use crate::cli::{api_token::API_TOKEN_SOURCE, auth::AuthCommand, config::ConfigCommand}; use auth_git2::GitAuthenticator; use clap::{Parser, Subcommand}; use directories::ProjectDirs; use indicatif::MultiProgress; use indicatif_log_bridge::LogWrapper; use log::error; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use pesde::{ index::{GitIndex, Index}, manifest::{Manifest, Realm}, package_name::{PackageName, StandardPackageName}, project::DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME, }; use pretty_env_logger::env_logger::Env; use reqwest::{ blocking::{RequestBuilder, Response}, header::ACCEPT, }; use semver::{Version, VersionReq}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{ fs::create_dir_all, hash::{DefaultHasher, Hash, Hasher}, path::PathBuf, str::FromStr, }; pub mod api_token; pub mod auth; pub mod config; pub mod root; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct VersionedPackageName>(PackageName, V); impl> FromStr for VersionedPackageName { type Err = anyhow::Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let (name, version) = s.split_once('@').ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::anyhow!("invalid package name: {s}; expected format: name@version") })?; Ok(VersionedPackageName( name.to_string().parse()?, version.parse()?, )) } } #[derive(Subcommand, Clone)] pub enum Command { /// Initializes a manifest file Init, /// Adds a package to the manifest Add { /// The package to add #[clap(value_name = "PACKAGE")] package: VersionedPackageName, /// Whether the package is a peer dependency #[clap(long, short)] peer: bool, /// The realm of the package #[clap(long, short)] realm: Option, }, /// Removes a package from the manifest Remove { /// The package to remove #[clap(value_name = "PACKAGE")] package: PackageName, }, /// Lists outdated packages Outdated, /// Installs the dependencies of the project Install { /// Whether to use the lockfile for resolving dependencies #[clap(long, short)] locked: bool, }, /// Runs the `bin` export of the specified package Run { /// The package to run #[clap(value_name = "PACKAGE")] package: Option, /// The arguments to pass to the package #[clap(last = true)] args: Vec, }, /// Searches for a package on the registry Search { /// The query to search for #[clap(value_name = "QUERY")] query: Option, }, /// Publishes the project to the registry Publish, /// Converts a `wally.toml` file to a `pesde.yaml` file #[cfg(feature = "wally")] Convert, /// Begins a new patch Patch { /// The package to patch #[clap(value_name = "PACKAGE")] package: VersionedPackageName, }, /// Commits (finishes) the patch PatchCommit { /// The package's changed directory #[clap(value_name = "DIRECTORY")] dir: PathBuf, }, /// Auth-related commands Auth { #[clap(subcommand)] command: AuthCommand, }, /// Config-related commands Config { #[clap(subcommand)] command: ConfigCommand, }, } #[derive(Parser, Clone)] #[clap(version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))] pub struct Cli { #[clap(subcommand)] pub command: Command, /// The directory to run the command in #[arg(short, long, value_name = "DIRECTORY")] pub directory: Option, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default)] pub struct CliConfig { pub cache_dir: Option, } impl CliConfig { pub fn cache_dir(&self) -> PathBuf { self.cache_dir .clone() .unwrap_or_else(|| DIRS.cache_dir().to_path_buf()) } pub fn open() -> anyhow::Result { let cli_config_path = DIRS.config_dir().join("config.yaml"); if cli_config_path.exists() { Ok(serde_yaml::from_slice(&std::fs::read(cli_config_path)?)?) } else { let config = CliConfig::default(); config.write()?; Ok(config) } } pub fn write(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let folder = DIRS.config_dir(); create_dir_all(folder)?; serde_yaml::to_writer( &mut std::fs::File::create(folder.join("config.yaml"))?, &self, )?; Ok(()) } } pub fn send_request(request_builder: RequestBuilder) -> anyhow::Result { let res = request_builder.send()?; match res.error_for_status_ref() { Ok(_) => Ok(res), Err(e) => { error!("request failed: {e}\nbody: {}", res.text()?); Err(e.into()) } } } pub static CLI: Lazy = Lazy::new(Cli::parse); pub static DIRS: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { ProjectDirs::from("com", env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), env!("CARGO_BIN_NAME")) .expect("couldn't get home directory") }); pub static CLI_CONFIG: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| CliConfig::open().unwrap()); pub static CWD: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { .clone() .or(std::env::current_dir().ok()) .expect("couldn't get current directory") }); pub static REQWEST_CLIENT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let mut header_map = reqwest::header::HeaderMap::new(); header_map.insert(ACCEPT, "application/json".parse().unwrap()); header_map.insert("X-GitHub-Api-Version", "2022-11-28".parse().unwrap()); if let Ok(Some(token)) = API_TOKEN_SOURCE.get_api_token() { header_map.insert( reqwest::header::AUTHORIZATION, format!("Bearer {token}").parse().unwrap(), ); } reqwest::blocking::Client::builder() .user_agent(concat!( env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), "/", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION") )) .default_headers(header_map) .build() .unwrap() }); pub static MULTI: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let logger = pretty_env_logger::formatted_builder() .parse_env(Env::default().default_filter_or("info")) .build(); let multi = MultiProgress::new(); LogWrapper::new(multi.clone(), logger).try_init().unwrap(); multi }); pub const DEFAULT_INDEX_URL: &str = ""; #[cfg(feature = "wally")] pub const DEFAULT_WALLY_INDEX_URL: &str = ""; pub fn index_dir(url: &str) -> PathBuf { let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); url.hash(&mut hasher); let hash = hasher.finish().to_string(); CLI_CONFIG .cache_dir() .join("indices") .join(hash) .join("index") } pub fn clone_index(url: &str) -> GitIndex { let index = GitIndex::new( index_dir(url), &url.parse().unwrap(), Some(Box::new(|| { Box::new(|a, b, c| { let git_authenticator = GitAuthenticator::new(); let config = git2::Config::open_default().unwrap(); let mut cred = git_authenticator.credentials(&config); cred(a, b, c) }) })), API_TOKEN_SOURCE.get_api_token().unwrap(), ); index.refresh().unwrap(); index } pub static DEFAULT_INDEX_DATA: Lazy<(PathBuf, String)> = Lazy::new(|| { let manifest = Manifest::from_path(CWD.to_path_buf()) .map(|m| m.indices.get(DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME).unwrap().clone()); let url = &manifest.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_INDEX_URL.to_string()); (index_dir(url), url.clone()) }); pub static DEFAULT_INDEX: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| clone_index(&DEFAULT_INDEX_DATA.1));