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2023-10-09 18:57:50 -05:00
# New non-strict mode
## Summary
Currently, strict mode and non-strict mode infer different types for
the same program. With this feature, strict and non-strict modes will
share the [local type inference](
engine, and the only difference between the modes will be in which
errors are reported.
## Motivation
Having two different type inference engines is unnecessarily
confusing, and can result in unexpected behaviors such as changing the
mode of a module can cause errors in the users of that module.
The current non-strict mode infers very coarse types (e.g. all local
variables have type `any`) and so is not appropriate for type-driven
tooling, which results in expensively and inconsistently using
different modes for different tools.
## Design
### Code defects
The main goal of non-strict mode is to minimize false positives, that
is if non-strict mode reports an error, then we have high confidence
that there is a code defect. Example defects are:
* Run-time errors
* Dead code
* Using an expression whose only possible value is `nil`
* Writing to a table property that is never read
*Run-time errors*: this is an obvious defect. Examples include:
* Built-in operators (`"hi" + 5`)
* Luau APIs (`math.abs("hi")`)
* Function calls from embeddings (`"hi")`)
* Missing properties from embeddings (``)
Detecting run-time errors is undecidable, for example
if cond() then
It is undecidable whether this code produces a run-time error, but we
do know that if `math.abs("hi")` is executed, it will produce a
run-time error, and so report a type error in this case.
*Expressions guaranteed to be `nil`*: Luau tables do not error when a
missing property is accessed (though embeddings may). So something
local t = { Foo = 5 }
local x = t.Fop
wont produce a run-time error, but is more likely than not a
programmer error. In this case, if the programmer intent was to
initialize `x` as `nil`, they could have written
local t = { Foo = 5 }
local x = nil
For this reason, we consider it a code defect to use a value that the
type system guarantees is of type `nil`.
*Writing properties that are never read*: There is a matching problem
with misspelling properties when writing. For example
function f()
local t = {}
t.Foo = 5
t.Fop = 7
wont produce a run-time error, but is more likely than not a
programmer error, since `t.Fop` is written but never read. We can use
read-only and write-only table properties for this, and make it an
error to create a write-only property.
We have to be careful about this though, because if `f` ended with
`return t`, then it would be a perfectly sensible function with type
`() -> { Foo: number, Fop: number }`. The only way to detect that `Fop`
was never read would be whole-program analysis, which is prohibitively
*Implicit coercions*: Luau supports various implicit coercions, such
as allowing `math.abs("-12")`. These should be reported as defects.
### New Non-strict error reporting
The difficult part of non-strict mode error-reporting is detecting
guaranteed run-time errors. We can do this using an error-reporting
pass that generates a type context such that if any of the `x : T` in
the type context are satisfied, then the program is guaranteed to
produce a type error.
For example in the program
function h(x, y)
an error is reported when `x` isnt a `number`, or `y` isnt a `string`, so the generated context is
x : ~number
y : ~string
In the function:
function f(x)
an error is reported when x isnt a number or isnt a string, so the constraint set is
x : ~number | ~string
Since `~number | ~string` is equivalent to `unknown`, non-strict mode
can report a warning, since calling the function is guaranteed to
throw a run-time error. In contrast:
function g(x)
if cond() then
generates context
x : ~number & ~string
Since `~number & ~string` is not equivalent to `unknown`, non-strict mode reports no warning.
* The disjunction of contexts `C1` and `C2` contains `x : T1|T2`,
where `x : T1` is in `C1` and `x : T2` is in `C2`.
* The conjunction of contexts `C1` and `C2` contains `x : T1&T2`,
where `x : T1` is in `C1` and `x : T2` is in `C2`.
The context generated by a block is:
* `x = E` generates the context of `E : never`.
* `B1; B2` generates the disjunction of the context of `B1` and the
context of `B2`.
* `if C then B1 else B2` end generates the conjunction of the context
of `B1` and the context of `B2`.
* `local x; B` generates the context of `B`, removing the constraint
`x : T`. If the type inferred for `x` is a subtype of `T`, then
issue a warning.
* `function f(x1,...,xN) B end` generates the context for `B`,
removing `x1 : T1, ..., xN : TN`. If any of the `Ti` are equivalent to
`unknown`, then issue a warning.
The constraint set generated by a typed expression is:
* The context generated by `x : T` is `x : T`.
* The context generated by `s : T` (where `s` is a scalar) is
trivial. Issue a warning if `s` has type `T`.
* The context generated by `F(M1, ..., MN) : T` is the disjunction of
the contexts generated by `F : ~function`, and by
`M1 : T1`, ...,`MN : TN` where for each `i`, `F` has an overload
`(unknown^(i-1),Ti,unknown^(N-i)) -> error`. (Pick `Ti` to be
`never` if no such overload exists). Issue a warning if `F` has an
overload `(unknown^N) -> S` where `S <: (T | error)`.
* The context generated by `M.p` is the context generated by `M : ~table`.
* The context generated by `M[N]` is the disjunction of the contexts
generated by `M : ~table` and `N : never`.
For example:
* The context generated by `math.abs("hi") : never` is
* the context generated by `"hi" : ~number`, since `math.abs` has an
overload `(~number) -> error`, which is trivial.
* A warning is issued since `"hi"` has type `~number`.
* The context generated by `function f(x) math.abs(x); string.lower(x) end` is
* the context generated by `math.abs(x); string.lower(x)` which is the disjunction of
* the context generated by `math.abs(x)`, which is
* the context `x : ~number`, since `math.abs` has an overload `(~number)->error`
* the context generated by `string.lower(x)`, which is
* the context `x : ~string`, since `string.lower` has an overload `(~string)->error`
* remove the binding `x : (~number | ~string)`
* A warning is issued since `(~number | ~string)` is equivalent to `unknown`.
* The context generated by `math.abs(string.lower(x))` is
* the context generated by `string.lower(x) : ~number`, since `math.abs` has an overload `(~number)->error`, which is
* the text`x : ~string`, since `string.lower` has an overload `(~string)->error`.
* An warning is issued, since `string.lower` has an overload `(unknown) -> (string | error)` and `(string | error) <: (~number | error)`.
### Ergonomics
*Error reporting*. A straightforward implementation of this design
issues warnings at the point that data flows into a place
guaranteed to later produce a run-time error, which may not be perfect
ergonomics. For example, in the program:
local x
if cond() then
x = 5
x = nil
the type inferred for `x` is `number?` and the context generated is `x
: ~string`. Since `number? <: ~string`, a warning is issued at the
declaration `local x`. For ergonomics, we might want to identify
either `string.lower(x)` or `x = 5` (or both!) in the error report.
*Stringifying checked functions*. This design depends on functions
having overloads with `error` return type. This integrates with
[type error suppression](, but would not be
a perfect way to present types to users. A common case is that the
checked type is the negation of the function type, for example the
type of `math.abs`:
(number) -> number & (~number) -> error
This might be better presented as an annotation on the argument type, something like:
@checked (number) -> number
The type
@checked (S1,...,SN) -> T
is equivalent to
(S1,...,SN) -> T
& (~S1, unknown^N-1) -> error
& (unknown, ~S2, unknown^N-2) -> error
& (unknown^N-1, SN) -> error
As a further extension, we might allow users to explicitly provide `@checked` type annotations.
Checked functions are known as strong functions in Elixir.
## Drawbacks
This is a breaking change, since it results in more errors being issued.
Strict mode infers more precise (and hence more complex) types than
current non-strict mode, which are presented by type error messages
and tools such as type hover.
## Alternatives
Success typing (used in Erlang Dialyzer) is the nearest existing
solution. It is similar to this design, except that it only works in
(the equivalent of) non-strict mode. The success typing function type
`(S)->T` is the equivalent of our
`(~S)->error & (unknown)->(T|error)`.
We could put the `@checked` annotation on individual function argments
rather than the function type.
We could use this design to infer checked functions. In function
`f(x1, ..., xN) B end`, we could generate the context
`(x1 : T1, ..., xN : TN)` for `B`, and add an overload
`(unknown^(i-1),Ti,unknown^(N-i))->error` to the inferred type of `f`. For
example, for the function
function h(x, y)
We would infer type
(number, string) -> ()
& (~number, unknown) -> error
& (unknown, ~string) -> error
which is the same as
@checked (number, string) -> ()
The problem with doing this is what to do about recursive functions.
## References
Lily Brown, Andy Friesen and Alan Jeffrey
*Position Paper: Goals of the Luau Type System*,
in HATRA '21: Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants,
Giuseppe Castagna, Guillaume Duboc, José Valim
*The Design Principles of the Elixir Type System*,
Tobias Lindahl and Konstantinos Sagonas,
*Practical Type Inference Based on Success Typings*,
in PPDP '06: Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming,
pp. 167178, 2006.