// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
// clang-format off
// This header contains the bytecode definition for Luau interpreter
// Creating the bytecode is outside the scope of this file and is handled by bytecode builder (BytecodeBuilder.h) and bytecode compiler (Compiler.h)
// Note that ALL enums declared in this file are order-sensitive since the values are baked into bytecode that needs to be processed by legacy clients.
// Bytecode instructions are using "word code" - each instruction is one or many 32-bit words.
// The first word in the instruction is always the instruction header, and *must* contain the opcode (enum below) in the least significant byte.
// Instruction word can be encoded using one of the following encodings:
// ABC - least-significant byte for the opcode, followed by three bytes, A, B and C; each byte declares a register index, small index into some other table or an unsigned integral value
// AD - least-significant byte for the opcode, followed by A byte, followed by D half-word (16-bit integer). D is a signed integer that commonly specifies constant table index or jump offset
// E - least-significant byte for the opcode, followed by E (24-bit integer). E is a signed integer that commonly specifies a jump offset
// Instruction word is sometimes followed by one extra word, indicated as AUX - this is just a 32-bit word and is decoded according to the specification for each opcode.
// For each opcode the encoding is *static* - that is, based on the opcode you know a-priory how large the instruction is, with the exception of NEWCLOSURE
// Bytecode instructions commonly refer to integer values that define offsets or indices for various entities. For each type, there's a maximum encodable value.
// Note that in some cases, the compiler will set a lower limit than the maximum encodable value is to prevent fragile code into bumping against the limits whenever we change the compilation details.
// Additionally, in some specific instructions such as ANDK, the limit on the encoded value is smaller; this means that if a value is larger, a different instruction must be selected.
// Registers: 0-254. Registers refer to the values on the function's stack frame, including arguments.
// Upvalues: 0-254. Upvalues refer to the values stored in the closure object.
// Constants: 0-2^23-1. Constants are stored in a table allocated with each proto; to allow for future bytecode tweaks the encodable value is limited to 23 bits.
// Closures: 0-2^15-1. Closures are created from child protos via a child index; the limit is for the number of closures immediately referenced in each function.
// Jumps: -2^23..2^23. Jump offsets are specified in word increments, so jumping over an instruction may sometimes require an offset of 2 or more. Note that for jump instructions with AUX, the AUX word is included as part of the jump offset.
// Bytecode serialized format embeds a version number, that dictates both the serialized form as well as the allowed instructions. As long as the bytecode version falls into supported
// range (indicated by LBC_BYTECODE_MIN / LBC_BYTECODE_MAX) and was produced by Luau compiler, it should load and execute correctly.
// Note that Luau runtime doesn't provide indefinite bytecode compatibility: support for older versions gets removed over time. As such, bytecode isn't a durable storage format and it's expected
// that Luau users can recompile bytecode from source on Luau version upgrades if necessary.
// Note: due to limitations of the versioning scheme, some bytecode blobs that carry version 2 are using features from version 3. Starting from version 3, version should be sufficient to indicate bytecode compatibility.
// Version 1: Baseline version for the open-source release. Supported until 0.521.
// Version 2: Adds Proto::linedefined. Currently supported.
// Version 3: Adds FORGPREP/JUMPXEQK* and enhances AUX encoding for FORGLOOP. Removes FORGLOOP_NEXT/INEXT and JUMPIFEQK/JUMPIFNOTEQK. Currently supported.
// LOADB: sets register to boolean and jumps to a given short offset (used to compile comparison results into a boolean)
// A: target register
// B: value (0/1)
// C: jump offset
// LOADN: sets register to a number literal
// A: target register
// D: value (-32768..32767)
// LOADK: sets register to an entry from the constant table from the proto (number/string)
// A: target register
// D: constant table index (0..32767)
// MOVE: move (copy) value from one register to another
// A: target register
// B: source register
// GETGLOBAL: load value from global table using constant string as a key
// A: target register
// C: predicted slot index (based on hash)
// AUX: constant table index
// SETGLOBAL: set value in global table using constant string as a key
// A: source register
// C: predicted slot index (based on hash)
// AUX: constant table index
// GETUPVAL: load upvalue from the upvalue table for the current function
// A: target register
// B: upvalue index (0..255)
// SETUPVAL: store value into the upvalue table for the current function
// A: target register
// B: upvalue index (0..255)
// CLOSEUPVALS: close (migrate to heap) all upvalues that were captured for registers >= target
// A: target register
// GETIMPORT: load imported global table global from the constant table
// A: target register
// D: constant table index (0..32767); we assume that imports are loaded into the constant table
// AUX: 3 10-bit indices of constant strings that, combined, constitute an import path; length of the path is set by the top 2 bits (1,2,3)
// GETTABLE: load value from table into target register using key from register
// A: target register
// B: table register
// C: index register
// SETTABLE: store source register into table using key from register
// A: source register
// B: table register
// C: index register
// GETTABLEKS: load value from table into target register using constant string as a key
// A: target register
// B: table register
// C: predicted slot index (based on hash)
// AUX: constant table index
// SETTABLEKS: store source register into table using constant string as a key
// A: source register
// B: table register
// C: predicted slot index (based on hash)
// AUX: constant table index
// GETTABLEN: load value from table into target register using small integer index as a key
// A: target register
// B: table register
// C: index-1 (index is 1..256)
// SETTABLEN: store source register into table using small integer index as a key
// A: source register
// B: table register
// C: index-1 (index is 1..256)
// NEWCLOSURE: create closure from a child proto; followed by a CAPTURE instruction for each upvalue
// A: target register
// D: child proto index (0..32767)
// NAMECALL: prepare to call specified method by name by loading function from source register using constant index into target register and copying source register into target register + 1
// A: target register
// B: source register
// C: predicted slot index (based on hash)
// AUX: constant table index
// Note that this instruction must be followed directly by CALL; it prepares the arguments
// This instruction is roughly equivalent to GETTABLEKS + MOVE pair, but we need a special instruction to support custom __namecall metamethod
// CALL: call specified function
// A: register where the function object lives, followed by arguments; results are placed starting from the same register
// B: argument count + 1, or 0 to preserve all arguments up to top (MULTRET)
// C: result count + 1, or 0 to preserve all values and adjust top (MULTRET)
// RETURN: returns specified values from the function
// A: register where the returned values start
// B: number of returned values + 1, or 0 to return all values up to top (MULTRET)
// AND, OR: perform `and` or `or` operation (selecting first or second register based on whether the first one is truthy) and put the result into target register
// ANDK, ORK: perform `and` or `or` operation (selecting source register or constant based on whether the source register is truthy) and put the result into target register