--> lib: Builder pattern class to spawn child processes local stdio = require("@lune/stdio") local process = require("@lune/process") local Option = require("../lune_packages/option") type Option = Option.Option local CommandBuilder = {} export type CommandBuilder = typeof(setmetatable({} :: CommandBuilderFields, { __index = CommandBuilder })) type CommandBuilderFields = { program: string, args: { string }, env: { [string]: string }, stdioStrategy: Option, } export type StdioStrategy = "pipe" | "forward" | "none" export type IoStrategyMapping = { stdout: Option, stderr: Option, } local DEFAULT_STDIO_STRATEGY: IoStrategyMapping = { stdout = Option.Some("pipe" :: StdioStrategy), stderr = Option.Some("pipe" :: StdioStrategy), } function CommandBuilder.new(program: string) return setmetatable( { program = program, args = {}, env = {}, stdioStrategy = Option.None :: Option, } :: CommandBuilderFields, { __index = CommandBuilder, } ) end function CommandBuilder.withArg(self: CommandBuilder, arg: string): CommandBuilder table.insert(self.args, arg) return self end function CommandBuilder.withArgs(self: CommandBuilder, args: { string }): CommandBuilder for _, arg in args do self:withArg(arg) end return self end function CommandBuilder.withEnvVar(self: CommandBuilder, var: string, value: string): CommandBuilder self.env[var] = value return self end function CommandBuilder.withEnv(self: CommandBuilder, env: { [string]: string }): CommandBuilder for var, value in env do self:withEnvVar(var, value) end return self end function CommandBuilder.withStdioStrategy( self: CommandBuilder, strategy: StdioStrategy | IoStrategyMapping ): CommandBuilder self.stdioStrategy = Option.Some(if typeof(strategy) == "string" then { stdout = Option.Some(strategy), stderr = Option.Some(strategy), } else strategy) :: Option return self end local function intoSpawnOptionsStdioKind(strategy: StdioStrategy): process.SpawnOptionsStdioKind if strategy == "pipe" then return "default" end if strategy == "forward" then return "forward" end if strategy == "none" then return "none" end error(`Non-strategy provided: {strategy}`) end function CommandBuilder.exec(self: CommandBuilder): process.SpawnResult print( stdio.style("bold") .. "$", stdio.style("dim") .. self.program, table.concat(self.args, " ") .. stdio.style("reset") ) local child = process.spawn(self.program, self.args, { shell = if process.os == "windows" then "cmd.exe" else "bash", stdio = self.stdioStrategy :orOpt(Option.Some(DEFAULT_STDIO_STRATEGY)) :map(function(mappings: IoStrategyMapping) local translatedMappings: process.SpawnOptionsStdio = {} for field, value in mappings do translatedMappings[field] = intoSpawnOptionsStdioKind((value :: Option):unwrap()) end return translatedMappings end) :unwrap(), }) if not child.ok then print(`\n{stdio.color("red")}[luau-lsp]{stdio.color("reset")} Exited with code`, child.code) end return child end return CommandBuilder