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\acmConference[Incorrectness '24]{Formal Methods for Incorrectness}{January 2024}{London, UK}
\acmBooktitle{Incorrectness '24: Formal Methods for Incorrectness}
\expandafter\def\csname @copyrightpermission\endcsname{\raisebox{-2ex}{\includegraphics[width=.2\linewidth]{cc-by}} \parbox{.7\linewidth}{\raggedright This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.}}
\expandafter\def\csname @copyrightowner\endcsname{Roblox.}
\title{Towards an Unsound But Complete Type System}
\subtitle{Work In Progress on New Non-Strict Mode for Luau}
\author{Lily Brown}
\author{Andy Friesen}
\author{Alan Jeffrey}
\author{Vighnesh Vijay}
\city{San Mateo}
In HATRA 2021, we presented \emph{The Goals Of The Luau Type System},
describing the human factors of a type system for a language with a
heterogeneous developer community. One of the goals was the design of
type system for bug detection, where we have high confidence that type
errors identify genuine software defects, and that false positives are
minimized. Such a type system is, by necessity, unsound, but we can ask
instead that it is complete. This paper presents a work-in-progress report
on the design and implementation of the new unsound type system for Luau.
Luau~\cite{Luau} is the scripting language used by the
Roblox~\cite{Roblox} platform for shared immersive experiences. Luau extends
the Lua~\cite{Lua} language, notably by providing type-driven tooling
such as autocomplete and API documentation (as well as traditional type
error reporting). Roblox has hundreds of millions of users, and
millions of creators, ranging from children learning to program for
the first time to professional development studios.
In HATRA 2021, we presented a position paper on the \emph{Goals Of The Luau Type
System}~\cite{BFJ21:GoalsLuau}, describing the human factors issues
with designing a type system for a language with a heterogeneous
developer community. The design flows from the needs of the different
communities: beginners are focused on immediate goals (``the stairs
should light up when a player walks on them'') and less on the code
quality concerns of more experienced developers; for all users
type-driven tooling is important for productivity. These needs result in a design with two modes:
\item \emph{non-strict mode}, aimed at non-professionals, which
minimizes false positives (that is, in non-strict mode, any program with a type error has a defect), and
\item \emph{strict mode}, aimed at professionals, which
minimizes false negatives (that is, in strict mode, any program with a defect has a type error).
The focus of this extended abstract is the design of non-strict mode: what constitutes
a defect, and how can we design a complete type system for detecting them.
(The words ``sound'' and ``complete'' in this sense are far from ideal,
but ``sound type system'' has a well-established meaning, and ``complete''
is well-established as the dual of ``sound'', so here we are.)
The closest work to ours is success typing~\cite{SuccessTyping}, used
in Erlang Dialyzer~\cite{Dialyzer}. The new feature of our work is
that strict and non-strict mode have to interact, whereas Dialyzer only has
the equivalent of non-strict mode.
New non-strict mode is specified in a Luau Request For
Comment~\cite{NewNonStrictRFC}, and is currently being implemented.
We expect it (and other new type checking features) to be available in
2024. This extended abstract is based on the RFC, but written in
``Greek letters and horizontal lines'' rather than ``monospaced text''.
\section{Code defects}
The main goal of non-strict mode is to identify defects, but this requires
deciding what a defect is. Run-time errors are an obvious defect:
local hi = "hi"
but we also want to catch common mistakes such as mis-spelling a property name,
even though Luau returns \verb|nil| for missing property accesses.
For this reason, we consider a larger class of defects:
\item run-time errors,
\item expressions guaranteed to be \verb|nil|, and
\item writing to a table property that is never read.
\subsection{Run-time errors}
Run-time errors occur due to run-time type mismatches (such as \verb|5("hi")|)
or incorrect built-in function calls (such as \verb|math.abs("hi")|).
Precisely identifying run-time errors is undecidable, for example:
if cond() then
We cannot be sure that this code produces a run-time
error, but we do know that if \verb|math.abs("hi")| is executed, it
will produce an error, so we consider this to be a defect.
\subsection{Expressions guaranteed to be nil}
Luau tables do not error when a missing property is accessed (though embeddings may). So
local t = { Foo = 5 }
local x = t.Fop
does not produce a run-time error, but is more likely than not a
programmer error. If the programmer intended to
initialize \verb|x| as \verb|nil|, they could have written
\verb|x = nil|. For this reason, we consider it a code defect to use
an expression that the type system infers is of type \verb|nil|, other
than the \verb|nil| literal.
\subsection{Writing properties that are never read}
There is a matching problem with misspelling properties when writing. For example
function f()
local t = {}
t.Foo = 5
t.Fop = 7
does not produce a run-time error, but is more likely than not a
programmer error, since \verb|t.Fop| is written but never read. We can use
read-only and write-only table properties types for this, and consider it an
code defect to create a write-only property.
We have to be careful about this though, because if \verb|f| ended
with \verb|return t|, then it would be a perfectly sensible function
with type \verb|() -> { Foo: number, Fop: number }|. The only way to detect
that \verb|Fop| was never read would be whole-program analysis, which is
prohibitively expensive.
\section{New Non-strict error reporting}
The difficult part of non-strict mode error-reporting is predicting
run-time errors. We do this using an error-reporting
pass that synthesizes a type context $\Delta$ such that if any of the $x : T$ in
$\Delta$ are satisfied, then the program will
produce a type error. For example in the program
function h(x, y)
an error is reported when \verb|x| isn’t a \verb|number|, or \verb|y| isn’t a \verb|string|, so the synthesized context is
x : ~number, y : ~string
(\verb|~T| is Luau's concrete syntax for type negation.)
function f(x)
an error is reported when \verb|x| isn’t a \verb|number| or isn’t a \verb|string|, so the context is
x : ~number | ~string
(\verb"T | U" is Luau's concrete syntax for type union.)
Since the type \verb"~number | ~string" is equivalent to the type \verb|unknown| (which contains every value),
non-strict mode can report a warning, since calling the function is guaranteed to throw a run-time error.
In contrast:
function g(x)
if cond() then
synthesizes context
x : ~number & ~string
(\verb|T & U| is Luau's concrete syntax for type intersection.)
Since \verb|~number & ~string| is not equivalent to \verb|unknown|, non-strict mode reports no warning.
\Gamma \vdash M : \NEVER \dashv \Delta_1 \\
\Gamma, x : T \vdash B \dashv \Delta_2, x : U \\
\mbox{(warn if $\UNKNOWN <: U$)}
\Gamma \vdash (\LOCAL x : T = M; B) \dashv (\Delta_1 \cup \Delta_2)
\Gamma \vdash M : \NEVER \dashv \Delta_1 \\
\Gamma \vdash B \dashv \Delta_2 \\
\Gamma \vdash C \dashv \Delta_3
\Gamma \vdash (\IF M \THEN B \ELSE C \END) \dashv (\Delta_1 \cup (\Delta_2 \cap \Delta_3))
\Gamma \vdash x : T \dashv (x : T)
\mbox{(warn if $k:T$)}
\Gamma \vdash k : T \dashv \emptyset
\Gamma, x:S \vdash B \dashv \Delta, x:U \\
\mbox{(warn if $\UNKNOWN <: U$)}\\
\mbox{(warn if ${\FUNCTION} <: T$)}
\Gamma \vdash (\FUNCTION (x : S) B \END) : T \dashv \Delta
\Gamma \vdash M : (S \fun \ERROR) \\
\Gamma \vdash M : \neg{\FUNCTION} \dashv \Delta_1 \\
\Gamma \vdash N : S \dashv \Delta_2 \\
\mbox{(warn if $\Gamma \vdash M : (\UNKNOWN \fun (T \cup \ERROR))$)}
\Gamma \vdash M(N) : T \dashv \Delta_1 \cup \Delta_2
\caption{Type context synthesis for blocks ($\Gamma \vdash B \dashv \Delta$) and expressions ($\Gamma \vdash M:T \dashv \Delta$)}
\infer{}{\Gamma \vdash \MATH.\ABS : (\neg\NUMBER \fun \ERROR)} \\[\bigskipamount]
\infer{}{\Gamma \vdash \MATH.\ABS : \neg{\FUNCTION} \dashv \emptyset}
\Gamma \vdash \STRING.\LOWER : (\neg\STRING \fun \ERROR) \\
\Gamma \vdash \STRING.\LOWER : \neg{\FUNCTION} \dashv \emptyset \\
\Gamma \vdash x : \neg{\STRING} \dashv (x : \neg\STRING) \\
\mbox{(warn since $\Gamma \vdash \STRING.\LOWER : \UNKNOWN \fun (\neg\NUMBER \cup \ERROR)$)}
}{\Gamma \vdash \STRING.\LOWER(x) : \neg{\NUMBER} \dashv (x : \neg\STRING)}
}{\Gamma \vdash (\MATH.\ABS(\STRING.\LOWER(x)) : \NEVER \dashv (x : \neg\STRING)}
\caption{Example warning}
In Figure~\ref{fig:ctxtgen} we provide some of the inference rules for
context synthesis, and the warnings that it
produces. These are run after type inference, so they can assume that
all code is fully typed.
In the judgment $\Gamma \vdash M : T \dashv
\Delta$, the type context $\Gamma$ is the usual \emph{checked} type
context and $\Delta$ is the \emph{synthesized} context used to predict
run-time errors (following the terminology of bidirectional
If $\Gamma \vdash M : T \dashv \Delta, x:U$ and $\sigma$ is a closing
substitution where $\sigma(x) : U$ and $M[\sigma] \rightarrow^* v$,
then $v : T$.
If $\Gamma \vdash M : \NEVER \dashv \Delta, x:\UNKNOWN$ and $\sigma$ is a closing
substitution, then $M[\sigma]$ does not terminate successfully.
\section{Checked functions}
The crucial aspect of this type system is that we have a type $\ERROR$
inhabited by no values, and by expressions which may throw a run-time exception.
(This is essentially a very simple type and effect system~\cite{Nielson1999}
with one effect.)
The rule for function application $M(N)$
has two dependencies on the type for $M$:
\Gamma \vdash M : (S \fun \ERROR)
\Gamma \vdash M : (\UNKNOWN \fun (T \cup \ERROR))
Since Luau is based on semantic subtyping~\cite{GF05:GentleIntroduction,Jef22:SemanticSubtyping} and supports
intersection types, this is equivalent to asking for $M$ to be an
overloaded function, where one overload has argument type $\UNKNOWN$, and
one has result type $\ERROR$. For example:
\MATH.\ABS : (\NUMBER \fun \NUMBER) \cap (\neg\NUMBER \fun \ERROR)
and so (by subsumption):
\MATH.\ABS : (\neg\NUMBER \fun \ERROR)
\MATH.\ABS : (\UNKNOWN \fun (\NUMBER \cup \ERROR))
This is a common enough idiom it is worth naming it:
we call any function of type
(S \fun T) \cap (\neg S \fun \ERROR)
a \emph{checked} function, since it performs a run-time check
on its argument. They are called \emph{strong arrows}
in Elixir~\cite{DesignElixir}.
Note that this type system has the usual subtyping rule for
functions: contravariant in their argument type, and
covariant in their result type. In contrast, checked functions
are invariant in their argument type, since one overload
$S \fun T$ is contravariant in $S$, and the other $\neg S \fun \ERROR$
is covariant.
This system is also different from success
typings~\cite{SuccessTyping}, which has functions
$(\neg S \fun \ERROR) \cap (\UNKNOWN \fun (T \cup \ERROR))$,
in our system, which are covariant in both $S$ and $T$.
\section{Future work}
This type system is still in the design phase~\cite{NewNonStrictRFC}, though we hope
the implementation will be ready by the end of 2023. This will include
testing the implementation on our unit tests, and on large code bases.
There is an Agda development of a core of strict mode~\cite{BJ23:agda-typeck}. It
should extend to non-strict mode, at which point
Conjecture~\ref{conj:complete} (or something like it)
will be mechanically verified.
\bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format} \bibliography{bibliography}