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# This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
import argparse
import jinja2
import multiprocessing
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
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def is_crash ( reproducer_name : str ) - > bool :
return reproducer_name . startswith ( " crash- " ) or reproducer_name . startswith ( " oom- " )
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class CrashReport :
def __init__ ( self , args , crash_id ) :
self . id = crash_id
self . args = args
self . crash_root = os . path . join ( args . output_directory , crash_id )
def trace ( self ) - > str :
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trace_path = os . path . join ( self . crash_root , " trace.txt " )
if os . path . exists ( trace_path ) :
with open ( os . path . join ( self . crash_root , " trace.txt " ) , " r " ) as trace_file :
return trace_file . read ( )
else :
return None
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def modules ( self ) - > str :
with open ( os . path . join ( self . crash_root , " modules.txt " ) , " r " ) as modules_file :
return modules_file . read ( )
def artifact_link ( self ) - > str :
return f " { self . args . artifact_root } / { self . id } /minimized_reproducer "
class MetaValue :
def __init__ ( self , name , value ) :
self . name = name
self . value = value
self . link = None
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def minimize_crash ( args , reproducer , workdir ) :
if not is_crash ( os . path . basename ( reproducer ) ) :
# Not actually a crash, so no minimization is actually possible.
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print (
f " Minimizing reproducer { os . path . basename ( reproducer ) } for { args . minimize_for } seconds. " )
reproducer_absolute = os . path . abspath ( reproducer )
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artifact = os . path . join ( workdir , " minimized_reproducer " )
minimize_result = subprocess . run ( [ args . executable , " -detect_leaks=0 " , " -minimize_crash=1 " ,
f " -exact_artifact_path= { artifact } " , f " -max_total_time= { args . minimize_for } " , reproducer_absolute ] , cwd = workdir , stdout = sys . stdout if args . verbose else subprocess . DEVNULL , stderr = sys . stderr if args . verbose else subprocess . DEVNULL )
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if minimize_result . returncode != 0 :
print (
f " Minimize process exited with code { minimize_result . returncode } ; minimization failed. " )
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if os . path . exists ( artifact ) :
print (
f " Minimized { os . path . basename ( reproducer ) } from { os . path . getsize ( reproducer ) } bytes to { os . path . getsize ( artifact ) } . " )
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def process_crash ( args , reproducer ) :
crash_id = os . path . basename ( reproducer )
crash_output = os . path . join ( args . output_directory , crash_id )
print ( f " Processing reproducer { crash_id } . " )
print ( f " Output will be stored in { crash_output } . " )
if os . path . exists ( crash_output ) :
print ( f " Contents of { crash_output } will be discarded. " )
shutil . rmtree ( crash_output , ignore_errors = True )
os . makedirs ( crash_output )
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shutil . copyfile ( reproducer , os . path . join ( crash_output , " original_reproducer " ) )
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shutil . copyfile ( reproducer , os . path . join (
2023-12-01 18:04:44 -08:00
crash_output , " minimized_reproducer " ) )
minimize_crash ( args , reproducer , crash_output )
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if is_crash ( crash_id ) :
trace_result = subprocess . run ( [ args . executable , os . path . join (
crash_output , " minimized_reproducer " ) ] , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT , text = True )
trace_text = trace_result . stdout
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with open ( os . path . join ( crash_output , " trace.txt " ) , " w " ) as trace_file :
trace_file . write ( trace_text )
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modules_result = subprocess . run ( [ args . prototest , os . path . join (
2023-12-01 18:04:44 -08:00
crash_output , " minimized_reproducer " ) , " -detect_leaks=0 " , " -verbosity=0 " ] , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT , text = True )
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modules_text = modules_result . stdout
module_index_of = modules_text . index ( " Module " )
modules_text = modules_text [ module_index_of : ]
with open ( os . path . join ( crash_output , " modules.txt " ) , " w " ) as modules_file :
modules_file . write ( modules_text )
return CrashReport ( args , crash_id )
def process_crashes ( args ) :
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crash_names = sorted ( os . listdir ( args . source_directory ) )
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with multiprocessing . Pool ( args . workers ) as pool :
crashes = [ ( args , os . path . join ( args . source_directory , c ) ) for c in crash_names ]
crashes = pool . starmap ( process_crash , crashes )
print ( f " Processed { len ( crashes ) } crashes. " )
return crashes
def generate_report ( crashes , meta ) :
env = jinja2 . Environment (
loader = jinja2 . PackageLoader ( " fuzzer-postprocess " ) ,
autoescape = jinja2 . select_autoescape ( )
template = env . get_template ( " index.html " )
with open ( " fuzz-report.html " , " w " ) as report_file :
report_file . write ( template . render (
crashes = crashes ,
meta = meta ,
) )
def __main__ ( ) :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( )
parser . add_argument ( " --source_directory " , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( " --output_directory " , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( " --executable " , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( " --prototest " , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( " --minimize_for " , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( " --artifact_root " , required = True )
parser . add_argument ( " --verbose " , " -v " , action = " store_true " )
parser . add_argument ( " --workers " , action = " store " , type = int , default = 4 )
meta_group = parser . add_argument_group (
" metadata " , description = " Report metadata to attach. " )
meta_group . add_argument ( " --meta.values " , nargs = " * " ,
help = " Any metadata to attach, in the form name=value. Multiple values may be specified. " , dest = " metadata_values " , default = [ ] )
meta_group . add_argument ( " --meta.urls " , nargs = " * " ,
help = " URLs to attach to metadata, in the form name=url. Multiple values may be specified. A value must also be specified with --meta.values. " , dest = " metadata_urls " , default = [ ] )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
meta_values = dict ( )
for pair in args . metadata_values :
components = pair . split ( " = " , 1 )
name = components [ 0 ]
value = components [ 1 ]
meta_values [ name ] = MetaValue ( name , value )
for pair in args . metadata_urls :
components = pair . split ( " = " , 1 )
name = components [ 0 ]
url = components [ 1 ]
if name in meta_values :
meta_values [ name ] . link = url
else :
print ( f " Metadata { name } has URL { url } but no value specified. " )
meta_values = sorted ( list ( meta_values . values ( ) ) , key = lambda x : x . name )
crashes = process_crashes ( args )
generate_report ( crashes , meta_values )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
__main__ ( )