2024-05-10 09:17:09 -07:00
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/IrBuilder.h"
2024-05-31 10:46:33 -07:00
static const char* kUserdataRunTypes[] = {"extra", "color", "vec2", "mat3", nullptr};
2024-05-10 09:17:09 -07:00
inline uint8_t vectorAccessBytecodeType(const char* member, size_t memberLength)
using namespace Luau::CodeGen;
if (memberLength == strlen("Magnitude") && strcmp(member, "Magnitude") == 0)
if (memberLength == strlen("Unit") && strcmp(member, "Unit") == 0)
return LBC_TYPE_ANY;
inline bool vectorAccess(Luau::CodeGen::IrBuilder& build, const char* member, size_t memberLength, int resultReg, int sourceReg, int pcpos)
using namespace Luau::CodeGen;
if (memberLength == strlen("Magnitude") && strcmp(member, "Magnitude") == 0)
IrOp x = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(0));
IrOp y = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(4));
IrOp z = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(8));
IrOp x2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, x, x);
IrOp y2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, y, y);
IrOp z2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, z, z);
IrOp sum = build.inst(IrCmd::ADD_NUM, build.inst(IrCmd::ADD_NUM, x2, y2), z2);
IrOp mag = build.inst(IrCmd::SQRT_NUM, sum);
build.inst(IrCmd::STORE_DOUBLE, build.vmReg(resultReg), mag);
build.inst(IrCmd::STORE_TAG, build.vmReg(resultReg), build.constTag(LUA_TNUMBER));
return true;
if (memberLength == strlen("Unit") && strcmp(member, "Unit") == 0)
IrOp x = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(0));
IrOp y = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(4));
IrOp z = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(8));
IrOp x2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, x, x);
IrOp y2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, y, y);
IrOp z2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, z, z);
IrOp sum = build.inst(IrCmd::ADD_NUM, build.inst(IrCmd::ADD_NUM, x2, y2), z2);
IrOp mag = build.inst(IrCmd::SQRT_NUM, sum);
IrOp inv = build.inst(IrCmd::DIV_NUM, build.constDouble(1.0), mag);
IrOp xr = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, x, inv);
IrOp yr = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, y, inv);
IrOp zr = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, z, inv);
build.inst(IrCmd::STORE_VECTOR, build.vmReg(resultReg), xr, yr, zr);
build.inst(IrCmd::STORE_TAG, build.vmReg(resultReg), build.constTag(LUA_TVECTOR));
return true;
return false;
inline uint8_t vectorNamecallBytecodeType(const char* member, size_t memberLength)
if (memberLength == strlen("Dot") && strcmp(member, "Dot") == 0)
if (memberLength == strlen("Cross") && strcmp(member, "Cross") == 0)
return LBC_TYPE_ANY;
inline bool vectorNamecall(
Luau::CodeGen::IrBuilder& build, const char* member, size_t memberLength, int argResReg, int sourceReg, int params, int results, int pcpos)
using namespace Luau::CodeGen;
if (memberLength == strlen("Dot") && strcmp(member, "Dot") == 0 && params == 2 && results <= 1)
build.loadAndCheckTag(build.vmReg(argResReg + 2), LUA_TVECTOR, build.vmExit(pcpos));
IrOp x1 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(0));
IrOp x2 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(argResReg + 2), build.constInt(0));
IrOp xx = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, x1, x2);
IrOp y1 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(4));
IrOp y2 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(argResReg + 2), build.constInt(4));
IrOp yy = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, y1, y2);
IrOp z1 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(8));
IrOp z2 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(argResReg + 2), build.constInt(8));
IrOp zz = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, z1, z2);
IrOp sum = build.inst(IrCmd::ADD_NUM, build.inst(IrCmd::ADD_NUM, xx, yy), zz);
build.inst(IrCmd::STORE_DOUBLE, build.vmReg(argResReg), sum);
build.inst(IrCmd::STORE_TAG, build.vmReg(argResReg), build.constTag(LUA_TNUMBER));
// If the function is called in multi-return context, stack has to be adjusted
if (results == LUA_MULTRET)
build.inst(IrCmd::ADJUST_STACK_TO_REG, build.vmReg(argResReg), build.constInt(1));
return true;
if (memberLength == strlen("Cross") && strcmp(member, "Cross") == 0 && params == 2 && results <= 1)
build.loadAndCheckTag(build.vmReg(argResReg + 2), LUA_TVECTOR, build.vmExit(pcpos));
IrOp x1 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(0));
IrOp x2 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(argResReg + 2), build.constInt(0));
IrOp y1 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(4));
IrOp y2 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(argResReg + 2), build.constInt(4));
IrOp z1 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(sourceReg), build.constInt(8));
IrOp z2 = build.inst(IrCmd::LOAD_FLOAT, build.vmReg(argResReg + 2), build.constInt(8));
IrOp y1z2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, y1, z2);
IrOp z1y2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, z1, y2);
IrOp xr = build.inst(IrCmd::SUB_NUM, y1z2, z1y2);
IrOp z1x2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, z1, x2);
IrOp x1z2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, x1, z2);
IrOp yr = build.inst(IrCmd::SUB_NUM, z1x2, x1z2);
IrOp x1y2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, x1, y2);
IrOp y1x2 = build.inst(IrCmd::MUL_NUM, y1, x2);
IrOp zr = build.inst(IrCmd::SUB_NUM, x1y2, y1x2);
build.inst(IrCmd::STORE_VECTOR, build.vmReg(argResReg), xr, yr, zr);
build.inst(IrCmd::STORE_TAG, build.vmReg(argResReg), build.constTag(LUA_TVECTOR));
// If the function is called in multi-return context, stack has to be adjusted
if (results == LUA_MULTRET)
build.inst(IrCmd::ADJUST_STACK_TO_REG, build.vmReg(argResReg), build.constInt(1));
return true;
return false;