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Sync to upstream/release/655 * General - Fix the benchmark require wrapper function to work in Lua - Fix memory leak in the new Luau C API test * New Solver - Luau: type functions should be able to signal whether or not irreducibility is due to an error - Do not generate extra expansion constraint for uninvoked user-defined type functions - Print in a user-defined type function should be reported as an error instead of logging to stdout - Many e-graphs bugfixes and performance improvements - Many general bugfixes and improvements to the new solver as a whole - Fixed issue with Luau used-defined type functions not having all environments initialized - Infer types of globals under new type solver * Fragment Autocomplete - Miscellaneous fixes to make interop with the old solver better * Runtime - Support disabling specific Luau built-in functions from being fast-called or constant-evaluated - Added constant folding for vector arithmetic - Added constant propagation and type inference for Vector3 globals ---------------------------------------------------------- 9 contributors: Co-authored-by: Aaron Weiss <> Co-authored-by: Andy Friesen <> Co-authored-by: Aviral Goel <> Co-authored-by: Daniel Angel <> Co-authored-by: Jonathan Kelaty <> Co-authored-by: Hunter Goldstein <> Co-authored-by: Varun Saini <> Co-authored-by: Vighnesh Vijay <> Co-authored-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <>
2024-12-13 10:57:30 -08:00
local function prequire(name) local success, result = pcall(require, name); return success and result end
2023-12-08 17:42:54 +02:00
local bench = script and require(script.Parent.bench_support) or prequire("bench_support") or require("../bench_support")
function test()
local base64 = {}
local extract = bit32.extract
function base64.makeencoder( s62, s63, spad )
local encoder = {}
for b64code, char in pairs{[0]='A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J',
'3','4','5','6','7','8','9',s62 or '+',s63 or'/',spad or'='} do
encoder[b64code] = char:byte()
return encoder
function base64.makedecoder( s62, s63, spad )
local decoder = {}
for b64code, charcode in pairs( base64.makeencoder( s62, s63, spad )) do
decoder[charcode] = b64code
return decoder
local DEFAULT_ENCODER = base64.makeencoder()
local DEFAULT_DECODER = base64.makedecoder()
local char, concat, byte = string.char, table.concat, string.byte
function base64.decode( b64, decoder, usecaching )
decoder = decoder or DEFAULT_DECODER
local cache = usecaching and {}
local t, k = {}, 1
local n = #b64
local padding = b64:sub(-2) == '==' and 2 or b64:sub(-1) == '=' and 1 or 0
for i = 1, padding > 0 and n-4 or n, 4 do
local a, b, c, d = byte( b64, i, i+3 )
local s
if usecaching then
local v0 = a*0x1000000 + b*0x10000 + c*0x100 + d
s = cache[v0]
if not s then
local v = decoder[a]*0x40000 + decoder[b]*0x1000 + decoder[c]*0x40 + decoder[d]
s = char( extract(v,16,8), extract(v,8,8), extract(v,0,8))
cache[v0] = s
local v = decoder[a]*0x40000 + decoder[b]*0x1000 + decoder[c]*0x40 + decoder[d]
s = char( extract(v,16,8), extract(v,8,8), extract(v,0,8))
t[k] = s
k = k + 1
if padding == 1 then
local a, b, c = byte( b64, n-3, n-1 )
local v = decoder[a]*0x40000 + decoder[b]*0x1000 + decoder[c]*0x40
t[k] = char( extract(v,16,8), extract(v,8,8))
elseif padding == 2 then
local a, b = byte( b64, n-3, n-2 )
local v = decoder[a]*0x40000 + decoder[b]*0x1000
t[k] = char( extract(v,16,8))
return concat( t )
local ts0 = os.clock()
for i = 1, 2000 do
local ts1 = os.clock()
return ts1 - ts0
bench.runCode(test, "base64")