chore: remove bundled roblox scripts

This commit is contained in:
Erica Marigold 2024-05-25 08:08:18 +05:30 committed by GitHub
parent edcef2015f
commit 35ada9759c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
5 changed files with 0 additions and 2348 deletions

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@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
This exists because if the Option module were to have methods to convert
to Result, and the Result module were to have methods to convert to Option,
there would be a cyclic dependency.
So, if a consumer of this library wants to convert between the two, they
would rather import this conversion module.
local option = require(script.Parent.option)
local Option = option.Option
export type Option<T> = option.Option<T>
local None = option.None
local Some = option.Some
local result = require(script.Parent.result)
local Result = result.Result
export type Result<T, E> = result.Result<T, E>
local Ok = result.Ok
local Err = result.Err
@within Result
Converts from [Result]`<T, E>` to [Option]`<T>`.
Converts `self` into an [Option]`<T>`, and discarding the error, if any.
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
assert(x:ok() == Some(2))
x = Err("Nothing here")
assert(x:ok() == None())
@param self Result<T, E>
@return Option<T>
function Result.ok<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>): Option<T>
if self:isOk() then
if self._value == nil then
return None()
return Some(self._value)
return None()
@within Result
Converts from [Result]`<T, E>` to [Option]`<E>`.
Converts `self` into an [Option]`<E>`, and discarding the success value, if any.
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
assert(x:ok() == Some(2))
x = Err("Nothing here")
assert(x:ok() == None())
@param self Result<T, E>
@return Option<E>
function Result.err<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>): Option<E>
if self:isErr() then
return :: Option<E>
return None()
@within Result
Transposes a [Result] of an [Option] into an [Option] of a [Result].
[Result:Ok]\([Option:None]\) will be mapped to [Option:None].
[Result:Ok]\([Option:Some]`(_)`\) and [Result:Err]\(`_`\) will be mapped to
[Option:Some]\([Result:Ok]`(_)`\) and [Option:Some]\([Option:Err]`(_)`\).
type SomeErr = {}
local x: Result<Option<number>, SomeErr> = Ok(Some(2))
local y: Option<Result<number, SomeErr>> = Some(Ok(2))
assert(x:transpose() == y)
@param self Result<Option<T>, E>
@return Option<Result<T, E>>
function Result.transpose<T, E>(self: Result<Option<T>, E>): Option<Result<T, E>>
if self._value == None() then
return None()
elseif self:isOkAnd(function(val): boolean
return val._optValue == nil
end) then
return Some(Ok(self._value._optValue))
elseif self:isErr() then
return Some(Err(self._error))
error("`Result` is not transposable")
@within Option
Transforms the [Option]`<T>` into a [Result]`<T, E>`, mapping [Option:Some]`(v)`
to [Result:Ok]`(v)` and [Option:None] to [Result:Err]`(err)`.
Arguments passed to [Option:okOr] are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result
of a function call, it is recommended to use [Option:okOrElse], which is lazily evaluated.
local x: Option<string> = Some("foo")
assert(x:okOr(0) == Ok("foo"))
x = None()
assert(x:okOr(0) == Err(0))
@param self Option<T>
@param err E
@return Result<T, E>
function Option.okOr<T, E>(self: Option<T>, err: E): Result<T, E>
if self:isSome() then
return Ok(self._optValue)
return Err(err)
@within Option
Transforms the [Option]`<T>` into a [Result]`<T, E>`, mapping [Option:Some]`(v)` to
[Result:Ok]`(v)` and [Option:None] to [Result:Err]`(err())`.
local x: Option<string> = Some("foo")
assert(x:okOrElse(function() return 0 end) == Ok("foo"))
x = None()
assert(x:okOrElse(function() return 0 end) == Err(0))
@param self Option<T>
@param err () -> E
@return Result<T, E>
function Option.okOrElse<T, E>(self: Option<T>, err: () -> E): Result<T, E>
if self:isSome() then
return Ok(self._optValue :: T)
return Err(err())
@within Option
Transposes a [Option] of an [Result] into an [Result] of a [Option].
[Option:None] will be mapped to [Result:Ok]\([Option:None]\).
[Option:Some]\([Result:Ok]`(_)`\) and [Option:Some]\([Result:Err]\(`_`\)\) will
be mapped to [Result:Ok]\([Option:Some]`(_)`\) and [Result:Err]`(_)`.
type SomeErr = {}
local x: Result<Option<number>, SomeErr> = Ok(Some(5))
local y: Option<Result<number, SomeErr>> = Some(Ok(5))
assert(x == y:transpose())
@param self Option<Result<T, E>>
@return Result<Option<T>, E>
function Option.transpose<T, E>(self: Option<Result<T, E>>): Result<Option<T>, E>
if self:isSome() then
local inner = self._optValue
assert(self.typeId == "Option" and inner.typeId == "Result", "Only an `Option` of a `Result` can be transposed")
if inner:isOk() then
return Some(Ok(inner._value))
elseif inner:isErr() then
return Some(Err(inner._error))
return Ok(None())
return {
Ok = Ok,
Err = Err,
Result = Result,
Some = Some,
None = None,
Option = Option,

View file

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
local isRoblox = _VERSION == "Luau"
local isLune = _VERSION:find("Lune") == 1
local deps = if isLune then require(script.Parent.Parent.deps)else require(script.Parent.deps)
local requires = deps(isRoblox, isLune)
local util = require(script.Parent.util)
local Signal = util.Signal
type Signal<T...> = util.Signal<T...>
local task = requires.task
local result = require(script.Parent.result)
type Result<T, E> = result.Result<T, E>
local Ok = result.Ok
local Err = result.Err
local option = require(script.Parent.option)
type Option<T> = option.Option<T>
local None = option.None
local Some = option.Some
@class Future
A future represents an asynchronous computation.
A future is a value that might not have finished computing yet. This kind of asynchronous value
makes it possible for a thread to continue doing useful work while it waits for the value to
become available.
### The [Future:poll] Method
The core method of future, poll, attempts to resolve the future into a final value. This method does
not block if the value is not ready. Instead, the current task is executed in the background, and
its progress is reported when polled. When using a future, you generally wont call poll directly,
but instead [Future:await] the value.
local net = require("@lune/net")
local fut: Future<Result<string, string>> = Future.try(function(url)
local resp = net.request({
url = url,
method = "GET",
return resp.body
end, { "" })
local resp: Result<string, string> = fut:await()
local Future = {}
@type Status "initialized" | "pending" | "cancelled" | "ready"
@within Future
Represents the status of a [Future].
export type Status = "initialized" | "pending" | "cancelled" | "ready"
@interface Future<T>
@within Future
Represents the internal state of a [Future].
@field _thread thread -- The background coroutine spawned for execution
@field _ret T -- The value returned once execution has halted
@field _spawnEvt Signal<()> -- Event for internal communication among threads pre execution
@field _retEvt Signal<T | Result<T, string>, Status> -- Event for internal communication among threads post execution
@field _status Status -- The status of the Future
export type Future<T> = typeof(Future) & {
_ret: T,
_thread: thread,
_spawnEvt: Signal<()>,
_retEvt: Signal<T | Result<T, string>, Status>,
_status: Status
local function _constructor<T>(fn: (Signal<()>, Signal<T, Status>) -> ())
return setmetatable(
_thread = coroutine.create(fn),
_spawnEvt =,
-- This is a hack to make luau realize that this object and
-- Future<T> are related
_retEvt = :: Signal<T | Result<T, string>, Status>,
_status = "initialized",
} :: Future<T>,
__index = Future,
@within Future
Constructs a [Future] from a function to be run asynchronously.
If a the provided function has the possibility to throw an error, instead of any
other rusty-luau types like [Result] or [Option], use [Future:try] instead.
@param fn -- The function to be executed asynchronously
@param args -- The arguments table to be passed to to the function
@return Future<T> -- The constructed future
function<T>(fn: (...any) -> T, args: { any })
return _constructor(function(spawnEvt: Signal<()>, retEvt: Signal<T, Status>)
local ret = fn(table.unpack(args))
retEvt:Fire(ret, "ready")
@within Future
Constructs a fallible [Future] from a function to be run asynchronously.
@param fn -- The fallible function to be executed asynchronously
@param args -- The arguments table to be passed to to the function
@return Future<Result<T>> -- The constructed future
function Future.try<T>(fn: (...any) -> T, args: { any })
return _constructor(function(spawnEvt: Signal<()>, retEvt: Signal<Result<T, string>, Status>)
local ok, ret = pcall(fn, table.unpack(args))
local res: Result<T, string> = if ok then Ok(ret) else Err(ret)
retEvt:Fire(res, "ready")
@within Future
Polls a [Future] to completion.
@param self Future<T>
@return (Status, Option<T>) -- Returns the [Status] and an optional return if completed
function Future.poll<T>(self: Future<T>): (Status, Option<T>)
if self._status == "initialized" then
self._retEvt:Connect(function(firedRet, status: Status)
self._status = status
self._ret = firedRet
-- Cleanup
self._status = "pending"
coroutine.resume(self._thread, self._spawnEvt, self._retEvt)
if self._status == "pending" then
-- Just wait a bit more for the signal to fire
local retOpt = if self._ret == nil then None() else Some(self._ret)
return self._status, retOpt
@within Future
Cancels a [Future].
@param self Future<T>
function Future.cancel<T>(self: Future<T>)
self._retEvt:Fire(nil :: any, "cancelled")
self._status = "cancelled"
@within Future
Suspend execution until the result of a [Future] is ready.
This method continuosly polls a [Future] until it reaches completion.
@param self Future<T>
@return T -- The value returned by the function on completion
function Future.await<T>(self: Future<T>): Option<T>
while true do
local status: Status, ret: Option<T> = self:poll()
if status == "ready" then
-- Safe to unwrap, we know it must not be nil
return ret
return Future

View file

@ -1,918 +0,0 @@
local tableEq = require(script.Parent.util).tableEq
@class Option
Type [Option] represents an optional value: every [Option] is either [Option:Some]
and contains a value, or [Option:None], and does not. Common uses of an [Option]
may involve:
* Initial values
* Return values for functions that are not defined over their entire input range (partial functions)
* Return value for otherwise reporting simple errors, where None is returned on error
* Optional object fields
* Values that can be loaned or taken
* Optional function arguments
function divide(numerator: number, denominator: number): Option<number>
if denominator == 0 then
return Some(numerator / denominator)
local Option = {}
export type Option<T> = typeof(Option) & {
_optValue: T?,
typeId: "Option"
@within Option
No value.
function None<T>(): Option<T>
return :: Option<T>
@within Option
Some value of type `T`.
function Some<T>(val: T): Option<T>
return :: Option<T>
@within Option
Converts a potentially `nil` value into an [Option].
@param val T? -- The value to convert into an [Option]
@return Option<T>
function<T>(val: T?)
return setmetatable(
_optValue = val,
typeId = "Option",
} :: Option<T>,
__index = Option,
__tostring = function<T>(self: Option<T>)
if self._optValue == nil then
return `{self.typeId}::None`
return `{self.typeId}::Some({self._optValue})`
__eq = function<T>(self: Option<T>, other: Option<T>): boolean
if typeof(self._optValue) == "table" and typeof(other._optValue) == "table" then
return tableEq(self._optValue, other._optValue)
return self._optValue == other._optValue
__lt = function<T>(self: Option<T>, other: Option<T>): boolean
if self:isSome() and other:isSome() then
return (self._optValue :: any) < (other._optValue :: any)
return false
__le = function<T>(self: Option<T>, other: Option<T>): boolean
if self:isSome() and other:isSome() then
return (self._optValue :: any) <= (other._optValue :: any)
return false
-- TODO: Implement __iter, once iterators traits exist
@within Option
Returns `true` is the [Option] is an [Option:Some] value.
@param self Option<T>
@return boolean
function Option.isSome<T>(self: Option<T>): boolean
return self._optValue ~= nil
@within Option
Returns `true` is the [Option] is an [Option:Some] value and the value inside of it
matches a predicate.
@param self Option<T>
@param op (val: T) -> boolean -- The predicate function
@return boolean
function Option.isSomeAnd<T>(self: Option<T>, op: (val: T) -> boolean): boolean
-- We know that it's not None, so this is fine
return self:isSome() and op(self._optValue :: T)
@within Option
Returns `true` is the [Option] is an [Option:None] value.
@param self Option<T>
@return boolean
function Option.isNone<T>(self: Option<T>): boolean
return not self:isSome()
@within Option
Returns the [Option:Some].
@error panic -- Panics if there is an [Option:None] with a custom panic message provided by `msg`.
local x: Option<string> = Some("value")
assert(x:expect("fruits are healthy") == "value")
local x: Option<string> = None()
x:expect("fruits are healthy") -- panics with `fruits are healthy`
@param self Option<T>
@param msg string -- The panic message
@return boolean
function Option.expect<T>(self: Option<T>, msg: string): T | never
if self:isSome() then
return self._optValue :: T
return error(`panic: {msg}; expected Option to be type Option::Some(T), got Option::None`)
@within Option
Returns the [Option:Some].
Because this function may panic, its use is generally discouraged. Instead, prefer to use
[Option:unwrapOr], [Option:unwrapOrElse], or [Option:unwrapOrDefault].
@error panic -- Panics if the self value is [Option:None].
@param self Option<T>
@return T | never
function Option.unwrap<T>(self: Option<T>): T | never
if self:isSome() then
return self._optValue :: T
return error("called `Option:unwrap()` on a `None` value")
@within Option
Returns the contained [Option:Some] value or a provided default.
Arguments passed to unwrap_or are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result of
a function call, it is recommended to use [Option:unwrapOrElse], which is lazily
assert(Some("car"):unwrapOr("bike") == "car")
assert(None():unwrapOr("bike") == "bike")
@param self Option<T>
@param default T -- The default value
@return T
function Option.unwrapOr<T>(self: Option<T>, default: T): T
if self:isSome() then
return self._optValue :: T
return default
@within Option
Returns the contained [Option:Some] value or computes it from a function.
local k = 10
return 2 * k
end) == 4)
return 2 * k
end) == 20)
@param self Option<T>
@param default () -> T -- The function which computes the default value
@return T
function Option.unwrapOrElse<T>(self: Option<T>, default: () -> T): T
if self:isSome() then
return self._optValue :: T
return default()
@within Option
Maps an [Option]<T> to [Option]<U> by applying a function to a contained value
(if [Option:Some]) or returns [Option:None](if [Option:None]).
local maybeSomeString: Option<string> = Some("Hello, World!")
local maybeSomeLen: Option<number> = maybeSomeString:map(function(s)
return #s
assert(maybeSomeLen == 13)
local x: Option<string> = None()
return #s
end) == None())
@param self Option<T>
@param op (x: T) -> U? -- The function to apply
@return Option<U>
function<T, U>(self: Option<T>, op: (x: T) -> U?): Option<U>
if self:isSome() then
local val = op(self._optValue :: T)
if val == nil then
return None()
return Some(val)
return None()
@within Option
Calls the provided closure with the contained value (if [Option:Some]).
local v = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
-- prints "got: 4"
local x: Option<number> =[4]):inspect(function(x)
print("got: " .. x)
-- prints nothing
local x: Option<number> =[5]):inspect(function(x)
print("got: " .. x)
@param self Option<T>
@param op (x: T) -> () -- The function to call
@return Option<T>
function Option.inspect<T>(self: Option<T>, op: (x: T) -> ()): Option<T>
if self:isSome() then
op(self._optValue :: T)
return self
@within Option
Returns the provided default result (if none), or applies a function to
the contained value (if any).
Arguments passed to [Option:mapOr] are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the
result of a function call, it is recommended to use [Option:mapOrElse],
which is lazily evaluated.
local x: Option<string> = Some("foo")
assert(x.mapOr(42, function(v) return #v end) == 3)
local x: Option<string> = None()
assert(x.mapOr(42, function(v) return #v end) == 42)
@param self Option<T>
@param default U -- The default value
@param op (val: T) -> U -- The function to apply
@return Option<T>
function Option.mapOr<T, U>(self: Option<T>, default: U, op: (val: T) -> U)
if self:isSome() then
return op(self._optValue :: T)
return default
@within Option
Computes a default function result (if none), or applies a different function
to the contained value (if any).
local k = 21;
local x: Option<string> = Some("foo")
function() return 2 * k end,
function(v) return #v end
) == 3
local x: Option<string> = None()
function() return 2 * k end,
function(v) return #v end
) == 42
@param self Option<T>
@param default () -> U -- The function to compute the default value
@param op (val: T) -> U -- The function to apply
@return Option<T>
function Option.mapOrElse<T, U>(self: Option<T>, default: () -> U, op: (val: T) -> U): U
if self:isSome() then
return op(self._optValue :: T)
return default()
-- TODO: Iterator traits
function Option.iter(): never
return error("Unimplemented: `Option:iter()`")
@within Option
Returns [Option:None] if the option is [Option:None], otherwise returns `optb`.
Arguments passed to and are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result of a
function call, it is recommended to use [Option:andThen], which is lazily evaluated.
local x: Option<number> = Some(2)
local y: Option<String> = None()
assert(x:and_(y) == None())
local x: Option<number> = None()
local y: Option<string> = Some("foo")
assert(x:and_(y) == None())
local x: Option<number> = Some(2)
local y: Option<string> = Some("foo")
assert(x:and_(y) == Some("foo"))
local x: Option<u32> = None()
local y: Option<string> = None()
assert(x:and_(y), None())
@param self Option<T>
@param optb Option<U> -- The other option
@return Option<U>
function Option.and_<T, U>(self: Option<T>, optb: Option<U>): Option<U>
if self:isSome() then
return optb
return None()
@within Option
Returns [Option:None] if the option is [Option:None], otherwise calls `op` with the wrapped
value and returns the result.
Some languages call this operation flatmap.
function sqThenToString(x: number): Option<string>
return ^ 2):map(function(sq)
return tostring(sq)
assert(Some(2):andThen(sqThenToString) == Some(tostring(4)))
assert(None():andThen(sqThenToString) == None())
Often used to chain fallible operations that may return [Option:None].
local arr2d = { { "A0", "A1" }, { "B0", "B1" } }
local item01: Option<string> =[1]):andThen(function(row)
return row[2]
assert(item01 == Some("A1"))
local item20: Option<string> =[3]):andThen(function(row)
return row[0]
assert(item20 == None())
@param self Option<T>
@param op (val: T) -> Option<U> -- The function to call
@return Option<U>
function Option.andThen<T, U>(self: Option<T>, op: (val: T) -> Option<U>): Option<U>
if self:isSome() then
return op(self._optValue :: T)
return None()
@within Option
Returns [Option:None] if the option is [Option:None], otherwise calls `predicate` with
the wrapped value and returns:
* [Option:Some](t) if predicate returns `true` (where `t` is the wrapped value), and
* [Option:None] if predicate returns `false`.
function isEven(n: number): boolean
return n % 2 == 0
assert(None():filter(isEven) == None())
assert(Some(3):filter(isEven) == None())
assert(Some(4):filter(isEven) == Some(4))
@param self Option<T>
@param predicate (val: T) -> boolean -- The predicate function which must match an element
@return Option<T>
function Option.filter<T>(self: Option<T>, predicate: (val: T) -> boolean): Option<T>
if self:isSome() then
if predicate(self._optValue :: T) then
return self
return None()
@within Option
Returns the option if it contains a value, otherwise returns `optb`.
Arguments passed to [Option:or_] are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result of
a function call, it is recommended to use [Option:orElse], which is lazily
local x: Option<number> = Some(2)
local y: Option<number> = None()
assert(x:or_(y) == Some(2))
local x: Option<number> = None()
local y: Option<number> = Some(100)
assert(x:or_(y) == Some(100))
local x: Option<number> = Some(2)
local y: Option<number> = Some(100)
assert(x:or_(y) == Some(2))
local x: Option<number> = None()
local y: Option<number> = None()
assert(x:or_(y), None())
@param self Option<T>
@param optb Option<T> -- The other option
@return Option<T>
function Option.or_<T>(self: Option<T>, optb: Option<T>): Option<T>
if self:isSome() then
return self
return optb
@within Option
Returns the option if it contains a value, otherwise calls `op` and returns the result.
function nobody(): Option<string>
return None()
function vikings(): Option<string>
return Some("vikings")
assert(Some("barbarians"):orElse(vikings) == Some("barbarians"))
assert(None():orElse(vikings) == Some("vikings"))
assert(None():orElse(nobody) == None())
@param self Option<T>
@param op () -> Option<T> -- The function to call
@return Option<T>
function Option.orElse<T>(self: Option<T>, op: () -> Option<T>): Option<T>
if self:isSome() then
return self
return op()
@within Option
Returns [Option:Some] if exactly one of `self`, `optb` is [Option:Some],
otherwise returns [Option:None].
local x: Option<number> = Some(2)
local y: Option<number> = None()
assert(x:xor(y) == Some(2))
local x: Option<number> = None()
local y: Option<number> = Some(2)
assert(x:xor(y) == Some(2))
local x: Option<number> = Some(2)
local y: Option<number> = Some(2)
assert(x:xor(y) == None())
local x: Option<number> = None()
local y: Option<number> = None()
assert(x:xor(y) == None())
@param self Option<T>
@param optb Option<T> -- The other option
@return Option<T>
function Option.xor<T>(self: Option<T>, optb: Option<T>): Option<T>
if self:isSome() and optb:isSome() then
return None()
if self:isSome() then
return self
elseif optb:isSome() then
return optb
return None()
@within Option
Inserts value into the option, then returns it.
If the option already contains a value, the old value is dropped.
See also [Option:getOrInsert], which doesnt update the value if the
option already contains [Option:Some].
local opt: Option<number> = None()
local val: number = opt:insert(1)
assert(val == 1)
assert(opt:unwrap() == 1)
local val: number = opt:insert(2)
assert(val == 2)
@param self Option<T>
@param val T -- The value to insert
@return T
function Option.insert<T>(self: Option<T>, val: T): T
self._optValue = val
return self._optValue :: T
@within Option
Inserts value into the option, then returns it.
If the option already contains a value, the old value is dropped.
See also [Option:getOrInsert], which doesnt update the value if the
option already contains [Option:Some].
local opt: Option<number> = None()
local val: number = opt:insert(1)
assert(val == 1)
assert(opt:unwrap() == 1)
local val: number = opt:insert(2)
assert(val == 2)
@param self Option<T>
@param val T -- The value to insert
@return T
function Option.getOrInsert<T>(self: Option<T>, val: T): T
if self:isNone() then
self._optValue = val
return self._optValue :: T
@within Option
Takes the value out of the option, leaving an [Option:None] in its place.
local x: Option<number> = Some(2)
local y: Option<number> = x.take()
assert(x == None())
assert(y == Some(2))
local x: Option<number> = None()
local y: Option<number> = x.take()
assert(x == None())
assert(y == None())
@param self Option<T>
@return Option<T>
function Option.take<T>(self: Option<T>): Option<T>
if self:isSome() then
local val = self._optValue :: T
self._optValue = nil
return Some(val)
return None()
@within Option
Replaces the actual value in the option by the value given in parameter, returning
the old value if present, leaving an [Option:Some] in its place without
deinitializing either one.
local x: Option<number> = Some(2)
local old: Option<number> = x:replace(5)
assert(x == Some(5))
assert(old == Some(2))
local x: Option<number> = None()
local old: Option<number> = x:replace(3)
assert(x == Some(3))
assert(old == None())
@param self Option<T>
@param val T
@return Option<T>
function Option.replace<T>(self: Option<T>, val: T): Option<T>
local current: Option<T> = self
self._optValue = val
if current:isNone() then
return current
return Some(current._optValue :: T)
@within Option
Returns true if `val` is contained in the [Option:Some].
local x: Option<number> = Some(2)
local y: Option<number> = None()
assert(not y:contains(2))
@param self Option<T>
@param val T
@return boolean
function Option.contains<T>(self: Option<T>, val: T): boolean
if self:isSome() then
return self._optValue == val
return false
@within Option
Zips `self` with another [Option].
If `self` is [Option:Some](s) and other is [Option:Some](o), this method returns
[Option:Some]({s, o}). Otherwise, [Option:None] is returned.
local x: Option<number> = Some(1)
local y: Option<string> = Some("hi")
local z: Option<number> = None()
assert(x:zip(y) == Some({ 1, "hi" }))
assert(x:zip(z) == None())
@param self Option<T>
@param other Option>U>
@return Option<{T | U}>
function<T, U>(self: Option<T>, other: Option<U>): Option<{ T | U }>
if self:isSome() and other:isSome() then
return Some({ self._optValue, other._optValue })
return None()
@within Option
Zips `self` and another [Option] with function `op`.
If `self` is [Option:Some](s) and other is [Option:Some](o), this method returns
[Option:Some](op(s, o)). Otherwise, [Option:None] is returned.
type Point = {
x: number,
y: number,
local Point: Point & {
new: (x: number, y: number) -> Point,
} = {}
function number, y: number): Point
return {
x = x,
y = y,
local xCoord: Option<number> = Some(17.5)
local yCoord: Option<number> = Some(42.7)
assert(xCoord:zipWith(yCoord,, Some({ x = 17.5, y = 42.7 }))
assert(x:zipWith(None(),, None())
@param self Option<T>
@param other Option>U>
@param op (x: T, y: U) -> R?
@return Option<R>
function Option.zipWith<T, U, R>(self: Option<T>, other: Option<U>, op: (x: T, y: U) -> R?): Option<R>
if self:isSome() and other:isSome() then
local computed = op(self._optValue :: T, other._optValue :: U)
if computed ~= nil then
return Some(computed :: R)
return None()
@within Option
Unzips an option containing a table of two options.
If `self` is `Some({a, b})` this method returns `(Some(a), Some(b))`.
Otherwise, `(None(), None())` is returned.
local x: Option<{ number | string }> = Some({ 1, "hi" })
local y: Option<{ number }> = None()
assert((x:unzip() == Some(1), Some("hi")))
assert((y:unzip() == None(), None()))
@param self Option<T>
@return (Option<A>, Option<B>)
function Option.unzip<T, A, B>(self: Option<T>): (Option<A>, Option<B>)
if self:isSome() then
if self:isSome() and typeof(self._optValue) == "table" and #self._optValue == 2 then
return Some(self._optValue[1] :: A), Some(self._optValue[2] :: B)
return None(), None()
@within Option
Returns the inner value wrapped by the [Option].
local x: Option<string> = Some("lol")
local y: Option<string> = None()
assert(x:unwrapUnchecked() == "lol")
assert(y:unwrapUnchecked() == nil)
@param self Option<T>
@return T?
function Option.unwrapUnchecked<T>(self: Option<T>): T?
return self._optValue
@within Option
Returns a formatted representation of the option, often
used for printing to stdout.
local x: Option<number> = Some(123)
local y: Option<number> = None()
print(x:display()) -- prints `Option::Some(123)`
print(y:display()) -- prints `Option::None`
@param self Option<T>
@return string
function Option.display<T>(self: Option<T>): string
return tostring(self)
return {
Option = Option,
Some = Some,
None = None,

View file

@ -1,900 +0,0 @@
local tableEq = require(script.Parent.util).tableEq
@class Result
Error handling with the [Result] type.
[Result]`<T, E>` is the type used for returning a possible error. It is a class with the
constructor variants, [Result:Ok]`(T)`, representing success and containing a value, and
[Result:Err]`(E)`, representing error and containing an error value.
local result: Result<number, string>
-- Both variants `Ok` and `Err` fit into the type
result = Ok(21)
result = Err("some error")
Functions return [Result] whenever errors are expected and recoverable.
A simple function returning [Result] might be defined and used like so:
local PAT = "v(%d+)"
function parseVersion(str: string): Result<number, string>
local version: number = string.match(str, PAT)
if version == 0 then
return Err("Version cannot be zero")
else if version == nil then
return Err("Invalid string")
return Ok(version)
print("Successful result: " .. parseVersion("v12"):display())
print("Error result: " .. parseVersion("vString"):display())
[Result] comes with some convenience methods that make working with it more succinct.
local goodResult: Result<number, number> = Ok(10)
local badResult: Result<number, number> = Err(10)
-- The `isOk`and `isErr` methods do what they say.
assert(goodResult:isOk() and not goodResult:isErr())
assert(badResult:isErr() and not badResult:isOk())
-- `map` produces a new result from an existing one
goodResult = goodResult:map(function(i) return i + 1 end)
badResult = badResult:map(function(i) return i - 1 end)
-- Use `and_then` to continue the computation.
local anotherGoodResult: Result<boolean, number> = goodResult:andThen(function(i) return Ok(i == 11) end)
-- Use `or_else` to handle the error
local badResult: Result<number, number> = bad_result:orElse(function(i) return Ok(i + 20) end)
-- Get the internal `Ok` value and panic if there is an `Err`
local finalAwesomeResult: boolean = anotherGoodResult:unwrap()
local Result = {}
export type Result<T, E> = typeof(Result) & {
_value: T,
_error: E,
typeId: "Result"
@within Result
Contains the success value.
@param val T
@return Result<T, E>
function Ok<T, E>(val: T): Result<T, E>
return, (nil :: unknown) :: E)
@within Result
Contains the error value.
@param err E
@return Result<T, E>
function Err<T, E>(err: E): Result<T, E>
return :: unknown) :: T, err)
@within Result
Constructs a [Result]. **For internal use only**.
For user consumption, see [Result:Ok] and [Result:Err].
@param err E
@return Result<T, E>
function<T, E>(val: T, err: E)
return setmetatable(
_value = val,
_error = err,
typeId = "Result",
} :: Result<T, E>,
__index = Result,
__tostring = function<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>)
if self:isOk() then
return `{self.typeId}::Ok({self._value})`
if self:isErr() then
return `{self.typeId}::Err({self._error})`
return `{self.typeId}<T, E>`
__eq = function<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>, other: Result<T, E>)
typeof(self._value) ~= "table"
and typeof(self._error) ~= "table"
and typeof(other._value) ~= "table"
and typeof(other._error) ~= "table"
return self._value == other._value and self._error == other._error
return tableEq(self._value, other._value) and tableEq(self._error, other._error)
-- TODO: Implement equality and arithmetic metamethods
-- TODO: Implement __iter, once iterators traits exist
@within Result
Returns `true` if the result is [Result:Ok].
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(3)
x = Err("Some error message")
assert(not x:isOk())
@param self Result<T, E>
@return boolean
function Result.isOk<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>): boolean
if self._value == nil then
return false
return true
@within Result
Returns `true` if the result is [Result:Ok] and the value inside it matches a
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
assert(x:isOkAnd(function(x) return x > 1 end))
x = Ok(0)
assert(not x:isOkAnd(function(x) return x > 1 end))
x = Err("hey")
assert(not x:isOkAnd(function(x) return x > 1 end))
@param self Result<T, E>
@param predicate (val: T?) -> boolean
@return boolean
function Result.isOkAnd<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>, predicate: (val: T?) -> boolean): boolean
return self:isOk() and predicate(self._value)
@within Result
Returns `true` if the result is [Result:Err].
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(3)
assert(not x:isErr())
x = Err("Some error message")
@param self Result<T, E>
@return boolean
function Result.isErr<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>)
return not self:isOk()
@within Result
Returns `true` if the result is [Result:Err] and the value inside it matches a
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
assert(not x:isErrAnd(function(x) return x > 1 end))
x = Err(3)
assert(x:isErrAnd(function(x) return x > 1 end))
x = Err("hey")
assert(not x:isErrAnd(function(x) return x > 1 end))
@param self Result<T, E>
@param predicate (val: T?) -> boolean
@return boolean
function Result.isErrAnd<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>, predicate: (val: E) -> boolean): boolean
if self:isErr() then
return predicate(self._error)
return false
@within Result
Maps a [Result]<T, E> to [Result]<U, E> by applying a function to a contained [Result:Ok] value,
leaving an [Result:Err] value untouched.
This function can be used to compose the results of two functions.
local lines = "1\n2\n3\n4\n"
function parseInt(x: string): Result<number, string>
local num = tonumber(x)
if num == nil then
return Err("not an integer")
return Ok(num)
for line in lines:split("\n") do
local number = parseInt(line)
if number:isOk() then
print("not a number!")
@param self Result<T, E>
@param op (val: T) -> U
@return Result<U, E>
function<T, E, U>(self: Result<T, E>, op: (val: T) -> U): Result<U, E>
if self:isOk() then
return, self._error) :: Result<U, E>
return Err(self._error)
@within Result
Returns the provided default (if [Result:Err]), or applies a function to
the contained value (if [Result:Ok]).
Arguments passed to [Result:mapOr] are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the
result of a function call, it is recommended to use [Result:mapOrElse], which is
lazily evaluated.
local x: Result<string, string> = Ok("foo")
assert(x:mapOr("bar", string.upper) == "FOO")
x = Err("foo")
assert(x:mapOr("bar", string.upper) == "bar")
@param self Result<T, E>
@param default U
@param op (val: T) -> U
@return U
function Result.mapOr<T, E, U>(self: Result<T, E>, default: U, op: (val: T) -> U): U
if self:isOk() then
return op(self._value)
return default
@within Result
Maps a [Result]<T, E> to U by applying fallback function default to a contained
[Result:Err] value, or function f to a contained [Result:Ok] value.
This function can be used to unpack a successful result while handling an error.
local x: Result<string, string> = Ok("foo")
assert(x:mapOrElse(function(x) return "error: ".. x end, string.upper) == "FOO")
x = Err("foo")
assert(x:mapOrElse(function(x) return "error: ".. x end, string.upper) == "error: foo")
@param self Result<T, E>
@param default (val: E) -> U
@param op (val: T) -> U
@return U
function Result.mapOrElse<T, E, U>(self: Result<T, E>, default: (val: E) -> U, op: (val: T) -> U): U
if self:isOk() then
return op(self._value)
return default(self._error)
@within Result
Maps a [Result]<T, E> to [Result]<T, F> by applying a function to a contained
[Result:Err] value, leaving an [Result:Ok] value untouched.
This function can be used to pass through a successful result while handling an
local function stringify(x: number): string
return string.format("error code: %d", x)
local x: Result<number, number> = Ok(2)
assert(x:mapErr(stringify) == Ok(2))
x = Err(13)
assert(x:mapErr(stringify) == Err("error code: 13"))
@param self Result<T, E>
@param op (val: E) -> F
@return Result<T, F>
function Result.mapErr<T, E, F>(self: Result<T, E>, op: (val: E) -> F): Result<T, F>
if self:isErr() then
return, op(self._error))
return Ok(self._value)
@within Result
Calls the provided closure with a reference to the contained value
(if [Result:Ok]).
function parseInt(x: string): Result<number, string>
local num = tonumber(x)
if num == nil then
return Err("not an integer")
return Ok(num)
local x = parseInt("4")
:inspect(function(x) print("original: " .. x) end)
:map(function(x) return x ^ 3 end)
:expect("not an integer")
@param self Result<T, E>
@param op (val: E) -> ()
@return Result<T, E>
function Result.inspect<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>, op: (val: T) -> ()): Result<T, E>
if self:isOk() then
return self
@within Result
Calls the provided closure with a reference to the contained value
(if [Result:Err]).
function parseInt(x: string): Result<number, string>
local num = tonumber(x)
if num == nil then
return Err("not an integer")
return Ok(num)
local x = parseInt("string")
:inspectErr(function(x) print("error: " .. x) end)
:map(function(x) return x ^ 3 end)
@param self Result<T, E>
@param op (val: E) -> ()
@return Result<T, E>
function Result.inspectErr<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>, op: (val: E) -> ()): Result<T, E>
if self:isErr() then
return self
-- TODO: Iterator traits
-- selene: allow(unused_variable)
function Result.iter<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>): never
return error("Unimplemented: `Result:iter()`")
@within Result
Returns the contained [Result:Ok] value, consuming the self value.
Because this function may panic, its use is generally discouraged. Instead,
prefer to use [Result:isErr] and handle the Err case explicitly, or call
[Result:unwrapOr], [Result:unwrapOrElse], or [Result:unwrapOrDefault].
@error panic -- If the value is a [Result:Err], with a panic message including the passed message, and the content of the `Err`.
local x: Result<number, string> = Err("emergency failure")
x:expect("Testing expect") -- panics with message `Testing expect: emergency failure`
## Recommended Message Style
It is recommended that expect messages are used to describe the reason you expect the
[Result] should be [Result:Ok].
local process = require("@lune/process")
local function envVar<T>(var: string): Result<T, string>
local val = process.env[var]
if val == nil then
return Err("environment variable not found")
local path = envVar("IMPORTANT_PATH")
:expect("env variable `IMPORTANT_PATH` should be set by ``")
**Hint**: If youre having trouble remembering how to phrase expect error messages remember to focus
on the word should as in env variable should be set by blah or the given binary should be available
and executable by the current user.
@param self Result<T, E>
@param msg string
@return T | never
function Result.expect<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>, msg: string): T | never
if self:isOk() then
return self._value
return error(`panic: {msg}; {self._error}`)
@within Result
Returns the [Result:Ok].
Because this function may panic, its use is generally discouraged. Instead, prefer to use
[Result:unwrapOr], [Result:unwrapOrElse], or [Result:unwrapOrDefault].
@error panic -- Panics if the value is an [Result:Err], with a panic message provided by the [Result:Err]s value.
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
assert(x:unwrap() == 2)
x = Err("oh no")
x:unwrap() -- panics with `oh no`
@param self Result<T, E>
function Result.unwrap<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>): T | never
if self:isOk() then
return self._value
return error(`panic: \`Result:unwrap()\` called on an \`Err\` value: {self._error}`)
-- TODO: default values for types
-- selene: allow(unused_variable)
function Result.unwrapOrDefault<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>): never
return error("Unimplemented: `Result:unwrapOrDefault()`")
@within Result
Returns the contained [Result:Err].
@error panic -- Panics if the value is an [Result:Ok], with a panic message including the passed message, and the content of the [Resul:Ok].
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(10)
x:expectErr("Testing expect") -- panics with `Testing expect: 10`
@param self Result<T, E>
@param msg string
@return E | never
function Result.expectErr<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>, msg: string): E | never
if self:isErr() then
return self._error
return error(`panic: {msg}; {self._error}`)
@within Result
Returns the contained [Result:Err].
@error panic -- Panics if the value is an [Result:Ok], with a panic message provided by the [Result:Ok]s value.
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
x:unwrapErr() -- panics with `2`
x = Err("oh no")
assert(x:unwrapErr() == "oh no")
@param self Result<T, E>
@return E | never
function Result.unwrapErr<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>): E | never
if self:isErr() then
return self._error
return error(`panic: \`Result:unwrapErr()\` called on an \`Ok\` value: {self._value}`)
-- TODO: How the fuck do I implement this?
-- selene: allow(unused_variable)
function Result.intoOk<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>): never
return error("Unimplemented: `Result:intoOk()`")
-- selene: allow(unused_variable)
function Result.intoErr<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>): never
return error("Unimplemented: `Result:intoErr()`")
@within Result
Returns res if the result is [Result:Ok], otherwise returns the
[Result:Err] value of self.
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
local y: Result<string, string> = Err("late error")
assert(x:and_(y) == Err("late error"))
local x: Result<number, string> = Err("early error")
local y: Result<string, string> = Ok("foo")
assert(x:and_(y) == Err("early error"))
local x: Result<number, string> = Err("not a 2")
local y: Result<string, string> = Err("late error")
assert(x:and_(y) == Err("not a 2"))
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
local y: Result<string, string> = Ok("different result type")
assert(x:and_(y) == Ok("different result type"))
@param self Result<T, E>
@param res Result<U, E>
@return Result<U, E>
function Result.and_<T, E, U>(self: Result<T, E>, res: Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>
if self:isOk() then
return res
return Err(self._error)
@within Result
Calls `op` if the result is [Result:Ok], otherwise returns the
[Result:Err] value of `self`.
This function can be used for control flow based on [Result]
function sqThenToString(x): Result<string, string>
if typeof(sq) ~= "number" then
return Err("not a number: '" .. x .. "'")
return Ok(x ^ 2):map(function(sq)
return tostring(sq)
assert(Ok(2):andThen(sqThenToString) == Ok("4"))
assert(Err("string"):andThen(sqThenToString) == Err("not a number: 'string'"))
Often used to chain fallible operations that may return [Result:Err].
@param self Result<T, E>
@param op (...any) -> any
@return Result<U, E>
function Result.andThen<T, E, U>(self: Result<T, E>, op: (...any) -> any): Result<U, E>
if self:isOk() then
return op(self._value)
return Err(self._error) :: Result<U, E>
@within Result
Calls `op` if the result is [Result:Ok], otherwise returns the
[Result:Err] value of `self`.
This function can be used for control flow based on [Result]
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
local y: Result<number, string> = Err("late error")
assert(x:or_(y) == Ok(2))
local x: Result<number, string> = Err("early error")
local y: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
assert(x:or_(y) == Ok(2))
local x: Result<number, string> = Err("not a 2")
local y: Result<number, string> = Err("late error")
assert(x:or_(y) == Err("late error"))
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
local y: Result<number, string> = Ok(100)
assert(x:or_(y) == Ok(2))
@param self Result<T, E>
@param res Result<T, F>
@return Result<T, F> | never
function Result.or_<T, E, F>(self: Result<T, E>, res: Result<T, F>): Result<T, F> | never
if self:isErr() then
return res
if self:isOk() then
return Ok(self._value) :: Result<T, F>
return error("called `Result:or()` with an invalid value")
@within Result
Calls `op` if the result is [Result:Ok], otherwise returns the
[Result:Err] value of `self`.
This function can be used for control flow based on [Result]
function sq(x: number): Result<number, number>
return Ok(x * x)
function err(x: number): Result<number, number>
return Err(x)
assert(Ok(2):orElse(sq):orElse(sq) == Ok(2))
assert(Ok(2):orElse(err):orElse(sq) == Ok(2))
assert(Err(3):orElse(sq):orElse(err) == Ok(9))
assert(Err(3):orElse(err):orElse(err) == Err(3))
@param self Result<T, E>
@param op (x: E) -> Result<T, U>
@return Result<T, U>
function Result.orElse<T, E, U>(self: Result<T, E>, op: (x: E) -> Result<T, U>): Result<T, U>
if self:isErr() then
return op(self._error)
return Ok(self._value)
@within Result
Returns the contained [Result:Ok] value or a provided default.
Arguments passed to [Result:unwrapOr] are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the
result of a function call, it is recommended to use [Result:unwrapOrElse], which is
lazily evaluated.
local default = 2
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(9)
assert(x:unwrapOr(default), 9)
x = Err("error")
assert(x:unwrapOr(default), default)
@param self Result<T, E>
@param default T
@return T
function Result.unwrapOr<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>, default: T): T
if self:isOk() then
return self._value
return default
@within Result
Returns the contained [Result:Ok] value or computes it from a closure.
function count(x: string): number
return #x
assert(Ok(2):unwrapOrElse(count) == 2))
assert(Err("foo"):unwrapOrElse(count) == 3))
@param self Result<T, E>
@param op (x: E) -> T
@return T
function Result.unwrapOrElse<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>, op: (x: E) -> T): T
if self:isOk() then
return self._value
return op(self._error)
@within Result
Returns true if the [Result:Ok] value is `val`.
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(2)
x = Ok(3)
assert(not x:contains(2))
x = Err(2)
assert(not x:contains(2))
@param self Result<T, E>
@param val T
@return boolean
function Result.contains<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>, val: T): boolean
if self:isOk() then
return self._value == val
return false
@within Result
Returns true if the [Result:Err] value is `err`.
local x: Result<number, string> = Err(2)
x = Err(3)
assert(not x:containsErr(2))
x = Ok(2)
assert(not x:containsErr(2))
@param self Result<T, E>
@param err E
@return boolean
function Result.containsErr<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>, err: E): boolean
if self:isErr() then
return self._error == err
return false
@within Result
Returns a formatted representation of the result, often
used for printing to stdout.
local x: Result<number, string> = Ok(123)
local y: Result<number, string> = Err("error")
print(x:display()) -- prints `Result::Ok(123)`
print(y:display()) -- prints `Result::Err("error")`
@param self Result<T, E>
@return string
function Result.display<T, E>(self: Result<T, E>): string
return tostring(self)
return {
Ok = Ok,
Err = Err,
Result = Result,

View file

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
local isRoblox = _VERSION == "Luau"
local isLune = _VERSION:find("Lune") == 1
local deps = if isLune then require(script.Parent.Parent.deps)elseif isRoblox then require(script.Parent.deps) else error("Unsupported Runtime!")
local requires = deps(isRoblox, isLune)
local LuauSignal: {
new: <T...>() -> Signal<T...>
} = requires.signal
export type Signal<T...> = {
Fire: (self: Signal<T...>,T...) -> (),
Connect: (self: Signal<T...>, callback: (T...) -> ()) -> () -> (),
Once: (self: Signal<T...>, callback: (T...) -> ()) -> () -> (),
DisconnectAll: (self: Signal<T...>) -> ()
-- From
local function tableEq(tbl1, tbl2)
-- if tbl1 == tbl2 then
-- return true
-- elseif type(tbl1) == "table" and type(tbl2) == "table" then
-- for key1, value1 in pairs(tbl1) do
-- local value2 = tbl2[key1]
-- if value2 == nil then
-- -- avoid the type call for missing keys in tbl2 by directly comparing with nil
-- return false
-- elseif value1 ~= value2 then
-- if type(value1) == "table" and type(value2) == "table" then
-- if not tableEq(value1, value2) then
-- return false
-- end
-- else
-- return false
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- -- check for missing keys in tbl1
-- for key2, _ in pairs(tbl2) do
-- if tbl1[key2] == nil then
-- return false
-- end
-- end
-- return true
-- end
-- return false
return true
local RobloxEvent = {}
type RobloxEvent<T...> = Signal<T...> & {
_inner: BindableEvent
local instance ="BindableEvent")
instance.Parent = script
instance.Name = tostring({}):split(" ")[2]
return setmetatable({
_inner = instance
}, {
__index = RobloxEvent
function RobloxEvent.Fire<T...>(self: RobloxEvent<T...>, ...: T...)
return self._inner:Fire(...)
function RobloxEvent.Connect<T...>(self: RobloxEvent<T...>, callback: (T...) -> ())
local conn = self._inner.Event:Connect(callback)
return {
DisconnectAll = function<T...>(self: RobloxEvent<T...>)
function RobloxEvent.Once<T...>(self: RobloxEvent<T...>, callback: (T...) -> ())
local conn = self._inner.Event:Connect(callback)
return {
DisconnectAll = function<T...>(self: RobloxEvent<T...>)
return {
tableEq = tableEq,
Signal = setmetatable({}, {
__index = if isLune then LuauSignal elseif isRoblox then RobloxEvent else error("Unsupported runtime!"),