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-- This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
local bench = {}
bench.runs = 20
bench.extraRuns = 4
function bench.runCode(f, description)
-- Under Callgrind, run the test only once and measure just the execution cost
if callgrind and callgrind("running") then
if collectgarbage then collectgarbage() end
f() -- unfortunately we can't easily separate setup cost from runtime cost in f unless it calls callgrind()
callgrind("dump", description)
local timeTable = {}
for i = 1,bench.runs + bench.extraRuns do
-- try to run GC if it's available
if collectgarbage then
local ts0 = os.clock()
local result = f()
local ts1 = os.clock()
-- If test case doesn't return a duration (if only a part of code is measured) we will measure full execution time here
if not result then
result = ts1 - ts0
table.insert(timeTable, result)
for i = 1,bench.extraRuns do
table.remove(timeTable, #timeTable)
-- Output test name followed by each result
local report = "|><|"..description
for _,v in ipairs(timeTable) do
report = report .. "|><|" .. (v * 1000)
report = report .. "||_||"
-- This function acts a bit like a Unix "fork" operation
-- When it is first called it clones `scriptInstance` and starts executing
-- the cloned script parented to an Actor. When the cloned script calls "runScriptCodeUnderActor"
-- it will run 'f' and print out the provided 'description'.
-- The function returns 'true' if it was invoked from a script running under an Actor
-- and 'false' otherwise.
-- Example usage:
Sync to upstream/release/655 (#1563) ## New Solver * Type functions should be able to signal whether or not irreducibility is due to an error * Do not generate extra expansion constraint for uninvoked user-defined type functions * Print in a user-defined type function reports as an error instead of logging to stdout * Many e-graphs bugfixes and performance improvements * Many general bugfixes and improvements to the new solver as a whole * Fixed issue with used-defined type functions not being able to call each other * Infer types of globals under new type solver ## Fragment Autocomplete * Miscellaneous fixes to make interop with the old solver better ## Runtime * Support disabling specific built-in functions from being fast-called or constant-evaluated (Closes #1538) * New compiler option `disabledBuiltins` accepts a list of library function names like "tonumber" or "math.cos" * Added constant folding for vector arithmetic * Added constant propagation and type inference for vector globals (Fixes #1511) * New compiler option `librariesWithKnownMembers` accepts a list of libraries for members of which a request for constant value and/or type will be made * `libraryMemberTypeCb` callback is called to get the type of a global, return one of the `LuauBytecodeType` values. 'boolean', 'number', 'string' and 'vector' type are supported. * `libraryMemberConstantCb` callback is called to setup the constant value of a global. To set a value, C API `luau_set_compile_constant_*` or C++ API `setCompileConstant*` functions should be used. --- Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <aaronweiss@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <afriesen@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <agoel@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Angel <danielangel@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Jonathan Kelaty <jkelaty@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <hgoldstein@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <vsaini@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <vvijay@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com> --------- Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <aaronweiss@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Alexander McCord <amccord@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <afriesen@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <agoel@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: David Cope <dcope@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Lily Brown <lbrown@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Junseo Yoo <jyoo@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <hgoldstein@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <61795485+vrn-sn@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Alexander Youngblood <ayoungblood@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <vsaini@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Andrew Miranti <amiranti@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Shiqi Ai <sai@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Yohoo Lin <yohoo@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Angel <danielangel@roblox.com> Co-authored-by: Jonathan Kelaty <jkelaty@roblox.com>
2024-12-13 13:02:30 -08:00
-- local function prequire(name) local success, result = pcall(require, name); return success and result end
-- local bench = script and require(script.Parent.bench_support) or prequire("bench_support") or require("../bench_support")
-- function testFunc()
-- ...
-- end
-- bench.runScriptCodeUnderActor(script, testFunc, "test function")
function bench.runScriptCodeUnderActor(scriptInstance, f, description)
if scriptInstance:GetActor() then
-- If this function was called from an Actor script, just run the function provided using runCode
bench.runCode(f, description)
return true
-- If this function was not called from an Actor script, clone the script and place it under
-- Actor instance.
-- Create an Actor to run the script under
local actor = Instance.new("Actor")
-- Clone this script (i.e. the bench_support module) and place it under the Actor where
-- the script script would expect it to be when using 'require'.
local benchModule = script:Clone()
benchModule.Parent = actor
-- Clone the scriptInstance
local actorScript = scriptInstance:Clone()
-- Enable the script since `scriptInstance` may be started by roblox-cli without ever being enabled.
actorScript.Disabled = false
actorScript.Parent = actor
-- Add the actor to the workspace which will start executing the cloned script.
-- Note: the script needs to be placed under a instance that implements 'IScriptFilter'
-- (which workspace does) or it will never start executing.
actor.Parent = workspace
return false
return bench