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{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}
module Luau.StrictMode where
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (just; nothing)
2022-03-02 15:26:58 -08:00
open import Luau.Syntax using (Expr; Stat; Block; BinaryOperator; yes; nil; addr; var; binexp; var_∈_; _⟨_⟩∈_; function_is_end; _$_; block_is_end; local_←_; _∙_; done; return; name; +; -; *; /; <; >; <=; >=; ··)
open import Luau.Type using (Type; nil; number; string; boolean; _⇒_; __; _∩_)
open import Luau.ResolveOverloads using (src; resolve)
open import Luau.Subtyping using (_≮:_)
open import Luau.Heap using (Heap; function_is_end) renaming (_[_] to _[_]ᴴ)
open import Luau.VarCtxt using (VarCtxt; ∅; _⋒_; _↦_; _⊕_↦_; _⊝_) renaming (_[_] to _[_]ⱽ)
open import Luau.TypeCheck using (_⊢ᴮ_∈_; _⊢ᴱ_∈_; ⊢ᴴ_; ⊢ᴼ_; _⊢ᴴᴱ_▷_∈_; _⊢ᴴᴮ_▷_∈_; var; addr; app; binexp; block; return; local; function; srcBinOp)
open import Properties.Contradiction using (¬)
open import Properties.TypeCheck using (typeCheckᴮ)
open import Properties.Product using (_,_)
data Warningᴱ (H : Heap yes) {Γ} : {M T} (Γ ⊢ᴱ M T) Set
data Warningᴮ (H : Heap yes) {Γ} : {B T} (Γ ⊢ᴮ B T) Set
data Warningᴱ H {Γ} where
UnallocatedAddress : {a T}
(H [ a ]ᴴ nothing)
Warningᴱ H (addr {a} T)
UnboundVariable : {x T p}
(Γ [ x ]ⱽ nothing)
Warningᴱ H (var {x} {T} p)
FunctionCallMismatch : {M N T U} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ N U}
(U ≮: src T)
Warningᴱ H (app D₁ D₂)
app₁ : {M N T U} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ N U}
Warningᴱ H D₁
Warningᴱ H (app D₁ D₂)
app₂ : {M N T U} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ N U}
Warningᴱ H D₂
Warningᴱ H (app D₁ D₂)
BinOpMismatch₁ : {op M N T U} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ N U}
(T ≮: srcBinOp op)
Warningᴱ H (binexp {op} D₁ D₂)
BinOpMismatch₂ : {op M N T U} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ N U}
(U ≮: srcBinOp op)
Warningᴱ H (binexp {op} D₁ D₂)
bin₁ : {op M N T U} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ N U}
Warningᴱ H D₁
Warningᴱ H (binexp {op} D₁ D₂)
bin₂ : {op M N T U} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ N U}
Warningᴱ H D₂
Warningᴱ H (binexp {op} D₁ D₂)
FunctionDefnMismatch : {f x B T U V} {D : (Γ x T) ⊢ᴮ B V}
(V ≮: U)
Warningᴱ H (function {f} {U = U} D)
function₁ : {f x B T U V} {D : (Γ x T) ⊢ᴮ B V}
Warningᴮ H D
Warningᴱ H (function {f} {U = U} D)
BlockMismatch : {b B T U} {D : Γ ⊢ᴮ B U}
(U ≮: T)
Warningᴱ H (block {b} {T = T} D)
block₁ : {b B T U} {D : Γ ⊢ᴮ B U}
Warningᴮ H D
Warningᴱ H (block {b} {T = T} D)
data Warningᴮ H {Γ} where
return : {M B T U} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴮ B U}
Warningᴱ H D₁
Warningᴮ H (return D₁ D₂)
LocalVarMismatch : {x M B T U V} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M U} {D₂ : (Γ x T) ⊢ᴮ B V}
(U ≮: T)
Warningᴮ H (local D₁ D₂)
local₁ : {x M B T U V} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M U} {D₂ : (Γ x T) ⊢ᴮ B V}
Warningᴱ H D₁
Warningᴮ H (local D₁ D₂)
local₂ : {x M B T U V} {D₁ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M U} {D₂ : (Γ x T) ⊢ᴮ B V}
Warningᴮ H D₂
Warningᴮ H (local D₁ D₂)
FunctionDefnMismatch : {f x B C T U V W} {D₁ : (Γ x T) ⊢ᴮ C V} {D₂ : (Γ f (T U)) ⊢ᴮ B W}
(V ≮: U)
Warningᴮ H (function D₁ D₂)
function₁ : {f x B C T U V W} {D₁ : (Γ x T) ⊢ᴮ C V} {D₂ : (Γ f (T U)) ⊢ᴮ B W}
Warningᴮ H D₁
Warningᴮ H (function D₁ D₂)
function₂ : {f x B C T U V W} {D₁ : (Γ x T) ⊢ᴮ C V} {D₂ : (Γ f (T U)) ⊢ᴮ B W}
Warningᴮ H D₂
Warningᴮ H (function D₁ D₂)
data Warningᴼ (H : Heap yes) : {V} (⊢ᴼ V) Set where
FunctionDefnMismatch : {f x B T U V} {D : (x T) ⊢ᴮ B V}
(V ≮: U)
Warningᴼ H (function {f} {U = U} D)
function₁ : {f x B T U V} {D : (x T) ⊢ᴮ B V}
Warningᴮ H D
Warningᴼ H (function {f} {U = U} D)
data Warningᴴ H (D : ⊢ᴴ H) : Set where
addr : a {O}
(p : H [ a ]ᴴ O)
Warningᴼ H (D a p)
Warningᴴ H D
data Warningᴴᴱ H {Γ M T} : (Γ ⊢ᴴᴱ H M T) Set where
heap : {D₁ : ⊢ᴴ H} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T}
Warningᴴ H D₁
Warningᴴᴱ H (D₁ , D₂)
expr : {D₁ : ⊢ᴴ H} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴱ M T}
Warningᴱ H D₂
Warningᴴᴱ H (D₁ , D₂)
data Warningᴴᴮ H {Γ B T} : (Γ ⊢ᴴᴮ H B T) Set where
heap : {D₁ : ⊢ᴴ H} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴮ B T}
Warningᴴ H D₁
Warningᴴᴮ H (D₁ , D₂)
block : {D₁ : ⊢ᴴ H} {D₂ : Γ ⊢ᴮ B T}
Warningᴮ H D₂
Warningᴴᴮ H (D₁ , D₂)