use crate::cli::{ auth::get_token, home_dir, version::{check_for_updates, current_version, get_or_download_version, max_installed_version}, HOME_DIR, }; use anyhow::Context; use clap::Parser; use colored::Colorize; use indicatif::MultiProgress; use indicatif_log_bridge::LogWrapper; use pesde::{AuthConfig, Project}; use std::{fs::create_dir_all, path::PathBuf}; mod cli; pub mod util; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(version, about = "pesde is a feature-rich package manager for Luau")] #[command(disable_version_flag = true)] struct Cli { /// Print version #[arg(short = 'v', short_alias = 'V', long, action = clap::builder::ArgAction::Version)] version: (), #[command(subcommand)] subcommand: cli::commands::Subcommand, } #[cfg(windows)] fn get_root(path: &std::path::Path) -> PathBuf { match path.components().next().unwrap() { std::path::Component::Prefix(prefix) => { let mut string = prefix.as_os_str().to_string_lossy().to_string(); if string.ends_with(':') { string.push(std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR); } std::path::PathBuf::from(&string) } _ => unreachable!(), } } #[cfg(unix)] fn get_root(path: &std::path::Path) -> PathBuf { use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt; let path = std::fs::canonicalize(path).unwrap(); let mut current = path.as_path(); while let Some(parent) = current.parent() { if std::fs::metadata(parent).unwrap().dev() != std::fs::metadata(current).unwrap().dev() { break; } current = parent; } current.to_path_buf() } fn run() -> anyhow::Result<()> { #[cfg(windows)] 'scripts: { let exe = std::env::current_exe().expect("failed to get current executable path"); if exe.parent().is_some_and(|parent| { parent.as_os_str() != "bin" || parent .parent() .is_some_and(|parent| parent.as_os_str() != cli::HOME_DIR) }) { break 'scripts; } let exe_name = exe.with_extension(""); let exe_name = exe_name.file_name().unwrap(); if exe_name == env!("CARGO_BIN_NAME") { break 'scripts; } let status = std::process::Command::new("lune") .arg("run") .arg(exe.with_extension("luau")) .args(std::env::args_os().skip(1)) .current_dir(std::env::current_dir().unwrap()) .status() .expect("failed to run lune"); std::process::exit(status.code().unwrap()); } let multi = { let logger = pretty_env_logger::formatted_builder() .parse_env(pretty_env_logger::env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("info")) .build(); let multi = MultiProgress::new(); LogWrapper::new(multi.clone(), logger).try_init().unwrap(); multi }; let cwd = std::env::current_dir().expect("failed to get current working directory"); let data_dir = home_dir()?.join("data"); create_dir_all(&data_dir).expect("failed to create data directory"); let token = get_token()?; let home_cas_dir = data_dir.join("cas"); let project_root = get_root(&cwd); let cas_dir = if get_root(&home_cas_dir) == project_root { home_cas_dir } else { project_root.join(HOME_DIR).join("cas") }; let project = Project::new( cwd, data_dir, cas_dir, AuthConfig::new().with_pesde_token(token.as_ref()), ); let reqwest = { let mut headers = reqwest::header::HeaderMap::new(); if let Some(token) = token { headers.insert( reqwest::header::AUTHORIZATION, format!("Bearer {token}") .parse() .context("failed to create auth header")?, ); } headers.insert( reqwest::header::ACCEPT, "application/json" .parse() .context("failed to create accept header")?, ); reqwest::blocking::Client::builder() .user_agent(concat!( env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), "/", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION") )) .default_headers(headers) .build()? }; check_for_updates(&reqwest)?; let target_version = project .deser_manifest() .ok() .and_then(|manifest| manifest.pesde_version); // store the current version in case it needs to be used later get_or_download_version(&reqwest, ¤t_version())?; let exe_path = if let Some(version) = target_version { Some(get_or_download_version(&reqwest, &version)?) } else { None }; let exe_path = if let Some(exe_path) = exe_path { exe_path } else { get_or_download_version(&reqwest, &max_installed_version()?)? }; if let Some(exe_path) = exe_path { let status = std::process::Command::new(exe_path) .args(std::env::args_os().skip(1)) .status() .expect("failed to run new version"); std::process::exit(status.code().unwrap()); } Cli::parse(), multi, reqwest) } fn main() { if let Err(err) = run() { eprintln!("{}: {err}\n", "error".red().bold()); let cause = err.chain().skip(1).collect::>(); if !cause.is_empty() { eprintln!("{}:", "caused by".red().bold()); for err in cause { eprintln!(" - {err}"); } } let backtrace = err.backtrace(); match backtrace.status() { std::backtrace::BacktraceStatus::Disabled => { eprintln!( "\n{}: set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 for a backtrace", "help".yellow().bold() ); } std::backtrace::BacktraceStatus::Captured => { eprintln!("\n{}:\n{backtrace}", "backtrace".yellow().bold()); } _ => { eprintln!("\n{}: not captured", "backtrace".yellow().bold()); } } std::process::exit(1); } }