2023-09-25 14:14:29 -05:00

171 lines
5.2 KiB

local process = require("@lune/process")
local stdio = require("@lune/stdio")
local task = require("@lune/task")
-- Spawning a child process should work, with options
local thread = task.delay(1, function()
stdio.ewrite("Spawning a process should take a reasonable amount of time\n")
local isWindows = process.os == "windows";
-- To run windows command, we need to launch cmd.exe and pass the command as an argument.
local result = process.spawn(
if isWindows then "cmd" else "ls",
if isWindows then {
"/c", "dir"
} else {
assert(result.ok, "Failed to spawn child process")
assert(result.stderr == "", "Stderr was not empty")
assert(result.stdout ~= "", "Stdout was empty")
assert(string.find(result.stdout, "Cargo.toml") ~= nil, "Missing Cargo.toml in output")
assert(string.find(result.stdout, ".gitignore") ~= nil, "Missing .gitignore in output")
-- It should also work the same when spawned using a shell
local shellResult = process.spawn("ls", {
if isWindows then "-Force" else "-a"
}, {
shell = true,
assert(shellResult.ok, "Failed to spawn child process (shell)")
assert(shellResult.stderr == "", "Stderr was not empty (shell)")
assert(shellResult.stdout ~= "", "Stdout was empty (shell)")
assert(string.find(shellResult.stdout, "Cargo.toml") ~= nil, "Missing Cargo.toml in output (shell)")
assert(string.find(shellResult.stdout, ".gitignore") ~= nil, "Missing .gitignore in output (shell)")
local pwdCommand = if isWindows then "cmd" else "pwd"
local pwdArgs = if isWindows then { "/c", "cd" } else {}
-- Make sure the cwd option actually uses the directory we want
local rootPwd = process.spawn(pwdCommand, pwdArgs, {
cwd = "/",
rootPwd = string.gsub(rootPwd, "^%s+", "")
rootPwd = string.gsub(rootPwd, "%s+$", "")
-- Windows: <Drive Letter>:\, Unix: /
local expectedRootPwd = if isWindows then string.sub(rootPwd, 1, 1) .. ":\\" else "/"
if rootPwd ~= expectedRootPwd then
"Current working directory for child process was not set correctly!"
.. "\nExpected '%s', got '%s'",
expectedRootPwd, rootPwd
-- Setting cwd should not change the cwd of this process
local pwdBefore = process.spawn(pwdCommand, pwdArgs).stdout
process.spawn("ls", {}, {
cwd = "/",
shell = true,
local pwdAfter = process.spawn(pwdCommand, pwdArgs).stdout
assert(pwdBefore == pwdAfter, "Current working directory changed after running child process")
Setting the cwd on a child process should properly
replace any leading ~ with the users real home dir
local homeDir1 = process.spawn("echo $HOME", nil, {
shell = true,
-- Powershell for windows uses `$pwd.Path` instead of `pwd` as pwd would return a PathInfo object,
-- using $pwd.Path gets the Path property of the PathInfo object.
local homeDir2 = process.spawn(if isWindows then "$pwd.Path" else "pwd", nil, {
shell = true,
cwd = "~",
assert(#homeDir1 > 0, "Home dir from echo was empty")
assert(#homeDir2 > 0, "Home dir from pwd was empty")
assert(homeDir1 == homeDir2, "Home dirs did not match when performing tilde substitution")
Spawning a process should not block any lua thread(s)
We test this by sleeping more than once concurrently
and then ensuring that the total time slept is more
than a single sleep but also less than 1.5 sleeps
local SLEEP_DURATION = 1 / 4
-- Windows tend to have a higher execution time
local yieldTolarance = if isWindows then 25 else SLEEP_DURATION * 1.5;
local thread2 = task.delay(yieldTolarance, function()
stdio.ewrite("Spawning a sleep process should take a reasonable amount of time\n")
local sleepStart = os.clock()
local sleepCounter = 0
for i = 1, SLEEP_SAMPLES, 1 do
local args = {
-- Sleep command on Windows in Seconds has some weird behavior with decimals...
tostring(SLEEP_DURATION * (isWindows and 1000 or 1))
if isWindows then
-- ... so we use milliseconds instead.
table.insert(args, 1, "-Milliseconds");
-- Windows does not have `sleep` as a process, so we use powershell instead.
process.spawn("sleep", args, if isWindows then { shell = true } else nil)
sleepCounter += 1
while sleepCounter < SLEEP_SAMPLES do
local sleepElapsed = os.clock() - sleepStart
sleepElapsed >= SLEEP_DURATION,
"Spawning a process that does blocking sleep did not sleep enough"
sleepElapsed < yieldTolarance,
"Coroutine yielded the main lua thread during process yield"
-- Inheriting stdio & environment variables should work
local echoMessage = "Hello from child process!"
local echoResult = process.spawn("echo", {
if isWindows then '"$Env:TEST_VAR"' else '"$TEST_VAR"',
}, {
env = { TEST_VAR = echoMessage },
shell = if isWindows then "powershell" else "bash", -- "bash" does not exist on Windows, using "powershell" instead.
stdio = "inherit",
-- Windows echo adds a \r before the newline
local trailingAddition = if isWindows then "\r\n" else "\n"
echoResult.stdout == (echoMessage .. trailingAddition), -- Note that echo adds a newline
"Inheriting stdio did not return proper output"