ancestry[ancestry.size() - 2]->asExpr() : nullptr;
if (std::optional<Binding> binding = findBindingAtPosition(module, source, position))
if (binding->documentationSymbol)
// This might be an overloaded function binding.
if (get<IntersectionTypeVar>(follow(binding->typeId)))
TypeId matchingOverload = nullptr;
if (parentExpr && parentExpr->is<AstExprCall>())
if (auto it = module.astOverloadResolvedTypes.find(parentExpr); it != module.astOverloadResolvedTypes.end())
matchingOverload = it->second;
if (matchingOverload)
std::string overloadSymbol = *binding->documentationSymbol + "/overload/";
// Default toString options are fine for this purpose.
overloadSymbol += toString(matchingOverload);
return overloadSymbol;
return binding->documentationSymbol;
if (targetExpr)
if (AstExprIndexName* indexName = targetExpr->as<AstExprIndexName>())
if (auto it = module.astTypes.find(indexName->expr); it != module.astTypes.end())
TypeId parentTy = follow(it->second);
if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(parentTy))
if (auto propIt = ttv->props.find(indexName->index.value); propIt != ttv->props.end())
return propIt->second.documentationSymbol;
else if (const ClassTypeVar* ctv = get<ClassTypeVar>(parentTy))
if (auto propIt = ctv->props.find(indexName->index.value); propIt != ctv->props.end())
return propIt->second.documentationSymbol;
else if (AstExprFunction* fn = targetExpr->as<AstExprFunction>())
// Handle event connection-like structures where we have
// something:Connect(function(a, b, c) end)
// In this case, we want to ascribe a documentation symbol to 'a'
// based on the documentation symbol of Connect.
if (parentExpr && parentExpr->is<AstExprCall>())
AstExprCall* call = parentExpr->as<AstExprCall>();
if (std::optional<DocumentationSymbol> parentSymbol = getDocumentationSymbolAtPosition(source, module, call->func->location.begin))
for (size_t i = 0; i < call->args.size; ++i)
AstExpr* callArg = call->args.data[i];
if (callArg == targetExpr)
std::string fnSymbol = *parentSymbol + "/param/" + std::to_string(i);
for (size_t j = 0; j < fn->args.size; ++j)
AstLocal* fnArg = fn->args.data[j];
if (fnArg->location.contains(position))
return fnSymbol + "/param/" + std::to_string(j);
if (std::optional<TypeId> ty = findTypeAtPosition(module, source, position))
if ((*ty)->documentationSymbol)
return (*ty)->documentationSymbol;
return std::nullopt;
} // namespace Luau
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Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,805 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h"
#include "Luau/Frontend.h"
#include "Luau/Symbol.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include "Luau/ToString.h"
#include <algorithm>
/** FIXME: Many of these type definitions are not quite completely accurate.
* Some of them require richer generics than we have. For instance, we do not yet have a way to talk
* about a function that takes any number of values, but where each value must have some specific type.
namespace Luau
static std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> magicFunctionSelect(
TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, ExprResult<TypePackId> exprResult);
static std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> magicFunctionSetMetaTable(
TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, ExprResult<TypePackId> exprResult);
static std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> magicFunctionAssert(
TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, ExprResult<TypePackId> exprResult);
static std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> magicFunctionPack(
TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, ExprResult<TypePackId> exprResult);
static std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> magicFunctionRequire(
TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, ExprResult<TypePackId> exprResult);
TypeId makeUnion(TypeArena& arena, std::vector<TypeId>&& types)
return arena.addType(UnionTypeVar{std::move(types)});
TypeId makeIntersection(TypeArena& arena, std::vector<TypeId>&& types)
return arena.addType(IntersectionTypeVar{std::move(types)});
TypeId makeOption(TypeChecker& typeChecker, TypeArena& arena, TypeId t)
return makeUnion(arena, {typeChecker.nilType, t});
TypeId makeFunction(
TypeArena& arena, std::optional<TypeId> selfType, std::initializer_list<TypeId> paramTypes, std::initializer_list<TypeId> retTypes)
return makeFunction(arena, selfType, {}, {}, paramTypes, {}, retTypes);
TypeId makeFunction(TypeArena& arena, std::optional<TypeId> selfType, std::initializer_list<TypeId> generics,
std::initializer_list<TypePackId> genericPacks, std::initializer_list<TypeId> paramTypes, std::initializer_list<TypeId> retTypes)
return makeFunction(arena, selfType, generics, genericPacks, paramTypes, {}, retTypes);
TypeId makeFunction(TypeArena& arena, std::optional<TypeId> selfType, std::initializer_list<TypeId> paramTypes,
std::initializer_list<std::string> paramNames, std::initializer_list<TypeId> retTypes)
return makeFunction(arena, selfType, {}, {}, paramTypes, paramNames, retTypes);
TypeId makeFunction(TypeArena& arena, std::optional<TypeId> selfType, std::initializer_list<TypeId> generics,
std::initializer_list<TypePackId> genericPacks, std::initializer_list<TypeId> paramTypes, std::initializer_list<std::string> paramNames,
std::initializer_list<TypeId> retTypes)
std::vector<TypeId> params;
if (selfType)
for (auto&& p : paramTypes)
TypePackId paramPack = arena.addTypePack(std::move(params));
TypePackId retPack = arena.addTypePack(std::vector<TypeId>(retTypes));
FunctionTypeVar ftv{generics, genericPacks, paramPack, retPack, {}, selfType.has_value()};
if (selfType)
ftv.argNames.push_back(Luau::FunctionArgument{"self", {}});
if (paramNames.size() != 0)
for (auto&& p : paramNames)
ftv.argNames.push_back(Luau::FunctionArgument{std::move(p), {}});
else if (selfType)
// If argument names were not provided, but we have already added a name for 'self' argument, we have to fill remaining slots as well
for (size_t i = 0; i < paramTypes.size(); i++)
return arena.addType(std::move(ftv));
void attachMagicFunction(TypeId ty, MagicFunction fn)
if (auto ftv = getMutable<FunctionTypeVar>(ty))
ftv->magicFunction = fn;
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Got a non functional type");
void attachFunctionTag(TypeId ty, std::string tag)
if (auto ftv = getMutable<FunctionTypeVar>(ty))
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Got a non functional type");
Property makeProperty(TypeId ty, std::optional<std::string> documentationSymbol)
return {
/* type */ ty,
/* deprecated */ false,
/* deprecatedSuggestion */ {},
/* location */ std::nullopt,
/* tags */ {},
void addGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const std::string& name, TypeId ty, const std::string& packageName)
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, typeChecker.globalScope, name, ty, packageName);
void addGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const std::string& name, Binding binding)
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, typeChecker.globalScope, name, binding);
void addGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const std::string& name, TypeId ty, const std::string& packageName)
std::string documentationSymbol = packageName + "/global/" + name;
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, scope, name, Binding{ty, Location{}, {}, {}, documentationSymbol});
void addGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const std::string& name, Binding binding)
scope->bindings[typeChecker.globalNames.names->getOrAdd(name.c_str())] = binding;
TypeId getGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const std::string& name)
auto t = tryGetGlobalBinding(typeChecker, name);
return t->typeId;
std::optional<Binding> tryGetGlobalBinding(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const std::string& name)
AstName astName = typeChecker.globalNames.names->getOrAdd(name.c_str());
auto it = typeChecker.globalScope->bindings.find(astName);
if (it != typeChecker.globalScope->bindings.end())
return it->second;
return std::nullopt;
Binding* tryGetGlobalBindingRef(TypeChecker& typeChecker, const std::string& name)
AstName astName = typeChecker.globalNames.names->get(name.c_str());
if (astName == AstName())
return nullptr;
auto it = typeChecker.globalScope->bindings.find(astName);
if (it != typeChecker.globalScope->bindings.end())
return &it->second;
return nullptr;
void assignPropDocumentationSymbols(TableTypeVar::Props& props, const std::string& baseName)
for (auto& [name, prop] : props)
prop.documentationSymbol = baseName + "." + name;
void registerBuiltinTypes(TypeChecker& typeChecker)
TypeId numberType = typeChecker.numberType;
TypeId booleanType = typeChecker.booleanType;
TypeId nilType = typeChecker.nilType;
TypeId stringType = typeChecker.stringType;
TypeId threadType = typeChecker.threadType;
TypeId anyType = typeChecker.anyType;
TypeArena& arena = typeChecker.globalTypes;
TypeId optionalNumber = makeOption(typeChecker, arena, numberType);
TypeId optionalString = makeOption(typeChecker, arena, stringType);
TypeId optionalBoolean = makeOption(typeChecker, arena, booleanType);
TypeId stringOrNumber = makeUnion(arena, {stringType, numberType});
TypePackId emptyPack = arena.addTypePack({});
TypePackId oneNumberPack = arena.addTypePack({numberType});
TypePackId oneStringPack = arena.addTypePack({stringType});
TypePackId oneBooleanPack = arena.addTypePack({booleanType});
TypePackId oneAnyPack = arena.addTypePack({anyType});
TypePackId anyTypePack = typeChecker.anyTypePack;
TypePackId numberVariadicList = arena.addTypePack(TypePackVar{VariadicTypePack{numberType}});
TypePackId stringVariadicList = arena.addTypePack(TypePackVar{VariadicTypePack{stringType}});
TypePackId listOfAtLeastOneNumber = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{numberType}, numberVariadicList});
TypeId listOfAtLeastOneNumberToNumberType = arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{
TypeId listOfAtLeastZeroNumbersToNumberType = arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{numberVariadicList, oneNumberPack});
TypeId stringToAnyMap = arena.addType(TableTypeVar{{}, TableIndexer(stringType, anyType), typeChecker.globalScope->level});
LoadDefinitionFileResult loadResult = Luau::loadDefinitionFile(typeChecker, typeChecker.globalScope, getBuiltinDefinitionSource(), "@luau");
TypeId mathLibType = getGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "math");
if (TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(mathLibType))
ttv->props["min"] = makeProperty(listOfAtLeastOneNumberToNumberType, "@luau/global/math.min");
ttv->props["max"] = makeProperty(listOfAtLeastOneNumberToNumberType, "@luau/global/math.max");
TypeId bit32LibType = getGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "bit32");
if (TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(bit32LibType))
ttv->props["band"] = makeProperty(listOfAtLeastZeroNumbersToNumberType, "@luau/global/bit32.band");
ttv->props["bor"] = makeProperty(listOfAtLeastZeroNumbersToNumberType, "@luau/global/bit32.bor");
ttv->props["bxor"] = makeProperty(listOfAtLeastZeroNumbersToNumberType, "@luau/global/bit32.bxor");
ttv->props["btest"] = makeProperty(arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{listOfAtLeastOneNumber, oneBooleanPack}), "@luau/global/bit32.btest");
TypeId anyFunction = arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{anyTypePack, anyTypePack});
TypeId genericK = arena.addType(GenericTypeVar{"K"});
TypeId genericV = arena.addType(GenericTypeVar{"V"});
TypeId mapOfKtoV = arena.addType(TableTypeVar{{}, TableIndexer(genericK, genericV), typeChecker.globalScope->level});
if (FFlag::LuauStringMetatable)
std::optional<TypeId> stringMetatableTy = getMetatable(singletonTypes.stringType);
const TableTypeVar* stringMetatableTable = get<TableTypeVar>(follow(*stringMetatableTy));
auto it = stringMetatableTable->props.find("__index");
LUAU_ASSERT(it != stringMetatableTable->props.end());
TypeId stringLib = it->second.type;
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "string", stringLib, "@luau");
if (FFlag::LuauParseGenericFunctions && FFlag::LuauGenericFunctions)
if (!FFlag::LuauStringMetatable)
TypeId stringLibTy = getGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "string");
TableTypeVar* stringLib = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(stringLibTy);
TypeId replArgType = makeUnion(
arena, {stringType,
arena.addType(TableTypeVar({}, TableIndexer(stringType, stringType), typeChecker.globalScope->level, TableState::Generic)),
makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {stringType}, {stringType})});
TypeId gsubFunc = makeFunction(arena, stringType, {stringType, replArgType, optionalNumber}, {stringType, numberType});
stringLib->props["gsub"] = makeProperty(gsubFunc, "@luau/global/string.gsub");
if (!FFlag::LuauStringMetatable)
TypeId stringToStringType = makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {stringType}, {stringType});
TypeId gmatchFunc = makeFunction(arena, stringType, {stringType}, {arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{emptyPack, stringVariadicList})});
TypeId replArgType = makeUnion(
arena, {stringType,
arena.addType(TableTypeVar({}, TableIndexer(stringType, stringType), typeChecker.globalScope->level, TableState::Generic)),
makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {stringType}, {stringType})});
TypeId gsubFunc = makeFunction(arena, stringType, {stringType, replArgType, optionalNumber}, {stringType, numberType});
TypeId formatFn = arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{stringType}, anyTypePack}), oneStringPack});
TableTypeVar::Props stringLib = {
// FIXME string.byte "can" return a pack of numbers, but only if 2nd or 3rd arguments were supplied
{"byte", {makeFunction(arena, stringType, {optionalNumber, optionalNumber}, {optionalNumber})}},
// FIXME char takes a variadic pack of numbers
{"char", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {numberType, optionalNumber, optionalNumber, optionalNumber}, {stringType})}},
{"find", {makeFunction(arena, stringType, {stringType, optionalNumber, optionalBoolean}, {optionalNumber, optionalNumber})}},
{"format", {formatFn}}, // FIXME
{"gmatch", {gmatchFunc}},
{"gsub", {gsubFunc}},
{"len", {makeFunction(arena, stringType, {}, {numberType})}},
{"lower", {stringToStringType}},
{"match", {makeFunction(arena, stringType, {stringType, optionalNumber}, {optionalString})}},
{"rep", {makeFunction(arena, stringType, {numberType}, {stringType})}},
{"reverse", {stringToStringType}},
{"sub", {makeFunction(arena, stringType, {numberType, optionalNumber}, {stringType})}},
{"upper", {stringToStringType}},
{"split", {makeFunction(arena, stringType, {stringType, optionalString},
{arena.addType(TableTypeVar{{}, TableIndexer{numberType, stringType}, typeChecker.globalScope->level})})}},
{"pack", {arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{
arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{stringType}, anyTypePack}),
{"packsize", {makeFunction(arena, stringType, {}, {numberType})}},
{"unpack", {arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{
arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{stringType, stringType, optionalNumber}}),
assignPropDocumentationSymbols(stringLib, "@luau/global/string");
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "string",
arena.addType(TableTypeVar{stringLib, std::nullopt, typeChecker.globalScope->level, TableState::Sealed}), "@luau");
TableTypeVar::Props debugLib{
{"info", {makeIntersection(arena,
arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{arena.addTypePack({typeChecker.threadType, numberType, stringType}), anyTypePack}),
arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{arena.addTypePack({numberType, stringType}), anyTypePack}),
arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{arena.addTypePack({anyFunction, stringType}), anyTypePack}),
{"traceback", {makeIntersection(arena,
makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {optionalString, optionalNumber}, {stringType}),
makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {typeChecker.threadType, optionalString, optionalNumber}, {stringType}),
assignPropDocumentationSymbols(debugLib, "@luau/global/debug");
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "debug",
arena.addType(TableTypeVar{debugLib, std::nullopt, typeChecker.globalScope->level, Luau::TableState::Sealed}), "@luau");
TableTypeVar::Props utf8Lib = {
{"char", {arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{listOfAtLeastOneNumber, oneStringPack})}}, // FIXME
{"charpattern", {stringType}},
{"codes", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {stringType},
{makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {stringType, numberType}, {numberType, numberType}), stringType, numberType})}},
{arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{arena.addTypePack({stringType, optionalNumber, optionalNumber}), listOfAtLeastOneNumber})}}, // FIXME
{"len", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {stringType, optionalNumber, optionalNumber}, {optionalNumber, numberType})}},
{"offset", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {stringType, optionalNumber, optionalNumber}, {numberType})}},
{"nfdnormalize", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {stringType}, {stringType})}},
{"graphemes", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {stringType, optionalNumber, optionalNumber},
{makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {}, {numberType, numberType})})}},
{"nfcnormalize", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {stringType}, {stringType})}},
assignPropDocumentationSymbols(utf8Lib, "@luau/global/utf8");
typeChecker, "utf8", arena.addType(TableTypeVar{utf8Lib, std::nullopt, typeChecker.globalScope->level, TableState::Sealed}), "@luau");
TypeId optionalV = makeOption(typeChecker, arena, genericV);
TypeId arrayOfV = arena.addType(TableTypeVar{{}, TableIndexer(numberType, genericV), typeChecker.globalScope->level});
TypePackId unpackArgsPack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{arrayOfV, optionalNumber, optionalNumber}});
TypePackId unpackReturnPack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{}, anyTypePack});
TypeId unpackFunc = arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{{genericV}, {}, unpackArgsPack, unpackReturnPack});
TypeId packResult = arena.addType(TableTypeVar{
TableTypeVar::Props{{"n", {numberType}}}, TableIndexer{numberType, numberType}, typeChecker.globalScope->level, TableState::Sealed});
TypePackId packArgsPack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{}, anyTypePack});
TypePackId packReturnPack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{packResult}});
TypeId comparator = makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV, genericV}, {booleanType});
TypeId optionalComparator = makeOption(typeChecker, arena, comparator);
TypeId packFn = arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar(packArgsPack, packReturnPack));
TableTypeVar::Props tableLib = {
{"concat", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {}, {arrayOfV, optionalString, optionalNumber, optionalNumber}, {stringType})}},
{"insert", {makeIntersection(arena, {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {}, {arrayOfV, genericV}, {}),
makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {}, {arrayOfV, numberType, genericV}, {})})}},
{"maxn", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {}, {arrayOfV}, {numberType})}},
{"remove", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {}, {arrayOfV, optionalNumber}, {optionalV})}},
{"sort", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {}, {arrayOfV, optionalComparator}, {})}},
{"create", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {}, {numberType, optionalV}, {arrayOfV})}},
{"find", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {}, {arrayOfV, genericV, optionalNumber}, {optionalNumber})}},
{"unpack", {unpackFunc}}, // FIXME
{"pack", {packFn}},
// Lua 5.0 compat
{"getn", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {}, {arrayOfV}, {numberType})}},
{"foreach", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericK, genericV}, {},
{mapOfKtoV, makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericK, genericV}, {})}, {})}},
{"foreachi", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {}, {arrayOfV, makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {})}, {})}},
// backported from Lua 5.3
{"move", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericV}, {}, {arrayOfV, numberType, numberType, numberType, arrayOfV}, {})}},
// added in Luau (borrowed from LuaJIT)
{"clear", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericK, genericV}, {}, {mapOfKtoV}, {})}},
{"freeze", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericK, genericV}, {}, {mapOfKtoV}, {mapOfKtoV})}},
{"isfrozen", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericK, genericV}, {}, {mapOfKtoV}, {booleanType})}},
assignPropDocumentationSymbols(tableLib, "@luau/global/table");
typeChecker, "table", arena.addType(TableTypeVar{tableLib, std::nullopt, typeChecker.globalScope->level, TableState::Sealed}), "@luau");
TableTypeVar::Props coroutineLib = {
{"create", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {anyFunction}, {threadType})}},
{"resume", {arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{threadType}, anyTypePack}), anyTypePack})}},
{"running", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {}, {threadType})}},
{"status", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {threadType}, {stringType})}},
{"wrap", {makeFunction(
arena, std::nullopt, {anyFunction}, {anyType})}}, // FIXME this technically returns a function, but we can't represent this
// atm since it can be called with different arg types at different times
{"yield", {arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{anyTypePack, anyTypePack})}},
{"isyieldable", {makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {}, {booleanType})}},
assignPropDocumentationSymbols(coroutineLib, "@luau/global/coroutine");
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "coroutine",
arena.addType(TableTypeVar{coroutineLib, std::nullopt, typeChecker.globalScope->level, TableState::Sealed}), "@luau");
TypeId genericT = arena.addType(GenericTypeVar{"T"});
TypeId genericR = arena.addType(GenericTypeVar{"R"});
// assert returns all arguments
TypePackId assertArgs = arena.addTypePack({genericT, optionalString});
TypePackId assertRets = arena.addTypePack({genericT});
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "assert", arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{assertArgs, assertRets}), "@luau");
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "print", arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{anyTypePack, emptyPack}), "@luau");
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "type", makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericT}, {}, {genericT}, {stringType}), "@luau");
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "typeof", makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericT}, {}, {genericT}, {stringType}), "@luau");
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "error", makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericT}, {}, {genericT, optionalNumber}, {}), "@luau");
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "tostring", makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericT}, {}, {genericT}, {stringType}), "@luau");
typeChecker, "tonumber", makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericT}, {}, {genericT, optionalNumber}, {numberType}), "@luau");
typeChecker, "rawequal", makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericT, genericR}, {}, {genericT, genericR}, {booleanType}), "@luau");
typeChecker, "rawget", makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericK, genericV}, {}, {mapOfKtoV, genericK}, {genericV}), "@luau");
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "rawset",
makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericK, genericV}, {}, {mapOfKtoV, genericK, genericV}, {mapOfKtoV}), "@luau");
TypePackId genericTPack = arena.addTypePack({genericT});
TypePackId genericRPack = arena.addTypePack({genericR});
TypeId genericArgsToReturnFunction = arena.addType(
FunctionTypeVar{{genericT, genericR}, {}, arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{}, genericTPack}), arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{}, genericRPack})});
TypeId setfenvArgType = makeUnion(arena, {numberType, genericArgsToReturnFunction});
TypeId setfenvReturnType = makeOption(typeChecker, arena, genericArgsToReturnFunction);
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "setfenv", makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {setfenvArgType, stringToAnyMap}, {setfenvReturnType}), "@luau");
TypePackId ipairsArgsTypePack = arena.addTypePack({arrayOfV});
TypeId ipairsNextFunctionType = arena.addType(
FunctionTypeVar{{genericK, genericV}, {}, arena.addTypePack({arrayOfV, numberType}), arena.addTypePack({numberType, genericV})});
// ipairs returns 'next, Array<V>, 0' so we would need type-level primitives and change to
// again, we have a direct reference to 'next' because ipairs returns it
// ipairs<V>(t: Array<V>) -> ((Array<V>) -> (number, V), Array<V>, 0)
TypePackId ipairsReturnTypePack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{ipairsNextFunctionType, arrayOfV, numberType}});
// ipairs<V>(t: Array<V>) -> ((Array<V>) -> (number, V), Array<V>, number)
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "ipairs", arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{{genericV}, {}, ipairsArgsTypePack, ipairsReturnTypePack}), "@luau");
TypePackId pcallArg0FnArgs = arena.addTypePack(TypePackVar{GenericTypeVar{"A"}});
TypePackId pcallArg0FnRet = arena.addTypePack(TypePackVar{GenericTypeVar{"R"}});
TypeId pcallArg0 = arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{pcallArg0FnArgs, pcallArg0FnRet});
TypePackId pcallArgsTypePack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{pcallArg0}, pcallArg0FnArgs});
TypePackId pcallReturnTypePack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{booleanType}, pcallArg0FnRet});
// pcall<A..., R...>(f: (A...) -> R..., args: A...) -> boolean, R...
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "pcall",
arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{{}, {pcallArg0FnArgs, pcallArg0FnRet}, pcallArgsTypePack, pcallReturnTypePack}), "@luau");
// errors thrown by the function 'f' are propagated onto the function 'err' that accepts it.
// and either 'f' or 'err' are valid results of this xpcall
// if 'err' did throw an error, then it returns: false, "error in error handling"
// TODO: the above is not represented (nor representable) in the type annotation below.
// The real type of xpcall is as such: <E, A..., R1..., R2...>(f: (A...) -> R1..., err: (E) -> R2..., A...) -> (true, R1...) | (false,
// R2...)
TypePackId genericAPack = arena.addTypePack(TypePackVar{GenericTypeVar{"A"}});
TypePackId genericR1Pack = arena.addTypePack(TypePackVar{GenericTypeVar{"R1"}});
TypePackId genericR2Pack = arena.addTypePack(TypePackVar{GenericTypeVar{"R2"}});
TypeId genericE = arena.addType(GenericTypeVar{"E"});
TypeId xpcallFArg = arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{genericAPack, genericR1Pack});
TypeId xpcallErrArg = arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{arena.addTypePack({genericE}), genericR2Pack});
TypePackId xpcallArgsPack = arena.addTypePack({{xpcallFArg, xpcallErrArg}, genericAPack});
TypePackId xpcallRetPack = arena.addTypePack({{booleanType}, genericR1Pack}); // FIXME
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "xpcall",
arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{{genericE}, {genericAPack, genericR1Pack, genericR2Pack}, xpcallArgsPack, xpcallRetPack}), "@luau");
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "unpack", unpackFunc, "@luau");
TypePackId selectArgsTypePack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{
anyTypePack // FIXME? select() is tricky.
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "select", arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{selectArgsTypePack, anyTypePack}), "@luau");
// TODO: not completely correct. loadstring's return type should be a function or (nil, string)
TypeId loadstringFunc = arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{anyTypePack, oneAnyPack});
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "loadstring",
makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {stringType, optionalString},
makeOption(typeChecker, arena, loadstringFunc),
makeOption(typeChecker, arena, stringType),
// a userdata object is "roughly" the same as a sealed empty table
// except `type(newproxy(false))` evaluates to "userdata" so we may need another special type here too.
// another important thing to note: the value passed in conditionally creates an empty metatable, and you have to use getmetatable, NOT
// setmetatable.
// TODO: change this to something Luau can understand how to reject `setmetatable(newproxy(false or true), {})`.
TypeId sealedTable = arena.addType(TableTypeVar(TableState::Sealed, typeChecker.globalScope->level));
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "newproxy", makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {optionalBoolean}, {sealedTable}), "@luau");
// next<K, V>(t: Table<K, V>, i: K | nil) -> (K, V)
TypePackId nextArgsTypePack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{mapOfKtoV, makeOption(typeChecker, arena, genericK)}});
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "next",
arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{{genericK, genericV}, {}, nextArgsTypePack, arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{genericK, genericV}})}), "@luau");
TypePackId pairsArgsTypePack = arena.addTypePack({mapOfKtoV});
TypeId pairsNext = (FFlag::LuauRankNTypes ? arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{nextArgsTypePack, arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{genericK, genericV}})})
: getGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "next"));
TypePackId pairsReturnTypePack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{pairsNext, mapOfKtoV, nilType}});
// NOTE we are missing 'i: K | nil' argument in the first return types' argument.
// pairs<K, V>(t: Table<K, V>) -> ((Table<K, V>) -> (K, V), Table<K, V>, nil)
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "pairs", arena.addType(FunctionTypeVar{{genericK, genericV}, {}, pairsArgsTypePack, pairsReturnTypePack}), "@luau");
TypeId genericMT = arena.addType(GenericTypeVar{"MT"});
TableTypeVar tab{TableState::Generic, typeChecker.globalScope->level};
TypeId tabTy = arena.addType(tab);
TypeId tableMetaMT = arena.addType(MetatableTypeVar{tabTy, genericMT});
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "getmetatable", makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericMT}, {}, {tableMetaMT}, {genericMT}), "@luau");
// setmetatable<MT>({ @metatable MT }, MT) -> { @metatable MT }
// clang-format off
addGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "setmetatable",
arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{tableMetaMT, genericMT}}),
), "@luau"
// clang-format on
for (const auto& pair : typeChecker.globalScope->bindings)
if (TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(pair.second.typeId))
ttv->name = toString(pair.first);
attachMagicFunction(getGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "assert"), magicFunctionAssert);
attachMagicFunction(getGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "setmetatable"), magicFunctionSetMetaTable);
attachMagicFunction(getGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "select"), magicFunctionSelect);
auto tableLib = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(getGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "table"));
attachMagicFunction(tableLib->props["pack"].type, magicFunctionPack);
auto stringLib = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(getGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "string"));
attachMagicFunction(stringLib->props["format"].type, magicFunctionFormat);
attachMagicFunction(getGlobalBinding(typeChecker, "require"), magicFunctionRequire);
static std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> magicFunctionSelect(
TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, ExprResult<TypePackId> exprResult)
auto [paramPack, _predicates] = exprResult;
if (expr.args.size <= 0)
typechecker.reportError(TypeError{expr.location, GenericError{"select should take 1 or more arguments"}});
return std::nullopt;
AstExpr* arg1 = expr.args.data[0];
if (AstExprConstantNumber* num = arg1->as<AstExprConstantNumber>())
const auto& [v, tail] = flatten(paramPack);
int offset = int(num->value);
if (offset > 0)
if (size_t(offset) < v.size())
std::vector<TypeId> result(v.begin() + offset, v.end());
return ExprResult<TypePackId>{typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes.addTypePack(TypePack{std::move(result), tail})};
else if (tail)
return ExprResult<TypePackId>{*tail};
typechecker.reportError(TypeError{arg1->location, GenericError{"bad argument #1 to select (index out of range)"}});
else if (AstExprConstantString* str = arg1->as<AstExprConstantString>())
if (str->value.size == 1 && str->value.data[0] == '#')
return ExprResult<TypePackId>{typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes.addTypePack({typechecker.numberType})};
return std::nullopt;
static std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> magicFunctionSetMetaTable(
TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, ExprResult<TypePackId> exprResult)
auto [paramPack, _predicates] = exprResult;
TypeArena& arena = typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes;
std::vector<TypeId> expectedArgs = typechecker.unTypePack(scope, paramPack, 2, expr.location);
TypeId target = follow(expectedArgs[0]);
TypeId mt = follow(expectedArgs[1]);
if (const auto& tab = get<TableTypeVar>(target))
if (target->persistent)
typechecker.reportError(TypeError{expr.location, CannotExtendTable{target, CannotExtendTable::Metatable}});
const TableTypeVar* mtTtv = get<TableTypeVar>(mt);
MetatableTypeVar mtv{target, mt};
if ((tab->name || tab->syntheticName) && (mtTtv && (mtTtv->name || mtTtv->syntheticName)))
std::string tableName = tab->name ? *tab->name : *tab->syntheticName;
std::string metatableName = mtTtv->name ? *mtTtv->name : *mtTtv->syntheticName;
if (tableName == metatableName)
mtv.syntheticName = tableName;
mtv.syntheticName = "{ @metatable: " + metatableName + ", " + tableName + " }";
TypeId mtTy = arena.addType(mtv);
AstExpr* targetExpr = expr.args.data[0];
if (AstExprLocal* targetLocal = targetExpr->as<AstExprLocal>())
const Name targetName(targetLocal->local->name.value);
scope->bindings[targetLocal->local] = Binding{mtTy, expr.location};
return ExprResult<TypePackId>{arena.addTypePack({mtTy})};
else if (get<AnyTypeVar>(target) || get<ErrorTypeVar>(target) || isTableIntersection(target))
typechecker.reportError(TypeError{expr.location, GenericError{"setmetatable should take a table"}});
return ExprResult<TypePackId>{arena.addTypePack({target})};
static std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> magicFunctionAssert(
TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, ExprResult<TypePackId> exprResult)
auto [paramPack, predicates] = exprResult;
if (expr.args.size < 1)
return ExprResult<TypePackId>{paramPack};
typechecker.reportErrors(typechecker.resolve(predicates, scope, true));
return ExprResult<TypePackId>{paramPack};
static std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> magicFunctionPack(
TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, ExprResult<TypePackId> exprResult)
auto [paramPack, _predicates] = exprResult;
TypeArena& arena = typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes;
const auto& [paramTypes, paramTail] = flatten(paramPack);
std::vector<TypeId> options;
for (auto type : paramTypes)
if (paramTail)
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(*paramTail))
options = typechecker.reduceUnion(options);
// table.pack() -> {| n: number, [number]: nil |}
// table.pack(1) -> {| n: number, [number]: number |}
// table.pack(1, "foo") -> {| n: number, [number]: number | string |}
TypeId result = nullptr;
if (options.empty())
result = typechecker.nilType;
else if (options.size() == 1)
result = options[0];
result = arena.addType(UnionTypeVar{std::move(options)});
TypeId packedTable = arena.addType(
TableTypeVar{{{"n", {typechecker.numberType}}}, TableIndexer(typechecker.numberType, result), scope->level, TableState::Sealed});
return ExprResult<TypePackId>{arena.addTypePack({packedTable})};
static bool checkRequirePath(TypeChecker& typechecker, AstExpr* expr)
// require(foo.parent.bar) will technically work, but it depends on legacy goop that
// Luau does not and could not support without a bunch of work. It's deprecated anyway, so
// we'll warn here if we see it.
bool good = true;
AstExprIndexName* indexExpr = expr->as<AstExprIndexName>();
while (indexExpr)
if (indexExpr->index == "parent")
typechecker.reportError(indexExpr->indexLocation, DeprecatedApiUsed{"parent", "Parent"});
good = false;
indexExpr = indexExpr->expr->as<AstExprIndexName>();
return good;
static std::optional<ExprResult<TypePackId>> magicFunctionRequire(
TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, ExprResult<TypePackId> exprResult)
TypeArena& arena = typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes;
if (expr.args.size != 1)
typechecker.reportError(TypeError{expr.location, GenericError{"require takes 1 argument"}});
return std::nullopt;
AstExpr* require = expr.args.data[0];
if (!checkRequirePath(typechecker, require))
return std::nullopt;
if (auto moduleInfo = typechecker.resolver->resolveModuleInfo(typechecker.currentModuleName, *require))
return ExprResult<TypePackId>{arena.addTypePack({typechecker.checkRequire(scope, *moduleInfo, expr.location)})};
return std::nullopt;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Config.h"
#include "Luau/Parser.h"
#include "Luau/StringUtils.h"
using Error = std::optional<std::string>;
namespace Luau
static Error parseBoolean(bool& result, const std::string& value)
if (value == "true")
result = true;
else if (value == "false")
result = false;
return Error{"Bad setting '" + value + "'. Valid options are true and false"};
return std::nullopt;
Error parseModeString(Mode& mode, const std::string& modeString, bool compat)
if (modeString == "nocheck")
mode = Mode::NoCheck;
else if (modeString == "strict")
mode = Mode::Strict;
else if (modeString == "nonstrict")
mode = Mode::Nonstrict;
else if (modeString == "noinfer" && compat)
mode = Mode::NoCheck;
return Error{"Bad mode \"" + modeString + "\". Valid options are nocheck, nonstrict, and strict"};
return std::nullopt;
static Error parseLintRuleStringForCode(
LintOptions& enabledLints, LintOptions& fatalLints, LintWarning::Code code, const std::string& value, bool compat)
if (value == "true")
else if (value == "false")
else if (compat)
if (value == "enabled")
else if (value == "disabled")
else if (value == "fatal")
return Error{"Bad setting '" + value + "'. Valid options are enabled, disabled, and fatal"};
return Error{"Bad setting '" + value + "'. Valid options are true and false"};
return std::nullopt;
Error parseLintRuleString(LintOptions& enabledLints, LintOptions& fatalLints, const std::string& warningName, const std::string& value, bool compat)
if (warningName == "*")
for (int code = LintWarning::Code_Unknown; code < LintWarning::Code__Count; ++code)
if (auto err = parseLintRuleStringForCode(enabledLints, fatalLints, LintWarning::Code(code), value, compat))
return Error{"In key " + warningName + ": " + *err};
LintWarning::Code code = LintWarning::parseName(warningName.c_str());
if (code == LintWarning::Code_Unknown)
return Error{"Unknown lint " + warningName};
if (auto err = parseLintRuleStringForCode(enabledLints, fatalLints, code, value, compat))
return Error{"In key " + warningName + ": " + *err};
return std::nullopt;
static void next(Lexer& lexer)
// skip C-style comments as Lexer only understands Lua-style comments atm
while (lexer.current().type == '/')
Lexeme peek = lexer.lookahead();
if (peek.type != '/' || peek.location.begin != lexer.current().location.end)
static Error fail(Lexer& lexer, const char* message)
Lexeme cur = lexer.current();
return format("Expected %s at line %d, got %s instead", message, cur.location.begin.line + 1, cur.toString().c_str());
template<typename Action>
static Error parseJson(const std::string& contents, Action action)
Allocator allocator;
AstNameTable names(allocator);
Lexer lexer(contents.data(), contents.size(), names);
std::vector<std::string> keys;
bool arrayTop = false; // we don't support nested arrays
if (lexer.current().type != '{')
return fail(lexer, "'{'");
for (;;)
if (arrayTop)
if (lexer.current().type == ']')
arrayTop = false;
if (lexer.current().type == ',')
else if (lexer.current().type != '}')
return fail(lexer, "',' or '}'");
else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString)
std::string value(lexer.current().data, lexer.current().length);
if (Error err = action(keys, value))
return err;
if (lexer.current().type == ',')
else if (lexer.current().type != ']')
return fail(lexer, "',' or ']'");
return fail(lexer, "array element or ']'");
if (lexer.current().type == '}')
if (keys.empty())
if (lexer.current().type != Lexeme::Eof)
return fail(lexer, "end of file");
return {};
if (lexer.current().type == ',')
else if (lexer.current().type != '}')
return fail(lexer, "',' or '}'");
else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString)
std::string key(lexer.current().data, lexer.current().length);
if (lexer.current().type != ':')
return fail(lexer, "':'");
if (lexer.current().type == '{' || lexer.current().type == '[')
arrayTop = (lexer.current().type == '[');
else if (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString || lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedTrue ||
lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedFalse)
std::string value = lexer.current().type == Lexeme::QuotedString
? std::string(lexer.current().data, lexer.current().length)
: (lexer.current().type == Lexeme::ReservedTrue ? "true" : "false");
if (Error err = action(keys, value))
return err;
if (lexer.current().type == ',')
else if (lexer.current().type != '}')
return fail(lexer, "',' or '}'");
return fail(lexer, "field value");
return fail(lexer, "field key");
return {};
Error parseConfig(const std::string& contents, Config& config, bool compat)
return parseJson(contents, [&](const std::vector<std::string>& keys, const std::string& value) -> Error {
if (keys.size() == 1 && keys[0] == "languageMode")
return parseModeString(config.mode, value, compat);
else if (keys.size() == 2 && keys[0] == "lint")
return parseLintRuleString(config.enabledLint, config.fatalLint, keys[1], value, compat);
else if (keys.size() == 1 && keys[0] == "lintErrors")
return parseBoolean(config.lintErrors, value);
else if (keys.size() == 1 && keys[0] == "typeErrors")
return parseBoolean(config.typeErrors, value);
else if (keys.size() == 1 && keys[0] == "globals")
return std::nullopt;
else if (compat && keys.size() == 2 && keys[0] == "language" && keys[1] == "mode")
return parseModeString(config.mode, value, compat);
std::vector<std::string_view> keysv(keys.begin(), keys.end());
return "Unknown key " + join(keysv, "/");
const Config& NullConfigResolver::getConfig(const ModuleName& name) const
return defaultConfig;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h"
namespace Luau
static const std::string kBuiltinDefinitionLuaSrc = R"BUILTIN_SRC(
declare bit32: {
-- band, bor, bxor, and btest are declared in C++
rrotate: (number, number) -> number,
lrotate: (number, number) -> number,
lshift: (number, number) -> number,
arshift: (number, number) -> number,
rshift: (number, number) -> number,
bnot: (number) -> number,
extract: (number, number, number?) -> number,
replace: (number, number, number, number?) -> number,
declare math: {
frexp: (number) -> (number, number),
ldexp: (number, number) -> number,
fmod: (number, number) -> number,
modf: (number) -> (number, number),
pow: (number, number) -> number,
exp: (number) -> number,
ceil: (number) -> number,
floor: (number) -> number,
abs: (number) -> number,
sqrt: (number) -> number,
log: (number, number?) -> number,
log10: (number) -> number,
rad: (number) -> number,
deg: (number) -> number,
sin: (number) -> number,
cos: (number) -> number,
tan: (number) -> number,
sinh: (number) -> number,
cosh: (number) -> number,
tanh: (number) -> number,
atan: (number) -> number,
acos: (number) -> number,
asin: (number) -> number,
atan2: (number, number) -> number,
-- min and max are declared in C++.
pi: number,
huge: number,
randomseed: (number) -> (),
random: (number?, number?) -> number,
sign: (number) -> number,
clamp: (number, number, number) -> number,
noise: (number, number?, number?) -> number,
round: (number) -> number,
type DateTypeArg = {
year: number,
month: number,
day: number,
hour: number?,
min: number?,
sec: number?,
isdst: boolean?,
type DateTypeResult = {
year: number,
month: number,
wday: number,
yday: number,
day: number,
hour: number,
min: number,
sec: number,
isdst: boolean,
declare os: {
time: (DateTypeArg?) -> number,
date: (string?, number?) -> DateTypeResult | string,
difftime: (DateTypeResult | number, DateTypeResult | number) -> number,
clock: () -> number,
declare function require(target: any): any
declare function getfenv(target: any?): { [string]: any }
declare _G: any
declare _VERSION: string
declare function gcinfo(): number
std::string getBuiltinDefinitionSource()
std::string src = kBuiltinDefinitionLuaSrc;
if (FFlag::LuauParseGenericFunctions && FFlag::LuauGenericFunctions)
src += R"(
declare function print<T...>(...: T...)
declare function type<T>(value: T): string
declare function typeof<T>(value: T): string
-- `assert` has a magic function attached that will give more detailed type information
declare function assert<T>(value: T, errorMessage: string?): T
declare function error<T>(message: T, level: number?)
declare function tostring<T>(value: T): string
declare function tonumber<T>(value: T, radix: number?): number
declare function rawequal<T1, T2>(a: T1, b: T2): boolean
declare function rawget<K, V>(tab: {[K]: V}, k: K): V
declare function rawset<K, V>(tab: {[K]: V}, k: K, v: V): {[K]: V}
declare function setfenv<T..., R...>(target: number | (T...) -> R..., env: {[string]: any}): ((T...) -> R...)?
declare function ipairs<V>(tab: {V}): (({V}, number) -> (number, V), {V}, number)
declare function pcall<A..., R...>(f: (A...) -> R..., ...: A...): (boolean, R...)
-- FIXME: The actual type of `xpcall` is:
-- <E, A..., R1..., R2...>(f: (A...) -> R1..., err: (E) -> R2..., A...) -> (true, R1...) | (false, R2...)
-- Since we can't represent the return value, we use (boolean, R1...).
declare function xpcall<E, A..., R1..., R2...>(f: (A...) -> R1..., err: (E) -> R2..., ...: A...): (boolean, R1...)
-- `select` has a magic function attached to provide more detailed type information
declare function select<A...>(i: string | number, ...: A...): ...any
-- FIXME: This type is not entirely correct - `loadstring` returns a function or
-- (nil, string).
declare function loadstring<A...>(src: string, chunkname: string?): (((A...) -> any)?, string?)
-- a userdata object is "roughly" the same as a sealed empty table
-- except `type(newproxy(false))` evaluates to "userdata" so we may need another special type here too.
-- another important thing to note: the value passed in conditionally creates an empty metatable, and you have to use getmetatable, NOT
-- setmetatable.
-- FIXME: change this to something Luau can understand how to reject `setmetatable(newproxy(false or true), {})`.
declare function newproxy(mt: boolean?): {}
declare coroutine: {
create: <A..., R...>((A...) -> R...) -> thread,
resume: <A..., R...>(thread, A...) -> (boolean, R...),
running: () -> thread,
status: (thread) -> string,
-- FIXME: This technically returns a function, but we can't represent this yet.
wrap: <A..., R...>((A...) -> R...) -> any,
yield: <A..., R...>(A...) -> R...,
isyieldable: () -> boolean,
declare table: {
concat: <V>({V}, string?, number?, number?) -> string,
insert: (<V>({V}, V) -> ()) & (<V>({V}, number, V) -> ()),
maxn: <V>({V}) -> number,
remove: <V>({V}, number?) -> V?,
sort: <V>({V}, ((V, V) -> boolean)?) -> (),
create: <V>(number, V?) -> {V},
find: <V>({V}, V, number?) -> number?,
unpack: <V>({V}, number?, number?) -> ...V,
pack: <V>(...V) -> { n: number, [number]: V },
getn: <V>({V}) -> number,
foreach: <K, V>({[K]: V}, (K, V) -> ()) -> (),
foreachi: <V>({V}, (number, V) -> ()) -> (),
move: <V>({V}, number, number, number, {V}?) -> (),
clear: <K, V>({[K]: V}) -> (),
freeze: <K, V>({[K]: V}) -> {[K]: V},
isfrozen: <K, V>({[K]: V}) -> boolean,
declare debug: {
info: (<R...>(thread, number, string) -> R...) & (<R...>(number, string) -> R...) & (<A..., R1..., R2...>((A...) -> R1..., string) -> R2...),
traceback: ((string?, number?) -> string) & ((thread, string?, number?) -> string),
declare utf8: {
char: (number, ...number) -> string,
charpattern: string,
codes: (string) -> ((string, number) -> (number, number), string, number),
codepoint: (string, number?, number?) -> (number, ...number),
len: (string, number?, number?) -> (number?, number?),
offset: (string, number?, number?) -> number,
nfdnormalize: (string) -> string,
nfcnormalize: (string) -> string,
graphemes: (string, number?, number?) -> (() -> (number, number)),
declare string: {
byte: (string, number?, number?) -> ...number,
char: (number, ...number) -> string,
find: (string, string, number?, boolean?) -> (number?, number?),
-- `string.format` has a magic function attached that will provide more type information for literal format strings.
format: <A...>(string, A...) -> string,
gmatch: (string, string) -> () -> (...string),
-- gsub is defined in C++ because we don't have syntax for describing a generic table.
len: (string) -> number,
lower: (string) -> string,
match: (string, string, number?) -> string?,
rep: (string, number) -> string,
reverse: (string) -> string,
sub: (string, number, number?) -> string,
upper: (string) -> string,
split: (string, string, string?) -> {string},
pack: <A...>(string, A...) -> string,
packsize: (string) -> number,
unpack: <R...>(string, string, number?) -> R...,
-- Cannot use `typeof` here because it will produce a polytype when we expect a monotype.
declare function unpack<V>(tab: {V}, i: number?, j: number?): ...V
return src;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Error.h"
#include "Luau/Module.h"
#include "Luau/StringUtils.h"
#include "Luau/ToString.h"
#include <stdexcept>
static std::string wrongNumberOfArgsString(size_t expectedCount, size_t actualCount, bool isTypeArgs = false)
std::string s = "expects " + std::to_string(expectedCount) + " ";
if (isTypeArgs)
s += "type ";
s += "argument";
if (expectedCount != 1)
s += "s";
s += ", but ";
if (actualCount == 0)
s += "none";
if (actualCount < expectedCount)
s += "only ";
s += std::to_string(actualCount);
s += (actualCount == 1) ? " is" : " are";
s += " specified";
return s;
namespace Luau
struct ErrorConverter
std::string operator()(const Luau::TypeMismatch& tm) const
ToStringOptions opts;
return "Type '" + Luau::toString(tm.givenType, opts) + "' could not be converted into '" + Luau::toString(tm.wantedType, opts) + "'";
std::string operator()(const Luau::UnknownSymbol& e) const
switch (e.context)
case UnknownSymbol::Binding:
return "Unknown global '" + e.name + "'";
case UnknownSymbol::Type:
return "Unknown type '" + e.name + "'";
case UnknownSymbol::Generic:
return "Unknown generic '" + e.name + "'";
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unexpected context for UnknownSymbol");
return "";
std::string operator()(const Luau::UnknownProperty& e) const
TypeId t = follow(e.table);
if (get<TableTypeVar>(t))
return "Key '" + e.key + "' not found in table '" + Luau::toString(t) + "'";
else if (get<ClassTypeVar>(t))
return "Key '" + e.key + "' not found in class '" + Luau::toString(t) + "'";
return "Type '" + Luau::toString(e.table) + "' does not have key '" + e.key + "'";
std::string operator()(const Luau::NotATable& e) const
return "Expected type table, got '" + Luau::toString(e.ty) + "' instead";
std::string operator()(const Luau::CannotExtendTable& e) const
switch (e.context)
case Luau::CannotExtendTable::Property:
return "Cannot add property '" + e.prop + "' to table '" + Luau::toString(e.tableType) + "'";
case Luau::CannotExtendTable::Metatable:
return "Cannot add metatable to table '" + Luau::toString(e.tableType) + "'";
case Luau::CannotExtendTable::Indexer:
return "Cannot add indexer to table '" + Luau::toString(e.tableType) + "'";
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown context");
return "";
std::string operator()(const Luau::OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods& e) const
return "Cannot add method to non-table type '" + Luau::toString(e.tableType) + "'";
std::string operator()(const Luau::DuplicateTypeDefinition& e) const
return "Redefinition of type '" + e.name + "', previously defined at line " + std::to_string(e.previousLocation.begin.line + 1);
std::string operator()(const Luau::CountMismatch& e) const
switch (e.context)
case CountMismatch::Return:
const std::string expectedS = e.expected == 1 ? "" : "s";
const std::string actualS = e.actual == 1 ? "is" : "are";
return "Expected to return " + std::to_string(e.expected) + " value" + expectedS + ", but " + std::to_string(e.actual) + " " + actualS +
" returned here";
case CountMismatch::Result:
if (e.expected > e.actual)
return "Function returns " + std::to_string(e.expected) + " values but there are only " + std::to_string(e.expected) +
" values to unpack them into.";
return "Function only returns " + std::to_string(e.expected) + " values. " + std::to_string(e.actual) + " are required here";
case CountMismatch::Arg:
return "Argument count mismatch. Function " + wrongNumberOfArgsString(e.expected, e.actual);
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown context");
return "";
std::string operator()(const Luau::FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf&) const
return std::string("This function does not take self. Did you mean to use a dot instead of a colon?");
std::string operator()(const Luau::FunctionRequiresSelf& e) const
if (e.requiredExtraNils)
const char* plural = e.requiredExtraNils == 1 ? "" : "s";
return format("This function was declared to accept self, but you did not pass enough arguments. Use a colon instead of a dot or "
"pass %i extra nil%s to suppress this warning",
e.requiredExtraNils, plural);
return "This function must be called with self. Did you mean to use a colon instead of a dot?";
std::string operator()(const Luau::OccursCheckFailed&) const
return "Type contains a self-recursive construct that cannot be resolved";
std::string operator()(const Luau::UnknownRequire& e) const
return "Unknown require: " + e.modulePath;
std::string operator()(const Luau::IncorrectGenericParameterCount& e) const
std::string name = e.name;
if (!e.typeFun.typeParams.empty())
name += "<";
bool first = true;
for (TypeId t : e.typeFun.typeParams)
if (first)
first = false;
name += ", ";
name += toString(t);
name += ">";
return "Generic type '" + name + "' " + wrongNumberOfArgsString(e.typeFun.typeParams.size(), e.actualParameters, /*isTypeArgs*/ true);
std::string operator()(const Luau::SyntaxError& e) const
return "Syntax error: " + e.message;
std::string operator()(const Luau::CodeTooComplex&) const
return "Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider simplifying the code around this area";
std::string operator()(const Luau::UnificationTooComplex&) const
return "Internal error: Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider adding type annotations around this area";
std::string operator()(const Luau::UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp& e) const
std::string candidatesSuggestion = "Did you mean ";
if (e.candidates.size() != 1)
candidatesSuggestion += "one of ";
bool first = true;
for (Name name : e.candidates)
if (first)
first = false;
candidatesSuggestion += ", ";
candidatesSuggestion += "'" + name + "'";
std::string s = "Key '" + e.key + "' not found in ";
TypeId t = follow(e.table);
if (get<ClassTypeVar>(t))
s += "class";
s += "table";
s += " '" + toString(e.table) + "'. " + candidatesSuggestion + "?";
return s;
std::string operator()(const Luau::GenericError& e) const
return e.message;
std::string operator()(const Luau::CannotCallNonFunction& e) const
return "Cannot call non-function " + toString(e.ty);
std::string operator()(const Luau::ExtraInformation& e) const
return e.message;
std::string operator()(const Luau::DeprecatedApiUsed& e) const
return "The property ." + e.symbol + " is deprecated. Use ." + e.useInstead + " instead.";
std::string operator()(const Luau::ModuleHasCyclicDependency& e) const
if (e.cycle.empty())
return "Cyclic module dependency detected";
std::string s = "Cyclic module dependency: ";
bool first = true;
for (const ModuleName& name : e.cycle)
if (first)
first = false;
s += " -> ";
s += name;
return s;
std::string operator()(const Luau::FunctionExitsWithoutReturning& e) const
return "Not all codepaths in this function return '" + toString(e.expectedReturnType) + "'.";
std::string operator()(const Luau::IllegalRequire& e) const
return "Cannot require module " + e.moduleName + ": " + e.reason;
std::string operator()(const Luau::MissingProperties& e) const
std::string s = "Table type '" + toString(e.subType) + "' not compatible with type '" + toString(e.superType) + "' because the former";
switch (e.context)
case MissingProperties::Missing:
s += " is missing field";
case MissingProperties::Extra:
s += " has extra field";
if (e.properties.size() > 1)
s += "s";
s += " ";
for (size_t i = 0; i < e.properties.size(); ++i)
if (i > 0)
s += ", ";
if (i > 0 && i == e.properties.size() - 1)
s += "and ";
s += "'" + e.properties[i] + "'";
return s;
std::string operator()(const Luau::DuplicateGenericParameter& e) const
return "Duplicate type parameter '" + e.parameterName + "'";
std::string operator()(const Luau::CannotInferBinaryOperation& e) const
std::string ss = "Unknown type used in " + toString(e.op);
switch (e.kind)
case Luau::CannotInferBinaryOperation::Comparison:
ss += " comparison";
case Luau::CannotInferBinaryOperation::Operation:
ss += " operation";
if (e.suggestedToAnnotate)
ss += "; consider adding a type annotation to '" + *e.suggestedToAnnotate + "'";
return ss;
std::string operator()(const Luau::SwappedGenericTypeParameter& e) const
switch (e.kind)
case Luau::SwappedGenericTypeParameter::Type:
return "Variadic type parameter '" + e.name + "...' is used as a regular generic type; consider changing '" + e.name + "...' to '" +
e.name + "' in the generic argument list";
case Luau::SwappedGenericTypeParameter::Pack:
return "Generic type '" + e.name + "' is used as a variadic type parameter; consider changing '" + e.name + "' to '" + e.name +
"...' in the generic argument list";
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown kind");
return "";
std::string operator()(const Luau::OptionalValueAccess& e) const
return "Value of type '" + toString(e.optional) + "' could be nil";
std::string operator()(const Luau::MissingUnionProperty& e) const
std::string ss = "Key '" + e.key + "' is missing from ";
bool first = true;
for (auto ty : e.missing)
if (first)
first = false;
ss += ", ";
ss += "'" + toString(ty) + "'";
return ss + " in the type '" + toString(e.type) + "'";
struct InvalidNameChecker
std::string invalidName = "%error-id%";
bool operator()(const Luau::UnknownProperty& e) const
return e.key == invalidName;
bool operator()(const Luau::CannotExtendTable& e) const
return e.prop == invalidName;
bool operator()(const Luau::DuplicateTypeDefinition& e) const
return e.name == invalidName;
template<typename T>
bool operator()(const T& other) const
return false;
bool TypeMismatch::operator==(const TypeMismatch& rhs) const
return *wantedType == *rhs.wantedType && *givenType == *rhs.givenType;
bool UnknownSymbol::operator==(const UnknownSymbol& rhs) const
return name == rhs.name;
bool UnknownProperty::operator==(const UnknownProperty& rhs) const
return *table == *rhs.table && key == rhs.key;
bool NotATable::operator==(const NotATable& rhs) const
return ty == rhs.ty;
bool CannotExtendTable::operator==(const CannotExtendTable& rhs) const
return *tableType == *rhs.tableType && prop == rhs.prop && context == rhs.context;
bool OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods::operator==(const OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods& rhs) const
return *tableType == *rhs.tableType;
bool DuplicateTypeDefinition::operator==(const DuplicateTypeDefinition& rhs) const
return name == rhs.name && previousLocation == rhs.previousLocation;
bool CountMismatch::operator==(const CountMismatch& rhs) const
return expected == rhs.expected && actual == rhs.actual && context == rhs.context;
bool FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf::operator==(const FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf&) const
return true;
bool FunctionRequiresSelf::operator==(const FunctionRequiresSelf& e) const
return requiredExtraNils == e.requiredExtraNils;
bool OccursCheckFailed::operator==(const OccursCheckFailed&) const
return true;
bool UnknownRequire::operator==(const UnknownRequire& rhs) const
return modulePath == rhs.modulePath;
bool IncorrectGenericParameterCount::operator==(const IncorrectGenericParameterCount& rhs) const
if (name != rhs.name)
return false;
if (typeFun.type != rhs.typeFun.type)
return false;
if (typeFun.typeParams.size() != rhs.typeFun.typeParams.size())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < typeFun.typeParams.size(); ++i)
if (typeFun.typeParams[i] != rhs.typeFun.typeParams[i])
return false;
return true;
bool SyntaxError::operator==(const SyntaxError& rhs) const
return message == rhs.message;
bool CodeTooComplex::operator==(const CodeTooComplex&) const
return true;
bool UnificationTooComplex::operator==(const UnificationTooComplex&) const
return true;
bool UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp::operator==(const UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp& rhs) const
return *table == *rhs.table && key == rhs.key && candidates.size() == rhs.candidates.size() &&
std::equal(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), rhs.candidates.begin());
bool GenericError::operator==(const GenericError& rhs) const
return message == rhs.message;
bool CannotCallNonFunction::operator==(const CannotCallNonFunction& rhs) const
return ty == rhs.ty;
bool ExtraInformation::operator==(const ExtraInformation& rhs) const
return message == rhs.message;
bool DeprecatedApiUsed::operator==(const DeprecatedApiUsed& rhs) const
return symbol == rhs.symbol && useInstead == rhs.useInstead;
bool FunctionExitsWithoutReturning::operator==(const FunctionExitsWithoutReturning& rhs) const
return expectedReturnType == rhs.expectedReturnType;
int TypeError::code() const
return 1000 + int(data.index());
bool TypeError::operator==(const TypeError& rhs) const
return location == rhs.location && data == rhs.data;
bool ModuleHasCyclicDependency::operator==(const ModuleHasCyclicDependency& rhs) const
return cycle.size() == rhs.cycle.size() && std::equal(cycle.begin(), cycle.end(), rhs.cycle.begin());
bool IllegalRequire::operator==(const IllegalRequire& rhs) const
return moduleName == rhs.moduleName && reason == rhs.reason;
bool MissingProperties::operator==(const MissingProperties& rhs) const
return *superType == *rhs.superType && *subType == *rhs.subType && properties.size() == rhs.properties.size() &&
std::equal(properties.begin(), properties.end(), rhs.properties.begin()) && context == rhs.context;
bool DuplicateGenericParameter::operator==(const DuplicateGenericParameter& rhs) const
return parameterName == rhs.parameterName;
bool CannotInferBinaryOperation::operator==(const CannotInferBinaryOperation& rhs) const
return op == rhs.op && suggestedToAnnotate == rhs.suggestedToAnnotate && kind == rhs.kind;
bool SwappedGenericTypeParameter::operator==(const SwappedGenericTypeParameter& rhs) const
return name == rhs.name && kind == rhs.kind;
bool OptionalValueAccess::operator==(const OptionalValueAccess& rhs) const
return *optional == *rhs.optional;
bool MissingUnionProperty::operator==(const MissingUnionProperty& rhs) const
if (missing.size() != rhs.missing.size())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < missing.size(); ++i)
if (*missing[i] != *rhs.missing[i])
return false;
return *type == *rhs.type && key == rhs.key;
std::string toString(const TypeError& error)
ErrorConverter converter;
return Luau::visit(converter, error.data);
bool containsParseErrorName(const TypeError& error)
return Luau::visit(InvalidNameChecker{}, error.data);
void copyErrors(ErrorVec& errors, struct TypeArena& destArena)
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
auto clone = [&](auto&& ty) {
return ::Luau::clone(ty, destArena, seenTypes, seenTypePacks);
auto visitErrorData = [&](auto&& e) {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(e)>;
if constexpr (false)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, TypeMismatch>)
e.wantedType = clone(e.wantedType);
e.givenType = clone(e.givenType);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, UnknownSymbol>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, UnknownProperty>)
e.table = clone(e.table);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, NotATable>)
e.ty = clone(e.ty);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, CannotExtendTable>)
e.tableType = clone(e.tableType);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods>)
e.tableType = clone(e.tableType);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, DuplicateTypeDefinition>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, CountMismatch>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, FunctionRequiresSelf>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, OccursCheckFailed>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, UnknownRequire>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, IncorrectGenericParameterCount>)
e.typeFun = clone(e.typeFun);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, SyntaxError>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, CodeTooComplex>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, UnificationTooComplex>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp>)
e.table = clone(e.table);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, GenericError>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, CannotCallNonFunction>)
e.ty = clone(e.ty);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ExtraInformation>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, DeprecatedApiUsed>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ModuleHasCyclicDependency>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, IllegalRequire>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, FunctionExitsWithoutReturning>)
e.expectedReturnType = clone(e.expectedReturnType);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, DuplicateGenericParameter>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, CannotInferBinaryOperation>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, MissingProperties>)
e.superType = clone(e.superType);
e.subType = clone(e.subType);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, SwappedGenericTypeParameter>)
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, OptionalValueAccess>)
e.optional = clone(e.optional);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, MissingUnionProperty>)
e.type = clone(e.type);
for (auto& ty : e.missing)
ty = clone(ty);
static_assert(always_false_v<T>, "Non-exhaustive type switch");
for (TypeError& error : errors)
visit(visitErrorData, error.data);
void InternalErrorReporter::ice(const std::string& message, const Location& location)
std::runtime_error error("Internal error in " + moduleName + " at " + toString(location) + ": " + message);
if (onInternalError)
throw error;
void InternalErrorReporter::ice(const std::string& message)
std::runtime_error error("Internal error in " + moduleName + ": " + message);
if (onInternalError)
throw error;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,967 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Frontend.h"
#include "Luau/Config.h"
#include "Luau/FileResolver.h"
#include "Luau/StringUtils.h"
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <stdexcept>
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauTypeCheckTwice, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauKnowsTheDataModel3, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauSecondTypecheckKnowsTheDataModel, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauResolveModuleNameWithoutACurrentModule, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauPersistDefinitionFileTypes, false)
namespace Luau
std::optional<Mode> parseMode(const std::vector<std::string>& hotcomments)
for (const std::string& hc : hotcomments)
if (hc == "nocheck")
return Mode::NoCheck;
if (hc == "nonstrict")
return Mode::Nonstrict;
if (hc == "strict")
return Mode::Strict;
return std::nullopt;
static void generateDocumentationSymbols(TypeId ty, const std::string& rootName)
// TODO: What do we do in this situation? This means that the definition
// file is exporting a type that is also a persistent type.
if (ty->persistent)
asMutable(ty)->documentationSymbol = rootName;
if (TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(ty))
for (auto& [name, prop] : ttv->props)
prop.documentationSymbol = rootName + "." + name;
else if (ClassTypeVar* ctv = getMutable<ClassTypeVar>(ty))
for (auto& [name, prop] : ctv->props)
prop.documentationSymbol = rootName + "." + name;
LoadDefinitionFileResult loadDefinitionFile(TypeChecker& typeChecker, ScopePtr targetScope, std::string_view source, const std::string& packageName)
Luau::Allocator allocator;
Luau::AstNameTable names(allocator);
ParseOptions options;
options.allowDeclarationSyntax = true;
Luau::ParseResult parseResult = Luau::Parser::parse(source.data(), source.size(), names, allocator, options);
if (parseResult.errors.size() > 0)
return LoadDefinitionFileResult{false, parseResult, nullptr};
Luau::SourceModule module;
module.root = parseResult.root;
module.mode = Mode::Definition;
ModulePtr checkedModule = typeChecker.check(module, Mode::Definition);
if (checkedModule->errors.size() > 0)
return LoadDefinitionFileResult{false, parseResult, checkedModule};
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
for (const auto& [name, ty] : checkedModule->declaredGlobals)
TypeId globalTy = clone(ty, typeChecker.globalTypes, seenTypes, seenTypePacks);
std::string documentationSymbol = packageName + "/global/" + name;
generateDocumentationSymbols(globalTy, documentationSymbol);
targetScope->bindings[typeChecker.globalNames.names->getOrAdd(name.c_str())] = {globalTy, Location(), false, {}, documentationSymbol};
if (FFlag::LuauPersistDefinitionFileTypes)
for (const auto& [name, ty] : checkedModule->getModuleScope()->exportedTypeBindings)
TypeFun globalTy = clone(ty, typeChecker.globalTypes, seenTypes, seenTypePacks);
std::string documentationSymbol = packageName + "/globaltype/" + name;
generateDocumentationSymbols(globalTy.type, documentationSymbol);
targetScope->exportedTypeBindings[name] = globalTy;
if (FFlag::LuauPersistDefinitionFileTypes)
return LoadDefinitionFileResult{true, parseResult, checkedModule};
std::vector<std::string_view> parsePathExpr(const AstExpr& pathExpr)
const AstExprIndexName* indexName = pathExpr.as<AstExprIndexName>();
if (!indexName)
return {};
std::vector<std::string_view> segments{indexName->index.value};
while (true)
if (AstExprIndexName* in = indexName->expr->as<AstExprIndexName>())
indexName = in;
else if (AstExprGlobal* indexNameAsGlobal = indexName->expr->as<AstExprGlobal>())
else if (AstExprLocal* indexNameAsLocal = indexName->expr->as<AstExprLocal>())
return {};
std::reverse(segments.begin(), segments.end());
return segments;
std::optional<std::string> pathExprToModuleName(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const std::vector<std::string_view>& segments)
if (segments.empty())
return std::nullopt;
std::vector<std::string_view> result;
auto it = segments.begin();
if (*it == "script" && !currentModuleName.empty())
result = split(currentModuleName, '/');
for (; it != segments.end(); ++it)
if (result.size() > 1 && *it == "Parent")
return join(result, "/");
std::optional<std::string> pathExprToModuleName(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const AstExpr& pathExpr)
std::vector<std::string_view> segments = parsePathExpr(pathExpr);
return pathExprToModuleName(currentModuleName, segments);
ErrorVec accumulateErrors(
const std::unordered_map<ModuleName, SourceNode>& sourceNodes, const std::unordered_map<ModuleName, ModulePtr>& modules, const ModuleName& name)
std::unordered_set<ModuleName> seen;
std::vector<ModuleName> queue{name};
ErrorVec result;
while (!queue.empty())
ModuleName next = std::move(queue.back());
if (seen.count(next))
auto it = sourceNodes.find(next);
if (it == sourceNodes.end())
const SourceNode& sourceNode = it->second;
queue.insert(queue.end(), sourceNode.requires.begin(), sourceNode.requires.end());
// FIXME: If a module has a syntax error, we won't be able to re-report it here.
// The solution is probably to move errors from Module to SourceNode
auto it2 = modules.find(next);
if (it2 == modules.end())
Module& module = *it2->second;
std::sort(module.errors.begin(), module.errors.end(), [](const TypeError& e1, const TypeError& e2) -> bool {
return e1.location.begin > e2.location.begin;
result.insert(result.end(), module.errors.begin(), module.errors.end());
std::reverse(result.begin(), result.end());
return result;
struct RequireCycle
Location location;
std::vector<ModuleName> path; // one of the paths for a require() to go all the way back to the originating module
// Given a source node (start), find all requires that start a transitive dependency path that ends back at start
// For each such path, record the full path and the location of the require in the starting module.
// Note that this is O(V^2) for a fully connected graph and produces O(V) paths of length O(V)
// However, when the graph is acyclic, this is O(V), as well as when only the first cycle is needed (stopAtFirst=true)
std::vector<RequireCycle> getRequireCycles(
const std::unordered_map<ModuleName, SourceNode>& sourceNodes, const SourceNode* start, bool stopAtFirst = false)
std::vector<RequireCycle> result;
DenseHashSet<const SourceNode*> seen(nullptr);
std::vector<const SourceNode*> stack;
std::vector<const SourceNode*> path;
for (const auto& [depName, depLocation] : start->requireLocations)
std::vector<ModuleName> cycle;
auto dit = sourceNodes.find(depName);
if (dit == sourceNodes.end())
while (!stack.empty())
const SourceNode* top = stack.back();
if (top == nullptr)
// special marker for post-order processing
top = path.back();
// we reached the node! path must form a cycle now
if (top == start)
for (const SourceNode* node : path)
else if (!seen.contains(top))
// push marker for post-order processing
// note: we push require edges in the opposite order
// because it's a stack, the last edge to be pushed gets processed first
// this ensures that the cyclic path we report is the first one in DFS order
for (size_t i = top->requireLocations.size(); i > 0; --i)
const ModuleName& reqName = top->requireLocations[i - 1].first;
auto rit = sourceNodes.find(reqName);
if (rit != sourceNodes.end())
if (!cycle.empty())
result.push_back({depLocation, std::move(cycle)});
if (stopAtFirst)
return result;
// note: if we didn't find a cycle, all nodes that we've seen don't depend [transitively] on start
// so it's safe to *only* clear seen vector when we find a cycle
// if we don't do it, we will not have correct reporting for some cycles
return result;
double getTimestamp()
using namespace std::chrono;
return double(duration_cast<nanoseconds>(high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count()) / 1e9;
} // namespace
Frontend::Frontend(FileResolver* fileResolver, ConfigResolver* configResolver, const FrontendOptions& options)
: fileResolver(fileResolver)
, moduleResolver(this)
, moduleResolverForAutocomplete(this)
, typeChecker(&moduleResolver, &iceHandler)
, typeCheckerForAutocomplete(&moduleResolverForAutocomplete, &iceHandler)
, configResolver(configResolver)
, options(options)
FrontendModuleResolver::FrontendModuleResolver(Frontend* frontend)
: frontend(frontend)
CheckResult Frontend::check(const ModuleName& name)
CheckResult checkResult;
auto it = sourceNodes.find(name);
if (it != sourceNodes.end() && !it->second.dirty)
// No recheck required.
auto it2 = moduleResolver.modules.find(name);
if (it2 == moduleResolver.modules.end() || it2->second == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("Frontend::modules does not have data for " + name);
return CheckResult{accumulateErrors(sourceNodes, moduleResolver.modules, name)};
std::vector<ModuleName> buildQueue;
bool cycleDetected = parseGraph(buildQueue, checkResult, name);
// Keep track of which AST nodes we've reported cycles in
std::unordered_set<AstNode*> reportedCycles;
for (const ModuleName& moduleName : buildQueue)
SourceNode& sourceNode = sourceNodes[moduleName];
if (!sourceNode.dirty)
SourceModule& sourceModule = sourceModules[moduleName];
const Config& config = configResolver->getConfig(moduleName);
Mode mode = sourceModule.mode.value_or(config.mode);
ScopePtr environmentScope = getModuleEnvironment(sourceModule, config);
double timestamp = getTimestamp();
std::vector<RequireCycle> requireCycles;
// in NoCheck mode we only need to compute the value of .cyclic for typeck
// in the future we could replace toposort with an algorithm that can flag cyclic nodes by itself
// however, for now getRequireCycles isn't expensive in practice on the cases we care about, and long term
// all correct programs must be acyclic so this code triggers rarely
if (cycleDetected)
requireCycles = getRequireCycles(sourceNodes, &sourceNode, mode == Mode::NoCheck);
// This is used by the type checker to replace the resulting type of cyclic modules with any
sourceModule.cyclic = !requireCycles.empty();
ModulePtr module = typeChecker.check(sourceModule, mode, environmentScope);
// If we're typechecking twice, we do so.
// The second typecheck is always in strict mode with DM awareness
// to provide better typen information for IDE features.
if (options.typecheckTwice && FFlag::LuauSecondTypecheckKnowsTheDataModel)
ModulePtr moduleForAutocomplete = typeCheckerForAutocomplete.check(sourceModule, Mode::Strict);
moduleResolverForAutocomplete.modules[moduleName] = moduleForAutocomplete;
else if (options.retainFullTypeGraphs && options.typecheckTwice && mode != Mode::Strict)
ModulePtr strictModule = typeChecker.check(sourceModule, Mode::Strict, environmentScope);
SeenTypes seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
for (const auto& [expr, strictTy] : strictModule->astTypes)
module->astTypes[expr] = clone(strictTy, module->interfaceTypes, seenTypes, seenTypePacks);
for (const auto& [expr, strictTy] : strictModule->astOriginalCallTypes)
module->astOriginalCallTypes[expr] = clone(strictTy, module->interfaceTypes, seenTypes, seenTypePacks);
for (const auto& [expr, strictTy] : strictModule->astExpectedTypes)
module->astExpectedTypes[expr] = clone(strictTy, module->interfaceTypes, seenTypes, seenTypePacks);
stats.timeCheck += getTimestamp() - timestamp;
stats.filesStrict += mode == Mode::Strict;
stats.filesNonstrict += mode == Mode::Nonstrict;
if (module == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("Frontend::check produced a nullptr module for " + moduleName);
if (!options.retainFullTypeGraphs)
// copyErrors needs to allocate into interfaceTypes as it copies
// types out of internalTypes, so we unfreeze it here.
copyErrors(module->errors, module->interfaceTypes);
if (mode != Mode::NoCheck)
for (const RequireCycle& cyc : requireCycles)
TypeError te{cyc.location, moduleName, ModuleHasCyclicDependency{cyc.path}};
ErrorVec parseErrors;
for (const ParseError& pe : sourceModule.parseErrors)
parseErrors.push_back(TypeError{pe.getLocation(), moduleName, SyntaxError{pe.what()}});
module->errors.insert(module->errors.begin(), parseErrors.begin(), parseErrors.end());
checkResult.errors.insert(checkResult.errors.end(), module->errors.begin(), module->errors.end());
moduleResolver.modules[moduleName] = std::move(module);
sourceNode.dirty = false;
return checkResult;
bool Frontend::parseGraph(std::vector<ModuleName>& buildQueue, CheckResult& checkResult, const ModuleName& root)
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting#Depth-first_search
enum Mark
DenseHashMap<SourceNode*, Mark> seen(nullptr);
std::vector<SourceNode*> stack;
std::vector<SourceNode*> path;
bool cyclic = false;
auto [sourceNode, _] = getSourceNode(checkResult, root);
if (sourceNode)
while (!stack.empty())
SourceNode* top = stack.back();
if (top == nullptr)
// special marker for post-order processing
top = path.back();
// note: topseen ref gets invalidated in any seen[] access, beware - only one seen[] access per iteration!
Mark& topseen = seen[top];
LUAU_ASSERT(topseen == Temporary);
topseen = Permanent;
// note: topseen ref gets invalidated in any seen[] access, beware - only one seen[] access per iteration!
Mark& topseen = seen[top];
if (topseen != None)
cyclic |= topseen == Temporary;
topseen = Temporary;
// push marker for post-order processing
// push children
for (const ModuleName& dep : top->requires)
auto it = sourceNodes.find(dep);
if (it != sourceNodes.end())
// this is a critical optimization: we do *not* traverse non-dirty subtrees.
// this relies on the fact that markDirty marks reverse-dependencies dirty as well
// thus if a node is not dirty, all its transitive deps aren't dirty, which means that they won't ever need
// to be built, *and* can't form a cycle with any nodes we did process.
if (!it->second.dirty)
// note: this check is technically redundant *except* that getSourceNode has somewhat broken memoization
// calling getSourceNode twice in succession will reparse the file, since getSourceNode leaves dirty flag set
if (seen.contains(&it->second))
auto [sourceNode, _] = getSourceNode(checkResult, dep);
if (sourceNode)
// note: this assignment is paired with .contains() check above and effectively deduplicates getSourceNode()
seen[sourceNode] = None;
return cyclic;
ScopePtr Frontend::getModuleEnvironment(const SourceModule& module, const Config& config)
ScopePtr result = typeChecker.globalScope;
if (module.environmentName)
result = getEnvironmentScope(*module.environmentName);
if (!config.globals.empty())
result = std::make_shared<Scope>(result);
for (const std::string& global : config.globals)
AstName name = module.names->get(global.c_str());
if (name.value)
result->bindings[name].typeId = typeChecker.anyType;
return result;
LintResult Frontend::lint(const ModuleName& name, std::optional<Luau::LintOptions> enabledLintWarnings)
CheckResult checkResult;
auto [_sourceNode, sourceModule] = getSourceNode(checkResult, name);
if (!sourceModule)
return LintResult{}; // FIXME: We really should do something a bit more obvious when a file is too broken to lint.
return lint(*sourceModule, enabledLintWarnings);
std::pair<SourceModule, LintResult> Frontend::lintFragment(std::string_view source, std::optional<Luau::LintOptions> enabledLintWarnings)
const Config& config = configResolver->getConfig("");
SourceModule sourceModule = parse(ModuleName{}, source, config.parseOptions);
Luau::LintOptions lintOptions = enabledLintWarnings.value_or(config.enabledLint);
lintOptions.warningMask &= sourceModule.ignoreLints;
double timestamp = getTimestamp();
std::vector<LintWarning> warnings =
Luau::lint(sourceModule.root, *sourceModule.names.get(), typeChecker.globalScope, nullptr, enabledLintWarnings.value_or(config.enabledLint));
stats.timeLint += getTimestamp() - timestamp;
return {std::move(sourceModule), classifyLints(warnings, config)};
CheckResult Frontend::check(const SourceModule& module)
const Config& config = configResolver->getConfig(module.name);
Mode mode = module.mode.value_or(config.mode);
double timestamp = getTimestamp();
ModulePtr checkedModule = typeChecker.check(module, mode);
stats.timeCheck += getTimestamp() - timestamp;
stats.filesStrict += mode == Mode::Strict;
stats.filesNonstrict += mode == Mode::Nonstrict;
if (checkedModule == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("Frontend::check produced a nullptr module for module " + module.name);
moduleResolver.modules[module.name] = checkedModule;
return CheckResult{checkedModule->errors};
LintResult Frontend::lint(const SourceModule& module, std::optional<Luau::LintOptions> enabledLintWarnings)
const Config& config = configResolver->getConfig(module.name);
LintOptions options = enabledLintWarnings.value_or(config.enabledLint);
options.warningMask &= ~module.ignoreLints;
Mode mode = module.mode.value_or(config.mode);
if (mode != Mode::NoCheck)
if (mode == Mode::Strict)
ScopePtr environmentScope = getModuleEnvironment(module, config);
ModulePtr modulePtr = moduleResolver.getModule(module.name);
double timestamp = getTimestamp();
std::vector<LintWarning> warnings = Luau::lint(module.root, *module.names, environmentScope, modulePtr.get(), options);
stats.timeLint += getTimestamp() - timestamp;
return classifyLints(warnings, config);
bool Frontend::isDirty(const ModuleName& name) const
auto it = sourceNodes.find(name);
return it == sourceNodes.end() || it->second.dirty;
* Mark a file as requiring rechecking before its type information can be safely used again.
* I am not particularly pleased with the way each dirty() operation involves a BFS on reverse dependencies.
* It would be nice for this function to be O(1)
void Frontend::markDirty(const ModuleName& name, std::vector<ModuleName>* markedDirty)
if (!moduleResolver.modules.count(name))
std::unordered_map<ModuleName, std::vector<ModuleName>> reverseDeps;
for (const auto& module : sourceNodes)
for (const auto& dep : module.second.requires)
std::vector<ModuleName> queue{name};
while (!queue.empty())
ModuleName next = std::move(queue.back());
LUAU_ASSERT(sourceNodes.count(next) > 0);
SourceNode& sourceNode = sourceNodes[next];
if (markedDirty)
if (sourceNode.dirty)
sourceNode.dirty = true;
if (0 == reverseDeps.count(name))
const std::vector<ModuleName>& dependents = reverseDeps[name];
queue.insert(queue.end(), dependents.begin(), dependents.end());
SourceModule* Frontend::getSourceModule(const ModuleName& moduleName)
auto it = sourceModules.find(moduleName);
if (it != sourceModules.end())
return &it->second;
return nullptr;
const SourceModule* Frontend::getSourceModule(const ModuleName& moduleName) const
return const_cast<Frontend*>(this)->getSourceModule(moduleName);
// Read AST into sourceModules if necessary. Trace require()s. Report parse errors.
std::pair<SourceNode*, SourceModule*> Frontend::getSourceNode(CheckResult& checkResult, const ModuleName& name)
auto it = sourceNodes.find(name);
if (it != sourceNodes.end() && !it->second.dirty)
auto moduleIt = sourceModules.find(name);
if (moduleIt != sourceModules.end())
return {&it->second, &moduleIt->second};
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Everything in sourceNodes should also be in sourceModules");
return {&it->second, nullptr};
double timestamp = getTimestamp();
std::optional<SourceCode> source = fileResolver->readSource(name);
std::optional<std::string> environmentName = fileResolver->getEnvironmentForModule(name);
stats.timeRead += getTimestamp() - timestamp;
if (!source)
return {nullptr, nullptr};
const Config& config = configResolver->getConfig(name);
ParseOptions opts = config.parseOptions;
opts.captureComments = true;
SourceModule result = parse(name, source->source, opts);
result.type = source->type;
RequireTraceResult& requireTrace = requires[name];
requireTrace = traceRequires(fileResolver, result.root, name);
SourceNode& sourceNode = sourceNodes[name];
SourceModule& sourceModule = sourceModules[name];
sourceModule = std::move(result);
sourceModule.environmentName = environmentName;
sourceNode.name = name;
sourceNode.dirty = true;
for (const auto& [moduleName, location] : requireTrace.requires)
sourceNode.requireLocations = requireTrace.requires;
return {&sourceNode, &sourceModule};
/** Try to parse a source file into a SourceModule.
* The logic here is a little bit more complicated than we'd like it to be.
* If a file does not exist, we return none to prevent the Frontend from creating knowledge that this module exists.
* If the Frontend thinks that the file exists, it will not produce an "Unknown require" error.
* If the file has syntax errors, we report them and synthesize an empty AST if it's not available.
* This suppresses the Unknown require error and allows us to make a best effort to typecheck code that require()s
* something that has broken syntax.
* We also translate Luau::ParseError into a Luau::TypeError so that we can use a vector<TypeError> to describe the
* result of the check()
SourceModule Frontend::parse(const ModuleName& name, std::string_view src, const ParseOptions& parseOptions)
SourceModule sourceModule;
double timestamp = getTimestamp();
auto parseResult = Luau::Parser::parse(src.data(), src.size(), *sourceModule.names, *sourceModule.allocator, parseOptions);
stats.timeParse += getTimestamp() - timestamp;
stats.lines += std::count(src.begin(), src.end(), '\n') + (src.size() && src.back() != '\n');
if (!parseResult.errors.empty())
sourceModule.parseErrors.insert(sourceModule.parseErrors.end(), parseResult.errors.begin(), parseResult.errors.end());
if (parseResult.errors.empty() || parseResult.root)
sourceModule.root = parseResult.root;
sourceModule.mode = parseMode(parseResult.hotcomments);
sourceModule.ignoreLints = LintWarning::parseMask(parseResult.hotcomments);
sourceModule.root = sourceModule.allocator->alloc<AstStatBlock>(Location{}, AstArray<AstStat*>{nullptr, 0});
sourceModule.mode = Mode::NoCheck;
sourceModule.name = name;
if (parseOptions.captureComments)
sourceModule.commentLocations = std::move(parseResult.commentLocations);
return sourceModule;
std::optional<ModuleInfo> FrontendModuleResolver::resolveModuleInfo(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const AstExpr& pathExpr)
// FIXME I think this can be pushed into the FileResolver.
auto it = frontend->requires.find(currentModuleName);
if (it == frontend->requires.end())
// CLI-43699
// If we can't find the current module name, that's because we bypassed the frontend's initializer
// and called typeChecker.check directly. (This is done by autocompleteSource, for example).
// In that case, requires will always fail.
if (FFlag::LuauResolveModuleNameWithoutACurrentModule)
return std::nullopt;
throw std::runtime_error("Frontend::resolveModuleName: Unknown currentModuleName '" + currentModuleName + "'");
const auto& exprs = it->second.exprs;
const ModuleName* relativeName = exprs.find(&pathExpr);
if (!relativeName || relativeName->empty())
return std::nullopt;
if (FFlag::LuauTraceRequireLookupChild)
const bool* optional = it->second.optional.find(&pathExpr);
return {{*relativeName, optional ? *optional : false}};
return {{*relativeName, false}};
const ModulePtr FrontendModuleResolver::getModule(const ModuleName& moduleName) const
auto it = modules.find(moduleName);
if (it != modules.end())
return it->second;
return nullptr;
bool FrontendModuleResolver::moduleExists(const ModuleName& moduleName) const
return frontend->fileResolver->moduleExists(moduleName);
std::string FrontendModuleResolver::getHumanReadableModuleName(const ModuleName& moduleName) const
return frontend->fileResolver->getHumanReadableModuleName_(moduleName).value_or(moduleName);
ScopePtr Frontend::addEnvironment(const std::string& environmentName)
LUAU_ASSERT(environments.count(environmentName) == 0);
if (environments.count(environmentName) == 0)
ScopePtr scope = std::make_shared<Scope>(typeChecker.globalScope);
environments[environmentName] = scope;
return scope;
return environments[environmentName];
ScopePtr Frontend::getEnvironmentScope(const std::string& environmentName)
LUAU_ASSERT(environments.count(environmentName) > 0);
return environments[environmentName];
void Frontend::registerBuiltinDefinition(const std::string& name, std::function<void(TypeChecker&, ScopePtr)> applicator)
LUAU_ASSERT(builtinDefinitions.count(name) == 0);
if (builtinDefinitions.count(name) == 0)
builtinDefinitions[name] = applicator;
void Frontend::applyBuiltinDefinitionToEnvironment(const std::string& environmentName, const std::string& definitionName)
LUAU_ASSERT(builtinDefinitions.count(definitionName) > 0);
if (builtinDefinitions.count(definitionName) > 0)
builtinDefinitions[definitionName](typeChecker, getEnvironmentScope(environmentName));
LintResult Frontend::classifyLints(const std::vector<LintWarning>& warnings, const Config& config)
LintResult result;
for (const auto& w : warnings)
if (config.lintErrors || config.fatalLint.isEnabled(w.code))
return result;
void Frontend::clearStats()
stats = {};
void Frontend::clear()
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/IostreamHelpers.h"
#include "Luau/ToString.h"
namespace Luau
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Position& position)
return stream << "{ line = " << position.line << ", col = " << position.column << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Location& location)
return stream << "Location { " << location.begin << ", " << location.end << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const AstName& name)
if (name.value)
return stream << name.value;
return stream << "<empty>";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const TypeMismatch& tm)
return stream << "TypeMismatch { " << toString(tm.wantedType) << ", " << toString(tm.givenType) << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const TypeError& error)
return stream << "TypeError { \"" << error.moduleName << "\", " << error.location << ", " << error.data << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const UnknownSymbol& error)
return stream << "UnknownSymbol { " << error.name << " , context " << error.context << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const UnknownProperty& error)
return stream << "UnknownProperty { " << toString(error.table) << ", key = " << error.key << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const NotATable& ge)
return stream << "NotATable { " << toString(ge.ty) << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const CannotExtendTable& error)
return stream << "CannotExtendTable { " << toString(error.tableType) << ", context " << error.context << ", prop \"" << error.prop << "\" }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods& error)
return stream << "OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods { " << toString(error.tableType) << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const DuplicateTypeDefinition& error)
return stream << "DuplicateTypeDefinition { " << error.name << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const CountMismatch& error)
return stream << "CountMismatch { expected " << error.expected << ", got " << error.actual << ", context " << error.context << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf&)
return stream << "FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf { }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const FunctionRequiresSelf& error)
return stream << "FunctionRequiresSelf { extraNils " << error.requiredExtraNils << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const OccursCheckFailed&)
return stream << "OccursCheckFailed { }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const UnknownRequire& error)
return stream << "UnknownRequire { " << error.modulePath << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const IncorrectGenericParameterCount& error)
stream << "IncorrectGenericParameterCount { name = " << error.name;
if (!error.typeFun.typeParams.empty())
stream << "<";
bool first = true;
for (TypeId t : error.typeFun.typeParams)
if (first)
first = false;
stream << ", ";
stream << toString(t);
stream << ">";
stream << ", typeFun = " << toString(error.typeFun.type) << ", actualCount = " << error.actualParameters << " }";
return stream;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const SyntaxError& ge)
return stream << "SyntaxError { " << ge.message << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const CodeTooComplex&)
return stream << "CodeTooComplex {}";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const UnificationTooComplex&)
return stream << "UnificationTooComplex {}";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp& e)
stream << "UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp { key = '" << e.key << "', suggested = { ";
bool first = true;
for (Name name : e.candidates)
if (first)
first = false;
stream << ", ";
stream << "'" << name << "'";
return stream << " }, table = " << toString(e.table) << " } ";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const GenericError& ge)
return stream << "GenericError { " << ge.message << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const CannotCallNonFunction& e)
return stream << "CannotCallNonFunction { " << toString(e.ty) << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const FunctionExitsWithoutReturning& error)
return stream << "FunctionExitsWithoutReturning {" << toString(error.expectedReturnType) << "}";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const ExtraInformation& e)
return stream << "ExtraInformation { " << e.message << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const DeprecatedApiUsed& e)
return stream << "DeprecatedApiUsed { " << e.symbol << ", useInstead = " << e.useInstead << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const ModuleHasCyclicDependency& e)
stream << "ModuleHasCyclicDependency {";
bool first = true;
for (const ModuleName& name : e.cycle)
if (first)
first = false;
stream << ", ";
stream << name;
return stream << "}";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const IllegalRequire& e)
return stream << "IllegalRequire { " << e.moduleName << ", reason = " << e.reason << " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const MissingProperties& e)
stream << "MissingProperties { superType = '" << toString(e.superType) << "', subType = '" << toString(e.subType) << "', properties = { ";
bool first = true;
for (Name name : e.properties)
if (first)
first = false;
stream << ", ";
stream << "'" << name << "'";
return stream << " }, context " << e.context << " } ";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const DuplicateGenericParameter& error)
return stream << "DuplicateGenericParameter { " + error.parameterName + " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const CannotInferBinaryOperation& error)
return stream << "CannotInferBinaryOperation { op = " + toString(error.op) + ", suggested = '" +
(error.suggestedToAnnotate ? *error.suggestedToAnnotate : "") + "', kind "
<< error.kind << "}";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const SwappedGenericTypeParameter& error)
return stream << "SwappedGenericTypeParameter { name = '" + error.name + "', kind = " + std::to_string(error.kind) + " }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const OptionalValueAccess& error)
return stream << "OptionalValueAccess { optional = '" + toString(error.optional) + "' }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const MissingUnionProperty& error)
stream << "MissingUnionProperty { type = '" + toString(error.type) + "', missing = { ";
bool first = true;
for (auto ty : error.missing)
if (first)
first = false;
stream << ", ";
stream << "'" << toString(ty) << "'";
return stream << " }, key = '" + error.key + "' }";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const TableState& tv)
return stream << static_cast<std::underlying_type<TableState>::type>(tv);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const TypeVar& tv)
return stream << toString(tv);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const TypePackVar& tv)
return stream << toString(tv);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const TypeErrorData& ted)
[&](const auto& a) {
lhs << a;
return lhs;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Module.h"
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/VisitTypeVar.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <algorithm>
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(DebugLuauFreezeArena, false)
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(DebugLuauTrackOwningArena, false)
namespace Luau
static bool contains(Position pos, Comment comment)
if (comment.location.contains(pos))
return true;
else if (FFlag::LuauCaptureBrokenCommentSpans && comment.type == Lexeme::BrokenComment &&
comment.location.begin <= pos) // Broken comments are broken specifically because they don't have an end
return true;
else if (comment.type == Lexeme::Comment && comment.location.end == pos)
return true;
return false;
bool isWithinComment(const SourceModule& sourceModule, Position pos)
auto iter = std::lower_bound(sourceModule.commentLocations.begin(), sourceModule.commentLocations.end(),
Comment{Lexeme::Comment, Location{pos, pos}}, [](const Comment& a, const Comment& b) {
return a.location.end < b.location.end;
if (iter == sourceModule.commentLocations.end())
return false;
if (contains(pos, *iter))
return true;
// Due to the nature of std::lower_bound, it is possible that iter points at a comment that ends
// at pos. We'll try the next comment, if it exists.
if (iter == sourceModule.commentLocations.end())
return false;
return contains(pos, *iter);
void TypeArena::clear()
TypeId TypeArena::addTV(TypeVar&& tv)
TypeId allocated = typeVars.allocate(std::move(tv));
if (FFlag::DebugLuauTrackOwningArena)
asMutable(allocated)->owningArena = this;
return allocated;
TypeId TypeArena::freshType(TypeLevel level)
TypeId allocated = typeVars.allocate(FreeTypeVar{level});
if (FFlag::DebugLuauTrackOwningArena)
asMutable(allocated)->owningArena = this;
return allocated;
TypePackId TypeArena::addTypePack(std::initializer_list<TypeId> types)
TypePackId allocated = typePacks.allocate(TypePack{std::move(types)});
if (FFlag::DebugLuauTrackOwningArena)
asMutable(allocated)->owningArena = this;
return allocated;
TypePackId TypeArena::addTypePack(std::vector<TypeId> types)
TypePackId allocated = typePacks.allocate(TypePack{std::move(types)});
if (FFlag::DebugLuauTrackOwningArena)
asMutable(allocated)->owningArena = this;
return allocated;
TypePackId TypeArena::addTypePack(TypePack tp)
TypePackId allocated = typePacks.allocate(std::move(tp));
if (FFlag::DebugLuauTrackOwningArena)
asMutable(allocated)->owningArena = this;
return allocated;
TypePackId TypeArena::addTypePack(TypePackVar tp)
TypePackId allocated = typePacks.allocate(std::move(tp));
if (FFlag::DebugLuauTrackOwningArena)
asMutable(allocated)->owningArena = this;
return allocated;
using SeenTypes = std::unordered_map<TypeId, TypeId>;
using SeenTypePacks = std::unordered_map<TypePackId, TypePackId>;
TypePackId clone(TypePackId tp, TypeArena& dest, SeenTypes& seenTypes, SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks, bool* encounteredFreeType);
TypeId clone(TypeId tp, TypeArena& dest, SeenTypes& seenTypes, SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks, bool* encounteredFreeType);
struct TypePackCloner;
* Both TypeCloner and TypePackCloner work by depositing the requested type variable into the appropriate 'seen' set.
* They do not return anything because their sole consumer (the deepClone function) already has a pointer into this storage.
struct TypeCloner
TypeCloner(TypeArena& dest, TypeId typeId, SeenTypes& seenTypes, SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks)
: dest(dest)
, typeId(typeId)
, seenTypes(seenTypes)
, seenTypePacks(seenTypePacks)
TypeArena& dest;
TypeId typeId;
SeenTypes& seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks;
bool* encounteredFreeType = nullptr;
template<typename T>
void defaultClone(const T& t);
void operator()(const Unifiable::Free& t);
void operator()(const Unifiable::Generic& t);
void operator()(const Unifiable::Bound<TypeId>& t);
void operator()(const Unifiable::Error& t);
void operator()(const PrimitiveTypeVar& t);
void operator()(const FunctionTypeVar& t);
void operator()(const TableTypeVar& t);
void operator()(const MetatableTypeVar& t);
void operator()(const ClassTypeVar& t);
void operator()(const AnyTypeVar& t);
void operator()(const UnionTypeVar& t);
void operator()(const IntersectionTypeVar& t);
void operator()(const LazyTypeVar& t);
struct TypePackCloner
TypeArena& dest;
TypePackId typePackId;
SeenTypes& seenTypes;
SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks;
bool* encounteredFreeType = nullptr;
TypePackCloner(TypeArena& dest, TypePackId typePackId, SeenTypes& seenTypes, SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks)
: dest(dest)
, typePackId(typePackId)
, seenTypes(seenTypes)
, seenTypePacks(seenTypePacks)
template<typename T>
void defaultClone(const T& t)
TypePackId cloned = dest.typePacks.allocate(t);
seenTypePacks[typePackId] = cloned;
void operator()(const Unifiable::Free& t)
if (encounteredFreeType)
*encounteredFreeType = true;
seenTypePacks[typePackId] = dest.typePacks.allocate(TypePackVar{Unifiable::Error{}});
void operator()(const Unifiable::Generic& t)
void operator()(const Unifiable::Error& t)
// While we are a-cloning, we can flatten out bound TypeVars and make things a bit tighter.
// We just need to be sure that we rewrite pointers both to the binder and the bindee to the same pointer.
void operator()(const Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>& t)
TypePackId cloned = clone(t.boundTo, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType);
seenTypePacks[typePackId] = cloned;
void operator()(const VariadicTypePack& t)
TypePackId cloned = dest.typePacks.allocate(VariadicTypePack{clone(t.ty, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType)});
seenTypePacks[typePackId] = cloned;
void operator()(const TypePack& t)
TypePackId cloned = dest.typePacks.allocate(TypePack{});
TypePack* destTp = getMutable<TypePack>(cloned);
LUAU_ASSERT(destTp != nullptr);
seenTypePacks[typePackId] = cloned;
for (TypeId ty : t.head)
destTp->head.push_back(clone(ty, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType));
if (t.tail)
destTp->tail = clone(*t.tail, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType);
template<typename T>
void TypeCloner::defaultClone(const T& t)
TypeId cloned = dest.typeVars.allocate(t);
seenTypes[typeId] = cloned;
void TypeCloner::operator()(const Unifiable::Free& t)
if (encounteredFreeType)
*encounteredFreeType = true;
seenTypes[typeId] = dest.typeVars.allocate(ErrorTypeVar{});
void TypeCloner::operator()(const Unifiable::Generic& t)
void TypeCloner::operator()(const Unifiable::Bound<TypeId>& t)
TypeId boundTo = clone(t.boundTo, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType);
seenTypes[typeId] = boundTo;
void TypeCloner::operator()(const Unifiable::Error& t)
void TypeCloner::operator()(const PrimitiveTypeVar& t)
void TypeCloner::operator()(const FunctionTypeVar& t)
TypeId result = dest.typeVars.allocate(FunctionTypeVar{TypeLevel{0, 0}, {}, {}, nullptr, nullptr, t.definition, t.hasSelf});
FunctionTypeVar* ftv = getMutable<FunctionTypeVar>(result);
LUAU_ASSERT(ftv != nullptr);
seenTypes[typeId] = result;
for (TypeId generic : t.generics)
ftv->generics.push_back(clone(generic, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType));
for (TypePackId genericPack : t.genericPacks)
ftv->genericPacks.push_back(clone(genericPack, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType));
if (FFlag::LuauSecondTypecheckKnowsTheDataModel)
ftv->tags = t.tags;
ftv->argTypes = clone(t.argTypes, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType);
ftv->argNames = t.argNames;
ftv->retType = clone(t.retType, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType);
void TypeCloner::operator()(const TableTypeVar& t)
TypeId result = dest.typeVars.allocate(TableTypeVar{});
TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(result);
LUAU_ASSERT(ttv != nullptr);
*ttv = t;
seenTypes[typeId] = result;
ttv->level = TypeLevel{0, 0};
for (const auto& [name, prop] : t.props)
if (FFlag::LuauSecondTypecheckKnowsTheDataModel)
ttv->props[name] = {clone(prop.type, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType), prop.deprecated, {}, prop.location, prop.tags};
ttv->props[name] = {clone(prop.type, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType), prop.deprecated, {}, prop.location};
if (t.indexer)
ttv->indexer = TableIndexer{clone(t.indexer->indexType, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType),
clone(t.indexer->indexResultType, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType)};
if (t.boundTo)
ttv->boundTo = clone(*t.boundTo, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType);
for (TypeId& arg : ttv->instantiatedTypeParams)
arg = (clone(arg, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType));
if (ttv->state == TableState::Free)
if (!t.boundTo)
if (encounteredFreeType)
*encounteredFreeType = true;
ttv->state = TableState::Sealed;
ttv->definitionModuleName = t.definitionModuleName;
ttv->methodDefinitionLocations = t.methodDefinitionLocations;
ttv->tags = t.tags;
void TypeCloner::operator()(const MetatableTypeVar& t)
TypeId result = dest.typeVars.allocate(MetatableTypeVar{});
MetatableTypeVar* mtv = getMutable<MetatableTypeVar>(result);
seenTypes[typeId] = result;
mtv->table = clone(t.table, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType);
mtv->metatable = clone(t.metatable, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType);
void TypeCloner::operator()(const ClassTypeVar& t)
TypeId result = dest.typeVars.allocate(ClassTypeVar{t.name, {}, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, t.tags, t.userData});
ClassTypeVar* ctv = getMutable<ClassTypeVar>(result);
seenTypes[typeId] = result;
for (const auto& [name, prop] : t.props)
if (FFlag::LuauSecondTypecheckKnowsTheDataModel)
ctv->props[name] = {clone(prop.type, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType), prop.deprecated, {}, prop.location, prop.tags};
ctv->props[name] = {clone(prop.type, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType), prop.deprecated, {}, prop.location};
if (t.parent)
ctv->parent = clone(*t.parent, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType);
if (t.metatable)
ctv->metatable = clone(*t.metatable, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType);
void TypeCloner::operator()(const AnyTypeVar& t)
void TypeCloner::operator()(const UnionTypeVar& t)
TypeId result = dest.typeVars.allocate(UnionTypeVar{});
seenTypes[typeId] = result;
UnionTypeVar* option = getMutable<UnionTypeVar>(result);
LUAU_ASSERT(option != nullptr);
for (TypeId ty : t.options)
option->options.push_back(clone(ty, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType));
void TypeCloner::operator()(const IntersectionTypeVar& t)
TypeId result = dest.typeVars.allocate(IntersectionTypeVar{});
seenTypes[typeId] = result;
IntersectionTypeVar* option = getMutable<IntersectionTypeVar>(result);
LUAU_ASSERT(option != nullptr);
for (TypeId ty : t.parts)
option->parts.push_back(clone(ty, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType));
void TypeCloner::operator()(const LazyTypeVar& t)
} // anonymous namespace
TypePackId clone(TypePackId tp, TypeArena& dest, SeenTypes& seenTypes, SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks, bool* encounteredFreeType)
if (tp->persistent)
return tp;
TypePackId& res = seenTypePacks[tp];
if (res == nullptr)
TypePackCloner cloner{dest, tp, seenTypes, seenTypePacks};
cloner.encounteredFreeType = encounteredFreeType;
Luau::visit(cloner, tp->ty); // Mutates the storage that 'res' points into.
if (FFlag::DebugLuauTrackOwningArena)
asMutable(res)->owningArena = &dest;
return res;
TypeId clone(TypeId typeId, TypeArena& dest, SeenTypes& seenTypes, SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks, bool* encounteredFreeType)
if (typeId->persistent)
return typeId;
TypeId& res = seenTypes[typeId];
if (res == nullptr)
TypeCloner cloner{dest, typeId, seenTypes, seenTypePacks};
cloner.encounteredFreeType = encounteredFreeType;
Luau::visit(cloner, typeId->ty); // Mutates the storage that 'res' points into.
asMutable(res)->documentationSymbol = typeId->documentationSymbol;
if (FFlag::DebugLuauTrackOwningArena)
asMutable(res)->owningArena = &dest;
return res;
TypeFun clone(const TypeFun& typeFun, TypeArena& dest, SeenTypes& seenTypes, SeenTypePacks& seenTypePacks, bool* encounteredFreeType)
TypeFun result;
for (TypeId param : typeFun.typeParams)
result.typeParams.push_back(clone(param, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType));
result.type = clone(typeFun.type, dest, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, encounteredFreeType);
return result;
ScopePtr Module::getModuleScope() const
return scopes.front().second;
void freeze(TypeArena& arena)
if (!FFlag::DebugLuauFreezeArena)
void unfreeze(TypeArena& arena)
if (!FFlag::DebugLuauFreezeArena)
bool Module::clonePublicInterface()
bool encounteredFreeType = false;
SeenTypePacks seenTypePacks;
SeenTypes seenTypes;
ScopePtr moduleScope = getModuleScope();
moduleScope->returnType = clone(moduleScope->returnType, interfaceTypes, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, &encounteredFreeType);
if (moduleScope->varargPack)
moduleScope->varargPack = clone(*moduleScope->varargPack, interfaceTypes, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, &encounteredFreeType);
for (auto& pair : moduleScope->exportedTypeBindings)
pair.second = clone(pair.second, interfaceTypes, seenTypes, seenTypePacks, &encounteredFreeType);
for (TypeId ty : moduleScope->returnType)
if (get<GenericTypeVar>(follow(ty)))
*asMutable(ty) = AnyTypeVar{};
return encounteredFreeType;
} // namespace Luau
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Predicate.h"
#include "Luau/Ast.h"
namespace Luau
std::optional<LValue> tryGetLValue(const AstExpr& node)
const AstExpr* expr = &node;
while (auto e = expr->as<AstExprGroup>())
expr = e->expr;
if (auto local = expr->as<AstExprLocal>())
return Symbol{local->local};
else if (auto global = expr->as<AstExprGlobal>())
return Symbol{global->name};
else if (auto indexname = expr->as<AstExprIndexName>())
if (auto lvalue = tryGetLValue(*indexname->expr))
return Field{std::make_shared<LValue>(*lvalue), indexname->index.value};
else if (auto indexexpr = expr->as<AstExprIndexExpr>())
if (auto lvalue = tryGetLValue(*indexexpr->expr))
if (auto string = indexexpr->expr->as<AstExprConstantString>())
return Field{std::make_shared<LValue>(*lvalue), std::string(string->value.data, string->value.size)};
return std::nullopt;
std::pair<Symbol, std::vector<std::string>> getFullName(const LValue& lvalue)
const LValue* current = &lvalue;
std::vector<std::string> keys;
while (auto field = get<Field>(*current))
current = field->parent.get();
if (!current)
LUAU_ASSERT(!"LValue root is a Field?");
const Symbol* symbol = get<Symbol>(*current);
return {*symbol, std::vector<std::string>(keys.rbegin(), keys.rend())};
std::string toString(const LValue& lvalue)
auto [symbol, keys] = getFullName(lvalue);
std::string s = toString(symbol);
for (std::string key : keys)
s += "." + key;
return s;
void merge(RefinementMap& l, const RefinementMap& r, std::function<TypeId(TypeId, TypeId)> f)
auto itL = l.begin();
auto itR = r.begin();
while (itL != l.end() && itR != r.end())
const auto& [k, a] = *itR;
if (itL->first == k)
l[k] = f(itL->second, a);
else if (itL->first > k)
l[k] = a;
l.insert(itR, r.end());
void addRefinement(RefinementMap& refis, const LValue& lvalue, TypeId ty)
refis[toString(lvalue)] = ty;
} // namespace Luau
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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/RequireTracer.h"
#include "Luau/Ast.h"
#include "Luau/Module.h"
LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauTraceRequireLookupChild, false)
namespace Luau
struct RequireTracer : AstVisitor
explicit RequireTracer(FileResolver* fileResolver, ModuleName currentModuleName)
: fileResolver(fileResolver)
, currentModuleName(std::move(currentModuleName))
FileResolver* const fileResolver;
ModuleName currentModuleName;
DenseHashMap<AstLocal*, ModuleName> locals{0};
RequireTraceResult result;
std::optional<ModuleName> fromAstFragment(AstExpr* expr)
if (auto g = expr->as<AstExprGlobal>(); g && g->name == "script")
return currentModuleName;
return fileResolver->fromAstFragment(expr);
bool visit(AstStatLocal* stat) override
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat->vars.size; ++i)
AstLocal* local = stat->vars.data[i];
if (local->annotation)
if (AstTypeTypeof* ann = local->annotation->as<AstTypeTypeof>())
if (i < stat->values.size)
AstExpr* expr = stat->values.data[i];
const ModuleName* name = result.exprs.find(expr);
if (name)
locals[local] = *name;
return false;
bool visit(AstExprGlobal* global) override
std::optional<ModuleName> name = fromAstFragment(global);
if (name)
result.exprs[global] = *name;
return false;
bool visit(AstExprLocal* local) override
const ModuleName* name = locals.find(local->local);
if (name)
result.exprs[local] = *name;
return false;
bool visit(AstExprIndexName* indexName) override
const ModuleName* name = result.exprs.find(indexName->expr);
if (name)
if (indexName->index == "parent" || indexName->index == "Parent")
if (auto parent = fileResolver->getParentModuleName(*name))
result.exprs[indexName] = *parent;
result.exprs[indexName] = fileResolver->concat(*name, indexName->index.value);
return false;
bool visit(AstExprIndexExpr* indexExpr) override
const ModuleName* name = result.exprs.find(indexExpr->expr);
const AstExprConstantString* str = indexExpr->index->as<AstExprConstantString>();
if (name && str)
result.exprs[indexExpr] = fileResolver->concat(*name, std::string_view(str->value.data, str->value.size));
return false;
bool visit(AstExprTypeAssertion* expr) override
return false;
// If we see game:GetService("StringLiteral") or Game:GetService("StringLiteral"), then rewrite to game.StringLiteral.
// Else traverse arguments and trace requires to them.
bool visit(AstExprCall* call) override
for (AstExpr* arg : call->args)
AstExprGlobal* globalName = call->func->as<AstExprGlobal>();
if (globalName && globalName->name == "require" && call->args.size >= 1)
if (const ModuleName* moduleName = result.exprs.find(call->args.data[0]))
result.requires.push_back({*moduleName, call->location});
return false;
AstExprIndexName* indexName = call->func->as<AstExprIndexName>();
if (!indexName)
return false;
std::optional<ModuleName> rootName = fromAstFragment(indexName->expr);
if (FFlag::LuauTraceRequireLookupChild && !rootName)
if (const ModuleName* moduleName = result.exprs.find(indexName->expr))
rootName = *moduleName;
if (!rootName)
return false;
bool supportedLookup = indexName->index == "GetService" ||
(FFlag::LuauTraceRequireLookupChild && (indexName->index == "FindFirstChild" || indexName->index == "WaitForChild"));
if (!supportedLookup)
return false;
if (call->args.size != 1)
return false;
AstExprConstantString* name = call->args.data[0]->as<AstExprConstantString>();
if (!name)
return false;
std::string_view v{name->value.data, name->value.size};
if (v.end() != std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), '/'))
return false;
result.exprs[call] = fileResolver->concat(*rootName, v);
// 'WaitForChild' can be used on modules that are not awailable at the typecheck time, but will be awailable at runtime
// If we fail to find such module, we will not report an UnknownRequire error
if (FFlag::LuauTraceRequireLookupChild && indexName->index == "WaitForChild")
result.optional[call] = true;
return false;
} // anonymous namespace
RequireTraceResult traceRequires(FileResolver* fileResolver, AstStatBlock* root, ModuleName currentModuleName)
RequireTracer tracer{fileResolver, std::move(currentModuleName)};
return tracer.result;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Substitution.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace Luau
void Tarjan::visitChildren(TypeId ty, int index)
ty = follow(ty);
if (FFlag::LuauRankNTypes && ignoreChildren(ty))
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty))
else if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(ty))
for (const auto& [name, prop] : ttv->props)
if (ttv->indexer)
for (TypeId itp : ttv->instantiatedTypeParams)
else if (const MetatableTypeVar* mtv = get<MetatableTypeVar>(ty))
else if (const UnionTypeVar* utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(ty))
for (TypeId opt : utv->options)
else if (const IntersectionTypeVar* itv = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(ty))
for (TypeId part : itv->parts)
void Tarjan::visitChildren(TypePackId tp, int index)
tp = follow(tp);
if (FFlag::LuauRankNTypes && ignoreChildren(tp))
if (const TypePack* tpp = get<TypePack>(tp))
for (TypeId tv : tpp->head)
if (tpp->tail)
else if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(tp))
std::pair<int, bool> Tarjan::indexify(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
bool fresh = !typeToIndex.contains(ty);
int& index = typeToIndex[ty];
if (fresh)
index = int(indexToType.size());
return {index, fresh};
std::pair<int, bool> Tarjan::indexify(TypePackId tp)
tp = follow(tp);
bool fresh = !packToIndex.contains(tp);
int& index = packToIndex[tp];
if (fresh)
index = int(indexToPack.size());
return {index, fresh};
void Tarjan::visitChild(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
void Tarjan::visitChild(TypePackId tp)
tp = follow(tp);
TarjanResult Tarjan::loop()
// Normally Tarjan is presented recursively, but this is a hot loop, so worth optimizing
while (!worklist.empty())
auto [index, currEdge, lastEdge] = worklist.back();
// First visit
if (currEdge == -1)
if (FInt::LuauTarjanChildLimit > 0 && FInt::LuauTarjanChildLimit < childCount)
return TarjanResult::TooManyChildren;
onStack[index] = true;
currEdge = int(edgesTy.size());
// Fill in edge list of this vertex
if (TypeId ty = indexToType[index])
visitChildren(ty, index);
else if (TypePackId tp = indexToPack[index])
visitChildren(tp, index);
lastEdge = int(edgesTy.size());
// Visit children
bool foundFresh = false;
for (; currEdge < lastEdge; currEdge++)
int childIndex = -1;
bool fresh = false;
if (auto ty = edgesTy[currEdge])
std::tie(childIndex, fresh) = indexify(ty);
else if (auto tp = edgesTp[currEdge])
std::tie(childIndex, fresh) = indexify(tp);
if (fresh)
// Original recursion point, update the parent continuation point and start the new element
worklist.back() = {index, currEdge + 1, lastEdge};
worklist.push_back({childIndex, -1, -1});
// We need to continue the top-level loop from the start with the new worklist element
foundFresh = true;
else if (onStack[childIndex])
lowlink[index] = std::min(lowlink[index], childIndex);
visitEdge(childIndex, index);
if (foundFresh)
if (lowlink[index] == index)
while (!stack.empty())
int popped = stack.back();
onStack[popped] = false;
if (popped == index)
// Original return from recursion into a child
if (!worklist.empty())
auto [parentIndex, _, parentEndEdge] = worklist.back();
// No need to keep child edges around
lowlink[parentIndex] = std::min(lowlink[parentIndex], lowlink[index]);
visitEdge(index, parentIndex);
return TarjanResult::Ok;
void Tarjan::clear()
TarjanResult Tarjan::visitRoot(TypeId ty)
childCount = 0;
ty = follow(ty);
auto [index, fresh] = indexify(ty);
worklist.push_back({index, -1, -1});
return loop();
TarjanResult Tarjan::visitRoot(TypePackId tp)
childCount = 0;
tp = follow(tp);
auto [index, fresh] = indexify(tp);
worklist.push_back({index, -1, -1});
return loop();
bool FindDirty::getDirty(int index)
if (dirty.size() <= size_t(index))
dirty.resize(index + 1, false);
return dirty[index];
void FindDirty::setDirty(int index, bool d)
if (dirty.size() <= size_t(index))
dirty.resize(index + 1, false);
dirty[index] = d;
void FindDirty::visitEdge(int index, int parentIndex)
if (getDirty(index))
setDirty(parentIndex, true);
void FindDirty::visitSCC(int index)
bool d = getDirty(index);
for (auto it = stack.rbegin(); !d && it != stack.rend(); it++)
if (TypeId ty = indexToType[*it])
d = isDirty(ty);
else if (TypePackId tp = indexToPack[*it])
d = isDirty(tp);
if (*it == index)
if (!d)
for (auto it = stack.rbegin(); it != stack.rend(); it++)
setDirty(*it, true);
if (TypeId ty = indexToType[*it])
else if (TypePackId tp = indexToPack[*it])
if (*it == index)
TarjanResult FindDirty::findDirty(TypeId ty)
return visitRoot(ty);
TarjanResult FindDirty::findDirty(TypePackId tp)
return visitRoot(tp);
std::optional<TypeId> Substitution::substitute(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
auto result = findDirty(ty);
if (result != TarjanResult::Ok)
return std::nullopt;
for (auto [oldTy, newTy] : newTypes)
for (auto [oldTp, newTp] : newPacks)
TypeId newTy = replace(ty);
return newTy;
std::optional<TypePackId> Substitution::substitute(TypePackId tp)
tp = follow(tp);
auto result = findDirty(tp);
if (result != TarjanResult::Ok)
return std::nullopt;
for (auto [oldTy, newTy] : newTypes)
for (auto [oldTp, newTp] : newPacks)
TypePackId newTp = replace(tp);
return newTp;
TypeId Substitution::clone(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
TypeId result = ty;
if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = get<FunctionTypeVar>(ty))
FunctionTypeVar clone = FunctionTypeVar{ftv->level, ftv->argTypes, ftv->retType, ftv->definition, ftv->hasSelf};
clone.generics = ftv->generics;
clone.genericPacks = ftv->genericPacks;
clone.magicFunction = ftv->magicFunction;
clone.tags = ftv->tags;
clone.argNames = ftv->argNames;
result = addType(std::move(clone));
else if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = get<TableTypeVar>(ty))
TableTypeVar clone = TableTypeVar{ttv->props, ttv->indexer, ttv->level, ttv->state};
clone.methodDefinitionLocations = ttv->methodDefinitionLocations;
clone.definitionModuleName = ttv->definitionModuleName;
clone.name = ttv->name;
clone.syntheticName = ttv->syntheticName;
clone.instantiatedTypeParams = ttv->instantiatedTypeParams;
if (FFlag::LuauSecondTypecheckKnowsTheDataModel)
clone.tags = ttv->tags;
result = addType(std::move(clone));
else if (const MetatableTypeVar* mtv = get<MetatableTypeVar>(ty))
MetatableTypeVar clone = MetatableTypeVar{mtv->table, mtv->metatable};
clone.syntheticName = mtv->syntheticName;
result = addType(std::move(clone));
else if (const UnionTypeVar* utv = get<UnionTypeVar>(ty))
UnionTypeVar clone;
clone.options = utv->options;
result = addType(std::move(clone));
else if (const IntersectionTypeVar* itv = get<IntersectionTypeVar>(ty))
IntersectionTypeVar clone;
clone.parts = itv->parts;
result = addType(std::move(clone));
asMutable(result)->documentationSymbol = ty->documentationSymbol;
return result;
TypePackId Substitution::clone(TypePackId tp)
tp = follow(tp);
if (const TypePack* tpp = get<TypePack>(tp))
TypePack clone;
clone.head = tpp->head;
clone.tail = tpp->tail;
return addTypePack(std::move(clone));
else if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(tp))
VariadicTypePack clone;
clone.ty = vtp->ty;
return addTypePack(std::move(clone));
return tp;
void Substitution::foundDirty(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
if (isDirty(ty))
newTypes[ty] = clean(ty);
newTypes[ty] = clone(ty);
void Substitution::foundDirty(TypePackId tp)
tp = follow(tp);
if (isDirty(tp))
newPacks[tp] = clean(tp);
newPacks[tp] = clone(tp);
TypeId Substitution::replace(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
if (TypeId* prevTy = newTypes.find(ty))
return *prevTy;
return ty;
TypePackId Substitution::replace(TypePackId tp)
tp = follow(tp);
if (TypePackId* prevTp = newPacks.find(tp))
return *prevTp;
return tp;
void Substitution::replaceChildren(TypeId ty)
ty = follow(ty);
if (FFlag::LuauRankNTypes && ignoreChildren(ty))
if (FunctionTypeVar* ftv = getMutable<FunctionTypeVar>(ty))
ftv->argTypes = replace(ftv->argTypes);
ftv->retType = replace(ftv->retType);
else if (TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable<TableTypeVar>(ty))
for (auto& [name, prop] : ttv->props)
prop.type = replace(prop.type);
if (ttv->indexer)
ttv->indexer->indexType = replace(ttv->indexer->indexType);
ttv->indexer->indexResultType = replace(ttv->indexer->indexResultType);
for (TypeId& itp : ttv->instantiatedTypeParams)
itp = replace(itp);
else if (MetatableTypeVar* mtv = getMutable<MetatableTypeVar>(ty))
mtv->table = replace(mtv->table);
mtv->metatable = replace(mtv->metatable);
else if (UnionTypeVar* utv = getMutable<UnionTypeVar>(ty))
for (TypeId& opt : utv->options)
opt = replace(opt);
else if (IntersectionTypeVar* itv = getMutable<IntersectionTypeVar>(ty))
for (TypeId& part : itv->parts)
part = replace(part);
void Substitution::replaceChildren(TypePackId tp)
tp = follow(tp);
if (FFlag::LuauRankNTypes && ignoreChildren(tp))
if (TypePack* tpp = getMutable<TypePack>(tp))
for (TypeId& tv : tpp->head)
tv = replace(tv);
if (tpp->tail)
tpp->tail = replace(*tpp->tail);
else if (VariadicTypePack* vtp = getMutable<VariadicTypePack>(tp))
vtp->ty = replace(vtp->ty);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Symbol.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
namespace Luau
std::string toString(const Symbol& name)
if (name.local)
return name.local->name.value;
return name.global.value;
} // namespace Luau
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Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/TopoSortStatements.h"
/* Decide the order in which we typecheck Lua statements in a block.
* Algorithm:
* 1. Build up a dependency graph.
* i. An AstStat is said to depend on another AstStat if it refers to it in any child node.
* A dependency is the relationship between the declaration of a symbol and its uses.
* ii. Additionally, statements that do not define functions have a dependency on the previous non-function statement. We do this
* to prevent the algorithm from checking imperative statements out-of-order.
* 2. Walk each node in the graph in lexical order. For each node:
* i. Select the next thing `t`
* ii. If `t` has no dependencies at all and is not a function definition, check it now
* iii. If `t` is a function definition or an expression that does not include a function call, add it to a queue `Q`.
* iv. Else, toposort `Q` and check things until it is possible to check `t`
* * If this fails, we expect the Lua runtime to also fail, as the code is trying to use a symbol before it has been defined.
* 3. Toposort whatever remains in `Q` and check it all.
* The end result that we want satisfies a few qualities:
* 1. Things are generally checked in lexical order.
* 2. If a function F calls another function G that is declared out-of-order, but in a way that will work when the code is actually run, we want
* to check G before F.
* 3. Cyclic dependencies can be resolved by picking an arbitrary statement to check first.
#include "Luau/Parser.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <optional>
namespace Luau
// For some reason, natvis interacts really poorly with anonymous data types
namespace detail
struct Identifier
std::string name; // A nice textual name
const AstLocal* ctx; // Only used to disambiguate potentially shadowed names
bool operator==(const Identifier& lhs, const Identifier& rhs)
return lhs.name == rhs.name && lhs.ctx == rhs.ctx;
struct IdentifierHash
size_t operator()(const Identifier& ident) const
return std::hash<std::string>()(ident.name) ^ std::hash<const void*>()(ident.ctx);
struct Node;
struct Arcs
std::set<Node*> provides;
std::set<Node*> depends;
struct Node : Arcs
std::optional<Identifier> name;
AstStat* element;
Node(const std::optional<Identifier>& name, AstStat* el)
: name(name)
, element(el)
using NodeQueue = std::deque<std::unique_ptr<Node>>;
using NodeList = std::list<std::unique_ptr<Node>>;
std::optional<Identifier> mkName(const AstExpr& expr);
Identifier mkName(const AstLocal& local)
return {local.name.value, &local};
Identifier mkName(const AstExprLocal& local)
return mkName(*local.local);
Identifier mkName(const AstExprGlobal& global)
return {global.name.value, nullptr};
Identifier mkName(const AstName& name)
return {name.value, nullptr};
std::optional<Identifier> mkName(const AstExprIndexName& expr)
auto lhs = mkName(*expr.expr);
if (lhs)
std::string s = std::move(lhs->name);
s += ".";
s += expr.index.value;
return Identifier{std::move(s), lhs->ctx};
return std::nullopt;
Identifier mkName(const AstExprError& expr)
return {format("error#%d", expr.messageIndex), nullptr};
std::optional<Identifier> mkName(const AstExpr& expr)
if (auto l = expr.as<AstExprLocal>())
return mkName(*l);
else if (auto g = expr.as<AstExprGlobal>())
return mkName(*g);
else if (auto i = expr.as<AstExprIndexName>())
return mkName(*i);
else if (auto e = expr.as<AstExprError>())
return mkName(*e);
return std::nullopt;
Identifier mkName(const AstStatFunction& function)
auto name = mkName(*function.name);
if (!name)
throw std::runtime_error("Internal error: Function declaration has a bad name");
return *name;
Identifier mkName(const AstStatLocalFunction& function)
return mkName(*function.name);
std::optional<Identifier> mkName(const AstStatAssign& assign)
if (assign.vars.size != 1)
return std::nullopt;
return mkName(*assign.vars.data[0]);
std::optional<Identifier> mkName(const AstStatLocal& local)
if (local.vars.size != 1)
return std::nullopt;
return mkName(*local.vars.data[0]);
Identifier mkName(const AstStatTypeAlias& typealias)
return mkName(typealias.name);
std::optional<Identifier> mkName(AstStat* const el)
if (auto function = el->as<AstStatFunction>())
return mkName(*function);
else if (auto function = el->as<AstStatLocalFunction>())
return mkName(*function);
else if (auto assign = el->as<AstStatAssign>())
return mkName(*assign);
else if (auto local = el->as<AstStatLocal>())
return mkName(*local);
else if (auto typealias = el->as<AstStatTypeAlias>())
return mkName(*typealias);
return std::nullopt;
struct ArcCollector : public AstVisitor
NodeQueue& queue;
DenseHashMap<Identifier, Node*, IdentifierHash> map;
Node* currentArc;
ArcCollector(NodeQueue& queue)
: queue(queue)
, map(Identifier{std::string{}, 0})
, currentArc(nullptr)
for (const auto& node : queue)
if (node->name && !map.contains(*node->name))
map[*node->name] = node.get();
void add(const Identifier& name)
Node** it = map.find(name);
if (it == nullptr)
Node* n = *it;
if (n == currentArc)
bool visit(AstExprGlobal* node) override
return true;
bool visit(AstExprLocal* node) override
return true;
bool visit(AstExprIndexName* node) override
auto name = mkName(*node);
if (name)
return true;
bool visit(AstStatFunction* node) override
auto name = mkName(*node->name);
if (!name)
throw std::runtime_error("Internal error: AstStatFunction has a bad name");
return true;
bool visit(AstStatLocalFunction* node) override
return true;
bool visit(AstStatAssign* node) override
return true;
bool visit(AstStatTypeAlias* node) override
return true;
bool visit(AstType* node) override
return true;
bool visit(AstTypeReference* node) override
return true;
bool visit(AstTypeTypeof* node) override
std::optional<Identifier> name = mkName(*node->expr);
if (name)
return true;
struct ContainsFunctionCall : public AstVisitor
bool result = false;
bool visit(AstExpr*) override
return !result; // short circuit if result is true
bool visit(AstExprCall*) override
result = true;
return false;
bool visit(AstStatForIn*) override
// for in loops perform an implicit function call as part of the iterator protocol
result = true;
return false;
bool visit(AstExprFunction*) override
return false;
bool visit(AstStatFunction*) override
return false;
bool visit(AstStatLocalFunction*) override
return false;
bool visit(AstType* ta) override
return true;
bool isToposortableNode(const AstStat& stat)
return isFunction(stat) || stat.is<AstStatTypeAlias>();
bool containsToposortableNode(const std::vector<AstStat*>& block)
for (AstStat* stat : block)
if (isToposortableNode(*stat))
return true;
return false;
bool isBlockTerminator(const AstStat& stat)
return stat.is<AstStatReturn>() || stat.is<AstStatBreak>() || stat.is<AstStatContinue>();
// Clip arcs to and from the node
void prune(Node* next)
for (const auto& node : next->provides)
auto it = node->depends.find(next);
LUAU_ASSERT(it != node->depends.end());
for (const auto& node : next->depends)
auto it = node->provides.find(next);
LUAU_ASSERT(it != node->provides.end());
// Drain Q until the target's depends arcs are satisfied. target is always added to the result.
void drain(NodeList& Q, std::vector<AstStat*>& result, Node* target)
// Trying to toposort a subgraph is a pretty big hassle. :(
// Some of the nodes in .depends and .provides aren't present in our subgraph
std::map<Node*, Arcs> allArcs;
for (auto& node : Q)
// Copy the connectivity information but filter out any provides or depends arcs that are not in Q
Arcs& arcs = allArcs[node.get()];
DenseHashSet<Node*> elements{nullptr};
for (const auto& q : Q)
for (Node* node : node->depends)
if (elements.contains(node))
for (Node* node : node->provides)
if (elements.contains(node))
while (!Q.empty())
if (target && target->depends.empty())
std::unique_ptr<Node> nextNode;
for (auto iter = Q.begin(); iter != Q.end(); ++iter)
if (isBlockTerminator(*iter->get()->element))
LUAU_ASSERT(allArcs.end() != allArcs.find(iter->get()));
const Arcs& arcs = allArcs[iter->get()];
if (arcs.depends.empty())
nextNode = std::move(*iter);
if (!nextNode)
// We've hit a cycle or a terminator. Pick an arbitrary node.
nextNode = std::move(Q.front());
for (const auto& node : nextNode->provides)
auto it = allArcs.find(node);
if (allArcs.end() != it)
auto i2 = it->second.depends.find(nextNode.get());
LUAU_ASSERT(i2 != it->second.depends.end());
for (const auto& node : nextNode->depends)
auto it = allArcs.find(node);
if (allArcs.end() != it)
auto i2 = it->second.provides.find(nextNode.get());
LUAU_ASSERT(i2 != it->second.provides.end());
if (target)
} // namespace detail
bool containsFunctionCall(const AstStat& stat)
detail::ContainsFunctionCall cfc;
return cfc.result;
bool isFunction(const AstStat& stat)
return stat.is<AstStatFunction>() || stat.is<AstStatLocalFunction>();
void toposort(std::vector<AstStat*>& stats)
using namespace detail;
if (stats.empty())
if (!containsToposortableNode(stats))
std::vector<AstStat*> result;
NodeQueue nodes;
NodeList Q;
for (AstStat* stat : stats)
nodes.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Node>(new Node(mkName(stat), stat)));
ArcCollector collector{nodes};
for (const auto& node : nodes)
collector.currentArc = node.get();
auto it = nodes.begin();
auto prev = it;
while (it != nodes.end())
if (it != prev && !isToposortableNode(*(*it)->element))
prev = it;
while (!nodes.empty())
Node* next = nodes.front().get();
if (next->depends.empty() && !isBlockTerminator(*next->element))
else if (!containsFunctionCall(*next->element))
drain(Q, result, next);
drain(Q, result, nullptr);
std::swap(stats, result);
} // namespace Luau
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Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/TxnLog.h"
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace Luau
void TxnLog::operator()(TypeId a)
typeVarChanges.emplace_back(a, *a);
void TxnLog::operator()(TypePackId a)
typePackChanges.emplace_back(a, *a);
void TxnLog::operator()(TableTypeVar* a)
tableChanges.emplace_back(a, a->boundTo);
void TxnLog::rollback()
for (auto it = typeVarChanges.rbegin(); it != typeVarChanges.rend(); ++it)
std::swap(*asMutable(it->first), it->second);
for (auto it = typePackChanges.rbegin(); it != typePackChanges.rend(); ++it)
std::swap(*asMutable(it->first), it->second);
for (auto it = tableChanges.rbegin(); it != tableChanges.rend(); ++it)
std::swap(it->first->boundTo, it->second);
void TxnLog::concat(TxnLog rhs)
typeVarChanges.insert(typeVarChanges.end(), rhs.typeVarChanges.begin(), rhs.typeVarChanges.end());
typePackChanges.insert(typePackChanges.end(), rhs.typePackChanges.begin(), rhs.typePackChanges.end());
tableChanges.insert(tableChanges.end(), rhs.tableChanges.begin(), rhs.tableChanges.end());
bool TxnLog::haveSeen(TypeId lhs, TypeId rhs)
const std::pair<TypeId, TypeId> sortedPair = (lhs > rhs) ? std::make_pair(lhs, rhs) : std::make_pair(rhs, lhs);
return (seen.end() != std::find(seen.begin(), seen.end(), sortedPair));
void TxnLog::pushSeen(TypeId lhs, TypeId rhs)
const std::pair<TypeId, TypeId> sortedPair = (lhs > rhs) ? std::make_pair(lhs, rhs) : std::make_pair(rhs, lhs);
void TxnLog::popSeen(TypeId lhs, TypeId rhs)
const std::pair<TypeId, TypeId> sortedPair = (lhs > rhs) ? std::make_pair(lhs, rhs) : std::make_pair(rhs, lhs);
LUAU_ASSERT(sortedPair == seen.back());
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/TypeAttach.h"
#include "Luau/Error.h"
#include "Luau/Module.h"
#include "Luau/Parser.h"
#include "Luau/RecursionCounter.h"
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include "Luau/TypeVar.h"
#include <string>
static char* allocateString(Luau::Allocator& allocator, std::string_view contents)
char* result = (char*)allocator.allocate(contents.size() + 1);
memcpy(result, contents.data(), contents.size());
result[contents.size()] = '\0';
return result;
template<typename... Data>
static char* allocateString(Luau::Allocator& allocator, const char* format, Data... data)
int len = snprintf(nullptr, 0, format, data...);
char* result = (char*)allocator.allocate(len + 1);
snprintf(result, len + 1, format, data...);
return result;
namespace Luau
class TypeRehydrationVisitor
mutable std::map<void*, int> seen;
mutable int count = 0;
bool hasSeen(const void* tv) const
void* ttv = const_cast<void*>(tv);
auto it = seen.find(ttv);
if (it != seen.end() && it->second < count)
return true;
seen[ttv] = count;
return false;
TypeRehydrationVisitor(Allocator* alloc, const TypeRehydrationOptions& options = TypeRehydrationOptions())
: allocator(alloc)
, options(options)
AstType* operator()(const PrimitiveTypeVar& ptv) const
switch (ptv.type)
case PrimitiveTypeVar::NilType:
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName("nil"));
case PrimitiveTypeVar::Boolean:
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName("boolean"));
case PrimitiveTypeVar::Number:
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName("number"));
case PrimitiveTypeVar::String:
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName("string"));
case PrimitiveTypeVar::Thread:
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName("thread"));
return nullptr;
AstType* operator()(const AnyTypeVar&) const
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName("any"));
AstType* operator()(const TableTypeVar& ttv) const
RecursionCounter counter(&count);
if (ttv.name && options.bannedNames.find(*ttv.name) == options.bannedNames.end())
AstArray<AstType*> generics;
generics.size = ttv.instantiatedTypeParams.size();
generics.data = static_cast<AstType**>(allocator->allocate(sizeof(AstType*) * generics.size));
for (size_t i = 0; i < ttv.instantiatedTypeParams.size(); ++i)
generics.data[i] = Luau::visit(*this, ttv.instantiatedTypeParams[i]->ty);
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName(ttv.name->c_str()), generics);
if (hasSeen(&ttv))
if (ttv.name)
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName(ttv.name->c_str()));
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName("<Cycle>"));
AstArray<AstTableProp> props;
props.size = ttv.props.size();
props.data = static_cast<AstTableProp*>(allocator->allocate(sizeof(AstTableProp) * props.size));
int idx = 0;
for (const auto& [propName, prop] : ttv.props)
RecursionCounter counter(&count);
char* name = allocateString(*allocator, propName);
props.data[idx].name = AstName(name);
props.data[idx].type = Luau::visit(*this, prop.type->ty);
props.data[idx].location = Location();
AstTableIndexer* indexer = nullptr;
if (ttv.indexer)
RecursionCounter counter(&count);
indexer = allocator->alloc<AstTableIndexer>();
indexer->indexType = Luau::visit(*this, ttv.indexer->indexType->ty);
indexer->resultType = Luau::visit(*this, ttv.indexer->indexResultType->ty);
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeTable>(Location(), props, indexer);
AstType* operator()(const MetatableTypeVar& mtv) const
return Luau::visit(*this, mtv.table->ty);
AstType* operator()(const ClassTypeVar& ctv) const
RecursionCounter counter(&count);
char* name = allocateString(*allocator, ctv.name);
if (!options.expandClassProps || hasSeen(&ctv) || count > 1)
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName{name});
AstArray<AstTableProp> props;
props.size = ctv.props.size();
props.data = static_cast<AstTableProp*>(allocator->allocate(sizeof(AstTableProp) * props.size));
int idx = 0;
for (const auto& [propName, prop] : ctv.props)
char* name = allocateString(*allocator, propName);
props.data[idx].name = AstName{name};
props.data[idx].type = Luau::visit(*this, prop.type->ty);
props.data[idx].location = Location();
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeTable>(Location(), props);
AstType* operator()(const FunctionTypeVar& ftv) const
RecursionCounter counter(&count);
if (hasSeen(&ftv))
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName("<Cycle>"));
AstArray<AstName> generics;
if (FFlag::LuauGenericFunctions)
generics.size = ftv.generics.size();
generics.data = static_cast<AstName*>(allocator->allocate(sizeof(AstName) * generics.size));
size_t i = 0;
for (auto it = ftv.generics.begin(); it != ftv.generics.end(); ++it)
if (auto gtv = get<GenericTypeVar>(*it))
generics.data[i++] = AstName(gtv->name.c_str());
generics.size = 0;
generics.data = nullptr;
AstArray<AstName> genericPacks;
if (FFlag::LuauGenericFunctions)
genericPacks.size = ftv.genericPacks.size();
genericPacks.data = static_cast<AstName*>(allocator->allocate(sizeof(AstName) * genericPacks.size));
size_t i = 0;
for (auto it = ftv.genericPacks.begin(); it != ftv.genericPacks.end(); ++it)
if (auto gtv = get<GenericTypeVar>(*it))
genericPacks.data[i++] = AstName(gtv->name.c_str());
generics.size = 0;
generics.data = nullptr;
AstArray<AstType*> argTypes;
const auto& [argVector, argTail] = flatten(ftv.argTypes);
argTypes.size = argVector.size();
argTypes.data = static_cast<AstType**>(allocator->allocate(sizeof(AstType*) * argTypes.size));
for (size_t i = 0; i < argTypes.size; ++i)
RecursionCounter counter(&count);
argTypes.data[i] = Luau::visit(*this, (argVector[i])->ty);
AstTypePack* argTailAnnotation = nullptr;
if (argTail)
TypePackId tail = *argTail;
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(tail))
argTailAnnotation = allocator->alloc<AstTypePackVariadic>(Location(), Luau::visit(*this, vtp->ty->ty));
AstArray<std::optional<AstArgumentName>> argNames;
argNames.size = ftv.argNames.size();
argNames.data = static_cast<std::optional<AstArgumentName>*>(allocator->allocate(sizeof(std::optional<AstArgumentName>) * argNames.size));
size_t i = 0;
for (const auto& el : ftv.argNames)
if (el)
argNames.data[i++] = {AstName(el->name.c_str()), el->location};
argNames.data[i++] = {};
AstArray<AstType*> returnTypes;
const auto& [retVector, retTail] = flatten(ftv.retType);
returnTypes.size = retVector.size();
returnTypes.data = static_cast<AstType**>(allocator->allocate(sizeof(AstType*) * returnTypes.size));
for (size_t i = 0; i < returnTypes.size; ++i)
RecursionCounter counter(&count);
returnTypes.data[i] = Luau::visit(*this, (retVector[i])->ty);
AstTypePack* retTailAnnotation = nullptr;
if (retTail)
TypePackId tail = *retTail;
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(tail))
retTailAnnotation = allocator->alloc<AstTypePackVariadic>(Location(), Luau::visit(*this, vtp->ty->ty));
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeFunction>(
Location(), generics, genericPacks, AstTypeList{argTypes, argTailAnnotation}, argNames, AstTypeList{returnTypes, retTailAnnotation});
AstType* operator()(const Unifiable::Error&) const
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName("Unifiable<Error>"));
AstType* operator()(const GenericTypeVar& gtv) const
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName(gtv.name.c_str()));
AstType* operator()(const Unifiable::Bound<TypeId>& bound) const
return Luau::visit(*this, bound.boundTo->ty);
AstType* operator()(Unifiable::Free ftv) const
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName("free"));
AstType* operator()(const UnionTypeVar& uv) const
AstArray<AstType*> unionTypes;
unionTypes.size = uv.options.size();
unionTypes.data = static_cast<AstType**>(allocator->allocate(sizeof(AstType*) * unionTypes.size));
for (size_t i = 0; i < unionTypes.size; ++i)
unionTypes.data[i] = Luau::visit(*this, uv.options[i]->ty);
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeUnion>(Location(), unionTypes);
AstType* operator()(const IntersectionTypeVar& uv) const
AstArray<AstType*> intersectionTypes;
intersectionTypes.size = uv.parts.size();
intersectionTypes.data = static_cast<AstType**>(allocator->allocate(sizeof(AstType*) * intersectionTypes.size));
for (size_t i = 0; i < intersectionTypes.size; ++i)
intersectionTypes.data[i] = Luau::visit(*this, uv.parts[i]->ty);
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeIntersection>(Location(), intersectionTypes);
AstType* operator()(const LazyTypeVar& ltv) const
return allocator->alloc<AstTypeReference>(Location(), std::nullopt, AstName("<Lazy?>"));
Allocator* allocator;
const TypeRehydrationOptions& options;
class TypeAttacher : public AstVisitor
TypeAttacher(Module& checker, Luau::Allocator* alloc)
: module(checker)
, allocator(alloc)
ScopePtr getScope(const Location& loc)
Location scopeLocation;
ScopePtr scope = nullptr;
for (const auto& s : module.scopes)
if (s.first.encloses(loc))
if (!scope || scopeLocation.encloses(s.first))
scopeLocation = s.first;
scope = s.second;
return scope;
AstType* typeAst(std::optional<TypeId> type)
if (!type)
return nullptr;
return Luau::visit(TypeRehydrationVisitor(allocator), (*type)->ty);
AstArray<Luau::AstType*> typeAstPack(TypePackId type)
const auto& [v, tail] = flatten(type);
AstArray<AstType*> result;
result.size = v.size();
result.data = static_cast<AstType**>(allocator->allocate(sizeof(AstType*) * v.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
result.data[i] = Luau::visit(TypeRehydrationVisitor(allocator), v[i]->ty);
return result;
virtual bool visit(AstStatLocal* al) override
for (size_t i = 0; i < al->vars.size; ++i)
return true;
virtual bool visitLocal(AstLocal* local)
AstType* annotation = local->annotation;
if (!annotation)
if (auto result = getScope(local->location)->lookup(local))
local->annotation = typeAst(*result);
return true;
virtual bool visit(AstExprLocal* al) override
return visitLocal(al->local);
virtual bool visit(AstExprFunction* fn) override
// TODO: add generics if the inferred type of the function is generic CLI-39908
for (size_t i = 0; i < fn->args.size; ++i)
AstLocal* arg = fn->args.data[i];
if (!fn->hasReturnAnnotation)
if (auto result = getScope(fn->body->location))
TypePackId ret = result->returnType;
fn->hasReturnAnnotation = true;
AstTypePack* variadicAnnotation = nullptr;
const auto& [v, tail] = flatten(ret);
if (tail)
TypePackId tailPack = *tail;
if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(tailPack))
variadicAnnotation = allocator->alloc<AstTypePackVariadic>(Location(), typeAst(vtp->ty));
fn->returnAnnotation = AstTypeList{typeAstPack(ret), variadicAnnotation};
return true;
Module& module;
Allocator* allocator;
void attachTypeData(SourceModule& source, Module& result)
TypeAttacher ta(result, source.allocator.get());
AstType* rehydrateAnnotation(TypeId type, Allocator* allocator, const TypeRehydrationOptions& options)
return Luau::visit(TypeRehydrationVisitor(allocator, options), type->ty);
} // namespace Luau
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
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@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/TypePack.h"
#include <stdexcept>
namespace Luau
TypePackVar::TypePackVar(const TypePackVariant& tp)
: ty(tp)
TypePackVar::TypePackVar(TypePackVariant&& tp)
: ty(std::move(tp))
TypePackVar::TypePackVar(TypePackVariant&& tp, bool persistent)
: ty(std::move(tp))
, persistent(persistent)
bool TypePackVar::operator==(const TypePackVar& rhs) const
SeenSet seen;
return areEqual(seen, *this, rhs);
TypePackVar& TypePackVar::operator=(TypePackVariant&& tp)
ty = std::move(tp);
return *this;
TypePackIterator::TypePackIterator(TypePackId typePack)
: currentTypePack(follow(typePack))
, tp(get<TypePack>(currentTypePack))
, currentIndex(0)
while (tp && tp->head.empty())
currentTypePack = tp->tail ? follow(*tp->tail) : nullptr;
tp = currentTypePack ? get<TypePack>(currentTypePack) : nullptr;
TypePackIterator& TypePackIterator::operator++()
while (tp && currentIndex >= tp->head.size())
currentTypePack = tp->tail ? follow(*tp->tail) : nullptr;
tp = currentTypePack ? get<TypePack>(currentTypePack) : nullptr;
currentIndex = 0;
return *this;
TypePackIterator TypePackIterator::operator++(int)
TypePackIterator copy = *this;
return copy;
bool TypePackIterator::operator!=(const TypePackIterator& rhs)
return !(*this == rhs);
bool TypePackIterator::operator==(const TypePackIterator& rhs)
return tp == rhs.tp && currentIndex == rhs.currentIndex;
const TypeId& TypePackIterator::operator*()
return tp->head[currentIndex];
std::optional<TypePackId> TypePackIterator::tail()
return currentTypePack ? std::optional<TypePackId>{currentTypePack} : std::nullopt;
TypePackIterator begin(TypePackId tp)
return TypePackIterator{tp};
TypePackIterator end(TypePackId tp)
return FFlag::LuauAddMissingFollow ? TypePackIterator{} : TypePackIterator{nullptr};
bool areEqual(SeenSet& seen, const TypePackVar& lhs, const TypePackVar& rhs)
TypePackId lhsId = const_cast<TypePackId>(&lhs);
TypePackId rhsId = const_cast<TypePackId>(&rhs);
TypePackIterator lhsIter = begin(lhsId);
TypePackIterator rhsIter = begin(rhsId);
TypePackIterator lhsEnd = end(lhsId);
TypePackIterator rhsEnd = end(rhsId);
while (lhsIter != lhsEnd && rhsIter != rhsEnd)
if (!areEqual(seen, **lhsIter, **rhsIter))
return false;
if (lhsIter != lhsEnd || rhsIter != rhsEnd)
return false;
if (!lhsIter.tail() && !rhsIter.tail())
return true;
if (!lhsIter.tail() || !rhsIter.tail())
return false;
TypePackId lhsTail = *lhsIter.tail();
TypePackId rhsTail = *rhsIter.tail();
const Unifiable::Free* lf = get_if<Unifiable::Free>(&lhsTail->ty);
const Unifiable::Free* rf = get_if<Unifiable::Free>(&rhsTail->ty);
if (lf && rf)
return lf->index == rf->index;
const Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>* lb = get_if<Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>>(&lhsTail->ty);
const Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>* rb = get_if<Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>>(&rhsTail->ty);
if (lb && rb)
return areEqual(seen, *lb->boundTo, *rb->boundTo);
const Unifiable::Generic* lg = get_if<Unifiable::Generic>(&lhsTail->ty);
const Unifiable::Generic* rg = get_if<Unifiable::Generic>(&rhsTail->ty);
if (lg && rg)
return lg->index == rg->index;
const VariadicTypePack* lv = get_if<VariadicTypePack>(&lhsTail->ty);
const VariadicTypePack* rv = get_if<VariadicTypePack>(&rhsTail->ty);
if (lv && rv)
return areEqual(seen, *lv->ty, *rv->ty);
return false;
TypePackId follow(TypePackId tp)
auto advance = [](TypePackId ty) -> std::optional<TypePackId> {
if (const Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>* btv = get<Unifiable::Bound<TypePackId>>(ty))
return btv->boundTo;
return std::nullopt;
TypePackId cycleTester = tp; // Null once we've determined that there is no cycle
if (auto a = advance(cycleTester))
cycleTester = *a;
return tp;
while (true)
auto a1 = advance(tp);
if (a1)
tp = *a1;
return tp;
if (nullptr != cycleTester)
auto a2 = advance(cycleTester);
if (a2)
auto a3 = advance(*a2);
if (a3)
cycleTester = *a3;
cycleTester = nullptr;
cycleTester = nullptr;
if (tp == cycleTester)
throw std::runtime_error("Luau::follow detected a TypeVar cycle!!");
size_t size(TypePackId tp)
if (auto pack = get<TypePack>(FFlag::LuauAddMissingFollow ? follow(tp) : tp))
return size(*pack);
return 0;
size_t size(const TypePack& tp)
size_t result = tp.head.size();
if (tp.tail)
const TypePack* tail = get<TypePack>(FFlag::LuauAddMissingFollow ? follow(*tp.tail) : *tp.tail);
if (tail)
result += size(*tail);
return result;
std::optional<TypeId> first(TypePackId tp)
auto it = begin(tp);
auto endIter = end(tp);
if (it != endIter)
return *it;
if (auto tail = it.tail())
if (auto vtp = get<VariadicTypePack>(*tail))
return vtp->ty;
return std::nullopt;
bool isEmpty(TypePackId tp)
tp = follow(tp);
if (auto tpp = get<TypePack>(tp))
return tpp->head.empty() && (!tpp->tail || isEmpty(*tpp->tail));
return false;
std::pair<std::vector<TypeId>, std::optional<TypePackId>> flatten(TypePackId tp)
std::vector<TypeId> res;
auto iter = begin(tp);
auto endIter = end(tp);
while (iter != endIter)
return {res, iter.tail()};
TypePackVar* asMutable(TypePackId tp)
return const_cast<TypePackVar*>(tp);
TypePack* asMutable(const TypePack* tp)
return const_cast<TypePack*>(tp);
} // namespace Luau
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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/TypeUtils.h"
#include "Luau/ToString.h"
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
namespace Luau
std::optional<TypeId> findMetatableEntry(ErrorVec& errors, const ScopePtr& globalScope, TypeId type, std::string entry, Location location)
type = follow(type);
if (!FFlag::LuauStringMetatable)
if (const PrimitiveTypeVar* primType = get<PrimitiveTypeVar>(type))
if (primType->type != PrimitiveTypeVar::String || "__index" != entry)
return std::nullopt;
auto it = globalScope->bindings.find(AstName{"string"});
if (it != globalScope->bindings.end())
return it->second.typeId;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<TypeId> metatable = getMetatable(type);
if (!metatable)
return std::nullopt;
TypeId unwrapped = follow(*metatable);
if (get<AnyTypeVar>(unwrapped))
return singletonTypes.anyType;
const TableTypeVar* mtt = getTableType(unwrapped);
if (!mtt)
errors.push_back(TypeError{location, GenericError{"Metatable was not a table."}});
return std::nullopt;
auto it = mtt->props.find(entry);
if (it != mtt->props.end())
return it->second.type;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<TypeId> findTablePropertyRespectingMeta(ErrorVec& errors, const ScopePtr& globalScope, TypeId ty, Name name, Location location)
if (get<AnyTypeVar>(ty))
return ty;
if (const TableTypeVar* tableType = getTableType(ty))
const auto& it = tableType->props.find(name);
if (it != tableType->props.end())
return it->second.type;
std::optional<TypeId> mtIndex = findMetatableEntry(errors, globalScope, ty, "__index", location);
while (mtIndex)
TypeId index = follow(*mtIndex);
if (const auto& itt = getTableType(index))
const auto& fit = itt->props.find(name);
if (fit != itt->props.end())
return fit->second.type;
else if (const auto& itf = get<FunctionTypeVar>(index))
std::optional<TypeId> r = first(follow(itf->retType));
if (!r)
return singletonTypes.nilType;
return *r;
else if (get<AnyTypeVar>(index))
return singletonTypes.anyType;
errors.push_back(TypeError{location, GenericError{"__index should either be a function or table. Got " + toString(index)}});
mtIndex = findMetatableEntry(errors, globalScope, *mtIndex, "__index", location);
return std::nullopt;
} // namespace Luau
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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/TypedAllocator.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
const size_t kPageSize = 4096;
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
const size_t kPageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace Luau
static void* systemAllocateAligned(size_t size, size_t align)
#ifdef _WIN32
return _aligned_malloc(size, align);
#elif defined(__ANDROID__) // for Android 4.1
return memalign(align, size);
void* ptr;
return posix_memalign(&ptr, align, size) == 0 ? ptr : 0;
static void systemDeallocateAligned(void* ptr)
#ifdef _WIN32
static size_t pageAlign(size_t size)
return (size + kPageSize - 1) & ~(kPageSize - 1);
void* pagedAllocate(size_t size)
if (FFlag::DebugLuauFreezeArena)
return systemAllocateAligned(pageAlign(size), kPageSize);
return ::operator new(size, std::nothrow);
void pagedDeallocate(void* ptr)
if (FFlag::DebugLuauFreezeArena)
::operator delete(ptr);
void pagedFreeze(void* ptr, size_t size)
LUAU_ASSERT(uintptr_t(ptr) % kPageSize == 0);
#ifdef _WIN32
DWORD oldProtect;
BOOL rc = VirtualProtect(ptr, pageAlign(size), PAGE_READONLY, &oldProtect);
int rc = mprotect(ptr, pageAlign(size), PROT_READ);
LUAU_ASSERT(rc == 0);
void pagedUnfreeze(void* ptr, size_t size)
LUAU_ASSERT(uintptr_t(ptr) % kPageSize == 0);
#ifdef _WIN32
DWORD oldProtect;
BOOL rc = VirtualProtect(ptr, pageAlign(size), PAGE_READWRITE, &oldProtect);
int rc = mprotect(ptr, pageAlign(size), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
LUAU_ASSERT(rc == 0);
} // namespace Luau
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Unifiable.h"
namespace Luau
namespace Unifiable
Free::Free(TypeLevel level)
: index(++nextIndex)
, level(level)
Free::Free(TypeLevel level, bool DEPRECATED_canBeGeneric)
: index(++nextIndex)
, level(level)
, DEPRECATED_canBeGeneric(DEPRECATED_canBeGeneric)
int Free::nextIndex = 0;
: index(++nextIndex)
, name("g" + std::to_string(index))
, explicitName(false)
Generic::Generic(TypeLevel level)
: index(++nextIndex)
, level(level)
, name("g" + std::to_string(index))
, explicitName(false)
Generic::Generic(const Name& name)
: index(++nextIndex)
, name(name)
, explicitName(true)
Generic::Generic(TypeLevel level, const Name& name)
: index(++nextIndex)
, level(level)
, name(name)
, explicitName(true)
int Generic::nextIndex = 0;
: index(++nextIndex)
int Error::nextIndex = 0;
} // namespace Unifiable
} // namespace Luau
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
// Compiler codegen control macros
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define LUAU_NORETURN __declspec(noreturn)
#define LUAU_NOINLINE __declspec(noinline)
#define LUAU_FORCEINLINE __forceinline
#define LUAU_LIKELY(x) x
#define LUAU_UNLIKELY(x) x
#define LUAU_UNREACHABLE() __assume(false)
#define LUAU_DEBUGBREAK() __debugbreak()
#define LUAU_NORETURN __attribute__((__noreturn__))
#define LUAU_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
#define LUAU_FORCEINLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
#define LUAU_LIKELY(x) __builtin_expect(x, 1)
#define LUAU_UNLIKELY(x) __builtin_expect(x, 0)
#define LUAU_UNREACHABLE() __builtin_unreachable()
#define LUAU_DEBUGBREAK() __builtin_trap()
namespace Luau
using AssertHandler = int (*)(const char* expression, const char* file, int line);
inline AssertHandler& assertHandler()
static AssertHandler handler = nullptr;
return handler;
inline int assertCallHandler(const char* expression, const char* file, int line)
if (AssertHandler handler = assertHandler())
return handler(expression, file, line);
return 1;
} // namespace Luau
#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LUAU_ENABLE_ASSERT)
#define LUAU_ASSERT(expr) ((void)(!!(expr) || (Luau::assertCallHandler(#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__) && (LUAU_DEBUGBREAK(), 0))))
#define LUAU_ASSERT(expr) (void)sizeof(!!(expr))
namespace Luau
template<typename T>
struct FValue
static FValue* list;
T value;
bool dynamic;
const char* name;
FValue* next;
FValue(const char* name, T def, bool dynamic, void (*reg)(const char*, T*, bool) = nullptr)
: value(def)
, dynamic(dynamic)
, name(name)
, next(list)
list = this;
if (reg)
reg(name, &value, dynamic);
operator T() const
return value;
template<typename T>
FValue<T>* FValue<T>::list = nullptr;
} // namespace Luau
#define LUAU_FASTFLAG(flag) \
namespace FFlag \
{ \
extern Luau::FValue<bool> flag; \
#define LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(flag, def) \
namespace FFlag \
{ \
Luau::FValue<bool> flag(#flag, def, false, nullptr); \
#define LUAU_FASTINT(flag) \
namespace FInt \
{ \
extern Luau::FValue<int> flag; \
#define LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(flag, def) \
namespace FInt \
{ \
Luau::FValue<int> flag(#flag, def, false, nullptr); \
namespace DFFlag \
{ \
extern Luau::FValue<bool> flag; \
namespace DFFlag \
{ \
Luau::FValue<bool> flag(#flag, def, true, nullptr); \
#define LUAU_DYNAMIC_FASTINT(flag) \
namespace DFInt \
{ \
extern Luau::FValue<int> flag; \
namespace DFInt \
{ \
Luau::FValue<int> flag(#flag, def, true, nullptr); \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
namespace Luau
const char* findConfusable(uint32_t codepoint);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace Luau
// Internal implementation of DenseHashSet and DenseHashMap
namespace detail
struct DenseHashPointer
size_t operator()(const void* key) const
return (uintptr_t(key) >> 4) ^ (uintptr_t(key) >> 9);
template<typename T>
using DenseHashDefault = std::conditional_t<std::is_pointer_v<T>, DenseHashPointer, std::hash<T>>;
template<typename Key, typename Item, typename MutableItem, typename ItemInterface, typename Hash, typename Eq>
class DenseHashTable
class const_iterator;
DenseHashTable(const Key& empty_key, size_t buckets = 0)
: count(0)
, empty_key(empty_key)
// buckets has to be power-of-two or zero
LUAU_ASSERT((buckets & (buckets - 1)) == 0);
// don't move this to initializer list! this works around an MSVC codegen issue on AMD CPUs:
// https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/stdvector-constructor-from-size-t-is-25-times-slow/1546547
if (buckets)
data.resize(buckets, ItemInterface::create(empty_key));
void clear()
count = 0;
Item* insert_unsafe(const Key& key)
// It is invalid to insert empty_key into the table since it acts as a "entry does not exist" marker
LUAU_ASSERT(!eq(key, empty_key));
size_t hashmod = data.size() - 1;
size_t bucket = hasher(key) & hashmod;
for (size_t probe = 0; probe <= hashmod; ++probe)
Item& probe_item = data[bucket];
// Element does not exist, insert here
if (eq(ItemInterface::getKey(probe_item), empty_key))
ItemInterface::setKey(probe_item, key);
return &probe_item;
// Element already exists
if (eq(ItemInterface::getKey(probe_item), key))
return &probe_item;
// Hash collision, quadratic probing
bucket = (bucket + probe + 1) & hashmod;
// Hash table is full - this should not happen
return NULL;
const Item* find(const Key& key) const
if (data.empty())
return 0;
if (eq(key, empty_key))
return 0;
size_t hashmod = data.size() - 1;
size_t bucket = hasher(key) & hashmod;
for (size_t probe = 0; probe <= hashmod; ++probe)
const Item& probe_item = data[bucket];
// Element exists
if (eq(ItemInterface::getKey(probe_item), key))
return &probe_item;
// Element does not exist
if (eq(ItemInterface::getKey(probe_item), empty_key))
return NULL;
// Hash collision, quadratic probing
bucket = (bucket + probe + 1) & hashmod;
// Hash table is full - this should not happen
return NULL;
void rehash()
size_t newsize = data.empty() ? 16 : data.size() * 2;
if (data.empty() && data.capacity() >= newsize)
LUAU_ASSERT(count == 0);
data.resize(newsize, ItemInterface::create(empty_key));
DenseHashTable newtable(empty_key, newsize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
const Key& key = ItemInterface::getKey(data[i]);
if (!eq(key, empty_key))
*newtable.insert_unsafe(key) = data[i];
LUAU_ASSERT(count == newtable.count);
void rehash_if_full()
if (count >= data.size() * 3 / 4)
const_iterator begin() const
size_t start = 0;
while (start < data.size() && eq(ItemInterface::getKey(data[start]), empty_key))
return const_iterator(this, start);
const_iterator end() const
return const_iterator(this, data.size());
size_t size() const
return count;
class const_iterator
: set(0)
, index(0)
const_iterator(const DenseHashTable<Key, Item, MutableItem, ItemInterface, Hash, Eq>* set, size_t index)
: set(set)
, index(index)
const Item& operator*() const
return set->data[index];
const Item* operator->() const
return &set->data[index];
bool operator==(const const_iterator& other) const
return set == other.set && index == other.index;
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& other) const
return set != other.set || index != other.index;
const_iterator& operator++()
size_t size = set->data.size();
} while (index < size && set->eq(ItemInterface::getKey(set->data[index]), set->empty_key));
return *this;
const_iterator operator++(int)
const_iterator res = *this;
return res;
const DenseHashTable<Key, Item, MutableItem, ItemInterface, Hash, Eq>* set;
size_t index;
std::vector<Item> data;
size_t count;
Key empty_key;
Hash hasher;
Eq eq;
template<typename Key>
struct ItemInterfaceSet
static const Key& getKey(const Key& item)
return item;
static void setKey(Key& item, const Key& key)
item = key;
static Key create(const Key& key)
return key;
template<typename Key, typename Value>
struct ItemInterfaceMap
static const Key& getKey(const std::pair<Key, Value>& item)
return item.first;
static void setKey(std::pair<Key, Value>& item, const Key& key)
item.first = key;
static std::pair<Key, Value> create(const Key& key)
return std::pair<Key, Value>(key, Value());
} // namespace detail
// This is a faster alternative of unordered_set, but it does not implement the same interface (i.e. it does not support erasing)
template<typename Key, typename Hash = detail::DenseHashDefault<Key>, typename Eq = std::equal_to<Key>>
class DenseHashSet
typedef detail::DenseHashTable<Key, Key, Key, detail::ItemInterfaceSet<Key>, Hash, Eq> Impl;
Impl impl;
typedef typename Impl::const_iterator const_iterator;
DenseHashSet(const Key& empty_key, size_t buckets = 0)
: impl(empty_key, buckets)
void clear()
const Key& insert(const Key& key)
return *impl.insert_unsafe(key);
const Key* find(const Key& key) const
return impl.find(key);
bool contains(const Key& key) const
return impl.find(key) != 0;
size_t size() const
return impl.size();
bool empty() const
return impl.size() == 0;
const_iterator begin() const
return impl.begin();
const_iterator end() const
return impl.end();
// This is a faster alternative of unordered_map, but it does not implement the same interface (i.e. it does not support erasing and has
// contains() instead of find())
template<typename Key, typename Value, typename Hash = detail::DenseHashDefault<Key>, typename Eq = std::equal_to<Key>>
class DenseHashMap
typedef detail::DenseHashTable<Key, std::pair<Key, Value>, std::pair<const Key, Value>, detail::ItemInterfaceMap<Key, Value>, Hash, Eq> Impl;
Impl impl;
typedef typename Impl::const_iterator const_iterator;
DenseHashMap(const Key& empty_key, size_t buckets = 0)
: impl(empty_key, buckets)
void clear()
// Note: this reference is invalidated by any insert operation (i.e. operator[])
Value& operator[](const Key& key)
return impl.insert_unsafe(key)->second;
// Note: this pointer is invalidated by any insert operation (i.e. operator[])
const Value* find(const Key& key) const
const std::pair<Key, Value>* result = impl.find(key);
return result ? &result->second : NULL;
// Note: this pointer is invalidated by any insert operation (i.e. operator[])
Value* find(const Key& key)
const std::pair<Key, Value>* result = impl.find(key);
return result ? const_cast<Value*>(&result->second) : NULL;
bool contains(const Key& key) const
return impl.find(key) != 0;
size_t size() const
return impl.size();
bool empty() const
return impl.size() == 0;
const_iterator begin() const
return impl.begin();
const_iterator end() const
return impl.end();
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Ast.h"
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
namespace Luau
class Allocator
Allocator& operator=(Allocator&&) = delete;
void* allocate(size_t size);
template<typename T, typename... Args>
T* alloc(Args&&... args)
static_assert(std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value, "Objects allocated with this allocator will never have their destructors run!");
T* t = static_cast<T*>(allocate(sizeof(T)));
new (t) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return t;
struct Page
Page* next;
char data[8192];
Page* root;
size_t offset;
struct Lexeme
enum Type
Eof = 0,
// 1..255 means actual character values
Char_END = 256,
ReservedAnd = Reserved_BEGIN,
Type type;
Location location;
unsigned int length;
const char* data; // String, Number, Comment
const char* name; // Name
unsigned int codepoint; // BrokenUnicode
Lexeme(const Location& location, Type type);
Lexeme(const Location& location, char character);
Lexeme(const Location& location, Type type, const char* data, size_t size);
Lexeme(const Location& location, Type type, const char* name);
std::string toString() const;
class AstNameTable
AstNameTable(Allocator& allocator);
AstName addStatic(const char* name, Lexeme::Type type = Lexeme::Name);
std::pair<AstName, Lexeme::Type> getOrAddWithType(const char* name, size_t length);
std::pair<AstName, Lexeme::Type> getWithType(const char* name, size_t length) const;
AstName getOrAdd(const char* name);
AstName get(const char* name) const;
struct Entry
AstName value;
uint32_t length;
Lexeme::Type type;
bool operator==(const Entry& other) const;
struct EntryHash
size_t operator()(const Entry& e) const;
DenseHashSet<Entry, EntryHash> data;
Allocator& allocator;
class Lexer
Lexer(const char* buffer, std::size_t bufferSize, AstNameTable& names);
void setSkipComments(bool skip);
void setReadNames(bool read);
const Location& previousLocation() const
return prevLocation;
const Lexeme& next();
const Lexeme& next(bool skipComments);
void nextline();
Lexeme lookahead();
const Lexeme& current() const
return lexeme;
static bool isReserved(const std::string& word);
static bool fixupQuotedString(std::string& data);
static void fixupMultilineString(std::string& data);
char peekch() const;
char peekch(unsigned int lookahead) const;
Position position() const;
void consume();
Lexeme readCommentBody();
// Given a sequence [===[ or ]===], returns:
// 1. number of equal signs (or 0 if none present) between the brackets
// 2. -1 if this is not a long comment/string separator
// 3. -N if this is a malformed separator
// Does *not* consume the closing brace.
int skipLongSeparator();
Lexeme readLongString(const Position& start, int sep, Lexeme::Type ok, Lexeme::Type broken);
Lexeme readQuotedString();
std::pair<AstName, Lexeme::Type> readName();
Lexeme readNumber(const Position& start, unsigned int startOffset);
Lexeme readUtf8Error();
Lexeme readNext();
const char* buffer;
std::size_t bufferSize;
unsigned int offset;
unsigned int line;
unsigned int lineOffset;
Lexeme lexeme;
Location prevLocation;
AstNameTable& names;
bool skipComments;
bool readNames;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include <string>
namespace Luau
struct Position
unsigned int line, column;
Position(unsigned int line, unsigned int column)
: line(line)
, column(column)
bool operator==(const Position& rhs) const
return this->column == rhs.column && this->line == rhs.line;
bool operator!=(const Position& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
bool operator<(const Position& rhs) const
if (line == rhs.line)
return column < rhs.column;
return line < rhs.line;
bool operator>(const Position& rhs) const
if (line == rhs.line)
return column > rhs.column;
return line > rhs.line;
bool operator<=(const Position& rhs) const
return *this == rhs || *this < rhs;
bool operator>=(const Position& rhs) const
return *this == rhs || *this > rhs;
struct Location
Position begin, end;
: begin(0, 0)
, end(0, 0)
Location(const Position& begin, const Position& end)
: begin(begin)
, end(end)
Location(const Position& begin, unsigned int length)
: begin(begin)
, end(begin.line, begin.column + length)
Location(const Location& begin, const Location& end)
: begin(begin.begin)
, end(end.end)
bool operator==(const Location& rhs) const
return this->begin == rhs.begin && this->end == rhs.end;
bool operator!=(const Location& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
bool encloses(const Location& l) const
return begin <= l.begin && end >= l.end;
bool contains(const Position& p) const
return begin <= p && p < end;
bool containsClosed(const Position& p) const
return begin <= p && p <= end;
std::string toString(const Position& position);
std::string toString(const Location& location);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
namespace Luau
enum class Mode
NoCheck, // Do not perform any inference
Nonstrict, // Unannotated symbols are any
Strict, // Unannotated symbols are inferred
Definition, // Type definition module, has special parsing rules
struct ParseOptions
bool allowTypeAnnotations = true;
bool supportContinueStatement = true;
bool allowDeclarationSyntax = false;
bool captureComments = false;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Ast.h"
#include "Luau/Lexer.h"
#include "Luau/ParseOptions.h"
#include "Luau/StringUtils.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <initializer_list>
#include <optional>
namespace Luau
class ParseError : public std::exception
ParseError(const Location& location, const std::string& message);
virtual const char* what() const throw();
const Location& getLocation() const;
const std::string& getMessage() const;
static LUAU_NORETURN void raise(const Location& location, const char* format, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(2, 3);
Location location;
std::string message;
class ParseErrors : public std::exception
ParseErrors(std::vector<ParseError> errors);
virtual const char* what() const throw();
const std::vector<ParseError>& getErrors() const;
std::vector<ParseError> errors;
std::string message;
template<typename T>
class TempVector
explicit TempVector(std::vector<T>& storage);
const T& operator[](std::size_t index) const;
const T& front() const;
const T& back() const;
bool empty() const;
std::size_t size() const;
void push_back(const T& item);
typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator begin() const
return storage.begin() + offset;
typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator end() const
return storage.begin() + offset + size_;
std::vector<T>& storage;
size_t offset;
size_t size_;
struct Comment
Lexeme::Type type; // Comment, BlockComment, or BrokenComment
Location location;
struct ParseResult
AstStatBlock* root;
std::vector<std::string> hotcomments;
std::vector<ParseError> errors;
std::vector<Comment> commentLocations;
class Parser
static ParseResult parse(
const char* buffer, std::size_t bufferSize, AstNameTable& names, Allocator& allocator, ParseOptions options = ParseOptions());
static constexpr const char* errorName = "%error-id%";
struct Name;
struct Binding;
Parser(const char* buffer, std::size_t bufferSize, AstNameTable& names, Allocator& allocator);
bool blockFollow(const Lexeme& l);
AstStatBlock* parseChunk();
// chunk ::= {stat [`;']} [laststat [`;']]
// block ::= chunk
AstStatBlock* parseBlock();
AstStatBlock* parseBlockNoScope();
// stat ::=
// varlist `=' explist |
// functioncall |
// do block end |
// while exp do block end |
// repeat block until exp |
// if exp then block {elseif exp then block} [else block] end |
// for Name `=' exp `,' exp [`,' exp] do block end |
// for namelist in explist do block end |
// function funcname funcbody |
// local function Name funcbody |
// local namelist [`=' explist]
// laststat ::= return [explist] | break
AstStat* parseStat();
// if exp then block {elseif exp then block} [else block] end
AstStat* parseIf();
// while exp do block end
AstStat* parseWhile();
// repeat block until exp
AstStat* parseRepeat();
// do block end
AstStat* parseDo();
// break
AstStat* parseBreak();
// continue
AstStat* parseContinue(const Location& start);
// for Name `=' exp `,' exp [`,' exp] do block end |
// for namelist in explist do block end |
AstStat* parseFor();
// function funcname funcbody |
// funcname ::= Name {`.' Name} [`:' Name]
AstStat* parseFunctionStat();
// local function Name funcbody |
// local namelist [`=' explist]
AstStat* parseLocal();
// return [explist]
AstStat* parseReturn();
// type Name `=' typeannotation
AstStat* parseTypeAlias(const Location& start, bool exported);
AstDeclaredClassProp parseDeclaredClassMethod();
// `declare global' Name: typeannotation |
// `declare function' Name`(' [parlist] `)' [`:` TypeAnnotation]
AstStat* parseDeclaration(const Location& start);
// varlist `=' explist
AstStat* parseAssignment(AstExpr* initial);
// var [`+=' | `-=' | `*=' | `/=' | `%=' | `^=' | `..='] exp
AstStat* parseCompoundAssignment(AstExpr* initial, AstExprBinary::Op op);
// funcbody ::= `(' [parlist] `)' block end
// parlist ::= namelist [`,' `...'] | `...'
std::pair<AstExprFunction*, AstLocal*> parseFunctionBody(
bool hasself, const Lexeme& matchFunction, const AstName& debugname, std::optional<Name> localName);
// explist ::= {exp `,'} exp
void parseExprList(TempVector<AstExpr*>& result);
// binding ::= Name [`:` TypeAnnotation]
Binding parseBinding();
// bindinglist ::= (binding | `...') {`,' bindinglist}
// Returns the location of the vararg ..., or std::nullopt if the function is not vararg.
std::pair<std::optional<Location>, AstTypePack*> parseBindingList(TempVector<Binding>& result, bool allowDot3 = false);
AstType* parseOptionalTypeAnnotation();
// TypeList ::= TypeAnnotation [`,' TypeList]
// ReturnType ::= TypeAnnotation | `(' TypeList `)'
// TableProp ::= Name `:' TypeAnnotation
// TableIndexer ::= `[' TypeAnnotation `]' `:' TypeAnnotation
// PropList ::= (TableProp | TableIndexer) [`,' PropList]
// TypeAnnotation
// ::= Name
// | `nil`
// | `{' [PropList] `}'
// | `(' [TypeList] `)' `->` ReturnType
// Returns the variadic annotation, if it exists.
AstTypePack* parseTypeList(TempVector<AstType*>& result, TempVector<std::optional<AstArgumentName>>& resultNames);
std::optional<AstTypeList> parseOptionalReturnTypeAnnotation();
std::pair<Location, AstTypeList> parseReturnTypeAnnotation();
AstTableIndexer* parseTableIndexerAnnotation();
AstType* parseFunctionTypeAnnotation();
AstType* parseFunctionTypeAnnotationTail(const Lexeme& begin, AstArray<AstName> generics, AstArray<AstName> genericPacks,
AstArray<AstType*>& params, AstArray<std::optional<AstArgumentName>>& paramNames, AstTypePack* varargAnnotation);
AstType* parseTableTypeAnnotation();
AstType* parseSimpleTypeAnnotation();
AstType* parseTypeAnnotation(TempVector<AstType*>& parts, const Location& begin);
AstType* parseTypeAnnotation();
AstTypePack* parseTypePackAnnotation();
AstTypePack* parseVariadicArgumentAnnotation();
static std::optional<AstExprUnary::Op> parseUnaryOp(const Lexeme& l);
static std::optional<AstExprBinary::Op> parseBinaryOp(const Lexeme& l);
static std::optional<AstExprBinary::Op> parseCompoundOp(const Lexeme& l);
struct BinaryOpPriority
unsigned char left, right;
std::optional<AstExprUnary::Op> checkUnaryConfusables();
std::optional<AstExprBinary::Op> checkBinaryConfusables(const BinaryOpPriority binaryPriority[], unsigned int limit);
// subexpr -> (asexp | unop subexpr) { binop subexpr }
// where `binop' is any binary operator with a priority higher than `limit'
AstExpr* parseExpr(unsigned int limit = 0);
AstExpr* parseNameExpr(const char* context = nullptr);
// prefixexp -> NAME | '(' expr ')'
AstExpr* parsePrefixExpr();
// primaryexp -> prefixexp { `.' NAME | `[' exp `]' | `:' NAME funcargs | funcargs }
AstExpr* parsePrimaryExpr(bool asStatement);
// asexp -> simpleexp [`::' typeAnnotation]
AstExpr* parseAssertionExpr();
// simpleexp -> NUMBER | STRING | NIL | true | false | ... | constructor | FUNCTION body | primaryexp
AstExpr* parseSimpleExpr();
// args ::= `(' [explist] `)' | tableconstructor | String
AstExpr* parseFunctionArgs(AstExpr* func, bool self, const Location& selfLocation);
// tableconstructor ::= `{' [fieldlist] `}'
// fieldlist ::= field {fieldsep field} [fieldsep]
// field ::= `[' exp `]' `=' exp | Name `=' exp | exp
// fieldsep ::= `,' | `;'
AstExpr* parseTableConstructor();
// TODO: Add grammar rules here?
AstExpr* parseIfElseExpr();
// Name
std::optional<Name> parseNameOpt(const char* context = nullptr);
Name parseName(const char* context = nullptr);
Name parseIndexName(const char* context, const Position& previous);
// `<' namelist `>'
std::pair<AstArray<AstName>, AstArray<AstName>> parseGenericTypeList();
std::pair<AstArray<AstName>, AstArray<AstName>> parseGenericTypeListIfFFlagParseGenericFunctions();
// `<' typeAnnotation[, ...] `>'
AstArray<AstType*> parseTypeParams();
AstExpr* parseString();
AstLocal* pushLocal(const Binding& binding);
unsigned int saveLocals();
void restoreLocals(unsigned int offset);
// check that parser is at lexeme/symbol, move to next lexeme/symbol on success, report failure and continue on failure
bool expectAndConsume(char value, const char* context = nullptr);
bool expectAndConsume(Lexeme::Type type, const char* context = nullptr);
void expectAndConsumeFail(Lexeme::Type type, const char* context);
bool expectMatchAndConsume(char value, const Lexeme& begin, bool searchForMissing = false);
void expectMatchAndConsumeFail(Lexeme::Type type, const Lexeme& begin, const char* extra = nullptr);
bool expectMatchEndAndConsume(Lexeme::Type type, const Lexeme& begin);
void expectMatchEndAndConsumeFail(Lexeme::Type type, const Lexeme& begin);
template<typename T>
AstArray<T> copy(const T* data, std::size_t size);
template<typename T>
AstArray<T> copy(const TempVector<T>& data);
template<typename T>
AstArray<T> copy(std::initializer_list<T> data);
AstArray<char> copy(const std::string& data);
void incrementRecursionCounter(const char* context);
void report(const Location& location, const char* format, va_list args);
void report(const Location& location, const char* format, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(3, 4);
void reportNameError(const char* context);
AstStatError* reportStatError(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& expressions, const AstArray<AstStat*>& statements,
const char* format, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(5, 6);
AstExprError* reportExprError(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& expressions, const char* format, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(4, 5);
AstTypeError* reportTypeAnnotationError(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstType*>& types, bool isMissing, const char* format, ...)
const Lexeme& nextLexeme();
struct Function
bool vararg;
unsigned int loopDepth;
: vararg(false)
, loopDepth(0)
struct Local
AstLocal* local;
unsigned int offset;
: local(nullptr)
, offset(0)
struct Name
AstName name;
Location location;
Name(const AstName& name, const Location& location)
: name(name)
, location(location)
struct Binding
Name name;
AstType* annotation;
explicit Binding(const Name& name, AstType* annotation = nullptr)
: name(name)
, annotation(annotation)
ParseOptions options;
Lexer lexer;
Allocator& allocator;
std::vector<Comment> commentLocations;
unsigned int recursionCounter;
AstName nameSelf;
AstName nameNumber;
AstName nameError;
AstName nameNil;
Lexeme endMismatchSuspect;
std::vector<Function> functionStack;
DenseHashMap<AstName, AstLocal*> localMap;
std::vector<AstLocal*> localStack;
std::vector<ParseError> parseErrors;
std::vector<unsigned int> matchRecoveryStopOnToken;
std::vector<AstStat*> scratchStat;
std::vector<AstExpr*> scratchExpr;
std::vector<AstExpr*> scratchExprAux;
std::vector<AstName> scratchName;
std::vector<AstName> scratchPackName;
std::vector<Binding> scratchBinding;
std::vector<AstLocal*> scratchLocal;
std::vector<AstTableProp> scratchTableTypeProps;
std::vector<AstType*> scratchAnnotation;
std::vector<AstDeclaredClassProp> scratchDeclaredClassProps;
std::vector<AstExprTable::Item> scratchItem;
std::vector<AstArgumentName> scratchArgName;
std::vector<std::optional<AstArgumentName>> scratchOptArgName;
std::string scratchData;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stdarg.h>
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(fmt, arg) __attribute__((format(printf, fmt, arg)))
#define LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(fmt, arg)
namespace Luau
std::string format(const char* fmt, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(1, 2);
std::string vformat(const char* fmt, va_list args);
void formatAppend(std::string& str, const char* fmt, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(2, 3);
std::string join(const std::vector<std::string_view>& segments, std::string_view delimiter);
std::string join(const std::vector<std::string>& segments, std::string_view delimiter);
std::vector<std::string_view> split(std::string_view s, char delimiter);
// Computes the Damerau-Levenshtein distance of A and B.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damerau-Levenshtein_distance#Distance_with_adjacent_transpositions
size_t editDistance(std::string_view a, std::string_view b);
bool startsWith(std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
bool equalsLower(std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs);
size_t hashRange(const char* data, size_t size);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,886 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Ast.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
namespace Luau
static void visitTypeList(AstVisitor* visitor, const AstTypeList& list)
for (AstType* ty : list.types)
if (list.tailType)
int gAstRttiIndex = 0;
AstExprGroup::AstExprGroup(const Location& location, AstExpr* expr)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, expr(expr)
void AstExprGroup::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstExprConstantNil::AstExprConstantNil(const Location& location)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
void AstExprConstantNil::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
AstExprConstantBool::AstExprConstantBool(const Location& location, bool value)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, value(value)
void AstExprConstantBool::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
AstExprConstantNumber::AstExprConstantNumber(const Location& location, double value)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, value(value)
void AstExprConstantNumber::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
AstExprConstantString::AstExprConstantString(const Location& location, const AstArray<char>& value)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, value(value)
void AstExprConstantString::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
AstExprLocal::AstExprLocal(const Location& location, AstLocal* local, bool upvalue)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, local(local)
, upvalue(upvalue)
void AstExprLocal::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
AstExprGlobal::AstExprGlobal(const Location& location, const AstName& name)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, name(name)
void AstExprGlobal::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
AstExprVarargs::AstExprVarargs(const Location& location)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
void AstExprVarargs::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
AstExprCall::AstExprCall(const Location& location, AstExpr* func, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& args, bool self, const Location& argLocation)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, func(func)
, args(args)
, self(self)
, argLocation(argLocation)
void AstExprCall::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstExpr* arg : args)
const Location& location, AstExpr* expr, const AstName& index, const Location& indexLocation, const Position& opPosition, char op)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, expr(expr)
, index(index)
, indexLocation(indexLocation)
, opPosition(opPosition)
, op(op)
void AstExprIndexName::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstExprIndexExpr::AstExprIndexExpr(const Location& location, AstExpr* expr, AstExpr* index)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, expr(expr)
, index(index)
void AstExprIndexExpr::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstExprFunction::AstExprFunction(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstName>& generics, const AstArray<AstName>& genericPacks, AstLocal* self,
const AstArray<AstLocal*>& args, std::optional<Location> vararg, AstStatBlock* body, size_t functionDepth, const AstName& debugname,
std::optional<AstTypeList> returnAnnotation, AstTypePack* varargAnnotation, bool hasEnd, std::optional<Location> argLocation)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, generics(generics)
, genericPacks(genericPacks)
, self(self)
, args(args)
, hasReturnAnnotation(returnAnnotation.has_value())
, returnAnnotation()
, vararg(vararg.has_value())
, varargLocation(vararg.value_or(Location()))
, varargAnnotation(varargAnnotation)
, body(body)
, functionDepth(functionDepth)
, debugname(debugname)
, hasEnd(hasEnd)
, argLocation(argLocation)
if (returnAnnotation.has_value())
this->returnAnnotation = *returnAnnotation;
void AstExprFunction::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstLocal* arg : args)
if (arg->annotation)
if (varargAnnotation)
if (hasReturnAnnotation)
visitTypeList(visitor, returnAnnotation);
AstExprTable::AstExprTable(const Location& location, const AstArray<Item>& items)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, items(items)
void AstExprTable::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (const Item& item : items)
if (item.key)
AstExprUnary::AstExprUnary(const Location& location, Op op, AstExpr* expr)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, op(op)
, expr(expr)
void AstExprUnary::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
std::string toString(AstExprUnary::Op op)
switch (op)
case AstExprUnary::Minus:
return "-";
case AstExprUnary::Not:
return "not";
case AstExprUnary::Len:
return "#";
return ""; // MSVC requires this even though the switch/case is exhaustive
AstExprBinary::AstExprBinary(const Location& location, Op op, AstExpr* left, AstExpr* right)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, op(op)
, left(left)
, right(right)
void AstExprBinary::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
std::string toString(AstExprBinary::Op op)
switch (op)
case AstExprBinary::Add:
return "+";
case AstExprBinary::Sub:
return "-";
case AstExprBinary::Mul:
return "*";
case AstExprBinary::Div:
return "/";
case AstExprBinary::Mod:
return "%";
case AstExprBinary::Pow:
return "^";
case AstExprBinary::Concat:
return "..";
case AstExprBinary::CompareNe:
return "~=";
case AstExprBinary::CompareEq:
return "==";
case AstExprBinary::CompareLt:
return "<";
case AstExprBinary::CompareLe:
return "<=";
case AstExprBinary::CompareGt:
return ">";
case AstExprBinary::CompareGe:
return ">=";
case AstExprBinary::And:
return "and";
case AstExprBinary::Or:
return "or";
return ""; // MSVC requires this even though the switch/case is exhaustive
AstExprTypeAssertion::AstExprTypeAssertion(const Location& location, AstExpr* expr, AstType* annotation)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, expr(expr)
, annotation(annotation)
void AstExprTypeAssertion::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstExprIfElse::AstExprIfElse(const Location& location, AstExpr* condition, bool hasThen, AstExpr* trueExpr, bool hasElse, AstExpr* falseExpr)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, condition(condition)
, hasThen(hasThen)
, trueExpr(trueExpr)
, hasElse(hasElse)
, falseExpr(falseExpr)
void AstExprIfElse::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstExprError::AstExprError(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& expressions, unsigned messageIndex)
: AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location)
, expressions(expressions)
, messageIndex(messageIndex)
void AstExprError::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstExpr* expression : expressions)
AstStatBlock::AstStatBlock(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstStat*>& body)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, body(body)
void AstStatBlock::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstStat* stat : body)
AstStatIf::AstStatIf(const Location& location, AstExpr* condition, AstStatBlock* thenbody, AstStat* elsebody, bool hasThen,
const Location& thenLocation, const std::optional<Location>& elseLocation, bool hasEnd)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, condition(condition)
, thenbody(thenbody)
, elsebody(elsebody)
, hasThen(hasThen)
, thenLocation(thenLocation)
, hasEnd(hasEnd)
if (bool(elseLocation))
hasElse = true;
this->elseLocation = *elseLocation;
void AstStatIf::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
if (elsebody)
AstStatWhile::AstStatWhile(const Location& location, AstExpr* condition, AstStatBlock* body, bool hasDo, const Location& doLocation, bool hasEnd)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, condition(condition)
, body(body)
, hasDo(hasDo)
, doLocation(doLocation)
, hasEnd(hasEnd)
void AstStatWhile::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstStatRepeat::AstStatRepeat(const Location& location, AstExpr* condition, AstStatBlock* body, bool hasUntil)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, condition(condition)
, body(body)
, hasUntil(hasUntil)
void AstStatRepeat::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstStatBreak::AstStatBreak(const Location& location)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
void AstStatBreak::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
AstStatContinue::AstStatContinue(const Location& location)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
void AstStatContinue::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
AstStatReturn::AstStatReturn(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& list)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, list(list)
void AstStatReturn::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstExpr* expr : list)
AstStatExpr::AstStatExpr(const Location& location, AstExpr* expr)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, expr(expr)
void AstStatExpr::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
const Location& location, const AstArray<AstLocal*>& vars, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& values, const std::optional<Location>& equalsSignLocation)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, vars(vars)
, values(values)
if (bool(equalsSignLocation))
hasEqualsSign = true;
this->equalsSignLocation = *equalsSignLocation;
void AstStatLocal::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstLocal* var : vars)
if (var->annotation)
for (AstExpr* expr : values)
AstStatFor::AstStatFor(const Location& location, AstLocal* var, AstExpr* from, AstExpr* to, AstExpr* step, AstStatBlock* body, bool hasDo,
const Location& doLocation, bool hasEnd)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, var(var)
, from(from)
, to(to)
, step(step)
, body(body)
, hasDo(hasDo)
, doLocation(doLocation)
, hasEnd(hasEnd)
void AstStatFor::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
if (var->annotation)
if (step)
AstStatForIn::AstStatForIn(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstLocal*>& vars, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& values, AstStatBlock* body,
bool hasIn, const Location& inLocation, bool hasDo, const Location& doLocation, bool hasEnd)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, vars(vars)
, values(values)
, body(body)
, hasIn(hasIn)
, inLocation(inLocation)
, hasDo(hasDo)
, doLocation(doLocation)
, hasEnd(hasEnd)
void AstStatForIn::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstLocal* var : vars)
if (var->annotation)
for (AstExpr* expr : values)
AstStatAssign::AstStatAssign(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& vars, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& values)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, vars(vars)
, values(values)
void AstStatAssign::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstExpr* lvalue : vars)
for (AstExpr* expr : values)
AstStatCompoundAssign::AstStatCompoundAssign(const Location& location, AstExprBinary::Op op, AstExpr* var, AstExpr* value)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, op(op)
, var(var)
, value(value)
void AstStatCompoundAssign::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstStatFunction::AstStatFunction(const Location& location, AstExpr* name, AstExprFunction* func)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, name(name)
, func(func)
void AstStatFunction::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstStatLocalFunction::AstStatLocalFunction(const Location& location, AstLocal* name, AstExprFunction* func)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, name(name)
, func(func)
void AstStatLocalFunction::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstStatTypeAlias::AstStatTypeAlias(const Location& location, const AstName& name, const AstArray<AstName>& generics, AstType* type, bool exported)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, name(name)
, generics(generics)
, type(type)
, exported(exported)
void AstStatTypeAlias::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstStatDeclareGlobal::AstStatDeclareGlobal(const Location& location, const AstName& name, AstType* type)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, name(name)
, type(type)
void AstStatDeclareGlobal::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstStatDeclareFunction::AstStatDeclareFunction(const Location& location, const AstName& name, const AstArray<AstName>& generics,
const AstArray<AstName>& genericPacks, const AstTypeList& params, const AstArray<AstArgumentName>& paramNames, const AstTypeList& retTypes)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, name(name)
, generics(generics)
, genericPacks(genericPacks)
, params(params)
, paramNames(paramNames)
, retTypes(retTypes)
void AstStatDeclareFunction::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
visitTypeList(visitor, params);
visitTypeList(visitor, retTypes);
const Location& location, const AstName& name, std::optional<AstName> superName, const AstArray<AstDeclaredClassProp>& props)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, name(name)
, superName(superName)
, props(props)
void AstStatDeclareClass::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (const AstDeclaredClassProp& prop : props)
const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& expressions, const AstArray<AstStat*>& statements, unsigned messageIndex)
: AstStat(ClassIndex(), location)
, expressions(expressions)
, statements(statements)
, messageIndex(messageIndex)
void AstStatError::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstNode* expression : expressions)
for (AstNode* statement : statements)
AstTypeReference::AstTypeReference(const Location& location, std::optional<AstName> prefix, AstName name, const AstArray<AstType*>& generics)
: AstType(ClassIndex(), location)
, hasPrefix(bool(prefix))
, prefix(prefix ? *prefix : AstName())
, name(name)
, generics(generics)
void AstTypeReference::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstType* generic : generics)
AstTypeTable::AstTypeTable(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstTableProp>& props, AstTableIndexer* indexer)
: AstType(ClassIndex(), location)
, props(props)
, indexer(indexer)
void AstTypeTable::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (const AstTableProp& prop : props)
if (indexer)
AstTypeFunction::AstTypeFunction(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstName>& generics, const AstArray<AstName>& genericPacks,
const AstTypeList& argTypes, const AstArray<std::optional<AstArgumentName>>& argNames, const AstTypeList& returnTypes)
: AstType(ClassIndex(), location)
, generics(generics)
, genericPacks(genericPacks)
, argTypes(argTypes)
, argNames(argNames)
, returnTypes(returnTypes)
LUAU_ASSERT(argNames.size == 0 || argNames.size == argTypes.types.size);
void AstTypeFunction::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
visitTypeList(visitor, argTypes);
visitTypeList(visitor, returnTypes);
AstTypeTypeof::AstTypeTypeof(const Location& location, AstExpr* expr)
: AstType(ClassIndex(), location)
, expr(expr)
void AstTypeTypeof::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstTypeUnion::AstTypeUnion(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstType*>& types)
: AstType(ClassIndex(), location)
, types(types)
void AstTypeUnion::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstType* type : types)
AstTypeIntersection::AstTypeIntersection(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstType*>& types)
: AstType(ClassIndex(), location)
, types(types)
void AstTypeIntersection::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstType* type : types)
AstTypeError::AstTypeError(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstType*>& types, bool isMissing, unsigned messageIndex)
: AstType(ClassIndex(), location)
, types(types)
, isMissing(isMissing)
, messageIndex(messageIndex)
void AstTypeError::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
for (AstType* type : types)
AstTypePackVariadic::AstTypePackVariadic(const Location& location, AstType* variadicType)
: AstTypePack(ClassIndex(), location)
, variadicType(variadicType)
void AstTypePackVariadic::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
if (visitor->visit(this))
AstTypePackGeneric::AstTypePackGeneric(const Location& location, AstName name)
: AstTypePack(ClassIndex(), location)
, genericName(name)
void AstTypePackGeneric::visit(AstVisitor* visitor)
AstName getIdentifier(AstExpr* node)
if (AstExprGlobal* expr = node->as<AstExprGlobal>())
return expr->name;
if (AstExprLocal* expr = node->as<AstExprLocal>())
return expr->local->name;
return AstName();
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/Location.h"
namespace Luau
std::string toString(const Position& position)
return "{ line = " + std::to_string(position.line) + ", col = " + std::to_string(position.column) + " }";
std::string toString(const Location& location)
return "Location { " + toString(location.begin) + ", " + toString(location.end) + " }";
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/StringUtils.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
namespace Luau
static void vformatAppend(std::string& ret, const char* fmt, va_list args)
va_list argscopy;
va_copy(argscopy, args);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
int actualSize = _vscprintf(fmt, argscopy);
int actualSize = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, argscopy);
if (actualSize <= 0)
size_t sz = ret.size();
ret.resize(sz + actualSize);
vsnprintf(&ret[0] + sz, actualSize + 1, fmt, args);
std::string format(const char* fmt, ...)
std::string result;
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
vformatAppend(result, fmt, args);
return result;
void formatAppend(std::string& str, const char* fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
vformatAppend(str, fmt, args);
std::string vformat(const char* fmt, va_list args)
std::string ret;
vformatAppend(ret, fmt, args);
return ret;
template<typename String>
static std::string joinImpl(const std::vector<String>& segments, std::string_view delimiter)
if (segments.empty())
return "";
size_t len = (segments.size() - 1) * delimiter.size();
for (const auto& sv : segments)
len += sv.size();
std::string result;
char* dest = const_cast<char*>(result.data()); // This const_cast is only necessary until C++17
auto it = segments.begin();
memcpy(dest, it->data(), it->size());
dest += it->size();
for (; it != segments.end(); ++it)
memcpy(dest, delimiter.data(), delimiter.size());
dest += delimiter.size();
memcpy(dest, it->data(), it->size());
dest += it->size();
LUAU_ASSERT(dest == result.data() + len);
return result;
std::string join(const std::vector<std::string_view>& segments, std::string_view delimiter)
return joinImpl(segments, delimiter);
std::string join(const std::vector<std::string>& segments, std::string_view delimiter)
return joinImpl(segments, delimiter);
std::vector<std::string_view> split(std::string_view s, char delimiter)
std::vector<std::string_view> result;
while (!s.empty())
auto index = s.find(delimiter);
if (index == std::string::npos)
result.push_back(s.substr(0, index));
s.remove_prefix(index + 1);
return result;
size_t editDistance(std::string_view a, std::string_view b)
// When there are matching prefix and suffix, they end up computing as zero cost, effectively making it no-op. We drop these characters.
while (!a.empty() && !b.empty() && a.front() == b.front())
while (!a.empty() && !b.empty() && a.back() == b.back())
// Since we know the edit distance is the difference of the length of A and B discounting the matching prefixes and suffixes,
// it is therefore pointless to run the rest of this function to find that out. We immediately infer this size and return it.
if (a.empty())
return b.size();
if (b.empty())
return a.size();
size_t maxDistance = a.size() + b.size();
std::vector<size_t> distances((a.size() + 2) * (b.size() + 2), 0);
auto getPos = [b](size_t x, size_t y) -> size_t {
return (x * (b.size() + 2)) + y;
distances[0] = maxDistance;
for (size_t x = 0; x <= a.size(); ++x)
distances[getPos(x + 1, 0)] = maxDistance;
distances[getPos(x + 1, 1)] = x;
for (size_t y = 0; y <= b.size(); ++y)
distances[getPos(0, y + 1)] = maxDistance;
distances[getPos(1, y + 1)] = y;
std::array<size_t, 256> seenCharToRow;
for (size_t x = 1; x <= a.size(); ++x)
size_t lastMatchedY = 0;
for (size_t y = 1; y <= b.size(); ++y)
size_t x1 = seenCharToRow[b[y - 1]];
size_t y1 = lastMatchedY;
size_t cost = 1;
if (a[x - 1] == b[y - 1])
cost = 0;
lastMatchedY = y;
size_t transposition = distances[getPos(x1, y1)] + (x - x1 - 1) + 1 + (y - y1 - 1);
size_t substitution = distances[getPos(x, y)] + cost;
size_t insertion = distances[getPos(x, y + 1)] + 1;
size_t deletion = distances[getPos(x + 1, y)] + 1;
// It's more performant to use std::min(size_t, size_t) rather than the initializer_list overload.
// Until proven otherwise, please do not change this.
distances[getPos(x + 1, y + 1)] = std::min(std::min(insertion, deletion), std::min(substitution, transposition));
seenCharToRow[a[x - 1]] = x;
return distances[getPos(a.size() + 1, b.size() + 1)];
bool startsWith(std::string_view haystack, std::string_view needle)
// ::starts_with is C++20
return haystack.size() >= needle.size() && haystack.substr(0, needle.size()) == needle;
bool equalsLower(std::string_view lhs, std::string_view rhs)
if (lhs.size() != rhs.size())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs.size(); ++i)
if (tolower(uint8_t(lhs[i])) != tolower(uint8_t(rhs[i])))
return false;
return true;
size_t hashRange(const char* data, size_t size)
// FNV-1a
uint32_t hash = 2166136261;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
hash ^= uint8_t(data[i]);
hash *= 16777619;
return hash;
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/ModuleResolver.h"
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h"
#include "Luau/Frontend.h"
#include "Luau/TypeAttach.h"
#include "Luau/Transpiler.h"
#include "FileUtils.h"
enum class ReportFormat
static void report(ReportFormat format, const char* name, const Luau::Location& location, const char* type, const char* message)
switch (format)
case ReportFormat::Default:
fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d,%d): %s: %s\n", name, location.begin.line + 1, location.begin.column + 1, type, message);
case ReportFormat::Luacheck:
// Note: luacheck's end column is inclusive but our end column is exclusive
// In addition, luacheck doesn't support multi-line messages, so if the error is multiline we'll fake end column as 100 and hope for the best
int columnEnd = (location.begin.line == location.end.line) ? location.end.column : 100;
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d:%d-%d: (W0) %s: %s\n", name, location.begin.line + 1, location.begin.column + 1, columnEnd, type, message);
static void reportError(ReportFormat format, const char* name, const Luau::TypeError& error)
if (const Luau::SyntaxError* syntaxError = Luau::get_if<Luau::SyntaxError>(&error.data))
report(format, name, error.location, "SyntaxError", syntaxError->message.c_str());
report(format, name, error.location, "TypeError", Luau::toString(error).c_str());
static void reportWarning(ReportFormat format, const char* name, const Luau::LintWarning& warning)
report(format, name, warning.location, Luau::LintWarning::getName(warning.code), warning.text.c_str());
static bool analyzeFile(Luau::Frontend& frontend, const char* name, ReportFormat format, bool annotate)
Luau::CheckResult cr = frontend.check(name);
if (!frontend.getSourceModule(name))
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", name);
return false;
for (auto& error : cr.errors)
reportError(format, name, error);
Luau::LintResult lr = frontend.lint(name);
for (auto& error : lr.errors)
reportWarning(format, name, error);
for (auto& warning : lr.warnings)
reportWarning(format, name, warning);
if (annotate)
Luau::SourceModule* sm = frontend.getSourceModule(name);
Luau::ModulePtr m = frontend.moduleResolver.getModule(name);
Luau::attachTypeData(*sm, *m);
std::string annotated = Luau::transpileWithTypes(*sm->root);
printf("%s", annotated.c_str());
return cr.errors.empty() && lr.errors.empty();
static void displayHelp(const char* argv0)
printf("Usage: %s [--mode] [options] [file list]\n", argv0);
printf("Available modes:\n");
printf(" omitted: typecheck and lint input files\n");
printf(" --annotate: typecheck input files and output source with type annotations\n");
printf("Available options:\n");
printf(" --formatter=plain: report analysis errors in Luacheck-compatible format\n");
static int assertionHandler(const char* expr, const char* file, int line)
printf("%s(%d): ASSERTION FAILED: %s\n", file, line, expr);
return 1;
struct CliFileResolver : Luau::FileResolver
std::optional<Luau::SourceCode> readSource(const Luau::ModuleName& name) override
std::optional<std::string> source = readFile(name);
if (!source)
return std::nullopt;
return Luau::SourceCode{*source, Luau::SourceCode::Module};
bool moduleExists(const Luau::ModuleName& name) const override
return !!readFile(name);
std::optional<Luau::ModuleName> fromAstFragment(Luau::AstExpr* expr) const override
return std::nullopt;
Luau::ModuleName concat(const Luau::ModuleName& lhs, std::string_view rhs) const override
return lhs + "/" + std::string(rhs);
std::optional<Luau::ModuleName> getParentModuleName(const Luau::ModuleName& name) const override
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> getEnvironmentForModule(const Luau::ModuleName& name) const override
return std::nullopt;
struct CliConfigResolver : Luau::ConfigResolver
Luau::Config defaultConfig;
mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, Luau::Config> configCache;
mutable std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> configErrors;
defaultConfig.mode = Luau::Mode::Nonstrict;
const Luau::Config& getConfig(const Luau::ModuleName& name) const override
std::optional<std::string> path = getParentPath(name);
if (!path)
return defaultConfig;
return readConfigRec(*path);
const Luau::Config& readConfigRec(const std::string& path) const
auto it = configCache.find(path);
if (it != configCache.end())
return it->second;
std::optional<std::string> parent = getParentPath(path);
Luau::Config result = parent ? readConfigRec(*parent) : defaultConfig;
std::string configPath = joinPaths(path, Luau::kConfigName);
if (std::optional<std::string> contents = readFile(configPath))
std::optional<std::string> error = Luau::parseConfig(*contents, result);
if (error)
configErrors.push_back({configPath, *error});
return configCache[path] = result;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Luau::assertHandler() = assertionHandler;
for (Luau::FValue<bool>* flag = Luau::FValue<bool>::list; flag; flag = flag->next)
if (strncmp(flag->name, "Luau", 4) == 0)
flag->value = true;
if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)
return 0;
ReportFormat format = ReportFormat::Default;
bool annotate = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
if (argv[i][0] != '-')
if (strcmp(argv[i], "--formatter=plain") == 0)
format = ReportFormat::Luacheck;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--annotate") == 0)
annotate = true;
Luau::FrontendOptions frontendOptions;
frontendOptions.retainFullTypeGraphs = annotate;
CliFileResolver fileResolver;
CliConfigResolver configResolver;
Luau::Frontend frontend(&fileResolver, &configResolver, frontendOptions);
int failed = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
if (argv[i][0] == '-')
if (isDirectory(argv[i]))
traverseDirectory(argv[i], [&](const std::string& name) {
if (name.length() > 4 && name.rfind(".lua") == name.length() - 4)
failed += !analyzeFile(frontend, name.c_str(), format, annotate);
failed += !analyzeFile(frontend, argv[i], format, annotate);
if (!configResolver.configErrors.empty())
failed += int(configResolver.configErrors.size());
for (const auto& pair : configResolver.configErrors)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", pair.first.c_str(), pair.second.c_str());
return (format == ReportFormat::Luacheck) ? 0 : failed;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "FileUtils.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
static std::wstring fromUtf8(const std::string& path)
size_t result = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, path.data(), int(path.size()), nullptr, 0);
std::wstring buf(result, L'\0');
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, path.data(), int(path.size()), &buf[0], int(buf.size()));
return buf;
static std::string toUtf8(const std::wstring& path)
size_t result = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, path.data(), int(path.size()), nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
std::string buf(result, '\0');
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, path.data(), int(path.size()), &buf[0], int(buf.size()), nullptr, nullptr);
return buf;
std::optional<std::string> readFile(const std::string& name)
#ifdef _WIN32
FILE* file = _wfopen(fromUtf8(name).c_str(), L"rb");
FILE* file = fopen(name.c_str(), "rb");
if (!file)
return std::nullopt;
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
long length = ftell(file);
if (length < 0)
return std::nullopt;
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
std::string result(length, 0);
size_t read = fread(result.data(), 1, length, file);
if (read != size_t(length))
return std::nullopt;
return result;
template<typename Ch>
static void joinPaths(std::basic_string<Ch>& str, const Ch* lhs, const Ch* rhs)
str = lhs;
if (!str.empty() && str.back() != '/' && str.back() != '\\' && *rhs != '/' && *rhs != '\\')
str += '/';
str += rhs;
#ifdef _WIN32
static bool traverseDirectoryRec(const std::wstring& path, const std::function<void(const std::string& name)>& callback)
std::wstring query = path + std::wstring(L"/*");
HANDLE h = FindFirstFileW(query.c_str(), &data);
return false;
std::wstring buf;
if (wcscmp(data.cFileName, L".") != 0 && wcscmp(data.cFileName, L"..") != 0)
joinPaths(buf, path.c_str(), data.cFileName);
if (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)
// Skip reparse points to avoid handling cycles
else if (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
traverseDirectoryRec(buf, callback);
} while (FindNextFileW(h, &data));
return true;
bool traverseDirectory(const std::string& path, const std::function<void(const std::string& name)>& callback)
return traverseDirectoryRec(fromUtf8(path), callback);
static bool traverseDirectoryRec(const std::string& path, const std::function<void(const std::string& name)>& callback)
int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_DIRECTORY);
DIR* dir = fdopendir(fd);
if (!dir)
return false;
std::string buf;
while (dirent* entry = readdir(dir))
const dirent& data = *entry;
if (strcmp(data.d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(data.d_name, "..") != 0)
joinPaths(buf, path.c_str(), data.d_name);
int type = data.d_type;
// we need to stat DT_UNKNOWN to be able to tell the type
if (type == DT_UNKNOWN)
struct stat st = {};
fstatat(fd, data.d_name, &st, 0);
lstat(buf.c_str(), &st);
type = IFTODT(st.st_mode);
if (type == DT_DIR)
traverseDirectoryRec(buf, callback);
else if (type == DT_REG)
else if (type == DT_LNK)
// Skip symbolic links to avoid handling cycles
return true;
bool traverseDirectory(const std::string& path, const std::function<void(const std::string& name)>& callback)
return traverseDirectoryRec(path, callback);
bool isDirectory(const std::string& path)
#ifdef _WIN32
return (GetFileAttributesW(fromUtf8(path).c_str()) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0;
struct stat st = {};
lstat(path.c_str(), &st);
return (st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR;
std::string joinPaths(const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs)
std::string result = lhs;
if (!result.empty() && result.back() != '/' && result.back() != '\\')
result += '/';
result += rhs;
return result;
std::optional<std::string> getParentPath(const std::string& path)
if (path == "" || path == "." || path == "/")
return std::nullopt;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (path.size() == 2 && path.back() == ':')
return std::nullopt;
std::string::size_type slash = path.find_last_of("\\/", path.size() - 1);
if (slash == 0)
return "/";
if (slash != std::string::npos)
return path.substr(0, slash);
return "";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
std::optional<std::string> readFile(const std::string& name);
bool isDirectory(const std::string& path);
bool traverseDirectory(const std::string& path, const std::function<void(const std::string& name)>& callback);
std::string joinPaths(const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs);
std::optional<std::string> getParentPath(const std::string& path);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "lua.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <string>
struct Profiler
// static state
lua_Callbacks* callbacks = nullptr;
int frequency = 1000;
std::thread thread;
// variables for communication between loop and trigger
std::atomic<bool> exit = false;
std::atomic<uint64_t> ticks = 0;
std::atomic<uint64_t> samples = 0;
// private state for trigger
uint64_t currentTicks = 0;
std::string stackScratch;
// statistics, updated by trigger
Luau::DenseHashMap<std::string, uint64_t> data{""};
uint64_t gc[16] = {};
} gProfiler;
static void profilerTrigger(lua_State* L, int gc)
uint64_t currentTicks = gProfiler.ticks.load();
uint64_t elapsedTicks = currentTicks - gProfiler.currentTicks;
if (elapsedTicks)
std::string& stack = gProfiler.stackScratch;
if (gc > 0)
stack += "GC,GC,";
lua_Debug ar;
for (int level = 0; lua_getinfo(L, level, "sn", &ar); ++level)
if (!stack.empty())
stack += ';';
stack += ar.short_src;
stack += ',';
if (ar.name)
stack += ar.name;
stack += ',';
if (ar.linedefined > 0)
stack += std::to_string(ar.linedefined);
if (!stack.empty())
gProfiler.data[stack] += elapsedTicks;
if (gc > 0)
gProfiler.gc[gc] += elapsedTicks;
gProfiler.currentTicks = currentTicks;
gProfiler.callbacks->interrupt = nullptr;
static void profilerLoop()
double last = lua_clock();
while (!gProfiler.exit)
double now = lua_clock();
if (now - last >= 1.0 / double(gProfiler.frequency))
gProfiler.ticks += uint64_t((now - last) * 1e6);
gProfiler.callbacks->interrupt = profilerTrigger;
last = now;
void profilerStart(lua_State* L, int frequency)
gProfiler.frequency = frequency;
gProfiler.callbacks = lua_callbacks(L);
gProfiler.exit = false;
gProfiler.thread = std::thread(profilerLoop);
void profilerStop()
gProfiler.exit = true;
void profilerDump(const char* name)
FILE* f = fopen(name, "wb");
if (!f)
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening profile %s\n", name);
uint64_t total = 0;
for (auto& p : gProfiler.data)
fprintf(f, "%lld %s\n", static_cast<long long>(p.second), p.first.c_str());
total += p.second;
printf("Profiler dump written to %s (total runtime %.3f seconds, %lld samples, %lld stacks)\n", name, double(total) / 1e6,
static_cast<long long>(gProfiler.samples.load()), static_cast<long long>(gProfiler.data.size()));
uint64_t totalgc = 0;
for (uint64_t p : gProfiler.gc)
totalgc += p;
if (totalgc)
printf("GC: %.3f seconds (%.2f%%)", double(totalgc) / 1e6, double(totalgc) / double(total) * 100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(gProfiler.gc); ++i)
extern const char* luaC_statename(int state);
uint64_t p = gProfiler.gc[i];
if (p)
printf(", %s %.2f%%", luaC_statename(int(i)), double(p) / double(totalgc) * 100);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
struct lua_State;
void profilerStart(lua_State* L, int frequency);
void profilerStop();
void profilerDump(const char* name);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "lua.h"
#include "lualib.h"
#include "Luau/Compiler.h"
#include "Luau/BytecodeBuilder.h"
#include "Luau/Parser.h"
#include "FileUtils.h"
#include "Profiler.h"
#include "linenoise.hpp"
#include <memory>
static int lua_loadstring(lua_State* L)
size_t l = 0;
const char* s = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l);
const char* chunkname = luaL_optstring(L, 2, s);
lua_setsafeenv(L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, false);
std::string bytecode = Luau::compile(std::string(s, l));
if (luau_load(L, chunkname, bytecode.data(), bytecode.size()) == 0)
return 1;
lua_insert(L, -2); /* put before error message */
return 2; /* return nil plus error message */
static int finishrequire(lua_State* L)
if (lua_isstring(L, -1))
return 1;
static int lua_require(lua_State* L)
std::string name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
std::string chunkname = "=" + name;
luaL_findtable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "_MODULES", 1);
// return the module from the cache
lua_getfield(L, -1, name.c_str());
if (!lua_isnil(L, -1))
return finishrequire(L);
lua_pop(L, 1);
std::optional<std::string> source = readFile(name + ".lua");
if (!source)
luaL_argerrorL(L, 1, ("error loading " + name).c_str());
// module needs to run in a new thread, isolated from the rest
lua_State* GL = lua_mainthread(L);
lua_State* ML = lua_newthread(GL);
lua_xmove(GL, L, 1);
// new thread needs to have the globals sandboxed
// now we can compile & run module on the new thread
std::string bytecode = Luau::compile(*source);
if (luau_load(ML, chunkname.c_str(), bytecode.data(), bytecode.size()) == 0)
int status = lua_resume(ML, L, 0);
if (status == 0)
if (lua_gettop(ML) == 0)
lua_pushstring(ML, "module must return a value");
else if (!lua_istable(ML, -1) && !lua_isfunction(ML, -1))
lua_pushstring(ML, "module must return a table or function");
else if (status == LUA_YIELD)
lua_pushstring(ML, "module can not yield");
else if (!lua_isstring(ML, -1))
lua_pushstring(ML, "unknown error while running module");
// there's now a return value on top of ML; stack of L is MODULES thread
lua_xmove(ML, L, 1);
lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
lua_setfield(L, -4, name.c_str());
return finishrequire(L);
static int lua_collectgarbage(lua_State* L)
const char* option = luaL_optstring(L, 1, "collect");
if (strcmp(option, "collect") == 0)
lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
return 0;
if (strcmp(option, "count") == 0)
int c = lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOUNT, 0);
lua_pushnumber(L, c);
return 1;
luaL_error(L, "collectgarbage must be called with 'count' or 'collect'");
static void setupState(lua_State* L)
static const luaL_Reg funcs[] = {
{"loadstring", lua_loadstring},
{"require", lua_require},
{"collectgarbage", lua_collectgarbage},
lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
luaL_register(L, NULL, funcs);
lua_pop(L, 1);
static std::string runCode(lua_State* L, const std::string& source)
std::string bytecode = Luau::compile(source);
if (luau_load(L, "=stdin", bytecode.data(), bytecode.size()) != 0)
size_t len;
const char* msg = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &len);
std::string error(msg, len);
lua_pop(L, 1);
return error;
lua_State* T = lua_newthread(L);
lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
lua_remove(L, -3);
lua_xmove(L, T, 1);
int status = lua_resume(T, NULL, 0);
if (status == 0)
int n = lua_gettop(T);
if (n)
luaL_checkstack(T, LUA_MINSTACK, "too many results to print");
lua_getglobal(T, "print");
lua_insert(T, 1);
lua_pcall(T, n, 0, 0);
std::string error = (status == LUA_YIELD) ? "thread yielded unexpectedly" : lua_tostring(T, -1);
error += "\nstack backtrace:\n";
error += lua_debugtrace(T);
fprintf(stdout, "%s", error.c_str());
lua_pop(L, 1);
return std::string();
static void completeIndexer(lua_State* L, const char* editBuffer, size_t start, std::vector<std::string>& completions)
std::string_view lookup = editBuffer + start;
for (;;)
size_t dot = lookup.find('.');
std::string_view prefix = lookup.substr(0, dot);
if (dot == std::string_view::npos)
// table, key
while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0)
// table, key, value
std::string_view key = lua_tostring(L, -2);
if (!key.empty() && Luau::startsWith(key, prefix))
completions.push_back(editBuffer + std::string(key.substr(prefix.size())));
lua_pop(L, 1);
// find the key in the table
lua_pushlstring(L, prefix.data(), prefix.size());
lua_rawget(L, -2);
lua_remove(L, -2);
if (lua_isnil(L, -1))
lookup.remove_prefix(dot + 1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
static void completeRepl(lua_State* L, const char* editBuffer, std::vector<std::string>& completions)
size_t start = strlen(editBuffer);
while (start > 0 && (isalnum(editBuffer[start - 1]) || editBuffer[start - 1] == '.'))
// look the value up in current global table first
lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
completeIndexer(L, editBuffer, start, completions);
// and in actual global table after that
lua_getglobal(L, "_G");
completeIndexer(L, editBuffer, start, completions);
static void runRepl()
std::unique_ptr<lua_State, void (*)(lua_State*)> globalState(luaL_newstate(), lua_close);
lua_State* L = globalState.get();
linenoise::SetCompletionCallback([L](const char* editBuffer, std::vector<std::string>& completions) {
completeRepl(L, editBuffer, completions);
std::string buffer;
for (;;)
bool quit = false;
std::string line = linenoise::Readline(buffer.empty() ? "> " : ">> ", quit);
if (quit)
if (buffer.empty() && runCode(L, std::string("return ") + line) == std::string())
buffer += line;
buffer += " "; // linenoise doesn't work very well with multiline history entries
std::string error = runCode(L, buffer);
if (error.length() >= 5 && error.compare(error.length() - 5, 5, "<eof>") == 0)
if (error.length())
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", error.c_str());
static bool runFile(const char* name, lua_State* GL)
std::optional<std::string> source = readFile(name);
if (!source)
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", name);
return false;
// module needs to run in a new thread, isolated from the rest
lua_State* L = lua_newthread(GL);
// new thread needs to have the globals sandboxed
std::string chunkname = "=" + std::string(name);
std::string bytecode = Luau::compile(*source);
int status = 0;
if (luau_load(L, chunkname.c_str(), bytecode.data(), bytecode.size()) == 0)
status = lua_resume(L, NULL, 0);
if (status == 0)
return true;
std::string error = (status == LUA_YIELD) ? "thread yielded unexpectedly" : lua_tostring(L, -1);
error += "\nstacktrace:\n";
error += lua_debugtrace(L);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", error.c_str());
return false;
static void report(const char* name, const Luau::Location& location, const char* type, const char* message)
fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d,%d): %s: %s\n", name, location.begin.line + 1, location.begin.column + 1, type, message);
static void reportError(const char* name, const Luau::ParseError& error)
report(name, error.getLocation(), "SyntaxError", error.what());
static void reportError(const char* name, const Luau::CompileError& error)
report(name, error.getLocation(), "CompileError", error.what());
static bool compileFile(const char* name)
std::optional<std::string> source = readFile(name);
if (!source)
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", name);
return false;
Luau::BytecodeBuilder bcb;
bcb.setDumpFlags(Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Dump_Code | Luau::BytecodeBuilder::Dump_Source);
Luau::compileOrThrow(bcb, *source);
printf("%s", bcb.dumpEverything().c_str());
return true;
catch (Luau::ParseErrors& e)
for (auto& error : e.getErrors())
reportError(name, error);
return false;
catch (Luau::CompileError& e)
reportError(name, e);
return false;
static void displayHelp(const char* argv0)
printf("Usage: %s [--mode] [options] [file list]\n", argv0);
printf("When mode and file list are omitted, an interactive REPL is started instead.\n");
printf("Available modes:\n");
printf(" omitted: compile and run input files one by one\n");
printf(" --compile: compile input files and output resulting bytecode\n");
printf("Available options:\n");
printf(" --profile[=N]: profile the code using N Hz sampling (default 10000) and output results to profile.out\n");
static int assertionHandler(const char* expr, const char* file, int line)
printf("%s(%d): ASSERTION FAILED: %s\n", file, line, expr);
return 1;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Luau::assertHandler() = assertionHandler;
for (Luau::FValue<bool>* flag = Luau::FValue<bool>::list; flag; flag = flag->next)
if (strncmp(flag->name, "Luau", 4) == 0)
flag->value = true;
if (argc == 1)
return 0;
if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)
return 0;
if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--compile") == 0)
int failed = 0;
for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i)
if (argv[i][0] == '-')
if (isDirectory(argv[i]))
traverseDirectory(argv[i], [&](const std::string& name) {
if (name.length() > 4 && name.rfind(".lua") == name.length() - 4)
failed += !compileFile(name.c_str());
failed += !compileFile(argv[i]);
return failed;
std::unique_ptr<lua_State, void (*)(lua_State*)> globalState(luaL_newstate(), lua_close);
lua_State* L = globalState.get();
int profile = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
if (strcmp(argv[i], "--profile") == 0)
profile = 10000; // default to 10 KHz
else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--profile=", 10) == 0)
profile = atoi(argv[i] + 10);
if (profile)
profilerStart(L, profile);
int failed = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
if (argv[i][0] == '-')
if (isDirectory(argv[i]))
traverseDirectory(argv[i], [&](const std::string& name) {
if (name.length() > 4 && name.rfind(".lua") == name.length() - 4)
failed += !runFile(name.c_str(), L);
failed += !runFile(argv[i], L);
if (profile)
return failed;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
project(Luau LANGUAGES CXX)
option(LUAU_BUILD_CLI "Build CLI" ON)
option(LUAU_BUILD_TESTS "Build tests" ON)
add_library(Luau.Ast STATIC)
add_library(Luau.Compiler STATIC)
add_library(Luau.Analysis STATIC)
add_library(Luau.VM STATIC)
# This also adds target `name` on Linux/macOS and `name.exe` on Windows
set_target_properties(Luau.Repl.CLI PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME luau)
set_target_properties(Luau.Analyze.CLI PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME luau-analyze)
target_compile_features(Luau.Ast PUBLIC cxx_std_17)
target_include_directories(Luau.Ast PUBLIC Ast/include)
target_compile_features(Luau.Compiler PUBLIC cxx_std_17)
target_include_directories(Luau.Compiler PUBLIC Compiler/include)
target_link_libraries(Luau.Compiler PUBLIC Luau.Ast)
target_compile_features(Luau.Analysis PUBLIC cxx_std_17)
target_include_directories(Luau.Analysis PUBLIC Analysis/include)
target_link_libraries(Luau.Analysis PUBLIC Luau.Ast)
target_compile_features(Luau.VM PRIVATE cxx_std_11)
target_include_directories(Luau.VM PUBLIC VM/include)
list(APPEND LUAU_OPTIONS /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) # We need to use the portable CRT functions.
list(APPEND LUAU_OPTIONS /WX) # Warnings are errors
list(APPEND LUAU_OPTIONS /MP) # Distribute single project compilation across multiple cores
list(APPEND LUAU_OPTIONS -Wall) # All warnings
list(APPEND LUAU_OPTIONS -Werror) # Warnings are errors
list(APPEND LUAU_OPTIONS -Wno-unused) # GCC considers variables declared/checked in if() as unused
target_compile_options(Luau.Ast PRIVATE ${LUAU_OPTIONS})
target_compile_options(Luau.Analysis PRIVATE ${LUAU_OPTIONS})
target_compile_options(Luau.VM PRIVATE ${LUAU_OPTIONS})
target_compile_options(Luau.Repl.CLI PRIVATE ${LUAU_OPTIONS})
target_compile_options(Luau.Analyze.CLI PRIVATE ${LUAU_OPTIONS})
target_include_directories(Luau.Repl.CLI PRIVATE extern)
target_link_libraries(Luau.Repl.CLI PRIVATE Luau.Compiler Luau.VM)
target_link_libraries(Luau.Repl.CLI PRIVATE pthread)
target_link_libraries(Luau.Analyze.CLI PRIVATE Luau.Analysis)
target_compile_options(Luau.UnitTest PRIVATE ${LUAU_OPTIONS})
target_include_directories(Luau.UnitTest PRIVATE extern)
target_link_libraries(Luau.UnitTest PRIVATE Luau.Analysis Luau.Compiler)
target_compile_options(Luau.Conformance PRIVATE ${LUAU_OPTIONS})
target_include_directories(Luau.Conformance PRIVATE extern)
target_link_libraries(Luau.Conformance PRIVATE Luau.Analysis Luau.Compiler Luau.VM)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
// clang-format off
// This header contains the bytecode definition for Luau interpreter
// Creating the bytecode is outside the scope of this file and is handled by bytecode builder (BytecodeBuilder.h) and bytecode compiler (Compiler.h)
// Note that ALL enums declared in this file are order-sensitive since the values are baked into bytecode that needs to be processed by legacy clients.
// Bytecode definitions
// Bytecode instructions are using "word code" - each instruction is one or many 32-bit words.
// The first word in the instruction is always the instruction header, and *must* contain the opcode (enum below) in the least significant byte.
// Instruction word can be encoded using one of the following encodings:
// ABC - least-significant byte for the opcode, followed by three bytes, A, B and C; each byte declares a register index, small index into some other table or an unsigned integral value
// AD - least-significant byte for the opcode, followed by A byte, followed by D half-word (16-bit integer). D is a signed integer that commonly specifies constant table index or jump offset
// E - least-significant byte for the opcode, followed by E (24-bit integer). E is a signed integer that commonly specifies a jump offset
// Instruction word is sometimes followed by one extra word, indicated as AUX - this is just a 32-bit word and is decoded according to the specification for each opcode.
// For each opcode the encoding is *static* - that is, based on the opcode you know a-priory how large the instruction is, with the exception of NEWCLOSURE
// Bytecode indices
// Bytecode instructions commonly refer to integer values that define offsets or indices for various entities. For each type, there's a maximum encodable value.
// Note that in some cases, the compiler will set a lower limit than the maximum encodable value is to prevent fragile code into bumping against the limits whenever we change the compilation details.
// Additionally, in some specific instructions such as ANDK, the limit on the encoded value is smaller; this means that if a value is larger, a different instruction must be selected.
// Registers: 0-254. Registers refer to the values on the function's stack frame, including arguments.
// Upvalues: 0-254. Upvalues refer to the values stored in the closure object.
// Constants: 0-2^23-1. Constants are stored in a table allocated with each proto; to allow for future bytecode tweaks the encodable value is limited to 23 bits.
// Closures: 0-2^15-1. Closures are created from child protos via a child index; the limit is for the number of closures immediately referenced in each function.
// Jumps: -2^23..2^23. Jump offsets are specified in word increments, so jumping over an instruction may sometimes require an offset of 2 or more.
enum LuauOpcode
// NOP: noop
// BREAK: debugger break
// LOADNIL: sets register to nil
// A: target register
// LOADB: sets register to boolean and jumps to a given short offset (used to compile comparison results into a boolean)
// A: target register
// B: value (0/1)
// C: jump offset
// LOADN: sets register to a number literal
// A: target register
// D: value (-32768..32767)
// LOADK: sets register to an entry from the constant table from the proto (number/string)
// A: target register
// D: constant table index (0..32767)
// MOVE: move (copy) value from one register to another
// A: target register
// B: source register
// GETGLOBAL: load value from global table using constant string as a key
// A: target register
// C: predicted slot index (based on hash)
// AUX: constant table index
// SETGLOBAL: set value in global table using constant string as a key
// A: source register
// C: predicted slot index (based on hash)
// AUX: constant table index
// GETUPVAL: load upvalue from the upvalue table for the current function
// A: target register
// B: upvalue index (0..255)
// SETUPVAL: store value into the upvalue table for the current function
// A: target register
// B: upvalue index (0..255)
// CLOSEUPVALS: close (migrate to heap) all upvalues that were captured for registers >= target
// A: target register
// GETIMPORT: load imported global table global from the constant table
// A: target register
// D: constant table index (0..32767); we assume that imports are loaded into the constant table
// AUX: 3 10-bit indices of constant strings that, combined, constitute an import path; length of the path is set by the top 2 bits (1,2,3)
// GETTABLE: load value from table into target register using key from register
// A: target register
// B: table register
// C: index register
// SETTABLE: store source register into table using key from register
// A: source register
// B: table register
// C: index register
// GETTABLEKS: load value from table into target register using constant string as a key
// A: target register
// B: table register
// C: predicted slot index (based on hash)
// AUX: constant table index
// SETTABLEKS: store source register into table using constant string as a key
// A: source register
// B: table register
// C: predicted slot index (based on hash)
// AUX: constant table index
// GETTABLEN: load value from table into target register using small integer index as a key
// A: target register
// B: table register
// C: index-1 (index is 1..256)
// SETTABLEN: store source register into table using small integer index as a key
// A: source register
// B: table register
// C: index-1 (index is 1..256)
// NEWCLOSURE: create closure from a child proto; followed by a CAPTURE instruction for each upvalue
// A: target register
// D: child proto index (0..32767)
// NAMECALL: prepare to call specified method by name by loading function from source register using constant index into target register and copying source register into target register + 1
// A: target register
// B: source register
// C: predicted slot index (based on hash)
// AUX: constant table index
// Note that this instruction must be followed directly by CALL; it prepares the arguments
// This instruction is roughly equivalent to GETTABLEKS + MOVE pair, but we need a special instruction to support custom __namecall metamethod
// CALL: call specified function
// A: register where the function object lives, followed by arguments; results are placed starting from the same register
// B: argument count + 1, or 0 to preserve all arguments up to top (MULTRET)
// C: result count + 1, or 0 to preserve all values and adjust top (MULTRET)
// RETURN: returns specified values from the function
// A: register where the returned values start
// B: number of returned values + 1, or 0 to return all values up to top (MULTRET)
// JUMP: jumps to target offset
// D: jump offset (-32768..32767; 0 means "next instruction" aka "don't jump")
// JUMPBACK: jumps to target offset; this is equivalent to JUMP but is used as a safepoint to be able to interrupt while/repeat loops
// D: jump offset (-32768..32767; 0 means "next instruction" aka "don't jump")
// JUMPIF: jumps to target offset if register is not nil/false
// A: source register
// D: jump offset (-32768..32767; 0 means "next instruction" aka "don't jump")
// JUMPIFNOT: jumps to target offset if register is nil/false
// A: source register
// D: jump offset (-32768..32767; 0 means "next instruction" aka "don't jump")
// JUMPIFEQ, JUMPIFLE, JUMPIFLT, JUMPIFNOTEQ, JUMPIFNOTLE, JUMPIFNOTLT: jumps to target offset if the comparison is true (or false, for NOT variants)
// A: source register 1
// D: jump offset (-32768..32767; 0 means "next instruction" aka "don't jump")
// AUX: source register 2
// ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD, POW: compute arithmetic operation between two source registers and put the result into target register
// A: target register
// B: source register 1
// C: source register 2
// ADDK, SUBK, MULK, DIVK, MODK, POWK: compute arithmetic operation between the source register and a constant and put the result into target register
// A: target register
// B: source register
// C: constant table index (0..255)
// AND, OR: perform `and` or `or` operation (selecting first or second register based on whether the first one is truthful) and put the result into target register
// A: target register
// B: source register 1
// C: source register 2
// ANDK, ORK: perform `and` or `or` operation (selecting source register or constant based on whether the source register is truthful) and put the result into target register
// A: target register
// B: source register
// C: constant table index (0..255)
// CONCAT: concatenate all strings between B and C (inclusive) and put the result into A
// A: target register
// B: source register start
// C: source register end
// NOT, MINUS, LENGTH: compute unary operation for source register and put the result into target register
// A: target register
// B: source register
// NEWTABLE: create table in target register
// A: target register
// B: table size, stored as 0 for v=0 and ceil(log2(v))+1 for v!=0
// AUX: array size
// DUPTABLE: duplicate table using the constant table template to target register
// A: target register
// D: constant table index (0..32767)
// SETLIST: set a list of values to table in target register
// A: target register
// B: source register start
// C: value count + 1, or 0 to use all values up to top (MULTRET)
// AUX: table index to start from
// FORNPREP: prepare a numeric for loop, jump over the loop if first iteration doesn't need to run
// A: target register; numeric for loops assume a register layout [limit, step, index, variable]
// D: jump offset (-32768..32767)
// limit/step are immutable, index isn't visible to user code since it's copied into variable
// FORNLOOP: adjust loop variables for one iteration, jump back to the loop header if loop needs to continue
// A: target register; see FORNPREP for register layout
// D: jump offset (-32768..32767)
// FORGLOOP: adjust loop variables for one iteration of a generic for loop, jump back to the loop header if loop needs to continue
// A: target register; generic for loops assume a register layout [generator, state, index, variables...]
// D: jump offset (-32768..32767)
// AUX: variable count (1..255)
// loop variables are adjusted by calling generator(state, index) and expecting it to return a tuple that's copied to the user variables
// the first variable is then copied into index; generator/state are immutable, index isn't visible to user code
// FORGPREP_INEXT/FORGLOOP_INEXT: FORGLOOP with 2 output variables (no AUX encoding), assuming generator is luaB_inext
// FORGPREP_INEXT prepares the index variable and jumps to FORGLOOP_INEXT
// FORGLOOP_INEXT has identical encoding and semantics to FORGLOOP (except for AUX encoding)
// FORGPREP_NEXT/FORGLOOP_NEXT: FORGLOOP with 2 output variables (no AUX encoding), assuming generator is luaB_next
// FORGPREP_NEXT prepares the index variable and jumps to FORGLOOP_NEXT
// FORGLOOP_NEXT has identical encoding and semantics to FORGLOOP (except for AUX encoding)
// GETVARARGS: copy variables into the target register from vararg storage for current function
// A: target register
// B: variable count + 1, or 0 to copy all variables and adjust top (MULTRET)
// DUPCLOSURE: create closure from a pre-created function object (reusing it unless environments diverge)
// A: target register
// D: constant table index (0..32767)
// PREPVARARGS: prepare stack for variadic functions so that GETVARARGS works correctly
// A: number of fixed arguments
// LOADKX: sets register to an entry from the constant table from the proto (number/string)
// A: target register
// AUX: constant table index
// JUMPX: jumps to the target offset; like JUMPBACK, supports interruption
// E: jump offset (-2^23..2^23; 0 means "next instruction" aka "don't jump")
// FASTCALL: perform a fast call of a built-in function
// A: builtin function id (see LuauBuiltinFunction)
// C: jump offset to get to following CALL
// FASTCALL is followed by one of (GETIMPORT, MOVE, GETUPVAL) instructions and by CALL instruction
// This is necessary so that if FASTCALL can't perform the call inline, it can continue normal execution
// If FASTCALL *can* perform the call, it jumps over the instructions *and* over the next CALL
// Note that FASTCALL will read the actual call arguments, such as argument/result registers and counts, from the CALL instruction
// COVERAGE: update coverage information stored in the instruction
// E: hit count for the instruction (0..2^23-1)
// The hit count is incremented by VM every time the instruction is executed, and saturates at 2^23-1
// CAPTURE: capture a local or an upvalue as an upvalue into a newly created closure; only valid after NEWCLOSURE
// A: capture type, see LuauCaptureType
// B: source register (for VAL/REF) or upvalue index (for UPVAL/UPREF)
// JUMPIFEQK, JUMPIFNOTEQK: jumps to target offset if the comparison with constant is true (or false, for NOT variants)
// A: source register 1
// D: jump offset (-32768..32767; 0 means "next instruction" aka "don't jump")
// AUX: constant table index
// FASTCALL1: perform a fast call of a built-in function using 1 register argument
// A: builtin function id (see LuauBuiltinFunction)
// B: source argument register
// C: jump offset to get to following CALL
// FASTCALL2: perform a fast call of a built-in function using 2 register arguments
// A: builtin function id (see LuauBuiltinFunction)
// B: source argument register
// C: jump offset to get to following CALL
// AUX: source register 2 in least-significant byte
// FASTCALL2K: perform a fast call of a built-in function using 1 register argument and 1 constant argument
// A: builtin function id (see LuauBuiltinFunction)
// B: source argument register
// C: jump offset to get to following CALL
// AUX: constant index
// Enum entry for number of opcodes, not a valid opcode by itself!
// Bytecode instruction header: it's always a 32-bit integer, with low byte (first byte in little endian) containing the opcode
// Some instruction types require more data and have more 32-bit integers following the header
#define LUAU_INSN_OP(insn) ((insn) & 0xff)
// ABC encoding: three 8-bit values, containing registers or small numbers
#define LUAU_INSN_A(insn) (((insn) >> 8) & 0xff)
#define LUAU_INSN_B(insn) (((insn) >> 16) & 0xff)
#define LUAU_INSN_C(insn) (((insn) >> 24) & 0xff)
// AD encoding: one 8-bit value, one signed 16-bit value
#define LUAU_INSN_D(insn) (int32_t(insn) >> 16)
// E encoding: one signed 24-bit value
#define LUAU_INSN_E(insn) (int32_t(insn) >> 8)
// Bytecode tags, used internally for bytecode encoded as a string
enum LuauBytecodeTag
// Bytecode version
// Types of constant table entries
// Builtin function ids, used in LOP_FASTCALL
enum LuauBuiltinFunction
// assert()
// math.
// bit32.
// type()
// string.
// typeof()
// string.
// math.
// raw*
// table.
// vector ctor
// Capture type, used in LOP_CAPTURE
enum LuauCaptureType
LCT_VAL = 0,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Bytecode.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include <string>
namespace Luau
class BytecodeEncoder
virtual ~BytecodeEncoder() {}
virtual uint8_t encodeOp(uint8_t op) = 0;
class BytecodeBuilder
// BytecodeBuilder does *not* copy the data passed via StringRef; instead, it keeps the ref around until finalize()
// Please be careful with the lifetime of the data that's being passed because of this.
// The safe and correct pattern is to only build StringRefs out of pieces of AST (AstName or AstArray<>) that are backed by AstAllocator.
// Note that you must finalize() the builder before the Allocator backing the Ast is destroyed.
struct StringRef
// To construct a StringRef, use sref() from Compiler.cpp.
const char* data = nullptr;
size_t length = 0;
bool operator==(const StringRef& other) const;
struct TableShape
static const unsigned int kMaxLength = 32;
int32_t keys[kMaxLength];
unsigned int length = 0;
bool operator==(const TableShape& other) const;
BytecodeBuilder(BytecodeEncoder* encoder = 0);
uint32_t beginFunction(uint8_t numparams, bool isvararg = false);
void endFunction(uint8_t maxstacksize, uint8_t numupvalues);
void setMainFunction(uint32_t fid);
int32_t addConstantNil();
int32_t addConstantBoolean(bool value);
int32_t addConstantNumber(double value);
int32_t addConstantString(StringRef value);
int32_t addImport(uint32_t iid);
int32_t addConstantTable(const TableShape& shape);
int32_t addConstantClosure(uint32_t fid);
int16_t addChildFunction(uint32_t fid);
void emitABC(LuauOpcode op, uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c);
void emitAD(LuauOpcode op, uint8_t a, int16_t d);
void emitE(LuauOpcode op, int32_t e);
void emitAux(uint32_t aux);
size_t emitLabel();
[[nodiscard]] bool patchJumpD(size_t jumpLabel, size_t targetLabel);
[[nodiscard]] bool patchSkipC(size_t jumpLabel, size_t targetLabel);
void foldJumps();
void expandJumps();
void setDebugFunctionName(StringRef name);
void setDebugLine(int line);
void pushDebugLocal(StringRef name, uint8_t reg, uint32_t startpc, uint32_t endpc);
void pushDebugUpval(StringRef name);
uint32_t getDebugPC() const;
void finalize();
enum DumpFlags
Dump_Code = 1 << 0,
Dump_Lines = 1 << 1,
Dump_Source = 1 << 2,
Dump_Locals = 1 << 3,
void setDumpFlags(uint32_t flags)
dumpFlags = flags;
dumpFunctionPtr = &BytecodeBuilder::dumpCurrentFunction;
void setDumpSource(const std::string& source);
const std::string& getBytecode() const
LUAU_ASSERT(!bytecode.empty()); // did you forget to call finalize?
return bytecode;
std::string dumpFunction(uint32_t id) const;
std::string dumpEverything() const;
static uint32_t getImportId(int32_t id0);
static uint32_t getImportId(int32_t id0, int32_t id1);
static uint32_t getImportId(int32_t id0, int32_t id1, int32_t id2);
static uint32_t getStringHash(StringRef key);
static std::string getError(const std::string& message);
struct Constant
enum Type
Type type;
bool valueBoolean;
double valueNumber;
unsigned int valueString; // index into string table
uint32_t valueImport; // 10-10-10-2 encoded import id
uint32_t valueTable; // index into tableShapes[]
uint32_t valueClosure; // index of function in global list
struct ConstantKey
Constant::Type type;
// Note: this stores value* from Constant; when type is Number_Double, this stores the same bits as double does but in uint64_t.
uint64_t value;
bool operator==(const ConstantKey& key) const
return type == key.type && value == key.value;
struct Function
std::string data;
uint8_t maxstacksize = 0;
uint8_t numparams = 0;
uint8_t numupvalues = 0;
bool isvararg = false;
unsigned int debugname = 0;
std::string dump;
std::string dumpname;
struct DebugLocal
unsigned int name;
uint8_t reg;
uint32_t startpc;
uint32_t endpc;
struct DebugUpval
unsigned int name;
struct Jump
uint32_t source;
uint32_t target;
struct StringRefHash
size_t operator()(const StringRef& v) const;
struct ConstantKeyHash
size_t operator()(const ConstantKey& key) const;
struct TableShapeHash
size_t operator()(const TableShape& v) const;
std::vector<Function> functions;
uint32_t currentFunction = ~0u;
uint32_t mainFunction = ~0u;
std::vector<uint32_t> insns;
std::vector<int> lines;
std::vector<Constant> constants;
std::vector<uint32_t> protos;
std::vector<Jump> jumps;
std::vector<TableShape> tableShapes;
bool hasLongJumps = false;
DenseHashMap<ConstantKey, int32_t, ConstantKeyHash> constantMap;
DenseHashMap<TableShape, int32_t, TableShapeHash> tableShapeMap;
int debugLine = 0;
std::vector<DebugLocal> debugLocals;
std::vector<DebugUpval> debugUpvals;
DenseHashMap<StringRef, unsigned int, StringRefHash> stringTable;
BytecodeEncoder* encoder = nullptr;
std::string bytecode;
uint32_t dumpFlags = 0;
std::vector<std::string> dumpSource;
std::string (BytecodeBuilder::*dumpFunctionPtr)() const = nullptr;
void validate() const;
std::string dumpCurrentFunction() const;
const uint32_t* dumpInstruction(const uint32_t* opcode, std::string& output) const;
void writeFunction(std::string& ss, uint32_t id) const;
void writeLineInfo(std::string& ss) const;
void writeStringTable(std::string& ss) const;
int32_t addConstant(const ConstantKey& key, const Constant& value);
unsigned int addStringTableEntry(StringRef value);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/ParseOptions.h"
#include "Luau/Location.h"
#include "Luau/StringUtils.h"
#include "Luau/Common.h"
namespace Luau
class AstStatBlock;
class AstNameTable;
class BytecodeBuilder;
class BytecodeEncoder;
struct CompileOptions
// default bytecode version target; can be used to compile code for older clients
int bytecodeVersion = 1;
// 0 - no optimization
// 1 - baseline optimization level that doesn't prevent debuggability
// 2 - includes optimizations that harm debuggability such as inlining
int optimizationLevel = 1;
// 0 - no debugging support
// 1 - line info & function names only; sufficient for backtraces
// 2 - full debug info with local & upvalue names; necessary for debugger
int debugLevel = 1;
// 0 - no code coverage support
// 1 - statement coverage
// 2 - statement and expression coverage (verbose)
int coverageLevel = 0;
// global builtin to construct vectors; disabled by default
const char* vectorLib = nullptr;
const char* vectorCtor = nullptr;
class CompileError : public std::exception
CompileError(const Location& location, const std::string& message);
virtual ~CompileError() throw();
virtual const char* what() const throw();
const Location& getLocation() const;
static LUAU_NORETURN void raise(const Location& location, const char* format, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(2, 3);
Location location;
std::string message;
// compiles bytecode into bytecode builder using either a pre-parsed AST or parsing it from source; throws on errors
void compileOrThrow(BytecodeBuilder& bytecode, AstStatBlock* root, const AstNameTable& names, const CompileOptions& options = {});
void compileOrThrow(BytecodeBuilder& bytecode, const std::string& source, const CompileOptions& options = {}, const ParseOptions& parseOptions = {});
// compiles bytecode into a bytecode blob, that either contains the valid bytecode or an encoded error that luau_load can decode
std::string compile(
const std::string& source, const CompileOptions& options = {}, const ParseOptions& parseOptions = {}, BytecodeEncoder* encoder = nullptr);
} // namespace Luau
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Roblox Corporation
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
# This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
AST_SOURCES=$(wildcard Ast/src/*.cpp)
COMPILER_SOURCES=$(wildcard Compiler/src/*.cpp)
ANALYSIS_SOURCES=$(wildcard Analysis/src/*.cpp)
VM_SOURCES=$(wildcard VM/src/*.cpp)
TESTS_SOURCES=$(wildcard tests/*.cpp)
REPL_CLI_SOURCES=CLI/FileUtils.cpp CLI/Profiler.cpp CLI/Repl.cpp
ANALYZE_CLI_SOURCES=CLI/FileUtils.cpp CLI/Analyze.cpp
FUZZ_SOURCES=$(wildcard fuzz/*.cpp)
ifneq ($(flags),)
# common flags
CXXFLAGS=-g -Wall -Werror
CXXFLAGS+=-Wno-unused # temporary, for older gcc versions
# configuration-specific flags
ifeq ($(config),release)
ifeq ($(config),coverage)
CXXFLAGS+=-fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping
ifeq ($(config),sanitize)
CXXFLAGS+=-fsanitize=address -O1
ifeq ($(config),analyze)
ifeq ($(config),fuzz)
CXX=clang++ # our fuzzing infra relies on llvm fuzzer
CXXFLAGS+=-fsanitize=address,fuzzer -Ibuild/libprotobuf-mutator -Ibuild/libprotobuf-mutator/external.protobuf/include -O2
# target-specific flags
$(AST_OBJECTS): CXXFLAGS+=-std=c++17 -IAst/include
$(COMPILER_OBJECTS): CXXFLAGS+=-std=c++17 -ICompiler/include -IAst/include
$(ANALYSIS_OBJECTS): CXXFLAGS+=-std=c++17 -IAst/include -IAnalysis/include
$(VM_OBJECTS): CXXFLAGS+=-std=c++11 -IVM/include
$(TESTS_OBJECTS): CXXFLAGS+=-std=c++17 -IAst/include -ICompiler/include -IAnalysis/include -IVM/include -Iextern
$(REPL_CLI_OBJECTS): CXXFLAGS+=-std=c++17 -IAst/include -ICompiler/include -IVM/include -Iextern
$(ANALYZE_CLI_OBJECTS): CXXFLAGS+=-std=c++17 -IAst/include -IAnalysis/include -Iextern
$(FUZZ_OBJECTS): CXXFLAGS+=-std=c++17 -IAst/include -ICompiler/include -IAnalysis/include -IVM/include
fuzz-proto fuzz-prototest: LDFLAGS+=build/libprotobuf-mutator/src/libfuzzer/libprotobuf-mutator-libfuzzer.a build/libprotobuf-mutator/src/libprotobuf-mutator.a build/libprotobuf-mutator/external.protobuf/lib/libprotobuf.a
# pseudo targets
.PHONY: all test clean coverage format luau-size
rm -rf $(BUILD)
coverage: $(TESTS_TARGET)
$(TESTS_TARGET) --fflags=true
mv default.profraw default-flags.profraw
llvm-profdata merge default.profraw default-flags.profraw -o default.profdata
rm default.profraw default-flags.profraw
llvm-cov show -format=html -show-instantiations=false -show-line-counts=true -show-region-summary=false -ignore-filename-regex=\(tests\|extern\)/.* -output-dir=coverage --instr-profile default.profdata build/coverage/luau-tests
llvm-cov report -ignore-filename-regex=\(tests\|extern\)/.* -show-region-summary=false --instr-profile default.profdata build/coverage/luau-tests
find . -name '*.h' -or -name '*.cpp' | xargs clang-format -i
luau-size: luau
nm --print-size --demangle luau | grep ' t void luau_execute<false>' | awk -F ' ' '{sum += strtonum("0x" $$2)} END {print sum " interpreter" }'
nm --print-size --demangle luau | grep ' t luauF_' | awk -F ' ' '{sum += strtonum("0x" $$2)} END {print sum " builtins" }'
# executable target aliases
cp $^ $@
luau-analyze: $(ANALYZE_CLI_TARGET)
cp $^ $@
# executable targets
$(CXX) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
# executable targets for fuzzing
fuzz-proto: $(BUILD)/fuzz/proto.cpp.o $(BUILD)/fuzz/protoprint.cpp.o $(BUILD)/fuzz/luau.pb.cpp.o $(ANALYSIS_TARGET) $(COMPILER_TARGET) $(AST_TARGET) $(VM_TARGET) | build/libprotobuf-mutator
fuzz-prototest: $(BUILD)/fuzz/prototest.cpp.o $(BUILD)/fuzz/protoprint.cpp.o $(BUILD)/fuzz/luau.pb.cpp.o $(ANALYSIS_TARGET) $(COMPILER_TARGET) $(AST_TARGET) $(VM_TARGET) | build/libprotobuf-mutator
$(CXX) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
# static library targets
ar rcs $@ $^
# object file targets
$(BUILD)/%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(CXX) $< $(CXXFLAGS) -c -MMD -MP -o $@
# protobuf fuzzer setup
fuzz/luau.pb.cpp: fuzz/luau.proto build/libprotobuf-mutator
cd fuzz && ../build/libprotobuf-mutator/external.protobuf/bin/protoc luau.proto --cpp_out=.
mv fuzz/luau.pb.cc fuzz/luau.pb.cpp
$(BUILD)/fuzz/proto.cpp.o: build/libprotobuf-mutator
$(BUILD)/fuzz/protoprint.cpp.o: build/libprotobuf-mutator
git clone https://github.com/google/libprotobuf-mutator build/libprotobuf-mutator
CXX= cmake -S build/libprotobuf-mutator -B build/libprotobuf-mutator -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D LIB_PROTO_MUTATOR_DOWNLOAD_PROTOBUF=ON -D LIB_PROTO_MUTATOR_TESTING=OFF
make -C build/libprotobuf-mutator -j8
# picks up include dependencies for all object files
-include $(OBJECTS:.o=.d)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
# Luau.Ast Sources
target_sources(Luau.Ast PRIVATE
# Luau.Compiler Sources
target_sources(Luau.Compiler PRIVATE
# Luau.Analysis Sources
target_sources(Luau.Analysis PRIVATE
# Luau.VM Sources
target_sources(Luau.VM PRIVATE
if(TARGET Luau.Repl.CLI)
# Luau.Repl.CLI Sources
target_sources(Luau.Repl.CLI PRIVATE
if(TARGET Luau.Analyze.CLI)
# Luau.Analyze.CLI Sources
target_sources(Luau.Analyze.CLI PRIVATE
if(TARGET Luau.UnitTest)
# Luau.UnitTest Sources
target_sources(Luau.UnitTest PRIVATE
if(TARGET Luau.Conformance)
# Luau.Conformance Sources
target_sources(Luau.Conformance PRIVATE
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
// This code is based on Lua 5.x implementation licensed under MIT License; see lua_LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "luaconf.h"
/* option for multiple returns in `lua_pcall' and `lua_call' */
#define LUA_MULTRET (-1)
** pseudo-indices
#define LUA_REGISTRYINDEX (-10000)
#define LUA_ENVIRONINDEX (-10001)
#define LUA_GLOBALSINDEX (-10002)
#define lua_upvalueindex(i) (LUA_GLOBALSINDEX - (i))
/* thread status; 0 is OK */
enum lua_Status
LUA_OK = 0,
LUA_BREAK, /* yielded for a debug breakpoint */
typedef struct lua_State lua_State;
typedef int (*lua_CFunction)(lua_State* L);
typedef int (*lua_Continuation)(lua_State* L, int status);
** prototype for memory-allocation functions
typedef void* (*lua_Alloc)(lua_State* L, void* ud, void* ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize);
/* non-return type */
#define l_noret void LUA_NORETURN
** basic types
#define LUA_TNONE (-1)
* WARNING: if you change the order of this enumeration,
* grep "ORDER TYPE"
// clang-format off
enum lua_Type
LUA_TNIL = 0, /* must be 0 due to lua_isnoneornil */
LUA_TBOOLEAN = 1, /* must be 1 due to l_isfalse */
LUA_TSTRING, /* all types above this must be value types, all types below this must be GC types - see iscollectable */
/* values below this line are used in GCObject tags but may never show up in TValue type tags */
/* the count of TValue type tags */
// clang-format on
/* type of numbers in Luau */
typedef double lua_Number;
/* type for integer functions */
typedef int lua_Integer;
/* unsigned integer type */
typedef unsigned lua_Unsigned;
** state manipulation
LUA_API lua_State* lua_newstate(lua_Alloc f, void* ud);
LUA_API void lua_close(lua_State* L);
LUA_API lua_State* lua_newthread(lua_State* L);
LUA_API lua_State* lua_mainthread(lua_State* L);
** basic stack manipulation
LUA_API int lua_gettop(lua_State* L);
LUA_API void lua_settop(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void lua_pushvalue(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void lua_remove(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void lua_insert(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void lua_replace(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API int lua_checkstack(lua_State* L, int sz);
LUA_API void lua_rawcheckstack(lua_State* L, int sz); /* allows for unlimited stack frames */
LUA_API void lua_xmove(lua_State* from, lua_State* to, int n);
LUA_API void lua_xpush(lua_State* from, lua_State* to, int idx);
** access functions (stack -> C)
LUA_API int lua_isnumber(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API int lua_isstring(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API int lua_iscfunction(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API int lua_isLfunction(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API int lua_isuserdata(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API int lua_type(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API const char* lua_typename(lua_State* L, int tp);
LUA_API int lua_equal(lua_State* L, int idx1, int idx2);
LUA_API int lua_rawequal(lua_State* L, int idx1, int idx2);
LUA_API int lua_lessthan(lua_State* L, int idx1, int idx2);
LUA_API double lua_tonumberx(lua_State* L, int idx, int* isnum);
LUA_API int lua_tointegerx(lua_State* L, int idx, int* isnum);
LUA_API unsigned lua_tounsignedx(lua_State* L, int idx, int* isnum);
LUA_API const float* lua_tovector(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API int lua_toboolean(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API const char* lua_tolstring(lua_State* L, int idx, size_t* len);
LUA_API const char* lua_tostringatom(lua_State* L, int idx, int* atom);
LUA_API const char* lua_namecallatom(lua_State* L, int* atom);
LUA_API int lua_objlen(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API lua_CFunction lua_tocfunction(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void* lua_touserdata(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void* lua_touserdatatagged(lua_State* L, int idx, int tag);
LUA_API int lua_userdatatag(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API lua_State* lua_tothread(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API const void* lua_topointer(lua_State* L, int idx);
** push functions (C -> stack)
LUA_API void lua_pushnil(lua_State* L);
LUA_API void lua_pushnumber(lua_State* L, double n);
LUA_API void lua_pushinteger(lua_State* L, int n);
LUA_API void lua_pushunsigned(lua_State* L, unsigned n);
LUA_API void lua_pushvector(lua_State* L, float x, float y, float z);
LUA_API void lua_pushlstring(lua_State* L, const char* s, size_t l);
LUA_API void lua_pushstring(lua_State* L, const char* s);
LUA_API const char* lua_pushvfstring(lua_State* L, const char* fmt, va_list argp);
LUA_API LUA_PRINTF_ATTR(2, 3) const char* lua_pushfstringL(lua_State* L, const char* fmt, ...);
LUA_API void lua_pushcfunction(
lua_State* L, lua_CFunction fn, const char* debugname = NULL, int nup = 0, lua_Continuation cont = NULL);
LUA_API void lua_pushboolean(lua_State* L, int b);
LUA_API void lua_pushlightuserdata(lua_State* L, void* p);
LUA_API int lua_pushthread(lua_State* L);
** get functions (Lua -> stack)
LUA_API void lua_gettable(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void lua_getfield(lua_State* L, int idx, const char* k);
LUA_API void lua_rawgetfield(lua_State* L, int idx, const char* k);
LUA_API void lua_rawget(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void lua_rawgeti(lua_State* L, int idx, int n);
LUA_API void lua_createtable(lua_State* L, int narr, int nrec);
LUA_API void lua_setreadonly(lua_State* L, int idx, bool value);
LUA_API int lua_getreadonly(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void lua_setsafeenv(lua_State* L, int idx, bool value);
LUA_API void* lua_newuserdata(lua_State* L, size_t sz, int tag);
LUA_API void* lua_newuserdatadtor(lua_State* L, size_t sz, void (*dtor)(void*));
LUA_API int lua_getmetatable(lua_State* L, int objindex);
LUA_API void lua_getfenv(lua_State* L, int idx);
** set functions (stack -> Lua)
LUA_API void lua_settable(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void lua_setfield(lua_State* L, int idx, const char* k);
LUA_API void lua_rawset(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void lua_rawseti(lua_State* L, int idx, int n);
LUA_API int lua_setmetatable(lua_State* L, int objindex);
LUA_API int lua_setfenv(lua_State* L, int idx);
** `load' and `call' functions (load and run Luau bytecode)
LUA_API int luau_load(lua_State* L, const char* chunkname, const char* data, size_t size, int env = 0);
LUA_API void lua_call(lua_State* L, int nargs, int nresults);
LUA_API int lua_pcall(lua_State* L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc);
** coroutine functions
LUA_API int lua_yield(lua_State* L, int nresults);
LUA_API int lua_break(lua_State* L);
LUA_API int lua_resume(lua_State* L, lua_State* from, int narg);
LUA_API int lua_resumeerror(lua_State* L, lua_State* from);
LUA_API int lua_status(lua_State* L);
LUA_API int lua_isyieldable(lua_State* L);
** garbage-collection function and options
enum lua_GCOp
// garbage collection is handled by 'assists' that perform some amount of GC work matching pace of allocation
// explicit GC steps allow to perform some amount of work at custom points to offset the need for GC assists
// note that GC might also be paused for some duration (until bytes allocated meet the threshold)
// if an explicit step is performed during this pause, it will trigger the start of the next collection cycle
LUA_API int lua_gc(lua_State* L, int what, int data);
** miscellaneous functions
LUA_API l_noret lua_error(lua_State* L);
LUA_API int lua_next(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void lua_concat(lua_State* L, int n);
LUA_API uintptr_t lua_encodepointer(lua_State* L, uintptr_t p);
LUA_API double lua_clock();
LUA_API void lua_setuserdatadtor(lua_State* L, int tag, void (*dtor)(void*));
** reference system, can be used to pin objects
#define LUA_NOREF -1
#define LUA_REFNIL 0
LUA_API int lua_ref(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUA_API void lua_unref(lua_State* L, int ref);
#define lua_getref(L, ref) lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (ref))
** ===============================================================
** some useful macros
** ===============================================================
#define lua_tonumber(L, i) lua_tonumberx(L, i, NULL)
#define lua_tointeger(L, i) lua_tointegerx(L, i, NULL)
#define lua_tounsigned(L, i) lua_tounsignedx(L, i, NULL)
#define lua_pop(L, n) lua_settop(L, -(n)-1)
#define lua_newtable(L) lua_createtable(L, 0, 0)
#define lua_strlen(L, i) lua_objlen(L, (i))
#define lua_isfunction(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TFUNCTION)
#define lua_istable(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TTABLE)
#define lua_islightuserdata(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA)
#define lua_isnil(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TNIL)
#define lua_isboolean(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TBOOLEAN)
#define lua_isthread(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TTHREAD)
#define lua_isnone(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TNONE)
#define lua_isnoneornil(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) <= LUA_TNIL)
#define lua_pushliteral(L, s) lua_pushlstring(L, "" s, (sizeof(s) / sizeof(char)) - 1)
#define lua_setglobal(L, s) lua_setfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, (s))
#define lua_getglobal(L, s) lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, (s))
#define lua_tostring(L, i) lua_tolstring(L, (i), NULL)
#define lua_pushfstring(L, fmt, ...) lua_pushfstringL(L, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
** {======================================================================
** Debug API
** =======================================================================
typedef struct lua_Debug lua_Debug; /* activation record */
/* Functions to be called by the debugger in specific events */
typedef void (*lua_Hook)(lua_State* L, lua_Debug* ar);
LUA_API int lua_getinfo(lua_State* L, int level, const char* what, lua_Debug* ar);
LUA_API int lua_getargument(lua_State* L, int level, int n);
LUA_API const char* lua_getlocal(lua_State* L, int level, int n);
LUA_API const char* lua_setlocal(lua_State* L, int level, int n);
LUA_API const char* lua_getupvalue(lua_State* L, int funcindex, int n);
LUA_API const char* lua_setupvalue(lua_State* L, int funcindex, int n);
LUA_API void lua_singlestep(lua_State* L, bool singlestep);
LUA_API void lua_breakpoint(lua_State* L, int funcindex, int line, bool enable);
/* Warning: this function is not thread-safe since it stores the result in a shared global array! Only use for debugging. */
LUA_API const char* lua_debugtrace(lua_State* L);
struct lua_Debug
const char* name; /* (n) */
const char* what; /* (s) `Lua', `C', `main', `tail' */
const char* source; /* (s) */
int linedefined; /* (s) */
int currentline; /* (l) */
unsigned char nupvals; /* (u) number of upvalues */
unsigned char nparams; /* (a) number of parameters */
char isvararg; /* (a) */
char short_src[LUA_IDSIZE]; /* (s) */
void* userdata; /* only valid in luau_callhook */
/* }====================================================================== */
/* Callbacks that can be used to reconfigure behavior of the VM dynamically.
* These are shared between all coroutines.
* Note: interrupt is safe to set from an arbitrary thread but all other callbacks
* can only be changed when the VM is not running any code */
struct lua_Callbacks
void (*interrupt)(lua_State* L, int gc); /* gets called at safepoints (loop back edges, call/ret, gc) if set */
void (*panic)(lua_State* L, int errcode); /* gets called when an unprotected error is raised (if longjmp is used) */
void (*userthread)(lua_State* LP, lua_State* L); /* gets called when L is created (LP == parent) or destroyed (LP == NULL) */
int16_t (*useratom)(const char* s, size_t l); /* gets called when a string is created; returned atom can be retrieved via tostringatom */
void (*debugbreak)(lua_State* L, lua_Debug* ar); /* gets called when BREAK instruction is encountered */
void (*debugstep)(lua_State* L, lua_Debug* ar); /* gets called after each instruction in single step mode */
void (*debuginterrupt)(lua_State* L, lua_Debug* ar); /* gets called when thread execution is interrupted by break in another thread */
void (*debugprotectederror)(lua_State* L); /* gets called when protected call results in an error */
LUA_API lua_Callbacks* lua_callbacks(lua_State* L);
* Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Roblox Corporation
* Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
// This code is based on Lua 5.x implementation licensed under MIT License; see lua_LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
// When debugging complex issues, consider enabling one of these:
// This will reallocate the stack very aggressively at every opportunity; use this with asan to catch stale stack pointers
// This will call GC validation very aggressively at every incremental GC step; use this with caution as it's SLOW
// #define HARDMEMTESTS 1
// This will call GC validation very aggressively at every GC opportunity; use this with caution as it's VERY SLOW
// #define HARDMEMTESTS 2
// To force MSVC2017+ to generate SSE2 code for some stdlib functions we need to locally enable /fp:fast
// Note that /fp:fast changes the semantics of floating point comparisons so this is only safe to do for functions without ones
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
#define LUAU_FASTMATH_BEGIN __pragma(float_control(precise, off, push))
#define LUAU_FASTMATH_END __pragma(float_control(pop))
// Used on functions that have a printf-like interface to validate them statically
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define LUA_PRINTF_ATTR(fmt, arg) __attribute__((format(printf, fmt, arg)))
#define LUA_PRINTF_ATTR(fmt, arg)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define LUA_NORETURN __declspec(noreturn)
#define LUA_NORETURN __attribute__((__noreturn__))
/* Can be used to reconfigure visibility/exports for public APIs */
#define LUA_API extern
/* Can be used to reconfigure visibility for internal APIs */
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define LUAI_FUNC __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) extern
#define LUAI_FUNC extern
#define LUAI_DATA extern
/* Can be used to reconfigure internal error handling to use longjmp instead of C++ EH */
/* LUA_IDSIZE gives the maximum size for the description of the source */
#define LUA_IDSIZE 256
@@ LUAI_GCGOAL defines the desired top heap size in relation to the live heap
@* size at the end of the GC cycle
** CHANGE it if you want the GC to run faster or slower (higher values
** mean larger GC pauses which mean slower collection.) You can also change
** this value dynamically.
#define LUAI_GCGOAL 200 /* 200% (allow heap to double compared to live heap size) */
@@ LUAI_GCSTEPMUL / LUAI_GCSTEPSIZE define the default speed of garbage collection
@* relative to memory allocation.
** Every LUAI_GCSTEPSIZE KB allocated, incremental collector collects LUAI_GCSTEPSIZE
** times LUAI_GCSTEPMUL% bytes.
** CHANGE it if you want to change the granularity of the garbage
** collection.
#define LUAI_GCSTEPMUL 200 /* GC runs 'twice the speed' of memory allocation */
#define LUAI_GCSTEPSIZE 1 /* GC runs every KB of memory allocation */
/* LUA_MINSTACK is the guaranteed number of Lua stack slots available to a C function */
#define LUA_MINSTACK 20
/* LUAI_MAXCSTACK limits the number of Lua stack slots that a C function can use */
#define LUAI_MAXCSTACK 8000
/* LUAI_MAXCALLS limits the number of nested calls */
#define LUAI_MAXCALLS 20000
/* LUAI_MAXCCALLS is the maximum depth for nested C calls; this limit depends on native stack size */
#define LUAI_MAXCCALLS 200
/* buffer size used for on-stack string operations; this limit depends on native stack size */
#define LUA_BUFFERSIZE 512
/* number of valid Lua userdata tags */
#define LUA_UTAG_LIMIT 128
/* upper bound for number of size classes used by page allocator */
/* available number of separate memory categories */
/* minimum size for the string table (must be power of 2) */
/* maximum number of captures supported by pattern matching */
/* }================================================================== */
/* Default number printing format and the string length limit */
#define LUA_NUMBER_FMT "%.14g"
#define LUAI_MAXNUMBER2STR 32 /* 16 digits, sign, point, and \0 */
@@ LUAI_USER_ALIGNMENT_T is a type that requires maximum alignment.
** CHANGE it if your system requires alignments larger than double. (For
** instance, if your system supports long doubles and they must be
** aligned in 16-byte boundaries, then you should add long double in the
** union.) Probably you do not need to change this.
union \
{ \
double u; \
void* s; \
long l; \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
// This code is based on Lua 5.x implementation licensed under MIT License; see lua_LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "lua.h"
#define luaL_error(L, fmt, ...) luaL_errorL(L, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define luaL_typeerror(L, narg, tname) luaL_typeerrorL(L, narg, tname)
#define luaL_argerror(L, narg, extramsg) luaL_argerrorL(L, narg, extramsg)
typedef struct luaL_Reg
const char* name;
lua_CFunction func;
} luaL_Reg;
LUALIB_API void luaL_register(lua_State* L, const char* libname, const luaL_Reg* l);
LUALIB_API int luaL_getmetafield(lua_State* L, int obj, const char* e);
LUALIB_API int luaL_callmeta(lua_State* L, int obj, const char* e);
LUALIB_API l_noret luaL_typeerrorL(lua_State* L, int narg, const char* tname);
LUALIB_API l_noret luaL_argerrorL(lua_State* L, int narg, const char* extramsg);
LUALIB_API const char* luaL_checklstring(lua_State* L, int numArg, size_t* l);
LUALIB_API const char* luaL_optlstring(lua_State* L, int numArg, const char* def, size_t* l);
LUALIB_API double luaL_checknumber(lua_State* L, int numArg);
LUALIB_API double luaL_optnumber(lua_State* L, int nArg, double def);
LUALIB_API int luaL_checkinteger(lua_State* L, int numArg);
LUALIB_API int luaL_optinteger(lua_State* L, int nArg, int def);
LUALIB_API unsigned luaL_checkunsigned(lua_State* L, int numArg);
LUALIB_API unsigned luaL_optunsigned(lua_State* L, int numArg, unsigned def);
LUALIB_API void luaL_checkstack(lua_State* L, int sz, const char* msg);
LUALIB_API void luaL_checktype(lua_State* L, int narg, int t);
LUALIB_API void luaL_checkany(lua_State* L, int narg);
LUALIB_API int luaL_newmetatable(lua_State* L, const char* tname);
LUALIB_API void* luaL_checkudata(lua_State* L, int ud, const char* tname);
LUALIB_API void luaL_where(lua_State* L, int lvl);
LUALIB_API LUA_PRINTF_ATTR(2, 3) l_noret luaL_errorL(lua_State* L, const char* fmt, ...);
LUALIB_API int luaL_checkoption(lua_State* L, int narg, const char* def, const char* const lst[]);
LUALIB_API const char* luaL_tolstring(lua_State* L, int idx, size_t* len);
LUALIB_API lua_State* luaL_newstate(void);
LUALIB_API const char* luaL_findtable(lua_State* L, int idx, const char* fname, int szhint);
** ===============================================================
** some useful macros
** ===============================================================
#define luaL_argcheck(L, cond, arg, extramsg) ((void)((cond) ? (void)0 : luaL_argerror(L, arg, extramsg)))
#define luaL_argexpected(L, cond, arg, tname) ((void)((cond) ? (void)0 : luaL_typeerror(L, arg, tname)))
#define luaL_checkstring(L, n) (luaL_checklstring(L, (n), NULL))
#define luaL_optstring(L, n, d) (luaL_optlstring(L, (n), (d), NULL))
#define luaL_typename(L, i) lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, (i)))
#define luaL_getmetatable(L, n) (lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (n)))
#define luaL_opt(L, f, n, d) (lua_isnoneornil(L, (n)) ? (d) : f(L, (n)))
/* generic buffer manipulation */
struct luaL_Buffer
char* p; // current position in buffer
char* end; // end of the current buffer
lua_State* L;
struct TString* storage;
char buffer[LUA_BUFFERSIZE];
// when internal buffer storage is exhaused, a mutable string value 'storage' will be placed on the stack
// in general, functions expect the mutable string buffer to be placed on top of the stack (top-1)
// with the exception of luaL_addvalue that expects the value at the top and string buffer further away (top-2)
// functions that accept a 'boxloc' support string buffer placement at any location in the stack
// all the buffer users we have in Luau match this pattern, but it's something to keep in mind for new uses of buffers
#define luaL_addchar(B, c) ((void)((B)->p < (B)->end || luaL_extendbuffer(B, 1, -1)), (*(B)->p++ = (char)(c)))
#define luaL_addstring(B, s) luaL_addlstring(B, s, strlen(s))
LUALIB_API void luaL_buffinit(lua_State* L, luaL_Buffer* B);
LUALIB_API char* luaL_buffinitsize(lua_State* L, luaL_Buffer* B, size_t size);
LUALIB_API char* luaL_extendbuffer(luaL_Buffer* B, size_t additionalsize, int boxloc);
LUALIB_API void luaL_reservebuffer(luaL_Buffer* B, size_t size, int boxloc);
LUALIB_API void luaL_addlstring(luaL_Buffer* B, const char* s, size_t l);
LUALIB_API void luaL_addvalue(luaL_Buffer* B);
LUALIB_API void luaL_pushresult(luaL_Buffer* B);
LUALIB_API void luaL_pushresultsize(luaL_Buffer* B, size_t size);
/* builtin libraries */
LUALIB_API int luaopen_base(lua_State* L);
#define LUA_COLIBNAME "coroutine"
LUALIB_API int luaopen_coroutine(lua_State* L);
#define LUA_TABLIBNAME "table"
LUALIB_API int luaopen_table(lua_State* L);
#define LUA_OSLIBNAME "os"
LUALIB_API int luaopen_os(lua_State* L);
#define LUA_STRLIBNAME "string"
LUALIB_API int luaopen_string(lua_State* L);
#define LUA_BITLIBNAME "bit32"
LUALIB_API int luaopen_bit32(lua_State* L);
#define LUA_UTF8LIBNAME "utf8"
LUALIB_API int luaopen_utf8(lua_State* L);
#define LUA_MATHLIBNAME "math"
LUALIB_API int luaopen_math(lua_State* L);
#define LUA_DBLIBNAME "debug"
LUALIB_API int luaopen_debug(lua_State* L);
/* open all builtin libraries */
LUALIB_API void luaL_openlibs(lua_State* L);
/* sandbox libraries and globals */
LUALIB_API void luaL_sandbox(lua_State* L);
LUALIB_API void luaL_sandboxthread(lua_State* L);
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
// This code is based on Lua 5.x implementation licensed under MIT License; see lua_LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "lobject.h"
LUAI_FUNC const TValue* luaA_toobject(lua_State* L, int idx);
LUAI_FUNC void luaA_pushobject(lua_State* L, const TValue* o);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
// This code is based on Lua 5.x implementation licensed under MIT License; see lua_LICENSE.txt for details
#include "lualib.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lstate.h"
#include "lstring.h"
#include "lapi.h"
#include "lgc.h"
#include <string.h>
/* convert a stack index to positive */
#define abs_index(L, i) ((i) > 0 || (i) <= LUA_REGISTRYINDEX ? (i) : lua_gettop(L) + (i) + 1)
** {======================================================
** Error-report functions
** =======================================================
static const char* currfuncname(lua_State* L)
Closure* cl = L->ci > L->base_ci ? curr_func(L) : NULL;
const char* debugname = cl && cl->isC ? cl->c.debugname + 0 : NULL;
if (debugname && strcmp(debugname, "__namecall") == 0)
return L->namecall ? getstr(L->namecall) : NULL;
return debugname;
LUALIB_API l_noret luaL_argerrorL(lua_State* L, int narg, const char* extramsg)
const char* fname = currfuncname(L);
if (fname)
luaL_error(L, "invalid argument #%d to '%s' (%s)", narg, fname, extramsg);
luaL_error(L, "invalid argument #%d (%s)", narg, extramsg);
LUALIB_API l_noret luaL_typeerrorL(lua_State* L, int narg, const char* tname)
const char* fname = currfuncname(L);
const TValue* obj = luaA_toobject(L, narg);
if (obj)
if (fname)
luaL_error(L, "invalid argument #%d to '%s' (%s expected, got %s)", narg, fname, tname, luaT_objtypename(L, obj));
luaL_error(L, "invalid argument #%d (%s expected, got %s)", narg, tname, luaT_objtypename(L, obj));
if (fname)
luaL_error(L, "missing argument #%d to '%s' (%s expected)", narg, fname, tname);
luaL_error(L, "missing argument #%d (%s expected)", narg, tname);
static l_noret tag_error(lua_State* L, int narg, int tag)
luaL_typeerrorL(L, narg, lua_typename(L, tag));
LUALIB_API void luaL_where(lua_State* L, int level)
lua_Debug ar;
if (lua_getinfo(L, level, "sl", &ar) && ar.currentline > 0)
lua_pushfstring(L, "%s:%d: ", ar.short_src, ar.currentline);
lua_pushliteral(L, ""); /* else, no information available... */
LUALIB_API l_noret luaL_errorL(lua_State* L, const char* fmt, ...)
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, fmt);
luaL_where(L, 1);
lua_pushvfstring(L, fmt, argp);
lua_concat(L, 2);
/* }====================================================== */
LUALIB_API int luaL_checkoption(lua_State* L, int narg, const char* def, const char* const lst[])
const char* name = (def) ? luaL_optstring(L, narg, def) : luaL_checkstring(L, narg);
int i;
for (i = 0; lst[i]; i++)
if (strcmp(lst[i], name) == 0)
return i;
const char* msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "invalid option '%s'", name);
luaL_argerrorL(L, narg, msg);
LUALIB_API int luaL_newmetatable(lua_State* L, const char* tname)
lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, tname); /* get registry.name */
if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) /* name already in use? */
return 0; /* leave previous value on top, but return 0 */
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_newtable(L); /* create metatable */
lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, tname); /* registry.name = metatable */
return 1;
LUALIB_API void* luaL_checkudata(lua_State* L, int ud, const char* tname)
void* p = lua_touserdata(L, ud);
if (p != NULL)
{ /* value is a userdata? */
if (lua_getmetatable(L, ud))
{ /* does it have a metatable? */
lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, tname); /* get correct metatable */
if (lua_rawequal(L, -1, -2))
{ /* does it have the correct mt? */
lua_pop(L, 2); /* remove both metatables */
return p;
luaL_typeerrorL(L, ud, tname); /* else error */
LUALIB_API void luaL_checkstack(lua_State* L, int space, const char* mes)
if (!lua_checkstack(L, space))
luaL_error(L, "stack overflow (%s)", mes);
LUALIB_API void luaL_checktype(lua_State* L, int narg, int t)
if (lua_type(L, narg) != t)
tag_error(L, narg, t);
LUALIB_API void luaL_checkany(lua_State* L, int narg)
if (lua_type(L, narg) == LUA_TNONE)
luaL_error(L, "missing argument #%d", narg);
LUALIB_API const char* luaL_checklstring(lua_State* L, int narg, size_t* len)
const char* s = lua_tolstring(L, narg, len);
if (!s)
tag_error(L, narg, LUA_TSTRING);
return s;
LUALIB_API const char* luaL_optlstring(lua_State* L, int narg, const char* def, size_t* len)
if (lua_isnoneornil(L, narg))
if (len)
*len = (def ? strlen(def) : 0);
return def;
return luaL_checklstring(L, narg, len);
LUALIB_API double luaL_checknumber(lua_State* L, int narg)
int isnum;
double d = lua_tonumberx(L, narg, &isnum);
if (!isnum)
tag_error(L, narg, LUA_TNUMBER);
return d;
LUALIB_API double luaL_optnumber(lua_State* L, int narg, double def)
return luaL_opt(L, luaL_checknumber, narg, def);
LUALIB_API int luaL_checkinteger(lua_State* L, int narg)
int isnum;
int d = lua_tointegerx(L, narg, &isnum);
if (!isnum)
tag_error(L, narg, LUA_TNUMBER);
return d;
LUALIB_API int luaL_optinteger(lua_State* L, int narg, int def)
return luaL_opt(L, luaL_checkinteger, narg, def);
LUALIB_API unsigned luaL_checkunsigned(lua_State* L, int narg)
int isnum;
unsigned d = lua_tounsignedx(L, narg, &isnum);
if (!isnum)
tag_error(L, narg, LUA_TNUMBER);
return d;
LUALIB_API unsigned luaL_optunsigned(lua_State* L, int narg, unsigned def)
return luaL_opt(L, luaL_checkunsigned, narg, def);
LUALIB_API int luaL_getmetafield(lua_State* L, int obj, const char* event)
if (!lua_getmetatable(L, obj)) /* no metatable? */
return 0;
lua_pushstring(L, event);
lua_rawget(L, -2);
if (lua_isnil(L, -1))
lua_pop(L, 2); /* remove metatable and metafield */
return 0;
lua_remove(L, -2); /* remove only metatable */
return 1;
LUALIB_API int luaL_callmeta(lua_State* L, int obj, const char* event)
obj = abs_index(L, obj);
if (!luaL_getmetafield(L, obj, event)) /* no metafield? */
return 0;
lua_pushvalue(L, obj);
lua_call(L, 1, 1);
return 1;
static int libsize(const luaL_Reg* l)
int size = 0;
for (; l->name; l++)
return size;
LUALIB_API void luaL_register(lua_State* L, const char* libname, const luaL_Reg* l)
if (libname)
int size = libsize(l);
/* check whether lib already exists */
luaL_findtable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "_LOADED", 1);
lua_getfield(L, -1, libname); /* get _LOADED[libname] */
if (!lua_istable(L, -1))
{ /* not found? */
lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove previous result */
/* try global variable (and create one if it does not exist) */
if (luaL_findtable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, libname, size) != NULL)
luaL_error(L, "name conflict for module '%s'", libname);
lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
lua_setfield(L, -3, libname); /* _LOADED[libname] = new table */
lua_remove(L, -2); /* remove _LOADED table */
for (; l->name; l++)
lua_pushcfunction(L, l->func, l->name);
lua_setfield(L, -2, l->name);
LUALIB_API const char* luaL_findtable(lua_State* L, int idx, const char* fname, int szhint)
const char* e;
lua_pushvalue(L, idx);
e = strchr(fname, '.');
if (e == NULL)
e = fname + strlen(fname);
lua_pushlstring(L, fname, e - fname);
lua_rawget(L, -2);
if (lua_isnil(L, -1))
{ /* no such field? */
lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove this nil */
lua_createtable(L, 0, (*e == '.' ? 1 : szhint)); /* new table for field */
lua_pushlstring(L, fname, e - fname);
lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
lua_settable(L, -4); /* set new table into field */
else if (!lua_istable(L, -1))
{ /* field has a non-table value? */
lua_pop(L, 2); /* remove table and value */
return fname; /* return problematic part of the name */
lua_remove(L, -2); /* remove previous table */
fname = e + 1;
} while (*e == '.');
return NULL;
** {======================================================
** Generic Buffer manipulation
** =======================================================
static size_t getnextbuffersize(lua_State* L, size_t currentsize, size_t desiredsize)
size_t newsize = currentsize + currentsize / 2;
// check for size oveflow
if (SIZE_MAX - desiredsize < currentsize)
luaL_error(L, "buffer too large");
// growth factor might not be enough to satisfy the desired size
if (newsize < desiredsize)
newsize = desiredsize;
return newsize;
LUALIB_API void luaL_buffinit(lua_State* L, luaL_Buffer* B)
// start with an internal buffer
B->p = B->buffer;
B->end = B->p + LUA_BUFFERSIZE;
B->L = L;
B->storage = nullptr;
LUALIB_API char* luaL_buffinitsize(lua_State* L, luaL_Buffer* B, size_t size)
luaL_buffinit(L, B);
luaL_reservebuffer(B, size, -1);
return B->p;
LUALIB_API char* luaL_extendbuffer(luaL_Buffer* B, size_t additionalsize, int boxloc)
lua_State* L = B->L;
if (B->storage)
LUAU_ASSERT(B->storage == tsvalue(L->top + boxloc));
char* base = B->storage ? B->storage->data : B->buffer;
size_t capacity = B->end - base;
size_t nextsize = getnextbuffersize(B->L, capacity, capacity + additionalsize);
TString* newStorage = luaS_bufstart(L, nextsize);
memcpy(newStorage->data, base, B->p - base);
// place the string storage at the expected position in the stack
if (base == B->buffer)
lua_insert(L, boxloc);
setsvalue2s(L, L->top + boxloc, newStorage);
B->p = newStorage->data + (B->p - base);
B->end = newStorage->data + nextsize;
B->storage = newStorage;
return B->p;
LUALIB_API void luaL_reservebuffer(luaL_Buffer* B, size_t size, int boxloc)
if (size_t(B->end - B->p) < size)
luaL_extendbuffer(B, size - (B->end - B->p), boxloc);
LUALIB_API void luaL_addlstring(luaL_Buffer* B, const char* s, size_t len)
if (size_t(B->end - B->p) < len)
luaL_extendbuffer(B, len - (B->end - B->p), -1);
memcpy(B->p, s, len);
B->p += len;
LUALIB_API void luaL_addvalue(luaL_Buffer* B)
lua_State* L = B->L;
size_t vl;
if (const char* s = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &vl))
if (size_t(B->end - B->p) < vl)
luaL_extendbuffer(B, vl - (B->end - B->p), -2);
memcpy(B->p, s, vl);
B->p += vl;
lua_pop(L, 1);
LUALIB_API void luaL_pushresult(luaL_Buffer* B)
lua_State* L = B->L;
if (TString* storage = B->storage)
// if we finished just at the end of the string buffer, we can convert it to a mutable stirng without a copy
if (B->p == B->end)
setsvalue2s(L, L->top - 1, luaS_buffinish(L, storage));
setsvalue2s(L, L->top - 1, luaS_newlstr(L, storage->data, B->p - storage->data));
lua_pushlstring(L, B->buffer, B->p - B->buffer);
LUALIB_API void luaL_pushresultsize(luaL_Buffer* B, size_t size)
B->p += size;
/* }====================================================== */
LUALIB_API const char* luaL_tolstring(lua_State* L, int idx, size_t* len)
if (luaL_callmeta(L, idx, "__tostring")) /* is there a metafield? */
if (!lua_isstring(L, -1))
luaL_error(L, "'__tostring' must return a string");
return lua_tolstring(L, -1, len);
switch (lua_type(L, idx))
lua_pushstring(L, lua_tostring(L, idx));
lua_pushvalue(L, idx);
lua_pushstring(L, (lua_toboolean(L, idx) ? "true" : "false"));
case LUA_TNIL:
lua_pushliteral(L, "nil");
const float* v = lua_tovector(L, idx);
lua_pushfstring(L, LUA_NUMBER_FMT ", " LUA_NUMBER_FMT ", " LUA_NUMBER_FMT, v[0], v[1], v[2]);
const void* ptr = lua_topointer(L, idx);
unsigned long long enc = lua_encodepointer(L, uintptr_t(ptr));
lua_pushfstring(L, "%s: 0x%016llx", luaL_typename(L, idx), enc);
return lua_tolstring(L, -1, len);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
// This code is based on Lua 5.x implementation licensed under MIT License; see lua_LICENSE.txt for details
#include "lualib.h"
#include "lstate.h"
#include "lapi.h"
#include "ldo.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static void writestring(const char* s, size_t l)
fwrite(s, 1, l, stdout);
static int luaB_print(lua_State* L)
int n = lua_gettop(L); /* number of arguments */
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
size_t l;
const char* s = luaL_tolstring(L, i, &l); /* convert to string using __tostring et al */
if (i > 1)
writestring("\t", 1);
writestring(s, l);
lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop result */
writestring("\n", 1);
return 0;
static int luaB_tonumber(lua_State* L)
int base = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 10);
if (base == 10)
{ /* standard conversion */
luaL_checkany(L, 1);
if (lua_isnumber(L, 1))
lua_pushnumber(L, lua_tonumber(L, 1));
return 1;
const char* s1 = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
luaL_argcheck(L, 2 <= base && base <= 36, 2, "base out of range");
char* s2;
unsigned long long n;
n = strtoull(s1, &s2, base);
if (s1 != s2)
{ /* at least one valid digit? */
while (isspace((unsigned char)(*s2)))
s2++; /* skip trailing spaces */
if (*s2 == '\0')
{ /* no invalid trailing characters? */
lua_pushnumber(L, (double)n);
return 1;
lua_pushnil(L); /* else not a number */
return 1;
static int luaB_error(lua_State* L)
int level = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 1);
lua_settop(L, 1);
if (lua_isstring(L, 1) && level > 0)
{ /* add extra information? */
luaL_where(L, level);
lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
lua_concat(L, 2);
static int luaB_getmetatable(lua_State* L)
luaL_checkany(L, 1);
if (!lua_getmetatable(L, 1))
return 1; /* no metatable */
luaL_getmetafield(L, 1, "__metatable");
return 1; /* returns either __metatable field (if present) or metatable */
static int luaB_setmetatable(lua_State* L)
int t = lua_type(L, 2);
luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
luaL_argexpected(L, t == LUA_TNIL || t == LUA_TTABLE, 2, "nil or table");
if (luaL_getmetafield(L, 1, "__metatable"))
luaL_error(L, "cannot change a protected metatable");
lua_settop(L, 2);
lua_setmetatable(L, 1);
return 1;
static void getfunc(lua_State* L, int opt)
if (lua_isfunction(L, 1))
lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
lua_Debug ar;
int level = opt ? luaL_optinteger(L, 1, 1) : luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
luaL_argcheck(L, level >= 0, 1, "level must be non-negative");
if (lua_getinfo(L, level, "f", &ar) == 0)
luaL_argerror(L, 1, "invalid level");
if (lua_isnil(L, -1))
luaL_error(L, "no function environment for tail call at level %d", level);
static int luaB_getfenv(lua_State* L)
getfunc(L, 1);
if (lua_iscfunction(L, -1)) /* is a C function? */
lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); /* return the thread's global env. */
lua_getfenv(L, -1);
lua_setsafeenv(L, -1, false);
return 1;
static int luaB_setfenv(lua_State* L)
luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TTABLE);
getfunc(L, 0);
lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
lua_setsafeenv(L, -1, false);
if (lua_isnumber(L, 1) && lua_tonumber(L, 1) == 0)
/* change environment of current thread */
lua_insert(L, -2);
lua_setfenv(L, -2);
return 0;
else if (lua_iscfunction(L, -2) || lua_setfenv(L, -2) == 0)
luaL_error(L, "'setfenv' cannot change environment of given object");
return 1;
static int luaB_rawequal(lua_State* L)
luaL_checkany(L, 1);
luaL_checkany(L, 2);
lua_pushboolean(L, lua_rawequal(L, 1, 2));
return 1;
static int luaB_rawget(lua_State* L)
luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
luaL_checkany(L, 2);
lua_settop(L, 2);
lua_rawget(L, 1);
return 1;
static int luaB_rawset(lua_State* L)
luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
luaL_checkany(L, 2);
luaL_checkany(L, 3);
lua_settop(L, 3);
lua_rawset(L, 1);
return 1;
static int luaB_gcinfo(lua_State* L)
lua_pushinteger(L, lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOUNT, 0));
return 1;
static int luaB_type(lua_State* L)
luaL_checkany(L, 1);
lua_pushstring(L, luaL_typename(L, 1));
return 1;
static int luaB_typeof(lua_State* L)
luaL_checkany(L, 1);
const TValue* obj = luaA_toobject(L, 1);
lua_pushstring(L, luaT_objtypename(L, obj));
return 1;
int luaB_next(lua_State* L)
luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
lua_settop(L, 2); /* create a 2nd argument if there isn't one */
if (lua_next(L, 1))
return 2;
return 1;
static int luaB_pairs(lua_State* L)
luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
lua_pushvalue(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); /* return generator, */
lua_pushvalue(L, 1); /* state, */
lua_pushnil(L); /* and initial value */
return 3;
int luaB_inext(lua_State* L)
int i = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
i++; /* next value */
lua_pushinteger(L, i);
lua_rawgeti(L, 1, i);
return (lua_isnil(L, -1)) ? 0 : 2;
static int luaB_ipairs(lua_State* L)
luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
lua_pushvalue(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); /* return generator, */
lua_pushvalue(L, 1); /* state, */
lua_pushinteger(L, 0); /* and initial value */
return 3;
static int luaB_assert(lua_State* L)
luaL_checkany(L, 1);
if (!lua_toboolean(L, 1))
luaL_error(L, "%s", luaL_optstring(L, 2, "assertion failed!"));
return lua_gettop(L);
static int luaB_select(lua_State* L)
int n = lua_gettop(L);
if (lua_type(L, 1) == LUA_TSTRING && *lua_tostring(L, 1) == '#')
lua_pushinteger(L, n - 1);
return 1;
int i = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
if (i < 0)
i = n + i;
else if (i > n)
i = n;
luaL_argcheck(L, 1 <= i, 1, "index out of range");
return n - i;
static void luaB_pcallrun(lua_State* L, void* ud)
StkId func = (StkId)ud;
luaD_call(L, func, LUA_MULTRET);
static int luaB_pcally(lua_State* L)
luaL_checkany(L, 1);
StkId func = L->base;
// any errors from this point on are handled by continuation
L->ci->flags |= LUA_CALLINFO_HANDLE;
// maintain yieldable invariant (baseCcalls <= nCcalls)
int status = luaD_pcall(L, luaB_pcallrun, func, savestack(L, func), 0);
// necessary to accomodate functions that return lots of values
expandstacklimit(L, L->top);
// yielding means we need to propagate yield; resume will call continuation function later
if (status == 0 && (L->status == LUA_YIELD || L->status == LUA_BREAK))
return -1; // -1 is a marker for yielding from C
// immediate return (error or success)
lua_rawcheckstack(L, 1);
lua_pushboolean(L, status == 0);
lua_insert(L, 1);
return lua_gettop(L); // return status + all results
static int luaB_pcallcont(lua_State* L, int status)
if (status == 0)
lua_rawcheckstack(L, 1);
lua_pushboolean(L, true);
lua_insert(L, 1); // insert status before all results
return lua_gettop(L);
lua_rawcheckstack(L, 1);
lua_pushboolean(L, false);
lua_insert(L, -2); // insert status before error object
return 2;
static int luaB_xpcally(lua_State* L)
luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
/* swap function & error function */
lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
lua_replace(L, 1);
lua_replace(L, 2);
/* at this point the stack looks like err, f, args */
// any errors from this point on are handled by continuation
L->ci->flags |= LUA_CALLINFO_HANDLE;
StkId errf = L->base;
StkId func = L->base + 1;
// maintain yieldable invariant (baseCcalls <= nCcalls)
int status = luaD_pcall(L, luaB_pcallrun, func, savestack(L, func), savestack(L, errf));
// necessary to accomodate functions that return lots of values
expandstacklimit(L, L->top);
// yielding means we need to propagate yield; resume will call continuation function later
if (status == 0 && (L->status == LUA_YIELD || L->status == LUA_BREAK))
return -1; // -1 is a marker for yielding from C
// immediate return (error or success)
lua_rawcheckstack(L, 1);
lua_pushboolean(L, status == 0);
lua_replace(L, 1); // replace error function with status
return lua_gettop(L); // return status + all results
static void luaB_xpcallerr(lua_State* L, void* ud)
StkId func = (StkId)ud;
luaD_call(L, func, 1);
static int luaB_xpcallcont(lua_State* L, int status)
if (status == 0)
lua_rawcheckstack(L, 1);
lua_pushboolean(L, true);
lua_replace(L, 1); // replace error function with status
return lua_gettop(L); /* return status + all results */
lua_rawcheckstack(L, 3);
lua_pushboolean(L, false);
lua_pushvalue(L, 1); // push error function on top of the stack
lua_pushvalue(L, -3); // push error object (that was on top of the stack before)
StkId res = L->top - 3;
StkId errf = L->top - 2;
// note: we pass res as errfunc as a short cut; if errf generates an error, we'll try to execute res (boolean) and fail
luaD_pcall(L, luaB_xpcallerr, errf, savestack(L, errf), savestack(L, res));
return 2;
static int luaB_tostring(lua_State* L)
luaL_checkany(L, 1);
luaL_tolstring(L, 1, NULL);
return 1;
static int luaB_newproxy(lua_State* L)
int t = lua_type(L, 1);
luaL_argexpected(L, t == LUA_TNONE || t == LUA_TNIL || t == LUA_TBOOLEAN, 1, "nil or boolean");
bool needsmt = lua_toboolean(L, 1);
lua_newuserdata(L, 0, 0);
if (needsmt)
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
return 1;
static const luaL_Reg base_funcs[] = {
{"assert", luaB_assert},
{"error", luaB_error},
{"gcinfo", luaB_gcinfo},
{"getfenv", luaB_getfenv},
{"getmetatable", luaB_getmetatable},
{"next", luaB_next},
{"newproxy", luaB_newproxy},
{"print", luaB_print},
{"rawequal", luaB_rawequal},
{"rawget", luaB_rawget},
{"rawset", luaB_rawset},
{"select", luaB_select},
{"setfenv", luaB_setfenv},
{"setmetatable", luaB_setmetatable},
{"tonumber", luaB_tonumber},
{"tostring", luaB_tostring},
{"type", luaB_type},
{"typeof", luaB_typeof},
static void auxopen(lua_State* L, const char* name, lua_CFunction f, lua_CFunction u)
lua_pushcfunction(L, u);
lua_pushcfunction(L, f, name, 1);
lua_setfield(L, -2, name);
LUALIB_API int luaopen_base(lua_State* L)
/* set global _G */
lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
lua_setglobal(L, "_G");
/* open lib into global table */
luaL_register(L, "_G", base_funcs);
lua_pushliteral(L, "Luau");
lua_setglobal(L, "_VERSION"); /* set global _VERSION */
/* `ipairs' and `pairs' need auxiliary functions as upvalues */
auxopen(L, "ipairs", luaB_ipairs, luaB_inext);
auxopen(L, "pairs", luaB_pairs, luaB_next);
lua_pushcfunction(L, luaB_pcally, "pcall", 0, luaB_pcallcont);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "pcall");
lua_pushcfunction(L, luaB_xpcally, "xpcall", 0, luaB_xpcallcont);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "xpcall");
return 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
// This code is based on Lua 5.x implementation licensed under MIT License; see lua_LICENSE.txt for details
#include "lualib.h"
#include "lnumutils.h"
#define ALLONES ~0u
#define NBITS int(8 * sizeof(unsigned))
/* macro to trim extra bits */
#define trim(x) ((x)&ALLONES)
/* builds a number with 'n' ones (1 <= n <= NBITS) */
#define mask(n) (~((ALLONES << 1) << ((n)-1)))
typedef unsigned b_uint;
static b_uint andaux(lua_State* L)
int i, n = lua_gettop(L);
b_uint r = ~(b_uint)0;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
r &= luaL_checkunsigned(L, i);
return trim(r);
static int b_and(lua_State* L)
b_uint r = andaux(L);
lua_pushunsigned(L, r);
return 1;
static int b_test(lua_State* L)
b_uint r = andaux(L);
lua_pushboolean(L, r != 0);
return 1;
static int b_or(lua_State* L)
int i, n = lua_gettop(L);
b_uint r = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
r |= luaL_checkunsigned(L, i);
lua_pushunsigned(L, trim(r));
return 1;
static int b_xor(lua_State* L)
int i, n = lua_gettop(L);
b_uint r = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
r ^= luaL_checkunsigned(L, i);
lua_pushunsigned(L, trim(r));
return 1;
static int b_not(lua_State* L)
b_uint r = ~luaL_checkunsigned(L, 1);
lua_pushunsigned(L, trim(r));
return 1;
static int b_shift(lua_State* L, b_uint r, int i)
if (i < 0)
{ /* shift right? */
i = -i;
r = trim(r);
if (i >= NBITS)
r = 0;
r >>= i;
{ /* shift left */
if (i >= NBITS)
r = 0;
r <<= i;
r = trim(r);
lua_pushunsigned(L, r);
return 1;
static int b_lshift(lua_State* L)
return b_shift(L, luaL_checkunsigned(L, 1), luaL_checkinteger(L, 2));
static int b_rshift(lua_State* L)
return b_shift(L, luaL_checkunsigned(L, 1), -luaL_checkinteger(L, 2));
static int b_arshift(lua_State* L)
b_uint r = luaL_checkunsigned(L, 1);
int i = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
if (i < 0 || !(r & ((b_uint)1 << (NBITS - 1))))
return b_shift(L, r, -i);
{ /* arithmetic shift for 'negative' number */
if (i >= NBITS)
r = trim((r >> i) | ~(~(b_uint)0 >> i)); /* add signal bit */
lua_pushunsigned(L, r);
return 1;
static int b_rot(lua_State* L, int i)
b_uint r = luaL_checkunsigned(L, 1);
i &= (NBITS - 1); /* i = i % NBITS */
r = trim(r);
if (i != 0) /* avoid undefined shift of NBITS when i == 0 */
r = (r << i) | (r >> (NBITS - i));
lua_pushunsigned(L, trim(r));
return 1;
static int b_lrot(lua_State* L)
return b_rot(L, luaL_checkinteger(L, 2));
static int b_rrot(lua_State* L)
return b_rot(L, -luaL_checkinteger(L, 2));
** get field and width arguments for field-manipulation functions,
** checking whether they are valid.
** ('luaL_error' called without 'return' to avoid later warnings about
** 'width' being used uninitialized.)
static int fieldargs(lua_State* L, int farg, int* width)
int f = luaL_checkinteger(L, farg);
int w = luaL_optinteger(L, farg + 1, 1);
luaL_argcheck(L, 0 <= f, farg, "field cannot be negative");
luaL_argcheck(L, 0 < w, farg + 1, "width must be positive");
if (f + w > NBITS)
luaL_error(L, "trying to access non-existent bits");
*width = w;
return f;
static int b_extract(lua_State* L)
int w;
b_uint r = luaL_checkunsigned(L, 1);
int f = fieldargs(L, 2, &w);
r = (r >> f) & mask(w);
lua_pushunsigned(L, r);
return 1;
static int b_replace(lua_State* L)
int w;
b_uint r = luaL_checkunsigned(L, 1);
b_uint v = luaL_checkunsigned(L, 2);
int f = fieldargs(L, 3, &w);
int m = mask(w);
v &= m; /* erase bits outside given width */
r = (r & ~(m << f)) | (v << f);
lua_pushunsigned(L, r);
return 1;
static const luaL_Reg bitlib[] = {
{"arshift", b_arshift},
{"band", b_and},
{"bnot", b_not},
{"bor", b_or},
{"bxor", b_xor},
{"btest", b_test},
{"extract", b_extract},
{"lrotate", b_lrot},
{"lshift", b_lshift},
{"replace", b_replace},
{"rrotate", b_rrot},
{"rshift", b_rshift},
LUALIB_API int luaopen_bit32(lua_State* L)
luaL_register(L, LUA_BITLIBNAME, bitlib);
return 1;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
// This code is based on Lua 5.x implementation licensed under MIT License; see lua_LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "lobject.h"
typedef int (*luau_FastFunction)(lua_State* L, StkId res, TValue* arg0, int nresults, StkId args, int nparams);
extern luau_FastFunction luauF_table[256];
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