An IDL compiler written in Luau for ROBLOX buffer networking
# Performance
Blink aims to generate the most performant and bandwidth-efficient code for your specific experience, but what does this mean?
It means lower bandwidth usage directly resulting in **lower ping\*** experienced by players and secondly, it means **lower CPU usage** compared to more generalized networking solutions.
*\* In comparison to standard ROBLOX networking, this may not always be the case but should never result in increased ping times.*
Benchmarks are available here [here](./benchmark/Benchmarks.md).
# Security
Blink does two things to combat bad actors:
1. Data sent by clients will be **validated** on the receiving side before reaching any critical game code.
2. As a result of the compression done by Blink it becomes **significantly harder** to snoop on your game's network traffic. Long gone are the days of skids using RemoteSpy to snoop on your game's traffic.
# Get Started
Head over to the [installation](https://1axen.github.io/blink/getting-started/1-installation) page to get started with Blink.
# Credits
Credits to [Zap](https://zap.redblox.dev/) for the range and array syntax
Credits to [ArvidSilverlock](https://github.com/ArvidSilverlock) for the float16 implementation
Studio plugin auto completion icons are sourced from [Microsoft](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-icons) and are under the [CC BY 4.0](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-icons/blob/main/LICENSE) license.
Speed icons created by alkhalifi design - Flaticon