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{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}
module Properties.Subtyping where
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_; refl)
open import FFI.Data.Either using (Either; Left; Right; mapLR; swapLR; cond)
open import FFI.Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Luau.Subtyping using (_<:_; _≮:_; Tree; Language; ¬Language; witness; unknown; never; scalar; function; scalar-function; scalar-function-ok; scalar-function-err; scalar-scalar; function-scalar; function-ok; function-err; left; right; _,_)
open import Luau.Type using (Type; Scalar; nil; number; string; boolean; never; unknown; _⇒_; __; _∩_; skalar)
open import Properties.Contradiction using (CONTRADICTION; ¬; )
open import Properties.Equality using (_≢_)
open import Properties.Functions using (_∘_)
open import Properties.Product using (_×_; _,_)
-- Language membership is decidable
dec-language : T t Either (¬Language T t) (Language T t)
dec-language nil (scalar number) = Left (scalar-scalar number nil (λ ()))
dec-language nil (scalar boolean) = Left (scalar-scalar boolean nil (λ ()))
dec-language nil (scalar string) = Left (scalar-scalar string nil (λ ()))
dec-language nil (scalar nil) = Right (scalar nil)
dec-language nil function = Left (scalar-function nil)
dec-language nil (function-ok t) = Left (scalar-function-ok nil)
dec-language nil (function-err t) = Left (scalar-function-err nil)
dec-language boolean (scalar number) = Left (scalar-scalar number boolean (λ ()))
dec-language boolean (scalar boolean) = Right (scalar boolean)
dec-language boolean (scalar string) = Left (scalar-scalar string boolean (λ ()))
dec-language boolean (scalar nil) = Left (scalar-scalar nil boolean (λ ()))
dec-language boolean function = Left (scalar-function boolean)
dec-language boolean (function-ok t) = Left (scalar-function-ok boolean)
dec-language boolean (function-err t) = Left (scalar-function-err boolean)
dec-language number (scalar number) = Right (scalar number)
dec-language number (scalar boolean) = Left (scalar-scalar boolean number (λ ()))
dec-language number (scalar string) = Left (scalar-scalar string number (λ ()))
dec-language number (scalar nil) = Left (scalar-scalar nil number (λ ()))
dec-language number function = Left (scalar-function number)
dec-language number (function-ok t) = Left (scalar-function-ok number)
dec-language number (function-err t) = Left (scalar-function-err number)
dec-language string (scalar number) = Left (scalar-scalar number string (λ ()))
dec-language string (scalar boolean) = Left (scalar-scalar boolean string (λ ()))
dec-language string (scalar string) = Right (scalar string)
dec-language string (scalar nil) = Left (scalar-scalar nil string (λ ()))
dec-language string function = Left (scalar-function string)
dec-language string (function-ok t) = Left (scalar-function-ok string)
dec-language string (function-err t) = Left (scalar-function-err string)
dec-language (T₁ T₂) (scalar s) = Left (function-scalar s)
dec-language (T₁ T₂) function = Right function
dec-language (T₁ T₂) (function-ok t) = mapLR function-ok function-ok (dec-language T₂ t)
dec-language (T₁ T₂) (function-err t) = mapLR function-err function-err (swapLR (dec-language T₁ t))
dec-language never t = Left never
dec-language unknown t = Right unknown
dec-language (T₁ T₂) t = cond (λ p cond (Left _,_ p) (Right right) (dec-language T₂ t)) (Right left) (dec-language T₁ t)
dec-language (T₁ T₂) t = cond (Left left) (λ p cond (Left right) (Right _,_ p) (dec-language T₂ t)) (dec-language T₁ t)
-- ¬Language T is the complement of Language T
language-comp : {T} t ¬Language T t ¬(Language T t)
language-comp t (p₁ , p₂) (left q) = language-comp t p₁ q
language-comp t (p₁ , p₂) (right q) = language-comp t p₂ q
language-comp t (left p) (q₁ , q₂) = language-comp t p q₁
language-comp t (right p) (q₁ , q₂) = language-comp t p q₂
language-comp (scalar s) (scalar-scalar s p₁ p₂) (scalar s) = p₂ refl
language-comp (scalar s) (function-scalar s) (scalar s) = language-comp function (scalar-function s) function
language-comp (scalar s) never (scalar ())
language-comp function (scalar-function ()) function
language-comp (function-ok t) (scalar-function-ok ()) (function-ok q)
language-comp (function-ok t) (function-ok p) (function-ok q) = language-comp t p q
language-comp (function-err t) (function-err p) (function-err q) = language-comp t q p
-- ≮: is the complement of <:
¬≮:-impl-<: : {T U} ¬(T ≮: U) (T <: U)
¬≮:-impl-<: {T} {U} p t q with dec-language U t
¬≮:-impl-<: {T} {U} p t q | Left r = CONTRADICTION (p (witness t q r))
¬≮:-impl-<: {T} {U} p t q | Right r = r
<:-impl-¬≮: : {T U} (T <: U) ¬(T ≮: U)
<:-impl-¬≮: p (witness t q r) = language-comp t r (p t q)
<:-impl-⊇ : {T U} (T <: U) t ¬Language U t ¬Language T t
<:-impl-⊇ {T} p t q with dec-language T t
<:-impl-⊇ {_} p t q | Left r = r
<:-impl-⊇ {_} p t q | Right r = CONTRADICTION (language-comp t q (p t r))
-- reflexivity
≮:-refl : {T} ¬(T ≮: T)
:-refl (witness t p q) = language-comp t q p
<:-refl : {T} (T <: T)
<:-refl = ¬≮:-impl-<: ≮:-refl
-- transititivity
≮:-trans-≡ : {S T U} (S ≮: T) (T U) (S ≮: U)
:-trans-≡ p refl = p
≡-trans-≮: : {S T U} (S T) (T ≮: U) (S ≮: U)
≡-trans-≮: refl p = p
≮:-trans : {S T U} (S ≮: U) Either (S ≮: T) (T ≮: U)
:-trans {T = T} (witness t p q) = mapLR (witness t p) (λ z witness t z q) (dec-language T t)
<:-trans : {S T U} (S <: T) (T <: U) (S <: U)
<:-trans p q t r = q t (p t r)
<:-trans-≮: : {S T U} (S <: T) (S ≮: U) (T ≮: U)
<:-trans-≮: p (witness t q r) = witness t (p t q) r
≮:-trans-<: : {S T U} (S ≮: U) (T <: U) (S ≮: T)
≮:-trans-<: (witness t p q) r = witness t p (<:-impl-⊇ r t q)
-- Properties of union
<:-union : {R S T U} (R <: T) (S <: U) ((R S) <: (T U))
<:-union p q t (left r) = left (p t r)
<:-union p q t (right r) = right (q t r)
<:--left : {S T} S <: (S T)
<:--left t p = left p
<:--right : {S T} T <: (S T)
<:--right t p = right p
<:--lub : {S T U} (S <: U) (T <: U) ((S T) <: U)
<:--lub p q t (left r) = p t r
<:--lub p q t (right r) = q t r
<:--symm : {T U} (T U) <: (U T)
<:--symm t (left p) = right p
<:--symm t (right p) = left p
<:--assocl : {S T U} (S (T U)) <: ((S T) U)
<:--assocl t (left p) = left (left p)
<:--assocl t (right (left p)) = left (right p)
<:--assocl t (right (right p)) = right p
<:--assocr : {S T U} ((S T) U) <: (S (T U))
<:--assocr t (left (left p)) = left p
<:--assocr t (left (right p)) = right (left p)
<:--assocr t (right p) = right (right p)
≮:--left : {S T U} (S ≮: U) ((S T) ≮: U)
:--left (witness t p q) = witness t (left p) q
≮:--right : {S T U} (T ≮: U) ((S T) ≮: U)
:--right (witness t p q) = witness t (right p) q
-- Properties of intersection
<:-intersect : {R S T U} (R <: T) (S <: U) ((R S) <: (T U))
<:-intersect p q t (r₁ , r₂) = (p t r₁ , q t r₂)
<:-∩-left : {S T} (S T) <: S
<:-∩-left t (p , _) = p
<:-∩-right : {S T} (S T) <: T
<:-∩-right t (_ , p) = p
<:-∩-glb : {S T U} (S <: T) (S <: U) (S <: (T U))
<:-∩-glb p q t r = (p t r , q t r)
<:-∩-symm : {T U} (T U) <: (U T)
<:-∩-symm t (p₁ , p₂) = (p₂ , p₁)
≮:-∩-left : {S T U} (S ≮: T) (S ≮: (T U))
:-∩-left (witness t p q) = witness t p (left q)
≮:-∩-right : {S T U} (S ≮: U) (S ≮: (T U))
:-∩-right (witness t p q) = witness t p (right q)
-- Distribution properties
<:-∩-distl- : {S T U} (S (T U)) <: ((S T) (S U))
<:-∩-distl- t (p₁ , left p₂) = left (p₁ , p₂)
<:-∩-distl- t (p₁ , right p₂) = right (p₁ , p₂)
∩-distl--<: : {S T U} ((S T) (S U)) <: (S (T U))
∩-distl--<: t (left (p₁ , p₂)) = (p₁ , left p₂)
∩-distl--<: t (right (p₁ , p₂)) = (p₁ , right p₂)
<:-∩-distr- : {S T U} ((S T) U) <: ((S U) (T U))
<:-∩-distr- t (left p₁ , p₂) = left (p₁ , p₂)
<:-∩-distr- t (right p₁ , p₂) = right (p₁ , p₂)
∩-distr--<: : {S T U} ((S U) (T U)) <: ((S T) U)
∩-distr--<: t (left (p₁ , p₂)) = (left p₁ , p₂)
∩-distr--<: t (right (p₁ , p₂)) = (right p₁ , p₂)
<:--distl-∩ : {S T U} (S (T U)) <: ((S T) (S U))
<:--distl-∩ t (left p) = (left p , left p)
<:--distl-∩ t (right (p₁ , p₂)) = (right p₁ , right p₂)
-distl-∩-<: : {S T U} ((S T) (S U)) <: (S (T U))
-distl-∩-<: t (left p₁ , p₂) = left p₁
-distl-∩-<: t (right p₁ , left p₂) = left p₂
-distl-∩-<: t (right p₁ , right p₂) = right (p₁ , p₂)
<:--distr-∩ : {S T U} ((S T) U) <: ((S U) (T U))
<:--distr-∩ t (left (p₁ , p₂)) = left p₁ , left p₂
<:--distr-∩ t (right p) = (right p , right p)
-distr-∩-<: : {S T U} ((S U) (T U)) <: ((S T) U)
-distr-∩-<: t (left p₁ , left p₂) = left (p₁ , p₂)
-distr-∩-<: t (left p₁ , right p₂) = right p₂
-distr-∩-<: t (right p₁ , p₂) = right p₁
-- Properties of functions
<:-function : {R S T U} (R <: S) (T <: U) (S T) <: (R U)
<:-function p q function function = function
<:-function p q (function-ok t) (function-ok r) = function-ok (q t r)
<:-function p q (function-err s) (function-err r) = function-err (<:-impl-⊇ p s r)
<:-function-∩- : {R S T U} ((R T) (S U)) <: ((R S) (T U))
<:-function-∩- function (function , function) = function
<:-function-∩- (function-ok t) (function-ok p₁ , function-ok p₂) = function-ok (right p₂)
<:-function-∩- (function-err _) (function-err p₁ , function-err q₂) = function-err (p₁ , q₂)
<:-function-∩ : {S T U} ((S T) (S U)) <: (S (T U))
<:-function-∩ function (function , function) = function
<:-function-∩ (function-ok t) (function-ok p₁ , function-ok p₂) = function-ok (p₁ , p₂)
<:-function-∩ (function-err s) (function-err p₁ , function-err p₂) = function-err p₂
<:-function- : {R S T U} ((R S) (T U)) <: ((R T) (S U))
<:-function- function (left function) = function
<:-function- (function-ok t) (left (function-ok p)) = function-ok (left p)
<:-function- (function-err s) (left (function-err p)) = function-err (left p)
<:-function- (scalar s) (left (scalar ()))
<:-function- function (right function) = function
<:-function- (function-ok t) (right (function-ok p)) = function-ok (right p)
<:-function- (function-err s) (right (function-err x)) = function-err (right x)
<:-function- (scalar s) (right (scalar ()))
<:-function--∩ : {R S T U} ((R S) (T U)) <: ((R T) (S U))
<:-function--∩ function function = left function
<:-function--∩ (function-ok t) (function-ok (left p)) = left (function-ok p)
<:-function--∩ (function-ok t) (function-ok (right p)) = right (function-ok p)
<:-function--∩ (function-err s) (function-err (left p)) = left (function-err p)
<:-function--∩ (function-err s) (function-err (right p)) = right (function-err p)
≮:-function-left : {R S T U} (R ≮: S) (S T) ≮: (R U)
:-function-left (witness t p q) = witness (function-err t) (function-err q) (function-err p)
≮:-function-right : {R S T U} (T ≮: U) (S T) ≮: (R U)
:-function-right (witness t p q) = witness (function-ok t) (function-ok p) (function-ok q)
-- Properties of scalars
skalar-function-ok : {t} (¬Language skalar (function-ok t))
skalar-function-ok = (scalar-function-ok number , (scalar-function-ok string , (scalar-function-ok nil , scalar-function-ok boolean)))
scalar-<: : {S T} (s : Scalar S) Language T (scalar s) (S <: T)
scalar-<: number p (scalar number) (scalar number) = p
scalar-<: boolean p (scalar boolean) (scalar boolean) = p
scalar-<: string p (scalar string) (scalar string) = p
scalar-<: nil p (scalar nil) (scalar nil) = p
scalar-∩-function-<:-never : {S T U} (Scalar S) ((T U) S) <: never
scalar-∩-function-<:-never number .(scalar number) (() , scalar number)
scalar-∩-function-<:-never boolean .(scalar boolean) (() , scalar boolean)
scalar-∩-function-<:-never string .(scalar string) (() , scalar string)
scalar-∩-function-<:-never nil .(scalar nil) (() , scalar nil)
function-≮:-scalar : {S T U} (Scalar U) ((S T) ≮: U)
function-≮:-scalar s = witness function function (scalar-function s)
scalar-≮:-function : {S T U} (Scalar U) (U ≮: (S T))
scalar-≮:-function s = witness (scalar s) (scalar s) (function-scalar s)
unknown-≮:-scalar : {U} (Scalar U) (unknown ≮: U)
unknown-≮:-scalar s = witness (function-ok (scalar s)) unknown (scalar-function-ok s)
scalar-≮:-never : {U} (Scalar U) (U ≮: never)
scalar-≮:-never s = witness (scalar s) (scalar s) never
scalar-≢-impl-≮: : {T U} (Scalar T) (Scalar U) (T U) (T ≮: U)
scalar-≢-impl-≮: s₁ s₂ p = witness (scalar s₁) (scalar s₁) (scalar-scalar s₁ s₂ p)
scalar-≢-∩-<:-never : {T U V} (Scalar T) (Scalar U) (T U) (T U) <: V
scalar-≢-∩-<:-never s t p u (scalar s₁ , scalar s₂) = CONTRADICTION (p refl)
skalar-scalar : {T} (s : Scalar T) (Language skalar (scalar s))
skalar-scalar number = left (scalar number)
skalar-scalar boolean = right (right (right (scalar boolean)))
skalar-scalar string = right (left (scalar string))
skalar-scalar nil = right (right (left (scalar nil)))
-- Properties of unknown and never
unknown-≮: : {T U} (T ≮: U) (unknown ≮: U)
unknown-≮: (witness t p q) = witness t unknown q
never-≮: : {T U} (T ≮: U) (T ≮: never)
never-≮: (witness t p q) = witness t p never
unknown-≮:-never : (unknown ≮: never)
unknown-≮:-never = witness (scalar nil) unknown never
function-≮:-never : {T U} ((T U) ≮: never)
function-≮:-never = witness function function never
<:-never : {T} (never <: T)
<:-never t (scalar ())
≮:-never-left : {S T U} (S <: (T U)) (S ≮: T) (S U) ≮: never
:-never-left p (witness t q₁ q₂) with p t q₁
:-never-left p (witness t q₁ q₂) | left r = CONTRADICTION (language-comp t q₂ r)
:-never-left p (witness t q₁ q₂) | right r = witness t (q₁ , r) never
≮:-never-right : {S T U} (S <: (T U)) (S ≮: U) (S T) ≮: never
:-never-right p (witness t q₁ q₂) with p t q₁
:-never-right p (witness t q₁ q₂) | left r = witness t (q₁ , r) never
:-never-right p (witness t q₁ q₂) | right r = CONTRADICTION (language-comp t q₂ r)
<:-unknown : {T} (T <: unknown)
<:-unknown t p = unknown
<:-everything : unknown <: ((never unknown) skalar)
<:-everything (scalar s) p = right (skalar-scalar s)
<:-everything function p = left function
<:-everything (function-ok t) p = left (function-ok unknown)
<:-everything (function-err s) p = left (function-err never)
-- A Gentle Introduction To Semantic Subtyping (
-- defines a "set-theoretic" model (sec 2.5)
-- Unfortunately we don't quite have this property, due to uninhabited types,
-- for example (never -> T) is equivalent to (never -> U)
-- when types are interpreted as sets of syntactic values.
_⊆_ : {A : Set} (A Set) (A Set) Set
(P Q) = a (P a) (Q a)
_⊗_ : {A B : Set} (A Set) (B Set) ((A × B) Set)
(P Q) (a , b) = (P a) × (Q b)
Comp : {A : Set} (A Set) (A Set)
Comp P a = ¬(P a)
Lift : {A : Set} (A Set) (Maybe A Set)
Lift P nothing =
Lift P (just a) = P a
set-theoretic-if : {S₁ T₁ S₂ T₂}
-- This is the "if" part of being a set-theoretic model
-- though it uses the definition from Frisch's thesis
-- rather than from the Gentle Introduction. The difference
-- being the presence of Lift, (written D_Ω in Defn 4.2 of
(Language (S₁ T₁) Language (S₂ T₂))
( Q Q Comp((Language S₁) Comp(Lift(Language T₁))) Q Comp((Language S₂) Comp(Lift(Language T₂))))
set-theoretic-if {S₁} {T₁} {S₂} {T₂} p Q q (t , just u) Qtu (S₂t , ¬T₂u) = q (t , just u) Qtu (S₁t , ¬T₁u) where
S₁t : Language S₁ t
S₁t with dec-language S₁ t
S₁t | Left ¬S₁t with p (function-err t) (function-err ¬S₁t)
S₁t | Left ¬S₁t | function-err ¬S₂t = CONTRADICTION (language-comp t ¬S₂t S₂t)
S₁t | Right r = r
¬T₁u : ¬(Language T₁ u)
¬T₁u T₁u with p (function-ok u) (function-ok T₁u)
¬T₁u T₁u | function-ok T₂u = ¬T₂u T₂u
set-theoretic-if {S₁} {T₁} {S₂} {T₂} p Q q (t , nothing) Qt- (S₂t , _) = q (t , nothing) Qt- (S₁t , λ ()) where
S₁t : Language S₁ t
S₁t with dec-language S₁ t
S₁t | Left ¬S₁t with p (function-err t) (function-err ¬S₁t)
S₁t | Left ¬S₁t | function-err ¬S₂t = CONTRADICTION (language-comp t ¬S₂t S₂t)
S₁t | Right r = r
not-quite-set-theoretic-only-if : {S₁ T₁ S₂ T₂}
-- We don't quite have that this is a set-theoretic model
-- it's only true when Language T₁ and ¬Language T₂ t₂ are inhabited
-- in particular it's not true when T₁ is never, or T₂ is unknown.
s₂ t₂ Language S₂ s₂ ¬Language T₂ t₂
-- This is the "only if" part of being a set-theoretic model
( Q Q Comp((Language S₁) Comp(Lift(Language T₁))) Q Comp((Language S₂) Comp(Lift(Language T₂))))
(Language (S₁ T₁) Language (S₂ T₂))
not-quite-set-theoretic-only-if {S₁} {T₁} {S₂} {T₂} s₂ t₂ S₂s₂ ¬T₂t₂ p = r where
Q : (Tree × Maybe Tree) Set
Q (t , just u) = Either (¬Language S₁ t) (Language T₁ u)
Q (t , nothing) = ¬Language S₁ t
q : Q Comp((Language S₁) Comp(Lift(Language T₁)))
q (t , just u) (Left ¬S₁t) (S₁t , ¬T₁u) = language-comp t ¬S₁t S₁t
q (t , just u) (Right T₂u) (S₁t , ¬T₁u) = ¬T₁u T₂u
q (t , nothing) ¬S₁t (S₁t , _) = language-comp t ¬S₁t S₁t
r : Language (S₁ T₁) Language (S₂ T₂)
r function function = function
r (function-err s) (function-err ¬S₁s) with dec-language S₂ s
r (function-err s) (function-err ¬S₁s) | Left ¬S₂s = function-err ¬S₂s
r (function-err s) (function-err ¬S₁s) | Right S₂s = CONTRADICTION (p Q q (s , nothing) ¬S₁s (S₂s , λ ()))
r (function-ok t) (function-ok T₁t) with dec-language T₂ t
r (function-ok t) (function-ok T₁t) | Left ¬T₂t = CONTRADICTION (p Q q (s₂ , just t) (Right T₁t) (S₂s₂ , language-comp t ¬T₂t))
r (function-ok t) (function-ok T₁t) | Right T₂t = function-ok T₂t
-- A counterexample when the argument type is empty.
set-theoretic-counterexample-one : ( Q Q Comp((Language never) Comp(Lift(Language number))) Q Comp((Language never) Comp(Lift(Language string))))
set-theoretic-counterexample-one Q q ((scalar s) , u) Qtu (scalar () , p)
set-theoretic-counterexample-two : (never number) ≮: (never string)
set-theoretic-counterexample-two = witness
(function-ok (scalar number)) (function-ok (scalar number))
(function-ok (scalar-scalar number string (λ ())))
-- At some point we may deal with overloaded function resolution, which should fix this problem...
-- The reason why this is connected to overloaded functions is that currently we have that the type of
-- f(x) is (tgt T) where f:T. Really we should have the type depend on the type of x, that is use (tgt T U),
-- where U is the type of x. In particular (tgt (S => T) (U & V)) should be the same as (tgt ((S&U) => T) V)
-- and tgt(never => T) should be unknown. For example
-- tgt((number => string) & (string => bool))(number)
-- is tgt(number => string)(number) & tgt(string => bool)(number)
-- is tgt(number => string)(number) & tgt(string => bool)(number&unknown)
-- is tgt(number => string)(number) & tgt(string&number => bool)(unknown)
-- is tgt(number => string)(number) & tgt(never => bool)(unknown)
-- is string & unknown
-- is string
-- there's some discussion of this in the Gentle Introduction paper.