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2022-02-04 08:45:57 -08:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (c) 2021, Daan Leijen
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of the license can be
found in the "LICENSE" file at the root of this distribution.
// get `wcwidth` for the column width of unicode characters
// note: for now the OS provided one is unused as we see quite a bit of variation
// among platforms and including our own seems more reliable.
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__freebsd__)
// use the system supplied one
#if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE)
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 // so wcwidth is visible
#include <wchar.h>
// use our own (also on APPLE as that fails within vscode)
#define wcwidth(c) mk_wcwidth(c)
#include "wcwidth.c"
// #endif
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "stringbuf.h"
// In place growable utf-8 strings
struct stringbuf_s {
char* buf;
ssize_t buflen;
ssize_t count;
alloc_t* mem;
// String column width
// column width of a utf8 single character sequence.
static ssize_t utf8_char_width( const char* s, ssize_t n ) {
if (n <= 0) return 0;
uint8_t b = (uint8_t)s[0];
int32_t c;
if (b < ' ') {
return 0;
else if (b <= 0x7F) {
return 1;
else if (b <= 0xC1) { // invalid continuation byte or invalid 0xC0, 0xC1 (check is strictly not necessary as we don't validate..)
return 1;
else if (b <= 0xDF && n >= 2) { // b >= 0xC2 // 2 bytes
c = (((b & 0x1F) << 6) | (s[1] & 0x3F));
assert(c < 0xD800 || c > 0xDFFF);
int w = wcwidth(c);
return w;
else if (b <= 0xEF && n >= 3) { // b >= 0xE0 // 3 bytes
c = (((b & 0x0F) << 12) | ((s[1] & 0x3F) << 6) | (s[2] & 0x3F));
return wcwidth(c);
else if (b <= 0xF4 && n >= 4) { // b >= 0xF0 // 4 bytes
c = (((b & 0x07) << 18) | ((s[1] & 0x3F) << 12) | ((s[2] & 0x3F) << 6) | (s[3] & 0x3F));
return wcwidth(c);
else {
// failed
return 1;
// The column width of a codepoint (0, 1, or 2)
static ssize_t char_column_width( const char* s, ssize_t n ) {
if (s == NULL || n <= 0) return 0;
else if ((uint8_t)(*s) < ' ') return 0; // also for CSI escape sequences
else {
ssize_t w = utf8_char_width(s, n);
#ifdef _WIN32
return (w <= 0 ? 1 : w); // windows console seems to use at least one column
return w;
static ssize_t str_column_width_n( const char* s, ssize_t len ) {
if (s == NULL || len <= 0) return 0;
ssize_t pos = 0;
ssize_t cwidth = 0;
ssize_t cw;
ssize_t ofs;
while (s[pos] != 0 && (ofs = str_next_ofs(s, len, pos, &cw)) > 0) {
cwidth += cw;
pos += ofs;
return cwidth;
ic_private ssize_t str_column_width( const char* s ) {
return str_column_width_n( s, ic_strlen(s) );
ic_private ssize_t str_skip_until_fit( const char* s, ssize_t max_width ) {
if (s == NULL) return 0;
ssize_t cwidth = str_column_width(s);
ssize_t len = ic_strlen(s);
ssize_t pos = 0;
ssize_t next;
ssize_t cw;
while (cwidth > max_width && (next = str_next_ofs(s, len, pos, &cw)) > 0) {
cwidth -= cw;
pos += next;
return pos;
ic_private ssize_t str_take_while_fit( const char* s, ssize_t max_width) {
if (s == NULL) return 0;
const ssize_t len = ic_strlen(s);
ssize_t pos = 0;
ssize_t next;
ssize_t cw;
ssize_t cwidth = 0;
while ((next = str_next_ofs(s, len, pos, &cw)) > 0) {
if (cwidth + cw > max_width) break;
cwidth += cw;
pos += next;
return pos;
// String navigation
// get offset of the previous codepoint. does not skip back over CSI sequences.
ic_private ssize_t str_prev_ofs( const char* s, ssize_t pos, ssize_t* width ) {
ssize_t ofs = 0;
if (s != NULL && pos > 0) {
ofs = 1;
while (pos > ofs) {
uint8_t u = (uint8_t)s[pos - ofs];
if (u < 0x80 || u > 0xBF) break; // continue while follower
if (width != NULL) *width = char_column_width( s+(pos-ofs), ofs );
return ofs;
// skip an escape sequence
// <>
ic_private bool skip_esc( const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t* esclen ) {
if (s == NULL || len <= 1 || s[0] != '\x1B') return false;
if (esclen != NULL) *esclen = 0;
if (strchr("[PX^_]",s[1]) != NULL) {
// CSI (ESC [), DCS (ESC P), SOS (ESC X), PM (ESC ^), APC (ESC _), and OSC (ESC ]): terminated with a special sequence
bool finalCSI = (s[1] == '['); // CSI terminates with 0x40-0x7F; otherwise ST (bell or ESC \)
ssize_t n = 2;
while (len > n) {
char c = s[n++];
if ((finalCSI && (uint8_t)c >= 0x40 && (uint8_t)c <= 0x7F) || // terminating byte: @AZ[\]^_`az{|}~
(!finalCSI && c == '\x07') || // bell
(c == '\x02')) // STX terminates as well
if (esclen != NULL) *esclen = n;
return true;
else if (!finalCSI && c == '\x1B' && len > n && s[n] == '\\') { // ST (ESC \)
if (esclen != NULL) *esclen = n;
return true;
if (strchr(" #%()*+",s[1]) != NULL) {
// assume escape sequence of length 3 (like ESC % G)
if (esclen != NULL) *esclen = 2;
return true;
else {
// assume single character escape code (like ESC 7)
if (esclen != NULL) *esclen = 2;
return true;
return false;
// Offset to the next codepoint, treats CSI escape sequences as a single code point.
ic_private ssize_t str_next_ofs( const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t pos, ssize_t* cwidth ) {
ssize_t ofs = 0;
if (s != NULL && len > pos) {
if (skip_esc(s+pos,len-pos,&ofs)) {
// skip escape sequence
else {
ofs = 1;
// utf8 extended character?
while(len > pos + ofs) {
uint8_t u = (uint8_t)s[pos + ofs];
if (u < 0x80 || u > 0xBF) break; // break if not a follower
if (cwidth != NULL) *cwidth = char_column_width( s+pos, ofs );
return ofs;
static ssize_t str_limit_to_length( const char* s, ssize_t n ) {
ssize_t i;
for(i = 0; i < n && s[i] != 0; i++) { /* nothing */ }
return i;
// String searching prev/next word, line, ws_word
static ssize_t str_find_backward( const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t pos, ic_is_char_class_fun_t* match, bool skip_immediate_matches ) {
if (pos > len) pos = len;
if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
ssize_t i = pos;
// skip matching first (say, whitespace in case of the previous start-of-word)
if (skip_immediate_matches) {
do {
ssize_t prev = str_prev_ofs(s, i, NULL);
if (prev <= 0) break;
assert(i - prev >= 0);
if (!match(s + i - prev, (long)prev)) break;
i -= prev;
} while (i > 0);
// find match
do {
ssize_t prev = str_prev_ofs(s, i, NULL);
if (prev <= 0) break;
assert(i - prev >= 0);
if (match(s + i - prev, (long)prev)) {
return i; // found;
i -= prev;
} while (i > 0);
return -1; // not found
static ssize_t str_find_forward( const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t pos, ic_is_char_class_fun_t* match, bool skip_immediate_matches ) {
if (s == NULL || len < 0) return -1;
if (pos > len) pos = len;
if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
ssize_t i = pos;
ssize_t next;
// skip matching first (say, whitespace in case of the next end-of-word)
if (skip_immediate_matches) {
do {
next = str_next_ofs(s, len, i, NULL);
if (next <= 0) break;
assert( i + next <= len);
if (!match(s + i, (long)next)) break;
i += next;
} while (i < len);
// and then look
do {
next = str_next_ofs(s, len, i, NULL);
if (next <= 0) break;
assert( i + next <= len);
if (match(s + i, (long)next)) {
return i; // found
i += next;
} while (i < len);
return -1;
static bool char_is_linefeed( const char* s, long n ) {
return (n == 1 && (*s == '\n' || *s == 0));
static ssize_t str_find_line_start( const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t pos) {
ssize_t start = str_find_backward(s,len,pos,&char_is_linefeed,false /* don't skip immediate matches */);
return (start < 0 ? 0 : start);
static ssize_t str_find_line_end( const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t pos) {
ssize_t end = str_find_forward(s,len,pos, &char_is_linefeed, false);
return (end < 0 ? len : end);
static ssize_t str_find_word_start( const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t pos) {
ssize_t start = str_find_backward(s,len,pos, &ic_char_is_idletter,true /* skip immediate matches */);
return (start < 0 ? 0 : start);
static ssize_t str_find_word_end( const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t pos) {
ssize_t end = str_find_forward(s,len,pos,&ic_char_is_idletter,true /* skip immediate matches */);
return (end < 0 ? len : end);
static ssize_t str_find_ws_word_start( const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t pos) {
ssize_t start = str_find_backward(s,len,pos,&ic_char_is_white,true /* skip immediate matches */);
return (start < 0 ? 0 : start);
static ssize_t str_find_ws_word_end( const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t pos) {
ssize_t end = str_find_forward(s,len,pos,&ic_char_is_white,true /* skip immediate matches */);
return (end < 0 ? len : end);
// String row/column iteration
// invoke a function for each terminal row; returns total row count.
static ssize_t str_for_each_row( const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t termw, ssize_t promptw, ssize_t cpromptw,
row_fun_t* fun, const void* arg, void* res )
if (s == NULL) s = "";
ssize_t i;
ssize_t rcount = 0;
ssize_t rcol = 0;
ssize_t rstart = 0;
ssize_t startw = promptw;
for(i = 0; i < len; ) {
ssize_t w;
ssize_t next = str_next_ofs(s, len, i, &w);
if (next <= 0) {
debug_msg("str: foreach row: next<=0: len %zd, i %zd, w %zd, buf %s\n", len, i, w, s );
startw = (rcount == 0 ? promptw : cpromptw);
ssize_t termcol = rcol + w + startw + 1 /* for the cursor */;
if (termw != 0 && i != 0 && termcol >= termw) {
// wrap
if (fun != NULL) {
if (fun(s,rcount,rstart,i - rstart,startw,true,arg,res)) return rcount;
rstart = i;
rcol = 0;
if (s[i] == '\n') {
// newline
if (fun != NULL) {
if (fun(s,rcount,rstart,i - rstart,startw,false,arg,res)) return rcount;
rstart = i+1;
rcol = 0;
assert (s[i] != 0);
i += next;
rcol += w;
if (fun != NULL) {
if (fun(s,rcount,rstart,i - rstart,startw,false,arg,res)) return rcount;
return rcount+1;
// String: get row/column position
static bool str_get_current_pos_iter(
const char* s,
ssize_t row, ssize_t row_start, ssize_t row_len,
ssize_t startw, bool is_wrap, const void* arg, void* res)
ic_unused(is_wrap); ic_unused(startw);
rowcol_t* rc = (rowcol_t*)res;
ssize_t pos = *((ssize_t*)arg);
if (pos >= row_start && pos <= (row_start + row_len)) {
// found the cursor row
rc->row_start = row_start;
rc->row_len = row_len;
rc->row = row;
rc->col = str_column_width_n( s + row_start, pos - row_start );
rc->first_on_row = (pos == row_start);
if (is_wrap) {
// if wrapped, we check if the next character is at row_len
ssize_t next = str_next_ofs(s, row_start + row_len, pos, NULL);
rc->last_on_row = (pos + next >= row_start + row_len);
else {
// normal last position is right after the last character
rc->last_on_row = (pos >= row_start + row_len);
// debug_msg("edit; pos iter: pos: %zd (%c), row_start: %zd, rowlen: %zd\n", pos, s[pos], row_start, row_len);
return false; // always continue to count all rows
static ssize_t str_get_rc_at_pos(const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t termw, ssize_t promptw, ssize_t cpromptw, ssize_t pos, rowcol_t* rc) {
memset(rc, 0, sizeof(*rc));
ssize_t rows = str_for_each_row(s, len, termw, promptw, cpromptw, &str_get_current_pos_iter, &pos, rc);
// debug_msg("edit: current pos: (%d, %d) %s %s\n", rc->row, rc->col, rc->first_on_row ? "first" : "", rc->last_on_row ? "last" : "");
return rows;
// String: get row/column position for a resized terminal
// with potentially "hard-wrapped" rows
typedef struct wrapped_arg_s {
ssize_t pos;
ssize_t newtermw;
} wrapped_arg_t;
typedef struct wrowcol_s {
rowcol_t rc;
ssize_t hrows; // count of hard-wrapped extra rows
} wrowcol_t;
static bool str_get_current_wrapped_pos_iter(
const char* s,
ssize_t row, ssize_t row_start, ssize_t row_len,
ssize_t startw, bool is_wrap, const void* arg, void* res)
wrowcol_t* wrc = (wrowcol_t*)res;
const wrapped_arg_t* warg = (const wrapped_arg_t*)arg;
// iterate through the row and record the postion and hard-wraps
ssize_t hwidth = startw;
ssize_t i = 0;
while( i <= row_len ) { // include rowlen as the cursor position can be just after the last character
// get next position and column width
ssize_t cw;
ssize_t next;
bool is_cursor = (warg->pos == row_start+i);
if (i < row_len) {
next = str_next_ofs(s + row_start, row_len, i, &cw);
else {
// end of row: take wrap or cursor into account
// (wrap has width 2 as it displays a back-arrow but also has an invisible newline that wraps)
cw = (is_wrap ? 2 : (is_cursor ? 1 : 0));
next = 1;
if (next > 0) {
if (hwidth + cw > warg->newtermw) {
// hardwrap
hwidth = 0;
debug_msg("str: found hardwrap: row: %zd, hrows: %zd\n", row, wrc->hrows);
else {
next++; // ensure we terminate (as we go up to rowlen)
// did we find our position?
if (is_cursor) {
debug_msg("str: found position: row: %zd, hrows: %zd\n", row, wrc->hrows);
wrc->rc.row_start = row_start;
wrc->rc.row_len = row_len;
wrc->rc.row = wrc->hrows + row;
wrc->rc.col = hwidth;
wrc->rc.first_on_row = (i==0);
wrc->rc.last_on_row = (i+next >= row_len - (is_wrap ? 1 : 0));
// advance
hwidth += cw;
i += next;
return false; // always continue to count all rows
static ssize_t str_get_wrapped_rc_at_pos(const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t termw, ssize_t newtermw, ssize_t promptw, ssize_t cpromptw, ssize_t pos, rowcol_t* rc) {
wrapped_arg_t warg;
warg.pos = pos;
warg.newtermw = newtermw;
wrowcol_t wrc;
ssize_t rows = str_for_each_row(s, len, termw, promptw, cpromptw, &str_get_current_wrapped_pos_iter, &warg, &wrc);
debug_msg("edit: wrapped pos: (%zd,%zd) rows %zd %s %s, hrows: %zd\n", wrc.rc.row, wrc.rc.col, rows, wrc.rc.first_on_row ? "first" : "", wrc.rc.last_on_row ? "last" : "", wrc.hrows);
*rc = wrc.rc;
return (rows + wrc.hrows);
// Set position
static bool str_set_pos_iter(
const char* s,
ssize_t row, ssize_t row_start, ssize_t row_len,
ssize_t startw, bool is_wrap, const void* arg, void* res)
ic_unused(arg); ic_unused(is_wrap); ic_unused(startw);
rowcol_t* rc = (rowcol_t*)arg;
if (rc->row != row) return false; // keep searching
// we found our row
ssize_t col = 0;
ssize_t i = row_start;
ssize_t end = row_start + row_len;
while (col < rc->col && i < end) {
ssize_t cw;
ssize_t next = str_next_ofs(s, row_start + row_len, i, &cw);
if (next <= 0) break;
i += next;
col += cw;
*((ssize_t*)res) = i;
return true; // stop iteration
static ssize_t str_get_pos_at_rc(const char* s, ssize_t len, ssize_t termw, ssize_t promptw, ssize_t cpromptw, ssize_t row, ssize_t col /* without prompt */) {
rowcol_t rc;
rc.row = row;
rc.col = col;
ssize_t pos = -1;
return pos;
// String buffer
static bool sbuf_ensure_extra(stringbuf_t* s, ssize_t extra)
if (s->buflen >= s->count + extra) return true;
// reallocate; pick good initial size and multiples to increase reuse on allocation
ssize_t newlen = (s->buflen <= 0 ? 120 : (s->buflen > 1000 ? s->buflen + 1000 : 2*s->buflen));
if (newlen < s->count + extra) newlen = s->count + extra;
if (s->buflen > 0) {
debug_msg("stringbuf: reallocate: old %zd, new %zd\n", s->buflen, newlen);
char* newbuf = mem_realloc_tp(s->mem, char, s->buf, newlen+1); // one more for terminating zero
if (newbuf == NULL) {
return false;
s->buf = newbuf;
s->buflen = newlen;
s->buf[s->count] = s->buf[s->buflen] = 0;
assert(s->buflen >= s->count + extra);
return true;
static void sbuf_init( stringbuf_t* sbuf, alloc_t* mem ) {
sbuf->mem = mem;
sbuf->buf = NULL;
sbuf->buflen = 0;
sbuf->count = 0;
static void sbuf_done( stringbuf_t* sbuf ) {
mem_free( sbuf->mem, sbuf->buf );
sbuf->buf = NULL;
sbuf->buflen = 0;
sbuf->count = 0;
ic_private void sbuf_free( stringbuf_t* sbuf ) {
if (sbuf==NULL) return;
mem_free(sbuf->mem, sbuf);
ic_private stringbuf_t* sbuf_new( alloc_t* mem ) {
stringbuf_t* sbuf = mem_zalloc_tp(mem,stringbuf_t);
if (sbuf == NULL) return NULL;
return sbuf;
// free the sbuf and return the current string buffer as the result
ic_private char* sbuf_free_dup(stringbuf_t* sbuf) {
if (sbuf == NULL) return NULL;
char* s = NULL;
if (sbuf->buf != NULL) {
s = mem_realloc_tp(sbuf->mem, char, sbuf->buf, sbuf_len(sbuf)+1);
if (s == NULL) { s = sbuf->buf; }
sbuf->buf = 0;
sbuf->buflen = 0;
sbuf->count = 0;
return s;
ic_private const char* sbuf_string_at( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
if (pos < 0 || sbuf->count < pos) return NULL;
if (sbuf->buf == NULL) return "";
assert(sbuf->buf[sbuf->count] == 0);
return sbuf->buf + pos;
ic_private const char* sbuf_string( stringbuf_t* sbuf ) {
return sbuf_string_at( sbuf, 0 );
ic_private char sbuf_char_at(stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos) {
if (sbuf->buf == NULL || pos < 0 || sbuf->count < pos) return 0;
return sbuf->buf[pos];
ic_private char* sbuf_strdup_at( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
return mem_strdup(sbuf->mem, sbuf_string_at(sbuf,pos));
ic_private char* sbuf_strdup( stringbuf_t* sbuf ) {
return mem_strdup(sbuf->mem, sbuf_string(sbuf));
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_len(const stringbuf_t* s) {
if (s == NULL) return 0;
return s->count;
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_append_vprintf(stringbuf_t* sb, const char* fmt, va_list args) {
const ssize_t min_needed = ic_strlen(fmt);
if (!sbuf_ensure_extra(sb,min_needed + 16)) return sb->count;
ssize_t avail = sb->buflen - sb->count;
va_list args0;
va_copy(args0, args);
ssize_t needed = vsnprintf(sb->buf + sb->count, to_size_t(avail), fmt, args0);
if (needed > avail) {
sb->buf[sb->count] = 0;
if (!sbuf_ensure_extra(sb, needed)) return sb->count;
avail = sb->buflen - sb->count;
needed = vsnprintf(sb->buf + sb->count, to_size_t(avail), fmt, args);
assert(needed <= avail);
sb->count += (needed > avail ? avail : (needed >= 0 ? needed : 0));
assert(sb->count <= sb->buflen);
sb->buf[sb->count] = 0;
return sb->count;
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_appendf(stringbuf_t* sb, const char* fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start( args, fmt);
ssize_t res = sbuf_append_vprintf( sb, fmt, args );
return res;
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_insert_at_n(stringbuf_t* sbuf, const char* s, ssize_t n, ssize_t pos ) {
if (pos < 0 || pos > sbuf->count || s == NULL) return pos;
n = str_limit_to_length(s,n);
if (n <= 0 || !sbuf_ensure_extra(sbuf,n)) return pos;
ic_memmove(sbuf->buf + pos + n, sbuf->buf + pos, sbuf->count - pos);
ic_memcpy(sbuf->buf + pos, s, n);
sbuf->count += n;
sbuf->buf[sbuf->count] = 0;
return (pos + n);
ic_private stringbuf_t* sbuf_split_at( stringbuf_t* sb, ssize_t pos ) {
stringbuf_t* res = sbuf_new(sb->mem);
if (res==NULL || pos < 0) return NULL;
if (pos < sb->count) {
sbuf_append_n(res, sb->buf + pos, sb->count - pos);
sb->count = pos;
return res;
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_insert_at(stringbuf_t* sbuf, const char* s, ssize_t pos ) {
return sbuf_insert_at_n( sbuf, s, ic_strlen(s), pos );
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_insert_char_at(stringbuf_t* sbuf, char c, ssize_t pos ) {
char s[2];
s[0] = c;
s[1] = 0;
return sbuf_insert_at_n( sbuf, s, 1, pos);
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_insert_unicode_at(stringbuf_t* sbuf, unicode_t u, ssize_t pos) {
uint8_t s[5];
unicode_to_qutf8(u, s);
return sbuf_insert_at(sbuf, (const char*)s, pos);
ic_private void sbuf_delete_at( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos, ssize_t count ) {
if (pos < 0 || pos >= sbuf->count) return;
if (pos + count > sbuf->count) count = sbuf->count - pos;
ic_memmove(sbuf->buf + pos, sbuf->buf + pos + count, sbuf->count - pos - count);
sbuf->count -= count;
sbuf->buf[sbuf->count] = 0;
ic_private void sbuf_delete_from_to( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos, ssize_t end ) {
if (end <= pos) return;
sbuf_delete_at( sbuf, pos, end - pos);
ic_private void sbuf_delete_from(stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
sbuf_delete_at(sbuf, pos, sbuf_len(sbuf) - pos );
ic_private void sbuf_clear( stringbuf_t* sbuf ) {
sbuf_delete_at(sbuf, 0, sbuf_len(sbuf));
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_append_n( stringbuf_t* sbuf, const char* s, ssize_t n ) {
return sbuf_insert_at_n( sbuf, s, n, sbuf_len(sbuf));
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_append( stringbuf_t* sbuf, const char* s ) {
return sbuf_insert_at( sbuf, s, sbuf_len(sbuf));
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_append_char( stringbuf_t* sbuf, char c ) {
char buf[2];
buf[0] = c;
buf[1] = 0;
return sbuf_append( sbuf, buf );
ic_private void sbuf_replace(stringbuf_t* sbuf, const char* s) {
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_next_ofs( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos, ssize_t* cwidth ) {
return str_next_ofs( sbuf->buf, sbuf->count, pos, cwidth);
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_prev_ofs( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos, ssize_t* cwidth ) {
return str_prev_ofs( sbuf->buf, pos, cwidth);
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_next( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos, ssize_t* cwidth) {
ssize_t ofs = sbuf_next_ofs(sbuf,pos,cwidth);
if (ofs <= 0) return -1;
assert(pos + ofs <= sbuf->count);
return pos + ofs;
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_prev( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos, ssize_t* cwidth) {
ssize_t ofs = sbuf_prev_ofs(sbuf,pos,cwidth);
if (ofs <= 0) return -1;
assert(pos - ofs >= 0);
return pos - ofs;
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_delete_char_before( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
ssize_t n = sbuf_prev_ofs(sbuf, pos, NULL);
if (n <= 0) return 0;
assert( pos - n >= 0 );
sbuf_delete_at(sbuf, pos - n, n);
return pos - n;
ic_private void sbuf_delete_char_at( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
ssize_t n = sbuf_next_ofs(sbuf, pos, NULL);
if (n <= 0) return;
assert( pos + n <= sbuf->count );
sbuf_delete_at(sbuf, pos, n);
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_swap_char( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
ssize_t next = sbuf_next_ofs(sbuf, pos, NULL);
if (next <= 0) return 0;
ssize_t prev = sbuf_prev_ofs(sbuf, pos, NULL);
if (prev <= 0) return 0;
char buf[64];
if (prev >= 63) return 0;
ic_memcpy(buf, sbuf->buf + pos - prev, prev );
ic_memmove(sbuf->buf + pos - prev, sbuf->buf + pos, next);
ic_memmove(sbuf->buf + pos - prev + next, buf, prev);
return pos - prev;
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_find_line_start( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
return str_find_line_start( sbuf->buf, sbuf->count, pos);
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_find_line_end( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
return str_find_line_end( sbuf->buf, sbuf->count, pos);
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_find_word_start( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
return str_find_word_start( sbuf->buf, sbuf->count, pos);
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_find_word_end( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
return str_find_word_end( sbuf->buf, sbuf->count, pos);
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_find_ws_word_start( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
return str_find_ws_word_start( sbuf->buf, sbuf->count, pos);
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_find_ws_word_end( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t pos ) {
return str_find_ws_word_end( sbuf->buf, sbuf->count, pos);
// find row/col position
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_get_pos_at_rc( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t termw, ssize_t promptw, ssize_t cpromptw, ssize_t row, ssize_t col ) {
return str_get_pos_at_rc( sbuf->buf, sbuf->count, termw, promptw, cpromptw, row, col);
// get row/col for a given position
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_get_rc_at_pos( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t termw, ssize_t promptw, ssize_t cpromptw, ssize_t pos, rowcol_t* rc ) {
return str_get_rc_at_pos( sbuf->buf, sbuf->count, termw, promptw, cpromptw, pos, rc);
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_get_wrapped_rc_at_pos( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t termw, ssize_t newtermw, ssize_t promptw, ssize_t cpromptw, ssize_t pos, rowcol_t* rc ) {
return str_get_wrapped_rc_at_pos( sbuf->buf, sbuf->count, termw, newtermw, promptw, cpromptw, pos, rc);
ic_private ssize_t sbuf_for_each_row( stringbuf_t* sbuf, ssize_t termw, ssize_t promptw, ssize_t cpromptw, row_fun_t* fun, void* arg, void* res ) {
if (sbuf == NULL) return 0;
return str_for_each_row( sbuf->buf, sbuf->count, termw, promptw, cpromptw, fun, arg, res);
// Duplicate and decode from utf-8 (for non-utf8 terminals)
ic_private char* sbuf_strdup_from_utf8(stringbuf_t* sbuf) {
ssize_t len = sbuf_len(sbuf);
if (sbuf == NULL || len <= 0) return NULL;
char* s = mem_zalloc_tp_n(sbuf->mem, char, len);
if (s == NULL) return NULL;
ssize_t dest = 0;
for (ssize_t i = 0; i < len; ) {
ssize_t ofs = sbuf_next_ofs(sbuf, i, NULL);
if (ofs <= 0) {
// invalid input
else if (ofs == 1) {
// regular character
s[dest++] = sbuf->buf[i];
else if (sbuf->buf[i] == '\x1B') {
// skip escape sequences
else {
// decode unicode
ssize_t nread;
unicode_t uchr = unicode_from_qutf8( (const uint8_t*)(sbuf->buf + i), ofs, &nread);
uint8_t c;
if (unicode_is_raw(uchr, &c)) {
// raw byte, output as is (this will take care of locale specific input)
s[dest++] = (char)c;
else if (uchr <= 0x7F) {
// allow ascii
s[dest++] = (char)uchr;
else {
// skip unknown unicode characters..
// todo: convert according to locale?
i += ofs;
assert(dest <= len);
s[dest] = 0;
return s;
// String helpers
ic_public long ic_prev_char( const char* s, long pos ) {
ssize_t len = ic_strlen(s);
if (pos < 0 || pos > len) return -1;
ssize_t ofs = str_prev_ofs( s, pos, NULL );
if (ofs <= 0) return -1;
return (long)(pos - ofs);
ic_public long ic_next_char( const char* s, long pos ) {
ssize_t len = ic_strlen(s);
if (pos < 0 || pos > len) return -1;
ssize_t ofs = str_next_ofs( s, len, pos, NULL );
if (ofs <= 0) return -1;
return (long)(pos + ofs);
// parse a decimal (leave pi unchanged on error)
ic_private bool ic_atoz(const char* s, ssize_t* pi) {
return (sscanf(s, "%zd", pi) == 1);
// parse two decimals separated by a semicolon
ic_private bool ic_atoz2(const char* s, ssize_t* pi, ssize_t* pj) {
return (sscanf(s, "%zd;%zd", pi, pj) == 2);
// parse unsigned 32-bit (leave pu unchanged on error)
ic_private bool ic_atou32(const char* s, uint32_t* pu) {
return (sscanf(s, "%" SCNu32, pu) == 1);
// Convenience: character class for whitespace `[ \t\r\n]`.
ic_public bool ic_char_is_white(const char* s, long len) {
if (s == NULL || len != 1) return false;
const char c = *s;
return (c==' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r');
// Convenience: character class for non-whitespace `[^ \t\r\n]`.
ic_public bool ic_char_is_nonwhite(const char* s, long len) {
return !ic_char_is_white(s, len);
// Convenience: character class for separators `[ \t\r\n,.;:/\\\(\)\{\}\[\]]`.
ic_public bool ic_char_is_separator(const char* s, long len) {
if (s == NULL || len != 1) return false;
const char c = *s;
return (strchr(" \t\r\n,.;:/\\(){}[]", c) != NULL);
// Convenience: character class for non-separators.
ic_public bool ic_char_is_nonseparator(const char* s, long len) {
return !ic_char_is_separator(s, len);
// Convenience: character class for digits (`[0-9]`).
ic_public bool ic_char_is_digit(const char* s, long len) {
if (s == NULL || len != 1) return false;
const char c = *s;
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
// Convenience: character class for hexadecimal digits (`[A-Fa-f0-9]`).
ic_public bool ic_char_is_hexdigit(const char* s, long len) {
if (s == NULL || len != 1) return false;
const char c = *s;
return ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'));
// Convenience: character class for letters (`[A-Za-z]` and any unicode > 0x80).
ic_public bool ic_char_is_letter(const char* s, long len) {
if (s == NULL || len <= 0) return false;
const char c = *s;
return ((uint8_t)c >= 0x80 || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'));
// Convenience: character class for identifier letters (`[A-Za-z0-9_-]` and any unicode > 0x80).
ic_public bool ic_char_is_idletter(const char* s, long len) {
if (s == NULL || len <= 0) return false;
const char c = *s;
return ((uint8_t)c >= 0x80 || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '_') || (c == '-'));
// Convenience: character class for filename letters (`[^ \t\r\n`@$><=;|&{(]`).
ic_public bool ic_char_is_filename_letter(const char* s, long len) {
if (s == NULL || len <= 0) return false;
const char c = *s;
return ((uint8_t)c >= 0x80 || (strchr(" \t\r\n`@$><=;|&{}()[]", c) == NULL));
// Convenience: If this is a token start, returns the length (or <= 0 if not found).
ic_public long ic_is_token(const char* s, long pos, ic_is_char_class_fun_t* is_token_char) {
if (s == NULL || pos < 0 || is_token_char == NULL) return -1;
ssize_t len = ic_strlen(s);
if (pos >= len) return -1;
if (pos > 0 && is_token_char(s + pos -1, 1)) return -1; // token start?
ssize_t i = pos;
while ( i < len ) {
ssize_t next = str_next_ofs(s, len, i, NULL);
if (next <= 0) return -1;
if (!is_token_char(s + i, (long)next)) break;
i += next;
return (long)(i - pos);
static int ic_strncmp(const char* s1, const char* s2, ssize_t n) {
return strncmp(s1, s2, to_size_t(n));
// Convenience: Does this match the specified token?
// Ensures not to match prefixes or suffixes, and returns the length of the match (in bytes).
// E.g. `ic_match_token("function",0,&ic_char_is_letter,"fun")` returns 0.
ic_public long ic_match_token(const char* s, long pos, ic_is_char_class_fun_t* is_token_char, const char* token) {
long n = ic_is_token(s, pos, is_token_char);
if (n > 0 && token != NULL && n == ic_strlen(token) && ic_strncmp(s + pos, token, n) == 0) {
return n;
else {
return 0;
// Convenience: Do any of the specified tokens match?
// Ensures not to match prefixes or suffixes, and returns the length of the match (in bytes).
// Ensures not to match prefixes or suffixes.
// E.g. `ic_match_any_token("function",0,&ic_char_is_letter,{"fun","func",NULL})` returns 0.
ic_public long ic_match_any_token(const char* s, long pos, ic_is_char_class_fun_t* is_token_char, const char** tokens) {
long n = ic_is_token(s, pos, is_token_char);
if (n <= 0 || tokens == NULL) return 0;
for (const char** token = tokens; *token != NULL; token++) {
if (n == ic_strlen(*token) && ic_strncmp(s + pos, *token, n) == 0) {
return n;
return 0;