2023-06-24 08:33:44 +03:00
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#include "Luau/CodeGen.h"
#include "CodeGenLower.h"
#include "CodeGenA64.h"
#include "CodeGenX64.h"
#include "lapi.h"
namespace Luau
namespace CodeGen
template<typename AssemblyBuilder>
static void logFunctionHeader(AssemblyBuilder& build, Proto* proto)
if (proto->debugname)
build.logAppend("; function %s(", getstr(proto->debugname));
build.logAppend("; function(");
for (int i = 0; i < proto->numparams; i++)
LocVar* var = proto->locvars ? &proto->locvars[proto->sizelocvars - proto->numparams + i] : nullptr;
if (var && var->varname)
build.logAppend("%s%s", i == 0 ? "" : ", ", getstr(var->varname));
build.logAppend("%s$arg%d", i == 0 ? "" : ", ", i);
if (proto->numparams != 0 && proto->is_vararg)
build.logAppend(", ...)");
if (proto->linedefined >= 0)
build.logAppend(" line %d\n", proto->linedefined);
template<typename AssemblyBuilder>
static std::string getAssemblyImpl(AssemblyBuilder& build, const TValue* func, AssemblyOptions options)
std::vector<Proto*> protos;
gatherFunctions(protos, clvalue(func)->l.p);
ModuleHelpers helpers;
assembleHelpers(build, helpers);
if (!options.includeOutlinedCode && options.includeAssembly)
build.logAppend("; skipping %u bytes of outlined helpers\n", unsigned(build.getCodeSize() * sizeof(build.code[0])));
for (Proto* p : protos)
if (p)
IrBuilder ir;
if (options.includeAssembly || options.includeIr)
logFunctionHeader(build, p);
if (!lowerFunction(ir, build, helpers, p, options))
if (build.logText)
build.logAppend("; skipping (can't lower)\n");
if (build.logText)
if (!build.finalize())
return std::string();
if (options.outputBinary)
return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(build.code.data()), reinterpret_cast<const char*>(build.code.data() + build.code.size())) +
std::string(build.data.begin(), build.data.end());
return build.text;
#if defined(__aarch64__)
unsigned int getCpuFeaturesA64();
std::string getAssembly(lua_State* L, int idx, AssemblyOptions options)
LUAU_ASSERT(lua_isLfunction(L, idx));
const TValue* func = luaA_toobject(L, idx);
switch (options.target)
case AssemblyOptions::Host:
#if defined(__aarch64__)
2023-07-14 08:57:16 -07:00
static unsigned int cpuFeatures = getCpuFeaturesA64();
A64::AssemblyBuilderA64 build(/* logText= */ options.includeAssembly, cpuFeatures);
2023-06-24 08:33:44 +03:00
X64::AssemblyBuilderX64 build(/* logText= */ options.includeAssembly);
return getAssemblyImpl(build, func, options);
case AssemblyOptions::A64:
A64::AssemblyBuilderA64 build(/* logText= */ options.includeAssembly, /* features= */ A64::Feature_JSCVT);
return getAssemblyImpl(build, func, options);
case AssemblyOptions::A64_NoFeatures:
A64::AssemblyBuilderA64 build(/* logText= */ options.includeAssembly, /* features= */ 0);
return getAssemblyImpl(build, func, options);
case AssemblyOptions::X64_Windows:
X64::AssemblyBuilderX64 build(/* logText= */ options.includeAssembly, X64::ABIX64::Windows);
return getAssemblyImpl(build, func, options);
case AssemblyOptions::X64_SystemV:
X64::AssemblyBuilderX64 build(/* logText= */ options.includeAssembly, X64::ABIX64::SystemV);
return getAssemblyImpl(build, func, options);
LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown target");
return std::string();
} // namespace CodeGen
} // namespace Luau