2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "EmitInstructionX64.h"
#include "Luau/AssemblyBuilderX64.h"
#include "CustomExecUtils.h"
#include "EmitBuiltinsX64.h"
#include "EmitCommonX64.h"
#include "NativeState.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "ltm.h"
namespace Luau
namespace CodeGen
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstLoadNil(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TNIL);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstLoadB(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
build.mov(luauRegValue(ra), LUAU_INSN_B(*pc));
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TBOOLEAN);
if (int target = LUAU_INSN_C(*pc))
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.jmp(labelarr[pcpos + 1 + target]);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstLoadN(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
build.vmovsd(xmm0, build.f64(double(LUAU_INSN_D(*pc))));
build.vmovsd(luauRegValue(ra), xmm0);
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TNUMBER);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstLoadK(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauConstant(LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)));
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstLoadKX(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
uint32_t aux = pc[1];
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauConstant(aux));
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
void emitInstMove(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauReg(rb));
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
void emitInstCall(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, ModuleHelpers& helpers, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int nparams = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc) - 1;
int nresults = LUAU_INSN_C(*pc) - 1;
emitInterrupt(build, pcpos);
emitSetSavedPc(build, pcpos + 1);
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
build.lea(rArg2, luauRegAddress(ra));
if (nparams == LUA_MULTRET)
build.mov(rArg3, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)]);
build.lea(rArg3, luauRegAddress(ra + 1 + nparams));
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg4), nresults);
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, callProlog)]);
RegisterX64 ccl = rax; // Returned from callProlog
Label cFuncCall;
build.test(byte[ccl + offsetof(Closure, isC)], 1);
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotZero, cFuncCall);
RegisterX64 proto = rcx; // Sync with emitContinueCallInVm
RegisterX64 ci = rdx;
RegisterX64 argi = rsi;
RegisterX64 argend = rdi;
build.mov(proto, qword[ccl + offsetof(Closure, l.p)]);
// Switch current Closure
build.mov(sClosure, ccl); // Last use of 'ccl'
build.mov(ci, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, ci)]);
Label fillnil, exitfillnil;
// argi = L->top
build.mov(argi, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)]);
// argend = L->base + p->numparams
build.movzx(eax, byte[proto + offsetof(Proto, numparams)]);
build.shl(eax, kTValueSizeLog2);
build.lea(argend, addr[rBase + rax]);
// while (argi < argend) setnilvalue(argi++);
build.cmp(argi, argend);
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotBelow, exitfillnil);
build.mov(dword[argi + offsetof(TValue, tt)], LUA_TNIL);
build.add(argi, sizeof(TValue));
build.jmp(fillnil); // This loop rarely runs so it's not worth repeating cmp/jcc
// Set L->top to ci->top as most function expect (no vararg)
build.mov(rax, qword[ci + offsetof(CallInfo, top)]);
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)], rax);
build.mov(rax, qword[proto + offsetofProtoExecData]); // We'll need this value later
// But if it is vararg, update it to 'argi'
Label skipVararg;
build.test(byte[proto + offsetof(Proto, is_vararg)], 1);
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Zero, skipVararg);
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)], argi);
// Check native function data
build.test(rax, rax);
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Zero, helpers.continueCallInVm);
// Switch current constants
build.mov(rConstants, qword[proto + offsetof(Proto, k)]);
// Switch current code
build.mov(rdx, qword[proto + offsetof(Proto, code)]);
build.mov(sCode, rdx);
build.jmp(qword[rax + offsetof(NativeProto, entryTarget)]);
// results = ccl->c.f(L);
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
build.call(qword[ccl + offsetof(Closure, c.f)]); // Last use of 'ccl'
RegisterX64 results = eax;
build.test(results, results); // test here will set SF=1 for a negative number and it always sets OF to 0
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Less, helpers.exitNoContinueVm); // jl jumps if SF != OF
// We have special handling for small number of expected results below
if (nresults != 0 && nresults != 1)
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg2), nresults);
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg3), results);
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, callEpilogC)]);
RegisterX64 ci = rdx;
RegisterX64 cip = rcx;
RegisterX64 vali = rsi;
build.mov(ci, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, ci)]);
build.lea(cip, addr[ci - sizeof(CallInfo)]);
// L->base = cip->base
build.mov(rBase, qword[cip + offsetof(CallInfo, base)]);
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, base)], rBase);
if (nresults == 1)
// Opportunistically copy the result we expected from (L->top - results)
build.mov(vali, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)]);
build.shl(results, kTValueSizeLog2);
build.sub(vali, qwordReg(results));
build.vmovups(xmm0, xmmword[vali]);
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
Label skipnil;
// If there was no result, override the value with 'nil'
build.test(results, results);
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotZero, skipnil);
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TNIL);
// L->ci = cip
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, ci)], cip);
// L->top = cip->top
build.mov(rax, qword[cip + offsetof(CallInfo, top)]);
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)], rax);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
void emitInstReturn(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, ModuleHelpers& helpers, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
emitInterrupt(build, pcpos);
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int b = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc) - 1;
RegisterX64 ci = r8;
RegisterX64 cip = r9;
RegisterX64 res = rdi;
RegisterX64 nresults = esi;
build.mov(ci, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, ci)]);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(cip, addr[ci - sizeof(CallInfo)]);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
// res = ci->func; note: we assume CALL always puts func+args and expects results to start at func
build.mov(res, qword[ci + offsetof(CallInfo, func)]);
// nresults = ci->nresults
build.mov(nresults, dword[ci + offsetof(CallInfo, nresults)]);
Label skipResultCopy;
RegisterX64 counter = ecx;
if (b == 0)
// Our instruction doesn't have any results, so just fill results expected in parent with 'nil'
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.test(nresults, nresults); // test here will set SF=1 for a negative number, ZF=1 for zero and OF=0
build.jcc(ConditionX64::LessEqual, skipResultCopy); // jle jumps if SF != OF or ZF == 1
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.mov(counter, nresults);
Label repeatNilLoop = build.setLabel();
build.mov(dword[res + offsetof(TValue, tt)], LUA_TNIL);
build.add(res, sizeof(TValue));
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotZero, repeatNilLoop);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
else if (b == 1)
// Try setting our 1 result
build.test(nresults, nresults);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Zero, skipResultCopy);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(counter, addr[nresults - 1]);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauReg(ra));
build.vmovups(xmmword[res], xmm0);
build.add(res, sizeof(TValue));
// Fill the rest of the expected results with 'nil'
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.test(counter, counter); // test here will set SF=1 for a negative number, ZF=1 for zero and OF=0
build.jcc(ConditionX64::LessEqual, skipResultCopy); // jle jumps if SF != OF or ZF == 1
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label repeatNilLoop = build.setLabel();
build.mov(dword[res + offsetof(TValue, tt)], LUA_TNIL);
build.add(res, sizeof(TValue));
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotZero, repeatNilLoop);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
RegisterX64 vali = rax;
RegisterX64 valend = rdx;
// Copy return values into parent stack (but only up to nresults!)
build.test(nresults, nresults);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Zero, skipResultCopy);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
// vali = ra
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(vali, luauRegAddress(ra));
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
// Copy as much as possible for MULTRET calls, and only as much as needed otherwise
if (b == LUA_MULTRET)
build.mov(valend, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)]); // valend = L->top
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(valend, luauRegAddress(ra + b)); // valend = ra + b
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.mov(counter, nresults);
Label repeatValueLoop, exitValueLoop;
build.cmp(vali, valend);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotBelow, exitValueLoop);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.vmovups(xmm0, xmmword[vali]);
build.vmovups(xmmword[res], xmm0);
build.add(vali, sizeof(TValue));
build.add(res, sizeof(TValue));
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotZero, repeatValueLoop);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
// Fill the rest of the expected results with 'nil'
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.test(counter, counter); // test here will set SF=1 for a negative number, ZF=1 for zero and OF=0
build.jcc(ConditionX64::LessEqual, skipResultCopy); // jle jumps if SF != OF or ZF == 1
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label repeatNilLoop = build.setLabel();
build.mov(dword[res + offsetof(TValue, tt)], LUA_TNIL);
build.add(res, sizeof(TValue));
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotZero, repeatNilLoop);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, ci)], cip); // L->ci = cip
build.mov(rBase, qword[cip + offsetof(CallInfo, base)]); // sync base = L->base while we have a chance
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, base)], rBase); // L->base = cip->base
// Start with result for LUA_MULTRET/exit value
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)], res); // L->top = res
// Unlikely, but this might be the last return from VM
build.test(byte[ci + offsetof(CallInfo, flags)], LUA_CALLINFO_RETURN);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotZero, helpers.exitNoContinueVm);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label skipFixedRetTop;
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.test(nresults, nresults); // test here will set SF=1 for a negative number and it always sets OF to 0
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Less, skipFixedRetTop); // jl jumps if SF != OF
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.mov(rax, qword[cip + offsetof(CallInfo, top)]);
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)], rax); // L->top = cip->top
// Returning back to the previous function is a bit tricky
// Registers alive: r9 (cip)
RegisterX64 proto = rcx;
RegisterX64 execdata = rbx;
// Change closure
build.mov(rax, qword[cip + offsetof(CallInfo, func)]);
build.mov(rax, qword[rax + offsetof(TValue, value.gc)]);
build.mov(sClosure, rax);
build.mov(proto, qword[rax + offsetof(Closure, l.p)]);
build.mov(execdata, qword[proto + offsetofProtoExecData]);
build.test(execdata, execdata);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Zero, helpers.exitContinueVm); // Continue in interpreter if function has no native data
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
// Change constants
build.mov(rConstants, qword[proto + offsetof(Proto, k)]);
// Change code
build.mov(rdx, qword[proto + offsetof(Proto, code)]);
build.mov(sCode, rdx);
build.mov(rax, qword[cip + offsetof(CallInfo, savedpc)]);
// To get instruction index from instruction pointer, we need to divide byte offset by 4
// But we will actually need to scale instruction index by 8 back to byte offset later so it cancels out
build.sub(rax, rdx);
// Get new instruction location and jump to it
build.mov(rdx, qword[execdata + offsetof(NativeProto, instTargets)]);
build.jmp(qword[rdx + rax * 2]);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstJump(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.jmp(labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)]);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstJumpBack(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
emitInterrupt(build, pcpos);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.jmp(labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)]);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstJumpIf(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, bool not_)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
Label& exit = labelarr[pcpos + 1];
if (not_)
jumpIfFalsy(build, ra, target, exit);
jumpIfTruthy(build, ra, target, exit);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstJumpIfEq(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, bool not_, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = pc[1];
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
Label& exit = labelarr[pcpos + 2];
build.mov(eax, luauRegTag(ra));
build.cmp(eax, luauRegTag(rb));
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotEqual, not_ ? target : exit);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// fast-path: number
build.cmp(eax, LUA_TNUMBER);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotEqual, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
jumpOnNumberCmp(build, xmm0, luauRegValue(ra), luauRegValue(rb), ConditionX64::NotEqual, not_ ? target : exit);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
if (!not_)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstJumpIfEqFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, bool not_)
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
jumpOnAnyCmpFallback(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), pc[1], not_ ? ConditionX64::NotEqual : ConditionX64::Equal, target, pcpos);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
void emitInstJumpIfCond(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, ConditionX64 cond, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = pc[1];
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// fast-path: number
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra, LUA_TNUMBER, fallback);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rb, LUA_TNUMBER, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
jumpOnNumberCmp(build, xmm0, luauRegValue(ra), luauRegValue(rb), cond, target);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
void emitInstJumpIfCondFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, ConditionX64 cond)
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
jumpOnAnyCmpFallback(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), pc[1], cond, target, pcpos);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstJumpX(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
emitInterrupt(build, pcpos);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.jmp(labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_E(*pc)]);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstJumpxEqNil(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
bool not_ = (pc[1] & 0x80000000) != 0;
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
build.cmp(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TNIL);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(not_ ? ConditionX64::NotEqual : ConditionX64::Equal, target);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstJumpxEqB(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
uint32_t aux = pc[1];
bool not_ = (aux & 0x80000000) != 0;
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
Label& exit = labelarr[pcpos + 2];
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra, LUA_TBOOLEAN, not_ ? target : exit);
build.test(luauRegValueBoolean(ra), 1);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc((aux & 0x1) ^ not_ ? ConditionX64::NotZero : ConditionX64::Zero, target);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstJumpxEqN(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, const TValue* k, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
uint32_t aux = pc[1];
bool not_ = (aux & 0x80000000) != 0;
TValue kv = k[aux & 0xffffff];
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
Label& exit = labelarr[pcpos + 2];
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra, LUA_TNUMBER, not_ ? target : exit);
if (not_)
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
jumpOnNumberCmp(build, xmm0, luauRegValue(ra), build.f64(kv.value.n), ConditionX64::NotEqual, target);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// Compact equality check requires two labels, so it's not supported in generic 'jumpOnNumberCmp'
build.vmovsd(xmm0, luauRegValue(ra));
build.vucomisd(xmm0, build.f64(kv.value.n));
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Parity, exit); // We first have to check PF=1 for NaN operands, because it also sets ZF=1
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Zero, target); // Now that NaN is out of the way, we can check ZF=1 for equality
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstJumpxEqS(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
uint32_t aux = pc[1];
bool not_ = (aux & 0x80000000) != 0;
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
Label& exit = labelarr[pcpos + 2];
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra, LUA_TSTRING, not_ ? target : exit);
build.mov(rax, luauRegValue(ra));
build.cmp(rax, luauConstantValue(aux & 0xffffff));
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(not_ ? ConditionX64::NotEqual : ConditionX64::Equal, target);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
static void emitInstBinaryNumeric(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, int ra, int rb, int rc, OperandX64 opc, int pcpos, TMS tm, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rb, LUA_TNUMBER, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
if (rc != -1 && rc != rb)
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rc, LUA_TNUMBER, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// fast-path: number
build.vmovsd(xmm0, luauRegValue(rb));
switch (tm)
case TM_ADD:
build.vaddsd(xmm0, xmm0, opc);
case TM_SUB:
build.vsubsd(xmm0, xmm0, opc);
case TM_MUL:
build.vmulsd(xmm0, xmm0, opc);
case TM_DIV:
build.vdivsd(xmm0, xmm0, opc);
case TM_MOD:
// This follows the implementation of 'luai_nummod' which is less precise than 'fmod' for better performance
build.vmovsd(xmm1, opc);
build.vdivsd(xmm2, xmm0, xmm1);
build.vroundsd(xmm2, xmm2, xmm2, RoundingModeX64::RoundToNegativeInfinity);
build.vmulsd(xmm1, xmm2, xmm1);
build.vsubsd(xmm0, xmm0, xmm1);
case TM_POW:
build.vmovsd(xmm1, luauRegValue(rc));
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, libm_pow)]);
LUAU_ASSERT(!"unsupported binary op");
build.vmovsd(luauRegValue(ra), xmm0);
if (ra != rb && ra != rc)
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TNUMBER);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstBinary(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, TMS tm, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
emitInstBinaryNumeric(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), LUAU_INSN_C(*pc), luauRegValue(LUAU_INSN_C(*pc)), pcpos, tm, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstBinaryFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, TMS tm)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
callArithHelper(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), luauRegAddress(LUAU_INSN_C(*pc)), pcpos, tm);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstBinaryK(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, TMS tm, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
emitInstBinaryNumeric(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), -1, luauConstantValue(LUAU_INSN_C(*pc)), pcpos, tm, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstBinaryKFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, TMS tm)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
callArithHelper(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), luauConstantAddress(LUAU_INSN_C(*pc)), pcpos, tm);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstPowK(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, const TValue* k, int pcpos, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
double kv = nvalue(&k[LUAU_INSN_C(*pc)]);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rb, LUA_TNUMBER, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// fast-path: number
build.vmovsd(xmm0, luauRegValue(rb));
// Specialize for a few constants, similar to how it's done in the VM
if (kv == 2.0)
build.vmulsd(xmm0, xmm0, xmm0);
else if (kv == 0.5)
build.vsqrtsd(xmm0, xmm0, xmm0);
else if (kv == 3.0)
build.vmulsd(xmm1, xmm0, xmm0);
build.vmulsd(xmm0, xmm0, xmm1);
build.vmovsd(xmm1, build.f64(kv));
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, libm_pow)]);
build.vmovsd(luauRegValue(ra), xmm0);
if (ra != rb)
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TNUMBER);
void emitInstNot(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
Label saveone, savezero, exit;
jumpIfFalsy(build, rb, saveone, savezero);
build.mov(luauRegValueBoolean(ra), 0);
build.mov(luauRegValueBoolean(ra), 1);
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TBOOLEAN);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstMinus(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rb, LUA_TNUMBER, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// fast-path: number
build.vxorpd(xmm0, xmm0, xmm0);
build.vsubsd(xmm0, xmm0, luauRegValue(rb));
build.vmovsd(luauRegValue(ra), xmm0);
if (ra != rb)
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TNUMBER);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstMinusFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos)
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
callArithHelper(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), luauRegAddress(LUAU_INSN_B(*pc)), pcpos, TM_UNM);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstLength(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rb, LUA_TTABLE, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// fast-path: table without __len
build.mov(rArg1, luauRegValue(rb));
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
jumpIfMetatablePresent(build, rArg1, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// First argument (Table*) is already in rArg1
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, luaH_getn)]);
build.vcvtsi2sd(xmm0, xmm0, eax);
build.vmovsd(luauRegValue(ra), xmm0);
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TNUMBER);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstLengthFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos)
callLengthHelper(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), pcpos);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstNewTable(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int b = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
uint32_t aux = pc[1];
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
Label& exit = labelarr[pcpos + 2];
emitSetSavedPc(build, pcpos + 1);
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg2), aux);
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg3), 1 << (b - 1));
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, luaH_new)]);
build.mov(luauRegValue(ra), rax);
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TTABLE);
callCheckGc(build, pcpos, /* savepc = */ false, exit);
void emitInstDupTable(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
Label& exit = labelarr[pcpos + 1];
emitSetSavedPc(build, pcpos + 1);
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
build.mov(rArg2, luauConstantValue(LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)));
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, luaH_clone)]);
build.mov(luauRegValue(ra), rax);
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TTABLE);
callCheckGc(build, pcpos, /* savepc= */ false, exit);
void emitInstSetList(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
int c = LUAU_INSN_C(*pc) - 1;
uint32_t index = pc[1];
Label& exit = labelarr[pcpos + 2];
OperandX64 last = index + c - 1;
// Using non-volatile 'rbx' for dynamic 'c' value (for LUA_MULTRET) to skip later recomputation
// We also keep 'c' scaled by sizeof(TValue) here as it helps in the loop below
RegisterX64 cscaled = rbx;
if (c == LUA_MULTRET)
RegisterX64 tmp = rax;
// c = L->top - rb
build.mov(cscaled, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)]);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(tmp, luauRegAddress(rb));
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
build.sub(cscaled, tmp); // Using byte difference
// L->top = L->ci->top
build.mov(tmp, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, ci)]);
build.mov(tmp, qword[tmp + offsetof(CallInfo, top)]);
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)], tmp);
// last = index + c - 1;
last = edx;
build.mov(last, dwordReg(cscaled));
build.shr(last, kTValueSizeLog2);
build.add(last, index - 1);
Label skipResize;
RegisterX64 table = rax;
build.mov(table, luauRegValue(ra));
// Resize if h->sizearray < last
build.cmp(dword[table + offsetof(Table, sizearray)], last);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotBelow, skipResize);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
// Argument setup reordered to avoid conflicts
LUAU_ASSERT(rArg3 != table);
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg3), last);
build.mov(rArg2, table);
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, luaH_resizearray)]);
build.mov(table, luauRegValue(ra)); // Reload cloberred register value
RegisterX64 arrayDst = rdx;
RegisterX64 offset = rcx;
build.mov(arrayDst, qword[table + offsetof(Table, array)]);
const int kUnrollSetListLimit = 4;
if (c != LUA_MULTRET && c <= kUnrollSetListLimit)
for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i)
// setobj2t(L, &array[index + i - 1], rb + i);
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauRegValue(rb + i));
build.vmovups(xmmword[arrayDst + (index + i - 1) * sizeof(TValue)], xmm0);
LUAU_ASSERT(c != 0);
build.xor_(offset, offset);
if (index != 1)
build.add(arrayDst, (index - 1) * sizeof(TValue));
Label repeatLoop, endLoop;
OperandX64 limit = c == LUA_MULTRET ? cscaled : OperandX64(c * sizeof(TValue));
// If c is static, we will always do at least one iteration
if (c == LUA_MULTRET)
build.cmp(offset, limit);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotBelow, endLoop);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
// setobj2t(L, &array[index + i - 1], rb + i);
build.vmovups(xmm0, xmmword[offset + rBase + rb * sizeof(TValue)]); // luauReg(rb) unwrapped to add offset
build.vmovups(xmmword[offset + arrayDst], xmm0);
build.add(offset, sizeof(TValue));
build.cmp(offset, limit);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Below, repeatLoop);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
callBarrierTableFast(build, table, exit);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
void emitInstGetUpval(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int up = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
build.mov(rax, sClosure);
build.add(rax, offsetof(Closure, l.uprefs) + sizeof(TValue) * up);
// uprefs[] is either an actual value, or it points to UpVal object which has a pointer to value
Label skip;
// TODO: jumpIfTagIsNot can be generalized to take OperandX64 and then we can use it here; let's wait until we see this more though
build.cmp(dword[rax + offsetof(TValue, tt)], LUA_TUPVAL);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotEqual, skip);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// UpVal.v points to the value (either on stack, or on heap inside each UpVal, but we can deref it unconditionally)
build.mov(rax, qword[rax + offsetof(TValue, value.gc)]);
build.mov(rax, qword[rax + offsetof(UpVal, v)]);
build.vmovups(xmm0, xmmword[rax]);
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstSetUpval(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int up = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
RegisterX64 upval = rax;
RegisterX64 tmp = rcx;
build.mov(tmp, sClosure);
build.mov(upval, qword[tmp + offsetof(Closure, l.uprefs) + sizeof(TValue) * up + offsetof(TValue, value.gc)]);
build.mov(tmp, qword[upval + offsetof(UpVal, v)]);
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauReg(ra));
build.vmovups(xmmword[tmp], xmm0);
callBarrierObject(build, tmp, upval, ra, labelarr[pcpos + 1]);
void emitInstCloseUpvals(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
Label& skip = labelarr[pcpos + 1];
// L->openupval != 0
build.mov(rax, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, openupval)]);
build.test(rax, rax);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Zero, skip);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
// ra <= L->openuval->v
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(rcx, addr[rBase + ra * sizeof(TValue)]);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
build.cmp(rcx, qword[rax + offsetof(UpVal, v)]);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Above, skip);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
build.mov(rArg2, rcx);
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, luaF_close)]);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
static int emitInstFastCallN(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, bool customParams, int customParamCount, OperandX64 customArgs,
int pcpos, int instLen, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int bfid = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int skip = LUAU_INSN_C(*pc);
Instruction call = pc[skip + 1];
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(call);
int nparams = customParams ? customParamCount : LUAU_INSN_B(call) - 1;
int nresults = LUAU_INSN_C(call) - 1;
int arg = customParams ? LUAU_INSN_B(*pc) : ra + 1;
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
OperandX64 args = customParams ? customArgs : luauRegAddress(ra + 2);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& exit = labelarr[pcpos + instLen];
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
jumpIfUnsafeEnv(build, rax, exit);
BuiltinImplResult br = emitBuiltin(build, LuauBuiltinFunction(bfid), nparams, ra, arg, args, nresults, exit);
if (br.type == BuiltinImplType::UsesFallback)
if (nresults == LUA_MULTRET)
// L->top = ra + n;
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(rax, addr[rBase + (ra + br.actualResultCount) * sizeof(TValue)]);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)], rax);
else if (nparams == LUA_MULTRET)
// L->top = L->ci->top;
build.mov(rax, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, ci)]);
build.mov(rax, qword[rax + offsetof(CallInfo, top)]);
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)], rax);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
return skip + 2 - instLen; // Return fallback instruction sequence length
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// TODO: we can skip saving pc for some well-behaved builtins which we didn't inline
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
emitSetSavedPc(build, pcpos + 1); // uses rax/rdx
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
build.mov(rax, qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, luauF_table) + bfid * sizeof(luau_FastFunction)]);
// 5th parameter (args) is left unset for LOP_FASTCALL1
if (args.cat == CategoryX64::mem)
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
if (build.abi == ABIX64::Windows)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
build.lea(rcx, args);
build.mov(sArg5, rcx);
build.lea(rArg5, args);
if (nparams == LUA_MULTRET)
// TODO: for SystemV ABI we can compute the result directly into rArg6
// L->top - (ra + 1)
build.mov(rcx, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)]);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(rdx, addr[rBase + (ra + 1) * sizeof(TValue)]);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
build.sub(rcx, rdx);
build.shr(rcx, kTValueSizeLog2);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
if (build.abi == ABIX64::Windows)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
build.mov(sArg6, rcx);
build.mov(rArg6, rcx);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
if (build.abi == ABIX64::Windows)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
build.mov(sArg6, nparams);
build.mov(rArg6, nparams);
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(rArg2, luauRegAddress(ra));
build.lea(rArg3, luauRegAddress(arg));
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg4), nresults);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.test(eax, eax); // test here will set SF=1 for a negative number and it always sets OF to 0
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Less, exit); // jl jumps if SF != OF
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
if (nresults == LUA_MULTRET)
// L->top = ra + n;
build.shl(rax, kTValueSizeLog2);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(rax, addr[rBase + rax + ra * sizeof(TValue)]);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)], rax);
else if (nparams == LUA_MULTRET)
// L->top = L->ci->top;
build.mov(rax, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, ci)]);
build.mov(rax, qword[rax + offsetof(CallInfo, top)]);
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)], rax);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
return skip + 2 - instLen; // Return fallback instruction sequence length
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
int emitInstFastCall1(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
return emitInstFastCallN(build, pc, /* customParams */ true, /* customParamCount */ 1, /* customArgs */ 0, pcpos, /* instLen */ 1, labelarr);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
int emitInstFastCall2(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
return emitInstFastCallN(
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build, pc, /* customParams */ true, /* customParamCount */ 2, /* customArgs */ luauRegAddress(pc[1]), pcpos, /* instLen */ 2, labelarr);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
int emitInstFastCall2K(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
return emitInstFastCallN(
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build, pc, /* customParams */ true, /* customParamCount */ 2, /* customArgs */ luauConstantAddress(pc[1]), pcpos, /* instLen */ 2, labelarr);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
int emitInstFastCall(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
return emitInstFastCallN(build, pc, /* customParams */ false, /* customParamCount */ 0, /* customArgs */ 0, pcpos, /* instLen */ 1, labelarr);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
void emitInstForNPrep(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& loopExit = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
Label tryConvert, exit;
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra + 0, LUA_TNUMBER, tryConvert);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra + 1, LUA_TNUMBER, tryConvert);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra + 2, LUA_TNUMBER, tryConvert);
// After successful conversion of arguments to number, we return here
Label retry = build.setLabel();
RegisterX64 limit = xmm0;
RegisterX64 step = xmm1;
RegisterX64 idx = xmm2;
RegisterX64 zero = xmm3;
build.vxorpd(zero, xmm0, xmm0);
build.vmovsd(limit, luauRegValue(ra + 0));
build.vmovsd(step, luauRegValue(ra + 1));
build.vmovsd(idx, luauRegValue(ra + 2));
Label reverse;
// step <= 0
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
jumpOnNumberCmp(build, noreg, step, zero, ConditionX64::LessEqual, reverse);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// TODO: target branches can probably be arranged better, but we need tests for NaN behavior preservation
// false: idx <= limit
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
jumpOnNumberCmp(build, noreg, idx, limit, ConditionX64::LessEqual, exit);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// true: limit <= idx
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
jumpOnNumberCmp(build, noreg, limit, idx, ConditionX64::LessEqual, exit);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// TOOD: place at the end of the function
callPrepareForN(build, ra + 0, ra + 1, ra + 2, pcpos);
void emitInstForNLoop(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
emitInterrupt(build, pcpos);
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
Label& loopRepeat = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
RegisterX64 limit = xmm0;
RegisterX64 step = xmm1;
RegisterX64 idx = xmm2;
RegisterX64 zero = xmm3;
build.vxorpd(zero, xmm0, xmm0);
build.vmovsd(limit, luauRegValue(ra + 0));
build.vmovsd(step, luauRegValue(ra + 1));
build.vmovsd(idx, luauRegValue(ra + 2));
build.vaddsd(idx, idx, step);
build.vmovsd(luauRegValue(ra + 2), idx);
Label reverse, exit;
// step <= 0
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
jumpOnNumberCmp(build, noreg, step, zero, ConditionX64::LessEqual, reverse);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// false: idx <= limit
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
jumpOnNumberCmp(build, noreg, idx, limit, ConditionX64::LessEqual, loopRepeat);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
// true: limit <= idx
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
jumpOnNumberCmp(build, noreg, limit, idx, ConditionX64::LessEqual, loopRepeat);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
void emitinstForGLoop(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, Label& fallback)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int aux = pc[1];
Label& loopRepeat = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
Label& exit = labelarr[pcpos + 2];
emitInterrupt(build, pcpos);
// fast-path: builtin table iteration
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra, LUA_TNIL, fallback);
// Registers are chosen in this way to simplify fallback code for the node part
RegisterX64 table = rArg2;
RegisterX64 index = rArg3;
RegisterX64 elemPtr = rax;
build.mov(table, luauRegValue(ra + 1));
build.mov(index, luauRegValue(ra + 2));
// &array[index]
build.mov(dwordReg(elemPtr), dwordReg(index));
build.shl(dwordReg(elemPtr), kTValueSizeLog2);
build.add(elemPtr, qword[table + offsetof(Table, array)]);
// Clear extra variables since we might have more than two
for (int i = 2; i < aux; ++i)
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra + 3 + i), LUA_TNIL);
// ipairs-style traversal is terminated early when array part ends of nil array element is encountered
bool isIpairsIter = aux < 0;
Label skipArray, skipArrayNil;
// First we advance index through the array portion
// while (unsigned(index) < unsigned(sizearray))
Label arrayLoop = build.setLabel();
build.cmp(dwordReg(index), dword[table + offsetof(Table, sizearray)]);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotBelow, isIpairsIter ? exit : skipArray);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
// If element is nil, we increment the index; if it's not, we still need 'index + 1' inside
build.cmp(dword[elemPtr + offsetof(TValue, tt)], LUA_TNIL);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Equal, isIpairsIter ? exit : skipArrayNil);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
// setpvalue(ra + 2, reinterpret_cast<void*>(uintptr_t(index + 1)));
build.mov(luauRegValue(ra + 2), index);
// Tag should already be set to lightuserdata
// setnvalue(ra + 3, double(index + 1));
build.vcvtsi2sd(xmm0, xmm0, dwordReg(index));
build.vmovsd(luauRegValue(ra + 3), xmm0);
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra + 3), LUA_TNUMBER);
// setobj2s(L, ra + 4, e);
setLuauReg(build, xmm2, ra + 4, xmmword[elemPtr]);
if (!isIpairsIter)
// Index already incremented, advance to next array element
build.add(elemPtr, sizeof(TValue));
// Call helper to assign next node value or to signal loop exit
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
// rArg2 and rArg3 are already set
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(rArg4, luauRegAddress(ra));
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, forgLoopNodeIter)]);
build.test(al, al);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotZero, loopRepeat);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
void emitinstForGLoopFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int aux = pc[1];
Label& loopRepeat = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
emitSetSavedPc(build, pcpos + 1);
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg2), ra);
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg3), aux);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, forgLoopNonTableFallback)]);
build.test(al, al);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::NotZero, loopRepeat);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
void emitInstForGPrepNext(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, Label& fallback)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
// fast-path: pairs/next
jumpIfUnsafeEnv(build, rax, fallback);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra + 1, LUA_TTABLE, fallback);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra + 2, LUA_TNIL, fallback);
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TNIL);
// setpvalue(ra + 2, reinterpret_cast<void*>(uintptr_t(0)));
build.mov(luauRegValue(ra + 2), 0);
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra + 2), LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA);
void emitInstForGPrepInext(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, Label& fallback)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
// fast-path: ipairs/inext
jumpIfUnsafeEnv(build, rax, fallback);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra + 1, LUA_TTABLE, fallback);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, ra + 2, LUA_TNUMBER, fallback);
build.vxorpd(xmm0, xmm0, xmm0);
build.vmovsd(xmm1, luauRegValue(ra + 2));
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
jumpOnNumberCmp(build, noreg, xmm0, xmm1, ConditionX64::NotEqual, fallback);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra), LUA_TNIL);
// setpvalue(ra + 2, reinterpret_cast<void*>(uintptr_t(0)));
build.mov(luauRegValue(ra + 2), 0);
build.mov(luauRegTag(ra + 2), LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA);
void emitInstForGPrepXnextFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
Label& target = labelarr[pcpos + 1 + LUAU_INSN_D(*pc)];
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.lea(rArg2, luauRegAddress(ra));
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg3), pcpos + 1);
2022-10-28 01:22:49 +03:00
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, forgPrepXnextFallback)]);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
static void emitInstAndX(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, int ra, int rb, OperandX64 c)
Label target, fallthrough;
jumpIfFalsy(build, rb, target, fallthrough);
build.vmovups(xmm0, c);
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
if (ra == rb)
Label exit;
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauReg(rb));
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
void emitInstAnd(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc)
emitInstAndX(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), luauReg(LUAU_INSN_C(*pc)));
void emitInstAndK(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc)
emitInstAndX(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), luauConstant(LUAU_INSN_C(*pc)));
static void emitInstOrX(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, int ra, int rb, OperandX64 c)
Label target, fallthrough;
jumpIfTruthy(build, rb, target, fallthrough);
build.vmovups(xmm0, c);
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
if (ra == rb)
Label exit;
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauReg(rb));
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
void emitInstOr(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc)
emitInstOrX(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), luauReg(LUAU_INSN_C(*pc)));
void emitInstOrK(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc)
emitInstOrX(build, LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), luauConstant(LUAU_INSN_C(*pc)));
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstGetTableN(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
int c = LUAU_INSN_C(*pc);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rb, LUA_TTABLE, fallback);
RegisterX64 table = rcx;
build.mov(table, luauRegValue(rb));
// unsigned(c) < unsigned(h->sizearray)
build.cmp(dword[table + offsetof(Table, sizearray)], c);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::BelowEqual, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
jumpIfMetatablePresent(build, table, fallback);
build.mov(rax, qword[table + offsetof(Table, array)]);
setLuauReg(build, xmm0, ra, xmmword[rax + c * sizeof(TValue)]);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstGetTableNFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
TValue n;
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
setnvalue(&n, LUAU_INSN_C(*pc) + 1);
callGetTable(build, LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), build.bytes(&n, sizeof(n)), LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), pcpos);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstSetTableN(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
int c = LUAU_INSN_C(*pc);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rb, LUA_TTABLE, fallback);
RegisterX64 table = rcx;
build.mov(table, luauRegValue(rb));
// unsigned(c) < unsigned(h->sizearray)
build.cmp(dword[table + offsetof(Table, sizearray)], c);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::BelowEqual, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
jumpIfMetatablePresent(build, table, fallback);
jumpIfTableIsReadOnly(build, table, fallback);
// setobj2t(L, &h->array[c], ra);
build.mov(rax, qword[table + offsetof(Table, array)]);
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauReg(ra));
build.vmovups(xmmword[rax + c * sizeof(TValue)], xmm0);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
callBarrierTable(build, rax, table, ra, labelarr[pcpos + 1]);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstSetTableNFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
TValue n;
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
setnvalue(&n, LUAU_INSN_C(*pc) + 1);
callSetTable(build, LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), build.bytes(&n, sizeof(n)), LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), pcpos);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstGetTable(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
int rc = LUAU_INSN_C(*pc);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rb, LUA_TTABLE, fallback);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rc, LUA_TNUMBER, fallback);
// fast-path: table with a number index
RegisterX64 table = rcx;
build.mov(table, luauRegValue(rb));
convertNumberToIndexOrJump(build, xmm1, xmm0, eax, rc, fallback);
// index - 1
// unsigned(index - 1) < unsigned(h->sizearray)
build.cmp(dword[table + offsetof(Table, sizearray)], eax);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::BelowEqual, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
jumpIfMetatablePresent(build, table, fallback);
// setobj2s(L, ra, &h->array[unsigned(index - 1)]);
build.mov(rdx, qword[table + offsetof(Table, array)]);
build.shl(eax, kTValueSizeLog2);
setLuauReg(build, xmm0, ra, xmmword[rdx + rax]);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstGetTableFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos)
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
callGetTable(build, LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), luauRegAddress(LUAU_INSN_C(*pc)), LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), pcpos);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstSetTable(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, Label& fallback)
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
int rc = LUAU_INSN_C(*pc);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rb, LUA_TTABLE, fallback);
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rc, LUA_TNUMBER, fallback);
// fast-path: table with a number index
RegisterX64 table = rcx;
build.mov(table, luauRegValue(rb));
convertNumberToIndexOrJump(build, xmm1, xmm0, eax, rc, fallback);
// index - 1
// unsigned(index - 1) < unsigned(h->sizearray)
build.cmp(dword[table + offsetof(Table, sizearray)], eax);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::BelowEqual, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
jumpIfMetatablePresent(build, table, fallback);
jumpIfTableIsReadOnly(build, table, fallback);
// setobj2t(L, &h->array[unsigned(index - 1)], ra);
build.mov(rdx, qword[table + offsetof(Table, array)]);
build.shl(eax, kTValueSizeLog2);
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauReg(ra));
build.vmovups(xmmword[rdx + rax], xmm0);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
callBarrierTable(build, rdx, table, ra, labelarr[pcpos + 1]);
void emitInstSetTableFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos)
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
callSetTable(build, LUAU_INSN_B(*pc), luauRegAddress(LUAU_INSN_C(*pc)), LUAU_INSN_A(*pc), pcpos);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
void emitInstGetImport(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, Label& fallback)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int k = LUAU_INSN_D(*pc);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
jumpIfUnsafeEnv(build, rax, fallback);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
// note: if import failed, k[] is nil; we could check this during codegen, but we instead use runtime fallback
// this allows us to handle ahead-of-time codegen smoothly when an import fails to resolve at runtime
build.cmp(luauConstantTag(k), LUA_TNIL);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.jcc(ConditionX64::Equal, fallback);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauConstant(k));
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
void emitInstGetImportFallback(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
uint32_t aux = pc[1];
emitSetSavedPc(build, pcpos + 1);
build.mov(rax, sClosure);
// luaV_getimport(L, cl->env, k, aux, /* propagatenil= */ false)
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
build.mov(rArg2, qword[rax + offsetof(Closure, env)]);
build.mov(rArg3, rConstants);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg4), aux);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
if (build.abi == ABIX64::Windows)
build.mov(sArg5, 0);
build.xor_(rArg5, rArg5);
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, luaV_getimport)]);
// setobj2s(L, ra, L->top - 1)
build.mov(rax, qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)]);
build.sub(rax, sizeof(TValue));
build.vmovups(xmm0, xmmword[rax]);
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
// L->top--
build.mov(qword[rState + offsetof(lua_State, top)], rax);
void emitInstGetTableKS(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label& fallback)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
uint32_t aux = pc[1];
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rb, LUA_TTABLE, fallback);
RegisterX64 table = rcx;
build.mov(table, luauRegValue(rb));
RegisterX64 node = getTableNodeAtCachedSlot(build, rax, table, pcpos);
jumpIfNodeKeyNotInExpectedSlot(build, rax, node, luauConstantValue(aux), fallback);
setLuauReg(build, xmm0, ra, luauNodeValue(node));
void emitInstSetTableKS(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, Label& fallback)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
uint32_t aux = pc[1];
jumpIfTagIsNot(build, rb, LUA_TTABLE, fallback);
RegisterX64 table = rcx;
build.mov(table, luauRegValue(rb));
// fast-path: set value at the expected slot
RegisterX64 node = getTableNodeAtCachedSlot(build, rax, table, pcpos);
jumpIfNodeKeyNotInExpectedSlot(build, rax, node, luauConstantValue(aux), fallback);
jumpIfTableIsReadOnly(build, table, fallback);
setNodeValue(build, xmm0, luauNodeValue(node), ra);
callBarrierTable(build, rax, table, ra, labelarr[pcpos + 2]);
void emitInstGetGlobal(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label& fallback)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
uint32_t aux = pc[1];
RegisterX64 table = rcx;
build.mov(rax, sClosure);
build.mov(table, qword[rax + offsetof(Closure, env)]);
RegisterX64 node = getTableNodeAtCachedSlot(build, rax, table, pcpos);
jumpIfNodeKeyNotInExpectedSlot(build, rax, node, luauConstantValue(aux), fallback);
setLuauReg(build, xmm0, ra, luauNodeValue(node));
void emitInstSetGlobal(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr, Label& fallback)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
uint32_t aux = pc[1];
RegisterX64 table = rcx;
build.mov(rax, sClosure);
build.mov(table, qword[rax + offsetof(Closure, env)]);
RegisterX64 node = getTableNodeAtCachedSlot(build, rax, table, pcpos);
jumpIfNodeKeyNotInExpectedSlot(build, rax, node, luauConstantValue(aux), fallback);
jumpIfTableIsReadOnly(build, table, fallback);
setNodeValue(build, xmm0, luauNodeValue(node), ra);
callBarrierTable(build, rax, table, ra, labelarr[pcpos + 2]);
void emitInstConcat(AssemblyBuilderX64& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, Label* labelarr)
int ra = LUAU_INSN_A(*pc);
int rb = LUAU_INSN_B(*pc);
int rc = LUAU_INSN_C(*pc);
emitSetSavedPc(build, pcpos + 1);
// luaV_concat(L, c - b + 1, c)
build.mov(rArg1, rState);
2022-11-04 10:02:37 -07:00
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg2), rc - rb + 1);
build.mov(dwordReg(rArg3), rc);
2022-10-21 10:33:43 -07:00
build.call(qword[rNativeContext + offsetof(NativeContext, luaV_concat)]);
// setobj2s(L, ra, base + b)
build.vmovups(xmm0, luauReg(rb));
build.vmovups(luauReg(ra), xmm0);
callCheckGc(build, pcpos, /* savepc= */ false, labelarr[pcpos + 1]);
2022-10-14 01:59:53 +03:00
} // namespace CodeGen
} // namespace Luau