2022-02-18 10:04:38 -08:00
2022-02-17 17:15:33 -08:00
import argparse
import difflib
import enum
import os
import os . path
import subprocess
import sys
SUITES = [ " interpreter " , " prettyprinter " ]
IN_FILE_NAME = " in.lua "
OUT_FILE_NAME = " out.txt "
" interpreter " : " Interpreter " ,
" prettyprinter " : " PrettyPrinter " ,
" interpreter " : " Interpreter.agda " ,
" prettyprinter " : " PrettyPrinter.agda " ,
" interpreter " : " Tests/Interpreter " ,
" prettyprinter " : " Tests/PrettyPrinter " ,
class TestResultStatus ( enum . Enum ) :
class DiffFailure :
def __init__ ( self , expected , actual ) :
self . expected = expected
self . actual = actual
def diff_text ( self ) :
diff_generator = difflib . context_diff ( self . expected . splitlines ( ) , self . actual . splitlines ( ) , fromfile = " expected " , tofile = " actual " , n = 3 )
return " " . join ( diff_generator )
def diff_html ( self ) :
differ = difflib . HtmlDiff ( tabsize = 4 )
return differ . make_file ( self . expected . splitlines ( ) , self . actual . splitlines ( ) , fromdesc = " Expected " , todesc = " Actual " , context = True , numlines = 5 )
class TestCaseResult :
def __init__ ( self , suite , case , status , details ) :
self . suite = suite
self . case = case
self . status = status
self . details = details
def did_pass ( self ) :
return self . status == TestResultStatus . SUCCESS or self . status == TestResultStatus . WROTE_NEW
def to_string ( self ) :
prefix = f " [ { self . suite } / { self . case } ]: "
if self . status == TestResultStatus . CLI_ERROR :
return f " { prefix } CLI ERROR: { self . details } "
elif self . status == TestResultStatus . EXE_ERROR :
return f " { prefix } EXE ERROR: { self . details } "
elif self . status == TestResultStatus . DIFF_ERROR :
text_diff = self . details . diff_text ( )
return f " { prefix } FAILED: \n { text_diff } "
elif self . status == TestResultStatus . SUCCESS :
return f " { prefix } SUCCEEDED "
elif self . status == TestResultStatus . WROTE_NEW :
return f " { prefix } WROTE NEW RESULT "
def write_artifact ( self , artifact_root ) :
if self . status != TestResultStatus . DIFF_ERROR :
filename = f " { self . suite } - { self . case } .out.html "
path = os . path . join ( artifact_root , filename )
html = self . details . diff_html ( )
with open ( path , " w " ) as file :
file . write ( html )
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = " Runs prototype test cases " )
parser . add_argument ( " --luau-cli " , " -l " , dest = " cli_location " , required = True , help = " The location of luau-cli " )
parser . add_argument ( " --root " , " -r " , dest = " prototype_root " , required = False , default = os . getcwd ( ) , help = " The root of the prototype " )
parser . add_argument ( " --build " , " -b " , dest = " build " , action = " store_true " , default = True , help = " Whether to automatically build required test binaries " )
parser . add_argument ( " --suite " , " -s " , dest = " suites " , action = " append " , default = [ ] , choices = SUITES , help = " Which test suites to run " )
parser . add_argument ( " --case " , " -c " , dest = " cases " , action = " append " , default = [ ] , help = " Which test cases to run " )
parser . add_argument ( " --accept-new-output " , " -a " , dest = " snapshot " , action = " store_true " , default = False , help = " Whether to write the new output to files, instead of diffing against it " )
parser . add_argument ( " --write-diff-failures " , dest = " write_diffs " , action = " store_true " , default = False , help = " Whether to write test failure diffs to files " )
parser . add_argument ( " --diff-failure-location " , dest = " diff_location " , default = None , help = " Where to write diff failure files to " )
def build_suite ( root , suite ) :
entry_point = SUITE_ENTRY_POINTS . get ( suite )
if entry_point is None :
return ( False , " Invalid suite " )
result = subprocess . run ( [ " ~/.cabal/bin/agda " , " --compile " , entry_point ] , shell = True , cwd = root , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT )
if result . returncode == 0 :
return ( True , None )
else :
return ( False , result . stdout )
def run_test ( in_path , out_path , cli_path , exe_path , snapshot ) :
cli_result = subprocess . run ( [ cli_path , in_path ] , capture_output = True )
if cli_result . returncode != 0 :
return ( TestResultStatus . CLI_ERROR , f " CLI error: { cli_result . stderr } " )
exe_result = subprocess . run ( exe_path , input = cli_result . stdout , capture_output = True )
if exe_result . returncode != 0 :
return ( TestResultStatus . EXE_ERROR , f " Executable error; stdout: { exe_result . stdout } \n \n stderr: { exe_result . stderr } " )
actual_result = exe_result . stdout . decode ( " utf-8 " )
if snapshot :
with open ( out_path , " w " ) as out_file :
out_file . write ( actual_result )
return ( TestResultStatus . WROTE_NEW , None )
else :
with open ( out_path , " r " ) as out_file :
expected_result = out_file . read ( )
if expected_result != actual_result :
return ( TestResultStatus . DIFF_ERROR , DiffFailure ( expected_result , actual_result ) )
return ( TestResultStatus . SUCCESS , None )
def should_run_case ( case_name , filters ) :
if len ( filters ) == 0 :
return True
return any ( [ f in case_name for f in filters ] )
def run_test_suite ( args , suite , suite_root , suite_exe ) :
results = [ ]
for entry in os . listdir ( suite_root ) :
if not should_run_case ( entry , args . cases ) :
case_path = os . path . join ( suite_root , entry )
if os . path . isdir ( case_path ) :
in_path = os . path . join ( case_path , IN_FILE_NAME )
out_path = os . path . join ( case_path , OUT_FILE_NAME )
if not os . path . exists ( in_path ) or not os . path . exists ( out_path ) :
status , details = run_test ( in_path , out_path , args . cli_location , suite_exe , args . snapshot )
result = TestCaseResult ( suite , entry , status , details )
results . append ( result )
return results
def main ( ) :
args = parser . parse_args ( )
suites = args . suites if len ( args . suites ) > 0 else SUITES
root = os . path . abspath ( args . prototype_root )
if args . build :
for suite in suites :
success , reason = build_suite ( root , suite )
if not success :
print ( f " Error building executable for test suite { suite } : \n { reason } " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
else :
print ( f " Built executable for test suite { suite } successfully. " )
failed = False
for suite in suites :
suite_root = os . path . join ( root , SUITE_ROOTS . get ( suite ) )
suite_exe = os . path . join ( root , SUITE_EXE_NAMES . get ( suite ) )
print ( f " Running test suite { suite } ... " )
results = run_test_suite ( args , suite , suite_root , suite_exe )
passed = 0
total = len ( results )
for result in results :
if result . did_pass ( ) :
passed + = 1
else :
failed = True
print ( f " Suite { suite } [ { passed } / { total } passed]: " )
for result in results :
print ( result . to_string ( ) )
if args . write_diffs :
result . write_artifact ( args . diff_location )
if failed :
sys . exit ( 1 )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )