local stdio = require("@lune/stdio") local frktest = require("../../lune_packages/frktest") local Reporter = frktest._reporters.lune_console_reporter local watch = require("../lib/channel") local STYLE = table.freeze({ suite = function(name: string) return `{stdio.style("bold")}{stdio.color("purple")}SUITE{stdio.style("reset")} {name}` end, report = function(name: string, state: "run" | "success" | "error" | "skip", elapsed: number) local state_color: stdio.Color = if state == "run" then "white" elseif state == "success" then "green" elseif state == "error" then "red" elseif state == "skip" then "yellow" else error("Invalid test state") return ` {stdio.style("bold")}{stdio.color(state_color)}{if state == "skip" then "SKIP" else "TEST"}{stdio.style( "reset" )} {name} [{stdio.style("dim")}{string.format("%.2fms", elapsed)}{stdio.style("reset")}]` end, }) local ReporterExt = {} function ReporterExt.init() frktest.test.on_suite_enter(function(suite) print(STYLE.suite(suite.name)) end) frktest.test.on_suite_leave(function() stdio.write("\n") end) local send_ts, recv_ts = watch((nil :: any) :: number) frktest.test.on_test_enter(function() -- Send over some high precision timestamp when the test starts return send_ts(os.clock()) end) frktest.test.on_test_leave(function(test) print( STYLE.report( test.name, if test.failed then "error" else "success", -- Await receival of the timestamp and convert the difference to ms (os.clock() - recv_ts()) * 1000 ) ) end) frktest.test.on_test_skipped(function(test) print(STYLE.report(test.name, "skip")) end) Reporter.init() end return setmetatable(ReporterExt, { __index = Reporter })